What did the boy become from the officers? Vanya from the movie "Officers"

In 1971 it was released film "Officers". Cinema officials did not predict a great future for the film, so they released it in the summer at the height of the holidays. But then the film was watched by more than 53 million viewers.

Of course, the viewer could not help but like the picture about real men who defend their Motherland, about love and devotion. Probably everything is known about the fate of the wonderful actors who played the main roles. But we decided to talk about Andrey Gromov. It was he who played boy Vanya- grandson of the main characters.

Andrei Gromov's film career began quite by accident. People who worked on the filming of the film “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase” came to his school. The second grader was so worried that he didn’t even immediately remember a poem or fable.

As a result, the boy was still able to complete the tricky tasks of the filmmakers. True, there is still a legend that Gromov owes his film career to his protruding ears.

Yes, and another boy was originally supposed to play in the film, but before leaving for filming in Tallinn, he fell ill. So Gromov finally became an actor.

The boy’s partners on the set were Evgeny Lebedev and Tatyana Peltser. The schoolboy still couldn’t get used to the fact that these adults were acting like children: jumping over fences, riding on the roof of a trolleybus. In addition, they supported the debutant all the time. As a result, we can say with confidence that Andrey coped with his task.

Another confirmation of the successful debut was the invitation to the film “Valerka, Remka +...”. It’s interesting that Gromov was approved for the role even before the premiere "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase".

Of course, the main success in Gromov’s acting career was his work in the film “Officers”. The boy looked so harmonious in the image of Suvorov soldier Trofimov that there were rumors that the character was written for him. Moreover, Gromov was approved without tests (the director had seen the guy’s previous works).

In fact, this character was also in the story by Boris Vasiliev, which was the basis for the script. But this once again confirms that Gromov did an excellent job with the role, showing the viewer that Suvorov Trofimov will grow into a real officer.

Gromov returned to his school desk famous. But during filming, he fell very far behind in his studies. I had to make a choice, and the guy decided to study. Later, when Andrei was in 9th grade, he was offered to star in the film “The Princess and the Pea.” His partners on the set could have been Igor Kvasha, Alisa Freindlikh, Alexander Kalyagin, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, but Gromov refused.

One of Andrei’s classmates once said that his decision was influenced by a conversation he accidentally overheard between Lanovoy and Yumatov. The actors discussed how film roles are often won through luck rather than effort or talent. This state of affairs did not suit Gromov.

After school, the failed actor entered MGIMO. Later he defended his dissertation in economics. In the 2000s, he worked as a senior adviser to the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN in New York. Now Gromov is a minister-counselor at the Russian Embassy in Cyprus.

The man is married and has two children. It’s funny that Andrei Yuryevich’s wife found out about his film career only 2 years after they met. Then she was very surprised. Now the family periodically gets together and watches films in which the diplomat Gromov was not yet starring.

Suvorovets Vanechka developed a commanding voice and immediately left the cinema

According to legend, it was his protruding ears that made Andryusha an artist. It was they who inspired the director of the film “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase.” Whether this is true or not, we are unlikely to know for certain - the more important thing is the fact that out of a dozen competitors, Andrei was chosen for the role.

In “Suitcase” his partners were Tatyana Peltzer and Evgeny Lebedev. The boy later told his friends that these already worldly artists behaved frivolously on the set, and sometimes frolicked like children, fortunately the plot allowed: either this couple was riding on the roof of a trolleybus, or storming the tall fence of Domodedovo Airport.

By the way, the Il-18 plane, which the young heroes of the film are running after, was not written off for scrap metal at the end of its service life, but was placed on a pedestal in Vologda. The film had not yet been released, and Andrei was invited to the next film, this time in Odessa, where they filmed the short film “Valerka, Ramka +” about two first-grader friends who fell in love with the same girl...

“Of course, everything did not happen suddenly and not all at once,” recalls Andrei Yuryevich, now an international economist. — First, assistant directors came to our school (I was in second grade) and selected several people. Together with my mother, on the appointed day, we arrived at the Gorky Film Studio...

Everything there reminded me of a clinic. A huge line filled with frightened parents and children. My turn came, I went into the office. There are two directors at the table - the main one and the second one. I was asked to read something, but I was so frightened that I completely forgot all the serious poems and fables that I knew in great abundance at that time. The only joke that came to mind was “Robin-bobin-barabek, he ate forty people...”.

Oddly enough, the uncles did not laugh, but listened attentively. When Andryusha, sighing with relief, rushed to the door, his uncles asked him to read the poem again. “Only so that we become scared.” Then - so that they find it funny.

They liked the boy. But only a month later, a phone call rang in the Gromovs’ apartment: they were calling for photo tests. In another month - for screen tests.

“I didn’t even look forward to when I would finally act in a movie.” Until about a month later they called from the studio: “the artistic council has approved your son for the main role in the film “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase.”

Filming took place in Moscow and Tallinn. What a holiday it was for Andrey! Only one thing worried the conscientious pioneer - he had to skip lessons. Weeks, or even months, passed on the set. The film studio hired a private tutor for the child actors - but what kind of training was there...

At that time, serious state commissions fought with the filmmakers, monitoring whether the labor of Soviet children was being exploited in the afternoon. But... Often during filming, the camera suddenly turned off, and the children were taken in a crowd to a nearby pavilion, equipped as a circus, supposedly on an excursion to the animals. An hour later they brought us back to the set. All this conspiracy is precisely because of the inspectors.

But when the film came out, Andrei’s classmates and neighbors began to respect him greatly. Even the class teacher Lidiya Vasilievna stopped calling him Figaro (“you’re always not in class, Figaro here, Figaro there”).

The next serious work was the television film “Valerka, Ramka +” of the Odessa Film Studio, where Andrei played Valerka. It was a children's film about a love triangle - two friends fell in love with the same girl.

But the boy’s finest hour was “Officers” (How the film was made). Another persistent myth is that the role of Vanya Trofimov was written specifically for Andrei. Alas, alas! Among the characters in the story of the same name by Boris Vasilyev, on which the film is based, there is a Suvorov veteran grandson who develops a “command voice.” And when the writer reworked the story into a script, he had no idea about the existence of a young talent named Andrei Gromov.

But it’s true that he was approved for the role without any tests. Vladimir Rogovoy knew him from “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase,” where he was the second director. He was the first to pay attention to Andrey at the preview.

For Rogovoy, “Officers” was his directorial debut; he had no right to miss the cast, even if it was just about a boy: the film was shot by order of the Ministry of Defense.

And the legendary phrase “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland” belonged to the then minister, Marshal Grechko. Looking at Suvorov soldier Trofimov, no one should have had even a shadow of doubt that he would grow into a real man. This is the responsibility that lay with ten-year-old Andryusha.

Alina Pokrovskaya, who played his grandmother, told us that he followed all the director’s instructions exactly and was very disciplined: all pranks were played only outside the set.

— At the end of the film there is an episode with a zoo - I am late for school and go to look at the hippopotamus. So, this episode was filmed separately. First they filmed the hippopotamus. And then they brought a heavy cast-iron grate, near which I and another ten to fifteen extras had to stand. The lattice was not reinforced with anything, it was held up by the “zoo visitors” with their weight...

They filmed the episode, turned off the camera, the actors moved away from the bars, and...

This huge thing begins to fall on me. Well, I managed to jump back at the last moment, otherwise I would have had to rewrite the script,” Andrei Yuryevich laughs.

After “Officers,” Andrei again faced the question - either acting or studying. It turned out to be impossible to combine these two activities. And the young actor, who was already known throughout the country and who was offered very interesting roles, chose to study. In addition, he really assessed his capabilities and realized that cinema was not his calling after all.

After school, Andrei entered MGIMO. He became neither a military man nor an actor - he chose diplomacy. There, a command voice can also sometimes come in handy. Having found some difficulty in finding one of his school friends, we asked why the boy, whom the whole country knew, did not become an actor.

It turned out that one day Andrei accidentally overheard Lanovoy and Yumatov discussing the vicissitudes of their profession. And Andrei has always been distinguished by his independent character: he could not come to terms with the fact that each subsequent role was given more often by chance than as a result of his own efforts.

Although fate still gave him a chance to return to cinema: in the ninth grade he was offered the role of a prince. Boris Rymarev was then filming “The Princess and the Pea,” in which Alisa Freindlich, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Vladimir Zeldin, Igor Kvasha, and Alexander Kalyagin were involved! But the boy Gromov refused. But he entered MGIMO and later defended his dissertation in economics.

In the mid-2000s, he served as senior adviser at the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN in New York. The representative office confirmed: “Andrey Gromov completed his business trip in New York and returned to Russia several years ago. Unfortunately, we know nothing about his further fate.”

Today Andrey Yuryevich is an international economist, candidate of economic sciences. He is satisfied with his diplomatic work.

His son Andrei, who grew up watching his father’s films, is almost 20 years old. He, like his dad, has been mastering foreign languages ​​since childhood - he studies English and Norwegian, is interested in economics, and his youngest, Vlada, is now a schoolgirl.

She is the main favorite in the family. And all the family comfort is created by his beloved wife Tatyana, who only two years after meeting her future husband learned about his acting past. Tanya is a doctor by training.

And the cassette with “The Yellow Suitcase”, with which Andrei Yuryevich’s film career began, lies in a prominent place in the Gromovs’ apartment - as a reminder of that other, wonderful world of cinema...

This floppy-eared second-grader at a Moscow high school with playful freckles on his face captivated the director of the Gorky Film Studio, Ilya Abramovich Fraz, with his charming appearance. “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase” - it is with this film that the creative biography of Andrei Gromov, the main character of the film about a boy who lacked courage, begins. His film partners were Vasily Lanovoy, Evgeny Lebedev, Tatyana Peltzer, Natalya Seleznyova, Georgy Yumatov and other actors of Soviet cinema.

Carier start

According to some film historians, Andrei Gromov was able to become an actor thanks to his appearance. It was the boy’s protruding ears that inspired the chief director of the children’s film “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase,” I. A. Frez, to cast the Moscow schoolboy in the main children’s role. More than a hundred children from different parts of Moscow were invited to audition the film at the filming pavilion. All of them passed a special selection. “The children read poems, sang songs, told fables, some were asked to dance,” recalls international economist Andrei Gromov today (see photo below).

“For some reason, poetic rhymes did not come to my mind, and I began to sing. After which the second one stopped me, and my mother and I went home, having lost all hope of success,” says Andrei Yuryevich Gromov.

Unexpected call

Only two weeks later the doorbell rang in the Gromov family’s apartment. A young film studio employee invited the boy to a photo test. A month later, actor Andrei Gromov, having passed a screen test, was approved by the artistic council for the main child role in the film “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase.” Thus began the cinematic career of the little artist.

Meeting with film masters

While working on the film, Andrei Gromov met with the masters of Soviet cinema. Our hero’s grandmother, Anna Petrovna Veryovkina, was played by the inimitable Tatyana Peltzer, the children’s doctor was beautifully played by Evgeny Lebedev, and Petya Veryovkina’s mother was the young actress Natalya Seleznyova, known to everyone from Leonid Gaidai’s film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession.” The main filming of the film took place in the capital of Estonia - Tallinn, in the old part of the city. The airplane scenes took place at Moscow's Domodedovo Airport. The film was released on cinema screens in 1970 and was a huge success with audiences not only among children, but also among adults.

“Valerka, Remka + …”

This short film for children, based on the script of Radiy Pogodin in 1970 at the Odessa Film Studio and directed by V. Kozachkova, was the young actor’s second attempt in cinema. Before the first film was released, Andrei Gromov was invited to the next film, where he was to play the role of first-grader Valerka. The main character of the film falls in love with his classmate Katya and tries in every possible way to attract her attention to his person, in which his faithful friend Remka actively helps him. However, the parents opposed this and forbade the children to go outside. After which the friends swore to each other that not a single girl would bother with their attention. Valerka's father was played in the film by a wonderful theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR Evgeniy Yakovlevich Vesnik.

The main role of a young actor

Andrei Gromov's previous films did not have such a resounding success as the film "Officers", shot at the Central Film Studio of Children's and Youth Films named after M. Gorky in Moscow. The film was released in Soviet film distribution on June 26, 1971 and had a record audience. In the first month of showing, it was watched by more than 50 million people in all corners of the Soviet Union and fraternal republics.

Andrei Gromov, an actor whose photo along with other performers was on all the covers of magazines in the Soviet Union, becomes a movie star. Newspapers wrote about the film and its actors, they were invited to give creative concerts in different cities and towns of the country. Many boys dreamed of being in the place of Ivan Trofimov, the grandson of a military general, played by everyone’s favorite actor Georgy Yumatov.

Fates as roles, roles as destinies

The director of the film “Officers” Vladimir Rogovoy brought together bright and uniquely talented artists in the film. In addition to Georgy Yumatov (Alexey Trofimov), who played the main role in the film, the film starred:

  • Vasily Lanovoy, the role of Ivan Varabbas.
  • Alexander Voevodin, who played Yegor Trofimov in his youth.
  • Alina Pokrovskaya, faithful and devoted wife of Alexei Trofimov.
  • Vladimir Druzhinnikov, the role of squadron commander in Turkestan.

In episodic roles, the director used Evgeny Vesnik, Muse Kreptogorskaya, Nikolai Gorlov and other wonderful actors of that time.

How it was?

The script for the film “Officers” was written by Boris Vasiliev, the author of the famous story about female anti-aircraft gunners during the Great Patriotic War “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet.” The entire filming process was under the personal control of A. A. Grechko. They say that the famous phrase “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland” belongs specifically to the head of the USSR military department.

At the personal request of the writer Boris Vasiliev, Georgy Yumatov, known for his difficult character, was invited to play the main role. The role of his grandson, Suvorov soldier Ivan Trofimov, was played by Andrei Gromov, who was approved by the same Minister of Defense. Therefore, the viewer should have no doubt that a graduate of the Suvorov Military School should grow into a real officer of the USSR Air Force. Ten-year-old Andrei Gromov faced such a difficult ideological task, which the guy coped with perfectly. The audience's love for the film "Officers" has survived to this day.

  • According to a survey by the magazine "Soviet Screen" in 1971, Vasily Lanovoy was recognized as the best actor of the year in the country.
  • At the film festival in Prague (Czechoslovakia) in 1972, Vladimir Rogovoy’s film received the Grand Prix and a diploma for military-patriotic themes in world cinema.

  • Such Soviet cinema stars as Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Spartak Mishulin, Nikolai Rybnikov, Vasily Shukshin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Evgeny Zharikov and other celebrities auditioned for the main role of Alexei Trofimov.
  • In the entire history of Soviet cinema, the film “Officers” ranked 31st among all domestic films in terms of audience attendance.
  • The role of Ivan Varabbas could have gone to Nikolai Olyalin, Oleg Efremov, Oleg Yankovsky, Valentin Gaft or Alexander Lazarev.
  • The wound on the back of Alexei Trofimov, who returned from Spain, was real. Georgy Yumatov was really seriously wounded during the Great Patriotic War.
  • The famous song “From the Heroes of Bygone Times...” was performed by the second director of the film, Vladimir Zlatoustovsky.
  • In 2011, the Soviet film received a second life. The Formula of Color company converted the film's black and white image into color.
  • The meeting of comrades after a long separation in one of the scenes of the film was embodied in a sculpture. On December 9, 2013, the heroes of the film “Officers” froze in bronze on Frunzenskaya Embankment in Moscow.

The further fate of the young actor

After tremendous success, the biography of actor Andrei Gromov in cinema ended. In 1976, director Boris Rytsarev began filming a fairy tale film based on the works of Hans Christian Andersen “The Princess and the Pea.” Andrei Gromov was also invited to the company of actors Alisa Freindlich and Igor Kvasha, who took part in the filming of the film.

However, the boy refused to participate in the film and seriously began preparing for admission to university. After graduating from school, by the way, with honors, Andrei entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Faculty of Economics.

After graduating from MGIMO, Andrei Yuryevich Gromov defended his dissertation on international law and received the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences. In the early 2000s, our hero represents the diplomatic corps of the Russian Federation at the United Nations in New York. The diplomatic career of A. Yu. Gromov is developing very successfully to this day.

The personal life of the boy from “Officers” also turned out well. His wife Tatyana, a doctor by profession, gave Andrei Gromov two wonderful children. The eldest son, Andrei Andreevich, is seriously interested in learning foreign languages. It is quite possible that this runs in the family, and soon we will hear about another Russian diplomat, since the son followed in the footsteps of his father. Andrey Gromov Jr. studies at MGIMO. The daughter, Vladislava Andreevna Gromova, goes to one of the Moscow schools.


The first film in the boy’s career was “The Adventure of the Yellow Suitcase.” Andrei passed the auditions held at school, but another boy was chosen. But it so happened that the child approved for the role fell ill before leaving for filming in Tallinn.



And that’s when Andrey was invited. In the film, the boy starred with Evgeny Lebedev and Tatyana Peltser. Seeing the unexpected behavior of adults on the set was unusual for the young actor, because in the frame the actors were jumping over fences and riding on the roof of a trolleybus.


Gromov’s debut was successful, and his next role was in the film “Valerka, Remka +”. But in fact, the boy received the role in this film even before his first film.


The role in the film “Officers” brought the child real success, because he was able to perfectly get used to the role, which is why rumors spread that the role was written specifically for him.


Because of the filming, Andrei had to catch up with his studies and the next time he was offered a role only in 9th grade. It was the film “The Princess and the Pea,” which starred Igor Kvasha, Alisa Freindlikh, Alexander Kalyagin, Innokenty Smoktunovsky. But one day the young actor overheard a conversation between famous artists, in which they argued that film roles often go to random people due to luck.



Maybe what he heard influenced the teenager, maybe he realized that cinema was not the meaning of his life, but Andrei refused the role.



After school, Andryusha Gromov graduated from MGIMO in economics and even received an academic degree. At the beginning of this century, the economist was a senior adviser to the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN in New York.


Now Andrey Gromov is a minister-counselor at the Russian Embassy in Cyprus. The diplomat never advertised his acting career, and even his wife found out that her chosen one was an actor only 2 years after they met. The Gromovs had two children in their marriage.


Well, would you have thought that this big-eared boy from the film “Officers” would become a diplomat? Or maybe this is just the case when a talented person is talented in everything?