How to pickle raw milk mushrooms in a cold way. Hot pickling of milk mushrooms - an easy and tasty recipe



Cold salting of milk mushrooms- a simple and quick method of preparing a delicious preparation of wild mushrooms for the winter with your own hands.

A step-by-step cooking recipe with photographs will tell you how to make this preparation at home without much hassle. Don’t be scared, dear housewives, by the lack of clear proportions in the ingredients, because this recipe came to us from the past, when we didn’t really think about proportions. In addition, I have verified from my own experience that mushrooms will not take in excess. This is facilitated by their porous structure. The taste of crispy salted mushrooms and their aroma will not leave even the most fastidious tasters indifferent.

Recipes for cold pickling milk mushrooms for the winter, of which experienced chefs know quite a lot, are all easy to follow. Their difference lies only in the spices that are used when laying, as well as in the presence or absence of brine. Sometimes salting mushrooms in their own juice is also called dry salting.

Long-term observations of housewives show that when salting using any of the traditional methods, white and black milk mushrooms should always be sorted. If your basket contains both types of mushrooms, then do not ignore this advice. The taste of the mushroom varieties is similar, but their external characteristics are slightly different. If you separate them, the white milk mushrooms will turn out exactly white, as in our photo, and will look very beautiful in the preparation and on your table.

You need to store ready-made salted milk mushrooms in jars, but it is not recommended to pickle them even in brine, because in this case the fermentation process in the mushrooms will be weakened and they may become slippery. This will definitely happen due to the inability to crush the mushrooms with a load. When salting milk mushrooms coldly in a large bowl, it is much easier to carry out all the necessary manipulations and control the release of juice.



    To prepare this preparation for the winter, milk mushrooms must be freshly harvested. Sort through the mushrooms, discard all those specimens that cause you doubt. You should be wary of the presence of wormholes and various types of rot. Clean the milk mushrooms from any remaining soil, rotted leaves and cobwebs. After this, rinse them in plenty of water at room temperature, and if necessary, scrub heavily soiled areas with a brush. Trim off any unsightly bulges on the legs. Remove accumulated debris in the porous structures of the caps by rinsing in warm running water of medium pressure. Wash and dry all the greens and peel the garlic.

    After washing, all mushrooms should look like the mushrooms in the photo. Prepare an enamel pan or bucket, or better yet a ceramic barrel, where you will place clean mushrooms with their caps down. Rinse the bowl in clean water with baking soda, rinse and dry by inverting over the sink. At the bottom of the container, place a few horseradish leaves and some peeled garlic, which you can cut into slices if desired.

    Place the mushrooms in layers and sprinkle them with salt. Large mushrooms can be cut into pieces. Place two or three bay leaves on each layer of mushrooms. Salt the last row of milk mushrooms a little more than all the others, then place the remaining garlic on it. Cover the mushrooms with more dill. If desired and possible, add black currant and garden raspberry leaves along with dill. Cover the milk mushrooms in the container with a clean and dry flat plate, and then place a bottle filled with clean water on top of it, or place any other clean, heavy object that does not absorb liquid. There is no need to add water. The mushrooms will release juice in the required amount.

    Leave the mushrooms in this position for a month. It is advisable to place them in a cool room. Check the mushrooms periodically when pickling. Mold may form on the surface; this is considered normal during salting. In this case, the top layer of mushrooms will be unsuitable for food. To avoid this, place a piece of clean gauze, folded several times, under the plate. If necessary, change the fabric, placing a new piece in place of the removed cut.

    After a month, you can take a sample from cold-salted milk mushrooms. We guarantee they will taste finger licking good! Place the prepared mushrooms, packing them tightly, into clean and dry jars and fill with salted juice. There is no need to permanently cover such mushrooms. Nylon ones will be enough. Store the workpiece for six months in a cool room. Serve the salted milk mushrooms chilled, generously sprinkled with aromatic sunflower oil. Dill and onions, cut into half rings, will highlight the amazing taste and add zest to the prepared salted milk mushrooms.

    Bon appetit!

Milk mushrooms are a popular variety of mushroom. They come in white and black, as can be seen in the photo, but the shade has little effect on the taste of such a “catch.” The attractiveness of these mushrooms is that they can be prepared in different ways for the winter. Detailed recipes with photos will help cooks marinate and salt the product, which will be a wonderful addition to the holiday table or a regular dinner. The process of preparing milk mushrooms does not take much time, which can be understood from the descriptions of the recipes, but the result is worth the effort.

Preparing milk mushrooms for harvesting for the winter

Regardless of which option for preparing milk mushrooms for the winter is chosen, you should prepare the product for cooking. Mushrooms need to be cleared of:

  • leaves;
  • pine needles;
  • land.

The easiest way to do this is with a brush. It is recommended to keep the milk mushrooms under running cold water. This will allow you to soak the product from the milky bitter juice and wash it of contaminants. It is recommended to place freshly cut milk mushrooms in a container of water. You need to wash off the main dirt from them, after which you can use a brush. Clean mushrooms need to be processed from wormy areas, cutting them out with a knife. It is also worth cutting off all damaged areas and the base of the leg.

Mushrooms are cleared of soil and grass

The next stage of preparing white and black milk mushrooms is soaking. This procedure allows you to get rid of not only the milky juice, but also the toxins that accumulate in the mushrooms.

Advice. It is especially important to soak older milk mushrooms, since they contain the most harmful substances.

To do this, the crop is placed in a large container - a bucket, bathtub or basin, and filled with water. The product must be completely covered with liquid. To do this, install a small press on top or fix a flat lid. The product needs to soak for 1-2 days. The water should be changed periodically. Afterwards, the liquid is drained, and the milk mushrooms need to be rinsed several times in cool, clean water. Now the product is ready for pickling or salting.

Before cooking, milk mushrooms are soaked for 1-2 days.

Recipe for hot salted milk mushrooms (white and black)

To pickle mushrooms this way you need to take:

  • 1 kg milk mushrooms of any color
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 4-5 sprigs of dill
  • 1 piece horseradish root
  • 5-6 currant leaves

Salted milk mushrooms

The stems of prepared mushrooms need to be removed. This part of the product will not be salted. Next, the brine is prepared. For 1 liter of water, it is recommended to use a couple of large spoons of table salt. The resulting composition should be boiled. Prepared milk mushrooms are added to it. They will need to be boiled in brine for at least 20 minutes. Black milk mushrooms are boiled for 7-8 minutes. The rising foam must be constantly skimmed off.

After about 30 minutes, the mushrooms should be drained in a colander. They are washed with running water. Next, you need to take glass or enamel containers and pour a little salt on their bottom. Mushrooms are placed caps down into the bowl. Each layer should be about 5 cm. You need to put salt and spices on them.

Attention! The ratio of salt to weight of milk mushrooms should be 5%.

When the laying is complete, you need to cover the workpiece with clean gauze or a waffle towel and apply pressure. It should be washed systematically in salted hot water. After a couple of days, the container is moved to a cold place. After another 25 days, you can try the treat.

Hot salted milk mushrooms can be eaten 25 days after preparation.

Cold salted white milk mushrooms

To prepare mushrooms for the winter according to this recipe, you need to prepare:

  • 1 bucket of freshly cut milk mushrooms;
  • 2 cups salt;
  • 10 dill umbrellas;
  • 1 pack of black pepper (peas);
  • 12 cloves of garlic;
  • 20 currant leaves;
  • 1 package bay leaf.

The prepared mushrooms are transferred into a bucket or enamel pan in layers. The plates of milk mushrooms should look up. Very large specimens can be cut in half or into several pieces. Each layer should be evenly salted. To do this you need to use 1 to 3 large tablespoons of salt. The specific amount of spice depends on the volume of the selected container and its diameter.

Cold salted milk mushrooms

On each layer lay several peppercorns, bay leaves, sliced ​​garlic cloves and currant leaves. The arrangement ends with dill umbrellas. Then the container is closed with a lid, which is fixed with a press. This will allow the milk mushrooms to release juice.

The workpiece is placed in a cool place for about a week. At the end of this period, the resulting mushrooms should be placed tightly in glass jars, filling the container with brine and adding dill umbrellas. The container is closed with nylon lids and placed in a cellar, basement or refrigerator.

Classic recipe for pickled white and black milk mushrooms

Milk mushrooms - both white and black - can not only be salted, but also pickled. To prepare a spicy and appetizing snack for the winter you need to take:

  • 2 kg of milk mushrooms;
  • 50 g salt;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 20 ml of 70 percent vinegar essence;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 5 cloves.

Pickled milk mushrooms

The prepared product must be coarsely chopped and poured with 1 liter of water, into which 10 g of salt had previously been poured. The container with the workpiece is placed on the fire and brought to a boil. You need to cook the milk mushrooms for about 20 minutes, periodically removing the foam. Then the mushrooms are placed in a colander and washed. They need to give time for all the water to drain.

Next, the marinade is prepared. The remaining amount of salt is added to 1 liter of water. The container is placed on the stove. When boiling, laurel leaves, cloves, and pepper are added to the composition. Mushrooms are added to the resulting marinade and boiled for a quarter of an hour. Next, the essence is poured in, the composition is mixed, removed from the stove, and the milk mushrooms are laid out in jars. The container must first be sterilized.

The workpiece is filled with hot marinade, and the jars must be sealed tightly. They need to be wrapped in scarves or a blanket and wait until they cool completely. You can store such preparations all winter.

Pickled milk mushrooms can be stored all winter

You can prepare white and black milk mushrooms for the winter using other recipes. There are a great many options for marinating and salting.

Pickled milk mushrooms - video recipe

Preparing milk mushrooms for the winter - photo

Or black loaders) - 1.5 kg;

Water - 4.0 liters for cooking and 1.0 liter for brine;

Salt (plain, non-iodized) - 6 tbsp. spoons for cooking and 6 tbsp. spoon for brine;

Black peppercorns - 10-15 pcs.;

Allspice - 5 pcs.;

Cloves - 1 pc.;

Bay leaf - 1 leaf;

Dill umbrellas - 5-8 pcs.;

Vegetable oil.

Recipe for making salted milk mushrooms using the hot salting method:

Perhaps 50% of the energy consumption when salting milk mushrooms is their cleaning and washing. Milk mushrooms really love to hide in the ground and hang blades of grass with leaves on themselves. Therefore, we clean the fresh milk mushrooms from dirt, rinse them thoroughly and fill them with cold water.

In the photo, the milk mushrooms have darkened a little due to the fact that they were not processed immediately, but this is not fatal, and the taste will not deteriorate from this. Leave to soak for 3-4 hours. What’s good about the hot method of salting milk mushrooms is that you don’t have to change the water every time for three to four days (well, maybe just once). With the cold method of pickling, there is a chance of forgetting to change the water and the mushrooms may simply turn sour; with the hot method, the cooking process is almost continuous. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add salt and place the soaked milk mushrooms into it. Cook the milk mushrooms over medium heat for 20 minutes.

In another pan we put water for the brine. We put black peppercorns and allspice, cloves, and bay leaves there. As soon as the brine boils, add salt.

Leave to simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Add dill umbrellas and turn off the heat.

The milk mushrooms are boiled and we put them in a colander or sieve and get rid of the water. Using a slotted spoon, remove the greens from the brine into the prepared container and place the peppers on the bottom.

We put any convenient thing on top to cover the mushrooms as much as possible.

We put the load and put it in a cold place (ideally, of course, in the refrigerator) for three days. After three days, we take out the mushrooms and put them in jars. When laying out, you need to make sure that no air voids form in the jars, otherwise the mushrooms may disappear. We stuff the mushrooms quite tightly; it is advisable to place all the spices on the bottom of the jar. Fill with brine up to the neck (leaving 1-2 mm). Pour vegetable oil to the very top, which will later play its role in preservation. Cover with a polypropylene lid. We put it in the basement or other cool place.

After 30 days, milk mushrooms salted in this way can be eaten. The milk mushrooms with boiled potatoes are especially good.

Bon appetit!

Milk mushrooms occupied an important place in traditional Russian cuisine, although throughout the world they are considered inedible. They were used to prepare salads, appetizers, soups and pies. To preserve mushrooms for the winter, they were most often pickled. These mushrooms have a rather unusual taste. In addition, they are healthy because they contain protein.

Dry milk mushroom

The breast has a large funnel-shaped cap. Dry milk mushroom differs from its relatives in that it lacks the milky juice characteristic of other species.

These mushrooms are fried, boiled, baked, but pickling reveals their taste best. Salting can be done in two ways - cold and hot. There should not be a long gap between picking mushrooms and processing them; it is best to deal with them right away.


Salting dry milk mushrooms begins with the process of cleaning them. This stage is the most difficult. You will need a dish sponge and a scrap toothbrush. First of all, the soil and foliage are washed off the mushrooms. After this, you need to change the water and do more thorough cleaning. To do this, you need to go through all the dark places with a sponge or brush, constantly changing the water. In addition, it is important to get rid of all darkening and rot.


You can choose any recipe for pickling dry milk mushrooms. But in any case, you can’t do without soaking. Place the mushrooms, caps down, in a suitable container and fill with cold water. They must be kept there for at least three days. In this case, the water should cover them completely, for which you can use a small press. At the very end of soaking, the water needs to be slightly salted.

You can determine the correct soaking of milk mushrooms using the folk method. You need to take a piece of mushroom, cut it and try the cut on your tongue. If the mushroom is properly soaked, it will not taste bitter.

Hot salting

Hot salting of dry milk mushrooms makes them soft, without a characteristic crunch. But this method of salting helps preserve the original shape of the mushroom and its color.

Fresh milk mushrooms are cleaned of debris, washed in water, changing it several times. After preliminary preparation, boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes, then use a slotted spoon to place them in a wide bowl.

For pickling, you need to prepare a brine, for which you take 2 tbsp per 1 liter of water. l. salt, black and allspice (10 peas each), several bay leaves, currant leaves.

Boiled mushrooms are dipped into boiling brine using a slotted spoon and cooked for about half an hour. Then horseradish root and a head of garlic are added.

After the pan is removed from the heat, you need to put pressure on the mushrooms and leave them like that for 3-4 days, then put them in jars, cover with cabbage leaves on top and seal with lids. The mushrooms will be ready in a month.

Hot salting of dry milk mushrooms in jars for the winter

For a kilogram of milk mushrooms you need to take 3-4 cloves of garlic, two tablespoons of salt, 10 black peppercorns, 10 blackcurrant leaves, dill.

Hot salting of dry milk mushrooms for the winter begins with their preparation. Thoroughly washed mushrooms are placed in boiling salted water and cooked for five minutes. Mushrooms that are too large can be pre-cut into pieces.

The jars are sterilized, a small amount of salt is poured onto the bottom, and two peppercorns are added. A little salt, 2 peppercorns, dill, blackcurrant leaf are poured into the bottom of a sterilized jar, then the mushrooms are placed tightly in layers, sprinkling each with salt and spices. Pour in the water in which the milk mushrooms were boiled. The jars are closed with boiled plastic lids. After they have cooled, put them in the refrigerator. You can try in a month and a half.

Cold Ambassador

Salting dry milk mushrooms in a cold way is a little more complicated. The mushrooms are thoroughly cleaned and washed, cut into slices and placed in a suitable container. Fill with running water and place under pressure for three to five days. The water is changed every day.

After the specified period, the mushrooms are removed and sprinkled with salt. Then they are laid out in a salting dish in layers with salt, adding horseradish and garlic. The dish is covered with gauze, on which they lay it out. This is used to prevent the mushrooms from becoming dark. The milk mushrooms are placed under pressure; they must be completely covered with brine. After a month, the mushrooms are transferred to sterile jars and filled with brine. Salting dry milk mushrooms in a cold way makes the mushroom more aromatic and juicy. In addition, after this treatment it will remain clean and snow-white.

Salting in a barrel

Consider a recipe for pickling dry milk mushrooms in a barrel. For ten kilograms of mushrooms, take 0.5 kg of salt, garlic (4-5 heads), dill stems, horseradish, cherry and currant leaves. In addition, sterile gauze is needed to cover the barrel, the circle of wood and the oppression.

After soaking and washing the milk mushrooms, place them in a barrel. The mushrooms are sprinkled with salt, spices and leaves are added, and the top is covered with horseradish leaves. Sterile gauze is laid out on top of the barrel, on which a wooden circle is placed and pressed. If not enough brine is released, you need to select a heavier pressure. The mushrooms are infused in the cellar for about a month, after which they can be tasted. If necessary, the salting period can be extended.

If a layer of mold appears on the surface of the barrel, it must be removed entirely, the gauze must be changed, and the circle and pressure must be sterilized.

Pickling in a jar

Pickling dry milk mushrooms for the winter in a jar is not much different from pickling in a barrel. The mushrooms are thoroughly washed and placed in an enamel pan, filled with water. A wooden circle or plate is placed on top, on which oppression is placed. The oppression should not be too heavy. The dishes with mushrooms are put in a cool place. The mushrooms are soaked for three days, the water must be constantly changed.

After the specified period, the mushrooms are sorted and cut, if necessary. Glass jars for pickling are thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water. It is best if the jar has a wide neck.

The milk mushrooms are laid in layers, rubbing each mushroom with salt. To avoid oversalting the mushrooms, the amount of salt should be about three percent of the weight of the mushrooms. If there is too much salt, the mushrooms will have to be washed before eating.

Layers of mushrooms are layered with horseradish and garlic. On top of the last layer of mushrooms, place a clean, coarse cloth folded in half, with a horseradish leaf, cherry and currant leaves on it. Then they put a circle and put pressure on it.

Containers with milk mushrooms should be stored in a cool place for a month. After the pickling time has passed, take the greens and cloth out of the jars, cover them with lids and put them in the refrigerator. If the top layer of mushrooms becomes moldy, they must be washed with running water.

So that pickling dry milk mushrooms for the winter does not turn out to be a failed experiment, you need to choose the right dishes. You can use a wooden, glass or stainless steel container, which must first be thoroughly washed. For pickling, use large ones. When sending milk mushrooms for pickling, it is advisable to place them with their caps down. At the same time, the shape of the mushroom is preserved.

If the salting of dry milk mushrooms was a little unsuccessful and the mushrooms turned out to be over-salted, they are soaked in milk, while the delicate structure of the mushroom is preserved. Take the required amount of mushrooms and place them in milk for two to three hours. If this was not enough, the procedure can be repeated using fresh milk. You should not be alarmed by the purple or green tint that the milk mushroom may acquire; this is due to a chemical reaction. Mushrooms soaked in milk are washed with running water. When soaked in water, the mushroom may lose its consistency, in addition, this negatively affects their taste.

Pickling dry milk mushrooms is a great way to preserve mushrooms for the winter. Milk mushrooms, salted in any way, can be added to soups and salads. You can also serve it as a snack by adding onions and sunflower oil.

How to pickle milk mushrooms for the winter - recipe with photos

Delicious salted mushrooms are always an amazing appetizer. And every mushroom picker is well aware of this simple truth. But in order for the milk mushrooms to turn out especially tasty, you need to know how to properly prepare and salt them. In order to enjoy the mushroom gifts of nature in winter, you need to learn a couple of simple recipes on how to properly salt milk mushrooms in jars. You don't need anything complicated or supernatural for this.

  1. Type of dish: preparation for the winter
  2. Subtype of dish: dish of milk mushrooms
  3. Number of servings out: 6-8 servings.
  4. Weight of the finished dish: 400-500 g.
  5. Cooking time:
  6. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.
  7. Energy or nutritional value of the dish:

Ingredients for making salted milk mushrooms

So, the ingredients of this winter mushroom delicacy are:

  • milk mushrooms;
  • dill (whole stalk with umbrella);
  • horseradish leaves;
  • garlic (it is advisable to take more of it);
  • salt;
  • young cherry shoots (optional).

Instructions for salting milk mushrooms

  1. Preparing pickled milk mushrooms for the winter begins with cleaning the mushrooms from excess debris (needles, leaves, soil, etc.). Then the mushrooms are cleaned and placed in a deep bowl. A deep container is needed so that something heavy can be placed on top of the mushrooms (for pressure) and the brine does not leak out. A little later, see if there is enough brine; if there is not enough, then you will need to add it to the jars that are sealed for the winter.
  2. All the mushrooms that have been placed in a deep bowl must be poured with boiling water and boiled for 5-7 minutes. The milk mushrooms should not boil; just bring them to a boil. Afterwards, the container with mushrooms is covered with a plate, on top of which something heavy is placed so that the mushrooms “drown” in the brine. An ordinary three-liter jar filled with water will perfectly serve as a load. If some of the milk mushrooms float on top of the brine liquid, they will simply turn black. In this state, the pickles are left for one night.
  3. The very next day, the mushrooms can be transferred to a jar. But it is important to remember the correct technology for laying milk mushrooms when salting. First, garlic (and more) is laid out at the bottom of the jar, then a layer of aromatic mushrooms, then 1 tsp. salt, then again garlic - mushrooms - salt and so on until you have placed all the milk mushrooms. When all the mushroom contents are in the jars, they need to be filled with the brine in which they were salted. Everything needs to be compacted well.
  4. The air that accumulates in the jars must be eliminated with a knife. And at the very end, you need to put dill, cherry branches and horseradish leaves into jars. Cover the jars tightly with lids and place in the refrigerator. After a month, the salted milk mushrooms are completely ready. Welcome to the table!

A simple recipe for pickling milk mushrooms for the winter

No less interesting is another recipe for pickling milk mushrooms for the winter. In terms of cooking technology, recipe No. 2 is somewhat different from the recipe described above, but it is also simple and accessible to everyone, like the first recipe.

Recipe for pickling milk mushrooms for the winter


  • strong white milk mushrooms;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • water;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • coarse table salt;
  • sunflower oil;

Cooking instructions

Traditionally, mushrooms are first washed and cleared of spores, debris, and so on. Then they are soaked in clean, moderately cold water for 3-5 days (you can keep the mushrooms at room temperature), but you must change the water every day. There is no need to cut small mushrooms, but it is better to cut larger milk mushrooms. Then throw them into boiling salted water and boil for about 7 minutes, after which you need to cool the mushrooms in cold water. Coarse salt must be added in the proportion: a stack of salt per one 3-liter jar. For those who prefer uncooked mushrooms, pickling milk mushrooms for the winter can be done simply from thoroughly soaked mushrooms. In order to give the mushrooms a spicy taste and aroma, you should add them to the jar a little garlic and dill. Afterwards, heavy oppression is placed on the jars in which mushrooms and spices are already laid out for a whole day, and only periodically the mushroom contents need to be stirred. Every other day, the white milk mushrooms must be placed in jars with a wide neck and filled with brine.

Salting milk mushrooms for the winter

For a three-liter jar, the brine content should not exceed 800 ml. Afterwards, you can add a little vegetable oil to the mushrooms and then close the jars with plastic lids for the winter. The mushrooms will be ready no earlier than in a month, or even forty days. All this time, jars of pickles must be kept in the refrigerator. These were simple culinary recipes that revealed the secrets of ordinary pickling of an unusually tasty mushroom snack made from milk mushrooms. Eat with pleasure and health!

How to pickle milk mushrooms in jars for the winter: video

This video describes in detail the process of salting milk mushrooms in jars for the winter, and explains how easy it is to make such seaming at home.

How to salt milk mushrooms in jars for the winter - step-by-step video recipe