Drawing of the Snow Maiden from a fairy tale, easy steps. We draw the Snow Maiden with a pencil easily and beautifully

Irina Chirkova

Drawing watercolors with children of middle preschool age.

Program content:

1. Teach children to convey the image of a fairy-tale New Year’s character in a drawing - Snow Maidens,compose an image from simple parts: round head, cone-shaped coat, cap - semicircle, circle - bubo, mittens, oval - legs. In this case, observe in the most simplified form the relationships in magnitude.

2. Strengthen the skill paint with paints and brush.

3. Develop aesthetic feelings, creativity and imagination.

Material for work:

Landscape sheet, simple pencil, watercolor paints, brush.

Work progress:

Remember with your children one of the main New Year's characters - Snow Maiden. Show Snow Maiden - toy made from cardboard and colored paper, examine it, note what geometric shapes the toy is made of. Determine the shape of the fur coat Snow Maidens, head, legs, arms, their location and size. Invite children to determine the sequence drawing(all parts are drawn with a simple pencil, starting from the head).

Subsequence show drawing to children:

Using a simple pencil, we first draw from geometric shapes - a circle - a head, a triangle - a fur coat. To the left and right of the fur coat are triangular-shaped hands, "mittens" Snow Maidens - circles, "felt boots"- ovals.

After completing the work, carefully paint the hat and fur coat with a simple pencil and blue watercolor paint. Snow Maidens, mittens and felt boots just circle. Color the character's hair yellow. Apply a pattern with white paint (optional) on a fur coat in the shape of a snowflake and draw white buttons. Don’t forget about your face, paint your eyes and mouth Snow Maidens. Around Snow Maidens can be drawn with blue snowflakes.

Publications on the topic:

Master class with step-by-step photos. “Snow Maiden” made from knitting threads.

The most long-awaited and most joyful holiday for all people, the New Year, is approaching! Children are looking forward to this magical holiday most of all.

Pre-New Year activities are the most interesting, because you can make a lot of decorations for the Christmas tree with your own hands. We open "Santa Claus's Workshop".

New Year holidays are coming. All the children are waiting to meet Father Frost and the Snow Maiden and are preparing for the holiday. I decided during a modeling class.

I present to your attention my Master Class on decorating a group for the New Year. After another five minutes, we were given the task of decorating.

To make our Snow Maiden we will need: blue colored cardboard, adhesive felt (you can also use cotton wool, an openwork napkin-2.

To make the Snow Maiden we will need: blue cardboard, white paper, cotton pads, disposable paper plate, pink paint.

Now we will look in detail at how to draw the Snow Maiden with a pencil step by step. Presented are 2 detailed options for drawing the Snow Maiden and 4 diagrams in separate pictures. The Snow Maiden, as a character, appeared in the 19th century from a folk tale where her name was Snegurka and she came to life from a figurine made of snow. And in Soviet times, in 1937, she officially appeared with Santa Claus at a meeting in the Moscow House of Unions. The Snow Maiden may look like a girl or girl dressed in a white or blue fur coat.

How to easily and simply draw the Snow Maiden.

Draw an oval, eyes, nose and mouth, then a hat and draw the shape of the face.

Draw the collar, then draw auxiliary lines for the bottom and middle of the body, side lines.

Draw a white border and sleeves so that they are on the same level, you can visually draw a horizontal line.

Let's draw mittens, if you don't want to draw a bag, then you can draw a mitten like this.

For beauty, you can also draw stars on the fur coat, but this is not necessary, we will paint it over.

The second option is more complicated, his source is www.woman56.ru.

Draw the face and sleeves.

Hat, collar.

Up clothes.

The bottom of the fur coat and the braid.

Now all that remains is to draw the earrings.

Below are 4 options for drawing the Snow Maiden in pictures. The Snow Maiden is now an integral part of the New Year. The Snow Maiden is the granddaughter of Father Frost, she is usually dressed in a white or blue fur coat. He looks like a teenager, about 15-18 years old, always with a long braid and mittens. The Snow Maiden always helps Grandfather, she dances beautifully, attends concerts in kindergartens, but never eats at night with Grandfather and delivers gifts. The Snow Maiden likes to give gifts to children personally or gives them to them; she is always friendly and smiling, she can sing a song, start a round dance, run, jump, and dance with the children. Let's look at other options on how to draw the Snow Maiden with a pencil step by step in pictures quickly and easily step by step. Let's learn to draw the Snow Maiden with you!

In this lesson we will look at how to draw the Snow Maiden step by step with a pencil, easily and beautifully for the New Year. To do this, you will need some art materials and a little patience to get a neat, bright and beautiful drawing of Santa Claus's granddaughter.

The girl herself will have a cartoonish appearance. She is dressed in a festive outfit, which consists of a long fur coat, mittens, boots and a large kokoshnik on her head. The Snow Maiden's hair is long. Therefore, they are braided into two braids. Having examined the drawing in detail, you can begin the lesson! Let us remind you that last time we drew.

Necessary materials:

- a white sheet of paper;

Pencil and eraser;

Colour pencils.

Stages of drawing the Snow Maiden:

1. Draw the girl’s head in the form of a circle. Let's add the silhouette of a long fur coat to it.

2. On the sides of the fur coat we will draw the arms, which are hidden behind the wide sleeves of warm winter clothes and mittens. We'll put beautiful, sophisticated boots on our feet. But because of the long fur coat, only a small part of them is visible.

3. Add a collar, fur details and large oval buttons to the fur coat. But let’s put a kokoshnik on our head.

4. Let’s move on to detailing the drawing, where we should draw all the details of the Snow Maiden’s face and add braids on the sides.

5. This is the outline drawing of the Snow Maiden, but it’s better to use colored pencils to get a bright picture. First of all, we take blue and cyan pencils. We use them to paint over areas of the fur coat, kokoshnik on the head and mittens. Using a darker shade we create volume for the girl’s festive outfit.

6. Now we use a yellow pencil with a warm sandy tint. We use it to paint areas of hair and boots. Use dark brown to create the outline and small details, as well as the volume of all elements.

7. We create the Snow Maiden’s natural skin tone using orange, sand and pink pencils.

8. Using a black pencil, draw the contour lines of the drawing and create the facial features of the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

9. We get this bright drawing of the Snow Maiden for the New Year using colored pencils. The only thing missing is the kind Santa Claus with a big bag of gifts for the kids!

New Year is coming soon! What can you draw for this holiday, so anticipated by many children? You can draw the main beauty of this holiday - the Snow Maiden. In this pencil drawing lesson we will tell you how to learn how to correctly draw the beautiful granddaughter of the Snow Maiden - the Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden is the main assistant of Father Frost, whose drawing lesson is also available on our website. The most important thing is to follow the tips that were prepared especially for you.

Stage 1. First, we need to outline the basic proportions of the drawing, we do this using lines. We schematically draw the oval of the face, neck, position of the hands and the outline of the Snow Maiden’s fur coat. Try to maintain the proportions especially carefully in the upper part of the drawing. Pay attention to the position of your face relative to your neck - this is very important! Otherwise, in the end you will get a Snow Maiden whose head sticks forward or backward.

Stage 2. Let's move on to drawing the head. Mark out the lines of your eyes, nose and lips so that you can navigate as easily as possible. You can draw the Snow Maiden’s face the way you want - you don’t have to completely copy our girl’s face. The main thing is that the granddaughter Snow Maiden turns out to be a real beauty - to do this, draw her big eyes, a small, neat nose and expressive, moderately plump lips.

Stage 3. Move on to the crown - draw it with a double line and add a decorative circle on each ray. The collar of the fur coat should stand up nicely, and the mittens should be stacked on top of each other.

Stage 4. Decorate the crown - there is one rule here - no rules! Get creative and come up with your own decorations, for example, you can draw snowflakes on the crown, but we decorated it with beads, and the crown comes with cute earrings.

Stage 5. The real Snow Maiden always has very long and beautiful hair, so we drew two braids. Drawing a pigtail is quite simple, but quite time-consuming! You need to draw each segment separately, starting from the top. Here we add shoes and decorate the dress with winter patterns - just draw them exactly like ours.

Snegurochka is the granddaughter of Father Frost, a young beauty, smart girl and a kind helper.

On the eve of the New Year, you should decide how to draw the Snow Maiden so that the holiday sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow.

1. We start by designating the general outline of the future heroine of the fairy-tale epic

2. At the top of the picture we denote a face with an ellipse

3. Then move on to the figure

4. Using the main points and lines we show all the articulations of the Snow Maiden’s arms

5. How to draw the Snow Maiden without a warm fur coat: the style will be flared towards the bottom

6. Let’s start drawing a gentle girl’s face, draw big eyes, thin eyebrows, plump lips, and a graceful nose. For the lesson "how to draw a Snow Maiden" we recommend watching the lesson " how to draw Santa Claus" or " how to draw a Christmas tree "

7. Dress the Snow Maiden in a warm fur coat and mittens

8. Draw a fur hat with a lapel and a luxurious shawl collar

9. Get rid of extra lines using an eraser

10. Give the bottom of the fur coat a finished look: draw trim from the waist down and along the hem

11. It is worth paying special attention to the hairstyle - the Snow Maiden has a luxurious braid decorated with a bow

12. It’s time to start drawing out the details - we give the trim of the fur coat a natural look

13. Snow Maiden is a beautiful girl who loves jewelry, draw her intricate earrings

14. Start shading and adding volume to the clothes and appearance of the Snow Maiden

15. Having completed the outfit, you can use highlights and snowflakes to decorate the Snow Maiden’s fur coat and mittens

It’s not so much important how to draw the Snow Maiden, but how to get a feeling of the upcoming holiday and fun, laughter and happiness with your family and close friends.