Presentation on the topic "types of art." Presentation on the topic of arts Download presentation temporary arts

Center for aesthetic education of children "Oreshki" theater department


Topic 2. "Kinds of art"



arts and crafts




folk art







Kinds of art - these are historically established forms of creative activity

Each type has individual ability artistic representation of the real world

Each type has its own way of implementing the plan:

  • word in literature
  • sound in music
  • plastic and coloristic materials in fine arts
  • dance movement, etc.

Different types of art - live, distributed, broadcast, either in space or in time. Or maybe the totality of space and time, then art refers to spatio-temporal.

Classification of species

Spatial (plastic)

Temporary (dynamic


TO spatial types of art should include those types of art that live in space, spread in space. This is first of all fine arts, graphics, architecture, sculpture, etc.

Temporary arts are those types of art that spread over time, namely: music, dance, facial expressions. Time has nothing to do with sculpture, architecture, or painting, since they belong to the group of spatial arts.

Theater, like cinema , occupies an intermediate position between the group of temporary arts and the group of spatial arts. Because this art is synthetic. Thus, we classify theater as a space-time art.

Art is as multifaceted as reality, this is the soul of a person .

What is art?

What types of art do you know?

What are spatial forms of art? Why are they called that?

What are temporary forms of art? Why?

What are space-time arts?

Each art form has its own means of expression. Which ones do you think?

What type of art are you most interested in? Why?

Creative homework

Using the expressive means of any type of art, create your own small work.

Good luck in your creativity !

What is art? What is art? Not an easy question! To reveal the meaning of this concept, it is necessary to describe the various forms that art has taken from primitive times to the present day. Art is created by human hands. People whom we call artists, sculptors, architects create paintings, sculptures, architecture, we call all this “works of art.”

In the second half of the 16th century, Europe was rocked by a crisis. At the dawn of the 17th century, Italy entered a period of reaction. The Catholic Church tried to unite artists through new ideas and images. Thus arose: a new spectacular art that was supposed to dazzle and subjugate people - the art of Baroque. The word baroque comes from a Portuguese jewelry term for irregularly shaped pearls.

Baroque art, which arose around 1600, was distinguished by exuberant dynamism of forms, exaggerated emotions, a synthesis of architecture and painting, when, thanks to the illusionistic use of interior space, painting opened the way to the infinity of heavenly heights.

In the 17th century, Baroque art in Europe was gradually overshadowed by classicism - art based on balance and severity of forms. Strict rules govern painting, literature, music, sculpture, and architecture. The art of classicism drew its inspiration from two sources: nature and antiquity. To some extent it came close to the art of the Renaissance.

The revival of interest in antiquity gave impetus to the emergence in all European countries of an artistic movement called neoclassicism. Neoclassicism sought antiquity not only for the “ideal of beauty,” but also for a model of high thoughts, courage, and patriotism.

Artists became interested in nature. Thanks to the invention of metal paint tubes, ready-made and portable, which replaced old paints, artists were able to leave their studios to work plein air. They increasingly began to go out and work on the street. They worked quickly because the movement of the sun changed the lighting and color.

Cubism is a representation of the time it takes to look at a subject from all angles. Cubism – makes forms explode Picasso painted “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” in 1907. This is the first cubist work in history. The angular bodies and crooked faces of the models will shock any viewer who glances at the picture.

Cubist artists did not want to paint objects from only one perspective, but depicted them from all sides at the same time, as if they were spread out. They used dull colors - green, gray, brown, and then, starting in 1912, newspapers, colored paper and text paper, which they cut and attached to their paintings.

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This is an image of artistic images in color. The word “painting” means to paint, that is, to write life. The art of painting was known in ancient times.

Oil and watercolor paints, tempera, and gouache are used in painting.

Paintings are created on a plane (paper, canvas, wood, glass, wall).

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Easel painting is intended only for rooms and halls. These are paintings created on an easel (i.e., on a “machine”).

These works can be freely transferred from place to place.

V. Serov. Girl with peaches.

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Monumental painting is associated with architecture. These are large paintings that decorate the building inside and outside on the walls and ceilings. These are paintings, frescoes, mosaics, stained glass windows.

Our Lady of Vladimir.

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Miniature painting decorates items of applied art, including jewelry. These are small paintings that decorate handwritten books, medallions, watches, vases, and bracelets.

N. Suloeva. Lyudmila in the Chernomor garden.

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Theatrical and decorative painting is associated with the design of the stage, with the production of scenery

Decorative painting for decorating buildings in the form of colorful panels, as well as household items (caskets, caskets, chests, dishes).

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“Skulno” (lat.) - “I cut out”, “I carve”. These are three-dimensional images of a person or animal, made in any material (wood, clay, plaster, stone, metal).

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Monumental - has large sizes and shapes, because it is placed on the streets, in parks, on the facades of houses and in spacious halls (monuments, decorative sculpture, reliefs).

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The easel painting does not exceed the depicted object in size. It is located indoors, in residential buildings, museums, squares, and parks. These are statues, portraits, genre scenes.

Boy's head. Ancient Rome. 1st century n. e.

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Its name comes from “grapho” (Greek) – “I write”, “I draw”, “I draw”.

This is an image (drawing) made on paper or cardboard with a pen, pencil, charcoal, ink, felt-tip pens using lines, dashes, dots, and strokes. Graphics come in black and white and color. Graphic works are drawings, sketches, sketches, book illustrations, labels, newspaper and magazine cartoons, posters, posters, fonts for books.

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  • Easel graphics decorate offices, galleries, and apartment walls.
  • Types of graphics – engraving, etching (on copper), lithography (on stone), woodcut (on wood)

Dutch engraving.

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Book graphics are related to the book. These are not only illustrations, but also typography. I. Bilibin.

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Industrial graphics are associated with industrial products (design of packaging, stamps, postcards, certificates, labels, booklets, etc.).

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  • Civil structures - residential buildings, government buildings, business buildings
  • Cultural buildings - temples, churches, mosques, synagogues.
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    Landscape architecture planning of squares, boulevards, parks, gazebos, bridges, fountains.

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    Urban planning is the creation of new cities and towns, as well as the reconstruction (renewal) of aged settlements.

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    “Decor” (Latin) means “to decorate”, and “applied” indicates that things can be used in everyday life. These are artistically designed objects that a person uses in everyday life (dishes, furniture, fabrics, tools, weapons, clothing, jewelry, carpets).

    Since ancient times, folk craftsmen have been engaged in decorative and applied arts (DAA) - individually, united in craft artels, workshops, workshops, or by forming folk crafts.

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    Art is a specific type of reflection and formation of reality by a person in the process of artistic creativity in accordance with certain aesthetic ideals. Art is simultaneously consciousness, cognition, and communication between people. Types of art are divided into 3 main types: 1) spatial (plastic), which exist in space without changing or developing over time, and are perceived by sight; 2) temporary; 3) spatiotemporal.

    Within each art form there are genres.

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    1. SPATIAL PLASTIC TYPES OF ART Spatial arts are types of art, the works of which exist in space, without changing or developing in time; - have a substantive nature; - are performed by processing material material; are perceived by the audience directly and visually. Spatial arts are divided into: - fine arts: painting, sculpture, graphics, photography; non-fine arts: architecture, decorative and applied arts and artistic construction (design).

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    SPATIAL Fine arts Fine art is a type of art whose main feature is the reflection of reality in visual, visually perceptible images. Fine arts include:

    painting, graphics, sculpture, photography print

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    PAINTING is a type of fine art, works of which are created on a plane using colored materials. Painting is divided into:

    easel monumental decorative

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    Special types of painting are: icon painting, miniature, fresco, theatrical and decorative painting, diorama and panorama.

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    SCULPTURE is a type of fine art, the works of which have a physically material, objective volume and three-dimensional form located in real space. The main objects of the sculpture are humans and images of the animal world. The main types of sculpture are round sculpture and relief. sculpture is divided into: - monumental; - for monumental and decorative; - easel; and - sculpture of small forms.

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    PHOTO ART is a plastic art whose works are created by means of photography.

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    SPATIAL Non-visual arts

    design (artistic design).


    decorative and applied arts,

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    ARCHITECTURE - the art of: - design and construction of buildings; and - creating artistically expressive ensembles. The main goal of architecture is to create an environment for work, life and recreation of the population.

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    DECORATIVE ART is a field of plastic arts, the works of which, along with architecture, artistically shape the material environment surrounding a person. Decorative art is divided into: - monumental and decorative art; - decorative and applied arts; and - design art.

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    DESIGN - artistic construction of the objective world; development of samples of rational construction of a subject environment. - creative activity, the purpose of which is to determine the formal qualities of industrial products

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    2. TEMPORARY TYPES OF ART Temporary types of art include: 1) music; 2) fiction.

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    Music is an art form that reflects reality in sound artistic images. Music can convey emotions and feelings of people, which is expressed in rhythm, intonation, and melody. According to the method of performance, it is divided into instrumental and vocal.

    Music is characterized by its impact on the emotional state of people, the ratio of frequencies (pitches), volume, duration, timbre, and transient processes. Music is also divided into: folk and classical modern jazz military spiritual

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    Fiction is a type of art in which speech is the material carrier of imagery. It is sometimes called “fine literature” or “the art of words.” Literature is a written form of word art. There are fiction, scientific, journalistic, reference, critical, courtly, epistolary and other literature.

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    3. SPATIO-TEMPORAL (spectacular) TYPES OF ART These types of art include: 1) dance; 2) theater; 3) cinema; 4) variety and circus art.

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    CINEMA - a type of art whose works (films or motion pictures) are created by filming real, or specially staged, or using the means of animation of events, facts, and phenomena of reality. This is a synthetic art form that combines literature, theater, visual arts and music.

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    DANCE is an art form in which artistic images are created by means of plastic movements and rhythmically clear and continuous changes in the expressive positions of the human body. Dance is inextricably linked with music, the emotional and figurative content of which is embodied in its choreographic composition, movements, figures. Folk dance is a dance of a certain nationality, nationality or region. Stage dance is one of the main types of dance: - intended for spectators; and involves the creation of a choreographic image on stage.

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    THEATER is a type of art that reflects reality, characters, events, conflicts, their interpretation and evaluation through dramatic action that arises during the actor’s performance in front of the public. In the course of historical development, three main types of theater were identified, distinguished by specific features and means of artistic expression: drama, opera and ballet theaters.

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    CIRCUS is an art form: - involving the demonstration of strength, dexterity and courage; - including: acrobatics, balancing act, juggling, clowning, animal training, etc.

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    4. The most MODERN TYPES OF ART (out of classification) These types of art include: Body art - the art of painting the body Autoart - the art of painting cars Installation art Computer graphics: 3D graphics Web graphics Pinup (PinUp) - from the English. pin-up, attach to the wall. A photograph of a beauty, a movie star, a pop singer, cut out from a magazine and pinned on the wall. Postal art - making postcards

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    Anime and manga Manga are modern Japanese comics and animated films. Typically, manga is published in weekly and monthly magazines, often entirely dedicated to manga. Manga is not at all like the American and Russian comics we know: 1. It is usually black and white, with a color cover and several color spreads. 2. In Japan, manga is read not only by young children, but also by teenagers and adults. 3.The range of possible themes and graphic styles varies very widely, from children's fairy tales to complex philosophical works. Anime is modern Japanese animation.

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    Visual poetry is an art form that combines the verbal and visual creativity of a poem whose lines form decorative or emblematic figures and signs.

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    Presentation - Types of art


    Text of this presentation

    Kinds of art
    Prepared by: Limanskaya Anna, 8 b

    Art is a specific type of reflection and formation of reality by a person in the process of artistic creativity in accordance with certain aesthetic ideals. Types of art are divided into 3 main types: 1) Spatial; 2) temporal; 3) spatio-temporal.

    1. SPATIAL TYPES OF ART Spatial arts are divided into: - fine arts: painting, sculpture, graphics, photography and others; non-fine arts: architecture, decorative and applied arts and artistic construction (design).

    SPATIAL Fine arts Fine art is a type of art whose main feature is the reflection of reality in visual, visually perceptible images. Fine arts include:
    graphic arts,
    photographic art

    PAINTING is a type of fine art, works of which are created on a plane using colored materials. Painting is divided into:

    GRAPHICS - the art of depicting objects with contour lines and strokes. Sometimes the graphics allow the use of colored spots.

    SCULPTURE is a type of fine art, the works of which have a physically material, objective volume and three-dimensional form located in real space. The main objects of the sculpture are humans and images of the animal world. The main types of sculpture are round sculpture and relief.

    PHOTOART - the art of creating artistic photography

    SPATIAL Non-visual arts
    design (artistic design).
    decorative and applied arts,

    ARCHITECTURE - the art of: - design and construction of buildings; and - creating artistically expressive ensembles.

    DECORATIVE ART is a field of plastic arts, the works of which, along with architecture, artistically shape the material environment surrounding a person. Decorative art is divided into: - monumental and decorative art; - decorative and applied arts; and - design art.

    DESIGN - artistic construction of the objective world; development of samples of rational construction of a subject environment. - creative activity, the purpose of which is to determine the formal qualities of industrial products

    2. TEMPORARY TYPES OF ART Temporary types of art include: 1) music; 2) fiction.

    Music is an art form that reflects reality in sound artistic images. Music can convey emotions and feelings of people, which is expressed in rhythm, intonation, and melody. According to the method of performance, it is divided into instrumental and vocal.
    . Music is also divided into: folk and classical modern jazz military spiritual

    Fiction is a type of art that uses words and structures of natural (written human) language as the only material. Literature is a written form of word art, in the broad sense of the word: the totality of any written texts.

    3. SPATIO-TEMPORAL (spectacular) TYPES OF ART These types of art include: 1) dance; 2) theater; 3) cinema; 4) circus art.

    DANCE is an art form in which artistic images are created by means of plastic movements and rhythmically clear and continuous changes in the expressive positions of the human body. Dance is inextricably linked with music, the emotional and figurative content of which is embodied in its choreographic composition, movements, figures

    THEATER is a type of art that reflects reality, characters, events, conflicts, their interpretation and evaluation through dramatic action that arises during the actor’s performance in front of the public. In the course of historical development, three main types of theater were identified, distinguished by specific features and means of artistic expression: drama, opera and ballet theaters.

    CINEMA - a type of art whose works are created by filming real, or specially staged, or using the means of animation of events, facts, and phenomena of reality. This is a synthetic art form that combines literature, theater, visual arts and music.
