Karadag Nature Reserve. Museum of History and Nature of Karadag Flora of Karadag

IN The exposition of the Kara-Dag Nature Museum presents almost all types of animals and plants found on Kara-Dag. The creation of the museum's collection began more than 90 years ago. The museum contains stuffed animals of 203 species of birds and mammals, 167 species of butterflies, 246 specimens of amphibians and reptiles, and various minerals of the Kara-Dag. Of the 305 different Crimean minerals, 100 species are present on Kara-Dag. Among them are agates, carnelians, amethysts, varieties of calcite, quartz, chalcedony, opal...

Karadag Nature Reserve

TO The Aradag Nature Reserve protects the unique landscapes, flora and fauna of eastern Crimea. The relief of its area is formed by a volcanic massif of the Jurassic period with the extinct Karadag volcano. The age of this mountain is 150 million years. There is a strict security regime on the territory of the reserve, so you can only visit it as part of excursions. During a sea excursion, tourists can explore the coast with the bizarre rocks of the Golden Gate, Lion, and Ivan the Robber. The walking route with a total length of 7 km runs overland and also covers these sites.

Karagach ridge with the King, Queen and Svita rocks

TO In addition, during a walking tour, tourists can get acquainted with geological objects located in the interior of the island. This is the Karagach ridge with the King, Queen and Svita rocks, viewpoints with coves hidden between them, the highest point of the reserve, Mount Sacred with the Sphinx and Devil's Finger rocks. The fauna of Karadag includes 5,300 species, including 130 species listed in the Red Book. The Karadag Nature Reserve has a Museum of Nature, an aquarium and a dolphinarium.

Address: Feodosia, town. Resort, st. Sciences, 24.

Job: all departments of the museum are open during the spring-summer period - the aquarium daily 9.00-18.00, the museum - daily, except Mondays, 8.00-16.00. Sea excursions are conducted in May-October, walking excursions - in May-September (groups are accepted daily 8.00-9.00, 14.00-15.00).

Route: sea ​​excursions depart to Feodosia, Koktebel, and the New World. Walking tours start from the biological station of the reserve in the village. Resort, there are regular buses from Feodosia and Sudak to the village.

Visiting conditions: For walking excursions, sports shoes are required, and it is recommended to bring drinking water with you.

Website: http://zapovednik-karadag.com/

On July 19, the “Big Kara-Dag” pedestrian route reopened in the Karadag Nature Reserve. This is the main excursion trail with a length of 8 km.

Entrance to the reserve is free, but walking along the trail is only allowed with a guide, since the area is rocky. There is a fee for visiting excursion sites and the dolphinarium:

- hiking trail "Big Kara-Dag", 220 rubles. for adults, 100 rub. for children and students;

- eco trail of Terenty Vyazemsky (100 rub./50 rub.);

- Museum of Nature (100 rubles / 50 rubles).

Children under five years of age are served free of charge, students upon presentation of a student card. Since some excursion sales points in Feodosia claim that Kara-Dag is closed to visitors, you can buy an excursion on the spot. To do this, you need to arrive at the Biostation by 8.00, the route starts from the Museum of Nature.

In the village of Kurortnoye on the basis of the Karadag scientific station, introducing you to the wonderful world of flora and fauna of the Karadag reserve. The exhibition includes stuffed birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and marine inhabitants, and a collection of rare minerals.


The first steps towards creating a museum of the Karadag scientific station were taken in 1914. A bright and large room was chosen for the museum in the basement of the laboratory complex. In 1915, “two large museum-type cabinets were purchased for the storage and exhibition of collected collections in geology and zoology.” In the pre- and post-war years, the museum’s exhibition was changed and supplemented, and by the 70s of the last century it had a full-fledged (more than 1000 exhibits) geological collection, about 200 hydrobiological exhibits, as well as a small (10 pieces) number of stuffed birds. By the end of the 1990s, the museum premises were used for laboratory purposes.

In 2004, the museum was restored, and an updated museum exhibition was opened in the building of the laboratory building of the Karadag Nature Reserve of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Doctor of Geological Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University worked on its creation. M. V. Lomonosova E. M. Spiridonov, head of the department of environmental education and scientific information of the Karadag Nature Reserve G. I. Bezvushko, design and taxidermy were carried out by O. B. Spivakov and I. L. Potapenko. The exhibition presents photographic materials by A. V. Mironov and V. S. Marchenko.

Currently, the Museum of History and Nature of Karadag occupies an exhibition hall with an area of ​​103 sq. m and a storage facility with an area of ​​22.5 sq. m. The exhibition is presented in sections - historical, geological and mineralogical, nature of the land and the Black Sea. The total number of exhibits is more than 600 units.

The first section of the museum tells about the history of the Karadag scientific station and the Karadag nature reserve. The most interesting and unique geological samples are presented in the section devoted to the geology and mineralogy of the Karadag volcanic group. Most of the exhibition tells about the landscape complexes of the reserve. Photographs of plants growing in the reserve alternate with numerous stuffed animals and birds, representing highly artistic examples of taxidermy. Here you can admire the biogroup “Goshawk attacking a pheasant”, black vulture, swans, shelducks, herons, ibis, and numerous passerine birds.

The entomological section of the exhibition is represented by a collection of insects (more than 200 species). Among the butterflies, large exhibits from the hawk moth family stand out, with the amazing heavenly coloring of the wings of the blueberry, the rare handsome podalirium, elegant peacock eye and swallowtail attract attention. Among arachnids, the deadly spider, common in the steppe Crimea and Karadag, deserves special attention - the karakurt.

In the water area section of the reserve there is a model of the underwater part of the rocky shores of Karadag and the main characteristics of the Black Sea are presented: current, salinity, chemical composition and others.

The name comes from Turkic as “land of blue peaks”. It is located twenty kilometers from Feodosia in a wide bay near the extinct Karadag volcano.

A lot of different impressions await you, both from communicating with the unique nature, which has its own special energy, and from getting to know the history of the village and the people who left their mark on it.

One of these people is the artist, poet, translator, philosopher and literary critic Maximilian Aleksandrovich Voloshin. He lived most of his life in Koktebel, the nature of which inspired the artist to create his best works. You will visit the literary and memorial museum of A.V. Voloshin, one of the largest in Crimea. Many celebrities visited this house. Bulgakov and Mandelstam, Alexey Tolstoy and Maxim Gorky, Gumilyov and the Tsvetaeva sisters rested here. After the revolution, a holiday home for people of creative professions was opened here.

Today, the Voloshin Literary and Memorial Museum has more than eighteen thousand exhibits. On the ground floor there is a literary exhibition, and on the second floor there is an artist’s workshop.

Next, you will have an exciting journey on a pleasure boat along the coast, towards the extinct Karadag volcano. Frog Bay is very interesting - its name was given to huge stones that look like frogs. In Serdolikovaya Bay there are the famous “Golden Gates” - a basalt arch stands in the sea thirty meters from the shore. It is of natural origin.

is located in the vicinity of Koktebel - the village of Kurortnoye. The museum's exposition presents the amazing world of flora and fauna of the Karadag Nature Reserve. You will see stuffed birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and other inhabitants of the sea and the Karadag mountain range. The Karadag Nature Museum displays a collection of various, including rare, minerals. Here you can get acquainted with the unique geology - the extraordinary landscape of the mountain range and the history of the extinct volcano.

Ancient Armenian Surb-Khach monastery (Holy Cross) is located in the old Crimean forest on the slope of Mount Grytsya (Holy Cross, Holy, Monastyrskaya), 3.5 km southwest of the city of Old Crimea. This is an architectural complex of buildings built at different times. For many centuries the monastery was a center of spiritual attraction for Armenians, a shrine, and a place of pilgrimage. The Armenian colonies did not have territorial borders, their own centralized administration, or administrative connections with the metropolis. The church replaced all this for them, spiritually uniting the Armenians, thanks to which they preserved their native language, customs, writing, and faith in a foreign land. At different times, many figures of Armenian culture lived and worked in Surb Khach. The remains of medieval frescoes are still preserved on the walls of the temple and gavit, and miniatures made on the pages of manuscripts are mostly stored in the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts named after. Mashtots - Matenadaran.


Karadag Nature Museum (Koktebel, Russia) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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Every year more than 25 thousand people come to the Karadag Nature Museum, located in the vicinity of Koktebel, in the village of Kurortnoye. Its history began in 1914, almost simultaneously with the opening of the Karadag scientific station. The first exhibits of the museum fit into two cabinets located on the ground floor of the laboratory complex. Two years later, the museum was visited by a group of students from Yekaterinburg, and in the 1920s. The museum's research activities began to develop steadily. Over time, the museum's holdings expanded, replenished with new exhibits, and by the 1970s. The collection already included more than 1 thousand geological and about 200 biological exhibits, as well as several stuffed birds. The museum staff also focused on educational activities: fascinating lectures, thematic seminars and meetings were held here, which were attended by schoolchildren and students.

Every year more than 25 thousand people come to the Karadag Nature Museum, located in the vicinity of Koktebel, in the village of Kurortnoye.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the museum underwent reconstruction, during which it was significantly modernized. The renovated museum opened its doors to visitors in 2004.

Museum exposition

The exhibition space of the museum covers an area of ​​103 square meters. m and is divided into several thematic sections: historical, geological and mineralogical, land and marine biospheres. Close attention is paid to the natural features of the Karadag mountain range. As an introduction, visitors are invited to study the layout map “Karadag and its surroundings”. The exposition of the historical section tells about the most important milestones in the activities of the scientific institution, organized at the foot of the mountain. Historical photographs, books, and biographical materials about station employees are collected here.

The geological and mineralogical section presents in detail samples of rocks characteristic of Karadag, both sedimentary and volcanic. The Karadag mountain range is a real mineralogical storehouse. Museum visitors can study in all their diversity the minerals of the zeolite group, varieties of quartz, chalcedony, and carnelian. The collection contains samples of sedimentary rocks: sandstones, clays, gypsum and others.

The section of the exhibition dedicated to the land part of the reserve tells about the features of the plant and animal life of Karadag, which is diverse, despite the seemingly inhospitable landscapes. Here, in connection with their habitat, stuffed animals of local mammals and birds, amphibians and reptiles are collected, butterflies are widely represented, as well as the peculiar Crimean flora. Particular importance is attached to rare and protected species.

Much in Crimean nature is inaccessible to the casual observer or is characteristic only of certain times of the year. The museum's exposition reveals such inconspicuous pages of Karadag, helping to get closer to the world of its protected nature.

The Karadag Nature Museum is one of the “oldest” on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula. Back in 1914, Academician A.P. Pavlov, T.I. Vyazemsky and A.F. Sludsky made the first attempts to create a Karadag museum exhibition. To accommodate all the exhibits, they needed only two museum shelves, which were installed on the ground floor of the Karadag Scientific Biological Station, which is the base for organizing the museum.

Geographic coordinates of the Karadag Nature Museum on the map of Crimea GPS N 44.911936 E 35.201814

The Karadag Nature Museum is located in the village of Kurortnoye near Koktebel. It attracts the attention of many tourists. This is confirmed by the fact that more than 25 thousand people visit the museum every year. The first excursion was held in 1916 for Ekaterinburg students, and this was the starting point when the museum began to actively develop, and the list of exhibits on display rapidly increased. By the end of the 60s of the 20th century, the museum’s exhibition consisted of more than one thousand geological elements and approximately two hundred biological ones. The stuffed birds, of which there were about a dozen, aroused considerable interest among visitors.
An important part of the museum’s activities was the holding of thematic lectures and seminars, which brought together hundreds of students and schoolchildren.
The last reconstruction of the Karadag Nature Museum was completed in 2004. Currently, the exhibition occupies an area of ​​more than one hundred square meters, which is divided into several exhibition halls. The first thing that comes to the attention of visitors is the map of Karadag, made in the form of a model. In the first hall, they get acquainted with the history of the biological station and the museum by studying photographs, books and biographical information of the museum’s creators. This room is called historical.

The next room is geological and mineralogical. It is filled with samples of volcanic and sedimentary rocks that make up the Karadag mountain range. And the variety of minerals is simply amazing: zeolites, quartz, chalcedony, carnelian - this is not the entire list presented.
Another room is dedicated to the land biosphere of Karadag. Here you can see stuffed animals living in the reserve, many butterflies and the most unusual specimens of the flora. By the way, some representatives of the flora and fauna presented in the Karadag Museum are included in the Red Lists of many countries around the world.

The last hall of the Karadag Nature Museum introduces the water area of ​​the reserve. The main characteristics of the Black Sea (such as area, volume, depth, currents, salinity, chemical composition of water) are covered in cartographic and schematic materials. A small copy of the underwater mountain component of Karadag is also presented here.
After visiting all the galleries of the Karadag Nature Museum, you can go on an excursion along the ecological trail of the Karadag Nature Reserve. The information received in the museum halls will help you understand the local beauties in more detail and appreciate them. Having visited