What are the draws for April 1st at home? April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and pranks

Each person probably played a prank on their friends, relatives, teachers and just acquaintances on the day of deception. And many of them will do this next year, be it a teacher, a colleague, a classmate, a mother or a father. A few tips on how to prank your neighbor will help you. Just don’t forget - laughter can be good or evil, and jokes can be witty or stupid, choose for yourself what you like best. You can practice these draws both on regular days and on April 1st.

1. This giveaway must take place in a home, not outdoor setting, although if you can use it in another way, well done! With its help, you can prank your boyfriend, girlfriend, parents, even your teacher. For the drawing you will need a small box, bright wrapping paper, a felt-tip pen, and confetti. Cover the box with wrapping paper so that it is bright and eye-catching; for the same purposes, you can write on it something like “Candy”, “Don’t touch it, it will kill you!” or "Take me." The box should not have a bottom. Place it in a high place (so that it is higher than human height), on a cabinet, for example. Fill the box with confetti, and if the “object” you are pranking has a good sense of humor or, on the contrary, really annoys you, fill the box with some garbage (gnawed bones, potato peels, garlic, onions, so that it smells nicer). The “object” enters the room and sees the box. She attracts his attention to her and he films her. But the box has no bottom! Fireworks are guaranteed if there is confetti in the box, and something less pleasant than fireworks if there is trash.

2. Call your neighbors and say in a calm, non-threatening voice that they called you from the telephone exchange and warned that an electric current will be released through the telephone wire in connection with the repair of the telephone line. Draw their attention to the fact that they should not answer calls for 10 minutes to avoid loss of life. After 15 minutes, call your neighbors and, if they answer the phone, let out an inhuman scream. They'll probably think you've been electrocuted.

3. Tell your friends that in 15 minutes hot steam will be released through the telephone wire, so you need to wrap the telephone handsets in a towel and plastic and place them on the floor. And then it’s up to you, you must have time to run around everyone to check who believed your joke.

4. Explain to a friend or acquaintance who does not understand computers the rules for using e-mail. And by chance you remember that just now they should have sent you 500 rubles by email. Having previously placed the specified amounts in the drive, you pull them out of there in front of the amazed student. Miracle of technology!

5. Recruit a few of your friends for this giveaway. You enter a subway car, go to the button to communicate with the driver, and pretend that you are communicating with him. Loudly: “Pizza and a large cola in carriage No...” (you call the carriage number). At the next stop, your accomplice comes in with your order (preferably in appropriate clothing). You pick up your order, pay, and your assistant comes out immediately. You get in touch with the driver again: “Until the final stop without stopping.” The reaction of passengers is indescribable.

6. You and a company (it’s better if there are more of you) are traveling by river transport (you can use land transport, but, for example, on a bridge under which a river flows). You suddenly shout loudly something like “Sharks!” or “Look! Whale!". All passengers look overboard.

7. This prank is best done for a teacher. If there is snow outside, make a snowball (a lump of snow). During recess, while the teacher is not in class, you attach it to the ceiling directly above the teacher's desk. If you're lucky, the snowball, having melted, will fall right on the teacher's head (like snow on his head, as they say), if not, that's okay: the snowball will plop down on the teacher's desk. The main thing is that your class is friendly and no one gives away the secret of who was the author of the prank.

8. Take a box of powder or something else chemical, empty the contents, insert a plastic bag with some treat of the same color into it. You can eat this on a bus or tram in front of dozens of people. Perhaps someone will want to save you, and someone will ask for a treat.

9. A prank for a fun company. One person runs past a crowded area (bus stop, etc.) and asks people to cover him. In this case, it is necessary to depict some wild animal: a tiger (the hero wears a striped sweater and makes scary faces), a deer (his arms fan above his head). After 15-20 seconds, a whole company of “hunters” runs past the same stop, toy guns in their hands, asking the people at the stop: “Have you seen a tiger (deer)?” It is guaranteed that they will not soon forget this hunt.

11. Dress with a friend in the same clothes, it is best if the jacket has a hood. You are standing at one bus stop (it’s more fun to play a prank in the subway), and your friend is at the next one. When the bus approaches, you supposedly don’t have time to get on it and run after it. When the bus comes to the next stop, your friend gets on, pretending to be very out of breath from running, and says: “I’ve completely lost my dexterity.” Next time you change places, and you observe the reaction of the people.

12. Find a long rope and ask a passerby on the street (near the house) to hold it, then after 5 minutes walk around the house. At this time, you walk around the house yourself so that the first passer-by does not see you. You find another “victim”, hand her the second end of the rope, and ask her to do the same. Passers-by stand stupidly on different sides of the house, holding the rope, and you stand in a safe place and watch both of them. In 5 minutes they will meet, maybe they will get acquainted and laugh at their naivety, or maybe they will go looking for you to take revenge.

13. Play this prank if you have a couple of extra hours to spare. Put a spool of thread in your pocket, the color of which is different from the color of your clothes. Leave the end of the thread sticking out of your pocket; of course, someone will want to serve you, don’t interfere with him in this.

14. You came to visit a friend, wait until he is busy. You go into the kitchen, pour water into a pan, cover it with a sheet of paper, turn it over without the water spilling out, and place it in a place that is inconvenient for the owner of the apartment (on the floor, on the table). A friend comes into the kitchen, sees an “unattended” pan, removes it and causes a flood. Another option for this prank: instead of a saucepan, you can pour water into a transparent 1, 2, 3, 5 liter jar. The “victim” will know what awaits him, but how to deal with smaller victims is a different question.

15. When you come to a party and go to the bathroom before dinner, don’t forget to leave the shower on so that your friends can also “swim.”

16. The required item for the raffle is a bunk bed. The time it takes place is at night or when the person being played is sleeping. You pour water into a large jar, put a towel in it (there is a knot at the end of it). You and the can are on the second floor of the bed, your friend is sleeping downstairs. You turn the jar over and hang the end of the towel down so that the water dripping from it hits the “victim”’s face. After a few minutes, the “subject” will wake up and most likely pull the towel. Well, in vain...

17. If your friend has a computer, then you can prank him like this: you need a long, strong wire for the mouse. It is better for the system unit to be under the table. If possible, use a fake mouse - the same as the “victim’s” one, only not working. Wait until the “object” leaves the room, use a rope to tie the mouse’s tail to the leg of the chair, and push it under the table. When your friend enters the room, the first thing he will do is move his chair away to sit at the computer, while the mouse will “run away” from him, and when he tries to “catch” it, pulling it towards him, the chair will slide under the table, hitting him in the legs.

18. You are traveling in a cramped bus (subway car, tram, trolleybus), there is a lot of pressure in the morning, and you want to sit down. When addressing your friend or even a stranger, say a few phrases (speak louder so that others can hear you):

1) “I stole last time, now it’s your turn”;

2) “Heh, heh, heh, tuberculosis is completely tormenting me”;

3) “Don’t you know that AIDS is not transmitted by airborne droplets? I feel sorry for the people";

4) “You don’t know where you can get a fake passport, otherwise they’ll be after me.”

19. You can make a snowfall in the teacher's room, classroom, or just the room of a friend, sister or brother.

Fill a suitable sized tube with confetti or baby powder and insert the tube into the gap between the wall and the door or into the keyhole. On the other hand, place a switched-on hairdryer on the handset. A dazzling sight!

20. This prank is best carried out in a building with a large crowd of people and rooms (at a school, college, supermarket, train station). Stock up on a lot of signs with the inscriptions “Toilet”, “Buffet”, “Cashier”, “Dining Room”, “Cheburechnaya”, “Dean’s Office”, etc. Hang these signs on any doors: at the dean’s office - “Dining Room”, at the cash desk - “Buffet” " One can only sympathize with the employees who will have to fend off persistent visitors. To avoid lines in the toilet or before entering the elevator, hang signs on the doors of these establishments that read “Out of Service.” You will save significant time.

Pranks at the festive table

If you decide to play a prank on your friends or acquaintances at an evening dedicated to April 1, then the festive table itself can become one of the main assistants in your endeavors. A harmless swap of the fork and knife of a sleeping neighbor will cause those around you, and especially you, to burst into laughter. By the way, the end of the joke can be a small knot that will tie your unlucky friend to the leg of his own chair (if you have the patience, you can tie the chairs of all the members of the festive dinner to each other). And a couple of funny patterns made from birthday cake cream on the subject’s face wouldn’t be out of place either. Having woken up, your friend will undoubtedly want to drink sparkling water, and you, as a faithful comrade, will, of course, provide him with such an opportunity, having first thoroughly shaken the highly carbonated drink. Just keep in mind that everyone present at the table, including you, will become the “victim” of such a joke.

At the table you can also show your psychic abilities. To do this, do not be lazy to write numbers from one to ten on separate pieces of paper and put them in different places (be sure to remember where and with what number you hid the piece of paper). Now you are fully armed. Ask your friend to name a number from one to ten, then point him to some place in your apartment (under the table or on the windowsill), there he will find a piece of paper with the number in mind. Don’t forget to write a note on it with a phrase that determines the level of mental development of your friend.

There are pranks especially for housewife girls. Ask one of them to go to the kitchen and check the readiness of some dish or drink (for example, milk or cocoa) that is being prepared in a pan on the stove. But don't forget that today is April 1st! A few minutes before she appears in the kitchen, you should pour dry ice into a pan of hot soapy (use shampoo) water. The girl learns a lot about the escaping “milk”.

For the next draw you will need two helpers. You remain in the same room with the “victim” of the prank, you need to prepare her for the subsequent “terrible” event, for this reason with your friend on the topic of the untimely deaths of many great people. After the “object” reaches the required state and is plunged into sad thoughts, hide quietly or silently leave the room. At this moment, one of your accomplices, having laid out on the asphalt (it is advisable that the apartment in which this action will take place is at least on the second floor) a pre-prepared doll, dressed in the same clothes as you, will loudly scream that something like “Fell, crashed, guard!” The second assistant takes the person being played into the yard where you supposedly met your end (don’t give yourself away by laughing loudly). Not finding you sprawled in a puddle of “blood” on the asphalt, your friends return back in bewilderment, and you calmly wait for them in your original place...

Funny jokes for April 1 are a mandatory attribute of April Fool's Day celebrations in kindergartens, schools, offices, public organizations and enterprises. For the youngest children, simple and light jokes presented in a playful manner are suitable. Older children will enjoy cool, funny and funny pranks that they can use to please their classmates, friends and teachers. Moms and dads will appreciate harmless, humorous congratulations and humorous SMS messages received from children on April 1. The only thing to remember is tact and decorum. Pranks should only provide pleasure, and not turn a person into an object of irony and ridicule.

Funny jokes on April 1 for preschool children in kindergarten

April 1 is a wonderful, cheerful and positive holiday, which is celebrated with pleasure in kindergarten. The script for the program is prepared by teachers and is sure to include funny, amusing jokes that are understandable to preschool children. They are most often served in the form of fun outdoor games in which the maximum number of children takes part.

Examples of funny joke games in honor of April 1 in kindergarten

  • "Make me laugh"- a fun competition suitable even for children from the younger group. A couple of children are chosen to perform, one of whom begins to make funny faces and grimace cheerfully. The task of the second participant is to keep a serious expression on his face for as long as possible and not burst into laughter.
  • "Hare and Carrot"- a cool game that evokes a lot of positive emotions. To participate, the group is divided into two teams. Half of the children are put paper white ears on their heads and asked to sit on chairs placed in the center of the hall. Other kids are blindfolded, given a fresh carrot and told to go feed the “hares.” From the outside, the process looks very fun, however, the teacher must constantly monitor the players so that no one accidentally injures their friends by chaotically waving the carrot in different directions. To avoid potential feeding failures, you can replace the spicy carrots with a more streamlined apple or soft bun. The meaning will not be affected, and unpleasant force majeure will be avoided.
  • "Freeze and don't move!"- active entertainment that requires the mandatory participation of a teacher or animator. An adult dressed as a clown sings a verse of a simple and joyful song. The guys dance on stage or just move chaotically around the hall. As soon as the music stops, everyone freezes, and the clown walks among the participants, making faces and trying to make them laugh. Everyone who could not contain their smile is eliminated from the game, and the last remaining participant receives a certificate of honor and a medal for “The Most Serious Kindergartener.”

Short jokes for April 1st at school for classmates - ideas and videos

Funny pranks, sparkling humor and short, funny jokes will turn April 1 at school into the brightest, funniest and most memorable holiday. On this day, laughing at your classmates is not only possible, but also necessary. However, tact and a sense of proportion should also not be forgotten. You should not choose one “victim” from your students and tease him or her in every possible way throughout the day. Such behavior will in no way strengthen relationships in the class, but rather, on the contrary, will make them colder and harsher.

It is best to use jokes of a general nature that do not hurt the pride of students. Let everyone have a reason to smile kindly or even laugh heartily after hearing a funny joke about school life or watching a funny scene about the relationship between teachers and students.

If you want to make fun of your desk neighbor, you can discreetly take his mobile phone and carefully cover the microphone with a piece of transparent tape. When a classmate dials a number but is unable to reach the other party, the result will be a very funny, but completely harmless situation.

The classic version of the joke is to announce to one of your classmates that the director or head teacher is calling him to his place. True, it is very important to speak seriously and naturally, so that the “victim” does not immediately suspect a dirty trick. If everything went smoothly and you believed in the challenge, you should overtake your friend and have time to attach a poster with congratulatory lines in honor of April 1 to the door before he appears in the area of ​​the desired office. Having reached the place, the classmate will see a welcome sign and will be glad that the challenge was false and he is not threatened with a reprimand or scolding for his academic performance and behavior.

Funny pranks and jokes on April 1 for friends

In the company of close friends who have known each other well for a long time, on April 1, funny jokes, amusing pranks and jokes on some frivolous topics are quite appropriate. You can “scare” your friends by sending them an SMS supposedly from a mobile operator, informing them that their number has been disconnected from service due to non-payment of a bill or informing them that their SIM card has won a million dollars, a Mercedes or a trip to the Canary Islands. Such humor will amuse absolutely everyone, but at the same time it will not cause offense or grief.

The topic of marital fidelity is not something to joke about. It is unlikely that anyone will be pleased to hear that their spouse was spotted in a restaurant or motel with an unknown man or woman. Of course, in the end it will turn out that this is not true, but an unpleasant aftertaste will remain and the holiday will be ruined.

Illnesses, car accidents and other events of this kind are also not a reason for humor. It is better to choose universal topics that evoke sincere laughter, a kind smile and pleasant feelings.

If you are celebrating April 1 at home, you can make fun of your friends by inviting them to drink a glass of cola with ice. The ice will have to be prepared in advance by freezing Mentosis candies in water. When the water in the glass melts, the cola will react with the sweets and instead of a drink, a person will have a real fountain of sweet water in his hand. True, here it should be remembered that a friend will most likely wet the sleeves of his shirt, so there must be some kind of change of clothes in stock, otherwise further celebration will be very uncomfortable for someone.

Easy April 1st jokes for mom and dad - how to prank your parents

On April 1, it is better to joke with parents very carefully and delicately, because they are terribly worried about their children and cannot always immediately figure out that they are just being played. You shouldn’t call your mom and say that you hit a person, got caught by the police, became the victim of a maniac, or found yourself in the clutches of bandits who want to receive a huge ransom. There is no need to tell dad that his car was stolen, riot police from the tax office came to the place of work, and the computer burned down as a result of a power loss and cannot be restored. Such news can provoke an overly violent reaction in an adult and even lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, when making fun of your parents, observe tact and a sense of proportion, choose pleasant, harmless topics and try to ensure that the humor evokes only positive emotions.

If your mother loves the work of a singer, tell her that he has moved into your building and will now live with you on the same staircase. Or cover the infrared sensor of the remote control with tape and watch as dad tries in vain to turn on the TV. Invisibly coat all the soap with clear varnish and place on soap dishes. Household members will have to rack their brains for a long time over the question of why it doesn’t wash. Such simple and light jokes will create a festive atmosphere, but at the same time they will not offend anyone and will not cause nervous shock or hysteria.

April 1 - Day of Laughter and Jokes: prank script on video

In order for April 1 to be fun, sparkling and bright, you need to carefully prepare for it and think through prank scenarios in advance. On April Fool's Day, all ordinary, everyday activities should be colored with a humorous tone and automatically set to positive. But the most important thing is not to go too far and not offend others with biting irony and sarcasm. Let every prank be only good in nature and give everyone around you a reason to laugh, regardless of age, gender and social status. And you can get new, interesting and funny ideas for pranks from the video below.

There are not many reasons in our lives for fun, laughter and practical jokes. But there is a special day of the year when any jokes are appropriate. Of course, this is April 1 - April Fool's Day.

Today everyone jokes, jokes, laughs and has fun. Correctly selected jokes and pranks for April Fools will not only lift your spirits, but will also be remembered for a long time. Let's discuss what pranks you can come up with on April 1st.

Funny pranks on April 1st at school

April Fool's Day is loved by many, but the holiday is especially revered by schoolchildren. After all, this is a great opportunity to play pranks with impunity and come up with cool pranks on April 1 for your classmates.

Therefore, every student does not lose his vigilance - you can expect a dirty trick from your peers at any moment. We offer simple pranks for April 1 that can be held at school.

Cool ad. You will need several sheets of plain white paper, on which you need to write or print an interesting advertisement with a catch in advance.

Notifications can report any emergencies such as repairs or lack of water.

And the announcement of the cancellation of classes will be even more interesting - it will cause constant excitement at the school. Ready-made advertisements are posted directly on the school building and inside the premises. You need to try not to get noticed by the teachers, or the joke will turn into a big scandal.

Brick as a gift. We carefully choose the victim. Your friend should have a bulky backpack. And at that moment, when the school bag is left unattended, we quickly put a brick prepared in advance into it.

Believe me, school property is so heavy that its owner is unlikely to notice the change in weight.

But a surprise awaits your friend at home when he unpacks his bag. The results of such a drawing will become known the very next day.

Hello shirkers. Such a cruel prank on April 1 can be carried out if there are peers in the class who regularly skip school.

On behalf of the class teacher, we prepare an electronic or paper letter in which we inform that the culprit has been expelled from school.

Unfortunately, such a prank can be perceived by classmates as a very real retribution for their attitude towards studying.

Hello fantomas. For this joke you need to burn several matches. We smear our hands with the ashes that remain after this. All that remains is to choose a victim, approach her from behind and close your eyes.

The peer will be convinced that the point of the prank is to guess which of his classmates made fun of him. But he doesn’t even imagine that after such a prank the mask of Phantomás will remain on his face. As soon as a classmate guesses who closed his eyes, quickly remove your hands and hide them in your pockets.

Soap board. On such a fun day, you can try to prank the teacher, if he is not afraid of anger.

To do this, you will need an ordinary bar of soap, which we will use to rub the board.

After this treatment, it will simply be unsuitable for writing on with chalk. And all the teacher’s attempts will simply end in huge failure.

Quite often, school pranks are offensive and cruel. Therefore, both teachers and peers need to be attentive. And for those who prepare jokes, choose harmless pranks for April 1st.

Draws for April 1st at home for parents

Why not have some family fun on April 1st? Funny pranks for parents are suitable for this.

Just don't get carried away. Cruel, angry and harsh jokes are not suitable for parents.

After all, dad and mom are not just friends, but the closest people who need reverent attitude and attention. That's why we choose cute and kind pranks.

Good morning. Only the morning today will begin 2, or even 3 hours earlier. To do this, you just need to move the arrows on the alarm clock.

It will be even more interesting if you set the signal to repeat every 10 minutes and hide the watch securely.

Parents will be incredibly happy about getting up early. And it will be even more fun when they start looking for the constantly beeping alarm clock.

Fun washing. We continue to have fun in the bathroom. And the most common and simple joke is the joke with toothpaste. To do this, take ordinary cling film and stretch it over the place where the paste is squeezed out. Carefully close the lid and remove any remaining material.

In the morning, sleepy parents who tend to forget about April 1 will be puzzled as to why they can’t squeeze out the paste.

You can do another trick with toothpaste. To do this, you will have to squeeze out all the contents and instead use a regular syringe to fill the tube with strawberry or raspberry jam. Parents will also love this sweet surprise.

Shower with a surprise. If mom or dad are used to taking a shower in the morning, this joke is perfect. To do this, remove the spray shower and add colored dye there. All that remains is to restore the shower to its original form.

When one of the parents turns on the water, not the usual clear water, but pink or green liquid will pour directly onto the head.

Of course, you can put a bouillon cube or ketchup instead of dye, but mom will definitely not be delighted with such a prank.

In the same way, you can remind not only the shower, but also the faucet in the kitchen. This will be a great prank on April 1 for mom when she starts washing the dishes or filling the kettle.

Communal joys. Prepare a letter on behalf of the utility company informing you that hazardous work will be carried out on the roof of the house on April 3-4. This may involve roof repairs or cable installations.

Such work will be accompanied by falling stones, fragments and other debris. Therefore, the apartment windows will be in danger.

To protect them, it is better to cover them with tape. There is a high probability that parents will believe this story. Once they get to work covering the windows, let them know it's a prank.

Surprise for a communal apartment. Take an old receipt, scan it, and using a graphic editor, change the payment amount by setting an exorbitant amount.

All that remains is to print out the receipt on suitable paper and put it in the mailbox. Mom and dad will undoubtedly be happy with this amount of payment.

School news. You will need the help of an adult. The assistant must call the parents and inform them on behalf of the class teacher that their negligent child has been expelled from the school due to absenteeism and bad behavior.

True, such a joke will be appropriate if the parents have a good sense of humor. And don’t forget to inform in time that it was a joke.

Fun pranks on April 1st for children

The parents, of course, did not remain in debt. Children's pranks on the first of April will fill the house with laughter and joy. Children love it when their parents play tricks on them.

Teleportation. You can prepare a very interesting prank for young children. When the baby is sleeping soundly, you need to carefully lift him out of bed and simply move him to another room. When the baby wakes up, there will be no limit to surprise.

Salty smile. Mom and Dad should take revenge for the secret toothpaste. Take a baby toothbrush and sprinkle some salt on it. Washing up will be a lot of fun. Just don’t overdo it so as not to bring the child to tears.

Surprise in the closet. You need to get all the things out of the children's closet while the baby is sleeping. Inflate balloons or fill them with helium. We fill the cabinet shelves with balls. The child will be very surprised when he opens the closet door.

Eyes on products. During breakfast, ask your baby for help. Have him get milk or butter from the refrigerator.

It will be very cool when your baby finds not just food in the refrigerator, but funny faces with eyes, eyelashes and smiles.

This look can be given to eggs, fruits, vegetables and any product in bags.

Juice with a surprise. Prepare original orange juice for your baby's breakfast. Pour milk into a glass and add a little orange coloring. The baby will be firmly convinced that orange juice is waiting for him, and will be pleasantly surprised that the glass contains regular milk.

Prepare an April Fool's Day prank with your kids on April 1st for your husband. Children are happy to take part in the preparation of various competitions, jokes and practical jokes. Therefore, involve your child in preparing for April Fool's Day.

Eggs in your pocket. Take a few regular chicken eggs. Poke holes on both sides and drink the contents. Place the eggs until they are completely dry inside. Now all that remains is to put the eggs in my husband’s jacket pocket.

How much indignation there will be in the morning when the father of the family discovers a chicken egg in his pocket.

It will be even more interesting if he crushes it. But when he takes his hand out of his pocket, dad bursts out laughing, since it’s just a shell.

Screen of death. If your dad and husband are an avid computer geek, prepare an April Fool's prank for him. You need to take a screenshot of the blue death screen.

Now install this image as a screensaver on your desktop.

For greater authenticity, remove all shortcuts from your desktop into one folder. Believe me, such an April Fool's joke will lead your husband, if not into shock, then into panic.

Cool pranks on April 1st for friends

April 1 is a great occasion to have fun with friends. You can organize a fun party or just pick up some good April Fool's pranks with your friends.

In any case, a 5-minute laugh will only improve your friendship.

Choose a prank for your girlfriend or boyfriend on April 1, cool or tough, funny or with subtext.

Fizzy. At a fun party, offer your friends a Coke with ice. But prepare the ice in advance by freezing Mentos candies inside the cubes. Throw the magic cubes into glasses and wait for a surprise.

As soon as the ice melts, an unimaginable reaction between the candy and the drink will begin.

A fountain of splashes will simply pour out of the glasses, which will lead your friends to indescribable delight.

Head in a jar. Another interesting prank for a party. Fill a jar with water, first placing a photo of your friend in it. Place the container in the refrigerator. At a party, ask your friend to bring something from the refrigerator. Believe me, the effect will be amazing.

Unexpected call. Find a reason to call your friend, but after just a couple of minutes, end the conversation and tell him that you will call him back within the next 5 minutes. When you call next time, do not greet your friend, but imitate a heartbreaking scream.

New car. If your friend is a car owner, there is a great prank option for him. You will need regular adhesive stickers. You just need a lot of them to cover the whole car.

It will be even more interesting if you draw a funny face on each sticker.

Of course, such a prank is cruel, especially if your friend is in a hurry to get to work in the morning. He won’t have time to remove all the stickers, and it’s simply impossible to drive in such a car.

Draw for colleagues on April 1st in the office

If you want to lighten up the work situation a little or just have a laugh with your colleagues, prepare April Fools' pranks at work.

The office is a place where there are reasons for practical jokes at literally every step.

Make the holiday unforgettable and prepare pranks at work for your employees and boss on April 1st.

Uncontrollable mouse. If your colleagues use optical computer mice, be sure to prepare an April Fool's surprise for them.

Cover the signal reception area with tape or just paper in advance. In the morning, your colleague will be indignant because the system will lose control.

Specks. Your colleague has an impeccable appearance, give it some brightness. Buy phenolphthalein at the pharmacy, as well as ammonia. Mix both liquids and put them into a fountain pen.

As soon as the opportunity arises, shake the liquid from the pen onto the employee’s blouse.

The prank is quite cruel, but in just a couple of seconds the alcohol will evaporate and the stains from the shirt will disappear.

Clerical problems. Give your co-worker a real problem with office supplies.

Glue the caps on the handles, and treat the ends of the pencils with colorless varnish.

There will be laughter when the victim tries to sort out his office supplies.

Signs. Prepare signs in advance, which can be made in a funny style or in an official one. Place a “Dining Room” sign on the boss’s office, a sign with a picture of a man on the women’s restroom, and “Director’s Office” on the meal room.

And on the office of the chief accountant there is a sign “Women’s toilet”.

Magical smell. Display a photo of a large cake on your computer monitor. All that remains is to announce to your employees that you have a new program that allows you to recognize odors.

But there is a certain condition. This technology is so new that the effect will be felt if the nose is placed 2 inches from the monitor, but no closer than one inch. And if you find the epicenter of the smell, the person will begin to rapidly lose weight.

Just imagine for a second how the young ladies of your office will begin to measure the distance from the monitor to their nose with a ruler. One can even foresee a scandal for that very magical place, which belongs to the epicenter of smells.

We all love to joke, some in the depths of our hearts, some in reality. When preparing an April Fool's prank, imagine yourself for a second in the place of the person you decided to prank. Feel what your victim will feel during the game.

If you are sure that your friends and family will take the joke correctly, start taking action.

Try not to cross that fine line between fun and offense, so as not to quarrel with loved ones on April Fool's Day.

Video: 10 cool pranks for April 1

World April Fool's Day is approaching, and so that you can prank your classmates at school, your parents at home, your best friends, and still have a lot of fun, we have compiled a list of the best April Fool's jokes. Thanks to simple and thoughtful pranks that can be carried out using improvised means, you will literally win over your classmates at school, friends in the yard, mom or dad on April 1, and will also show off your sparkling sense of humor in front of them.

Funny and inventive jokes on April 1 at school for classmates

School pranks are becoming more and more original from year to year. Teenage comedians are very seriously preparing to make jokes on April 1st. Before pranking your classmates on April Fool's Day, you need to meet 2 conditions - the jokes must be harmless so that everyone can laugh without holding a grudge against each other, and most importantly, they must not be traumatic.

The mouse broke - a great prank in computer science class

Before the computer science lesson, you need to cover the bottom of the mouse with tape or paper. Since the computer mouse is sensor-powered, your school friend will think it's broken.

Sandwich with mold - we generously treat our desk neighbor on April 1

Treat your desk neighbor to a delicious sandwich during recess. In fact, the sandwich is fresh, and the mold is just shown on the packaging.

A delicious prank on April Fool's Day - fragrant cookies for classmates

Invite your classmates to try homemade chocolate chip cookies made with frozen mashed potatoes and black beans.

A prank for April 1st to make the whole class laugh

If you want everyone in the class to have fun, take the phone number of your neighbor on the desk, apply bright lipstick to the front part and call him. As soon as he answers the call, his entire ear will be smeared with lipstick.

Funny jokes on April 1 for friends, neighbors, relatives

Appetizing little pillows with stuffing inside - a generous treat for friends

Swap the contents of cat food packages for crunchy treats with a sweet filling inside. Invite your friends to a party and treat them to a sweet surprise.

We invite our friends and classmates to wash down their delicious pillows with Coke and ice on April Fool's Day

Offer to wash down sweets with cool Coke. Prepare ahead of time ice cubes with Mentos fizzy candy inside. As soon as the cubes begin to melt, a storm will begin in the glass of soda.

Mashed potatoes instead of ice cream on April 1st

Offer your guests glasses of delicious ice cream. The mashed potatoes that will lie inside cannot be distinguished from a sweet cold dessert.

Sparkling jokes on April 1 for mom, dad, “beloved” brothers and sisters

In order to play a good prank at home, it is better to prepare in advance. And if you are constantly fighting for leadership with your brother or sister, feel free to read on.

The funniest joke for any family member is stitched socks

Collect several pairs of other people's socks. Then sew the sock from each pair with a thread in the middle, or sew it up completely. From this moment on, the countdown of the game will begin only in your favor.

The Plastic Cup Rebellion Is the Worst April Fool's Day Joke

Buy 300 plastic cups at the store, fill each of them halfway with water, and barricade the hallway while your family is sleeping. Your parents will have to work hard to get out of their bedroom on the morning of April 1st.

Bloody water from the tap for a harmful brother on April 1

Unscrew the bottom part of the faucet, which is responsible for spraying water, and place a food coloring tablet there. For a more intimidating effect, choose a red substance. The effect will be very long-lasting and realistic, and the brother whom you have long wanted to take revenge on for various dirty tricks will remember the “bloody” water for a long time.

A terrifying refrigerator - a joke for an adult brother with nerves of steel

Print out a human face on an A4 sheet of paper. Place the photo in a three-liter jar and fill it with water. Such a prank is not suitable for vulnerable and faint-hearted family members (mother or sister); it is better to joke this way only with men.

Cute and harmless jokes on April Fool's Day - a healthy breakfast for your beloved mother

Take care of your mother - prepare delicious fried eggs for breakfast. Imagine her surprise when, instead of a rich egg, yogurt will be smeared in place of the white, and half of a canned apricot will serve as the yolk.

A prank for mom on April 1st, when the shampoo “broke”

Unscrew the cap from the shampoo and wrap the neck with cellophane film. Then screw on the lid and trim the cellophane around the edges. During bathing procedures, a “surprise” will be waiting for mom in the morning.

Funny April 1st jokes for young children and schoolchildren

For little children, jokes should be kind and funny, so that the child will fall in love with the April 1 holiday from childhood and will laugh heartily with you at pranks in the future.

Big-eyed refrigerator - a joke on April 1 for the little ones

Make sure that household members are not in the apartment, or they are busy with other things and do not plan to enter the kitchen. Take a few dozen googly eyes and stick them around all the products in the refrigerator: from chicken eggs to various jars. Send your child to the refrigerator for food. No baby can resist such a cute picture in the refrigerator.

Fresh porridge for children for breakfast from a caring mother on April Fool's Day

Place your child's breakfast plate in the freezer overnight, and in the morning watch how your baby struggles to pick off the porridge.

We are preparing cool jokes for April 1, so that April Fool's Day will be remembered for a long time

April Fool's breakfast for young children and their parents

The first of April is a day of jokes and practical jokes. But nowhere does it say that you can only joke about your friends and colleagues. Caring children will always think about how to prank their parents on this amazing, fun holiday.

Figuring out how to prank mom and dad on April 1 will take a little effort. After all, parents require especially reverent attitude and attention. Therefore, pranks should not be topical. The main goal of the April Fool's prank for relatives is to have fun together.

An interesting way to prank your mother can start with preparing breakfast. If you try really hard, you can come up with and prepare a dish with a twist. It could be pepper or garlic, some exotic spices, coconut flakes. It's best if the delicious draw is dessert. Then, after the main breakfast, you can serve it and calmly observe the reaction of those who try this dessert. The most important thing is that mom and other family members will already be full, so it will be a pleasure to refuse such a dessert and laugh at it.

How to make a prank dessert. You need to take one processed cheese and grate it on a fine grater, add more garlic (pass through a press) and finely chopped chili pepper. Now you need to make balls from this mass and roll them in coconut flakes. The dessert will look very appetizing; it must be placed in the refrigerator for at least thirty minutes before serving.

Another interesting way to prank your mother on April 1 requires purchasing an envelope in advance at the post office. You should put a letter in it and write the sender's address. For example, New Technologies LLC. On the first of April, give the letter to mom and say that it arrived yesterday. The letter should contain the following text: “According to article of such and such law, on April 2 of this year a cable will be laid in the courtyard of your house. This work will be large-scale, so to prevent it from damaging the windows of your home, we recommend securing them with tape. If necessary, New Technologies LLC will reimburse you for all financial costs associated with the purchase of adhesive tape. You will have to write a statement and attach a copy of the receipt certified by the store accountant.” If your mother falls for such a prank, you need to prevent her from taking the situation too seriously and quickly tell her what event this prank is associated with.

In how to play a prank on mom and dad on April 1, you need to use as much imagination as possible and your acting abilities. With mom, everything is more or less clear; April Fools' pranks for dad are a little more difficult to come up with and implement.

This method is also suitable for pranking mom at home, but with dad it will look more interesting and unexpected. While the parents are sleeping, you need to sneak into the bedroom and

paint dad's toes. After this, it is important to remove all nail polish remover from the house, and in the morning enjoy dad’s reaction and his findings on how to get rid of unintentional nail decoration.

Another interesting trick is to sew a blanket to a sheet. In the morning, you need to burst into your parents’ bedroom with some spectacular statement and see how they will extricate themselves from this ridiculous situation.

A funny but risky way to prank your mom or dad on the phone is to ask your friend to call your parent and say that tomorrow, April 1, he is called to school. You need to admit to the prank just before you go out, when dad puts on his shoes and scolds him once again. This is a great and fun way to prank your parents over the phone.

A fun and effective way to prank your parents on April 1 is to show up home with a bottle of beer and a cigarette (not lit, of course) in your lips. This method of drawing on April 1 is suitable for those children who usually behave well and do not abuse alcohol.

April 1st pranks for parents can be quite classic. For example, you can glue a toothbrush to a cup along its entire length. You can pump mayonnaise or sour cream into a tube of paste. After the jokes are played, you need to congratulate everyone on April Fool's Day and try to convey your cheerful mood to your parents.

How to prank your parents at home requires just a little imagination. Most traditional pranks, if you look at them from a slightly different angle, will also be relevant for parents. Relatives love not only to laugh at each other immediately after a joke, but also to remember later about funny situations together.

How to prank your mom or dad on April 1st is clear and there are many ways. The main thing here is not to go too far, so that the joke turns out to be equally funny for everyone, does not offend anyone and does not spoil the mood in the morning. Such a prank is masterly and will definitely be remembered for a long time on the good side!