What does a dishonest act lead to? What can lead to low vision and blindness in people of different ages? What can you do to avoid blindness?

Date of publication: November 29, 2016

A verified final essay on the topic “If a person has committed a dishonest act, then he is dishonest to the end” in the direction of “Honor and Dishonor”

Introduction (intro):

Of course, each person understands differently This statement. Dishonor - This a negative human trait characterized by meanness, deceit, betrayal, deceit. Honor, on the contrary, combines such qualities as loyalty and devotion. Honor always opposes dishonor; in all centuries people fight for truth and justice. If You If you stumbled and committed a dishonest act, then, alas, you will no longer be able to possess such qualities as loyalty to your word, nobility, and decency.

A comment: repetitions are one of the most common mistakes. To avoid them, you need to re-read the essay several times and replace words repeated in two adjacent sentences with pronouns, lexical or contextual synonyms (or synonymous expressions). It is also important to ensure that there are no cognate words in adjacent sentences.

"If You stumbled and committed a dishonorable act...” - it is better not to use the pronoun “YOU” when writing an essay. This is only allowed in colloquial speech. Instead of “you” you can write “we”, “people”, “person”, etc.

"If Human stumbled and committed a dishonorable act, then, alas, to him It will no longer be possible to possess such qualities as fidelity to one’s word, nobility, and decency.”

The thesis, of course, corresponds to the topic, but there are two nuances:

The thesis needs to be emphasized, using introductory words that indicate that this is your opinion (“I think”, “it seems to me”, “in my opinion”, “I am sure”, etc.) Writing a thesis is not enough , it is important to convey to the inspector how you came to such a conclusion. In the introductory part, you described the meanings of key concepts, but did not tie this to the thesis in any way. Most likely, you would have failed the first criterion, because... the topic is not disclosed. To correct this, you need to answer the question: “why is someone who has committed a dishonest act dishonest to the end?” You can write your thoughts on this issue before the thesis.

Argument 1:

Reflecting on the topic of “dishonor,” I cannot help but turn to Vasily Bykov’s work “Sotnikov.” This work is about two partisans who were captured. walking (ugly word, try replacing it) for food for their comrades, each of the heroes reacts differently to the upcoming danger. The fisherman is serious, ready for any difficulties, unlike the weak, frail, sick Sotnikov. Having hit to the police, them the paths diverge (speech error, it turns out that the police got into the path). They are about to be interrogated. Sotnikov went first. He was silent and did not tell the investigator anything. Humiliation and torture did not force Sotnikov to betray his homeland, his squad. After which he faced execution. However, Rybak during interrogation acted the opposite(speech error, they don’t say that. The opposite can be something: shore, reaction, behavior. But you can’t behave in the opposite way) to your comrade. He answered the investigator's questions in detail, was polite, and clung to every opportunity to escape. To which the investigator offered to become one of them. The fisherman was glad that there was a chance for freedom. He committed the worst and most dishonest thing. It turned out to be more difficult and painful for the fisherman to stay alive. He understood that he had made huge mistakes by killing his friend and going over to the wrong side, thereby losing his honor and gaining dishonor forever.

A comment: the argument is unconvincing. It is clear that Rybak committed a dishonorable act, but why did he become dishonored forever? How is it shown?

Thus, this argument does not support the thesis.

Argument 2:

Valentin Rasputin’s work “Live and Remember” can also be cited as proof. This work is about Andrei Guskov, who, along with the entire male part of the village, was sent to war. He fought well and fulfilled all his duties conscientiously. At the end of the war, Andrei, having been wounded, ends up in the hospital. Guskov wanted to return at least for a while home, at least for one day. He was sure that he would be sent from the hospital home, but that did not happen. And now Andrei returns home ahead of schedule, returns not as a hero, but as a deserter. Desertion is betrayal. Nastena, Andrei's wife, can't parts husband(?), but she tried, helped as much as she could. Her strength is Love and faith, but because of her love for a bad person, she herself suffers. Andrei did not want to live further, he saw no point in further life and the only way out was death. Andrei Guskov’s act serves as an example of a dishonest act.

Dishonor is, first of all, a lack of respect for oneself and for others, a disregard for one’s actions and deeds. From his very birth, a person receives honor and proudly carries it ahead of him through all obstacles, through the dirt and anger of the outside world, until he reaches the point of no return. But, if we are born initially honest with ourselves, then where do dishonest people come from?

We learn about what honor is in childhood: from our parents and from books, we hear on the radio, we see on TV - in other words, we receive the science of honor along with our upbringing and take an example from what we see around us. Therefore, it is very important that from the very beginning the child understands that the main value in his life is honor and conscience, because without them a person ceases to be a person, and along with the loss of his own dignity, a person begins to collapse morally and morally. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands this, and therefore dishonest children often grow up with dishonest parents, which is what D.I. portrayed in his comedy “The Minor.” Fonvizin. The author describes to us the Prostakov family, in which everyone is distinguished by some kind of moral illness: the father of the family grovels in front of his wife, who, in turn, periodically scatters abuse and abusive words at all family members and treats the serfs horribly, showing an example of greed and immorality . Skotinin, Prostakova’s brother, is extremely ignorant and stupid, among his hobbies is only breeding pigs, he has long been mentally and morally degraded and is ready to marry Sophia for the sake of inheritance alone, entering into competition with his own nephew. And in this whole atmosphere, Mitrofanushka, in love with his mother, grew up. Of course, this hero is depicted by the author as a deliberately rude and dishonest young man: he does not value either love or care, does not love or respect anyone from his family at all, does not know how to make his own choices, even regarding his future, also, like his mother, he treats everyone around him rudely and cynically, does not want to develop in any way and is absolutely nothing worthwhile. Mitrofan is immoral, he, like Skotinin, is ready to marry Sophia only for money, completely trampling his honor, and all this is already at an early stage of his formation as a person. And the reason for all this was poor upbringing in all respects.

Sometimes a person loses his honor due to his own weakness of character already in adulthood. Grushnitsky, hero of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time", at first glance, is no different from Pechorin, however, following the chronology of the work, the reader begins to understand that this hero is not so self-confident, not so honest with himself. Pechorin is a man of honor, and Grushnitsky is his complete opposite, which is why he makes rather pathetic attempts to win the attention of Princess Mary, “drags” after her and, having received a refusal, rudely and enviously calls her a coquette, although quite recently, it would seem, he considered her an angel. Then, out of resentment, this hero spreads various rumors and gossip about the marriage of his former “friend” and former lover, and at the end of the work he decides to cheat in a duel, which is his greatest baseness, characterizing Grushnitsky only as a person without dignity. Grushnitsky is a typical representative of the “water society”, a poseur trying to pretend to be a “hero of a novel”. It seems to me that he lost his honor on the day when he decided not to live, but to play some role, deceiving himself and those around him. However, this permanent hypocrisy was his conscious choice; he simply, apparently, decided that living in eternal deception, without honor and dignity, was simpler and easier, which was his main mistake.

Honor is a heavy burden for everyone, and only a strong personality, brought up in honesty and morality, can bear it. Of course, everyone chooses for themselves whether to carry this burden with them all the time, or to throw it off immediately, omitting all unnecessary moral prejudices and pangs of conscience, but it becomes sad at the moment when such a concept as “honor” is not initially included in a person’s upbringing, because in the future it becomes a tragedy for the whole society.

Various kinds of computer and video games were invented with one sole purpose - to entertain people. And hardly anyone could have imagined that in the 21st century this phenomenon would become a real problem. A problem that will even end up in the WHO International Classification of Diseases under the name “gaming disorder.”

Today there are more than 2 billion gamers in the world, but this market continues to grow every day. Almost half of all players (45%) are women, but the most alarming thing is that these figures also include a significant number of children and teenagers.

For some, the game becomes not just life, but also a completely profitable business. Progaming is a job that requires regular training to maintain and develop your skills. But few manage to turn a hobby into a profession, so the vast majority play solely for pleasure.

Games and diseases

In the summer of 2014, the results of a large-scale study conducted by specialists from the University of Oxford with the participation of 5 thousand adolescents aged 10 to 14 years were published. It turned out that only 25% of them did not play games every day. Among the rest, groups were identified that played for less than an hour a day, from one to three hours a day, and for more than three hours.

It was further learned that children who played for less than an hour every day had a more positive view of the world compared to those who did not play at all. On the contrary, teenagers who played for more than three hours were less satisfied with their lives and had emotional and behavioral problems.

But still, scientists are in no hurry to make loud statements, because they admit that the study was based on the responses of the teenagers themselves, which means there is a certain amount of subjectivity in it.

Against the backdrop of these data, others were published regarding video game TV. It turned out that more than three hours of screen time seriously increases the risk of developing diabetes. Scientists came to this conclusion after examining almost 4.5 thousand children of different sexes aged 9-10 years. After studying the health status of volunteers and conducting a survey on the amount of video games in their lives, experts concluded that the more time a child spends in front of a screen, the more fat tissue in his body and the higher his insulin resistance. But here we cannot speak unequivocally about the dangers of video games specifically; most likely, it has to do with a sedentary lifestyle in general.

When talking about video games, many often bring up the connection with hostility and antisocial behavior. Back in the early 2000s, researchers noted that games significantly increase aggression among children and adolescents. Today, the evidence is different - there is no clearly identified connection between time spent playing games and emotional or mental problems in children.

Well, of course, if the game begins to gradually crowd out all other interests, then there is no need to talk about its benefits. But here the responsibility lies entirely with the parents. They have the power to diversify the life of their children and show its versatility beyond the TV or computer screen.

Boundaries of reality

At the same time, it cannot be denied that video games to some extent blur the boundaries between the virtual and real world and sometimes force players to solve their problems exclusively through gaming methods. There was even a study done on this topic that proved that avid gamers actually carry over certain techniques into real life. Many of the players (from 15 to 21 years old) said that they felt as if in life they could press a button and change the course of events in an instant. The extent to which the game penetrates into real life also depends on the time a person spends on the computer. But in the most advanced cases, the game completely replaces what is happening around a person.

Some also admitted that they deliberately transfer some “chips” from the game, this helps them in communicating with people who move in the same field. At the same time, when it came to real violence or causing harm, all survey participants were unanimous - they would never be able to transfer violence into real life, even if they imagine a similar scenario in their heads. It cannot be said that absolutely all emotional reactions and states of players are provoked solely by games. In addition, some of the volunteers' comments (for example, about the magic button) could simply be part of their fantasies, and not evidence of altered thinking. In general, we can say that although research in this area answers certain questions, it leaves behind many new ones that still need to be addressed.

How to help a gambling addict

You can suspect real gambling addiction in an adult or child based on the so-called “red flags.” First: a strong desire to play games always and everywhere. Second: violation of control and blurring of the boundaries between the beginning of the game and its duration. Third: the game crowds out all other hobbies, including communication with friends. Fourth: people continue to play, even when a conflict situation arises around it. If you notice such manifestations and they last for more than a year, you can safely talk about the diagnosis of gaming disorder in a person.

If we are talking about a child, it is worth trying to analyze with him the reasons that led to this state of affairs. Perhaps these are problems at school, difficulties in communicating with peers, or misunderstanding on the part of parents. Aggressive games are often used as a method to relieve tension, then it is worth looking for alternative methods. In such a situation, it’s a good idea to develop clear rules with your child regarding the place and time of play and try to follow them.

With adults it's a little more complicated. It is important to understand whether more dangerous mental conditions are hidden behind gambling addiction, and only a psychotherapist can help with this. If the diagnosis is confirmed, he will have to be treated. The range of methods is quite wide (from family counseling to daily horseback riding), and a specialist can advise the right one only after communicating with the patient. Moreover, most often the most effective are non-drug methods; medications, in particular antidepressants, are prescribed only in extreme cases.

Age crises: how to emerge victorious from them

Sometimes it seems that our whole life is a series of endless age-related crises that successively replace each other. Everything begins with the notorious crisis of 3 years, which every mother probably knows about, and then it goes: the crisis of 7-8 years, adolescence, quarter-life crisis, and, of course, the midlife crisis. Psychotherapist Olga Miloradova will tell you what crises each of us inevitably goes through and how to survive them without losses.

Transitional age

The connection between this or that crisis and age in general is quite conditional, but one of the brightest and most noticeable periods occurs between 14 and 19 years. This is the same transitional age, which is associated with a huge number of social, psychological and physiological changes in the body. Puberty turns a teenager's life into continuous swings of emotions, and sometimes it is not so easy to deal with this. Among other things, it is at this time that growing children first begin to think about their immediate future and the time when they will have to grow up. There is no need to go far; even choosing a future profession and place of study at the age of 16-17 is an impossible task for many.

Adolescence is, in fact, the first adult crisis in a person’s life. And if in childhood a crisis is the complete destruction of the old and the construction of a new one, then in adults it is always some kind of choice and conflict of contradictions that no one will solve for you.

Children today spend most of their time in the school system and this makes the decision-making process even more difficult for them. Social pressure, endless instructions from your parents and the feeling that your own feelings and experiences are of no interest to anyone. As sad as it is, sometimes such situations lead to the most disastrous consequences.

But hormones and overwhelming emotions prevent teenagers from accepting reality and soberly understanding what is happening, otherwise they would easily accept the normality of what is happening and finally stop worrying about trifles. As a rule, during this period, young people often give up their usual hobbies and look for new ones, strive to isolate themselves from their parents and show their independence.

This kind of identity crisis is not just a lack of understanding of what to become when you grow up. Partly this is the full formation of personality and its assessment. And the point here is not only in the future profession, many face serious problems in accepting their body, which is rapidly changing. At the same time, you are searching for yourself in society and among the people around you. And here, for a growing child, a loving and understanding family that will accept him as he is is very important.

Quarter life crisis

This crisis is often complained about between the ages of 20 and 30. Some find themselves at a crossroads after graduating from university, others are torn between starting a career and personal life. And many do not want to live on their own at all, because they feel good next to mom and dad, who easily solve all problems. In recent years, the time of entry into adulthood has noticeably shifted, and this has led to the fact that the previously known “crisis of 30 years” has imperceptibly decreased to 25, but this is still a very relative age.

To all this is often added the nervousness that has appeared against the backdrop of the widespread spread of social networks. It always seems to us that something is wrong with us, because if you believe the world of Instagram and Facebook, things are going much better with friends and peers. If you are familiar with this situation, remind yourself that any person’s account is precisely a selection of the best of the best, and in some cases, this best is also contrived or exaggerated many times over. Just try not to compare yourself with others, rather try to focus on achieving your own goals.

This crisis cannot be viewed as destructive, since, on the contrary, it opens the way for personal growth and allows you to rebuild your life according to your own ideals, and not those that were imposed from the outside.

The most common advice on how to survive this crisis most often comes down to Zen practices. Firstly, learn to plan and don’t try to do everything, secondly, accept the inevitability of mistakes, and thirdly, figure out what you are really interested in and what you would like to do in life. To some extent, this crisis is even useful, because it helps to put thoughts in order and finally make changes in life.

Middle age crisis

Unlike the previous crisis, which is based on fear of the future, this one, on the contrary, is associated with the past. One day a man wakes up and finds himself terrified as everything he has suddenly loses all meaning. It seems that the work of your whole life is boring and dull, love is a thing of the past, and the children have completely forgotten about you in the flow of their own affairs. It is this age that is often associated with a craving for expensive and meaningless purchases, affairs with younger partners, divorces and other attempts to regain long-gone youth.

A midlife crisis applies to people between the ages of 40 and 60, when a rethinking of everything that happened to a person before occurs. But it is not so easy to describe this crisis unambiguously. It can occur differently in different people, as well as occur at different age intervals. And if for some these thoughts become pleasant memories, for others they become a direct gateway to depression.

If the first two crises can be safely called periods of growth and change, then this is a classic crisis in the psychological sense. It brings with it negativity, depression, devaluation of oneself and one’s life, and serious thoughts about death. And the most important thing here is to try to extract something useful and productive for yourself from the current situation.

But there are also things that almost everyone experiences during this period. There is a strong sense of disappointment and a clear sense of mortality. In addition, age also manifests itself from a physiological point of view - more and more diseases develop, women begin menopause (something similar happens in the male body and is called andropause).

The most important thing in this crisis is not to miss its transition into depression; in this case, you cannot do without the help of a psychologist. In all other cases, the most important advice is to accept the changes that have come and learn to live in the proposed circumstances.

What is learned helplessness?

Acquired helplessness is a condition that occurs against the background of frequent stressful situations. At some point, a person comes to the conclusion that he cannot change the current situation, so he simply stops trying.

A similar syndrome was first described in 1967 after several experiments on animals and humans. It has been proven that learned helplessness can increase depression and anxiety. When a person realizes that he cannot change anything around him, he loses motivation. And even if a chance arises, the person still does not take any action. Against the background of such behavior, the risk of depression inevitably increases.

Psychologist Martin Seligman, who is often credited with coining the term “learned helplessness,” described in detail three features of this condition:

  • The person is passive in the face of trauma
  • The person does not understand that reaction can control trauma
  • A person's stress level increases significantly

To prove their theory, psychologists conducted a study on dogs, during which they were subjected to a series of electric shocks. The experiment showed that dogs that couldn't control the situation ended up showing signs of anxiety and depression, but those that could press the lever did not.

In people, acquired helplessness manifests itself in the fact that they cannot adapt to difficult life situations. Usually they just accept that something bad will happen and do not try to influence it. And even if a potential solution to a problem flashes on the horizon, the person will not use it.

One of the most striking examples of acquired helplessness is smoking. A person makes several attempts, then loses faith in himself and stops trying altogether.

Sometimes acquired helplessness is formed in childhood. When parents do not satisfy the child's need for help, he begins to think that he is unable to change the situation in any way. And if such events occur regularly, then the developed helplessness will continue into adulthood.

The most common signs of acquired helplessness in children: low motivation and self-esteem, low expectations, the child never asks for help, and is sure that he will never be able to achieve success.

The most important factors for combating acquired helplessness in children are proper attachment to parents, a sense of humor and independence.

It is much more difficult for an adult to overcome acquired helplessness. The most effective approach in this regard is cognitive behavioral therapy. In its course, people learn to receive attention and support, find ways to avoid helplessness, identify behaviors that reinforce it, increase self-esteem, and set realistic goals and objectives.

Time is an amazing thing. Everything happens over time - the world changes, people's attitudes towards something change. If several decades ago the concepts of “good” and “bad”, “good” and “evil” were the same, today they are completely different.

The theme of honor and dishonor excites the minds of writers and poets from ancient times to the present day. Let's try to figure out whether the true meaning of this concept has been preserved today, or whether it has changed significantly.

Old times

But before trying to assess the current situation, it is necessary to clearly define what is meant by the concepts of honor and dishonor. It is important to note: time has constantly left significant imprints on these concepts.

For example, during the time of the poets of the Silver Age, for an insult to honor, be it an unflattering review of a person or, especially, a beloved, they were challenged to a duel, which often led to the death of one of the duelists.

The concept of “honest name” has been considered one of the most important since ancient times, and it was defended by any means. The problem of dishonor (or disgrace) was solved by duels.

Not so long ago, in the middle of the last century, honor was the highest value - people fought for it, fought and defended it, and most importantly, they tried not to lose it.

and dishonor?

Honor is the totality of what makes a person a Man with a capital “H”. actions for which you are not ashamed not only in front of yourself, but also in front of other people.

Dishonor is the opposite concept. It personifies the lowest human qualities - selfishness, dishonesty, cynicism. A dishonest person was looked down on at any time, shamed and called upon to change for the better.

Current situation

What's happening these days? It must be said that the concept itself has significantly lost its importance. Due to time and the constant race for a better life, many people began to have a different attitude towards honor. More and more people are ready to step over their dignity in order to achieve any goals. Dishonor is a lie, slander, unscrupulousness. And increasingly, humanity is turning to these concepts in order to gain some benefit.

But the worst thing is that children are raised in such a society. This is our very future, from which society will be formed in the future. And if adults do terrible things, most often deliberately, then small children already see this world in which dishonor is a way to survive.

Who is guilty?

But who or what caused such a sharp change in principles? After all, just 3-4 decades ago, society lived with different attitudes.

Can only the people themselves be blamed for this? Can. But we should not forget that a person lives in society, and often it is this society that influences each person individually.

Modern society and the global situation forces people to do dishonest things. Moreover, sometimes a person struggles with this, resists coercion. But not everyone is able to overcome this. Increased crime, corruption, terrorism - in all this lies the dishonor caused by the situation in society.

Today, every person is forced to literally fight for his life - to have wealth, to live comfortably, to be able to start a family and raise children. Sometimes it is this struggle that forces a person to act dishonestly.

However, this cannot be justified for everyone. While some are fighting for survival, others are taking advantage of the current situation to act dishonorably.

Is everything that bad?

But still, you can’t just complain about the world around you and look at it through dark glasses. In fact, everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance.

Despite the disappointing situation in the world, nowadays many people are struggling with this problem. Dishonor is not an incurable disease of society. More and more young boys and girls are beginning to realize the lost value. Volunteer movements, relief funds and many other organizations are being created to help people. And selfless help is an important step towards moral honor, which is inherent in every person.

But in order to improve the situation in society, it is enough to start small. Many people believe that one person cannot change anything. There is some truth to this. But by uniting, people can change everything. You just need to start with yourself.

Remember, how long ago did you do something that made you a little better? After all, having done one good deed, you are already embarking on the path of establishing honor in society.

Take care of your honor. Remember, no matter how hard it is in life, there are immortal moral values ​​- love, kindness, mutual assistance, responsibility. And they are the ones who will ultimately help you feel like the happiest person for whom honor is one of the most important values. Let the question remain important for everyone: what is honor and dishonor. The essay written above only gives impetus to the awareness of these concepts.

WHO experts found that 45 million people around the world entered the new millennium in absolute darkness, and more than 130 million were visually impaired. Why is this happening? What are the causes of deterioration and loss of vision in people at different ages? Irina Lyazgina, a first category ophthalmologist at the diagnostic department of the Ophthalmological Center of Karelia, answered these questions.

Ophthalmologist Irina Sergeevna Lyazgina

- Irina Sergeevna, please tell us what decreased vision is and what are the main reasons for its occurrence?

Low vision is a severe visual impairment that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. It is manifested by a pronounced decrease in visual acuity or defects in the visual field in the form of narrowing of its boundaries or the appearance of blind areas. Blindness or low vision can have many causes: injury, eye disease, or be hereditary.

- What are the causes of decreased vision and even blindness in different age groups among residents of Karelia?

One of the main causes of visual impairment in children is considered to be disturbances occurring in the optical system of the eye (refractive errors). The most common vision disorder in children is myopia. This is due to the fact that the age from 7 to 16 years is combined with increased visual stress (reading, writing, school lessons). Failure to follow the rules of watching TV and working with a computer, genetic predisposition, nutritional deficiencies and other negative factors can lead to the development of strabismus, myopia, amblyopia (“lazy eye”) and other vision problems in children.

In middle age, people may experience inflammatory diseases of the deep membranes of the eye, retina, optic nerve, as well as severe eye injuries, which in turn can lead to both decreased vision and irreversible blindness.

In old age, people with severe diseases such as hypertension and diabetes are more susceptible to developing cataracts (clouding of the lens) and diabetic retinopathy, that is, circulatory disorders in the retinal vessels and optic nerve. Age-related retinal degeneration and glaucoma also often develop in old age. Age-related degeneration of the retina is associated with damage to a very important area of ​​the retina, which is responsible for object vision, and with glaucoma, due to impaired exchange of intraocular fluid, the optic nerve, the conducting system of the eye, is affected.

- What can be done to avoid blindness?

First of all, prevention, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a visual exercise regime are necessary. Annual preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist are necessary even when nothing worries us, because the most dangerous diseases are usually almost asymptomatic and patients notice them only in the later stages. In our center, anyone can undergo a full comprehensive examination and get answers to all their questions regarding the health of their eyes.

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