Touching: short but vital stories about love and family. Short stories for the soul - small emotional stories with meaning Short stories about love from anonymous authors

People from different countries talk about joyful moments in their lives... (translation of the article “Tiny Love Stories to Make You Smile” on

  • Today I told my 18-year-old grandson that no one invited me to my high school graduation, so I didn't go. He showed up at my house this evening, dressed in a suit, and took me to his prom as his date.
  • Today I was sitting in the park, eating my sandwich for lunch, when I saw a car with an elderly couple pull up to an old oak tree nearby. His windows rolled down and the sounds of good jazz could be heard. Then the man got out of the car, helped his companion out, took her a few meters away from the car, and for the next half hour they danced under an ancient oak tree to the sounds of beautiful melodies.
  • Today I operated on a little girl. She needed the first blood type. We didn't have one, but her twin brother has the same group. I explained to him that this was a matter of life and death. He thought for a moment and then said goodbye to his parents. I didn't pay attention until we drew blood and he asked, "So when do I die?" He thought he was giving his life for her. Fortunately, they are both fine now.
  • Today my dad is the best father anyone could ask for. He is my mother's loving husband (always makes her laugh), he has been to every one of my soccer games since I was 5 years old (I'm 17 now), and he provides for our entire family as a construction foreman. This morning, when I was looking through my father's toolbox for pliers, I found dirty folded paper at the bottom. It was an old journal entry written by my father exactly a month before the day I was born. It read: “I am eighteen years old, an alcoholic college dropout, a failed suicide victim, a victim of child abuse, and a criminal history of auto theft. And next month, “teen dad” will also appear on the list. But I swear that I will do everything right for my baby. I will be the father I never had." And I don't know how he did it, but he did it.
  • Today my 8 year old son hugged me and said, “You are the best mom in the world.” I smiled and asked sarcastically, “How do you know? You haven’t seen all the mothers in the world.” But my son, in response to this, hugged me even tighter and said: “I saw it.” My world is you."
  • Today I saw an elderly patient with severe Alzheimer's disease. He can rarely remember his own name and often forgets where he is and what he said a minute earlier. But by some miracle (and I think this miracle is called love), every time his wife comes to visit him, he remembers who she is and greets her with “Hello, my beautiful Kate.”
  • Today my Labrador is 21 years old. He can barely stand up, can barely see or hear anything, and doesn't even have the strength to bark. But every time I enter the room, he wags his tail happily.
  • Today is our 10th anniversary, but since my husband and I were recently unemployed, we agreed not to spend money on gifts. When I woke up this morning, my husband was already in the kitchen. I went downstairs and saw beautiful wild flowers all over the house. There were at least 400 of them, and he really didn't spend a penny.
  • My 88 year old grandmother and her 17 year old cat are both blind. My grandmother is helped around the house by a guide dog, which is natural and normal. However, recently the dog began to lead the cat around the house. When a cat meows, the dog comes up and rubs its nose against it. Then the cat gets up and begins to follow the dog - to the food, to the “toilet”, to the chair in which she likes to sleep.
  • Today my older brother donated his bone marrow for the 16th time to help me treat cancer. He communicated directly with the doctor, and I didn’t even know about it. And today my doctor told me that the treatment seems to be working: “The number of cancer cells has dropped dramatically in the last few months.”
  • Today I was driving home with my grandfather when he suddenly made a U-turn and said: “I forgot to buy a bouquet of flowers for grandma. Let's go to the florist on the corner. It will only take a second." “What is so special today that you have to buy her flowers?” I asked. “Nothing special,” said grandfather. “Every day is special. Your grandmother loves flowers. They make her smile."
  • Today I re-read the suicide letter I wrote on September 2, 1996, two minutes before my girlfriend knocked on the door and said, “I'm pregnant.” Suddenly I felt that I wanted to live again. Today she is my beloved wife. And my daughter, who is already 15 years old, has two younger brothers. From time to time I re-read this suicide letter to remind myself how grateful I am to have a second chance to live and love.
  • Today, my 11-year-old son speaks fluent sign language because his friend Josh, with whom he grew up since infancy, is deaf. I love seeing their friendship grow stronger every year.
  • Today I am the proud mother of a 17-year-old blind boy. Although my son was born blind, this did not stop him from studying excellently, becoming a guitarist (the first album of his band has already exceeded 25,000 downloads online) and a great guy for his girlfriend Valerie. Today his little sister asked him what he loved most about Valerie and he replied, “Everything. She's beautiful."
  • Today I served an elderly couple in a restaurant. They looked at each other in such a way that it was immediately clear that they loved each other. When the man mentioned that they were celebrating their anniversary, I smiled and said, “Let me guess. You have been together for many, many years.” They smiled and the woman said, “Actually, no. Today is our fifth anniversary. We both outlived our spouses, but fate gave us another chance to love.”
  • Today my dad found my little sister alive, chained to the wall in the barn. She was kidnapped near Mexico City five months ago. Authorities gave up searching for her two weeks after she disappeared. My mother and I came to terms with her death - we buried her last month. Our whole family and her friends came to the funeral. Everyone except her father - he was the only one who continued to look for her. “I love her too much to give up,” he said. And now she's home - because he really didn't give up.
  • Today I found in our papers my mother’s old diary, which she kept in high school. It contained a list of qualities she hoped to someday find in her boyfriend. This list is an almost exact description of my father, but my mother only met him when she was 27.
  • Today in the school chemistry lab, my partner was one of the most beautiful (and popular) girls in the whole school. And although I had not even dared to talk to her before, she turned out to be very simple and sweet. We chatted and laughed during class, but in the end we still got an A (she also turned out to be smart). After that we started communicating outside of class. Last week, when I found out that she had not yet chosen who to go to the school prom with, I wanted to invite her, but again I didn’t have the courage. And today, during lunch break in a cafe, she ran up to me and asked if I would like to invite her. So I did, and she kissed me on the cheek and said, “Yes!”
  • Today my grandfather has an old photograph on his nightstand from the 60s of him and his grandmother laughing happily at some party. My grandmother died of cancer in 1999 when I was 7. Today I stopped by his house and my grandfather saw me looking at this photo. He came up to me, hugged me and said, “Remember, just because something doesn’t last forever doesn’t mean it’s not worth it.”
  • Today I tried to explain to my two daughters, ages 4 and 6, that we would have to move from our four-bedroom house to an apartment with just two until I found a new well-paying job. The daughters looked at each other for a moment, and then the youngest asked: “Are we all going to move there together?” “Yes,” I replied. “Well, then there’s nothing wrong with it,” she said.
  • Today I was sitting on the hotel balcony and saw a couple in love walking on the beach. It was clear from their body language that they were truly enjoying each other's company. As they came closer, I realized that they were my parents. And 8 years ago they almost got divorced.
  • Today, when I tapped my wheelchair and told my husband, “You know, you are the only reason I would like to be free of this thing,” he kissed my forehead and replied, “Honey, I don’t even notice it.”
  • Today my grandparents, who were in their nineties and had been together for 72 years, both died in their sleep, about an hour apart.
  • Today my 6 year old autistic sister said her first word – my name.
  • Today, at the age of 72, 15 years after my grandfather's death, my grandmother is remarrying. I am 17 years old, and in my entire life I have never seen her so happy. It’s so inspiring to see people at that age so in love with each other. It's never too late.
  • On this day, almost 10 years ago, I stopped at an intersection and another car crashed into me. His driver was a student at the University of Florida - like me. He apologized cordially. While we were waiting for the police and the tow truck, we started talking and soon couldn’t help but laugh at each other’s jokes. We exchanged numbers and the rest is history. We recently celebrated our 8th anniversary.
  • Today, as my 91-year-old grandfather (military doctor, war hero and successful businessman) lay in his hospital bed, I asked him what he considered his greatest achievement. He turned to his grandmother, took her hand and said: “The fact that I grew old with her.”
  • Today, as I watched my 75-year-old grandparents in the kitchen having fun and laughing at each other's jokes, I realized that I had a brief glimpse of what true love is. I hope someday I will be able to find her.
  • On this day, exactly 20 years ago, I risked my life to save a woman who was being swept away by the fast current of the Colorado River. This is how I met my wife - the love of my life.
  • Today, on our 50th wedding anniversary, she smiled at me and said, “I wish I had met you sooner.”

  1. I met my wife after work, and she said: “Hi! Why did you go to the coffee shop without me? Oh, and you were in the bookstore too? Did Aunt Rimma say hello?” I asked in surprise how she knew where I was, and she calmly said: “You have a little powdered sugar on your nose, and you only eat donuts there. They always hand out advertisements near the bookstore, and again you have two sticking out of your pocket. And Aunt Rimma is always working at the bookstore on Tuesdays, so you’ve seen her.” I will never cheat on this woman with her deduction...
  2. Today I saw my son proposing to his girlfriend. During breakfast, he took out a box with a ring from somewhere, and, without looking at the girl, methodically chewing the food, he pushed this box towards his intended wife. You know, this is how people usually pass salt to someone. I was all tense, expecting women’s squeals and hysterics (the girl is twenty years old, this is so important for them), and she opened it, put on the ring and said “uh-huh.” Then they continued to eat in silence...
  3. I decided to surprise my husband. While he was washing, she put on panties with a tail, cat ears on her head and seductively lay down in bed, took the pose of a playful cat... I woke up because they wrapped a naked playful cat in a blanket, scratched it behind the ear and said: “Sleep, flea.”
  4. My husband is currently on a business trip. He calls me every night before bed so that I can sing him a lullaby. Lullaby! He says he can't sleep without it. A 40-year-old man, a “2×2 closet”, is now opening a third branch of his enterprise abroad, a stern-looking guy with a tattoo on half his back... And we need a lullaby, not just any kind, but from a cartoon about Umka - others don’t roll it. What about me? I sing…
  5. Before the wedding, the parents dated for 7 years, and all this time mom thought that dad was a janitor (he told her so), and after the wedding, mom found out that he was a Boeing pilot.
  6. Mom forgot how to talk after a stroke. Speech is restored poorly and slowly, but the first phrase she mastered was: “I love you, daughter.”
  7. My grandmother lives in the village. At every convenient opportunity they took me there. My grandparents lived one house away, and they had a grandson, 4 years older than me, he babysat for me when I was a baby. At the age of 3, he smeared brilliant green on my knees. At the age of 5 he taught to read. At 10 he protected me from the boys. At the age of 15 I came to the village, he was in the army, it was the longest summer. At the age of 17, he helped me survive the death of a friend. At 19 he pulled me out of depression. Now I am 24, and he is 28. Today he became my husband.
  8. We’re sitting with a friend sharpening our hair, she’s telling me how she removed hairs from her upper lip, and my husband is hanging around next to me. A friend suddenly turns to him asking if he wants his wife to delete it too. To which he calmly replies: “A hussar’s wife is an honor!” - and continues to go about his business.
  9. As a bachelor, I didn’t cook my own food; I ate in canteens and cafes, and bought everything ready-made. Not because I don’t know how to cook, but because I hate washing pans and pots, especially greasy ones and with dried food, I just have a phobia about this, and I don’t have enough nerves! Got married. And now, when she asks me to wash the dishes, I silently go and wash them; mine and I’m angry; I'm freaking out, but mine; I’m getting furious, but I’m rubbing these saucepans until there are holes in them. And all because love for her is much stronger than hatred for dirty pans.
  10. I’m 24. My brother is 10. A couple of months ago I went on a diet, lost weight, and became prettier. Recently I was hanging out in front of the mirror, admiring myself, and the little one was hanging out next to me. I poke him in the side with my elbow: “Listen, man, how is your sister beautiful?” To which this asshole with a poker face replies: “You know, I don’t think you’ve lost an ounce of weight.” He waited until I cursed, and with the same impenetrable face he continued: “As for me, you have always been slim and beautiful.”
  11. I recently broke up with a young man whom I loved very much; I was terribly worried. And then a certain “secret admirer” began to shower her with flowers. And the mood itself immediately improved. Yesterday I found out that the “secret admirer” is my dad. The most beloved and best dad in the world.
  12. When I was 9 months pregnant, I asked my husband to paint my toenails. He denied for a long time: they say, I don’t know how, it’s not a man’s business. I got offended, went into the shower and heard: “Okay, Google, how to paint your nails?”
  13. There is one grandfather living in our city. And he has an old dog. Quite old. She has some problems with her paws - she can't walk at all. So this grandfather, as soon as spring comes and it gets warmer, takes her in his arms, takes her outside and walks: he walks back and forth for hours, carries her in his arms, although the dog is not small. But with what devoted eyes she looks at him... And licks his hands. It makes me so sad when I see them. Is it possible to be a greater person than this feeble old man?
  14. I work shifts: two days at work, two days at home. My wife started packing me breakfasts and all sorts of tasty treats with surprises. I rejoice like a child at a gift, finding notes in boxes of food in which she wishes me bon appetit and writes how much she loves me. No one has ever done this for me.
  15. I recently realized what love to death is. My grandparents are 77 years old and they do everything together. But grandma sees very poorly, and grandpa hears very poorly. Therefore, as the grandmother says: “I hear for him, and he sees for me.”
  16. I knew that pregnant women can be strange and capricious. And I was ready for it. More precisely, he believed that he was ready. And now I pluck raspberries with tweezers because they are “hairy and prickly”...
  17. She spent most of her childhood often visiting her mother at work in a children's oncology rehabilitation center. So, one 17-year-old girl with her boyfriend left an indelible impression for the rest of her life. She had osteosarcoma, had several chemotherapy sessions, and had her left leg cut off above the knee. One day a guy came to visit her, that girl told him, let’s break up, I don’t want to ruin your life. The guy told her a firm “no” and declared that she was the best for him. Not long ago I met them by chance. She is wearing trousers, with a prosthesis, of course, they are walking holding hands, with two children with them. We got to talking, and the eldest son (he’s 6) got into the conversation, proudly declaring that his mother is the best, because she’s a Terminator.

Three short love stories

A tearful love story

Returning from work in the evening, I always cross a deserted street.

It's dark, but my mobile phone has a flashlight.

One day, he almost ended up under my left eye.

The drunken males, who had squandered their holiness, blocked my path, humiliating and intimidating.

Suddenly a boy appeared from behind, who did not get involved in a verbal altercation, but with a couple of short blows sent the two impudent men into a lasting knockdown.

The third “piece” escaped.

Tears appeared in my eyes.

I squatted down and began to sob.

I also walk along this path. And I'm watching you. Do you know why? So that you learn to be silent now! - the guy exhaled.

Instead of three scoundrels, one “pounced”.

His love was unbearably rude and cruel.

Tears washed away my makeup, because I mistook the trembling big man for the savior.

A beautiful story about love

I was, as they say, “on friendly terms” with the boss.

He squeezed me in a mannered manner, pretending that he was stuck in a narrow corridor.

In fact, he dreamed of “getting stuck in me.”

Rich, with a receding hairline at the top of his head, he had not loved anyone for a long time.

His wife left him, and his children grew up and moved out.

For me he was a little short - 5 cm shorter.

But the love of an already mature lady manifests itself in beneficial comfort, living by the principle “let them better love me.”

11 years older, how he cared. What words did he say? I blew away the dust particles.

He saw them off and gave gifts. God, I really loved him.

For humanity and beauty of the soul.

And let my story be indicative.

We got married. We live in Tel Aviv.

An interesting story about true love

I met a girl and fell in love at first sight.

Delicate facial features, elastic forms, moderately applied cosmetics, the gait of the Queen, gracefully exciting my ideal.

You can only love immediately, just like you can be disappointed in her.

I had no money. Where did the student get them from?

I just came up and said that you will always be mine.

I looked her straight in the eyes, and for some reason she didn’t take me for a crazy person.

A slight smile and silence in which I heard 1000 words.

This only happens once in a lifetime.

A short moment, and you, damn it, understand that this moment has been given to you for a lifetime.

Something extremely dear, which is about to disappear into the crowd.

Following her destiny and saying interesting things about love, the girl listened to me until I walked her to the car standing on the side of the road.

Waving her hand with a wedding ring at me, she gracefully sat down in the velvet Mercedes chair, from which emerged a sleek and sweaty old man who, for the sake of a playful moment, was ready to exchange his whole life.

My story of love began when I came to a dance class. The first time I saw him, I immediately realized that communication would not be easy. Something valuable, besides his talent, was hidden behind his inaccessibility, and this was very attractive and haunted me. As it turned out, he is looking for a performer to perform, he is a ballroom dancing professional, and he is also a producer. From the first meeting, he made it clear that he highly values ​​art and avoids female attention. Warm-ups, stretching, aerobics for two hours did not give any chance of flirting with him. Those who were truly interested in dancing stayed here. The activity was easy for me, perhaps due to my state of love. Training with him, hand in hand, face to face, was pure agony for me. And I wasn’t the only one who expected more from his delicacy.

He leveled the wrist of my wet hand, I felt through the whiteness of the shoes the burning touch of his fingers as he “set” my position. Retreat was so possible! Any playful touch from him was so welcome for me! More and more of his virtues prompted us to think of him as a man. The thought that someday he could become Oleg for me, and I would no longer call him by his patronymic, overtook me by surprise with irrepressible fantasies right here in the studio. Occasionally our glances met in the mirrors. Then a sweet shock euphoria penetrated my body, and then I was very afraid of making a mistake. Something else besides the sounds of music was felt in the space of the hall. It was the rhythm of perfect movements, and also the playful play of fluids that came to life here, in this hall. It was possible to remain silent about this. And I wanted more and more to discover that he was not indifferent to me, to find a miniature confirmation of this, but there was none...

After a successful performance, Oleg Yuryevich congratulated the girls and kissed everyone on the cheek. No one seemed to notice that he didn't kiss me. But not me! For me this was too obvious a manifestation of... what? There are no flaws in my dance! This means that he singled me out from the crowd of others. But why is that? He knew! My wet palm? My timid look?

When everyone was leaving the locker room, Oleg Yuryevich called out to me with a request to stay for thirty seconds. No one doubted that I would stay for half a minute. Oleg Yuryevich was sitting at the table and writing something down. My heart was breaking out from within. I was afraid to believe that he would hint to me about his feelings. I could no longer tell him about it myself. The chairs were very close, and he asked me to sit down. The beating of the heart was louder than silence. He touched my shoulder. He asked me to dance with him in this huge gym. The dancing and hugging were indistinguishable. But my story about love did not end with a verbal confession...

Can short stories about love reflect all the faces of this versatile feeling? After all, if you look closely at trembling experiences, you can notice tender love, serious mature relationships, destructive passion, selfless and unrequited attraction. Many classics and modern writers turn to the eternal, but still not fully understood theme of love. It’s not even worth listing the huge works that describe this exciting feeling. Both domestic and foreign authors intended to show the quivering beginning not only in novels or stories, but also in small stories about love.

Variety of love stories

Can love be measured? After all, it can be different - to a girl, mother, child, native land. Many little stories about love teach not only young lovers, but also children and their parents to express their feelings. Anyone who loves, has loved, or wants to love, would do well to read Sam McBratney's very touching story "Do You Know How Much I Love You?" Just one page of text, but so much sense! This little love story of a bunny teaches about the importance of admitting your feelings.

And how much value there is in a few pages of Henri Barbusse’s story “Tenderness”! The author shows great love, causing boundless tenderness in the heroine. He and She loved each other, but fate cruelly separated them, since She was much older. Her love is so strong that the woman promises to write letters to him after breaking up so that her loved one will not suffer so much. These letters became the only connecting thread between them for 20 years. They were the embodiment of love and tenderness, giving strength to life.

In total, the heroine wrote four letters, which her beloved received periodically. The ending of the story is very tragic: in the last letter, Louis learns that She committed suicide on the second day after breaking up, and wrote these letters to him with a view to 20 years in advance. The reader does not need to take the heroine’s action as a model; Barbusse simply wanted to show that it is important for a selflessly loving person to know that his feelings continue to live.

Different sides of love are shown in R. Kipling's story "Arrows of Cupid" and in Leonid Andreev's work "Herman and Martha." The story of Anatoly Aleksin’s first love, “Home Essay,” is dedicated to his youthful experiences. A 10th grade student is in love with his classmate. This is the story of how the hero’s tender feelings were cut short by the war.

The moral beauty of lovers in O. Henry's story "The Gift of the Magi"

This story by a famous author is about pure love, which is characterized by self-sacrifice. The plot revolves around a poor married couple, Jim and Della. Although they are poor, they try to give each other nice gifts at Christmas. To give her husband a worthy gift, Della sells her gorgeous hair, and Jim traded his favorite valuable watch for a gift.

What did O. Henry want to show with such actions of the heroes? Both spouses wanted to do everything to make their loved one happy. The true gift for them is devoted love. Having sold things dear to their hearts, the heroes did not lose anything, because they still had the most important thing - priceless love for each other.

A woman's confession in Stefan Zweig's story "Letter from a Stranger"

The famous Austrian writer Stefan Zweig also wrote long and short stories about love. One of them is the essay “Letter from a Stranger.” This creation is imbued with sadness, because the heroine loved a man all her life, but he didn’t even remember her face or name. The stranger expressed all her tender feelings in her letters. Zweig wanted to show readers that real selfless and sublime feelings exist, and you need to believe in them so that they do not become a tragedy for someone.

O. Wilde about the beauty of the inner world in the fairy tale “The Nightingale and the Rose”

A short story about O. Wilde’s love “The Nightingale and the Rose” has a very complex idea. This fairy tale teaches people to value love, because without it there is no point in living in the world. The Nightingale became the spokesman for tender feelings. For their sake, he sacrificed his life and his singing. It is important to find out love correctly, so as not to lose a lot later.

Wilde also argues that you don’t need to love a person just for their beauty, it is important to look into his soul: perhaps he only loves himself. Appearance and money are not the most important thing, the main thing is spiritual wealth, inner peace. If you only think about appearance, it can end badly.

Trilogy of Chekhov's stories "About Love"

Three small stories formed the basis of A.P. Chekhov's "Little History". They are told by friends to each other while hunting. One of them, Alyohin, spoke about his love for a married lady. The hero was very attracted to her, but was afraid to admit it. The characters' feelings were mutual, but not revealed. One day, Alyohin finally decided to confess his affection, but it was too late - the heroine left.

Chekhov makes it clear that you don’t need to close yourself off from your real feelings, it’s better to have courage and give free rein to your emotions. He who encloses himself in a case loses his happiness. The heroes of this short story about love themselves killed love, sank to base feelings and doomed themselves to misfortune.

The heroes of the trilogy realized their mistakes and are trying to move on; they do not give up, but move forward. Perhaps they will still have a chance to save their souls.

Kuprin's love stories

Sacrificial love, giving all of oneself without reserve to a loved one, is inherent in Kuprin’s stories. So Alexander Ivanovich wrote a very sensual story “The Lilac Bush”. The main character of the story, Verochka, always helps her husband, a design student, with his studies so that he receives a diploma. She does all this in order to see him happy.

One day Almazov was making a drawing of the area for a test and accidentally made an ink. In place of this blot he drew a bush. Verochka found a way out of this situation: she found money, bought a lilac bush and planted it overnight in the place where the blot appeared on the drawing. The professor checking the work was very surprised by this incident, because before there was no bush there. The test was submitted.

Verochka is very rich spiritually and mentally, and her husband is a weak, narrow-minded and pathetic person compared to her. Kuprin shows the problem of unequal marriage in terms of spiritual and mental development.

Bunin's "Dark Alleys"

What should short love stories be like? The small works of Ivan Bunin answer this question. The author wrote a whole series of short stories under the same name with one of the stories - “Dark Alleys”. All these little creations are connected by one theme - love. The author presents the reader with the tragic and even catastrophic nature of love.

The collection "Dark Alleys" is also called the encyclopedia of love. Bunin in it shows the contact of two from different sides. In the book you can see a gallery of female portraits. Among them you can see young women, matured girls, respectable ladies, peasant women, prostitutes, and models. Each story from this collection has its own shade of love.

What could be more beautiful than love in our practical world? In all centuries, poems are written about her, books and paintings are written, music and songs are dedicated, lives are thrown at her feet. There is no other more valuable, but also dangerous, gift of human nature. Love is both holy and dissolute, it is the muse for exploits and the reason for recklessness, the reason for war and for peace. It is impossible to list the areas where love rules the roost; most likely, such areas do not even exist. Once you remove it from the foreground, it’s hard to imagine what value will remain in human life.

But today we will talk a little about love in the genre of literary prose, about short stories about love or not so short ones. The author of these lines and books also turned out to be no exception; in the literary craft, and for him, love is the key moment.

Short stories about love are an amazing thing, both for the reader and for the author. Novels, as a rule, are large books, which take a lot of time to read, or even more so to write, which is in greatest short supply in our age. But in short stories about love, especially those that can be read online and for free, the main advantage is that they are short. The author can quickly try to make himself known, and the reader can even more quickly assess the degree of interest in a particular author. Of course, this applies not only to short stories about love, but also to short prose of any other genre, but it is no secret that the most intriguing stories, short stories, novellas, and novels are always about love.

After a short lyrical introduction or digression, the author will allow himself to move on to a brief announcement of some short stories, of course, about love.

Now the author would like to dwell on the announcement of several more works that cannot be called short stories, but suddenly they will become interesting to the respected reader. Everything is serious here, but, again, it couldn’t have happened without love and its intricacies.


GANGSTER AND BANDIT. This time a humorous story about love, which also cannot be called short. The action takes place again in the USA, only about a century ago. The love of a young guy from the slums for his beautiful wife, who longed to become successful and rich, was so great that at one moment it forced him to dramatically change first his life, then the life of his hometown, make significant adjustments to the criminal world, and only then the opportunity arose to subjugate the irrepressible other half.