Fat participants of the house 2. Old participants of the show

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House 2 has been the most popular reality show on Russian television for many years. The first episode of the project was aired on May 11 on the TNT channel, now every year on May 11 the television set celebrates its birthday.

Among the first participants were (Solntse) from Penza, Alexander Nelidov, Anastasia Kapranova and Marina Myshelova from Moscow, Evgeny Abuzyarov (Uyutny), Sergey Kovalev and Zinaida Shlyak from St. Petersburg, as well as Ekaterinburg residents and Konstantin Shatravka.

Also included in the first lineup of participants were the brothers and the Karimovs from Bashkortostan, Olga Kravchenko from Nizhny Novgorod, Natalya Veretennikova from Khabarovsk and a resident of Nalchik, Zalina Sundukova.

She introduced herself as the commandant of the site and warned the guys that it would be very difficult and there was no place for weaklings on their project.

No one will be able to simply leave; participants can be eliminated in a vote that will take place every week.

In turn, she said that she was their foreman and would help them build a house, which was the main prize.

The goal of the project is to build relationships, and the strongest couple will receive the long-awaited prize - a house built by the participants of the reality show.

At the beginning, Dmitry Nagiyev helped the two charming presenters host the reality show. Soon the TV production is being carried out by two Ksenias: Sobchak and Borodina.

From the very beginning, the guys get to know each other and briefly talk about themselves. They inspect the clearing where they will live for 3 months (the original duration of the project). Participants are accommodated in dormitory rooms in men's and women's dormitories. They are explained the rules of the project and the daily routine.

According to the rules of the project, every Thursday one of the participants is eliminated during the vote, and another comes in his place. When a girl leaves the project, a guy comes, and if a guy leaves, that means there will be a female arrival. There should be 8 girls and 7 guys on a TV project.

The participants live in a big house: the guys are separated from the girls in different bedrooms. Those participants who form a couple have the right to move into a comfortable VIP house, where the couple will have all the conditions. After all, in a common house, the participants have everything in common: shower and toilet. When a couple moves into a house, they receive immunity for a week, which means they cannot be voted against. There were only three such houses at the couples’ disposal, and the struggle for them was very interesting and vibrant.

The daily routine of the household included: Exercises, Construction, Tête-à-tête and Execution Place.

Charging is carried out in the morning. Outdoors in summer, indoors in winter. One of the participants performed ten-minute exercises accompanied by music. After breakfast, all participants in the TV production change into work overalls and go to the construction site. Only those on duty remain in the hostel.

Ksenia Borodina is waiting for the others at the construction site. The guys discuss the past day and the events that happened, and also offer ideas for competitions and entertainment. At a construction site, they carry out the planned work, clean the area, build a house and make repairs. Sometimes Ksenia Borodina is replaced by one of the participants.

After construction, one of the participants goes for a personal conversation with Ksenia Sobchak. There they discuss the participants' experiences and problems. The rest of the participants cannot hear their conversation, so this part of the day is called Tete-a-Tete.

In the evening, the guys gather at Lobnoye Mesto and solve pressing matters. The behavior of the guys during the day is discussed, the participants give each other advice, and invite each other on dates. At the front, the guys declare themselves a couple or kick out one of the participants who they consider weak. Here they meet new people, where they get to know them and find out who the new participant has come to.

In the first days, the guys decide on their likes and dislikes. At the very first vote, the guys kick out Anastasia Kapranova, because they believe that the mother of a small child has no place on the project next to them. The first clash occurred between Olga Nikolaeva and Zalina Sundukova and the instigator Zalina left the project 7 days after it began.

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At that time, she came to the project and won the heart of more than one reality show guy, including Zhenya Abuzyarov. Olya perceived him as a friend, and Abuzyarov was unrequitedly in love with a spectacular blonde. Having failed to gain the girl’s favor, Evgeniy left the television set.

Olga Buzova flirts with all the guys on the TV show and can’t decide on a guy to choose. Ksenia Borodina, in turn, does not have the right to build relationships with a project participant. The brothers left the project at different times. Oscar was the first to leave, having spent 218 days in the clearing, and Stas left 393 days after the start of the television production.

A bright participant was Stepan Menshchikov, who stayed the longest among the first arrivals; he spent 1,781 days on the project and built many bright relationships. came to Stepan and won his attention; they were one of the brightest and most extraordinary couples. Menshchikov beautifully courted and won the girl. Their couple did not do without scandals due to jealousy.

The first participants of House 2

An extraordinary personality, unprepossessing appearance, remarkable talent, the girl from next door... These are just a few of the epithets that characterize one of the first and perhaps the brightest participants in the Dom-2 television set. Olga Nikolaeva was one of the first to come to the project and was on the show from May 2004 to May 2008.

Despite her unprepossessing appearance and silent character, a girl named Solntse almost immediately fell in love with one of the most eligible suitors of the project, Sasha Nelidov. They soon declared themselves a couple and moved into the house.

The relationship, however, did not work out, and soon Olga Solntse became obsessed with another handsome man - May Abrikosov, with whom almost all the beauties of the reality show were in love. Then there were other partners who fell madly in love with the girl.

“Nugget” from Yekaterinburg Stepan Menshchikov decorated the project and attracted a huge part of the viewing audience to watch it. During his time on the reality show “Dom-2”, and he stayed under the gaze of the ubiquitous cameras for exactly 1758 days, Stepan became a real legend and a favorite of the audience.

The boy’s kind, cheerful disposition, undisguised talent for singing and dancing, as well as the ability to support friends in any scene, attracted the most beautiful participants to him like a magnet.

He met with recognized beauties of the TV set: and. Both went crazy about him even after they left the perimeter, and their friendship with Styopa remained strong.

Evgeny Abuzyarov was one of the first to enter the territory of the TV show, stayed only 11 days. I tried to win the attention of the guys and become a leader, but I didn’t have the courage. Cozy – that’s what the guys called it; in the team it became an integral part of the project. From the first days, this charming, plump guy gathered spectators around him. All the guys treated Evgeniy very well.

After leaving the television set, Evgeniy began organizing parties and KVN. Thanks to his colorful appearance and, albeit short-lived, participation in the famous TV show, he even worked for some time as a TV presenter on one of the channels. He disappeared from sight as quickly as he had appeared.

Two twin brothers Stas and Oscar Karimov left their mark in the history of the reality show “Dom-2”. Both guys stood out from other guys in their flexible, kind disposition, sociability and ability to find a common language with almost everyone.

But, despite the mirror similarity, the guys still lived completely different lives on the project: Stanislav first fell in love with Marina Myshelova, and a little later he liked Olga Buzova. He lasted 393 days on the project.

His twin brother Oscar was remembered by participants and television viewers for his breathtaking love for Ksenia Borodina, who reciprocated his feelings. These relationships lasted quite a long time, both on the project and beyond.

True, Oscar spent less time on the show than his brother, only 218 days, and was literally expelled for his close relationship with the host of the reality show. He left the gate, but did not give up love. Ksenia herself broke off the relationship after some time.

Alexander Nelidov was one of the first to come to the TV show, stayed on the site for a very long time, as much as 946 days. A considerable number of television viewers expressed their sympathy for this tall and smiling boy from Moscow. He tried to build a real, strong and long-term relationship with the Sun, but he failed.

But everything worked out well in the following relationships, built within the framework of the TV show with Natalya Pavlova. They were a very positive and positive couple who were the first to get married and legitimize their relationship.

True, a few years later the couple separated, and Alexander married a second time more successfully. At the moment, Sasha is a business coach and is quite happy in his family.

At first, Elena Berkova seemed to all participants to be a charming, simple girl. She easily found a common language with all the participants, did not indulge in gossip and scandals, and almost immediately started a relationship with Roman Tretyakov.

He was surprised by the girl’s relaxedness and complete emancipation. She was not at all ashamed of her body and provoked her boyfriend to have sex almost in public places. Everything fell into place when information leaked about Berkova’s past, or rather, about her present.

As it turns out, Elena Berkova is a professional porn star. Films with her participation have been circulating on the Internet for a long time. The girl at the execution place tried to disown everything, but under the pressure of irrefutable facts, she confessed.

Berkova was kicked out of the television set, but her scandalous popularity only intensified her main activities. The porn star's career took off, offers began to pour in, which Berkova did not refuse... She got married three times. Preparing for his fourth marriage. Her grandmother's son Evgeniy is growing up with her.

Old participants of the show

Roman Tretyakov appeared on the famous television production “Dom-2” in May 2004 and stayed there until August 2007. Charming, with a fairly tough character, the guy from Taganrog, despite his short stature, knew how to drive girls crazy. One of the first participants in the reality show, Olga Buzova, fell into his network. True, this relationship also failed.

Olga Buzova is not only one of the very first participants in the television set, but also, perhaps, the most famous and most successful participant in “House-2”. Olya spent 1,677 days on the reality show alone as a participant; now Buzova is the host of the famous “House-2”.

During her time on the TV show, Olga Buzova made a crazy career. In addition to working at various radio stations and hosting other shows on television, the girl wrote several books, some of which are dedicated to “House-2”, released a number of clothing models, developed her talent as a singer and recorded an album with songs.

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A blonde from Salekhard with a difficult character, Anastasia Dashko, kept TV viewers in constant suspense from October 22, 2004 to February 7, 2008. Not a single scandal, not a single showdown was complete without the blond beast. Her potential boyfriends were never bored on the project.

Initially, Nastya came to Roman Tretyakov, but later she liked Stas Karimov and flirted desperately with him. She managed to build a long-term relationship with Sam Seleznev, a mulatto from Krasnodar. The relationship claimed to legitimize marriage. For three years, this couple delighted viewers of the TV show.

Notes of scam in Nastya Dashko appeared when she unexpectedly won an apartment in Moscow. Then it turned out that the girl herself “voted” for herself via SMS, spending more than 160 thousand rubles on this scam. The revelation was loud, as was Dashko’s expulsion from the project. Later, Dashko went to prison for cheating her partners out of a serious sum.

Sam Seleznev himself came to the reality show and immediately established himself as a decent, fair guy. At first he showed sympathy for Oksana Aplekaeva, but, not seeing sincerity, he took a closer look at Nastya Dashko. In these relationships, Sam from Krasnodar always acted as her defender, and once got into a fight with Rustam Solntsev, for which he was expelled.

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However, Seleznev was later returned, but did not stay on the project for long. Having left the reality show “Dom-2” due to a scandal with an apartment won unfairly, Sam broke up with Dasha outside the perimeter. Now Sem is pursuing a musical career in his hometown: he performs as a DJ in clubs and is a huge success.

May Abrikosov (Roman Tertishny) is one of the most beautiful and romantic young men who attended the project and left a bright mark in the history of “House-2”. The very appearance on July 9, 2004 on the reality show was bright.

He appeared in the form of a medieval knight with a falcon on one hand and a sword in the other. The golden curls, huge blue eyes, velvety voice and competent speech of the polite guy charmed everyone: both the audience and the project participants, at least the girls for sure.

First, he had a whirlwind romance with the Sun, and later the fatal beauty Alena Vodonaeva drowned in his arms. They predicted a great future for him, and after leaving the television set in January 2007, May starred in a cameo role in one of the series and tried himself as the host of a mystical program.

Despite May’s efforts and talent, fame slipped away and no more offers were received. He went to a remote village and settled in his grandmother's house. Now he lives very modestly, grows vegetables. The guy barely survived many years of depression. He shows his creativity in rare writing of articles for the Dom-2 magazine.

Modest, smiling girl from Taganrog Maria Petrovskaya joined the television project in June 2004 and left it in February 2005. The kind and slightly naive Maria was loved by everyone for her almost childish character. Many guys would like to build a relationship with her, but she liked Denis Kochetov.

The guy was soon kicked out, and Maria was never able to come to terms with this loss. It was unbearable to accept the advances of others; she soon left the television set. Currently lives in Moscow, successfully married, does not work.

The first union on the reality show was the wedding of Olga Kravchenko and Alexander Titov. The guys very quickly submitted an application to the registry office and got married. Many thought that their union would soon fall apart, but they were wrong. When Alexander had to leave during the vote, Olga followed him outside the perimeter.

The creators of House 2 expected that the project would last 3 months, but when the reality show began to gain momentum, they decided to extend it for a year.

Nobody knew that this show format would gain so many viewers. Everyone watched the lives of the participants and looked forward to the next release. All TV viewers are interested in what is happening in the lives of these guys. The project is still considered the most popular on television.

For 14 years now, fans of the legendary television series have been watching lonely hearts search for each other. It is simply impossible to remember all the participants in “House-2” from the beginning of the project to this day. During this time, several dozen weddings took place on the show and even gave birth to children on the project. But few people remember who those first lucky people were who came to Istra to build a house and fight for the right to become its owner. How was the life of the participants and which of them achieved success? Let's remember their names and faces. The list and photos of all participants in “House-2” since the beginning of the project can be viewed endlessly - there are more than a thousand of them. We invite you to evaluate the pioneers!

How it all began

May 11, 2004 became a landmark day for several girls. The first season did not bring big ratings to the show, so the concept of the show changed. Now it was not married couples who built a house, but young people who were looking for a soul mate so that together they could win a finished cottage and live in it happily ever after.

But all this remained only a concept, because after a couple of months on the air, the managers realized that their brainchild was a real gold mine. 15 singles made the program mega-popular among young people.

Who are these heroes? Look at the photo of the Dom-2 participants at the beginning of the project. Simple faces, untouched by the scalpel of a plastic surgeon.

Olga Nikolaeva (Sun)

One of the most talented and creative people among all the participants in “House-2” since the beginning of the project. It was she who wrote the anthem for the program in the summer of 2004, which became the calling card of the program. She also got the first apartment in Moscow won in the competition. The audience cast their votes for her, although the competition was very serious. During her time on the project, the girl was repeatedly accused of being gay and creating fake relationships with men. Now Olga is a very popular DJ and is dating a guy named Nikita.

Alexander Nelidov

The modest, smiling blond captivated all the participants with his gentle character and desire to help everyone who was in trouble. He looked closely at the girls for several weeks and could not decide who to express his sympathy to. When Natasha Pavlova appeared, all doubts disappeared. Soon the couple got married on the project. After deciding to leave Dom-2, they lived together for several more years and quietly separated. Now Sasha lives with his second wife and recently became the father of a charming girl, Masha.

Anastasia Kapranova

The audience did not have time to recognize and fall in love with the red-haired beauty. The participants felt that she had no place among lonely hearts, because she had a small child waiting for her at home. Subsequently, many were ashamed of what they They didn’t give a single mother a chance to find love. Nastya was remembered only for the fact that she became the first to leave the project after voting.

A beautiful, bright, but very shy blonde also could not find her love and left the gates in the second week. I managed to enter VGIK until the admissions committee found out about my participation in the television project. But her acting career did not work out - several episodic roles in TV series became the maximum of her creative achievements. But everything is fine in her personal life: she has a husband and a little daughter. Peroxide-bleached hair is a thing of the past, now Marina is a burning brunette.

Evgeniy Abuzyarov

A good-natured guy, weighing 185 kg, infected all participants with his fun. Unfortunately, he fell in love with the insidious blonde Olga Buzova and suffered, since the girl perceived him only as a friend. The guy didn’t have to suffer for long - the participants sent him home. Once outside the perimeter, he was not at a loss and had surgery to reduce his stomach. Minus 65 kilograms, work on television, a wife and two children - the wife has something to be proud of!

One of the long-lived people of the project. He left the show several times, but returned. Over the course of 10 years, all the participants in “House-2” managed to recognize the character of this guy. The merry fellow, joker and womanizer Styopa was in relationships with many girls, but his romances with Alena Vodonaeva and Victoria Boney were the brightest pages in the history of the TV show. He fought, he loved, he made trouble, he broke and destroyed furniture. After the project I didn’t settle down at all, even though I got married. For quite a long time he hosted a program on TNT with Rustam Kalganov. Recently the truth was revealed that he raised someone else’s child for several years, considering him his son. Thank God, DNA testing showed that his daughter was still his blood. He goes on various talk shows and tries to revive interest in his person. One of the most striking personalities of all the participants in “House-2” from the beginning of the project.

Just 71 days on the project took this beauty to the skies. Star fever ended badly - first the participants of “House-2” were kicked out, and then the guys from the show “Hunger”. Now the woman is quite a popular personality on social networks.

A brunette with ideal forms broke the heart of Roman Tretyakov and became one of the most famous participants in the television project. She incredibly increased the program's ratings when the truth about her participation in adult films was revealed. The guy immediately rejected her, and the presenters decided to kick her out for lying. But this only added fuel to the fire, and Lena became a real star. Now she is married for the second time and has two children.

Oscar and Stanislav Karimov

The twins picked the wrong girls. Stas tried for a long time to win Buzova’s heart, and Oscar fell in love with Ksenia Borodina. If Olga could not afford to reciprocate, then the presenter soon began dating a guy. But the rules of the project are cruel: you cannot have an affair with Ksenia. Oscar did not give up on love and left the gate. But soon the couple broke off the relationship. Three months later, Stas left without finding a replacement for Buzova. Now the brothers are successfully engaged in business: they have their own travel agency and clothing store. In addition, Stas runs a Moscow real estate agency. He has a wife and daughter.

Olga Kravchenko

Not the brightest and most noticeable girl became the first bride on the project. Already in July, all the participants and presenters walked at her wedding with Titov. True, life outside the perimeter did not work out, and the girl was left alone with her son. No alimony or housing. Only 6 years later she remarried, but now lives happily.

Zalina Sundukova

The oriental girl did not yet know how dangerous it was to get involved with Olga Nikolaeva. The very first conflict with the Sun ended for her with leaving the gate. During these seven days she did not show herself in any way, and soon the audience forgot about her.

The beautiful, but too inconspicuous girl also could not last long on the television set. After 43 days, she set out to conquer the country with her acting talent, but did not achieve much success in this field either.

Konstantin Shatravka

This guy's project ruined his career. Not only was he unable to settle down in the clearing, but after leaving the show, a very large banking structure refused to give him a job. Literate, with two higher educations and a desire to work, he decided to earn his living by copywriting. By the way, many former participants of “House-2” talk about this side of fame. You can watch them on TV, but not everyone dares to hire a person from a scandalous show.

Sasha Cherno’s biography on the popular project “Dom-2” began in March 2017. A girl, dressed in a swimsuit, performed a fiery dance for one of the guys at a show in a city apartment. At first glance, the participants and viewers thought that Alexandra was over 30. But it turned out that Sasha Cherno was 23 when she joined the show, and extra pounds were adding to her age.

Childhood and youth

Alexandra Cherno was born on June 25, 1993 in Sergiev Posad. The girl’s real name is Chernyavskaya. As a child, the girl was of normal build and was not overweight. Sasha had a difficult relationship with her mother: the girl was born when she was 15 years old, and the young mother did not want to participate in raising the child. When Alexandra was 5 years old, the girl moved to her grandmother - she replaced her mother.

In addition to Sasha, my mother had three more children. She constantly deceived men, changing them like gloves. The family lived poorly, Sasha worked from the age of 15 - her mother managed to steal money from her own children, and repeatedly served time for fraud. Therefore, Sasha preferred to communicate with her father’s family, whom she met by chance during her school years. Dad helped his daughter financially and academically - Sasha’s grades from school were bad.

Alexandra Cherno before the project "Dom-2"

Cherno did not enter the institute, but immediately after receiving her certificate she went to work. For three years, the girl was employed by an insurance company, then she fell for the bait and got involved with scammers who promised mountains of gold. Sasha does not tell us what the company did.

Cherno admits that because of this experience she incurred debts: she received calls, threats, and was even attacked. Alexandra persuaded three friends to take out loans for themselves, since banks provided loans to her due to the lack of a permanent job.

"House 2"

The girl admits that she has long been a fan of television. I submitted the application form to the casting service without much hope, not counting on luck, and was extremely surprised by the invitation. Sasha Cherno first appeared on the project on March 22, 2017. At that time, with a height of 183 cm, she weighed 130 kg. The girl came to fight for Roman Baranchuk: although the man admitted that he prefers curvy girls, he recommended that Sasha lose weight.

Alexandra Cherno in the show "Dom-2"

Photos of the girl in the first days of the project really differ from modern ones: before, Sasha had a boy’s haircut and wore shapeless men’s shirts. Fans of the project wrote that Cherno looked terrible, to which Sasha wrote posts on social networks and said that she was comfortable in her image.

Now the girl looks completely different: she has lost weight, often wears dresses, and has made a creative long bob. They love her on the project and consider her the life of the party. Cherno behaves actively and loves to take part in skits and competitions. Sasha is trying to build love with Muscovite Joseph.

Personal life

Before the project, Alexandra’s relationships with the opposite sex were unsuccessful. With their first love, Vladislav, they even scheduled a wedding for December 2015. But Cherno first postponed the ceremony, and then completely changed her mind about going down the aisle.

A year later, the girl fell in love with a man named Evgeniy, who lived in Volgograd. Sasha herself traveled to her lover from the capital, spending large sums on dates. One day the girl realized that she was pregnant, but did not tell Evgeniy - the man broke off the relationship a few days before the news. Cherno had an abortion and is still worried about what happened. Alexandra admits that she will no longer make such mistakes.

Sasha came to Roman Baranchuk for the project. The young people were placed in one room so that they could get to know each other better. Pressure and uncontrollable desire did not help Alexandra impress the intelligent young man - Roman refused to build a relationship with Cherno.

The girl was not alone for long - a choreographer came to see Cherno. Sasha attracted him with her unconventional appearance and energy. Relationships in couples are not easy: young people quarrel, but quickly move away from conflicts. Oganesyan’s mother is not happy with her son’s choice, believing that there should be another girl next to the sophisticated young man.

Fans also note that the couple looks comical - Sasha is much plumper than her lover. But Joseph responds wisely to all attacks and does not allow interference in his personal life. There are many photos on both social networks of the couple hugging, kissing and looking happy.

Alexandra has repeatedly demonstrated jealousy, often groundless. To test the relationship between Joseph and Sasha, the presenters sent them to the Island. There they confessed their love to each other, and Alexandra promised to lose weight for the sake of this relationship.

Alexandra Cherno now

Currently, due to connections with scammers, Alexandra has a debt of 2 million rubles. Every month the girl gives 50 thousand rubles to her friends who took out loans for her.

From the first day of his presence on the project, Sasha has been trying to lose weight. Etiquette teacher Maria Boucher, a bodybuilder and colleagues on the show tried to help her. But none of them managed to overcome Sasha’s laziness. Of course, the girl is changing, but extremely slowly.

Not long ago, the hosts of “House-2” took up Sasha again, this time seriously. First of all, a hypnotist was invited to the girl, who instructed Cherno to lose weight and follow the advice of all experts. Currently, nutritionists and trainers are working with the project participant. They promised to talk about Sasha’s results in the program’s releases.

For her part, Alexandra said that losing weight alone is boring. The brunette addressed subscribers in "Instagram" with a call to support her and lose weight together. She has not yet specified how the girl plans to lose weight, but stated that the winner of the marathon will receive 100,000 rubles.

Many people who are only superficially familiar with the reality show “House 2” mistakenly associate the television project with a grandiose construction project. In fact, true fans know that the participants play a key role in what happens on screen. And there are a lot of intriguing moments here. For example, there are rumors that the selection of heroes is based on the latter having sufficient finances and connections, that castings are carried out according to some special schemes and scenarios. These allegations are completely unfounded. Any motivated person with an active lifestyle and modern views can take part in the television project. Moreover, these can be both young people and representatives of the older generation, whose daughter or son has already visited House 2.

The main task of each character in the program is the ability to arouse interest in the viewer, make him love or hate himself. And, despite some notes of pragmatism, it is this fact that attracts more and more new fans to the show, and has maintained the fairly high popularity of the television series for many years.

In any case, the participants of House 2 arouse genuine interest among regular viewers of the project, as well as among those who are still at the stage of joining the army of fans of this multi-part construction project. Understanding this, we have provided a special section on the website called House Members 2. In addition to the current list of project heroes, here you can find information about people who have ever taken part in the show. Each position is a mass of interesting facts about an individual. Of course, this section contains dry biographical data. But, in addition to this, visitors to our site will be able to find out everything about their favorite participant - from the date of birth to the make of the car that the hero of the project drives in real life. We can assure you that after studying this section in more detail, you will be surprised to find that in real life, many participants are radically different from their prototype in the program. For example, a calm and balanced person in life, within the framework of a project, can demonstrate a hot-tempered and scandalous character, unbridled activity and initiative. However, this is part of the intrigue! Surely, you will want to know which of the participants in House 2 does not cheat in front of the camera, and who simply manipulates the viewer’s interest, skillfully playing the chosen role.

A personal dossier has been created for each TV character, containing high-quality photographs, interesting biographical facts, songs, and links to pages on social networks. Here you will find out what brought a person to the project and what caused him to leave, how much former participants in the show earn, what they are interested in and who they live with. After all, some managed to build strong relationships and start a family in front of television viewers, while others were unable to maintain love, choosing other priorities for themselves.

SERIES DOM2.RU closely monitors all the events that happen in the lives of the children of the television project, and publishes them on its pages in chronological order. Every week there is a change of participants - some drop out, others come to replace them. To stay in the show and achieve their goal, they find friends, weave intrigues, fight, make up, fall in love...

Many fans of the program continue to follow the lives of participants who have long been off the air. After all, sometimes the reality of the “screen stars” turns out to be much more interesting than the episodes shown to viewers. We will tell you how the fate of the guys turned out after the project, what they do.

Fans of the show are no less interested in the details of the lives of the presenters, who, in fact, are also a key link here. After all, the dosed information that we see on the air does not reveal the essence of their life outside the perimeter at all.