Youth technology magazine 1993. Is re-opening possible?

  • 2. Publications about the gravity plane
  • 2.1. Publications about the gravitoplane (December 1992 - spring 1993)
  • 2.2. Comparison of publications about the gravitoplane V.S. Grebennikova
  • 3. Gravitoplane model
  • 3.1. Model of the 1992 gravitoplane (December 1992)
  • 3.2. Photos of the gravity plane model
  • 4. Photos and images of the gravity plane
  • 4.1. Photos and images of the gravity plane
  • 4.2. Color photograph of a gravity plane (1989-1990)
  • 4.3. A series of black and white photographs of a gravity plane (February 1992)
  • 4.4. Photos of "take-off" (February 1992)
  • 5. Gravitoplane. Characteristics as described by V.S. Grebennikov
  • 5.1. Quotation book on the characteristics of the gravity plane
  • Finding in the meaning of “discovery of anti-gravity structures in insects”
  • Gravitoplane
  • Ekranolet in the meaning of “gravitoplane”
  • Device in the meaning of “gravitoplane”
  • Rack/Column
  • Steering wheel
  • Handles/handles
  • Platform
  • Block panels/panels
  • Board/cover/sketchbook
  • Blinds-filters/blinds/"elytra"-blinds
  • Fine mesh
  • Block filters/microcellular filters
  • Principle of operation/movement of the gravity plane
  • Matter, Space, Time
  • 5.2. Structure of the gravity plane
  • 5.2.1. Scheme of the gravity plane structure
  • 6. Research and experiments V.S. Grebennikova
  • 6.1. Scanning electron microscope SEM-HHS-2R (1977)
  • 6.2. Stormglass (1983 -1984)
  • 6.3. Device for recording ultra-weak glows "Foton-N" (1988)
  • 7. Museum of Agroecology and Environmental Protection named after V.S. Grebennikova
  • 7.1. General information about the museum
  • 7.2. Panoramic exhibition of the Museum. V.S. Grebennikova. FlexLM, 2013
  • 7.3. Visit to the Museum. V.S. Grebennikova. Dolina, 2004
  • 7.4. Visit to the Museum. V.S. Grebennikova. Khabarovskwolf, 2011
  • 7.5. Visit to the Museum. V.S. Grebennikova. Dan, 2012
  • 7.6. Visit to the Museum. V.S. Grebennikova. Manopad, 06/18/2013
  • 8. Exhibitions
  • 8.1. "Phosphenes, stereoblocks." Moscow, Omsk, Isilkul (1993)
  • 8.2. "New graphics". Novosibirsk (1998)
  • 9. General terminology V.S. Grebennikova
  • Wave Beacon
  • Levitation
  • Telekinesis
  • Publications about the gravitoplane (December 1992 - spring 1993)

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    In the penultimate issue of 1992, the 51st issue of the newspaper “Youth of Siberia,” an article by O. Bogatko “Siberian Lefty or Poltergeist Tamer?” was published. , which became the first extended publication about the extraordinary invention of the Novosibirsk entomologist V.S. Grebennikov - about his gravitoplane.

    Grebennikov is already publishing the next publication about the gravitoplane, entitled “Night flight on a gravitoplane,” in his own name. The article appears in April 1993 in the very popular magazine “Technology for Youth”. It is this publication in “Technology for Youth” that makes Grebennikov’s invention, later called “Grebennikov’s gravitoplane,” generally known.

    Grebennikov also mentions the gravitoplane in:

    Whether the gravitoplane existed in reality, or whether this is a beautiful story from Grebennikov is unknown, but the reason why Grebennikov decided to talk about this fantastic invention of his can still be restored.

    We should start with the fact that V.S. Grebennikov is a man with a difficult fate. In his early youth (20 years old), from 1947 to 1953, he served imprisonment in the Stalin-Beria camps, where he barely survived. Later, he was “attacked” by envious people as a talented artist (1972-1980). Non-recognition of some of his bionic discoveries (Effect of Cavity Structures, 1984). He was refused admission to the Union of Artists. Destruction of the insect reserves he “suffered” for (1984-1991). Inability to obtain premises for the children's school he created (1991). All this greatly undermined his health and made him a rather withdrawn and secretive person.

    Therefore, in order to understand how such a “beaten” by fate, a closed person, at the risk of being ridiculed by skeptics and “attracted” by the intelligence services, risked telling the world about the gravitoplane, we need to start with the story of 1988.

    According to Grebennikov, in the spring of 1988 he made a Find, which formed the basis of the operating principle of the gravitoplane. It was on the basis of this Find that, over a period of two years: from the autumn of 1988 to the autumn of 1990, Grebennikov designed gravitoplanes, constantly improving their “technical” parameters.

    “And for two long years Nakhodka did not let me go - although its “development,” as it seemed to me, was proceeding rapidly.”(MM, p.204).

    “...with the help of the most divine of sciences - bionics, ... I, who learned a small fraction of this secret from the Universe, managed to design and manufacture certain devices, at first unsightly, and then more compact, with the help of which I could move myself, not without great risk, over very long distances"(PV-2, Letter 69, II).

    The fall of 1990 can be considered a turning point in Grebennikov’s research. Namely: he stops “work” on improving the gravitoplane and concentrates his efforts on experiments with his other invention - the Large Cellular Cone (BCC) - a “poltergeist” generator.

    Experiments with BSC lasted half a year: from autumn 1990 to spring 1991. On the morning of April 23, 1991, Grebennikov comes to the museum (where he works as director) and finds the museum's BSK-1 overturned, and the magnets torn off and scattered. For Grebennikov, this meant that his experiment was a success... After some time, Grebennikov learns that this experiment led to the “Omsk Poltergeist” on April 23, 1991, in which an apartment in a residential building was partially destroyed. This fact forces him to completely stop experiments with the gravitoplane and the BSC, as life-threatening inventions.

    “But the work with gravitoplanes had to be interrupted: those of the physicists who are friendly to me said that they were in a hurry with the find, because it touched upon such little-studied properties of the foundations of the Universe - Matter, Space, Time - that zealous experimenters can now cause a lot of trouble"(MM. Afterword, p. 318).

    “I have also described some environmental, medical, and, alas, political-economic aspects of the use of these devices, which do not require either fuel or electricity, and do not wear out, but sometimes generate unexpected emissions of enormous energies, not very understandable, and not very pleasant, up to these small catastrophes, which require immediate and complex study, and therefore was forced to interrupt this work in Novosibirsk and Isilkul back in 1991. Conducted in makeshift conditions and alone, these experiments turned out to be very dangerous - for example, the “incidental” destruction of one of the Omsk apartments that fell into my wave maximum, or an antinode, on the experimental route, almost a thousand kilometers long, on the morning of April 23, 1991, and many others adversity. May 31, 1994, Novosibirsk"(PV-2. AND THE LAST NOTE FOR THIS VOLUME).

    Despite all this, neither during the period of intensive experiments with the gravitoplane and the BSC in 1988-1991, nor after: 1991-1992. Grebennikov does not publish information about the gravitoplane anywhere. What makes him admit to the reality of the gravity plane at the end of 1992?

    The whole reason is in the new book by Viktor Stepanovich, which is being prepared for publication and should be published in 1993 - “My World” - the publication of the book before the scheduled date is in jeopardy!

    After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, crisis phenomena began in the country: inflation, reduction of funds for science,... Grebennikov still hopes and expects changes in 1992. But 1992 comes, and the situation does not improve. Something needs to be done urgently... We need money to publish a book... We need sponsors!

    It was in order to find sponsors for the publication “My World” that Grebennikov published information about the gravitoplane in the press - namely, part V of Chapter “Flight” from the book “My World”: publication in “Youth of Siberia” (late 1992), publication in “Nature Man (LIGHT)”, No. 1, 1993, publication in “Tenika-Youth”, No. 3, 1993

    He also advertises on television about the exchange of a gravity plane for sponsorship in the publication of a book.

    “Wishing to publish my swan song - the book “My World”, which, among other things, describes in detail many of my bionic discoveries, including medical ones, and even some of my travels on a gravitoplane, and trying to find money for the publication of the said many years of painstaking work for its printing, I somehow changed my principles and gave an announcement on Novosibirsk television in a “running line” (under the frames of some trashy movie): “I am exchanging a poltergeist generator, a painkiller, a gravitoplane for sponsorship in the publication of a book,” and indicated my phone number; Various rich people and just money grabbers often came to see me, and all of them had this condition: first, they say, give us your operating devices and all the documentation for them, and then we’ll see... Such gentlemen had to make a “turn from the gate”, to whom it’s polite, and some failed miserably, and the book remained unpublished; There were even threatening night phone calls, but I, who saw it, didn’t give a damn about them. I had to do only two things: turn off the telephone for the night, and also remove from my museum at the Institute of Agriculture and Chemicalization a model (model) of one of my operating gravity planes, which in 1992-1993 stood for a long time in the corner of the said museum with the appropriate inscriptions, and visitors they were no more interested in them than in my “macro-portraits” of insects before the aforementioned “crawling line”; The fact is that I was informed: one of these scoundrels is going to break into the museum to kidnap him.”(PV-2. Letter 69. III).

    The search for sponsors continues throughout 1993.

    "But let's go back to my dream, to my terrible vision that I had in the morning of July 3, 1993... Do you remember how a series of publications about this device of mine were published in newspapers and magazines (Youth of Siberia, No. 51, 13-19 December 1992, “Siberian Lefty or poltergeist tamer?”; “Technology for Youth”, No. 4 for 1994, “Night flight on a gravity plane” and many others), about which I received a great many letters and telephone calls; in addition to the usual curiosity, there were also “business” offers from millionaires: tell us a secret - we’ll pay you off, we won’t hurt you... But imagine if a find of this kind was taken over by a terrorist, a smuggler, an evil politician or a similar bastard; I didn’t give a damn about night telephone calls threats, because that’s not what I’ve seen in my life, which I openly spoke to these bestial scum about with great bold pride, so that they hissed with anger, swore and hung up.”(PV-2. Letter 38. III).

    “My dear and dearest grandson, last night I could not write to you, because until late at night my son Sergei, your uncle, and I were urgently putting in order, counting and sorting twelve paper and cardboard bags and bags with illustrations prepared for the previously mentioned book “My World”, because suddenly a faint hope appeared to publish it in a tiny edition; however, all this could burst; after sorting the illustrations, I could not sleep for a long time, and when I fell asleep, it was already the morning of August 29, 1993..."(PV-2. Letter 66. I).

    "...I will document, for example, that on one of the days when I was retyping these letters on a typewriter, namely December 8, 1993, at the St. Petersburg Academy of Civil Aviation (it turns out there is such a thing) on ​​a special At the seminar-meeting, the theoretical and practical aspects of the work of Grebennikov’s gravitoplane were discussed; on the first, my co-author on the discoveries, a man of high intelligence, Doctor of Technical Sciences Valentin Fedorovich Zolotarev, who in his theoretical calculations about the secrets of the Universe was far ahead of our century, spoke in detail; on the practical side, then is mine, the said Academy unequivocally speaks out for a monetary ransom from me of these findings of mine, which I most likely will not agree to (I already have a heap of such “offers”); however, the said most serious and complex matters do not belong in this book... "(PV-2. Letter 38. V).

    Unfortunately, all this does not produce results; Grebennikov fails to publish “My World” in 1993. Only a few years later - in 1997, in Novosibirsk at the book publishing house “Soviet Siberia”, the book “My World” was published.

    Sensations of our days

    Many, apparently, remember V. Grebennikov’s article “The Secret of the Bee’s Nest” (No. 6, 1984). An inquisitive researcher found that bee nests, as well as lattice-layer structures built in their likeness, affect living organisms. People, for example, experience so-called thermal illusions (tingling in the hands), ringing in the ears, a galvanic taste in the mouth, flashes when the eyes are closed, etc.

    The effect of cavity structures (ESS), discovered by V. Grebennikov, as it turned out later, has a deep physical essence. Doctor of Technical Sciences V. Zolotarev (St. Petersburg) gave him an explanation based on the theory of de Broglie waves. Astronomer V. Kaznev (Kemerovo) saw in it a mechanism that played an outstanding role in the formation of the Solar system (No. 10, 1992). This once again confirmed that the structures created by living nature are a rich storehouse of unusual physical effects.

    Today we can bring to your attention material about another discovery of V. Grebennikov.


    member of the French


    Society named after Fabre

    Novosibirsk city

    "This can't be true!" - skeptics will exclaim after reading V. Grebennikov’s article. Well, doubts are a useful thing, but... Here are two photographs by Novosibirsk photo reporter M. Dovgal. The left one depicts the moment when the author of the invention is preparing to take off. And on the right - he has already soared. The bent figure of the scientist and the rectangular shadow on the ground from the gravitational platform indicate that this actually happened.


    In the summer of 1988, looking through a microscope at the chitinous covers of insects, their feathery antennae, the thinnest scales of butterfly wings, the lacy wings of lacewings with iridescent iridescence and other Patents of Nature, I became interested in the unusually rhythmic microstructure of one of the rather large insect parts. It was an extremely ordered composition, as if stamped on some complex machine. In my opinion, such incomparable cellularity was clearly not required either for the strength of this part or for its decoration.

    I have never observed anything like this, even remotely reminiscent of such an unusual, amazing micropattern, either in nature, or in technology or art. Because it is three-dimensionally multidimensional, I have still not been able to reproduce it in a flat drawing or photo. Why was such a structure needed in the lower part of the elytra? Moreover, it is almost always hidden from view and cannot be seen anywhere except in flight.

    I suspected: is this a wave beacon, a special device that emits certain waves or impulses? If so, then the “lighthouse” should have “my” effect of multi-cavity structures. In that truly happy summer, there were a lot of insects of this species, and I caught them in the evenings in the light.

    I placed a small concave chitin plate on the microscope stage to once again examine its strange star-shaped cells under high magnification. I admired another masterpiece of Nature the jeweler and, almost without any purpose, put on it with tweezers another exactly the same plate with unusual cells on one of its sides.

    But that was not the case: the part escaped from the tweezers, hung in the air for a couple of seconds above the one on the microscope table, turned a little clockwise, and slid down - through the air! - to the right, turned counterclockwise, swayed and only then quickly and sharply fell onto the table.

    What I experienced at that moment - the reader can only imagine...

    Having come to my senses, I tied several “panels” together with wire; this was possible with some difficulty, and then only when I took them vertically. The result was a multilayer “chitinoblock”. He put it on the table. Even such a relatively heavy object as a large push pin could not fall on him: something seemed to knock it up and then to the side. I attached the button on top to the “block” - and then such incongruous, incredible things began to happen (in particular, for some moments the button completely disappeared from view) that I realized: this is not only a signal beacon, but also a more cunning device that works to make it easier for the insect to fly.

    And again I took my breath away, and again from excitement all the objects around me floated as if in a fog, but, although with difficulty, I still pulled myself together and after two hours I was able to continue working...

    In fact, it all began with this remarkable incident. And it ended with the construction of my still unsightly, but tolerably working gravitoplane.

    Much, of course, still needs to be rethought, tested, tested. Of course, someday I will tell the reader about the “subtleties” of the operation of my apparatus, and about the principles of its movement, distances, heights, speeds, about equipment and everything else. In the meantime, about my first flight. It was extremely risky, I committed it on the night of March 17-18, 1990, without waiting for the summer season and being too lazy to drive to a deserted area.

    The troubles began even before takeoff: the block panel on the right side of the lifting platform was stuck, which should have been fixed immediately, but I didn’t. I rose straight from the street of our Krasnoobsk (it is located not far from Novosibirsk), recklessly believing that at two o'clock in the morning everyone was asleep and no one could see me. The ascent seemed to start normally, but after a few seconds, when the houses with rare luminous windows went down and I was about a hundred meters above the ground, I felt sick, as if about to faint. Then some powerful force seemed to snatch control of my movement from me and inexorably dragged me towards the city.

    Drawn by this unexpected, uncontrollable force, I crossed the second circle of nine-story residential area, flew over a narrow snow-covered field, diagonally crossed the Novosibirsk - Akademgorodok highway, the North-Chemsky residential area... It was approaching me - and quickly! - the dark bulk of Novosibirsk, and now almost nearby were several “bouquets” of tall factory chimneys, many of which, I remember well, were smoking slowly and thickly: the night shift was working... It was necessary to do something urgently. The apparatus was losing control.

    Still, I managed to barely make an emergency reconfiguration of the block panels. The horizontal movement began to slow down, but then I felt sick again, which is completely unacceptable in flight. Only on the fourth try did we manage to extinguish the horizontal movement and hover over the village of Zatulinka. After resting for a few minutes - if you can call the strange hanging over the illuminated fence of some factory, next to which residential areas immediately began, relaxation - and with relief making sure that the “evil force” had disappeared, I slid back, but not immediately towards our scientific agricultural town in Krasnoobsk, and to the right, towards Tolmachev, to confuse the trail in case someone noticed me. And about halfway to the airport, over some dark night fields where there was clearly not a soul, I turned sharply home...

    The next day, naturally, I could not get out of bed. The news reported on television and in newspapers was more than alarming to me. Headlines “UFO over Zatulinka”, “Aliens again?” They clearly said that my flight had been detected. But how! Some perceived the “phenomenon” as a luminous ball or disk, and for some reason many “saw” not one, but... two! You can’t help but say: fear has big eyes. Others claimed that a “real saucer” was flying with windows and beams...

    I do not exclude the possibility that some Zatulin residents saw not my emergency exercises, but something else that had nothing to do with them. Moreover, March 1990 was extremely “fruitful” for UFOs in Siberia, and in the Non-Black Earth Region, and in the south of the country... And not only here, but also, say, in Belgium, where on the night of March 31 engineer Marcel Alferlan shot a two-minute film with a video camera about the flight of one of the huge “black triangles”. They, according to the authoritative conclusion of Belgian scientists, are nothing more than “material objects, with capabilities that no civilization is yet able to create.”

    So really “none”? I dare to assume that the gravitational filter platforms (or, let’s call it briefly, block panels) of these “alien” devices were developed on Earth, but on a more solid and serious basis, whose device is almost half wooden. I immediately wanted to make the platform triangular - it is much more reliable - but I decided in favor of a quadrangular one, because it is easier to fold. Folded, it resembles a suitcase, sketchbook or “diplomat”.

    Why don’t I reveal the essence of my discovery - the operating principle of the gravitoplane?

    Firstly, because evidence requires time and effort. I have neither one nor the other. I know from the bitter experience of “pushing through” previous findings, in particular, those indicating the extraordinary effect of cavity structures. This is how my many years of efforts about his scientific recognition ended: “According to this application for discovery, further correspondence with you is inappropriate...” I know some of the Masters of the Destinies of science personally and I am sure: get an appointment with such a person, open your “sketchbook” , close the stand, turn the handles and soar to the ceiling before his eyes - the owner of the office will not react, or even order the magician to be thrown out.

    The second reason for my “non-disclosure” is more objective. I found anti-gravity structures in only one species of Siberian insects. I don’t even name the order to which the unique insect belongs: it seems that it is on the verge of extinction, and the then outbreak of numbers was perhaps local and one of the last. So, if I indicate the family and species, where are the guarantees that dishonest people with the slightest understanding of entomology, hunters, and entrepreneurs will not rush through ravines and meadows to catch, perhaps, the last specimens of this Miracle of Nature, for which no one will stop? before anything, even if you need to plow hundreds of clearings! The prey is too tempting!

    I hope I will be understood and forgiven by those who would like to immediately get acquainted with Nakhodka just for fun and without any selfish intent: can I now act differently for the sake of saving Living Nature? Moreover, I see that others seem to have already invented something similar, but they are in no hurry to notify everyone, preferring to keep the secret to themselves.

    Data-medium-file="https://i2.wp..jpg?fit=300%2C86&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp..jpg?.jpg" alt=" tanks" width="610" height="174" srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=610&ssl=1 610w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C86&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 610px) 100vw, 610px">!}

    Don’t exclude the impossible from your life: it happens more often than you think.(Tetcorax)

    A selection of those same issues of the magazines “Technology for Youth” for 1988 - 1993 in which the legendary - and practically the first articles about wushu in the Soviet Union - were published.

    The main thing is that people are still looking for these magazines - already on the Internet - such popularity - that after almost thirty years - oblivion. And they remember - this one (I also admit, of course I tried this one - but for some reason my head began to hurt - and my mood worsened. No - in short.)

    All these articles were a novelty back then - like the expectation of something mysterious - in the eighties they were very popular - but there really wasn’t any - they were written like this - with re-photographed drawings.

    All books on martial arts can be downloaded -.

    P.S. By the way, in this magazine - in my opinion. from 1979-1980 - until 1984, probably - articles were published in every issue about the development of tanks with pictures - in every magazine - about three, four tanks - and I suspect something in these articles is the real origins of the popularity of modern games “about tanks” - such there were drawings and drawings - “alluring” - the romance of tanks...

    Data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.3.jpg?fit=300%2C82&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp.3.jpg?.jpg" alt ="tanks3" width="700" height="192" srcset="https://i2.wp.3.jpg?w=760&ssl=1 760w, https://i2.wp.3.jpg?resize=300%2C82&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px">!}

    In 1993, the article “Night flight on a gravitational plane” appeared in issue No. 4 of the “Technology for Youth” magazine. Its author, V.S. Grebennikov, wrote that he discovered an effect that allows one to “turn off” gravity and built on its basis an apparatus that allows one to move through the air. (website)

    Most of the article was occupied by a description of the flight made by the author on the night of March 17-18, 1990. At about 2 o'clock in the morning the author started from the city of Krasnoobsk, rose several tens of meters, flew to the village of Zatulinka, over which he hovered for several minutes before taking the opposite course.

    Photos were attached to the article. The gravity plane was a platform barely larger than a chair seat, barely large enough to accommodate one person and the control posts.

    Can't be!

    “Technology for Youth” had the status of a serious magazine, which did not publish any nonsense and did not fall for cheap sensations. Not everyone who wanted to be published could make it onto its pages.

    And the author least of all looked like a joker. Viktor Grebennikov was a man with a name in scientific circles: a scientist-entomologist, Honored Ecologist of Russia, author of numerous publications, creator of the Novosibirsk Museum of Agroecology and Environmental Protection.

    And yet, many wrote that the article looked like a duck, and the pictures looked like a photomontage. The author’s own explanations could have dispelled doubts, but Grebennikov did not outline the operating principle of his gravitoplane in the article. And yet there was some information.

    Effect of cavity structures

    You will be surprised, but scientists cannot explain how some types of insects fly - the wing area is clearly not enough to rise into the air. And yet they fly.

    V. Grebennikov was an entomologist, studied insects and for a long time tried to unravel this paradox. In 1988, he discovered the effect of cavity structures (CES). The essence of the phenomenon: the voids present in bodies are capable of creating. Insects fly precisely thanks to the EPS, and the wings themselves only set the direction of flight.

    For almost three years he studied the EPS he discovered, in 1990 he built the first sample of a gravity plane and made its first flight. And yet Grebennikov’s name is practically unknown; gravitational planes are not sold in specialized stores.

    Unnecessary invention

    The end of the 80s was not the most favorable for scientists. The state did not have money for science. The salaries of scientific workers turned into nothing, but even the payment of these kopecks was delayed for months.

    Science officials did business by selling inventions and scientific developments abroad. And here a crazy inventor asks them for money for design work! In response to his request for help, the scientist received a refusal with the note “we consider further correspondence with you inappropriate.” Grebennikov had to be content with the status of a lone inventor.

    The device that killed its creator

    It cannot be said that the article in “Technology for Youth” went unnoticed. When the country's economy began to improve, both representatives of private business and enthusiastic inventors began to frequent Krasnoobsk. But by this time, Viktor Stepanovich’s attitude towards his invention had changed dramatically.

    It is not known what kind of field the device created, but its effect on humans turned out to be detrimental. Grebennikov's health deteriorated sharply. The scientist was sure that this was the result of the influence of the energy of the gravitational plane, which he was constantly working to improve.

    It is not known what other properties of EPS Grebennikov discovered, but since the late 90s he suppressed all talk about his own.

    A secret taken to the grave

    In 2001, the scientist was visited by S. Mikhalev, a representative of the Group for the Study of Inertial-Free Processes (GIBIP).

    Grebennikov was half paralyzed, but retained clarity of consciousness. He stated that the device was disassembled and destroyed, the drawings did not exist. He realizes that he will soon die, but he does not intend to give his brainchild to the first available hands. He is looking for a worthy successor, but has not found one yet. Four months after the meeting, he died.

    After Grebennikov’s death, they found witnesses to the scientist’s flights and Mikhail Dovgal, who took unique photographs of Grebennikov on the takeoff platform. But none of them could give the key to the secret. Searches for the scientist's records or archive were unsuccessful - either they were destroyed, or they were entrusted to a person who did not seek to publish them.

    Is reopening possible?

    Today, EPS supporters are trying to reinvent the gravity plane. The idea isn't that crazy. Grebennikov himself wrote that he did not invent anything, but took advantage of what nature had already created. Witnesses say that the device did not create the impression of a sophisticated device, and had the bare minimum of parts. According to Grebennikov’s son, “my father built a gravity plane from whatever he could get his hands on.”

    If all this is so, then the anti-gravity platform is something very simple and any man with arms growing out of his shoulders can assemble it in his barn.

    Unless, of course, he reveals the secret of why insects fly.