How old is Taisiya Povaliy in a year? Taisiya Povaliy biography

Ukrainian singer Taisiya Povaliy, who gained great fame in Russia, was born in the Kyiv region in 1964. At the age of 14, she decided to achieve fame and moved from a small town to Kyiv, where she studied at the Glier School. She was destined for an opera career for her rich and unique timbre, but the singer chose the stage. True, Taisiya now admits that without academic vocals and classical school she would not have been able to achieve success in pop song. And having a strong school behind her, she can sing anything, from opera to soul.

Her career developed like that of many young singers - first she sang in the music hall, then she got into a group, and only after that she was able to start a solo career. In 1993, she won the major music competition “Slavic Bazaar”, and a year later she was recognized as the best singer in Ukraine. Today she is called the Golden Voice of Ukraine, and she is faithful to her audience in her homeland. Although the singer tours abroad and performs a lot in Russia, she first presents all her new programs and songs for the Ukrainian viewer and listener.

Taisiya's first husband - Vladimir Povaliy

Even before receiving such fame, Taisiya gets married for the first time. Her first marriage gives her not only love, but also a creative name - she got the surname Povaliy from her first husband, Vladimir Povaliy. They met in the music hall, where the singer began her career. Vladimir was a keyboard player and was involved in creating phonograms for many Ukrainian stars of that period. Of course, Taisiya Povaliy’s husband also works as a musician. Alas, after 10 years of marriage, the couple divorced, despite the birth of their son Denis. Today he is also a singer and even tried to get to Eurovision in 2011, but only made it to the list of finalists in Ukraine. Taisiya assures that she is not helping her son break into fame, and he does not want this, he is trying to achieve everything himself.

In 93, immediately after the divorce, Taisiya got married again. Her new chosen one is Igor Likhuta, who took on the role of producer of his wife. She says that only after connecting her life with Igor, she began to truly win and this is true. Most of her achievements begin during the period when her new husband is working with her. Both admit that the passion between them has not yet faded, largely thanks to the artist’s temperament. She is jealous of her husband, just like on the first day they met, but she splashes out her jealousy in her videos; it is no coincidence that they so often contain the motive of destruction.

People's Artist of Ukraine, winner of many competitions, an incredibly talented singer, and also a loving wife and mother. All this is about a beautiful woman whose work has many fans - about Taisiya Povaliy.

Povaliy Taisiya Nikolaevna (maiden name - Giryavets) was born in the small Ukrainian village of Shamraevka, Kyiv region, in 1964. Her parents were simple workers; they had no musical education, but this did not stop them from loving music. And this love was passed on to their children.

As Taisiya Povaliy recalls in one of her interviews, songs were always heard in their house. Perhaps this is why Taya herself started singing quite early. Already at the age of 5, she organized performances for her family, firmly deciding that someday she would definitely become a famous singer. And so it happened.

Parents supported their daughter's love for music. The talented girl sang in a small group from early childhood and studied at a music school. The biography of Taisiya Povaliy, starting from childhood, is full of beautiful and bright moments.

But one of the singer’s favorite memories is her first tour – an away performance by her band. She was only 6 years old then, but she still remembers the sounds of the first applause, which the audience generously rewarded the little artist. For that performance, the singer even received her first fee.

When, after graduating from school, Taya informed her family about her intention to enter a music school, this did not surprise anyone. Taisiya's family fully supported her, and at the age of 15 the girl became a student at the Kyiv Music College named after. Gliere, entering the conducting and choral department. Her determination and drive amazed many teachers.

It was obvious that the girl was incredibly talented, and many said that she would become an outstanding singer. But this was not enough for Taya: in addition, she took academic vocal lessons. Thanks to these classes, the girl could easily perform songs in any style: folk, modern pop, even opera arias became subject to her.

After graduating from college, Taisiya began working at the Kiev Music Hall. However, she soon realized that she wanted to perform not in a team, but separately. This is how her solo career began.

Creative path

To achieve significant heights, you need to work hard - Taisiya Povaliy understood this perfectly. Sometimes she had to give several concerts a day, but she never complained. In order to earn the love of the audience and gain much-needed experience, the singer participated in competitions - and took first place almost everywhere. Taisiya Povaliy became a laureate of the following competitions:

  • "New names".
  • "Asia Dauysy".
  • “The song will be with us.”
  • "Slavic Bazaar" and many others.

These victories brought her fame - Povaliy became everyone’s favorite. In 1994, she was recognized as the best singer of Ukraine. But such a title only made the artist work even more actively, harder. A year later, Taisiya Povaliy’s first, debut album, “Panel Kohannya,” was released. And a year later, in 1996, she became an Honored Artist of Ukraine.

After this, the singer’s career began to develop even more rapidly. Almost all of her new songs and videos become popular, occupying the first lines of various ratings and charts. New albums and constant tours have become the main content of her life. But Taisiya did not complain, because for an artist it is creative demand, the opportunity to go on stage and delight the audience that is a source of inexhaustible energy and happiness.

Taisiya Povaliy actively collaborated with many popular performers. Thus, the result of a long collaboration with Joseph Kobzon was a new album consisting of songs performed in Ukrainian.

Working with Nikolai Baskov was no less fruitful for Taisiya Povaliy. Together they toured the countries of the former USSR, and also performed in cities in the USA, Canada, and Germany. Thanks to this collaboration, the Ukrainian singer became known and loved in Russia - her songs rose to the top of the charts, Taisiya received the Golden Gramophone music award.

After this, the artist continued to collaborate with Russian performers. So, for example, in 2010, the song “Let Go” sung by Povaliy together with Stas Mikhailov became a real hit, which was constantly heard on Russian and Ukrainian radio stations.

It’s not for nothing that they say that a talented person is talented in everything. This fully applies to Taisiya Povaliy. She, a stage star and a favorite of the public, despite a busy concert schedule, accepted the offer to participate in filming and tried her hand as an actress. She repeatedly played in musical films that audiences loved. But Taisiya Povaliy’s filmography consists not only of musicals. She also starred in the films:

  • "Anna German. House of love and sun."
  • "My truth".

In addition, songs by Taisiya Povaliy are heard in a number of films.

For her significant contribution to the development of art, singer Taisiya Povaliy was awarded state awards - a full list of them is contained on the performer’s Wikipedia page.

Woman's happiness

The personal life of Taisiya Povaliy is an excellent example of a happy female destiny. The singer got married for the first time quite early, at the age of 18. Her husband, Vladimir Povaliy, worked with the singer in the music hall. The marriage, which ended in divorce, gave Taisia ​​her only son, Denis.

After his parents separated, the boy remained with his father, but always maintained a warm relationship with his mother. Currently, Taisiya’s son Povaliy also works in the music field. Initially, he was involved in creating arrangements, and then began his career as a pop performer.

Taisiya's second husband was producer Igor Likhuta. He is the true love of her life. It is he who helps the artist develop her career and supports her in difficult moments of life. Taisiya Povaliy and Igor Likhuta legalized their relationship in 1993 and for many years have been one of the most beautiful couples on the Ukrainian stage.

Today, Taisiya Povaliy and her husband spend most of their time in Moscow. For some time, the singer was a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, but after the change of power in the country, a conflict arose, the cause of which was the singer’s political beliefs. That is why at present she practically does not give concerts in her homeland. Author: Natalya Nevmyvakova

In modern show business, there are people who come with one song for one day, and there are also those who stay in it for a long time. whose biography is interesting to every person, applies to those who have lived on stage for a long time. It shines like a star of the first magnitude, and does not flare up like a meteor. And we really hope that her work will continue to delight fans from all over the world.

Childhood and education

Taisiya Povaliy, whose biography is discussed in this article, was born near Kiev on December 10, 1964. When the girl was three years old, her parents moved from the village of Shamraevka to Belaya Tserkov. There, the future star graduated from regular and music schools. Taya continued her studies at the Kiev Music College named after R. Glier, choosing the conducting and choral department. At that same time, she was studying academic vocals, perfecting the performance of classical works, opera and romances. The teacher strictly forbade the girl not only to perform, but even to listen to pop music, believing that this could spoil her tastes. She was destined to become a brilliant opera singer, but fate decreed otherwise. Fortunately for all of us.

Creative career

Taisiya Povaliy, whose biography is interesting and multifaceted, did not immediately conquer the stage. Although friends and teachers predicted her a career as an opera singer, she got a job at the Kiev State Music Hall. At first she sang in a group, and then began solo performances. Taya got her first touring experience there, because every day she worked two or three concerts. No days off, giving it your all.

The path through thorns

Several times Taisiya Povaliy, whose biography may resemble the fairy tale of Cinderella, participated in various competitions. And although the jury noted her professionalism and talent, she was not awarded the main prize. That is why the victory in 1990 in the USSR radio competition “New Names” was so sweet.

In 1992, another event took place that changed the girl’s life dramatically: she met Igor Likhuta. It was under his strict guidance that Taya received her first recognition and success on stage. In 1993, at the Vladimir Ivasyuk competition, Povaliy received first prize and grand prix, and won the Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk. Then the star’s career developed rapidly. She receives the title of best pop singer at the “New Stars of the Old Year” competition, and in 1996 she is awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. The singer’s list of awards also includes such titles as “Pop Star of the Year” (1996, 1998) in the “Person of the Year” program, “People’s Artist of Ukraine”, the woman has the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Stanislav, “Glory to Loyalty to the Fatherland”, St. Anne's

Hits from Taisiya

Very talented singer Taisiya Povaliy. Her biography is not simple, because she went to fame for quite a long time. The girl received recognition at the age of 29 after winning the international and very prestigious competition “Slavic Bazaar”. This is explained by the fact that all this time she did not have a hit song in her repertoire. Only after collaborating with Igor Likhuta does she finally appear. Especially for Taya, the producer’s friend Alexander Yaremenko wrote the song “Panel Kohannya” (“Panel of Love”), which allowed her to win two prestigious competitions and win the hearts of millions of people in the country. Next came “Simply Taya”, “Turns”, “Knocking on Heaven’s Door”, “Thistle”, “Sweet Sin”, and then wonderful compositions performed in duets with recognized stars (Iosif Kobzon, Nikolai Baskov).

Star repertoire

Very Taisiya Povaliy. Her biography (it’s easy to calculate how old the singer is - this year she will turn 50), albums and repertoire are of interest to fans of her talent. It is worth noting that the singer’s repertoire is very diverse, as she easily performs classics, jazz, folk songs and pop music. Hits are written for her by the legendary masters of our time: Konstantin Meladze, Yuri and Evgeniy Rybchinsky, Gennady Krupnik, Alexander Zlotnik, Igor Stetsyuk, Liliya Ostapenko, Oleg Makarevich, Valeria Serova, Olga Tkach.

All the songs that Taisiya performs on stage are included in albums. There is one interesting custom associated with them. When the singer records a new disc, the producer (and husband in one person) gives her a beautiful hat.

Woman's happiness

A beautiful and successful woman is very happy in everyday life. Taisiya Povaliy's first husband, Vladimir, gave her a surname and her only son. They met when the girl was still studying. Vladimir was already a famous arranger and composer at that time. But after eleven years of marriage, the couple broke up, as fate brought the singer together with a new man.

Igor Likhuta turned Taya's life upside down. This was a man who had connections, was the best drummer in Ukraine, and he believed in her more than she believed in herself. The future spouses met on the set of the New Year's program. They immediately liked each other and a year later they began to live together. Likhuta, without any doubt, left his second wife, and Povaliy left her first husband. Today Igor and Taisiya are very happy, and their creative tandem can safely be considered one of the strongest and most successful on the Ukrainian music scene.

Instead of an afterword

Today the star is known and loved not only in Ukraine, but throughout the entire former Soviet Union. Successful compositions, masterful performance, passion for work and soul invested in each song are complemented by Taya’s amazing performance. Professional producing, of course, is also important.

A woman's appearance is always admirable. At 49, she can match many twenty-year-olds. Povali always has a beautiful hairstyle (she trusts her hair only to hairdressers with many years of experience), makeup and manicure. The skin glows, and a youthful face is the result of the efforts of not only plastic surgeons, but also painstaking care. Her clothes - both everyday and stage - are carefully thought out and selected. And her figure has ideal parameters, it’s not for nothing that the star regularly visits the gym and monitors her nutrition.

Taisiya Povaliy always gathers full houses. Children and adults, young and old, listen to her songs with pleasure, enjoying the unique voice that shimmers in every note. And the woman herself believes in miracles and hopes that all her main achievements in this world are still ahead.

Taisiya Povaliy, a talented pop singer who has won popularity and love from viewers not only in her native Ukraine, but also throughout the entire former CIS, was born in the small village of Shamraevka, not far from the capital of Ukraine, on December 10, 1964.


Taya's parents were simple villagers who had nothing to do with art. But the girl grew up listening to melodic Ukrainian folk songs, which her parents loved and often sang. When Taisiya grew up a little, the family moved from the village to Belaya Tserkov so that her daughter could study in a good school.

Taisiya in childhood and youth

Her creative abilities manifested themselves very early - already at the age of 3 she sang along with her mother, hitting the notes surprisingly accurately. The girl went to general education and music schools at the same time. And she did everything well, was a diligent and diligent student. The teachers unanimously predicted a great musical future for her and, as it turned out later, they were not mistaken.

Having received a basic education, Taya went to Kyiv to continue studying music. To the surprise of her parents, she easily passed the tough qualifying competition and on the first try she entered the best music school in the country named after. Gliera. The chosen specialty was choral singing, but at the same time Taya diligently studied her own vocals.

The teachers appreciated the wide range and pleasant timbre of the aspiring singer’s voice and prepared her for an opera career, focusing on academic singing. Taya herself wanted to sing popular songs that would be heard on TV and from the windows of houses, she wanted fame and an active touring life.

But, being obedient and diligent, she did not dare to disobey. This preparation was very useful in the future.

Music career

And yet the girl did not go to the opera. After graduating from college, she got a job in a music hall. Variety shows were much closer to her spirit, and serious academic preparation made it possible to make them not only spectacular, but also of high quality. Therefore, very soon Taisiya began giving solo concerts, including outdoor ones.

However, this was still not the scale she dreamed of. In an effort to conquer the heights of the musical Olympus, she actively took part in various music competitions and festivals. But for some reason she had no luck there. Although each time the jury noted her magnificent voice and academic manner of performance, the first prizes went to her competitors.

And only in 1990 she finally became the winner of the all-Union radio competition “New Names”. This victory made her path easier, but did not take her to the top. She began to be invited to the filming of popular TV shows and music programs. And during one of them, she met Igor Likhuta, who was already like a duck to water in the Moscow music scene.

He invited her to work together, and from that moment Povaliy’s creative life took a sharp turn and quickly flew uphill. Igor worked on the singer’s image and changed the repertoire quite a lot, focusing on those songs that could potentially become hits. With one of them, Povaliy appeared on the stage of the “Slavic Bazaar” and finally received the well-deserved grand prix.

From that moment on, the singer became one of the most popular on the Ukrainian stage. But this is not enough for Lihuta - he insists that she perform songs in Russian, which were written for her by the best Russian composers. Gradually, Povaliy’s popularity even spread beyond the CIS. She began giving tours around Europe and flew to America.

In 1996, she received the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine and has many other prestigious awards. Over the years of her creative activity, Povaliy recorded 15 solo albums, the release of each of which was a real event. She actively participates in the political life of the country, being a supporter of a peaceful resolution of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the singer is very beautiful and has always had many fans, the main love of her life has always been music. Perhaps that is why she was never seen in scandalous relationships - she simply had no time for fleeting romances. Next to her could only be a man who completely shared her passion.

The singer’s first husband was the keyboard player of her band, Vladimir Povaliy, with whom she gave birth to a son, Denis. This marriage was concluded not so much out of great love, but because they spent a lot of time together and had mutual sympathy. But as soon as a real feeling flared up in Povaliy’s heart, the union fell apart.

The future producer and subsequently second husband Igor Likhuta managed to kindle this passion in her heart. When they first met on the set of New Year's lights in 1992, a spark flashed between them, which even those around them noticed. For some time, both resisted the flaring feeling - each of them was not free.

With second husband Igor

The first to leave his legal wife was Lihut. And after some time, believing in the seriousness of his feelings, Povaliy decided to divorce. The couple have lived and worked together since 1993 and today are one of the most beautiful, strong and successful couples in show business.

Povaliy Taisiya Nikolaevna (b. 1964) is a Ukrainian popular pop singer. Performer of musical compositions in Ukrainian and Russian. Holder of the titles of People's Artist of Ukraine and People's Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia.


Taya was born on December 10, 1964 in Ukraine in the Kyiv region, in the small village of Shamraevka, Skvirsky district. Her maiden name was Giryavets. The father wanted to name the girl Lesya, and the mother Taisiya, they even drew lots. When Taya was little, she was offended by her mother for having such a name, everyone was around Lena and Natasha, and she was the only one in the entire village, Taisiya. Now the singer is incredibly grateful to her mother for this name; it is feminine and very beautiful.

Dad, Nikolai Pavlovich, and mother, Nina Danilovna (maiden name Konoplyanaya) were simple people and loved to sing very much. As Taisiya later recalled, songs were heard in their house from morning until late at night. They sang while working and resting, they went to bed - they sang, they sat down at the dinner table - they also sang. No one had any musical education, but nature blessed them with amazing voices. It seems to her that she, too, has been singing since she was born. Taya doesn’t remember which song she performed first, most likely a folk one (that’s what the singer thinks now).

Moreover, they sang not only in the Giryavets family, but throughout the entire village. As long as Taya can remember, she was surrounded by songs - pop, folk, Soviet hits. The love of creativity was passed on to her with her mother's milk. As a child, Taisiya’s mother really wanted to become a singer. But her father (Tain’s grandfather) did not return from the front, her grandmother and three children lived so poorly that the kids took turns going to school, because everyone had the same clothes and shoes. Mystery’s mother could not leave her village, let alone Kiev, or even the nearest Belaya Tserkov. Her dream of becoming an artist remained unfulfilled.

But her only daughter Taisiya fulfilled her dream. Already at the age of five, the girl entertained all the guests and acquaintances who came to the house with songs; she sang with a skipping rope, standing in front of the mirror and imagining that it was a microphone with a cord. At the same time, she stubbornly and firmly declared that she would grow up to be a People's Artist of the Soviet Union.

Moreover, Taisiya fulfilled all her dreams with her own labor, like the very first one from childhood. Her friend had a beautiful night lamp with painted dolls and bears at home. Taya liked it madly, she wanted exactly the same one so much that the girl saved money to buy a floor lamp. But then I found out that my friend’s parents brought such a dream from abroad. Taisiya was terribly worried at first, but then she took and made exactly the same floor lamp herself, painted dolls with bears and hung a night light in her bedroom.

The girl's passion for singing could not go unnoticed. As a child, Taisiya already appeared on stage as part of a children's musical group. And at the age of six, her first real tour took place. The music teacher took the girl with her to an away performance, Taya even received a full fee for this, which the little girl immediately gave to her mother. Now Povaliy admits that she still has the sound of those first applause in her ears; they seemed to her then the longest, most generous and sincere.

The girl was especially drawn to musical instruments. Knowing his daughter’s passion, dad once gave her a record player, which was a terrible shortage at that time. Taya's joy knew no bounds. She often recalls how she played a record with Edita Piekha’s hits “And I walk home along the sleepers out of habit…” and “Someone loses, someone finds...” Later she got CDs with recordings of her favorite singers - Lyudmila Zykina , Lyudmila Senchina, Sofia Rotaru, Alla Pugacheva.

Little Taisiya could have imagined that many years would pass and she would appear on the same stage with her idols. And then 15-year-old Taya graduated from eight classes of a rural secondary school and went to Kyiv to study at the Glier State Music College.

Creative path

In the capital of Ukraine, Taisiya became a student in the conducting and choral department, but also took additional classes in academic vocals. While studying at the school, many predicted a successful future for Taya as an opera diva. And now Povaliy is sure that it was these vocal lessons that helped her in the future become such a versatile performer, because she can sing everything: an opera aria and musical compositions in the soul style.

In 1984, Taya received a diploma and began her further creative career at the Kyiv State Music Hall. Here she was part of a vocal group, and later became a soloist.

After working at the Music Hall for six years, the young singer began to actively participate in various song competitions and went to music festivals. In 1990, the USSR State Television and Radio hosted the “New Names” competition program, where Taisiya won, this was her first award. In 1991, Taya became a diploma winner at the Asia Dauysy competition, which was held in Almaty. And 1993 brought the young singer two victories at once:

  • in Chernivtsi a music competition named after Vladimir Ivasyuk “The song will be with us” was held, Povaliy won the grand prix;
  • she received the same award in Vitebsk at the “Slavic Bazaar” in the “Competition of Young Performers”.

After these victories in the post-Soviet space, singer Taisiya Povaliy began to gain fame. And in Ukrainian show business her career was gaining rapid momentum. Already in 1994, Povaliy was recognized as the best singer in Ukraine. The following year, 1995, saw the release of her first solo album, “Panel Kohannya,” and a video for the popular composition “Simply Taya.” And in 1996, Taisiya was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.

The year 1997 was marked by two significant events for the singer:

  • Ukrainian President Kuchma L.M. signed a corresponding decree to award Taisiya Povaliy the title of People's Artist;
  • The presentation of her second solo album “I Love You” took place.

In 1998, Taisiya’s first grandiose solo performance took place; its program included not only the singer’s repertoire songs, but also excerpts from opera parts. Her musical compositions were constantly played on the radio, and video clips were played on Ukrainian television channels. One after another, Povaliy received prestigious titles - “Pop Star of the Year”, “Person of the Year in Ukraine”, and in 1998 Taya became the owner of the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which she was awarded “For increasing goodness on Earth.”

In 2000, Taisiya received two more national awards:

  • Order of St. Anne, 4th degree;
  • Order of Glory for Loyalty to the Fatherland, 2nd degree.

The singer continuously delighted her fans with new songs, albums were released one after another:

  • 1999 – “Sweet Sin”;
  • 2000 - “Be it so”;
  • 2001 – “Charming violin”;
  • 2002 – “Free Bird”;
  • 2003 - “I’m returning”;
  • 2004 – “Serdenko”.

Povaliy gained wide popularity outside of Ukraine after the release of comedy musicals for the New Year holidays: “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka,” where she played a princess, and “Cinderella,” where she played the character of a matchmaker.

In 2002, the singer began a fruitful collaboration with People’s Artist of the USSR Joseph Kobzon. They released a joint album, which included 21 musical compositions performed in Ukrainian.

For the 2003 New Year, a new musical comedy “The Snow Queen” was released, where Povaliy starred as a Laplander and sang the song “Zamelo”.

The year 2004 brought Taisiya a wonderful collaboration with the Russian singer Nikolai Baskov, the duet was so successful that Povaliy became a real star in Russia, and their joint songs were listened to all over the world:

  • "Let me go";
  • "River of Destiny";
  • "You're far away";
  • "White snow."

Together they toured dozens of cities in Russia, the Baltic states, Ukraine and Belarus. And in 2007, during their fantastic foreign tour, the most famous halls on the planet were packed - in Canada, Israel, the USA and Germany.

In 2005, Nikolai and Taisiya received the Golden Gramophone for the composition “Let Me Go,” and in 2006 for the song “You Are Far Away.”

Despite such success, the singer did not abandon her solo career. Her new songs rose to the highest places in the Russian and Ukrainian charts:

  • “I’ll survive”;
  • "Behind you";
  • "Former";
  • "May you be lucky in love."

The most important music festival in Russia, “Song of the Year,” was no longer complete without Povaliy; she became a permanent participant. Such wild popularity of the singer led to the emergence of a new amazing duet - now with Stas Mikhailov. Their song “Let Go” broke all records on the Russian charts.

In 2010, Povaliy was elected head of the jury of the Slavic Bazaar music festival. In 2011, the singer’s star was laid on the Ukrainian Avenue of Stars, which is located in the very central part of Kyiv.

In 2012, the head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, awarded the wonderful singer Taisiya Povaliy the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia. In the same year, Taya’s most cherished dream came true: she conquered the main stage of Russia in the Kremlin Palace, where her solo concert took place, which was held on a grand scale and success.

Povaliy’s creative career has already exceeded 20 years. During this period, she released 14 studio records and was awarded four orders. The singer still attracts full audiences, no matter what city she performs in. A unique charming voice, sincere love for the audience, a stunning beautiful woman - these are the three components of her enormous success.

Personal life

Taya first married at the age of 18 to musician Vladimir Povaliy. He was six years older than his young wife and worked at the Kiev Music Hall, where he worked on phonograms and backing tracks. Now he is an arranger of the Presidential Orchestra of Ukraine. In 1983, the couple had a boy, Denis. In 1993, Vladimir and Taisiya separated; after his parents’ divorce, 10-year-old Denis expressed a desire to stay with his father.

The singer’s second husband, Igor Likhuta, is also her producer. As Taisiya herself admits, sometimes she can be extremely lazy, but there is always a loving husband and strict boss of Likhut nearby, who does not allow her to relax. It was in Igor that Taya found her soul mate, destined for her by God. From the moment they met, the singer’s whole life changed for the better.

Although at first it was very difficult for them to build their relationship. Taya was married, Igor was in his second marriage. From the fact that Povaliy and Likhuta met each other and a hurricane of love fell on them, a lot of people suffered, in addition to their spouses, also parents and children. But Igor and Taya could not help themselves, they truly reveled in their love. In December 1993 they got married.

Igor also graduated from the Glier Music College in Kyiv, then went abroad, where he worked in nightclubs and restaurants in Sweden, Norway and Poland. After he met Taya, he became her producer. He opened the way for her into show business, the machine of her popularity began to spin, Igor did everything to ensure that his beloved became a star.

Beauty secrets

Taisiya Povaliy is firmly convinced that female beauty does not depend on fashionable makeup and plastic surgery, but on the state of mind, mood, feeling of falling in love and confidence in the good. In happy women, this is always easy to read on their faces; it is very pleasant to look at them.

Of course, beauty must be maintained and taken care of regularly. Taisiya visits a cosmetologist every week, who selects the right skin care and anti-wrinkle products for her.

Povaly and Lihuta have a large house outside the city with a garden and vegetable garden. True, the singer has no time to plant seedlings and harvest crops; special people do this. There are a lot of fruit trees growing in the garden, which the singer loves to simply wash and eat, because they are so tasty and healthy - cherries, apricots, cherries, strawberries and raspberries, red and black currants, apples and a breathtakingly juicy pear. And the singer’s special pride is two hazel trees that produce huge harvests; Taisiya has baskets of nuts at home all year round. Sometimes, when there is a little free time, Taya makes preparations for the winter.

There are two things in the life of an artist that she is afraid of: heights and death. But Taisiya tries never to think about them, she is an absolutely happy woman, and this is how she lives every new day she’s given.