Where to transfer to MTSK. Moscow Central Circle MCC

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  • On September 10, passenger traffic was launched. One of its stations, Likhobory, is located near the NATI platform of the Oktyabrskaya Railway. Last week I and my colleague Zelenograd information portal Vasily Povolnov (mostly his photos are used in the post) finally visited this and other stations, which Zelenograd residents could theoretically use to transfer to the MCC, to see how everything works there and tell our readers about it.

    The MCC station "Likhobory" (until the summer of this year it was known as "Nikolaevskaya") is located in the line of sight from the NATI platform.

    If you come by train from Zelenograd, you need to exit the platform on the right side in the direction of travel and follow the path along the railway towards the Leningradsky station.

    The exit from the platform is located at the level of the third or fourth cars. If you want to save time on transfers, take them. There is also a sign towards the MCC. To the left of it you can see the buildings of the Likhobor station.

    The distance from the exit from the NATI platform to the entrance to the overpass of the Likhobory station is just over 200 meters. However, keep in mind that the entrance to the passage is not yet the entrance to the station itself.

    After 120 meters, the path along the ORR (in the photo the view is in the opposite direction - towards the NATI platform) turns right.

    Around the corner of the fence, the view of the Likhobory station opens up again. The overpass is just a stone's throw away.

    But this is the most unpleasant part of the short journey. In the vicinity of NATI and Likhobor, the North-Eastern Expressway (also known as the Northern Road) is being built, which by the end of 2018 must tie New Leningradka with Dmitrovskoe highway. Because of this, the asphalt is further covered with a layer of dirt, which is carried around the surrounding area by construction equipment. Apparently, in the future, an underground passage will be built here for commuter train passengers. But for now, that's it. Such a cool infrastructure project as the MCC is, of course, unbecoming.

    Landscaping work continues around the Likhobory station itself. However, the area in front of the entrance to the passage is already paved with “ceremonial” tiles.

    Now we have to climb to the height of a three-story house with high ceilings. There is an elevator in the passage, but so far it, like the metal detector frame at the entrance, is not working (all data in the material is given as of September 20). Therefore, you have to go on foot. At the same time, there are no channels (runners for strollers) on the stairs. One can only sympathize with anyone who happens to be here, for example, with a baby stroller.

    From the top floor there is a view of the NATI platform and the construction site of the North-East Expressway.

    And in the other direction - to the platforms of the Likhobory station.

    To get to the platform, you need to travel along the passage over the railway. Just not to the end, but approximately to the middle.
    Note that the transition (at least for now) is not an insulated structure. In design, it is similar to the overpass across Central Avenue near the Zelenograd Prefecture, and ventilation “holes in the floor” are hidden behind the railings on the sides. You won't be able to stay warm here in winter. Compared to transferring from train to metro at Leningradsky Station, this is, of course, a serious disadvantage.

    After about 90 meters, there will be glass doors on the right in the passage leading to the station lobby.

    Opposite you can admire the bridge at the intersection of the MCC and the Oktyabrskaya Railway.

    With navigation, things are much better here than at the Butyrskaya metro station, which recently opened near the Ostankino platform (for transfers from the railway to the new stations of the Lyublino-Dmitrovskaya metro line, see separate post ). In any case, the way back to the NATI platform can be easily found. This is the sign that will greet you when you exit the glass doors. Then along the way there will be several more signs.

    In the lobby, behind glass doors, there are turnstiles that are not yet working (let me remind you that travel on the MCC is free for the first month) and descents to two platforms (there are elevators, stairs, and escalators). Here you need to decide which platform you want to get on. If you are driving west (along the outer side of the ring) - towards "Koptevo", "Baltiyskaya", "Streshnevo" and so on - you go to the right. If you go east (on the inside) - to "Okruzhnaya", "Vladykino", "Botanical Garden" and then to the left.

    MCC diagram to help you (clickable)

    The most obvious option for getting down to the platform is an escalator. Unlike the elevators, they are running. Each platform is connected to the lobby by two escalators: one goes up, the other goes down.

    Estimating travel time on foot is not an easy task, but according to our estimates, you can get from the door of the train on the NATI platform to the platform at the Likhobory station in 6-8 minutes. In the opposite direction, the journey will take a little longer, since you will still need to cross the bridge to the far platform at NATI.

    While we are waiting for our “Swallow” to go on a trip along the MCC, let us remind you that in the future a large transport hub - with shops, parking lots and even a hockey rink. And, of course, ground public transport stops. The main volume of transport hub buildings will be located on the side of Cherepanov passage (that is, on the opposite side from the NATI platform). It is supposed to look like this (clickable image).

    And this is what the place looks like now.

    Road work is underway on Cherepanov Passage.

    The transport hub is planned to be built approximately by 2025. As part of this project, it is planned to reconstruct and extend the NATI platform towards the center of Moscow. This means that trains in the Leningrad direction will stop even closer to the MCC, and the transfer from NATI to Likhobory will become even shorter and more convenient.
    Now let’s return to the Likhobory station. Both platforms have canopies and a decent number of benches and bins. The surface is paved with tiles, and a strip of yellow tactile tiles is laid along the edge of the platform.

    In general, everything is stylish, neat and, if we talk about platforms, and not about transitions, then, in my opinion, a little in a retro style.

    All the design is in the corporate style of Russian Railways, which operates this road jointly with the Moscow Metro (let me remind you that you can pay for travel with metro tickets, and the transfer between the metro and the MCC will be free for one and a half hours).

    Electronic boards show the direction of travel (by the name of the next station) and the time until the train arrives. Let us remind you that the stated intervals for trains on the MCC are 6 minutes during peak hours and 11-15 minutes during off-peak times. If necessary, these intervals are promised to be shortened. And it seems like they are already thinking about implementing such an opportunity.

    The platform from which you can leave Likhobor towards Koptevo, that is, to the west, has paths on both sides. But trains come on the left side (in the direction of travel from the escalator). “External tracks” are apparently needed for service purposes and freight traffic, which will remain on the ring. View back towards the passage leading to NATI.

    And here is our train. About 15 minutes have passed since the previous one left. True, three electric trains passed in the opposite direction during this time.

    Lastochki are used as rolling stock on the Moscow Central Circle. I made a big post about how these trains work . Inside the Lastochka on the MCC, except for the posted diagrams and advertisements, they are no different from those that run to Kryukovo and Tver and are already well known to many Zelenograd residents.
    Scheme of the MCC in the carriage:

    MCC and metro map:

    It is allowed to carry bicycles on the MCC, and there are corresponding stickers on the trains, but we did not find any special mounts for two-wheeled transport in the local Lastochki. As well as the intention to twist the “extra” third seats so that all cars have a 2+2 layout, has not yet been implemented.

    It seems that trains to the MCC do not run empty. We were on the ring from about 17:00 to 18:30, that is, practically during the evening rush hour, and in all the “Swallows” we saw, some of the passengers rode standing.

    The closest stop to Likhobory, if you go west, is Koptevo. However, it was among the five stations that did not manage to open even in draft form before the start of traffic on the MCC. Therefore, for now the next stop after “Likhobor” is “Baltiyskaya”. Until the summer of this year, it was called “Voikovskaya” - after the nearby metro station.
    The transfer between Baltiyskaya and Voykovskaya is considered one of the longest on the MCC. The two station concourses are located more than 700 meters apart. In order for a metro passenger to transfer here to the Moscow Central Circle, he should exit the subway through exit No. 1 (from the last car when moving towards the center, then from the glass doors to the right) and go along the Leningradskoye Shosse towards the region - to the Metropolis shopping complex. .

    "Baltiyskaya" is located at the intersection of the MCC with Leningradskoye Shosse. The station has two exits: one towards Admiral Makarov Street, the other towards Novopetrovsky Proezd, Metropolis and Voikovskaya metro station.

    Moreover, the branch of the passage that leads from the MCC station towards Voykovskaya is connected to the Metropolis building. And although the signs point to the street for access to the metro, in fact, a significant part of the journey can be done in the warmth, passing through the entire building of the shopping center. Then you will only have to travel about 200 meters along the street to the entrance to the subway. Of course, this advice is also relevant for those who go from the metro to the MCC.

    There is only one platform at Baltiyskaya and, accordingly, it is wider.

    Escalators and stairs for descending/ascending between the platform and the passage are located in one place. There are also elevators, but, like at Likhobory, they are not yet working.

    If you, having a baby stroller with you, decide to leave the Baltiyskaya in the direction opposite to the Metropolis, you will encounter the same problem as at the transfer at NATI - there is no alternative to descending the stairs without channels.

    View from the MCC platform to the side façade of Metropolis.

    If the Metrostroy website contains current sketches of transport hub projects on the Moscow Central Circle, then in its final form the Baltiyskaya station will look like this. Another passage will appear in both directions from the other edge of the platform.

    The next station after Baltiyskaya is Streshnevo. Previously, it was called “Volokolamskaya”, because it is located at the intersection of the MCC with the Volokolamsk highway. Theoretically, some of the Zelenograd residents could come here by car and then set off on a further journey along the MCC. However, this option is unlikely to become widespread. Not only is it suitable for only a few people, but it is also unclear where to leave the car in this case - there is no semblance of intercept parking here.

    Moreover, the passage at Streshnevo has not yet been completed, which could lead to the 1st Krasnogorsky passage - potentially the most convenient for accessing this station from Zelenograd.

    As part of the creation of a transport hub here, the Streshnevo MCC station will be connected by a walkway to the Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo Riga platform, which will be moved several hundred meters for this purpose. However, this no longer has anything to do with trips to/from Zelenograd (only if it concerns trips to my dacha :)).
    Visualization of the Streshnevo transport hub project (image from the MCC website)

    Diagram of the Streshnevo transport hub (clickable image from the Metrostroy website)

    In the meantime, the Streshnevo station looks almost like a twin of Likhobor: the same two platforms on either side of the main passage...

    And a typical (but at the same time, in my opinion, stylish) lobby building with escalators, adjacent to the passage.

    There are also combined “ring” maps of the metro and MCC posted everywhere. For some reason, there were no such schemes at Likhobory.

    As in all other places, active construction and finishing work is still ongoing at Streshnevo station.

    Unfortunately, I haven’t had time to drive around the entire ring yet, although it would be very interesting to do so. Well, I hope he still has time. However, from the point of view of Zelenograd residents, the stations visited are, of course, of greatest interest.

    To conclude the story, I will summarize a few key points.
    1. MCC went - and it’s wonderful. In essence, a new type of public transport has appeared in Moscow, which has significantly increased the connectivity of existing lines and routes. It is already obvious that, contrary to the gloomy forecasts of skeptics, the ring is in demand among the townspeople.
    2. Many residents of Zelenograd have new options for constructing routes when traveling to Moscow. But a lot here depends on the number of trains stopping at NATI. For example, on September 20, it was impossible to leave Kryukovo for NATI from 8:56 to 16:05 - more than 7 hours! But in the coming days the situation should change: the number of electric trains stopping at NATI doubled .
    3. The road was opened with a lot of minor imperfections - work is still underway almost everywhere. For most passengers this is not a big deal, but the MCC is still practically unsuitable for people with limited mobility. If for some reason you have difficulty moving, you should think very carefully about how you will climb the numerous stairs that do not even have runners for strollers.

    TASS-DOSSIER /Valery Korneev/. On September 10, passenger traffic opens in Moscow on the Moscow Central Circle (MCC), an intracity ring line of passenger electric trains that uses the infrastructure of the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway (MK MZD).

    The line is integrated with the Moscow metro (in the metro system it is assigned the number 14) and radial railway lines.

    Stations and transfers

    The total length of the Moscow Central Circle is 54 km. A total of 31 passenger platforms have been built on the MCC. It is expected that 26 platforms will open for passenger traffic on September 10, 2016, the remaining 5 by the end of 2016.

    Transfers to the Moscow Metro lines are planned from 17 stations. Five transfers to metro stations from the very beginning will be carried out “in a warm circuit” (without going outside): to “Kutuzovskaya”, “Delovoy Tsentr”, “Vladykino”, Cherkizovskaya” and “Leninsky Prospekt”. In 2016, after the opening station "Shelepikha" of the Third Interchange Circuit, transport interchange hubs will be built that will provide transitions "in a warm circuit" to the metro stations "Partizanskaya", "Botanical Garden", "Rokossovsky Boulevard", as well as the stations under construction "Nizhegorodskaya" and "Okruzhnaya" ".

    At other stations, you will need to go outside to transfer: for example, a transfer from the Baltiyskaya MCC station to the Voykovskaya metro station will take about 12 minutes.

    In 2016, five transfers to electric trains in five directions will operate - Kazansky, Leningradsky, Belorussky, Yaroslavsky and Smolensky. Four more transfers - to Paveletskoye, Rizhskoye, Kursk, Gorky directions - will open in the coming years after the existing platforms are moved. The only direction of commuter trains with which transfers are not provided is Kyiv.

    Also, transfers to 273 ground public transport routes will be organized from MCC stations.


    During the first month of operation of the MCC (until October 10, 2016), travel along the ring will be free for passengers.

    In the future, travel will be carried out using travel tickets and transport cards ("Unified", "90 minutes", "Troika") in accordance with metro tariffs while maintaining all existing social benefits.

    At the same time, with a ticket for one trip it will be possible to make a triple transfer: metro - MCC - metro.

    Operating hours, intervals

    Opening hours - from 05.30 to 01.00 - coincide with the schedule of the capital's metro.

    6 minutes - intervals during rush hours, 11-15 minutes - at other times. As the demand for the line increases, the intervals may decrease.

    A circular drive around the entire ring will take 75-85 minutes.

    Rolling stock

    Every day, 30 five-car ES2G Lastochka trains (Siemens Desiro RUS), manufactured at the Ural Railway Engineering Plant, will operate on the MCC. Three more trains will be in reserve. Maintenance of the trains will be carried out by Siemens (under an agreement concluded at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in 2015) at the Podmoskovnoye depot, located in the Sokol and Airport districts of Moscow.

    Each train can accommodate 1,200 passengers; Lastochka can also carry up to 12 bicycles. The trains are equipped with climate control systems, toilets, 220 V sockets and Wi-Fi. The doors will open with buttons at the request of passengers.

    The maximum design speed of the Lastochka is 160 km/h. However, on the MCC, due to frequent stops, trains will only be able to reach a speed of 80 km/h. The average route speed will be about 40 km/h.

    In total, up to 134 pairs of trains will run on the MCC per day.

    Project cost

    The MCC construction budget is 130.3 billion rubles. In total, 74.8 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget, investments from the Moscow government amounted to 15.5 billion rubles. Another about 40 billion rubles. private investors will invest in the construction of transport hubs.

    Freight traffic

    Freight traffic on the line will continue at reduced volumes only at night. Currently there are 12 operating freight stations on the ring.

    MCC goals

    The main goal of the project is to relieve congestion at railway stations, central parts of metro lines and create new short routes. The Moscow General Plan Institute expects that the introduction of the MCC will reduce passenger traffic on the Sokolnicheskaya metro line by 20%, on the Circle Line by 15%, on Lyublinskaya by 14%, on Filevskaya by 12%, on Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya by 18% and Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya - by 5%.

    The load at Kazansky station will decrease by 30%, at Kursky - by 40%, at Yaroslavsky - by 20%, at Rizhsky - by 30%, at Leningradsky - by 20%.

    It is planned that by September 2017 the Moscow Central Circle will transport 75 million passengers, 34.5 million of whom will use the road to transfer from the metro, 20.2 million from electric trains, 12.7 million from ground urban transport, and 7. 5 million will be city residents living near the MCC.

    By 2025, the MCC is expected to transport 300 million passengers a year, and the line itself will create up to 40 thousand new jobs after the development of the areas closest to the stations.

    MCC section on the official website of the Moscow Metro -

    The history of the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway is more than a hundred years old. Back in 1908, the circular route was opened for cargo transportation in 9 directions of the Moscow and 1 direction of the Oktyabrskaya railways. In 2012, the ring had 12 operating stations.

    Now the Moscow Ring Railway is a “light metro” under construction, a new ground mode of transport integrated into the overall metropolitan system and allowing passengers to make convenient transfers to buses and trams, metro and electric trains.

    The opening of the reconstructed tracks is just around the corner, so it’s time to tell Muscovites and guests of our city in more detail about their advantages.

    Latest news about the Moscow Ring Railway

    • At a meeting in mid-April 2016, Vladimir Putin was informed that the first Moscow Ring Railway trains would be launched in September 2016. Further work on the construction of the small ring will be concentrated at the transfer points.
    • In the twentieth of December, updated metro maps appeared in the capital's subway, which included the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway. This was done specifically so that passengers could get acquainted with pleasant prospects in advance and plan future routes.
    • The Moscow Ring Railway will have a modern system for informing passengers via smartphones - for example, a user, being in a specific point in the capital, will be able to receive a message about which station is nearby and how long the train will arrive at it.
    • According to the General Director of the Moscow Ring Railway, Alexei Zotov, train intervals on the Small Ring can be reduced to 2-3 minutes if necessary. In general, trains will run according to the subway schedule - with 6-minute intervals during peak hours and 12-minute intervals at other times.
    • CCTV cameras will be installed at all stops and transport hubs on the Moscow Circle, which will help maintain the proper level of security.
    • Everyone knows that the capital’s metro is an architectural monument that amazes with its grandeur even people who are used to riding it every day. But the “light metro” will also be an interesting piece of architecture, albeit a modern one. Thus, it became known that its stations will be illuminated in different colors in the evening, which will probably look very interesting under the transparent roof.
    • The Moscow Ring Road will be fully adapted for use by people with disabilities. In the ticket office areas of each station there is a special ticket office for wheelchair users, the window height of which is less than a meter.
    The section is constantly updated with up-to-date information.

    Moscow Ring Railway in numbers

    The small ring is:

    • 54 km railway tracks, and taking into account the entrances and adjacent branches - 145 km;
    • 32 stopping points for future passenger transportation and 12 existing freight stations before the start of global reconstruction;
    • 212 billion rubles., invested in repair work;
    • 20 minutes time saved when traveling around the center of the capital;
    • 300 million passengers who will use the “light metro” by 2025;
    • before 100 pairs compositions per day.

    Moscow Ring Railway station diagram on the map

    The stations of the Small Ring Railway will be full-fledged transport hubs (TPU). This means that they will house offices, cafes, shops, and shopping malls. At each station there is a transfer to ground public transport.

    The Moscow Ring Railway will include 32 stations. Let's divide them into categories.

    Stations from which you can only transfer to ground transport

    Koptevo, Presnya, Belokamennaya, Sokolinaya Gora, ZIL, Sevastopolskaya, Novopeschanaya, Khodynka, Volgogradskaya, Park of Legends

    Stations from which a transfer to the metro is implied

    Vladykino, Botanical Garden, Open Highway, Cherkizovo, Izmailovsky Park, Enthusiasts Highway, Ryazanskaya, Dubrovka, Avtozavodskaya, Gagarin Square, Luzhniki, Kutuzovo, Shelepikha, Khoroshevo, Voykovskaya, Okruzhnaya

    Stations from which you can transfer to the Russian Railways radial line

    Streshnevo, Nikolaevskaya, Yaroslavskaya, Andronovka, Novokhokhlovskaya, Warsaw

    Stations that allow transfers to both the metro and the Russian Railways radial line

    District, Ryazan, City

    Construction plan and when will it open?

    The reconstruction of the Small Ring, which will result in high-speed passenger traffic, began in 2011. Previously, it was planned to launch the light metro in four stages. Traffic on the section of the first stage Presnya - Kanatchikovo was going to be launched at the end of 2014, and on the section of the second, third and fourth stages Presnya - Lefortovo - Kanatchikovo - at the end of 2015.

    Nevertheless, it was decided not to rush and launch the ring when it was fully ready - the project was too complex and large-scale.

    In December 2015, trains on the Moscow Ring Road were supposed to depart in test mode, but as of the third quarter of 2015, the work was 70% completed.

    It is expected that no earlier than the fall of 2016, full-fledged passenger transportation will be established on the Small Ring.

    Moscow Ring Railway and World Cup 2018

    Some time ago, information was announced that the Moscow Ring Road would be reconstructed for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. But now, according to those in charge, traffic along it will be launched in the fall of 2016.

    Fares on the Moscow Ring Railway and train intervals

    The cost of travel on the Small Ring will be the same as on the subway. The same tariffs and passes will apply here, which, you see, is very convenient for passengers.

    Light metro trains will run every 6 minutes.
    • The Moscow Ring Railway is called the “road of the future”. Thanks to it, the “deserted” industrial zones of the capital will find a second wind and will be included in a busy transport ring.
    • The Small Ring will connect the gardening estates of Moscow, which is also very convenient for its guests and residents. We are talking about Sparrow Hills, the Mikhailovo and Streshnevo estates, the Botanical Garden, VDNKh, Losiny Ostrov National Park.
    • Trains on the Moscow Ring Railway will be able to accelerate to 120 km/h, so travel is guaranteed. The cabin provides free Wi-Fi, sockets for phones and other gadgets, and a climate control system.
    • The tracks of the Moscow Ring Railway are already called “velvet” - Muscovites will not hear the sound of wheels, and special screens will protect them from excess noise.

    Official website of the Moscow Ring Railway

    The largest city in Europe, Moscow, is growing and developing year by year. It’s great that in our time we can observe such positive changes as the growth in the number of modern high-quality roads, metro stations and a fundamentally new type of transport that combines the speed and accessibility of the underground with the ability to transfer to buses, trams, and trolleybuses. We are confident that the Small Ring Railway and its trains will quickly gain popularity among residents of the capital, who value time like no one else.

    In Moscow, work is being completed to put the Moscow Ring Railway stations into operation. Traffic on the updated small ring will start next year. Several facilities have already been integrated into the city's transport infrastructure. It is assumed that the road will become one with the capital's subway. This information was voiced by the deputy head of the transport department, Hamid Bulatov. According to the official, passengers themselves will not even feel the difference, because they will be able to use a single ticket.

    The Moscow Ring Railway will include 31 stops, of which a full-fledged transport interchange network will operate at 21 points, and at 17 stop pavilions passengers will be able to switch to the usual line. At 9 stops, it is possible to transfer to all existing routes of suburban trains, except Kyiv. The small ring of the MKZ will significantly reduce all flows of metro lines and will ensure the possibility of delivering passengers to the main metropolitan highways.

    Moscow Ring Road scheme

    To enlarge the image, open it in a new tab

    The Moscow ring railway stations will be added to the metro map in September 2016. A map may also appear indicating the radial directions of railway tracks; such an innovation is not ruled out by the director of the Moscow Ring Railway, Alexey Zotov.

    According to preliminary estimates, the planned passenger flow of the Moscow ring in 2017 will be 75 million people, and by 2020 it will increase 2.3 times to 170 million passengers. The interval in the movement of railway transport will depend on the demand among citizens. If the Moscow Ring Railway becomes popular with passengers, the interval is planned to be reduced to two minutes.