Drawing with sand on glass. Magic sand

Little children love to get dirty, tinker with loose materials, create fantasy images, and devote themselves entirely to the creative process. Combine your child's hobbies into one whole and you'll get drawing in the sand.

Surely you yourself watched in fascination such performances on TV, watched gorgeous animations by famous world authors. Try repeating the show at home with your child. And our article will tell you how to draw with sand on glass and how to teach your child to make sand compositions.

From this article you will learn

What is the benefit of this activity

American cartoon director Carolyn Leaf presented an interesting idea to teachers and parents on how to organize children’s leisure time and develop multidirectional skills at the same time.

She created a sand video. The heroes came to life and acted on the luminous board. The artist painted them with her fingers using sand. The idea was picked up by other animators. The method of creating images and plots has been highly praised.

Gradually, drawing on a special board with sand came into the lives of ordinary people. Teachers began to practice such classes with children of different ages. The fascinating method of pedagogical work was studied from the point of view of psychology, physiology, and didactics. Teachers and preschool educators who practice innovation have noticed the following beneficial properties of such activities:

  • Drawing with sand on glass is fun and interesting. 99% of children receive a charge of positive emotions during the lesson and entertainment.
  • The method has no special rules. The baby can draw with his palm, one or more fingers, create any shapes and erase them quickly if something doesn’t work out.
  • The absence of restrictions relieves emotional stress. Children are relaxed, moderately excited, and feel like the creators of a unique masterpiece.
  • Motor skills develop. Kindergarteners are tired of plasticine and pencils; practicing finger dexterity with a light tablet and sand is no less useful. Speech develops simultaneously with motor skills.
  • Graphomotor skills are improved. Schoolchildren develop the ability to follow a contour, hold a pen correctly, and observe the rhythm of movements.
  • Suitable for any age. Nursery children, schoolchildren and adults enjoy drawing on the board. The magic of free-flowing animation leaves almost no one indifferent.
  • Relief from stress. Working with sand is included in a course of psychotherapy for the treatment of neuroses, tics, and insomnia. Healthy children also calm down during classes, find peace of mind, and forget about troubles.
  • A unique method helps to reveal creative potential and find yourself. The child shows imagination, shows hidden abilities, and is not afraid to evaluate the result.

If we consider the methodology from the point of view of organization and material costs, the following advantages are revealed:

  • Consumables are cheap. It is not necessary to buy sand; use semolina or ground coffee.
  • You can make a drawing tablet with your own hands. You will need a lamp, plexiglass, and a wooden box. The equipment takes up little space in the room and does not require special care.
  • Any mother, father, or grandmother can teach a child to draw with sand. No special education or courses are required for classes. Look at examples of work on the Internet and feel free to start creating.

Materials and tools for drawing

Without special homemade or store-bought equipment, you won’t be able to learn how to draw in the sand. The set of tools and consumables is small:

On a note! Buy quartz sand at a pet store or shopping centers in the “Toys” and “Everything for Creativity” departments.

Drawing Techniques

The art of creating animations is based on simple drawing techniques. In kindergarten or at home, show your child how to hold his hands and pour out sand so that the picture turns out clear, bright and real. Use the following techniques for beginners.

Pour sand from one palm to another

A great way to start classes. Kids get ready to work, get acquainted with the material, feel its weight, warmth or coolness, texture.

We collect sand in a fist and scatter it

You need to watch how much sand the preschooler picks up in his palm. There should be little of it so that the movements are easy, the layer of material on the glass is thin.

Sprinkle sand in a stream

Using a stream from their palm, children draw lines of different thicknesses. If you hold the pen high and release it in a thin stream, you will get a light version of the line. If you pour roughly, almost unclenching your fist, you will draw a dark, wide curve. At this stage, it is important to practice both techniques so that the child controls the color saturation of the drawing and creates almost invisible lines.

Finger painting

Children can use each finger individually or the entire palm. Let them depict grass, hair, trees. Large objects are drawn with a fist - a mountain, a stone. The pads are fruits, stars.

For schoolchildren who have mastered simple drawing methods, offer these exciting exercises.

Maple Leaf

Draw an outline for the maple leaf, being careful to follow its shape. Adjust the lines with your fingers. Push the excess sand towards the edge of the drawn sheet to make the outline darker. Draw the petiole. Use your fingernail to draw internal lines (veins). Place a circle in the petiole area with your fingertip.


The material is scattered onto the glass from the palm of your hand or with a pinch. Leveled. On this background, write the letters of the Latin or Slavic alphabet according to the model. The child learns to be attentive and repeat the pattern. Graphomotor skills develop.


Sprinkle sand over the entire surface of the container. Using four or five widely spaced fingers, draw wavy lines. Make horizontal lines with your fingernail - these are ripples. Then draw the horizon and remove the excess at the top of the glass. Draw clouds on the same composition.


Sand is clenched in a fist. We make circular movements with our hands with a small amplitude, scattering the material in the sandbox. You can then draw small lines with your fingernail to make the clouds look lush.

Young artists at the initial stage of mastering a fascinating hobby will enjoy such exercises using additional tools.


Take stamps, coffee stencils, plastic bottle caps. Leave marks on the sand table with them. With the help of different figures, large plot compositions are created.


It is much easier to disperse sand through a baby sieve. You can form mountains, make a thin coating on glass. The next step is to paint with your fingers on the resulting sand space.


A wide-necked tool helps make a high mound. Children watch the sand stream with enthusiasm and repeat the action using their fist.

Drawing animal tracks

This exercise requires careful finger work. Draw the marks with your fist, making the main background. Small details are drawn with sticks, fingertips, and marigolds.


Attach beads of different sizes to the ropes. Swing the pendulum so that traces of the load remain on the glass. Kids learn to control strength and maintain rhythm of movements. This is an excellent therapy for emotional overload.

Colored backgrounds

Colored cardboard and colorful pictures are placed on the glass. Sand is scattered on top in a thin layer. Children draw circles and zigzags. The colored fragment protrudes partially. The result is an original picture.

Pattern prints

You can play with a non-standard object with patterns - a toilet paper roll. Apply designs to it with a glue gun and let dry. Run the tool along the thin surface of the sand, leaving a mark. Girls love this type of work.

There are many options for selecting additional elements and tools for creating a sand masterpiece:

  • Take combs with rare or frequent teeth - you get a wave.
  • Toothpicks help to draw the finest lines, making the image of the hero expressive and real.
  • Children's rakes are suitable for drawing out relief in landscape compositions.

Fantasize, do not limit yourself and your child in the creative process.

Sand animation

The child will be able to perform the first simple animation in three to four lessons, having mastered the technical basics of drawing. Invite the student to draw an apple tree on the glass. A step-by-step master class is given below:

  1. Prepare sand and screen. Treat the surface of the table with an antistatic agent and remove excess.
  2. Take some sand into your fist and scatter it on the light table. The surface should be covered evenly.
  3. Draw the trunk with your thumb and press down on the entire pad.
  4. Rising to the top of the apple tree, sharpen the line. Draw not all with a pillow, but with a half, then with a nail.
  5. Use your little finger and index finger to draw thin and thick branches. Curve the lines to make the apple tree look like a real one.
  6. Draw a crown. Take sand, pour it generously around the branches, at the top.
  7. Leave a little for the bottom of the picture. Scatter it under a tree. It will be weed.
  8. Using your fingerprints, draw apples on the branches. Determine their number yourself. It is important that the circles are not blurry, the edges should be clear.
  9. If you draw three or four apples under a tree, on the ground, you will get an autumn version of the picture.
  10. Now clear the background. Draw a contour around the crown, remove excess sand from the surface. The tree will have a shape.

On a note! For animation, use a multi-colored drawing set. Using green, yellow, white, gray sand and changing the hue of the image illumination, professionals achieve the effect of a living picture.

How to draw a pig

How to draw a mouse

How to draw a hippopotamus

Game exercises

At home, in kindergarten, and in early development classes, children learn through play. This is the best way to teach the complex through the simple. A tabletop sandbox with high sides and play exercises for preschoolers will help you with this.

Training your fingers

Start your first acquaintance with animation not with theory, but with practice. Give the opportunity to touch, smell, and explore the material. Turn on the lighting in the sandbox. You can play soft music so that the kids are completely immersed in the process and understand that something unusual is about to happen.

Ask preschoolers to draw any object or figure on the glass with their finger. Let them tinker with the sand as much as they like. At the same time, motor skills, imagination, and attention develop.

Let's play hide and seek

You will need a rake, shovels and a thick layer of sand. Give students small toys (Kinder figurines). Ask to bury it unnoticed by others. Have a competition to see who can find a friend's toy faster with their eyes closed using their fingers.

What a surprise I have

The teacher hides various small objects (buttons, rags, pieces of paper, figurines, balls, coins) in the sandbox. The children's task is to find one object each with their hands, guess what it is by touch. In the process of understanding and feeling an object, you need to talk about your feelings and assumptions.


The sand needs to be poured into a deep container or chest. Place pirate treasures inside: beads, coins, map, “gems”. You need to look for treasure with one finger. Attach a fascinating story to every discovery. Tell it yourself or come up with it with your children.


Find a cobblestone on the street. Let it be unpleasant to the touch: cold, slippery, rough, etc. Bury the item in the sand. Ask the children to touch an unknown object at the same time, tell them how they feel, why they feel uncomfortable, and the like.

Continue exploring as a group when the stone is removed from the sandbox. Tactile sensations are responsible for the formation of speech and train emotional endurance.

Important! For games of hide and seek, when children cannot see the object under the sand, choose toys with rounded edges, made of fabric, rubber, so that children do not hurt their fingers.

You need to master an unconventional method for early development and entertainment of children after watching video lessons or recommendations from professionals. It is useful for beginners to know the following:

  1. Place dots with the pads of different fingers. Remember how big they will be. This will help you not to make a mistake in choosing a finger when drawing eyes, fruits, or drawings on the body of animals.
  2. Before the lesson, try to pour an even layer of sand onto the glass. Use a sieve, funnels, and a little later your fists.
  3. Do not level the surface with your fingers. Fingerprints leave an unaesthetic mark.
  4. When kids learn to create simple images, try creating compositions from small parts using available tools.
  5. Professionals minimize the number of touches to sand. Movements should be sweeping and confident.
  6. Choose the best picture option for your level. Practice the technique of creating it to perfection. Rehearse the pattern several times.
  7. Before applying a stroke, consider its length and width.
  8. You can draw with sand on a light and sound board, a black polished table, or a kitchen baking sheet. The most important thing is the contrast between the surface and the bulk material.

Important! Watch master classes for free on the Internet. Periodically show children complex compositions on video. This gives impetus to development, spurs interest and desire to improve drawing techniques.

How to make a table for sand animation with your own hands

Playful activities with the family are much more beneficial for young children than group classes in development centers. A backlit sand drawing tablet can be made at home from scrap materials. Dads will need:

  • wooden box;
  • a suitable piece of plexiglass;
  • nails;
  • electrical tape, adhesive tape;
  • wood paint;
  • flashlight, lamp.

The manufacturing process will take no more than 1–2 hours, and children's joy will know no bounds. Make the table bigger so the whole family can use it at the same time. The instructions consist of the following steps:

  1. Clean the wooden box from excess, reduce the height of the sides. The average depth of space is 10–15 centimeters.
  2. Remove the bottom cover or make a slot to install the glass.
  3. Place the transparent part on the bottom half.
  4. Carefully secure the glass with strips from below.
  5. Make compartments on the sides for storing small items (sticks, sieves, rakes). To do this, nail the planks, retreating a couple of centimeters from the edge.
  6. Install the legs to the table. Choose the height according to the height and age of the youngest child.
  7. Place a bright flashlight or an electric lamp with good power under the table.
  8. The workspace for the little artist is ready.

Watch the video tutorial on how to make your own sand painting light table at home:

Interesting fact! In Tibet and India, traditions of creating images of the Supreme God using multi-colored grains of sand have been preserved. This art has a name - mandala. Bright round pictures are made only by monks initiated into tantric secrets. It takes 1–2 weeks to make one mandala. The picture consists of millions of grains of sand.

Sand compositions cannot be hung on the wall or left as souvenirs to show to friends and relatives. This is the only disadvantage of such creativity. But there is a way out. Record successful activities on camera, take pictures of the drawings. Make a video with music on the slides.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

Series: drawing lessons for children.

Sand painting, as an unconventional direction of Fine Art, is extremely expressive and extremely popular all over the world. What are the mesmerizing ones worth? sand shows: when, accompanied by beautiful music on luminous glass with the help of sand, artists perform almost magical metamorphoses. This amazing spectacle is liked by many people. And now it has become available to you at home!

How can a child (and maybe you) benefit from sand painting classes?

Like any other art activity, sand painting(including communication with natural materials) - develops tactile sensitivity and finger motor skills, spatial perception, thinking and attention,imagination and fantasy- all this together contributes harmonious development of the child’s personality. To this list we can add that when drawing with sand, the ability to adapt to changing conditions, research interest, and cognitive activity develops.

But that's not all!

Do you know about the direction sand psychotherapy and psychocorrections? This is a new (no more than 30 years old), but very relevant in our time way to relieve psychological stress, avoid depression, fears and phobias, calm down, harmonize your inner world, and lift your spirits.

Sand– this is a meditative material that grounds all negative emotions. Within an hour of sand painting, all physical and emotional processes are stabilized.

This lesson especially recommended by specialists for hyperactive and overexcitable children, after all, it helps to better understand your feelings and the feelings of other people, gain the necessary social communication skills, and develop a positive attitude towards yourself and others.

Both children and adults who are interested in sand painting are balanced, flexible, sociable and very creative people.

Take a look at this sand painting video for kids:

What do you need to paint with sand at home?

1) Sand. You can “dig up” sand even in a sandbox in the yard, sift it thoroughly, rinse it, and bake it in the oven (for 1-2 hours). Only after this can you offer it to your child. It would be great to find coarse river and sea sand - different shades, particle sizes and structures.
2) Table - tablet for drawing with sand (with backlight) can be done at home.

Mini-tutorial for making a table (tablet) for sand painting at home:

It is better if a man does this, but a woman can do it too.

We will need: a wooden box (strong, dense, or made independently from solid wood or good pieces of chipboard), a piece of plexiglass (smaller around the perimeter than the box, plexiglass does not break, so it is the safest). It’s good if the glass itself is frosted, but even if it’s transparent, it’s not difficult to fix it by covering it with translucent colored or white film, or painting it with paint on the inside. Small wooden blocks will be useful for the legs of the table. You also need strong construction tape, or tape. Small nails and a hammer. For illumination, you can use a bright flashlight, a table lamp, a small spotlight, or just any lamp.

1 step.

We select or make our own box. It should look approximately like the picture. The width and length of the future table top is approximately 0.7 * 1 m. Or at your discretion.

Step 2.

Make a rectangular hole inside the box(where the glass will then be inserted) for the tablet. The picture shows how you can make compartments on the side for available materials (for example, pebbles and transparent glass for mosaics - complementing the sand pattern).

The sides of the box at the future table will “look” up - they protect the sand from spilling onto the floor.

Step 3.

From polished(so that there are no splinters on the fingers during operation) we use wooden blocks to make legs for the table.

Step 4

Glue a piece of plexiglass construction tape to wood, straight into the hole what we did in step 2. Plexiglas is lightweight - so it should hold up. But if you do it, as they say, for centuries, then the glass can be “sewn” to the table with wooden slats, using small nails.

Step 5

Making the backlight- We place any light source under the table, or from its side - so that the light illuminates the tablet for drawing with sand from the inside.

There you go!

Let's start drawing!

The table with sand is ready, nice music on(for example, the album “The Mozart Effect” specifically for “dreaming and drawing” which you can download for free), the curtains are drawn(you need to create a slight darkness), candles are lit. Use the secrets of aromatherapy: aromas of lavender, cedar, incense, mandarin, grapefruit, patchouli promote creativity and harmonization of personality.

All is ready? The magic action begins!

<Мы специально не будем писать сейчас о способах рисования песком, так как это все обязательно родится внутри Вас и Вашего ребенка, при соответствующем настрое.
In addition, to understand approximately how this is done, just watch the video presented above (and below at the end of the article). It's better to see it once..>

Ideas for sand painting with your child:

With the help of sand painting you can not only draw static pictures, you can and should do whole sand animation, “frame by frame” recreating fairy tales, instructive stories. Fairytale therapy can help you!

And so that to foster cognitive activity in a child: Can "travel" to different countries, telling about what kind of people (traditions), plants and animals live there.

Along with sand you can use as a mosaic - pebbles - pebbles, translucent colored glass(ground, safe from cuts). For example, like in the picture on the right. These details will help diversify sand drawing activities.

Pleasant to the touch, clean and crumbly sand will allow you and your child to easily realize the most fantastic ideas on glass!

Let us also note several important rules for sand drawing together with your child:

1) The child only needs to offer options for games and tasks, and not force him to follow a strict program.
2) The structure of the lesson should be adapted to the interests of the child himself.
3) Create space for his self-expression, rather than setting rigid boundaries and rules.
4) Appreciate his initiative and opinion, but not his tacit agreement with you.
5) Stimulate the development of creative situations with questions, but not with ready-made answers.
6) Support your child in finding their own non-standard solutions to the tasks you set.
7) Appreciate the child’s natural wisdom and uniqueness, but do not teach him to “be like everyone else.”

Thus, created in these simple rules Creative sand painting activities will help you develop true talent!


P.S.: Finally, we cannot help but note what heights it can reach drawing in the sand.

Ksenia Simonova draws about the Second World War on the sand “You are always there”:

“I would like this story to sound in a new way,” says Ksenia Simonova. “Many children do not watch war films, for them it is boring and incomprehensible. Moreover, unfortunately, history is being rewritten in our country; textbooks are scary to read. I wanted the theme of war to become relevant again with the help of such a fairly fashionable technique.”

This video can be shown to a child of primary school and school age, not only as a masterpiece of the art of sand painting and animation, but also as a memory of the war.

One of the fashionable trends in decorative art today is sand painting. Masters are able to tame this material, creating real, living paintings. Kids love to build castles on the beach and dig in the sandbox, so they will take on unusual drawings with special pleasure.

Sand animation can become an integral part of leisure time; it is not only exciting, but also useful. It would seem, what is so special about sorting through grains of sand? The answer to this question lies on the surface.

https://pustanchik.ua/treasure/draw - the children's portal “Pustunchik” presents drawing lessons for children that will help the child master creative skills.

Ease of use. In order to organize a workplace for sand painting, you don’t need much. Just glass, a lamp and sifted fine sand. Some parents give their kids semolina or granulated sugar instead of the usual. Any bulk substance that is safe for the artist’s health will do. There is always room for experimentation in this creative endeavor!

This material is very flexible, so children can change the image in one fell swoop without using an eraser or redrawing everything again. On just one “canvas” of glass, sand animation allows you to create hundreds of pictures one by one.

Child's age. Children of any age, even the youngest, can experience the art of sand painting. It is necessary for the development of fine motor skills, as are lessons using finger paints and plasticine.

For older children, drawing with sand is no less useful. Experts note an improvement in academic performance among those children who like to do sand animation. After all, such creative activities stimulate schoolchildren’s thought processes, speech development, logical and figurative thinking.

Knowledge of the world. The little one cannot be distracted from creating paintings with colored sand, because with their help the child gets acquainted with the texture of materials. Wet sand is no less interesting than dry sand, and it can also be smeared on glass.

Aesthetic enjoyment. Drawings made with sand turn out to be very original and beautiful; all the imagination of a little author can come true in them.

Emotional component. Psychologists advise drawing with the whole family. This is a great opportunity to socialize and engage in collective creativity, which cannot but bring pleasure.

Practice shows that children who draw are not so susceptible to stress. During creative lessons, the child relaxes, gets rid of negative thoughts and tension. As a result, the nervous system is strengthened, resentment and aggressiveness disappear. Psychologists working with problem children often use sand animation in their classes.

Drawing with sand has an excellent effect on the physical and psychological development of a little artist. Children can create sand pictures at any age; you can start almost from the cradle. It is best if adults join children's creativity to create joint masterpieces.

Prepared by Katerina Vasilenkova


Prepare all the tools necessary for the job. Choose a table with a glass top. Please note that the surface of the glass should be matte and the height of the table should be comfortable for work.

Place lamps under the table to illuminate the drawing. Sprinkle volcanic sand onto the glass. It has a very fine grain, which allows you to draw even small details. If there is no special sand, then sift regular river sand well.

Next to the table, place a tripod approximately 2 m high, on which you mount a video camera and position the projector so that the viewer can see everything that is happening.

Come up with a plot for your story. It must have a beginning, a main part with a climax, and a denouement or ending. The pictures should change quite quickly in order to keep the viewer in suspense, and so that the latter does not lose interest in what is happening.

Think about each frame separately. There should be no sharp transitions between them, i.e. Don't sweep away all the sand each time and start drawing again. The pictures should flow smoothly into each other.

Use unusual, bright and effective images - the viewer should not easily predict the next frame.

Master the technology of drawing individual elements with sand. The background can be either light, i.e. without sand, and dark - when everything is covered with bulk material. To draw on a light background, take a little sand into your hand and, releasing it in a thin stream from a clenched fist, draw the boundaries of the images.

Similarly, draw small details, for example, parts of the face. The technology for painting with sand on a dark background is slightly different. Erase the sand in the places where the necessary details of the drawing will be placed. Be very careful, as you need to determine the boundaries of the elements on the first try.

To draw large round details, clean the surface with circular movements of your finger, to draw individual lines, run your little finger through the sand, to draw many points, use the fingertips of both hands at the same time. Be sure to respect the scale.

Video on the topic


  • buy sand painting on glass

Drawing with sand, or otherwise called sand animation, is becoming a very popular activity. Both adults and children like it. And this is not at all surprising, because there are big advantages to this.


First of all, to start sand painting, you don’t need to spend a lot of money like any other activity. All you need is clean sifted sand, a lamp and glass. If there is no sand, you can use some other bulk substances, for example, semolina. By the way, this activity is suitable even for very young children. It will help them very well in developing motor skills.

Plasticity develops very well from this activity. After all, everything needs to be done carefully and with a light hand. Another plus is that you can correct details in the drawing at any time. And you don't need any eraser for this. In addition, one work surface will be enough for you not just once, but for a long time.

Drawing with sand on glass, or sand animation, is a very young, one might say, young form of art. It appeared in the 70s of the 20th century in the West, and moved to us quite recently. But thanks to its originality and entertainment, it immediately won many hearts. To paint with sand on glass you don’t need much: sand and a special table with lighting. The peculiarity of the technique of drawing with sand on glass is its interactivity - in front of the admiring audience, the pictures “sprout” one from the other, creating a bizarre row. This art requires great skill from the artist, because the creation of a picture takes place in front of the audience and leaves no room for error. At the same time, it is very important not only to be able to draw, but also to feel the sand, so as not to spoil the picture with a careless movement.

Sand painting for children

Like any other games with sand, painting on glass is very attractive to children. The sand is pleasant to the touch and easy to handle. In addition to developing creative abilities and spatial thinking, sand animation also has a positive effect on the child’s health, developing the motor skills of his fingers and relieving tension, relieving the child of stress and raising his spirits. Sand painting has been successfully used to correct behavior in hyperactive and very excitable children, leading them to inner harmony. Even very young children can master sand painting, creating countless drawings on one surface. Children develop a sense of symmetry, because they can draw with sand simultaneously with their left and right hands.

In order to teach a child how to draw with sand on glass, you do not need to conduct a special master class. It is enough to buy a table for sand painting, quartz sand and let your child’s imagination express itself. If it is not possible to purchase the necessary equipment, you can make it yourself, and as a material for drawing you can use ordinary sand from a sandbox, after first rinsing it with water and calcining it in the oven.

Master class on making a sand painting table

Drawing with sand in kindergarten

Sand drawing is very often used in educational activities. in kindergarten. Even children with special needs can easily cope with sand painting, because sand is a natural material for them, which they are not afraid of and enjoy fiddling with. In addition to drawing on glass, kids master the technique of drawing with colored sand. To do this, the outline of the design is drawn on a sheet of paper and the area that needs to be painted is first coated with glue, and then colored sand is sifted onto it. Drawing with colored sand is an activity that requires certain skills and perseverance, but the result is worth it. The resulting paintings are bright and unusual. You can also prepare sand for these purposes yourself by washing and calcining it, and then coloring it with food coloring.