Outdoor games for students in the classroom. Role-playing game

What to do in a company? For those who still think about their spiritual and physical health, and want to spend time usefully and fun, without feeling drunk in the morning, there is a great way out - games. But not card games, and not dominoes. Today we will talk about popular, useful and incredibly addictive psychological games for students. They are designed both for a company of ten people and for a small group of five to six people.

During the game, you not only discover more and more new qualities in your friends and classmates, but you also learn a lot about yourself that you didn’t even know about before!

What types of games are there? Absolutely different. On intuition, logic, like the card game "Mafia". On nonverbal intelligence as. For the development of entrepreneurial qualities as a business game “Book Factory”. Let's start with the most unpredictable games - imagination. With their help, you will learn about the very depths of your own and others’ subconscious.

Imagination game "Dixit"

The rules of the game are simple, but you will need some equipment - special cards. In general, there is a real game, it is called Dixit, but not everyone can afford to buy it. Therefore, you can create some of its elements yourself. The bottom line is this: players are dealt six cards. They depict various pictures - almost surrealism. For example, a rickety anchor in the middle of the desert. What associations come to mind? They need to be formulated in one phrase - and voiced by others. Players select a suitable card from their set according to the description and place it on the table. The secret is that the description must be multifaceted, and the one whose card is not immediately guessed wins. But, the important element is that if no one could identify your card at all, you lose points. Due to this balance, Dixit has gained wild popularity among psychological games for students. By the way, the cards themselves, or rather the pictures, can be found and printed from the Internet at home.

The next type of games is based on sensations and feelings. We often complain that Internet communication and email have deprived us of personal communication. And now there is a chance to find out whether you have lost the ability to convey feelings and sensations without using animated emoticons.

Game for sensations and feelings “Relay of Senses”

For example, for a game called “Relay of Feelings” you will also need preparation - cards. But here everything is simpler and without anchors. In total, you will need to write the name of the feelings on 6-10 cards (depending on the number of participants). For example: “distrust”, “adoration”, “charity”, “love”, etc. The players sit in a circle and close their eyes, and the one sitting on the edge pulls out the first card. He conveys the feeling written on the dropped card to his neighbor. But, of course, he does this not with words, but with various movements, for example: stroking, or vice versa, moving away, patting, and so on. The player must guess what kind of feeling is being conveyed to him and, having comprehended and identified it, passes it on to the next one. And so on in a circle. When the last participant receives a “feeling,” everyone opens their eyes and voices their feelings in reverse order. And here we can discuss the cause of the distortions that have arisen.

Trust game "Blind"

The next game for students is a trust game called “Blind”. Can you trust your friends? Let's check it now. One leader and one, so to speak, victim are selected, namely a blind man. It will add excitement and extreme excitement if you play this game somewhere in a public place - in a park or just in nature. The blind man is blindfolded, because he should not see anything, and the leader chooses a guide for him from the team. The task of the guide is to lead the Blind by the hand. It is his direct responsibility to warn, loudly and clearly, where to step over puddles, avoid holes and ditches. The most important thing in this game is the feeling of complete trust between the players. Any kind of evil jokes, mockery, interruptions and teasing are unacceptable - do not forget that a person does not see anything and can be seriously injured by bumping into, for example, a tree or a lamppost. The Blind Man’s task at this time is not only to listen carefully to the guide, but also to surrender to his feelings - to tune in to a clear perception of his own senses. Only when we are blindfolded do we begin to truly feel the tickling of the breeze on our cheeks and the crunch of branches under our feet. The psychological task of this game is, firstly, to turn a person to his sensory consciousness, and secondly, to show an example of responsibility for another person.

Game for students “Gift”

So, if you already trust your friend, then how about finding out more about him? There is a game for students called “Gift” for this purpose. From the entire company, one player is selected, who, say, has a birthday soon, or Angel Day, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you need to give him a gift. But not a simple banal figurine, but something that you would associate with this person. One by one, everyone offers their options, explaining the choice. And the “birthday boy” carefully monitors who would give him a truly sincere gift, and who knows him better than others. You should avoid common options like “a photo frame because he has a camera” or “a pen because he is a student” - points will be deducted for such answers. And you can come up with a scale for calculating them yourself, depending on the theme of the party or just according to your mood. For inspiration, points can be awarded in bananas, staplers or ice cubes. Anything you can imagine.

The goal of this game is to unite the team, if only simply by the fact that all these people, even if there are fifteen of them, or even five, know something about one person, and not just his name or surname, but hobbies, hobbies. Well, if they don’t know, then you need to draw appropriate conclusions and pay more attention to personal communication.

Creative game “Interesting poems”

And finally, the most creative of all games, “Interesting Poems.” The essence of the game is very simple - the first player composes any poetic line out loud. Size is not important, but rhyme and meaning are the main condition. The topic can be absolutely anything. At least “My brother and I walked on the moon.” The second player quickly, he is given about thirty seconds to think, comes up with a continuation - it must be in rhyme and the meaning of the stanza must also be suitable. And off we go. Of course, at first you will come up with completely absurd poems, but then perhaps you and your whole company will compose a great work! The main thing is speed. Because only then, as with a blitz survey, will you prepare exactly what you mean, without guile. In addition to being useful, this game is incredibly fun, and it has only one drawback - laughing makes your cheeks very sore afterwards.

So, as you can see, you can spend a fun evening with your student friends without drunken get-togethers, which only harm your health with interesting psychological games for students. There are plenty of ways to spice up boring card and TV parties. In one evening you can discover so many new things about your classmates that communicating with them will become much more pleasant and interesting, you will begin to understand them better, and the percentage of conflict situations will decrease to a minimum. After all, there is nothing more important than a healthy atmosphere in your social circle and within yourself!

Number of players: any
Extras: paper, pens

After several youth meetings, you can check how well the guys know each other. Give everyone a piece of paper and ask everyone to write 4 things about themselves that not many people know. For example:

I have a dog and a parrot.

I love playing chess.

I really want to buy a computer.

I'm going to become an agronomist.

Liar - psychological game for adults

Number of players: 5-8 people
Extras: question papers, pens

This game will also help you get to know each other better. Prepare forms equal to the number of players. The forms should contain questions similar to the following:

The farthest place I've been to is...

As a child, I was forbidden to do... but I did it anyway.

My hobbies - ...

When I was little, I dreamed of becoming...

The biggest achievement in my life is...

I have one bad habit -...

Sheets with these questions are given to each player, and everyone must fill them out, answering all but one question truthfully. Those. one answer will be incorrect, false.

Jumping without a parachute - a psychological game

Number of players: nine
Extras: chair

For this game, four pairs of participants stand on one side of a chair facing each other, crossing their arms as is recommended when carrying the wounded. Another player who will be the “jumper” stands on the chair with his back to them. He stands on the edge of the chair and falls back like a stick of wax. 8 people standing behind with crossed arms catch him.

The thrill and success of having a comrade caught are exciting and captivating. The fear that their comrade might hit them forces them to hold on tightly to each other.

5 steps - psychological game

Number of players: any
Optional: board and chalk or pens and paper

The facilitator invites the group to identify some interesting professional goal, for example, to enroll in some educational institution, apply for an interesting job, or maybe even do something outstanding at work in the future. This goal, as formulated by the group, is written out on the board (or on a piece of paper).

The facilitator invites the group to determine what kind of imaginary person should achieve this goal. Participants must name its main (imaginary) characteristics to the following positions: gender, age (it is desirable that this person is the same age as the players), academic performance at school, financial situation and social status of parents and loved ones. This is all also briefly written down on the board.

Psychological game to identify a leader

Number of players: any
Additional: no

To do this, the participants are divided into two or three teams of equal numbers. Each team chooses a name for itself. The presenter offers the conditions: “Now the commands will be executed after I command “Start!” The team that completes the task faster and more accurately will be considered the winner.” This creates a spirit of competition.

So, first task. Now each team must say one word in unison. "Let's start!"

In order to complete this task, all team members need to somehow agree. It is these functions that a person striving for leadership takes on.

Second task. Here it is necessary for half the team to quickly stand up without agreeing on anything. "Let's start!"

Search for benefits - psychological game for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no

Participants are divided into 2-3 groups. Each group chooses a profession from among those offered during their acquaintance with information professionograms (the profession must be one of those in demand in the modern labor market of your city). Next, each group is given the task of presenting itself in it, its capabilities, working conditions, workforce, prospects, benefits, etc.

After everyone has imagined who, by whom, where and how they work, participants are asked to come up with and indicate: what needs (physical, safety, social, egoistic, self-actualization) can each participant satisfy in their chosen profession?


In what way is it satisfied?


Everyone walks around the room, and someone shouts a phrase indicating danger. "Attention! We were attacked by cave lions! (or something else)” After the danger signal, the participants in the game must immediately gather in a close group, hiding the weak in the middle, and then say in unison the phrase: “Let’s fight back the cave lions (or others).” Then the group scatters around the room again, and the game repeats. To successfully play the game, it is necessary that the phrases are pronounced exactly as stated in the instructions, and at the same time with a completely serious look.


The game is a team game (preferably two teams). The teams face each other, with each person taking the hand of his neighbor by the thumb. Your neighbor's thumb will be the joystick. The first in the chain extends his hand forward over the table. What is the coin placed on? Everyone closes their eyes except the last team member. He controls the “joystick”, transmitting the command to the first through the other participants. The goal is to be the first to place your finger exactly on the coin.

Goal: increasing group cohesion, team spirit, competition.


One of the participants in the game lies down on the floor (chairs, bench), and the other participants lift him up, each supporting him with one hand. Under friendly, cooperative conditions, the group can easily lift any participant, even the heaviest. Those who are raised come up with a role for themselves and communicate it to everyone. The roles may be as follows:

coach of the winning team;

the colonel who won the battle;

a ballerina soaring into the air;

a swimmer rising to the crest of a wave;

a cloud flying across the sky on a hot day;

a log at a cleanup event;

a jumper hovering over the bar;

lotus flower on the surface of the lake, etc.


This game requires some home preparation. You must draw the details of a building constructor (Tetris) on a large sheet of paper, and the number of these parts should be equal to the number of participants in the game. You hang up this poster and invite each participant to choose one of the details and play it. After all participants have distributed the parts among themselves, invite them to build the structure you depicted on another sheet of whatman paper. Try, if possible, not to depict towers and skyscrapers, because it will be difficult for the participants in the game to avoid falling if they need to create a living pyramid of five to six participants.

“Balloon Journey”

The purpose of the business game: to provide an opportunity to observe in a group the processes occurring during the discussion and adoption of a collective decision.

Invite the game participants to choose a profession: (doctor, engineer, teacher, artist, etc. Ask one participant to be an observer).

All participants in the game are asked to imagine that they are members of the same crew in a hot air balloon. The ball begins to fall and there is very little time left until it falls into the sea. To prevent this from happening, someone must jump out of the basket.

The group must make a general decision about who will jump out of the basket, based on which of them would be less useful if the balloon lands on a desert island.

After the discussion is completed, the group's work is evaluated.

The expert reports his observations on the course of the discussion: the use of compelling arguments, arguments in defense of “his” profession, the ability to listen to each other, “authoritarian manners,” etc.


To play this game, you need to divide into 2 - 3 teams and prepare 2 - 3 boxes of matches. More precisely, you don’t need the entire box, but only the upper part of it. The inner, retractable part along with the matches can be put aside. To start the game, all teams line up in a column, the first person puts the box on his nose. The essence of the game is to pass this box from nose to nose to all members of your team as quickly as possible, with your hands behind your back. If someone's box falls, the team starts the procedure again. Accordingly, the winning team is the one that completes the transmission faster.


This game again involves the passing of an object by two or more teams. This object will now be an apple, and you will need to hold it, holding it between your chin and neck. Hands behind your back, so... Let's start! If you don't have an apple on hand, you can just as easily use an orange or a tennis ball.


For this game you need to organize at least three teams. Teams line up in columns located on the same line, having previously taken off their shoes. After the teams line up, the counselor collects the guys’ shoes, dumps them in a pile and mixes them. The counselors are given the following instructions: “This is a small, fun relay race. Now, in turn, each of the participants must run up to this pile, put on their shoes and run to their team in their shoes, passing the baton to the next one. Those who know how to quickly put on their shoes win.

Tuka is a fish that fishermen often dry by stringing it on long ropes. Now we, like a toucan, will be “strung” on a long, about 15 m long, rope, at one end of which a pine cone is tied. All team members must pass this pinecone through all their clothes from top to bottom, passing the pinecone to each other in turn. Naturally, the winning team is the one whose last member is the first of all teams to pull out a pine cone with fifteen meters of rope tied to it from his trouser leg.


The same rope is tied into a ring. The driver leaves the room or turns away, and the rest, holding the rope with both hands, become entangled, forming a living tangle that the driver must untangle. His task is to form a circle again.


You probably played the game “Hot or Cold” as a child? Our game is similar to it: the guys sit in a circle, the driver leaves the circle and turns his back. One of the members of the circle has some object hidden. The driver's task is to find the person who has the object hidden. As soon as he enters the circle, everyone begins to sing some kind of song, the louder the closer the driver is to the hidden object. Accordingly, the song is sung more quietly if the driver moves away from this person. When the item is found, the driver changes; if not, then the game continues.


Everyone sits in a circle so that one chair is free. The driver stands in the center of the circle. Each participant sitting in a circle calls himself some kind of animal. The participant sitting to the left of the empty chair slams his right hand on it and names an animal. The one who heard the name of the animal chosen by him must take an empty chair. The participant to whose right the chair is free must slap it and name another animal. The driver’s task is to have time to take a chair before the clap. The one who did not have time to clap becomes the driver.


Children sit in a circle. The counselor gives the task: “We begin to count in a circle. The one who has a number that is a multiple of three says his name instead of the number.” This game can be used to develop memory and attention. Play and you will see that this is indeed the case.


One of the participants is sent out of the room. The rest choose a “trainer” and a behavior that must be demonstrated by the person leaving the room, such as jumping, moving things, climbing on a chair. The subject is invited back into the room and asked to move around and make any movements. The “trainer” reinforces movements in the direction of the desired action with a whistle, clap or words like “good”. It may be a rule that the subject must return to the beginning if he deviates and stops receiving reinforcements. The exercise excludes talking, laughter, sighs and other manifestations of emotions.

“Emotional Resilience Training”

Participants break into pairs and sit facing each other, as close as possible. The exercise is performed in three stages: Participants close their eyes. They are given a restriction: any movements of the body and even the face are prohibited. Presenter: “Tune in to peace and quiet in your soul and in your body.” After emotional stability has been formed at the previous stage, the task becomes more complicated: “Now you will sit motionless, but with your eyes open. At the same time, you look at your partner’s eyes and try to maintain your calm.” After these preparatory exercises, in each pair one of the participants chooses the role of coach. The coach’s task is to make people laugh or otherwise shake the emotional balance. If he succeeds, he becomes silent and waits until his partner restores his lost balance. The exercise then continues, it is important that the coach repeats again what unbalanced his partner. Repeated repetition builds resistance to this stimulus. Then the participants change roles, and so on several times.

"Inner Movement"

This exercise allows you to measure everyone's personal space. In pairs, at a distance of 10 meters, one participant stands, the other begins to slowly approach him. He must approach until he feels that it is difficult to approach any further. The person being approached should note to himself when he feels like saying “stop.”

Analysis: Who feels the psychological distance? Who crossed the border of the personal field without feeling it? Who didn't make it? Who felt right? Who allowed whom and at what distance? Who is closer, who is further, and why?


A participant is selected and given a game situation: We are all a family. The task of the selected participant is to arrange the rest of the group members so that the physical distance approximately corresponds to the degree of emotional closeness with them, as with family members (there may be “family scenes”).

“Group Sociometry”.

a) Each participant, in free order, stands in the center, closes his eyes, and everyone else is located from him at a distance that symbolizes the psychological “distance” in relation to this person. Everyone remembers their place, then the “structure” is destroyed.

b) After this, the participant opens his eyes and positions everyone present in the way that, in his opinion, they could position themselves in relation to him.

c) The group member then takes the place in which he originally placed himself.

Analysis: The procedure allows everyone to check the accuracy and adequacy of their vision of relationships in the group, in particular, their own place in it. Who did he get right and who did he get wrong, and why?

This exercise can be used repeatedly.


Number of players:several people

Additionally: coin

One of the participants puts a coin in one of his hands behind his back and puts his hands in front of the other participants. The rest must guess which hand the coin is in. To do this, they point to the hand and ask: “There is a coin in this hand.” The one who hid the coin should say: “Yes, the coin is in my hand,” regardless of whether they point correctly. After they decide which hand the coin is in, he shows which hand it was in. You can play on account.

If there are a lot of participants, you can divide them into 3 and take turns guessing. The one who guesses correctly most often wins.


Number of players: from 4 people

The game begins with one person leaving the room. The rest stand in a circle and wish for two people standing next to each other in the circle, who will be the gate for the one who comes out. After that, as they wished, they invite him outside the door. He stands in a circle and, walking around it, looking into the eyes of the participants, must guess who his gate is. To do this, he can point to the gap between the participants, rather than to a specific person. He can say whatever he wants, but the rest must remain silent.

Depending on the number of participants, two people can go out and make their own gates for each. This to some extent complicates the task.


Number of players: any

Additionally: coins

The game is intended for small companies. Everyone sits in a circle. The game begins with the assignment of roles (by lot). For drawing lots, you can use USSR coins in denominations of 2 and 10 kopecks (they are the same in size and different in color). Coins are taken according to the number of players. Among the coins, one should be of a different color. Whoever gets such a coin is a murderer. Those sitting in a circle look at each other. At the same time, be sure to look everyone in the eye. The killer, in the order in which he sees fit (chooses a strategy), begins to “kill” (meeting the “victim’s” gaze, blinks at her). "Killed" loudly announces: "Killed!" One of the players who suspects the identity of the “killer” says: “I suspect.” But only two suspects can identify the “killer” at the same time. The “murderer” is considered solved if two suspects point to him at once. In this case, while a second suspect is found, the first one can be “killed”.

Look into your eyes

Number of players: several pairs

They play in pairs. It is necessary, when kissing (only on the lips, no more), to look into each other’s eyes without taking them away from the partner. The one who blinks is considered the loser. When you read, it seems that this game is very simple, but in reality, 60% of people will not be able to look into their partner’s eyes for a long time when kissing. Check it out!

Bring the sphinx to life

Number of players: any

Additionally: matches

Participants stand (or sit) facing each other. The first task is to hold the match on the eyelash for as long as possible. The second person’s task is to keep his hands on his knees (without making sudden movements or shouting) and confuse the “sphinx” with his speeches so that he drops the match faster. Then the participants change places. The more frequent the competition, the more interesting it becomes. While the “experienced sphinx” is holding the match, the “experienced troublemaker” will say something like this!!!


Number of players: any

Additionally:saucer, box of matches

It is recommended to do it in the evening, when it is already dark. The lights go out, the participants sit in a circle next to each other, and a saucer is placed in the center of the circle. Someone lights a match and passes it to a neighbor, who gives it to his neighbor, etc. In general, in a circle. Anyone whose match has gone out can be asked absolutely any question by anyone. An answer to it is required, except in cases where the question is completely compromising. As practice shows, after a couple of “warm-up” questions, people are drawn in, and the questions are quite interesting. And the saucer is needed to put burnt matches there.


The one who drives “makes a wish” for the others about one of the people present. After that, all the players in a circle turn to the leader with questions like: “If this were a book (tree, flower, house, dog, weather, curtains...), then cocoa?” The presenter answers, trying to objectively reflect the essence of this person and says, for example: “It would be science fiction about other planets.” Players try to guess which of them fits this definition. The player who thinks he has guessed right can try to name the person. If he guesses it, then he himself becomes the leader, if not, the others try too.

Meeting eyes

The game requires an even number of participants. They sit in a circle, close their eyes and lower their heads down. At the command of the one who drives, each player must open his eyes, raise his head and meet someone's gaze (another option is to point a finger at each other). The number of resulting pairs is counted for each round. The goal of this game is to pair everyone at once, in one try.


A homeostat is a device that is used to study group compatibility. For the same purposes, we will use a game instead of a device. The players are asked to stand in a circle, extend their hand clenched into a fist, and, at the leader’s sign, throw out an arbitrary number of fingers. Task: without talking, without winking, or using any other means of communication, ensure that all players throw out the same number of fingers. Attempts are repeated an arbitrary number of times.

After observing the players, the presenter can identify the leaders to whom most players adapt. Perhaps there will be persistent “loners” who do not want to coordinate their actions with other players, or individual groups that have successfully solved a problem within their group, but do not want to adapt to others.


Number of players: any.

Additionally: bandage.

Blindness is achieved by closing the eyes and covering them with a blindfold. If your eyes are tired from the bandage, you can remove it for a while without opening your eyes.

Game objectives:

Giving up control. For a preoccupied person, it is normal to live only when you see and control everything. Relax, allow the world to just happen, allow yourself to relax and gently float along the river rather than fight the current.

Acceptance of a new and difficult life situation. You now have no vision, but you have you and the people around you. Will you be able to live as easily and joyfully as usual?

Inclusion of all channels of perception. How great it is to start feeling your hands feeling the trees, your feet walking on the ground, to start hearing a lot of sounds around you and catching smells rushing from all sides. You will find that by trusting the world, you can often navigate it without sight, and that you can now discover many new and unexpected things in the people around you.

Enthusiastic complimenter

Number of players: any

In this game, all players must express their admiration with a never-ending stream of compliments.

Goals of the game:

Obtaining permits. The person gains permission to be the center of attention, evaluate others, and value their own approval.

The ability and habit to see the beautiful, kind and intelligent in people. Our attention is often focused on us, but here it is focused on those around us - and the best in them.

Development of speech creativity. You may like a lot of things in life, but do you know how to express your admiration in bright and colorful words?

One day of life

Number of players: from b-8 to 15-20

The exercise is done in a circle. Time - from 15 to 25 minutes. The main stages of the game are as follows:

1. The presenter determines, together with the other players, what profession would be interesting to consider. For example, the group wanted to consider the profession of “fashion model”.

2. General instructions: “Now we will jointly try to compose a story about a typical working day for our employee - a fashion model. This will be a story made up of nouns only. For example, a story about a teacher’s work day could be like this: bell - breakfast - bell - lesson - poor students - question - answer - grade - teacher's room - director - scandal - lesson - excellent students - bell - home - bed. In this game we will see how well we imagine the work of a fashion model, and also find out whether we are capable of collective creativity, because in the game there is a serious danger of some unfortunate touch (inappropriately called “for the sake of humor”, a stupid noun) ruining the whole story .

An important condition: before naming a new noun, each player must repeat everything that was named before him. Then our story will be perceived as a complete work. To better remember the named nouns, I advise you to look carefully at all the speakers, as if associating the word with a specific person.”

3. The presenter can name the first word, and the other players take turns calling their nouns, making sure to repeat everything that was called before them. If there are few players (6-8 people), then you can go through two circles, when everyone has to name two nouns.

4. When summing up the results of the game, you can ask the participants whether the story turned out to be a complete one or not? did someone spoil the overall story with their unfortunate noun? If the story turns out to be confusing and chaotic, then you can ask one of the players to tell in their own words what the story was about, what happened there (and did it happen?).

Most most

Number of players: from 6-8 to 10-15

Instructions: “Now you will be offered some unusual characteristics of professions, and you will have to take turns naming those professions that, in your opinion, are most suitable for this characteristic. For example, the characteristic is the most lucrative profession; what professions are the most lucrative?”

The presenter names the first characteristic, and the participants immediately take turns (in a circle) offering their options. If someone has doubts that the most-most (or close to the most-most) has been named, then you can ask clarifying questions.

The presenter lists 3-5 of the most popular options, after which a short discussion is organized and the “best” profession is highlighted.

In order for the exercise to be more interesting, the presenter must select in advance the most unusual characteristics of professions that should intrigue the participants. These could be, for example, the following characteristics: “the greenest profession”, “the sweetest profession”, “the hairiest profession”, “the most indecent profession”, “the most childish profession”, “the funniest profession”, etc.

Chain of professions

Number of players: from 6-8 to 15-20

It is better to do the exercise in a circle. The duration is from 7-10 to 15 minutes. Instructions: “Now we will build a “chain of professions” in a circle. I will name the first profession, for example, metallurgist, the next one will name a profession that is somewhat close to metallurgist, for example, cook. The next one names a profession similar to a cook, etc. It is important that everyone is able to explain the similarities between the named professions, for example, both a metallurgist and a cook deal with fire, with high temperatures, with furnaces. When determining the similarities between different professions, we can recall the scheme for analyzing the profession, for example, similarities in working conditions, means, etc. (Section 6. Guess the profession, where a scheme for analyzing professions is presented).”

As the game progresses, the host will sometimes ask clarifying questions, such as: “What is the similarity between your profession and the one just named?” The final decision on whether a profession is named well or not rests with the group.

When discussing the game, it is important to point out to participants that interesting common lines of similarity can sometimes be discovered between very different professions. For example, if at the beginning of the chain professions related to metalworking are named (as in our example), in the middle - with motor transport, and at the end - with ballet (to confirm this, we give an example of such a chain: metallurgist-cook - butcher - mechanic (also - chops, but metal) - car mechanic - taxi driver - pop satirist (also “talks with his teeth”) - drama theater artist - ballet dancer, etc.). Such unexpected connections between very different professions indicate that you should not limit yourself to just one professional choice, because very often what you are looking for in one (only one!?) profession may turn out to be in other, more accessible professions...

Who is who?

Number of players:from 6-8 to 12-15 people

Instructions: “Now I will name professions, everyone must look at their comrades for a few seconds and determine who this profession is most suitable for. Next, I will clap my hands and everyone on command must simultaneously point with their hand (or pen) at the selected person (most suitable for the named profession)".

Even before the start of the game, the presenter can ask the group members which professions are most interesting to them and write down these professions (about 10-15 pieces) on the board, subsequently naming the professions from this list.

If there are a lot of players (6-8 people), then you can show not with one hand, but with two (one hand - on one person, the other - on another. For a larger number of participants, it is better to do all this with one hand, otherwise there will be confusion.

Having pointed their hand at their comrade, everyone should freeze for a while, and the leader himself takes turns counting how many hands he points to each person, i.e. whose image, according to the majority of players, most closely matches this profession.

Finest hour

Number of players: any

Participants sit in a circle and jointly determine which professional stereotype (or social stereotype) they will discuss. For example, everyone agreed on the professional stereotype of a typical “bartender.”

Next, the presenter will give the participants the following task: “Now each of us will try to imagine what the most pleasant, joyful moments in the life of a typical bartender are (everyone may have their own idea about this). Next, we will all take turns briefly expressing our assumptions, after which we will discuss whose ideas turned out to be the most realistic, i.e. most closely correspond to the “happiness” of most bartenders...”

Participants take turns talking about their ideas, about the bartender’s “finest hour.” The presenter should not criticize these ideas in any way.

Walk like a professional

Number of players:from 6-8 to 15-20 people

Additionally: paper, pens

Everyone takes out a piece of paper and puts on it in a column as many numbers as there are participants in the game.

General instructions: “This game exercise is both very unusual and very simple. We will try to depict certain professions using gait, because you can depict different things and phenomena using gestures, facial expressions, various poses, etc. First, everyone must choose for themselves a profession that they want to represent with their gait. Now each of you, in turn, will get up from his place, calmly come up to me and very quietly (whisper) tell me in my ear what kind of professional he wanted to portray with his gait. After that, he will just as quietly go to his place. The rest will have to carefully observe the gait of the next player, and on their pieces of paper opposite the number of this player, write the profession with which you associate his gait. It is known that by gait you can sometimes find out (guess) whether a person works as a loader or a ballet dancer, a military man or an accountant, etc.” The presenter writes down on a piece of paper which number he wanted to represent which profession with his gait. Next, the presenter quickly collects their notes from the players and mixes them.

When summing up the results, the presenter takes the first piece of paper and reads out the profession opposite the first number, then takes the second piece of paper and also reads out the profession opposite the first number, etc. After that, he says what profession the player himself wanted to represent with his gait. This is done in order to compare the profession planned by the player and what came out of it. Then he moves on to the second number, etc.