How to draw a snowflake on paper easy step by step. How to draw a snowflake with a pencil

Anyone can draw a simple snowflake. But I want to draw her in such a way that the eyes will rejoice at her beauty, and not just become recognizable. Of course, not every person is an artist, but after reading this article, it will become much easier to draw these cute snowflakes:

Option 1

Let's look at an easy option for drawing a snowflake step by step with a pencil. Take your child with you and sit next to him, learn to draw a simple snowflake together. First draw a circle, then divide it into 4 parts by drawing two straight lines: horizontal and vertical. Spend some moretwo diagonal lines. Draw small branches at the tips of the snowflake.And in the center there are snowflakes draw curved lines in the form of a cobweb.

Option 2

Draw a hexagonal snowflake. Insidegreat circledraw a circlesmaller diameter. Between the two circles we draw corners so that both sides are symmetrical. Try to draw all six corners the same size. The beauty of a snowflake depends on this. Then we proceed to finish the very middle of the snowflake by drawing dwar hexagon. Divide the snowflake into 6 sectors using identical curved lines connecting the corners and the double hexagon. Inside each sector, draw the same shape, but smaller in size. Inside the hexagon, draw small triangles. There are n leftdraw diamonds inside the sectors and ice “petals” outside.

Option 3

First draw a circle and 3 lines in it. Then draw two more circles of different sizes in this circle. Thismore complex snowflake. Look at the diagram below and try to draw the same snowflake on paper with a pencil. When the snowflake is ready, trace it around the office with a felt-tip pen.

Option 4

How to draw a beautiful snowflake? To do this, draw a circle, and inside it there are two more circles of different sizes. Draw 3 lines that will divide the circles into six equal sectors. I would like to emphasize that the new steps are indicated in red. Then draw corners like in the picture. Try to draw 6 branches symmetrically. Decorate the snowflake with a beautiful pattern, but erase the circles with a grater. Finally, outline the snowflake with a marker.

You can draw a snowflake in different ways, we looked at just a few options. I think each of you will be able to come up with your own unique snowflake. Draw and post in the comments, let's learn from each other!

Drawing with a pencil is a very exciting and useful activity. It not only diversifies leisure time, but also helps develop fine motor skills, gives the hand firmness, and develops the eye. Anyone can create on paper. This activity is available to everyone, regardless of gender and age. What do you need? There is only one thing - a big desire!

The easiest way for a beginning artist to draw is to master the technique “step by step.” First, general contours are applied to the paper, then the shapes are given definition and accuracy, and finally naturalness is introduced. The drawing is ready! Using this algorithm, we will learn how to draw a snowflake with a pencil step by step.

Endless variety in nature

There are no two identical snowflakes in the world. Each has its own unique lines and patterns. Let's learn how to draw a snowflake step by step by looking at several examples. Having an idea of ​​drawing techniques, everyone can, using their imagination, create their own unique creations.

Step 1. Draw a small circle on paper, add symmetrically six long and six short lines, as shown in the figure. Doesn't it really look like the sun?

Step 2. Now let's move on to detailing. To do this, decorate each line with three twigs - a long one between short ones. Each line is deviated from the center line to the side and does not touch the main axis. Connect the lower and middle twigs with a straight line. Now you can move on to the next stage of learning how to draw a snowflake.

Step 3, last. At the final stage, we detail the work by connecting all the lines sequentially with additional strokes. Decorate the tops of the short and long rays with rounded tips.

Now you know exactly how to draw a snowflake! Let's practice some more.


In just three steps we will draw two snowflakes at once. Do you think it won't work? It will work! You just need to put in a little effort.

Step 1: Start by drawing two circles for the base, a good distance apart to allow room for the rays. Next, draw straight lines intersecting in the center of the circle. These are future rays. The left blank has four lines and, accordingly, eight rays. The right one has only three lines and six rays.

Step 2. We draw a snowflake on the left, for which we draw small diamonds in each sector between the three main lines. Two of them will fall on the additional center horizontal line. Above each diamond we will draw a figure that resembles a spruce with its contours. The photo below shows a rather intricately shaped figure. They can be drawn simpler, for example, in the form of a regular triangle.

Now let's take care of the snowflake on the right. In each sector we will draw something like a wide double arrow, or just an oval. Let's connect all the straight lines with curly lines, reminiscent of flower petals.

The basis for two beautiful drawings is ready.

The next stage of drawing two snowflakes at once

What remains to be done, how to draw a snowflake to the end? Let's finish the image on the left first. It is a little more complicated, after which finishing the work on the right will be quite simple.

We decorate the top of each protruding long beam with an ornament shaped like an oak leaf. You can choose any other decoration - the outline of a drop or an elongated diamond. We will connect the bases of each “oak leaf” with broken lines, as shown in the photo. The work on the left is completed at this stage, then let's move on to the drawing on the right.

On this snowflake, we will decorate each protruding part of the ray with a figure resembling a trefoil. The central part should be long and elongated, and on the sides there should be two “leaves” of a similar shape, only smaller in size. The angle of the side “leaves” relative to the central one should be approximately 45 degrees.

Finishing touches

The base is completely ready. Now, in order to get such beauty as in the picture, you need to carefully remove all additional lines with a soft eraser. It is necessary to leave only the main contour lines. Now you know how to draw a snowflake beautifully, and you are convinced that even intricate-looking patterns are not difficult to create.

Another master class

Step 1. First, let's draw a pentagon in the center with non-sharp, even slightly rounded vertices. From each we draw a straight long beam.

The beginning is very simple. Everything should work out.

Step 2, more difficult. Some skill and steadiness are required. On each side of the beam, mark three points located equidistant from each other. These will be the side vertices of the patterns. They need to be connected to each other with graceful curved lines so that each part resembles a plant leaf. The top of the beam is rounded.

Of course, this is not as easy as in the previous three snowflakes, but with some effort everything will definitely work out.

Please note that all rays are made the same in shape and design. Each ornament in this version must be symmetrical relative to the base-ray.

Step 3, final. Each of the five rays must be decorated with an ornament.

Then remove all the auxiliary lines with an eraser, leaving only a beautiful and graceful snowflake on the sheet of paper.

Instead of an epilogue

This master class showed how to draw a snowflake. Four different options were worked through step by step. Now, having mastered the basic principles of drawing, you can easily create many works, you just need to show your imagination. When decorating a snowflake with ornaments, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • there must be at least four rays;
  • all ornaments must be symmetrically located on the base;
  • the patterns should repeat each other down to the stroke: for convenience, craftsmen advise painting in separate small fragments, this makes it easier to repeat the image.

Now you know how to draw a snowflake with a pencil, and you can create beautiful winter patterns!

In this lesson you will see step-by-step instructions on how to... It will be useful not only for children, but also for their parents. You can make snowflakes out of paper, as we once did in childhood. They even used napkins or other similar material for this. But if the windows are already covered with such products, and your inquisitive mind wants more, then this lesson is just for you. I will tell how to draw a snowflake on paper using a regular pencil quickly and beautifully. I also recommend watching the lesson. But that's later. Now let's start with our snowflake.

Step one. How to draw a snowflake with a pencil? Yes Easy! All you need is to be patient. Start drawing two circles that will be the shape for the snowflakes. Make lines on these circles as shown in the first picture. These are the first strokes of the scaly shape of a snowflake. In our example, the snowflake on the left has 3 lines, and the one on the right has four.

Step two. Now let's sketch out the internal structure for each snowflake. The snowflake on the left is easier to draw; it has simple shapes. But the one on the right will be more beautiful. Take your time, look carefully as shown in the picture and repeat what you see here.

Step three. Now all that remains is to add some more beautiful details to our snowflakes. Erase the auxiliary lines that you made in the first stage. And trace the outlines of the drawing. This is how it should turn out:

You can color the snowflake with colored pencils, or shade it with a simple pencil, as we did in the last lesson about. I hope you will now know... Don’t forget to leave your comments, and also write what other lessons to prepare for you.

There is probably no person who has never looked at the snow in the palm of his hand in fascination. Crystal stars, white flies, ice butterflies, frosty fluffs - as many Russian writers and poets call snowflakes. The beauty of these tiny crystals excites not only artists, but also scientists. They will tell you the secret of how to draw a snowflake on paper so that it turns out like a real one.

Each ice fluff consists of six rays on which the smallest crystals are located. They have the shape of plates or stars of regular geometric shape. The secret of the beauty of a snowflake is the almost perfect correspondence of each ray to the other. The first to deduce this structural feature was the German scientist Johannes Kepler. Subsequently, the structure of ice and snow was studied by many scientists.

To draw a snowflake, just draw three straight lines intersecting at one point. But making sure that all the rays are the same length and form angles of the same size is very difficult, especially for preschoolers. Therefore, in practice, teachers often use templates and stencils, symmetrical folding of paper, prints and other traditional and non-traditional techniques.

From this article you will learn

How to draw a snowflake with a pencil using a triangle

If you have the skills, you can start learning to draw a snowflake from the junior group of kindergarten. Invite children to use any materials they wish - pencils, crayons, markers. In order for the elements to turn out to be the correct hexagonal shape, an adult needs to prepare two identical equilateral triangles from cardboard in advance.

Before starting work, you need to draw a vertical line on a sheet of paper equal to two lengths of the triangle. Place one of the triangles at the bottom, the other at the top so that their sides are located on both sides of the central axis, and their centers touch in the middle.

Step 1

Draw two rays.

Step 2

Then transfer the triangles to the other side and repeat.

Step 3

You will get a base star with identical rays.

Step 4

Draw three lines on each side on the top section. As they move away from the center, their length should decrease.

Step 5

Repeat this for each ray. For convenience, the sheet of paper can be rotated.

Advice. It is possible that not every child can draw according to a template. The lesson can be simplified by printing out the correct intersection of the three lines. A preschooler can add to it as desired.

How to draw with gouache

Gouache drawings look especially expressive against a colored background. Children of the older and middle groups do not always know how to work with a brush, so for convenience you can use a cotton swab.

Step 1

The basis of a snowflake, a hexagon, is depicted as follows: first, two dots are placed in gouache, one below the other with a small interval. Then you need to draw two more dots on both sides.

Step 2

The crystals grow gradually. In order for the rays to increase, another one is placed next to each point. The directions must correspond to the growth of the lines.

Step 3

Add more between the resulting prints. Then you need to continue each segment by leaving three more cotton swab marks on each side. The size of the circle depends on the force of pressure.

Step 4

Continue the intermediate rays between the main two touches of the cotton swab.

Place a large dot at the end of each ray.

Step-by-step painting with a brush

For older children the process becomes a little more complicated.

Step 1

First, a straight line is drawn along the center of the sheet. Then it is divided by a point into two equal parts. On both sides, the end of the brush marks the side rays. If the direction is chosen incorrectly, they are easier to erase than long strips.

Step 2

The side points connect to the middle. The snowflake should be symmetrical on both sides.

Step 3

In the center of each resulting corner you need to draw a point with the end of the brush.

Step 4

From the resulting point, lower two lines to the main rays. You should end up with six identical diamonds emanating from the center.

Step 5

At the tips of the resulting snowflake, draw two thin stripes on each side.

Step 6

Add the same elements to the image as you wish.

Interesting fact. Scientists who studied snow crystals came to the conclusion that no two identical snowflakes are found in nature.

How to draw a snowflake using a template

In the preparatory group and in elementary school, children learn symmetrical paper cutting. If you combine appliqué and drawing techniques, you can quickly and easily create a complex image.

Step 1

By this time, the child already knows how to draw snowflakes from three lines.

Step 2

The template is made from paper folded in half. The easiest way is to draw and cut out an element consisting of triangles. The finished template is superimposed on the diagram shown and outlined with an erasable pencil.

Step 3

Repeat this six times for each ray. Additional details can be drawn in the resulting crystals.

Step 4

The elements can be any, simple or complex. If time allows, draw two or three snowflakes.

How to make a postcard with Snowball. Step-by-step master class

This unconventional method of depiction can be used in first and second grade. The purpose of the lesson is to combine drawing and appliqué techniques.

Step 1

Place a small circle in the center of the sheet. For convenience, you can take a template or use a compass. The circle must be divided into six equal parts.

Step 2

For the next stage you need to prepare two templates, one larger, the other smaller. Place a template of a larger diameter at the top of the circle and trace along the contour.

Step 3

Add five more patterned elements.

Step 4

Place smaller parts between them.

Step 5

In a circle, draw the hero of some magical winter fairy tale, for example Snowball from the Fairytale Patrol.

Step 6

Color the picture to your liking.

Step 7

To enhance the decorative effect, beautifully outline the elements.

Advice. You can not outline the elements, but cut them out from different shades of colored paper, after folding it three times.

How to create a snowflake using a stencil

To create a regular hexagonal snowflake, you need stencils from paper, folded step by step, first in half and then in three. Schoolchildren master these symmetrical cutting techniques already in the first grade.

Step 1

The resulting template should be placed in the center of a sheet of cardboard or paper. For the print you need two shades of gouache in cold tones, foam rubber or cotton wool. The paint should be thick.

Step 2

You need to wait until the gouache dries and make the next print. Move the second template slightly so that its rays fit between the already printed ones.

These beautiful snowflakes can be used to decorate a postcard, a wall newspaper for a classroom, or room windows.

It is recommended in the process of educational activities (direct educational activities) to use musical accompaniment, co-creation of the student and teacher, and mutual integration of lessons. Photo and video materials on fine arts, presentations, and reproductions on the topic as visual aids are required. With young children, it is better to act in stages, explaining each action in detail. Then the activity will bring the joy of creativity to all participants in the process.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

Winter time brings joy to the kids with the snow, because now you can go sledding and skiing, and even play hockey on a homemade hockey rink. We all know that snow is the moisture of clouds frozen high in the atmosphere, which in the form of beautiful crystals - snowflakes - covers the ground during snowfall. In our drawing lesson today we will talk about how to draw a snowflake with a pencil for the New Year 2020 step by step, easily and simply. The explanation will be step-by-step, so in the end you will definitely get a beautiful, realistic snowflake. It is only important to remember that all snowflakes are regular hexagons, so the number of their vertices is a multiple of six; 3, 6 and 12. There are no five-rayed or eight-rayed snowflakes. In order to start drawing, we need to take a simple pencil and an eraser.

First stage

If all its peaks are arranged symmetrically, then it will turn out magnificent. To do this, draw a straight line down and two lines diagonally so that they are equally inclined to the straight line. These three lines will intersect at one point. These will be our peaks.

Second phase

You need to draw the shape of a snowflake. Draw a small circle around the center. Now, from its middle, mark points on the rays (the distance from the center to the point should be the same). Next, you need to connect the dots. The result should be a hexagon. Draw lines so that they are parallel to the hexagon.

Third stage

Fourth stage

At this stage we draw the main details. We decorate the edges of the tops along the entire length with small loops, and the middle can be made in the shape of a flower. You need to make several strokes on the petals of the flower. Everything should turn out symmetrical. This is the guarantee that we will get a beautiful drawing.

Snowflake that appears from blue paint

For this trick you will need: a candle or a white pencil, blue paint, a piece of paper and a brush. On paper we draw a simple snowflake in the form of three intersecting lines. This procedure must be done with a white pencil or a candle.

To surprise your child, you can do it yourself. Then you need to paint the sheet with paints. Choose the color of the paint as desired, violet, blue, cyan. In this case, the paint must be diluted well with water; if it is thick, it may not work. During the coloring process, snowflakes will appear and everyone will be surprised; it is especially good to show the trick in the New Year 2020 for young children.

Interesting video tutorial on drawing snowflakes


Thus, you have created a small New Year's miracle with your own hands. You can diversify the process by creating new forms, and then decorate a New Year's poster, a homemade postcard, or a house with snowflakes for the New Year 2020. The most important thing is to show your imagination and involve the whole family in the process, well, how to draw a beautiful snowflake with a pencil step by step or do the trick yourself with You learned about them in our article.