How to draw the Eiffel Tower with a pencil step by step. How to draw the Eiffel Tower with a pencil step by step Pencil drawings of the Eiffel Tower

Drawing lessons → Draw a tower

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a tower for young children using this lesson, but if you really want to, you can try. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw a tower we may need:

  • You need Photoshop program.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Tip: Perform different actions on different layers. The more layers you make, the easier it will be for you to manage the drawing. So the sketch can be made on the bottom layer, and the white version on the top, and when the sketch is not needed, you can simply turn off the visibility of this layer.

As you complete this tutorial, please note that due to differences in software versions, some menu items and tools may have different names or be missing altogether. This may make the tutorial a little difficult, but I think you can do it.

Objective 1: Ease of execution. Re-reading many lessons on creating a finished image (rather than special effects), I noticed that the authors basically require the user to already have good drawing skills. In this example, you will not need an “A” in drawing and a minimum of creativity. PS will do everything for you!

Task 2: Creating “pseudo-three-dimensional” 3D objects in PhotoShop. Show that it is also possible to skillfully use tools in PS.

1. Create a wall template

1.1. Create a new 20x20 document (Ctrl+N) with a transparent Background. Let's rename the existing layer “background”.

1.2. Create a new layer (Shift+Ctrl+N) and call it “stone”. Select the top half. To do this, select the Rectangle Marquee Tool (M).

1.3. Fill the selection with any color (Alt+Backspace).

1.4. Now let’s give the selected area the appearance of a three-dimensional stone. Go to Blending Options > Bevel & Emboss and set the following values:

On the Blending Options tab, set the Fill Opacity to 0%.

This is what happened. The bottom layer is specially painted pink for clarity.

1.5. Duplicate the “stone” layer a couple of times. Place the two created layers as in the figure:

1.6. Let’s combine three layers with stones (Ctrl+E) into one, turn off the “background” layer and save it as a Template with the name “Wall” via Edit-> Define Pattern.

All! The template is ready.

2. Create a tower (“drawing” would be inappropriate here)

2.1. Let's start directly with the tower itself.

2.1.1. Create a new 1000x1000 document with a transparent Background. Create two new layers and name them “stones” and “background behind the stones”

2.1.2. Use the Rectangle Marquee Tool (M) to select a 350×600 area (using the Info tab window)

2.1.3. Fill the “stones” layer with the “wall” template Edit > Fill (Shift+F5) and make it invisible.

2.1.4. Well, now let's try to give individuality to our wall. We deliberately did not do this in our template, otherwise we would have had the same stones all over the wall. We return to the “background behind the stones” layer and, WITHOUT removing the 350×600 selection, fill it with gray.

2.1.5. Next, let's play with filters. Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise with Amount set to 120%. Check mark for Monochromatic. Next Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with Radius set to 1.0. Then add Filter > Filter Gallery > Texture > Craquelure with settings 15/3/10. Let’s make the “stones” layer visible again. Here's a snippet of what happened:

2.1.6. Next we work on volume. Merge the “stones” and “background behind the stones” layers (Ctrl+E) and name this layer “wall”. Rotate “Drop” our “tower” Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW. Apply the Filter > Distort > Shear filter with this diagram. Don't forget to highlight the entire "tower" and some space on the right!

2.1.7. Putting the “tower” back Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW

2.1.8. Apply the filter Filter > Distort > Spherize with the following parameters set: Amount 50% and Horizontal Only. Don't forget to select the entire "tower"!

2.1.9. Hmm... We see that the middle has become too stretched and smeared. Let's shorten the “tower” horizontally. Edit > Free Transform (Ctrl+T) and set the W parameter to 75%.

2.1.10. One more action on volume. Let's create it near our tower. Let's create a new layer and call it "shadows". Select the Gradient Tool (G). Let's select our “tower” by clicking on the “wall” layer while holding Ctrl. Let's create our own gradient:

Apply the Gradient Tool from the left edge of the selection to the right. Set the layer blending mode to Linear Burn and Opacity - 60%. You can choose to mix according to your taste.

2.1.11. As you can see from what we have, all the “bricks” are the same size. They can be slightly distorted. Apply Filter > Distort > Glass with the following settings:

Well, we have shaken the orderly ranks.

2.1.13. I propose to add a little more age to this “tower” by creating small cracks. To do this, select the entire “tower” again by clicking on the “wall” layer while holding Ctrl. Let's make all other layers invisible - they will interfere. Let's create a new layer, call it "cracks". Press D to reset colors. Let's apply Filter > Clouds. Next, let's use the Filter > Stylized > Find Edges filter. Now go to Image > Adjustment > Levels. And as shown in the figure below, we bring the white pointer and the black pointer together. Their joint location will be responsible for the “brokenness” of our wall. Experiment. So, we have a two-color “crack” layer. But white color bothers us. Select it Magic Wand and press Del.

2.1.14. Not bad, but the cracks are not extensive. To add volume, use Blending Options > Bevel&Emboss with the following settings:

2.1.15. Let's cut off the excess from above and below along the lines of the “bricks”. You can use the Polygonal Lasso Tool.

Let's see what we got...

2.2. Observation deck.

2.2.1. First, let's create a jagged edge template. Open a new document 40x50. let's draw something like this:

and save it as a Pattern with the name “prong” via Edit > Define Pattern. Let's close this document. We return to the “tower”

2.2.2. Let's create a new layer "teeth pattern". Let’s make a rectangular selection the width of the bottom of our “tower” and a height of 50. Fill this selection with the “teeth” pattern Edit > Fill (Shift+F5)

2.2.3. Next, we work on volume again. Rotate Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW. Apply the filter Filter > Distort > Shear with the same diagram as above. Don't forget to select everything on this layer and some space on the right! Return back Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW.

2.2.4. Apply the filter Filter > Distort > Spherize with the following parameters set: Amount 50% and Horizontal Only. Don't forget to select everything on this layer!

Here's what we got:

2.2.5. Create a new layer called “observation deck”. Let's just copy the bottom part of our “tower” there. Now we need to cut off the excess from this piece of the “tower”. We combine the “observation platform” and “teeth pattern” layers as we see fit. Select it as in the picture.

Invert the selection (Ctrl+Shift+I) and press Del.

2.2.6. Move the “observation deck” layer to the top of our “tower”. Like that:

2.2.7. Draw the “bottom” in a new separate layer with the Elliptical Marquee Tool like this.

2.2.8. Let's repeat paragraph 2.1.13 for loopholes.

2.2.9. Not bad. But! As you noticed, the teeth lack “volume”! We'll fix it. Make the “teeth pattern” layer the working layer and write a new Action (F9). Record! Copy the active layer (Ctrl+J). Select for transformation (Ctrl+T). Holding Shift and Alt, reduce the selection by one pixel horizontally and vertically. Stop!

We repeat the created Action as many times as necessary. Result:

2.3. Loopholes.

2.3.1. Create a new layer “Loophole”. Create a selection like this, size 15×65. Or optionally:

Fill it with gray color.

2.3.2. Go to Blending Options > Bevel&Emboss and set the following values:

It turns out like this:

Yeah! But one loophole is boring. Copy the loophole layer a couple of times. We arrange them this way or however we want.

Doesn't look right? Right! Let's fix it. Let's merge all layers with loopholes (Ctrl+E) = layer “loops”.

2.3.2. Rotate Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW. Apply the filter Filter > Distort > Shear with the same diagram as above. Don't forget to select everything on this layer and some space on the right like this.

2.3.3. Return back Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW.

If your Loopholes are wide and they are located close to the edges, then of course do not forget to apply the Filter > Distort > Spherize filter with the parameters set to: Amount 50% and Horizontal Only. Don't forget to select everything on this layer! In our case, this will not have an effect and therefore we will not use it.

2.3.4. Loopholes should not reflect light equally. Therefore, create a new layer “loophole gradient”. Select the “Loophole” layer (Ctrl-click on the layer) and fill the selection with a gradient on the “Loophole Gradient” layer with the following settings:

In this direction:

Set the Blending Mode to Overlay and the Opacity to 60% or as desired. Let's merge two layers “loophole gradient” and “loopholes”.

2.4. Cosmetics.

2.4.1. Let's create moss around the cracks. Select the “crack” layer (click on the layer while holding Ctrl). Create a new layer “moss”. Fill (Alt+Backspace) with green color. Remove selection (Ctrl+D). Apply the filter Filter > Distort > Ripple with the settings: Amount - 500; Size-small. Additionally, you can apply Filter > Noise > Add Noise with the following settings: Amount - 50%; Gaussian; Monochromatic. The layer's blending mode is Overlay. Opacity is optional. Well, let's move this layer a couple of pixels down.

2.4.2. Everything is fine, but the moss in the shade is the same as in the light. Let's create a new layer. Select the “moss” layer (click on the layer while holding Ctrl). Apply a horizontal gradient as before on the “tower” layer. Set the blending mode to Multiply. Let's connect this layer to the “moss” layer.

2.4.3. Let's paint the tower. Select the “tower” layer (click on the layer while holding Ctrl) and add the “observation deck” layer (click on the layer while holding Ctrl+Shift). Create a new layer. Choosing colors:

Apply the filter Filter > Render > Clouds.

Don't forget to set the layer's blending mode to Overlay and Opacity to suit your taste.

2.4.4. Also, let’s not forget about the shadow on the tower from the observation deck. Let's paint it with a soft brush with Opacity 80%.

2.4.5. Add a background to taste.

Here's what we got:

Now you know how to draw a tower, I hope it was interesting and informative. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Well, there are social network buttons for a reason =)

Technique for drawing the Eiffel Tower. Master classes from Vladislav Salabun

I greet you on the pages of my diary!

Don't be surprised by this post - yes, I have a fix idea :) I want to learn how to draw the Eiffel Tower so that I can draw it with my eyes closed! Why her? Show me at least one needlewoman who is absolutely indifferent to Parisian subjects :) Of course, the topic is very hackneyed, but this has not made Paris any worse or less beautiful, it seems to me that the city of romance will always excite the souls of creative people!

I found excellent, in my opinion - I’m a complete layman in this matter :) - lessons on drawing the Eiffel Tower from Vladislav Salabun. I am happy to share with you, my dears! Enjoy watching!

In this lesson I will tell you, how to draw the Eiffel Tower with a pencil, a world-famous landmark of Paris. Designer Gustav Eiffel created a 324 m high structure of extraordinary architectural design and beauty. Erected in 1889, the tower shocked city residents with its daring design and caused a lot of discontent and protests. But today it is no longer possible to imagine the capital of France without the graceful silhouette of the Eiffel Tower.

Before you start drawing, look carefully at the photographs of Paris, look at the magical, lace-like frame of the tower itself, and feel the exquisite atmosphere of France.

So let's get started.

Lesson 1 - Eiffel Tower in pencil

Step one. Due to the fact that the tower is the result of engineering, it has simmeternary and regular form. Therefore, you and I can take a ruler, which will greatly help us draw straight lines of the frame. First let's draw the horizon. And above it we will place an isosceles triangle, elongated in shape. Let's remember geometry from school and construct a median.

Step two. Using six horizontal lines, we divide our triangle into 4 large parts. The first two lines separate about a fifth of the bottom. The second pair of lines should be located in the center. The third pair - measures a small segment from above. Inside the resulting image we will construct more trapezoids, as shown in the figure. And on top there is a figure similar to a triangle, but with a rounded corner on top.

Step three. Let’s mentally divide the figure into three pyramids stacked on top of each other. In the two lower ones we will draw thick double lines - the bases. Inside the largest pyramid is a triangle. Now we remove the auxiliary lines - the sides of the largest main triangle. At the base we will draw an arch and a horizontal beam above it. We will place a balcony in the central part. Now let's look at the drawing carefully: all parts of the tower should be shown with a thick double line. Well, at the bottom of our picture there are bushes and trees.

Step four. We are gradually creating steel construction. Along the entire height of the tower, draw parallel horizontal lines using a ruler. Please note that we also showed short vertical lines on the tower. Let's add greenery to the surface of the earth.

Step five. Now we need to draw “X” crosses in the resulting cells of our design. We do everything with double lines. Now we carefully look at the drawing and compare it with the picture on the screen. If suddenly, somewhere there is not enough line, we will finish it, and remove the auxiliary and failed lines with an eraser.

A time-consuming lesson, isn't it? But the result is pleasing. I hope you will now know how to draw the Eiffel Tower.

Lesson 2 - photorealistic Eiffel Tower

Step one. Let's sketch out the main outlines of the structures. Draw the horizon line and background.

Step two. Let's draw a bold line around the Eiffel Tower. In the foreground we will add the outlines of buildings.

In this lesson I will tell you, how to draw the Eiffel Tower with a pencil, a famous landmark of Paris and France in general. Designer Gustav Eiffel created a 324 m high structure of extraordinary architectural design and beauty. Erected in 1889, the tower shocked city residents with its daring design and caused a lot of discontent and protests. But today it is no longer possible to imagine the capital of France without the graceful silhouette of the Eiffel Tower. Before you start drawing, look carefully at the photographs of Paris, look at the magical, lace-like frame of the tower itself, and feel the exquisite atmosphere of France. So let's get started.

How to draw the Eiffel Tower with a pencil

Step one. Due to the fact that the tower is the result of engineering, it has a symmetrical and regular shape. Therefore, you and I can take a ruler, which will greatly help us draw straight lines of the frame. First let's draw the horizon. And above it we will place an isosceles triangle, elongated in shape. Let's remember geometry from school and construct a median. Step two. Using six horizontal lines, we divide our triangle into 4 large parts. The first two lines separate about a fifth of the bottom. The second pair of lines should be located in the center. The third pair measures a small segment from above. Inside the resulting image we will construct more trapezoids, as shown in the figure. And on top there is a figure similar to a triangle, but with a rounded corner on top. Step three. Let’s mentally divide the figure into three pyramids stacked on top of each other. In the two lower ones we will draw thick double lines - the bases. Inside the largest pyramid is a triangle. Now we remove the auxiliary lines - the sides of the largest main triangle. At the base we will draw an arch and a horizontal beam above it. We will place a balcony in the central part. Now let's look at the drawing carefully: all parts of the tower should be shown with a thick double line. Well, at the bottom of our picture there are bushes and trees. Step four. We are gradually creating a steel structure. Along the entire height of the tower, draw parallel horizontal lines using a ruler. Please note that we also showed short vertical lines on the tower. Let's add greenery to the surface of the earth. Step five. Now we need to draw “X” crosses in the resulting cells of our design. We do everything with double lines. Now we carefully look at the drawing and compare it with the picture on the screen. If suddenly there is a missing line somewhere, we will complete it, and remove the auxiliary and failed lines with an eraser. A time-consuming lesson, isn't it? But the result is pleasing. I hope you will now know how to draw the Eiffel Tower. Do you want more useful lessons on drawing different buildings? Here's a list for you.

Step one. Due to the fact that the tower is the result of engineering, it has a symmetrical and regular shape. Therefore, you and I can take a ruler, which will greatly help us draw straight lines of the frame. First let's draw the horizon. And above it we will place an isosceles triangle, elongated in shape. Let's remember geometry from school and construct a median.

Step two. Using six horizontal lines, we divide our triangle into 4 large parts. The first two lines separate about a fifth of the bottom. The second pair of lines should be located in the center. The third pair measures a small segment from above. Inside the resulting image we will construct more trapezoids, as shown in the figure. And on top there is a figure similar to a triangle, but with a rounded corner on top.

Step three. Let’s mentally divide the figure into three pyramids stacked on top of each other. In the two lower ones we will draw thick double lines - the bases. Inside the largest pyramid is a triangle. Now we remove the auxiliary lines - the sides of the largest main triangle. At the base we will draw an arch and a horizontal beam above it. We will place a balcony in the central part. Now let's look at the drawing carefully: all parts of the tower should be shown with a thick double line. Well, at the bottom of our picture there are bushes and trees.

Step four. We are gradually creating a steel structure. Along the entire height of the tower, draw parallel horizontal lines using a ruler. Please note that we also showed short vertical lines on the tower. Let's add greenery to the surface of the earth.

Step five. Now we need to draw “X” crosses in the resulting cells of our design. We do everything with double lines. Now we carefully look at the drawing and compare it with the picture on the screen. If suddenly there is a missing line somewhere, we will complete it, and remove the auxiliary and failed lines with an eraser.

This lesson fell into the easy category, which means that, in theory, a small child can repeat it. Naturally, parents can help young children draw the Eiffel Tower. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the “” lesson - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you will need

In order to draw the Eiffel Tower we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

It is best to depict any objects by looking at them in person. So it will be much easier to draw the Eiffel Tower if you draw from life. Also, I advise you to thoroughly study the subject of drawing before starting to draw. This can get rid of many design errors. Look in Yandex.Pictures what it looks like and imagine how it should work to bring maximum benefit.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Simple drawings are created using contours. It will be enough for you to repeat what, and only what is shown in the lesson, to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present that. What do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies? Try making a sketch not with outlines, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with constant use of this technology, you will see that drawing becomes easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

To get started, draw guide lines for the base on the Eiffel

Now detail your tower as shown in the picture.

Now detail the second level of the tower.

And at the end of the lesson you need to complete the details of the upper part of the tower.

It's that simple. This is the end of the lesson, I hope you liked it.

Now you know how to draw the Elven Tower. If you put in the effort, I believe you will achieve everything you set your mind to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Well, there are social network buttons for a reason =)