Protasov's diet - detailed description and reviews. Diet of Kim Protasov: detailed description by week, menu for every day

Kim Protasov's diet is simple, accessible and very effective. It was created in hot Israel, for our compatriots this diet will be relevant in the summer and autumn, since the main dishes on the menu recommended by the Kim Protasov diet are fresh vegetables and fruits.

Clinical picture

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I have been dealing with weight loss problems for many years. Women often come to me with tears in their eyes, who have tried everything, but there is either no result, or the weight keeps coming back. I used to tell them to calm down, go back on a diet and do grueling workouts in the gym. Today there is a better solution - X-Slim. You can simply take it as a nutritional supplement and lose up to 15 kg in a month absolutely naturally without diets or exercise. loads This is a completely natural remedy that is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender, age or health status. At the moment, the Ministry of Health is holding a campaign “Save the inhabitants of Russia from obesity” and every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive 1 package of the drug FOR FREE

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From how much time has passed since the development of any diet, one can conclude how effective it is, and even more so if it has found wide application.

Benefits of diet

The author of the diet, Kim Protasov, calls not to limit the amount of food eaten - this condition solves, first of all, a psychological problem, because for many people losing weight, a sharp reduction in the amount of food consumed can be a decisive factor for abandoning any diet.

The menu according to Kim Protasov mainly consists of raw vegetables, as well as dairy and fermented milk products. They contain fiber and protein, they are indispensable for the proper functioning of the intestines, cleansing the body, and saturating it with the necessary energy.

To achieve results it will take only 5 weeks; to competently switch to regular food you need another 2 weeks. Kim Protasov promised that with this diet you can lose up to 20 kg.

For those with a sweet tooth, the Protasov diet recommends weaning themselves from their eating habits by replacing sweets with juicy fruits.
Consumption of fermented milk products helps improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines and the complete absorption of vitamins contained in fruits.

Our readers write

Subject: Lost 18kg without dieting

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To: Administration

Hello! My name is Lyudmila, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site. Finally, I was able to lose excess weight. I lead an active lifestyle, got married, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

Ever since I was a child, I was a rather plump girl; at school I was teased all the time, even the teachers called me a little fluffy... this was especially terrible. When I entered the university, they stopped paying attention to me completely, I turned into a quiet, notorious, fat crammer. I tried everything to lose weight... Diets and all sorts of green coffee, liquid chestnuts, chocolate slimms. Now I don’t even remember, but how much money I spent on all this useless garbage...

Everything changed when I accidentally came across an article on the Internet. You have no idea how much this article changed my life. No, don’t think about it, there is no top-secret method of losing weight that the entire Internet is replete with. Everything is simple and logical. In just 2 weeks I lost 7 kg. In total, 18 kg in 2 months! I gained energy and a desire to live, so I joined the gym to tone up my butt. And yes, I finally found a young man who has now become my husband, loves me madly and I love him too. Sorry for writing so chaotically, I’m just remembering everything from emotions :)

Girls, for those of you who have tried a bunch of different diets and methods for losing weight, but have never been able to get rid of excess weight, take 5 minutes and read this article. I promise you won't regret it!

Go to article>>>

How does it work

The biochemical effect is explained as follows: protein is necessary to build cells; no diet excludes it. When combined with carbohydrates contained in vegetables and fruits, protein regulates the process of their absorption: the gradual entry of sugars into the blood and a decrease in insulin emissions.


I continue to discuss with you the most popular diets and nutrition systems. We have already sorted out:

By analyzing them, I am not trying to impose my point of view on you and tell you whether the system is good or not. I try to give you food for thought and add a bit of my knowledge of physiology and weight loss experience. And it’s quite significant for me, since trying to build up more muscles, I often have to get rid of excess fat that has accumulated due to unsuccessful training programs. So you can safely trust me to help you lose weight. But I wouldn’t trust my advice on pumping up muscles yet.

But let’s not get distracted, I have Protasov’s diet for you to review today.

Protasov's diet. Detailed description

You know, given the great popularity of this weight loss system, I was simply sure that it was quite gentle and did not require much sacrifice. How wrong I was! A person who decides to lose weight using this method will have to face so many restrictions that it is unlikely that he will be able to withstand 5 (!) weeks of the diet itself and another 5 weeks of leaving it. At the same time, supporters of the “shuffle” claim that its main advantage is that there is no limit on the amount of food eaten, therefore, while following this diet, there is no feeling of hunger. I wonder if they tell me that today I can only eat, for example, tomatoes, and at the same time I can’t stand them, will it make me feel better that I can eat as much of them as I want so as not to feel hungry?

But I’m already nitpicking, let’s start first.

The essence of the Protasov diet

In 5 weeks, the popular “shuffle” allows you to completely change your eating habits and abandon stereotypes. You should eat raw vegetables, apples, as well as fermented milk products with a low fat content (no more than 5%). You can’t eat sweets or flour, and drink tea and coffee without sugar. The diet also excludes the consumption of fatty foods. But the amount of clean water is gradually increased to 2 liters per day.

During this time, we are promised a weight loss of 8 kilograms or more. Sounds pretty good in principle. But how realistic is this? Let's try to figure it out.

I came across this obscure phrase on the Internet: “It’s worth mentioning right away that our domestic dairy industry practically does not produce 5% products, and those samples that come across contain sugar. In order not to violate the rules of the diet, it is better to purchase low-fat dairy products.”

Basically, all dairy products contain the sugar lactose. It is called “milk sugar”. If you want to avoid its consumption, then you need to give preference to cottage cheese and cheese. But the desire to stick to only low-fat products can lead to unwitting consumption of the most common sugar. For example, if you buy low-fat yogurt, it probably contains sugar to add flavor to the drink. So be careful. It is better to buy 2-3% natural yogurt (this should be written on the label) than low-fat offal.

Claimed benefits

  • You won't have to feel hungry. Kim Protasov's diet menu is designed in such a way that there is no need to limit the serving size. In addition, there are no restrictions on the time of eating: if you want to eat in the morning, eat; if you are hungry in the evening, no one forbids you to eat.

This is truly wonderful . At first sight.

  • Refusal of many sweets leads to the fact that the functions of the pancreas are gradually improved. The desire to eat something sweet and tasty gradually disappears.

I really doubt that this method of “not wanting” sweets will work.

  • The large amount of fiber found in fruits and vegetables helps detoxify the body. The intestines and blood are perfectly cleansed.

As soon as I hear about toxins and impurities, I immediately understand that either an amateur wrote or they are trying to deceive me.

  • Drinking water promotes the active elimination of toxins.

Twenty-five again.

  • The main products of the first weeks of the diet are apples and fermented milk products, which supply the body with pectin, calcium, lactose and protein.
  • The body gradually gets used to healthy food and rebuilds itself.

The body does not adapt to healthy food; it is not a programmable robot. It’s just easier to take the necessary substances from the right food.

Diet of Kim Protasov: description by week

So, your entire subsequent diet will be scheduled for five weeks. At the same time, it will be divided into 2 parts: the first two weeks one menu, in the next three - small adjustments.

First week

Get ready for the next 7 days to actively eat exclusively raw (or baked) vegetables, as well as cottage cheese and yoghurt. The quantity of fresh vegetables is unlimited, and you can eat them at any time of the day.

The menu for the first week of the Protasov diet also includes 1 boiled egg per day and several green apples.

At first, it may seem incredibly difficult to eat this way. But in fact, by the end you can easily give up even a boiled egg. By the way, vegetables such as zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, beets, and carrots contain starch. During the diet you need to give them up or consume very little.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t call this approach to nutrition comfortable. At the same time, carrots and zucchini are not vegetables with a high starch content. With an average one, yes, but not with a large one.

There was a time when I practiced a raw food diet. I remember that time with a smile. I went to the kitchen, took an apple, ate it in front of the TV, and went back to the kitchen to look for something else to eat. If you just started losing weight, then you won’t be able to get enough of vegetables and fruits.

Well, maybe at least cottage cheese and yogurt will help out.

Second week

Recipes for 1-2 weeks of the Protasov diet are repeated. From the 8th to the 14th day, the menu will continue to consist of fermented milk products, vegetables and apples. If you have sufficient willpower, you can stop eating eggs. Try to create a menu so as not to overuse fermented milk products to the detriment of vegetables. The diet consists equally of products from both groups. It is necessary to avoid feta cheese and salted cheese, since salt retains fluid in the body and swelling appears.

The same. I can say for myself, I would have definitely lost my mind here.

Third week

From the 15th day, you can gradually add meat to the diet (no more than 300 g), and the amount of fermented milk products, on the contrary, is reduced. Meat can be boiled, baked or grilled. It is better to use turkey, rabbit or chicken.

Hurray, meat. Three hundred grams, but at least something.

Fourth and fifth weeks

The menu corresponds to the 3rd week, only from the 22nd day the active weight loss phase begins. This is due to the fact that the body gets rid of toxins, and the internal organs begin to work more actively after a good cleansing.

Didn't understand. Active weight loss phase from day 22? Usually by this time, on any other diet and system, weight loss is actively slowing down, since the body has already given up excess fluid and most of the visceral (internal) fat.

Once again. The internal organs do not need any cleaning. These are not sewer pipes clogged with garbage - this is a living, self-renewing system. They cannot work more actively. They can be more productive if they don't have to digest chips, sausage rolls and crackers. The point here is not at all about the “activity” of the internal organs, the point is that healthier food is digested faster and the body can spend the resources it previously spent on digesting “harmful” food on something more useful. Due to this, lightness and energy appear, and you will get enough sleep faster and better.

Indeed, I noticed myself, with active weight loss, somewhere after the third week this very “lightness” begins to be felt. But this happens not due to the removal of toxins (I already wrote about this), but due to the fact that by this time, the body needs less food and less resources are spent on “maintenance” of the digestive system. That's the whole secret. And there is no need for complex formulations about “cleansing” the body.

Exit from the Protasov diet

An important point for another 5 weeks. The menu of each subsequent week repeats the menu of the previous one, with some additional foods allowed.

Week 6. Add 3 tablespoons of porridge cooked in water to the diet.

Week 7. In addition to apples, you can eat plums and avocados.

Week 8. We gradually introduce dried fruits into the diet; you can cook compotes without sugar.

Week 9. Add boiled vegetables. You can eat more meat, but at the same time reduce the amount of fermented milk products.

Week 10 We add weak broths and light soups to the diet. After leaving the diet, it is advised not to eat flour for another 1-2 months, reduce the consumption of sweets to a minimum and not include rice dishes in the diet.

That is, after 5 weeks of basic weight loss, you will have to spend another five on a way out that does not involve a significant change in the menu. In general, the Protasov diet is 10 full weeks of self-restraint. After which you cannot eat bread for another 2 months.

Sample menu for every day for the first two weeks

1 day

Day 2

Day 3

4 day

5 day

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

10 day

Day 11

12 day

Day 13

Day 14

As you can see, the menu can hardly be called comfortable. It’s hard to follow such a diet if you don’t sit at home around the clock. And two weeks without meat is a dubious pleasure. No, at first glance everything looks good. But believe me, by the end of the first week you will start dreaming about sausages and cakes.

My conclusions about the Protasov diet

I really don’t like that they tell us that the body begins to lose weight because it gets rid of waste and toxins. This is a completely unscientific statement. I understand that modern medicine does not yet know the whole truth about the work of our body, but waste and toxins... excuse me, only those who want to believe in them still believe in them.

At the same time, you will definitely lose weight on this diet. Why? Because, as in any other weight loss system, you will be deprived of sweet, salty and starchy foods. You are unlikely to lose the promised 8 kilograms, but it is quite possible to get rid of 5-6 kilograms in 5 weeks. As with any other proper nutrition system. Even if it doesn't have such a strict menu.

In general, such a system will suit you in two cases:

  • If you are determined to lose weight, and the first diet you came across turned out to be a “shuffle”
  • If you are used to adhering to strict boundaries and think that you will not be able to lose weight if you do not keep yourself in a “black body”

Of course, it’s up to you to choose, but it seems to me that 10 weeks of strict nutrition control is too much to pay for a result that can be achieved using more comfortable methods.

Good luck on your journey to the figure of your dreams.

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Diet of Kim Protasov

Kim Protasov's diet frees you from eating strictly by the hour, which is important for people who cannot starve and deny themselves the desire to eat tasty food. Despite some restrictions in the diet, there are many recipes, thanks to which even on a diet you can eat tasty and varied. Protasov's diet for weight loss is comfortable and safe, but it is better to use it for people who do not have health problems.

The essence of the Protasov diet

A well-known nutritionist from Israel 15 years ago (namely, in 1999) developed a unique nutritional system, which, according to many doctors, is one of the healthiest. In 5 weeks, the popular “shuffle” allows you to completely change your eating habits and abandon stereotypes. You should eat raw vegetables, apples, as well as fermented milk products with a low fat content (no more than 5%). You can’t eat sweets, and drink tea and coffee without sugar. The diet also excludes the consumption of fatty foods. But the amount of clean water is gradually increased to 2 liters per day.

It’s worth mentioning right away that our domestic dairy industry practically does not produce 5% products, and those samples that come across contain sugar. In order not to violate the rules of the diet, it is better to purchase low-fat dairy products.

The diet is designed for 5 weeks, you can lose 8 kg or more. The exit from the diet is designed for another 5 weeks, and then for 2 months you should abstain from certain foods.


You won't have to feel hungry. Kim Protasov's diet menu is designed in such a way that there is no need to limit the serving size. In addition, there are no restrictions on the time of eating: if you want to eat in the morning, eat; if you are hungry in the evening, no one forbids you to eat.

Refusal of many sweets leads to the fact that the functions of the pancreas are gradually improved. The desire to eat something sweet and tasty gradually disappears.

The large amount of fiber found in fruits and vegetables helps detoxify the body. The intestines and blood are perfectly cleansed.

Drinking water promotes the active elimination of toxins.

The main products of the first weeks of the diet are apples and fermented milk products, which supply the body with pectin, calcium, lactose and protein.

The body gradually gets used to healthy food and rebuilds itself.


Judging by the reviews, the Protasov diet is difficult to maintain for those people who cannot tolerate dairy products (this can be either an allergy to the components or an individual intolerance).

Large amounts of fiber for certain diseases of the internal organs can only be consumed in combination with cereals, which envelop the walls of the stomach and intestines, protecting them from damage.

People suffering from hypertension and heart disease should limit their fluid intake, otherwise edema cannot be avoided.


Diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines.




Metabolic disease.

A detailed description of Protasov’s diet will allow you to create a menu yourself or use some of our tips. The main thing is to carefully read the recommendations and pay attention to the common mistakes of those who have already used this power system.

Protasov's diet: weekly menu

First week

Get ready for the next 7 days to actively eat exclusively raw (or baked) vegetables, as well as cottage cheese and yoghurt. The quantity of fresh vegetables is unlimited, and you can eat them at any time of the day. The menu for the first week of the Protasov diet also includes 1 boiled egg per day and several green apples.

At first, it may seem incredibly difficult to eat this way. But in fact, by the end you can easily give up even a boiled egg. By the way, vegetables such as zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, beets, and carrots contain starch. During the diet you need to give them up or consume very little.

Second week

Recipes for 1-2 weeks of the Protasov diet are repeated. From the 8th to the 14th day, the menu will continue to consist of fermented milk products, vegetables and apples. If you have sufficient willpower, you can stop eating eggs.

Try to create a menu so as not to overuse fermented milk products to the detriment of vegetables. The diet consists equally of products from both groups. It is necessary to avoid feta cheese and salted cheese, since salt retains fluid in the body and swelling appears.

Third week

From the 15th day, you can gradually add meat to the diet (no more than 300 g), and the amount of fermented milk products, on the contrary, is reduced. Meat can be boiled, baked or grilled. It is better to use turkey, rabbit or chicken.

Fourth and fifth weeks

The menu corresponds to the 3rd week, only from the 22nd day the active weight loss phase begins. This is due to the fact that the body gets rid of toxins, and the internal organs begin to work more actively after a good cleansing.

Exit from the Protasov diet

A crucial moment for another 5 weeks. The menu of each subsequent week repeats the menu of the previous one, with some additional foods allowed. So,

Week 6. Add 3 tablespoons of porridge cooked in water to the diet.

Week 7. In addition to apples, you can eat plums and avocados.

Week 8. We gradually introduce dried fruits into the diet; you can cook compotes without sugar.

Week 9. Add boiled vegetables. You can eat more meat, but at the same time reduce the amount of fermented milk products.

Week 10 We add weak broths and light soups to the diet.

Protasov's diet: menu for every day for the first two weeks

The main thing is to immediately adjust to the fact that in the next 14 days you will eat exclusively vegetables and dairy products. But this does not mean at all that Protasov’s diet menu will be boring and monotonous. On the contrary, by skillfully combining vegetables, you can prepare many delicious salads, snacks and cocktails.

1 day

Breakfast. Baked cheesecakes, a glass of kefir
Lunch. Apple, herbal tea.
Dinner. Greek salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, olives and cheese, 200 ml of tomato juice.
Afternoon snack. Yogurt, apple.
Dinner. Cottage cheese with grated apple, kefir.

Day 2

Breakfast. Low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt.
Lunch. Apple, green tea.
Dinner. Carrot, cabbage and apple salad, 1 boiled egg.
Afternoon snack. Carrot-pumpkin juice, apple.
Dinner. Curd cheesecakes, kefir.

Day 3

Breakfast. Boiled egg, tomato and sweet pepper salad.
Lunch. Apple cocktail with kefir.
Dinner. Cucumber stuffed with cottage cheese and garlic.
Afternoon snack. Apple, glass of yogurt.
Dinner. Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and onions, seasoned with sour cream, balls of cottage cheese and garlic.

4 day

Breakfast. Low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of yogurt.
Lunch. Apple, glass of carrot-apple juice.
Dinner. Salad of grated beets with garlic, seasoned with sour cream + 250 ml of tomato juice, egg.
Afternoon snack. Fruit salad of apples with yogurt.
Dinner. Curd cheesecakes, kefir.

5 day

Breakfast. Boiled egg, cottage cheese, yogurt.
Lunch. Apple + glass of kefir.
Dinner. Tomatoes stuffed with cottage cheese + a glass of tomato juice.

Dinner. Baked eggplants with garlic and cottage cheese sauce, green tea.

Day 6

Breakfast. Cottage cheese, yogurt.
Lunch. Apple-kefir cocktail.
Dinner. Tomato and homemade cheese salad, tomato juice.
Afternoon snack. Baked cheesecakes, kefir.
Dinner. Apple, cabbage and carrot salad, seasoned with sour cream, boiled egg, green tea.

Day 7

Breakfast. Egg, Greek salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese and olives.
Lunch. Apple juice + apple.
Dinner. Soup puree of grated cucumbers with kefir and herbs.
Afternoon snack. Cheesecakes + yogurt.
Dinner. Baked bell pepper stuffed with cottage cheese and garlic.

Day 8

Breakfast. Fried egg pancake, tomato, cucumber.
Lunch. Cottage cheese, yogurt.
Dinner. Salad of cucumbers, bell peppers and homemade cheese, kefir.
Afternoon snack. Apple, Apple juice.
Dinner. Stuffed tomatoes, tomato juice.

Day 9

Breakfast. Cottage cheese, kefir.
Lunch. Grated apple with cheesecakes.
Dinner. Okroshka made from kefir, cucumbers, radishes and herbs, herbal tea.
Afternoon snack. Carrot dessert with cinnamon and yogurt.
Dinner. Cottage cheese, yogurt.

10 day

Breakfast. Boiled egg, cucumber and tomato salad.
Lunch. Apple dessert with cinnamon and yogurt.
Dinner. Stuffed cucumbers, carrot-pumpkin juice.
Afternoon snack. Baked apples.
Dinner. Cottage cheese, yogurt.

Day 11

Breakfast. Baked apples, herbal tea.
Lunch. Yogurt, cottage cheese.
Dinner. Okroshka, carrot salad with garlic and sour cream.
Afternoon snack. Apple smoothie with yogurt.
Dinner. Green tea, beet salad with garlic, radish and herbs.

12 day

Breakfast. Cottage cheese, kefir.
Lunch. Tomato salad, bell pepper, red onion, seasoned with lemon juice, herbal tea.
Dinner. Soup with celery, carrots and herbs.
Afternoon snack. Grated apple with cottage cheese.
Dinner. Salad of cucumbers, bell peppers, herbs and sour cream, 1 glass of kefir.

Day 13

Breakfast. Cottage cheese, yogurt.
Lunch. Apple juice + apple.
Lunch Carrot salad with garlic, 1 egg, tomatoes.
Afternoon snack. Baked cheesecakes with sour cream, green tea.
Dinner. Stuffed tomatoes, baked bell peppers.

Day 14

Breakfast. Cheese pancakes, yogurt.
Lunch. Herbal tea, carrot dessert with cinnamon and yogurt.
Dinner. Okroshka, tomato and bell pepper salad with sour cream.
Afternoon snack. Grated apple with cottage cheese.
Dinner. Salad of radish, cucumber, onion and egg, dressed with sour cream and herbs. A glass of green tea.

Kim Protasov’s approximate diet menu for the first two weeks looks exactly like this. If you wish, you can diversify it with some interesting recipes or completely change it to your taste.

Diet of Kim Protasov: menu for every day (table)

Protasov diet recipes

1-2 week

1. Beet salad with garlic. Grate the raw beets, add chopped garlic cloves and a couple of tablespoons of kefir.

2. Fresh carrot dessert. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, add a little cinnamon and yogurt.

3. Apple dessert. The apple can be cut into pieces or grated, sprinkled with cinnamon and topped with yogurt.

4. Okroshka. 1 cucumber, a couple of radishes, a boiled egg and greens should be chopped and poured with kefir.

5. Vegetable salad with yogurt. Chop the cucumber and tomato, add a couple of spoons of yogurt and herbs.

6. Homemade cheese. Pour 500 g of cottage cheese into a glass of milk and cook for about 15 minutes. Place the resulting mixture on a sieve and let the water drain. After this, in a separate bowl, mix the cottage cheese with spices, egg and boil for about 10 minutes. Let it harden.

7. Stuffed cucumbers. Cut the cucumbers lengthwise, remove the core and chop. Mix it with cottage cheese, herbs and garlic. Fill half the cucumbers with the mixture.

8. Vegetable salad with pancake. Beat the egg and bake in a pan in the form of a pancake, which is then rolled into a tube and cut. Chop tomatoes and bell peppers, mix with pancakes and season with yogurt.

9. Diet sushi. Bake a pancake from a beaten egg, prepare 2 sheets of seaweed. Place half of the pancake and the filling of cottage cheese with garlic and herbs on top of a sheet of seaweed. Roll the rolls and cut lengthwise with a sharp knife.

10. Stuffed tomatoes. Cut off the top of the tomatoes and remove the middle. Make minced meat from cottage cheese, boiled egg and bell pepper with herbs. Fill the tomatoes with the mixture.

Recipes from 3-5 weeks

Let us remind you that the results of the Protasov diet do not appear immediately. But from the third week you can supplement the menu with delicious meat and fish dishes.

1. Original chicken salad. Cut 200 g of meat into cubes, add chopped nuts, onions, sour cream (3 spoons) and pomegranate seeds.

2. The meatballs are tender. Grind 300 g of veal, half a zucchini and an onion in a meat grinder, add the egg, spices and knead the minced meat. Form small vegetable-meat balls onto a baking sheet and bake until done.

3. Fruit salad of grapefruit and pineapple. Cut the fruit pulp into cubes, add strawberries, season with yogurt.

Protasov's diet: results and reviews

The power supply system is recognized as one of the most comfortable and effective. The average weight loss is 8 kg over the entire period. But if you rely on reviews, then Kim Protasov’s diet helps you lose from 6 to 20 kg of excess weight. A gentle weight loss system, after which the body really works with renewed vigor, getting rid of waste and toxins. Despite the restriction in the diet, a gradual and careful exit from the diet ensures a comfortable transition to regular meals. Although over such a long period of time the body acquires many useful habits in terms of nutrition. The original weight is not returned. The maximum you can expect is +2 kilograms. You can also leave a review if you are on this diet.

The only thing that is considered a disadvantage of the diet is the acquisition of the habit of eating abundantly. Since portions are not limited in size during the diet, immediately after switching to a regular diet, it is important to control your weight and try not to overeat. Despite many laudatory reviews, the author of the diet himself does not recommend practicing such a nutritional system more than once a year.

The Kim Protasov diet is a specially designed diet that includes certain types of ingredients and products. Their composition allows you to cleanse yourself of toxins, food contaminants and lose weight within five weeks. The name "Protasovka" is popularly used.

The name of the diet is the first and last name of a scientist and doctor from Israel. It was first published in 1999 in a weekly Russian newspaper as a single article. It talked about the basic principles of effective weight loss using this method. Since then it has become widely known.

Those who tried to use Kim Protasov’s diet began to recommend this type of weight loss to each other as one of the most effective nutrition systems for proper weight loss. You will not only be able to lose weight, but also rejuvenate your body by freeing it from toxic substances present in your daily diet.

Peculiarity Kim Protasov's diet consists of consuming dairy products and vegetables. Poultry meat is allowed in small quantities.

The principle of Kim Protasov's diet

Kim Protasov's diet is based on the following principles:

  • The diet should be light and tasty. The main ingredients are dairy products and vegetables;
  • The peculiarity of Kim Protasov’s diet is that there are no strict restrictions on food intake, as required by other diets. The nutrition system allows you not to refuse food intake. You can eat at any time of the day or night;
  • The diet consists of a list of recommended products;
  • Kim Protasov's diet is designed for a five-week period and contains four basic intervals. Everyone has a special set of products to compose their diet;
  • By following the correct daily diet, the calorie content will be no more than 1500 kcal;
  • This type of nutrition is suitable not only for people losing weight, but also for those who choose a healthy diet.

What can and cannot be eaten?

There are two time periods in Kim Protasov’s diet:

  • From the first day to two weeks;
  • From two weeks until the end.

In the first week, you can eat any vegetables only raw. If possible, 30 percent of the total diet should be white cabbage. Consume fermented milk products with a fat content of no more than five percent:

  • Granular cottage cheese;
  • Low sugar yogurt;
  • Kefir;
  • Low-fat cheese.

In addition to fermented milk products, the daily menu for Kim Protasov’s diet allows you to eat a chicken egg and three medium-sized apples. And lastly, lots of water.

Forget about sugar, sausage and other flour products. This is not in Kim Protasov’s diet. If you are unsure about a food, avoid it. Take 5-10 minutes to make a salad from natural vegetables. Do not eat processed foods (they are strictly prohibited). Also exclude gelatin and salt from your diet.

Do not mix salad with vinegar and do not use a steamer for cooking. It is better to replace steamed vegetables with raw ones - they contain more beneficial vitamins.

Fermented milk products containing chemical additives are also prohibited. They contain sugar, which is useless for the body. Consume only freshly squeezed juices and fresh juices. There are enough restrictions in Kim Protasov's diet, but don't get hung up on it. Think about attractiveness and slimness, and then flour products themselves will disappear from your diet.

Description of the menu by week

You can eat raw vegetables separately or mix them to make delicious salads. It is prohibited to season with mayonnaise or vegetable oil.

It should be stated in advance that four meals a day are allowed.

Kim Protasov's diet by week is as follows:

1-2 week:

  1. For breakfast you can eat a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with grated cheese.
  2. For lunch, make a salad of cabbage, beets, carrots and apples. Wash down your meal with low-fat kefir.
  3. For an afternoon snack, 200 grams of grain cottage cheese and an apple.

3 week:

  1. Salad containing beets, apples and carrots.
  2. 150 grams of fried fish. Additionally, use one egg in carrot and cabbage salad. Yogurt and apple will be a nice addition.
  3. Fried chicken breast - 150 grams. Optional coleslaw and tomato salad.

4-5 week:

  1. Tea and coffee, as well as low-fat Israeli cheese, are allowed for consumption.
  2. Roast meat at your discretion. Apple, beet or cabbage salad.
  3. Apple or grain curd.
  4. Five percent kefir and salad from the following ingredients: carrots, cabbage, cucumber and apple.

Kim Protasov created a diet with ready-made meal options. But this does not mean that you are prohibited from adding your own ingredient to it. The main thing is not to go beyond the principles of the famous doctor’s diet.

Dish recipes

Below are recipes for dishes on Kim Protasov’s diet in the first or second week.

Stuffed tomatoes:

To prepare this dish, you will need one boiled egg. Crumble it finely in a plate and add garlic. Greenery will not be superfluous. After adding the ingredients to one container, mix them thoroughly. Then add a few tablespoons of kefir and cottage cheese and mix again. The consistency is ready. Then take the tomatoes and cut them in half. Remove the core and add the pre-prepared dressing. An excellent dish for a hearty breakfast!

Salad and egg pancake:

One egg is taken and used to prepare an omelet. No oil is added during the cooking process; cooking is carried out using Teflon. Can't it work without oil? Add some water.

Cut the finished pancake into small pieces and wait until it cools. At this time, chop two tomatoes, garlic and Bulgarian cottage cheese. Mix these vegetables with cottage cheese or a few spoons of yogurt and add a pancake. Greens and a little cheese are used for decoration.


You can eat some salads, but they quickly get boring, so you want something new. Gazpacho is a light soup. It's easy to prepare. In the summer it is irreplaceable. To prepare you will need:

  • Take three small tomatoes;
  • Several cucumbers;
  • Pepper - yellow and red;
  • Garlic and small onion;
  • Greens and lemon juice are used as a dressing.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, then peel and cut into small slices. The remaining vegetables also need to be cut into small pieces, and then all the prepared ingredients should be placed in a blender. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The soup is not subjected to heat treatment, retaining all its beneficial properties. Served cold, perfect for summertime.

Light sweetness from Kim Protasov:

If you want something sweet, you can grate an apple and pour yogurt over it. Add a little cinnamon and, for beauty, a spoonful of baby puree. Bon appetit!

Recipes for Kim Protasov's diet for 3-5 weeks:

Meat in kefir (kebab):

Take 400 grams of chicken meat. Cut it into cubes, then pour a glass of kefir. Season well with salt and pepper. and then stir and refrigerate for one hour. Cut the onion into rings and grate the garlic. Fry the garlic and onions in a frying pan. After the color appears golden brown, add the meat without marinade. After a few minutes, it will capture the aroma of onions and garlic, then add the marinade and simmer until tender.

Additional salad dressing:

To prepare the correct dressing, take Activia yogurt, add herbs, garlic and mustard, if desired. This is an excellent dressing for vegetable salad.

After the five-week diet of Kim Protasov, the next five weeks should be slowly and gradually withdrawn from it.

Results of those who lost weight on Kim Protasov's diet

During Kim Protasov's five-week diet, it is prohibited to drink alcohol. To improve results, it is recommended to add various gymnastic exercises to your daily plan. Weight loss with strict adherence to nutrition reaches 10 kilograms without damage to the body and hunger. As an example, look at the photos before and after losing weight:

Israeli nutritionist Kim Protasov has compiled a rational dietary nutrition system, which frees the body from extra accumulated kilograms and helps normalize metabolism.

Thanks to its effectiveness and simplicity, the diet quickly fell in love with many people losing weight, gained popularity and subsequently became popularly known simply as “shuffling.”

A diet without starvation and harm to health is the diet of Kim Protasov. The weekly description is for 35 days, the main loss of extra pounds occurs at the end of the 5th week.

Advantages and features of “Shuffle” over other diets

The total duration of the Protasovsky diet is divided into 2 periods: 35 days of the main diet, the next 5 weeks are the right way out of the rational nutrition system. Over the course of 10 weeks, the human body changes; active weight loss begins after 24 days.

Kim Protasov’s diet (description by week) consists of limited consumption of fatty foods and “leaning” on proteins

The first positive results are the cleansing of the body that occurs in the process of healthy nutrition. People who are losing weight stop craving sweets, flour, candy, and baked goods - these products contribute to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

The essence of Kim Protasov's diet (in the weekly description) is a compressed consumption of fatty foods. The body takes energy from carbohydrates and proteins entering the body.

An important role in the “shuffling” is played by water, which participates in the metabolic process.

Principles and rules of diet

The role of proteins

According to modern medicine and dietetics, every second person in our country experiences protein deficiency in the body. Protein is involved in the production and construction of all cells in the organs and tissues of the human body, its role is difficult to overestimate.

When the body lacks protein, it draws it from muscle tissue, brain, and other organs. In this case, people lose their memory, they become irritated, and the body is exhausted.

Protein deficiency causes exhaustion of the body, memory impairment

Kim Protasov's diet, based on the description by week, is designed to increase protein consumption to 85-110 g daily, which, of course, more than provides the tissues of all systems with the necessary norm.


As is known, carbohydrates participate in digestive processes and improve metabolic functions. Whereas previously the body received satisfaction when eating baked goods or chocolate, during the Protasovsky diet it will have to work on breaking down complex carbohydrates, without relaxation and the ability to store fat.

Water balance

Everyone knows that a person should consume at least 1.5-2 liters of water daily, and if calculated more accurately, this amounts to 25 ml per kilogram of body weight.

In Kim Protasov’s diet, special attention is paid to normalizing water balance, because liquid plays a leading role in stabilizing the water balance.

Approximate daily diet

Prohibited foods of the Protasovsky diet

Like any dietary restriction, this system also contains foods that should not be consumed by those losing weight. These include:

  • flour and sweets, chips, crackers, seeds, nuts;
  • sausages, semi-finished products, instant products;
  • soy, gelatin;
  • steamed vegetable dishes, vinegar (even for salad dressing);
  • avocados, fermented milk products, juices from stores;
  • alcohol.

All forbidden food is compensated by the desire and result of a slim figure. Thinking about your future attractive appearance, the desire to satisfy your hunger with chocolate and flour will disappear by itself.

First and second weeks

Kim Protasov's diet contains a list of foods allowed for weekly consumption; from the description it follows that the diet consists of 2 stages.

In the first 14 days, the consumption of a variety of raw vegetables is allowed. The third part of the diet should consist of cabbage dishes.

Fermented milk products should not contain more than 5% fat:

  • homemade yoghurts without sugar;
  • cottage cheese with a grainy consistency;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • low-fat varieties of hard cheese.

Menu for 1 week




Afternoon snack


Day No. 1Kefir - 200 ml, cheesecakesChamomile decoction, apple - 1 pc.Beetroot soup with kefir and gingerTomato juice, cucumber saladApple, cottage cheese, kefir
Day No. 2Green Boat SaladHerbal tea, appleBoiled egg, cabbage saladApple, carrot, pumpkin smoothieYogurt, low-fat cottage cheese
Day No. 3Sweet peppers, tomatoes, Protasovsky omeletteApple kefir smoothieCottage cheese balls with garlic, salad of greens, onions, carrots, cucumbersCooling cocktail of green tea, apple, cinnamon, iceCheese pancakes, yogurt
Day No. 4Deviled egg, lettuceCarrot-apple juiceBeetroot salad with sour cream and garlic, egg, tomato juiceYogurt, appleCurd casserole, kefir
Day No. 5Baked eggplants with cottage cheese, green teaBoiled eggGazpachoKefir, carrotsSalad "Freshness"
Day No. 6Omelet “Protasovski style”, yogurtApple, tomato juiceSauerkraut, sweet pepper, green teaPumpkin, kefirCheese, cucumber salad, seasoned with lemon juice
Day No. 7Cottage cheese, yogurtApple juice with cinnamonCheese, tomato salad, appleCarrotWhite cabbage salad with sour cream, tomato

It is allowed to include in the daily diet 1 boiled chicken egg, 3 medium sour apples (like Semerenka). A large amount of plain water must be added to the entire healthy diet.

Lovers of coffee drinks and tea ceremonies may not give up their usual diet, but granulated sugar must be excluded.

Meals are allowed without time restrictions: at dawn, during the day, in the evening, at night. You can’t go hungry - this is fraught with psychological breakdowns and increasing portions from one to three.

Menu for every day, week 2




Afternoon snack


Baked bell peppers with cheese and garlic filling

“Green Boat” salad, kefir

Cucumber soup, yogurt

Cabbage salad, apples, stuffed egg

Tomato juice

Cheesecakes, green tea

Zucchini and onion salad

Green peas, omelette, tomato juice

Green tea, cheesecakes

Okroshka made from greens, radishes, cucumbers

Cottage cheese, yogurt

Herbal tea, carrot casserole with cinnamon

Freshness salad, cheese, green tea

Yogurt-apple smoothie

Boiled egg, carrot-pumpkin juice, cabbage salad

Baked apples

Salad of greens, radishes, beets, garlic

Apple casserole, herbal tea

Yogurt with cinnamon

Stuffed egg “Protasov style”, cucumber and tomato salad

Tomato juice

Green Boat Salad

Salad of carrots, sweet peppers, lettuce, herbal tea

Baked apple stuffed with cottage cheese

Boiled egg, beetroot soup

Apple-carrot juice

Salad of bell pepper, onion, herbs, tomato, seasoned with sour cream, kefir

Omelet “Protasovski style”, tomato juice

Cheesecakes, green tea

Salad “Freshness”, kefir

Vegetables can be salted, chopped and topped with yoghurt. Adding a large amount of greens improves the taste of the dish. Dill, parsley and lettuce contain a treasure trove of vitamins. You can add a boiled egg to salads or replace it with a spoonful of cottage cheese.

Kim Protasov's diet has many adherents who claim that strict adherence to the weekly diet (described later) will certainly lead to slimness and health.

Third and fourth weeks. Description

The result of following the diet rules on the third and fourth diets will be:

  • eliminating excess weight in large quantities;
  • relieving psychological stress;
  • improved mood and improved health.

The third and fourth weeks of Kim Protasov’s diet are the second phase of the weight loss program.

At this phase, the diet becomes richer in fish and poultry meat (not fatty varieties). The daily intake of animal protein is 320 g. Meat dishes can be steamed or fried, but without adding vegetable oils.

During the third and fourth weeks, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fermented milk products. This is due to the fact that the diet now contains animal protein.

Fifth week (description) and consolidation of the result

In the fifth week, the body is already accustomed to this diet and does not experience stress.

When following the Protasov diet, strict adherence to all recommendations is required. The exit from the power system should be smooth, without disruptions. The exit procedure takes the same amount of time as the diet itself - 35 days. Proper consolidation of the result is an important stage in normalizing water balance and nutritional needs.

The long process is due to the required consolidation of the effectiveness of achievements and adjustment of the body to a further healthy lifestyle. If you lose weight suddenly, the weight may return, and the smooth operation of the rebuilt metabolic system in the digestive tract will be disrupted.

  • vegetable and dairy products should not be off the menu;
  • salad dressings require adding a little olive oil;
  • instead of three apples a day, you need to eat 1, and replace the remaining two fruits with other fruits or apples (bananas and grapes are prohibited);
  • For breakfast you should serve porridge made from rolled oats, buckwheat or millet (the initial diet should be a small amount);
  • The amount of meat and fish dishes is allowed to be increased, while dairy is reduced.

After completing the 10-week regimen, you should maintain a ban on flour, rice and sweets for another 60 days.

Recipes for Protasovsky diet dishes

Protasovsky omelette

You will need coarse cottage cheese (low-fat) in the amount of 90 g, an egg - 1 pc., cheese. The cottage cheese needs to be mixed with a boiled egg (grid the egg and cheese on a coarse grater). The resulting mass should be placed in the microwave for 4 minutes, when the time is up, take it out and sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

The finished dish is tasty, satisfying, nutritious, and most importantly, does not contradict diet recommendations.

Stuffed eggs

This dish can be made for several days, but the recipe calls for a 1-egg serving.

The chicken egg is boiled, cooled, and cut into two halves lengthwise. You need to remove the yolk from it, add half a clove of garlic crushed through a garlic press, and a spoonful of cheese (processed). Using a fork, knead the entire mixture well until a homogeneous mass is obtained, lightly add salt and spread back into the two halves of the protein.

The dish with a delicate taste is ready to be served.

Preparing diet pizza

To prepare a diet pizza, you will need cottage cheese (low-fat 90 g), yogurt, a third of a teaspoon of soda, a little salt, an egg, a tomato, a bell pepper, a third of a clove of garlic, mustard (without sugar).

The curd product is mixed with yogurt (half), a little salt, an egg, and soda are added. The mixture is poured onto a baking tray at high temperatures. The mixture is laid out on the prepared base: tomato and garlic processed in a blender with the remaining half of the yogurt and mustard.

Beetroot kefir-ginger duet


  • medium beet – 1;
  • cucumbers – 1;
  • ginger root - a small piece;
  • pepper (red) – 1;
  • cheese – 110 g;
  • kefir – 60 ml;
  • lettuce – 50 g.

Beetroot, cucumber, and ginger are processed with a medium-sized grater. Lettuce with hot pepper is cut into thin strips, cheese - into cubes. All processed ingredients are mixed into one composition and seasoned. Then kefir and 90 ml of cold boiled water are added. The chilled dish is ready to serve.

Cutlets “Protasovskaya dream” with beans

You need chicken fillet - 260 g, onion (onion) - 140 g, chicken egg - 1 pc., pepper and salt to taste. The dish is cooked in a double boiler for a quarter of an hour.

For garnish: 750 g green beans (can be replaced with asparagus), a clove of garlic, apple cider vinegar (preferably homemade).

The ends of the beans are cut off, the entire product is cut into 3-6 cm cubes. Fill a saucepan with water, boil, add the processed beans, cooking continues for 6 minutes over high heat. Having thrown the beans into a sieve and drained the water, you need to put the prepared dish in another bowl, where finely processed garlic and vinegar are added.

The cutlet side dish is ready for your lunch meal.

Cabbage chicken salad

To prepare this delicious dish you will need:

  • chicken fillet (boiled) – 330 g;
  • pepper (Bulgarian) – 1 pc.;
  • 3 medium tomatoes;
  • fresh cabbage -290 g;
  • one apple;
  • squid (boiled fillet) -160 g;
  • 150 ml yogurt;
  • one lemon;
  • salt.

Chicken fillet is cut into small cubes, squid (fillet) into 1.5 cm strips. Apples and tomatoes are cored and cut into cubes. The processed apple is sprinkled with lemon juice diluted 1:2 with water. The cabbage is chopped into small pieces and mixed with diced bell pepper.

Fish in a milky lake

Products: 0.5 kg of fish (cod, haddock), milk - 90 ml, herbs (dill, parsley), salt. Add chopped herbs to cold milk and add salt.

Foil is placed in a deep baking sheet, the fish is lined on it, and the milk mixture is poured on top. The foil needs to be tucked around the edges to prevent the milk from spreading. No need to cover. In a heated oven (190 degrees), the fish is cooked for half an hour.

"Green boats"

Low-fat cottage cheese – 220 g, small cucumbers – 4 pcs., bell pepper – 1 pc., garlic – 2 cloves, dill, salt and pepper in small quantities.

Cucumbers are cut lengthwise into 2 halves, the centers are taken out and cut into squares. Garlic, pepper and dill are crushed, mixed, and combined with cottage cheese. The mixture is arranged into cucumber boats. If you insert a toothpick with a slice of cheese on it, you get a sail.

Opinions of doctors and those losing weight themselves about the effectiveness of Shuffling

Nutritionists claim that Protasov’s scheme for losing extra pounds and improving a slim figure works 100%. Clients who used the diet in question reduced their weight from 7 to 12 kilograms in one course.

If you look at the reviews of visitors to weight loss forums, then reviews about the diet are almost always positive, and most importantly, it is easy to endure without breakdowns and stress.

Gastroenterologists note an improvement in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in patients following the Protasov diet.

Kim Protasov's diet - description by week (first and second) - in this video: