Tiara of a miracle woman. Wonder Woman - how is she connected to the DC Universe? What are Diana's superpowers?

Wonder Woman is an iconic figure in American comic book culture. She crowns the galaxy of representatives of the fair sex with superhuman abilities: it is from this character that all superheroines are based. However, Diana Prince (name in the “world”) has another important feature - the girl has become a symbol of women’s struggle for equality.


Wonder Woman is the American interpretation of the ancient Greek goddess Diana. In mythology, women destroyed by men were given new lives by the gods of Olympus, turning them into immortal Amazons. The souls of all representatives of the fair sex, except one, were resurrected.

It was up to Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons, to complete the work she had started. She sculpted from clay a girl who received that one lost soul. Six gods, led by Zeus, endowed the child with wonderful abilities and qualities: Diana had strength and courage, military skills, and knew how to tame animals.

A character from ancient Greek myths came to life in the story of the salvation of mankind under the name Wonder Woman. She joined the superheroes of the DC Comics universe during World War II. The authorship is attributed to the psychologist and inventor William Molotlon Marston, who was tasked with creating a character whose strength would be in love. The man was inspired to create a female superhero by his husband Elizabeth and his mistress and cohabitant Olive Byrne. The adventures of Princess Diana of Themyscira were brought to life in pictures by the artist Harry Peter.

The biography of the ancient Greek Diana was mercilessly rewritten. The girl turned out to be the daughter of Zeus himself, whose charms mother Hippolyta could not resist. One day, US intelligence officer Steve Trevor crashed on the island of the Amazons. Wonder Woman, who took the secret identity of Diana Prince, was tasked with returning the man to his world. She later joined the Justice League of America as a secretary.


The version of the Amazon Diana updated by the Americans received a pronounced feminist character. Critics believe that the character has become a kind of symbol of the fight for gender equality.

“Wonder Woman is psychological propaganda for a new type of woman who should, I believe, rule the world,” William Marston explained in his notes.

The author intended to combine tenderness and beauty with masculinity, strength with kindness and justice in the heroine. Diana's mission was to help girls and women realize their potential and emerge from the shadows of men - this is what Marston's lovers expected of her.

However, the character's appearance was sexualized from the very beginning. The bare back and revealing cleavage caused complaints from parents of teenagers who were passionate about comics.

Over the 80 years of Wonder Woman's life on the pages of comic books, and then on television screens, the costume has undergone metamorphoses. The “newborn” Diana appeared to the young generation of the 1940s in a blue knee-length skirt strewn with white stars, a bodysuit and red boots. The skirt was periodically replaced by shorts until they finally took root.

In the first film adaptation, the heroine was dressed in tight blue leggings and a scarlet jacket with blue sleeves, where the white stars migrated. In the 1990s, highly hiked shorts began to resemble underwear. And in 2010, the image was brought closer to modernity - black tight trousers appeared in Wonder Woman’s wardrobe, muting the excessive sexuality.

A little later, Diana was again overtaken by a redesign: comic book artists and film creators dressed the girl in a closed suit and ancient Greek armor.

What remains largely unchanged is Wonder Woman's outfit. The forehead is decorated with a tiara - if necessary, the crown is used as a boomerang. Feminine power is symbolized by the lasso of Truth, which is lengthened or shortened at the request of the mistress; the weapon is capable of hypnotizing, returning memory, and later also acts as a lie detector - forcing one to tell the truth.

Diana wears protective bracelets on her arms made from a shield. In fact, they are used as a shield - they reflect bullets, blows and magical attacks. If the bracelets are crossed, impenetrable protection appears for everyone who is near the woman.


Wonder Woman doesn’t have her nickname in vain – her abilities can only be envied. With superhuman strength, speed, invulnerability and the ability to fly, Diana is one of the world's greatest superheroes.

The character is inferior in physical strength only, and the speed of movement and reactions is equal to half the speed of light. Diana easily teleports between dimensions, and also uses the talent of flight bestowed by Hermes. However, in the era of the Golden and Silver Age of comics, she did not yet know how to levitate, then an invisible plane served as a means of transportation.

Artemis gave Wonder Woman extraordinary vision, hearing and smell. The piercing weapon pierces the girl's skin, but the muscles remain invulnerable. Additional capabilities are high resistance to cold, radiation, fire, the ability to hold your breath for hours under water, and not need food or sleep for a long time. Diana is also endowed with the gift of talking to animals.

Movies, cartoons and more

The girl's experience in cinema is modest: Diana has appeared in three films so far. She first appeared to television viewers in the series “Wonder Woman,” which was a success from 1975 to 1979.

The next time representatives of the film industry remembered the character was in 2016. The director showed the world the film “vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice.” Here Diana Prince acts as an active assistant to Bruce Wayne in the war of superheroes.

The film received negative reviews from critics and won the Golden Raspberry Awards in the categories “Worst Prequel, Remake, Plagiarism or Sequel”, “Worst Screenplay”, “Worst Supporting Actor” and “Worst Screen Combination”.

A year later, director Patty Jenkins dedicated a separate film to Diana, returning fans of superhero action films to the origins of Wonder Woman comics. The authors did not bother searching for the title of the film, calling it simply “Wonder Woman.” According to the plot, the Amazon princess, a talented warrior, learns from an American pilot about problems in the outside world and goes to fight with people for peace.

Having filmed the story about the confrontation between Batman and Superman, Zack Snyder did not calm down. In the summer of 2017, fans were pleased with the trailer for the new Justice League film. And on November 16, Russians will again see Wonder Woman in the company of Bruce Wayne and other superheroes. But that's not all. The premiere of the sequel to the sci-fi action film “Justice League 2” is planned for the summer of 2019.

Wonder Woman has appeared in several animated series and animated films:

  • "Super Friends" (1973)
  • "Superman" (1988)
  • "Justice League: The New Frontier" (2008)
  • "Wonder Woman" (2009)
  • "Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths" (2010)
  • "Superman/Batman: Apocalypse" (2010)
  • "Justice League: Doom" (2012)
  • "Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox" (2013)
  • "Justice League: War" (2014)
  • "Justice League: Throne of Atlantis" (2015)
  • "Justice League: Gods and Monsters" (2015)
  • "Justice League vs. Teen Titans" (2016)
  • "Dark Universe" (2017)

In cartoons, the girl acts as a full-fledged heroine and as a guest in episodes. Immersed in the adventures of superheroes, children get acquainted with the origin of Diana, watch how she trains Supergirl, fights with, saves the Earth from Darkseid with the heroes of the League, thanks to the toxin sees all people as cheetahs, plays the role of Superman's girlfriend. In one of the cartoons, love breaks out between a superheroine and Batman.

The comic book heroine left a bright mark in “folk art.” Animated parodies of the adventures of Wonder Woman saw the light, and strawberry lovers got piquant videos of actresses trying on Diana's outfit. Fandom libraries are overgrown with fan fiction in which the authors' imagination knows no bounds - the Amazon, along with various heroes, from Thor to , are put in difficult situations, the invulnerable girl even dies one day.


The role of Wonder Woman was played by two actresses. The first to try on the image of Diana from Themyscira was brunette Lynda Carter in a multi-part television film. For four years the girl did not leave TV screens. (Superman).

When planning a separate film about the Amazon, Warner Bros studio followed the principle of “women about women”, giving the reins of the filming process to Patty Jenkins. "Wonder Woman" was the fruit of the brilliant acting work of Lucy Davis. And, of course, Gal Gadot topped the list. The world will see her in the leading role in the next two films.

  • Wonder Woman's "parent" William Moulton Marston is the author of the prototype of a modern lie detector. The inventor came up with a device that determines systolic blood pressure. Testing the thing in practice, Marston discovered that the degree of honesty and reliability among women was higher than among men.

  • When auditioning for the role in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Gal Gadot was confident that she would play Catwoman.
  • The Wonder Woman film is caught in political infighting. On the day its release began, the film was banned in Lebanon, which had strained relations with Israel. The reason is that the main role is assigned to the citizen of the “enemy” country.

Reaction to the wonderful "Wonder Woman" Patty Jenkins is amazing. This is the first film in the universe to actually achieve success and a genuinely hot critical response, which would seem to end the war between reviewers and fans.

All that unnecessary storytelling aside, Wonder Woman is excellent. The film has its flaws, but they are pitiful compared to the exceptional action sequences, character work and performances, and the subsequent revelation that Patty Jenkins delivers for the sake of the sequel should be considered truly wonderful news.

She's created a comic book movie that isn't beholden to any of its source material in terms of lore: her film is first and foremost an interesting story with great characters and real heart, and the commitment to the comic book references is clearly secondary.

The film may not be as packed with easter eggs and references as Zack Snyder's early films, but it does feel like there's more to come, and Jenkins definitely knows where her characters are coming from...

25. Origin of Wonder Woman

The film decided to focus on Wonder Woman's origin story closer to the new version New 52, and not to older incarnations. Hippolyta says that she was carved from clay, and that her father Zeus breathed life into her, creating the Amazons to help protect humanity.

The story also mentions Pygmalion, who himself created a woman from clay and asked Aphrodite to breathe life into her, which is also very close to the old Amazonian origin from the comics. And so, a group of women among the Gods restored the souls of women unjustly killed by people, forming their bodies from clay from the river bed. We see them emerging from the lake.

By the way, the entire opening of the film seems to be a reference to DC Universe: Rebirth, which opens with a monologue (by Wally West in this case) with a remarkably similar message.

24. Justice League Stickers

As a hint to "Batman v Superman" Diana's memories were stimulated by Bruce Wayne, who retrieved her image along with Steve Trevor and others on her special mission. At one point we actually see this photograph being organized and taken.

When the car arrives at the Louvre delivering the photo to Diana, it not only shows off a large Wayne Enterprises logo on the side, but also has a humorous reference to the Justice League: the license plate reads JL-828-VZM (Justice League).

23. Diana's work

In modern times, Diana is shown to have replaced her superheroism with a "normal" job at the Louvre. Let's say she was able to get a prestigious job and no one wondered why she wasn't aging at all...

The work mainly references Wonder Woman's work in the 1990s comics, where she worked at the Gateway City Antiquities Museum, which is a lesser-known museum... It was there that she met Cassie Sandsmark, who would later become the third Wonder Girl.

22. German ship

Several of the Germans who encounter Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor in the film are notable real-world figures. Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff was a German general of the time who commanded the German army towards the end of the war and became a nationalist conspiracy theorist whose ideas helped support the ideology of the Nazi Party.

German leaders Paul von Hindenberg and Kaiser Wilhelm II also appear, while Game of Thrones' James Cosmo appears as Field Marshal Haiga.

Also the battleship episode: the German lifeboats we see are marked SMS Schwaben, which entered service in 1904. Why are they remarkable? Well, that's a bit of a joke since the ship it replaced was called Mars, otherwise known by its Roman name Ares.

21. God Slayer, Lasso of Truth and Lightning Power

A Wonder Woman movie wouldn't be a movie without the Lasso of Truth, and it works just like in the comics, although it has a new name: the Lasso of Hestia. The name refers to the goddess Hestia, who is introduced in the film as the goddess of the hearth (traditionally, the home), which explains why things get hot when the Amazons interrogate Steve until he stops lying.

The Godslayer Sword is also from the comics, although it is a more recent addition and was used by Deathstroke, having been forged by Hephaestus, the ancient Greek god cousin.

The film explains why the Amazons became isolated on their island after humanity turned on them when Zeus forced them to provide them with a "bridge to better understanding." Hippolyta was forced to lead them to freedom along with the Gods, turning them against Ares in the process.

This appears to be a reference to Ares sending Hercules to challenge Hippolyta in battle and then betray the Amazons when they are invited to dine with them after their defeat. He attacked them, suppressed Hippolyta, and the Amazons were enslaved. The similarities in both stories are clearly visible.

19. Paradise Island

At one point in the film, Steve Trevor clearly has trouble pronouncing Themyscira and instead calls Diana's homeland "Paradise Island", which causes Diana to smirk.

This is clear because that is what Themyscira was once called. When William Moulton created Wonder Woman, he had the Amazons living on Paradise Island, a utopian ideal free of humans. It wasn't until 1987, when George Perez (one of the key influences on the current look of Wonder Woman), changed the name of the island.

What's important: Perez is listed in the credits in the acknowledgments section.

18. Ann Wolfe

There aren't many cameos in Wonder Woman, but one of the Amazons is played by Ann Wolfe, widely considered one of the greatest female boxers of all time. She plays Artemis, whom in the comics Wonder Woman must face off against in a tournament before heading to the Human World.

This story is not depicted in the film, but Artemis Wolfe is a formidable warrior who fights the Germans. Simply a great choice of actress, especially considering that Artemis once became Wonder Woman in the comics.

17. War posters

Period designation is clearly very important to Patty Jenkins, and her commitment to authenticity is clear, and like Zack Snyder, she pays attention to detail.

The art department made several nods to the times, especially through the use of propaganda posters, which were used (rather appropriately) to inspire women in this era to "do their duty." The conflict between Diana's militarism and this message is hardly accidental.

There's also a moment in an alley that makes a clear reference to the famous World War II "We Can" poster, recognized as one of the seminal icons of motivational war imagery...

16. First appearance of Doctor Poison

Dr. Maru (or Dr. Venom) is taken straight from the comics, although Elena Anaya's version isn't all that similar to the version from the pages. In the comics, as in the film, the character wears a mask, but it resembles a costume rather than something that hides her flaw.

Mara is referred to as "Dr. Venom" throughout the film, a nickname given to her by the troops, which puts her ahead of Wonder Woman, who is never called that.

15. Superman's Bullet Capture

The now famous bullet grab scene in the alley is apparently a pretty big weird moment for fans Superman, who Patty Jenkins says played a big role in the creation of her Wonder Woman.

When Diana saves Steve Trevor from a spy's bullet aimed at his heart, she shows what she's really capable of - an inversion of the Superman scene from Richard Donner's classic. In this scene, Clark and Lois Lane are ambushed, just like Steve and Diana. And Clark, in disguise, catches the bullet intended for his love.

14. Ice cream

Ice cream plays a surprisingly large role in Wonder Woman's story, and Patty Jenkins' film brings back one of her favorite moments, her first encounter with the delicious food.

Continuing with the New 52 "Justice League Liberty: Origins" Wonder Woman shares a moment with a young girl after saving America from a harpy attack, who introduced her to ice cream. At that very moment, crowned by her joyful cry “ice cream is great”, was also featured in an excellent animated film "Justice League: War".

In our film, Diana experiences this pleasure in the company of Steve at the train station, which evokes the same “great” reaction.

13. Zack Snyder cameo

While Zack Snyder's presence in the actual filmmaking is questionable (those who love him inevitably shower him with praise in the same way as Jenkins), he does appear in Wonder Woman.

Snyder appears in the sequence where the photograph is first shown in Batman v Superman, as an American soldier liberating a city, shown in the background of the photograph - Weld.

Of course, this is his second appearance in the DC Universe, after appearing as Bruce Wayne's arms in Batman v Superman.

12. Samir: Black Hawk

Although Steve Trevor's special team is not actually taken from the comics, they play an important role in supporting players and they help promote the idea of ​​cross-cultural connection in Diana and Steve's mission.

But it looks like Said Taghmaoui, who plays Samir, is actually referencing the Black Hawks from the comics, who were important characters in years past. They were created in World War II as a means to fight the Axis powers, and Samir is one of their number, as confirmed by Taghmaoui, who revealed that he is based specifically on Andre Blanc-Dumont.

Now, if they give us a Black Hawks movie of the right era, we'll be ready.

11. Fausta Grables

While the switch to World War II means we won't see any actual Nazis in the film, there is a reference to one of Wonder Woman's most famous stories.

Rachel Pickup appears as a woman on the way to the German holiday who gives Diana her dress for the event and is credited as Fausta Grubbles, otherwise known as the Nazi Wonder Woman.

She was featured on the Lynda Carter TV show in an episode called "Fausta: The Nazi Wonder Woman" starring actress Linda Day George.

10. “War is the truth”

The comic book version of Ares derives his strength from war and violence and must maintain an endless war because he becomes weak in times of peace. He has to come up with plans to spread the war around the world in order to feed on it.

With that in mind, his desire to end all of humanity doesn't really fit with his origins in the comics, as it would make him weak. But the movie changed the origin a bit, as he states that he didn't cause the war, but simply gave them the tools to find their true nature. He calls himself the "God of Truth", not War.

Ares said something very similar in Wonder Woman #37 (2009), in the " Warkiller» Gail Simone, where he stole the Lasso of Truth and proclaimed that “War is the truth, princess. By all rights, it should belong to me.".

9. Duke of Deception

Although the film initially tries to feed us the lie that General Erich Ludendorff is actually Ares, it turns out that it is David Tellis' Sir Patrick who is the Divine Villain.

In fact, Danny Huston's character is based on the DC Comics character Duke of Deception, who in the comics works for Ares, and who got his title by tricking Diana into thinking he was Ares. Unlike the comics, he is not a real demigod.

8. "John Carter the Martian"

At one point, Steve Trevor gives copies of Edgar Rice Burroughs novels to other characters. It's such a symbolic reference to the spirit of Wonder Woman as a character.

Burroughs wrote "Tarzan" And "John Carter the Martian", both of which were based on an arc of ignorant characters adapting to strange new worlds alien to their homeland.

7. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Tank

In the history of DC comics, there are some very interesting images of superheroes lifting things above their heads. They're usually limited to Superman, who lifted a car in his debut, and whose appearance in The Dark Knight Returns also included him lifting a tank.

A very similar shot of Diana lifting a tank above her head is added as an homage to this seminal comic book arc. True, the Lynda Carter version lifted several cars on her TV show...

6. Bathroom joke

What's going on with swim scenes in the DC Universe? We first see Clark Kent stopping Lois Lane from taking a bath. And now Diana is breaking into Steve Trevor's bathroom.

However, this moment here means something beyond mere excitement. It is a mash-up of the Greek myth in which Actaeon encounters the goddess Artemis (known as Diana in Roman terms) in a bathhouse. He was punished for his accidental (although some versions paint it with worse words) peeping by turning into a deer.

This is obviously different, but the spirit and symbolism is very much there.

5. Make love, not war.

It looks a little like the plot resolution was borrowed from a Wonder Woman song.

At the end, before defeating Ares, Wonder Woman has an epiphany, she comes to the realization that it is love that will conquer everyone, defeat Ares and end the war.

Seems like a parallel to the 1975 Wonder Woman song, which features the line "Turn the hawk into a dove, end the war with love, make the liar tell the truth." Almost the entire plot consists of three points.

4. Sassoon and Owen

Clearly, one of the keys behind the film's messages is that senseless war is a bad and tragic state of humanity, which is shared with the sentiments of the famous World War I poets who used their art to argue against war.

Two of the most prominent poets of the time were Wilfred Owen And Siegfried Sassoon(the first of whom died tragically as the war came to an end), whose work forms the basis of much scholarship on the genre.

3. Famous rotation

While it's a huge part of the Wonder Woman mythology, the movie thankfully didn't feature the famous costume spin. It would probably be too stupid.

But while it's almost subtle, the final battle seems to reference this a bit, as Diana spins around during the final battle, seemingly as a sign of respect.

2. Ares' appearance from "Injustice"

Ares's design in Wonder Woman is very similar to the character from "Injustice: Gods Among Us"(Injustice: Gods Among Us), whose face is visible under the armor, which uses bone and animal horns as its main design feature.

Another reminder of Ares' fighting style: Ares teleports Diana to a reborn vision of the world, born after the defeat of humanity and the death of their world. This is reminiscent of the technique General Zod uses on Superman in Man of Steel when he imagines his vision of the death of humanity to shake the hero's confidence.

1. Boom Tube

Although there is no post-credits scene (really, don't sit through the end hoping it's a joke), the end of the film reveals Diana's next appearance in Justice League.

Returning to the present is the end of Diana's memory, and then we hear Diana announce that she will once again become a hero, protecting the Earth, until a low boom is heard in the distance. She comes out and jumps.

Could this BOOM be a reference to the Boom Tube of Apokolips announcing the arrival of Darkseid's forces? Quite suitable.

Wonder Woman has appeared on the big screen three times already - the first time in the film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), the second time in her own film Wonder Woman. 2017) and for the third time in Justice League (2017). Without a doubt, Gal Gadot did a great job playing the superheroine and won the hearts of millions, so we can only wait for the second part of “Wonder Woman”, which will be released in 2019.

Comic book fans probably know a lot more about this character than ordinary moviegoers, because the world first met Wonder Woman back in 1941 on the pages of old picture magazines. For almost 80 years she has been fighting evil, and during this time the heroine has inspired many women to believe in themselves and proved that women also have strength and courage. Most of Diana's adventures will remain in comic books, which does not prevent producers from looking for alternative scenarios that could make the plot relevant to modern youth and at the same time not lose touch with the origins of the past. Until new stories are written, it's time to learn some of the interesting and even strange things that have long made Wonder Woman such a unique and attractive heroine.

20. The creator of Wonder Woman was also the inventor of one of the first lie detectors

Did you know that the author of the Wonder Woman stories was Moulton Marston, and that in his time he was not only a master of illustrated superhero stories, but also a psychologist and inventor. In his research, Marston concluded that a person's blood pressure changes when he lies. This observation inspired the psychologist to create an early prototype of the polygraph back in 1913. Marston advocated the use of his technique in courts, but this initiative was rejected due to the high error of the device he invented.

It is possible that it was this experience that inspired Marston to describe the famous lasso of truth in the Wonder Woman comics, which forces anyone to tell only the honest truth. This lasso became one of Wonder Woman's favorite weapons. One day the lasso broke, and this happened because of the superheroine’s unwillingness to accept the truth, which it showed. Marston is famous for his theory of feminism, which also explains why he chose a woman as the main character for his comics.

19. Wonder Woman is the daughter of Zeus, although at first she had no father at all

Photo: sciencefiction.com

The comic book about Wonder Woman has been published for many decades, and therefore it is not surprising that during all this time many changes have occurred in the life of the main character. For a long time, Marston maintained the legend that Wonder Woman was sculpted from clay by her mother and then brought to life by the Greek gods, meaning she had no father.

However, some of Diana's origin was subsequently rewritten as DC Comics launched its new line of comics, The New 52. In the updated version, Wonder Woman turned out to be the daughter of Zeus and an earthly woman, which made her a demigoddess, and when our heroine defeated Ares, the god of war, Diana herself became the new god of war.

18. Wonder Woman's bracelets contain her divine powers

Photo: movieweb.com

Wonder Woman is one of the strongest characters in DC Comics, as she fights evil on par with heroes like Superman. In the old comic book series, bracelets made from the silver shield of Zeus made our superheroine even stronger and more indestructible. However, according to the latest idea, these supernatural jewelry actually protected others from the incredible power of the demigoddess, because when Wonder Woman took them off, her full potential was released, which was sometimes too great and unsafe not only for everyone around her, but also for herself. This new concept contradicts the original idea, in which the bracelets were rather her weak point, since without them Diana would lose protection.

17. Wonder Woman Befriends Thor's Hammer

Photo: geektyrant.com

Before the Justice League and the Avengers reached their current popularity, Marvel and DC studios more than once collaborated on projects and mixed 2 separate fictional universes and their characters in one comic, either pitting them against each other or inventing original hero alliances. In one of the issues of such a crossover, Thor lost control of his Mjolnir (hammer) after a battle with Captain America. The hammer fell into the hands of Diana, who easily handled it thanks to her superpowers. You remember that not everyone can lift this, right? There is even an inscription on Mjolnir that says “whoever holds this hammer, if he is worthy, will receive the power of Thor.” However, our Amazon never took advantage of this opportunity.

16. Diana talks to animals

Photo: screenrant.com

You probably remember that Wonder Woman speaks several languages. However, Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, endowed our heroine with the ability to communicate with animals. In addition, Wonder Woman gained incredible farsightedness and all her senses were heightened. In the comics, Diana used all of these amazing abilities more than once. For example, one day Wonder Woman chatted with a dinosaur, and another time she became friends with a family of polar bears. She often saves animals from harm, and they always reciprocate. It is not surprising that one of Diana’s jobs in everyday life was even the position of a psychiatrist for pets.

15. Wonder Woman has power over the inhabitants of the underworld

Photo: wired.com

Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera, and therefore Wonder Woman's half-brother. He has always been associated with destructive forces and war, and wherever Ares went, he sowed misfortune and death. As the god of war, Ares could control dead soldiers, calling them to battle straight from the underworld. In the new issue of The New 52 comics, Wonder Woman defeated her evil brother and became the new god of war in his place. Naturally, our heroine received at the same time all his powers, including power over any army in the world and over the dead who fell on the battlefield. In the future, you will probably see Diana as a queen of soldiers on cinema screens.

14. Her body recovers from injuries very quickly

Photo: source.superherostuff.com

After the release of a new line of comics, Wonder Woman became the daughter of Zeus and Queen Hippolyta, and this brought many changes to her image, including new superpowers for the heroine. One of Wonder Woman's new talents is the ability to quickly heal wounds. She learned to regenerate damaged tissue literally within minutes of injury. Diana adopted this ability from Demeter, the goddess of the earth. That is why she always falls to the ground to heal wounds or fight toxins. In other versions, Wonder Woman gained this superpower simply because she was originally a demigoddess.

13. Diana knows the languages ​​of all peoples on Earth

Photo: polygon.com

One of Wonder Woman's greatest talents is her mastery of all foreign languages, a gift she originally received from Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war. Thanks to Athena's gifts, Diana became a very wise and courageous girl, capable of a wide variety of crafts and sciences and possessing excellent leadership qualities. In the new series of comics, our heroine still spoke a huge number of languages, but this time it was entirely her merit, because Diana learned them herself, and did not receive unconditional knowledge as a gift from a deity.

12. Her biggest vulnerability is her bracelets.

Photo: dccomics.com

Wonder Woman is perhaps the most powerful superheroine in the history of all fictional worlds. The reader first met her back in 1941, and to this day there is no woman equal to Diana in comics. According to the law of the genre, every superhero has his own weakness, otherwise there would be no intrigue and drama. For Superman it was kryptonite, and for Wonder Woman it was her unique victory bracelets. In early issues, Diana lost her powers if a man managed to tie her hands by crossing these shining jewelry. However, the very idea that a brilliant Amazon and demigoddess becomes completely defenseless if she is tied up by a simple man caused much criticism from adherents of feminist theory, and this detail was subsequently lost.

11. Members of the Justice League once turned against Diana

Photo: inverse.com

Have you noticed that superheroes never take the lives of their enemies from among ordinary people, no matter how insidious and dangerous they may be? However, decades ago, our favorite heroes were much more ruthless towards their opponents, and Wonder Woman was no exception. For example, in the Infinite Crisis comic book series, Diana discovered that the villain Maxwell Lord had taken over Superman's mind and forced him to greatly harm Batman and then come after Wonder Woman. Having found out about this, our Amazon simply finished off the Lord, thereby causing the violent disapproval of everyone around him, including even Batman and Superman.

10. Wonder Woman Was Originally Made From Clay

Photo: readyplayerone.wikia.com

In the new comic book series The New 52, ​​Wonder Woman is presented as the daughter of Zeus and Queen Hippolyta, but in the original story, Diana was sculpted from clay by her mother, and life was breathed into her by Aphrodite, and the Amazon received superhuman powers from the Greek gods. According to another version, Hippolyta learns that in a past life she was pregnant, but her child was taken away from her, and then the queen decides to mold a statue of Diana, and this clay creation is called to life by the soul of that same unborn baby. In yet another alternate version, Wonder Woman has become the embodiment of the souls of all the women who have ever suffered unjustly.

9. Wonder Woman's Secret Identity

Photo: wall.alphacoders.com

In ordinary life, the Amazon hid under the name Diana Prince. In some of the earliest comics, her character was actually a military nurse who looked exactly like Wonder Woman. In the same storyline, she went to South Africa, got married there and became Diana White. Over the years, Diana has changed many jobs. She was an assistant, a military intelligence officer, a novel editor, a jazz singer, and even worked at a fast food restaurant.

8. She was one of the founders of the Justice League

Photo: vox.com

The Justice League of America story was published in 1960. Back then, the superhero team consisted of Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman. These guys teamed up in the fight against a group of aliens who wanted to conquer the Earth, and Diana became the first woman on the Justice League team, and indeed the first female superhero. In comics, she is sometimes even positioned as one of the founders of this group of fighters for world peace, equal to everyone else. In particular, in the New 52 series, DC simplified the name of the Justice League of America to simply the Justice League and portrayed Diana as the only woman on the team that was at the origins of its creation, although these superheroes were later joined by other militant beauties.

7. Diana transforms brain energy into muscle superpower

Photo: babycentre.co.uk

On those rare occasions when Wonder Woman's superpower proved to be an insufficient weapon, she turned to the hidden resources of her brain. At the most intense moments, our heroine learned to charge her muscles with the pure energy of her own mind, and this allowed her to become even stronger and even faster. Diana learned this skill a long time ago during training in the Amazon camp. In the comics, she repeatedly demonstrates her ability to access the power of the mind. In more recent releases, this unique ability is no longer presented as something separate from the rest of her physical power. By the way, this talent should not be confused with the power that awakens in Wonder Woman if you remove the victory bracelets from her.

6. Her strength depends on the earth

Photo: geektyrant.com

Wonder Woman is one of the most powerful superheroines in the entire DC universe. Not only is she very fast, capable of regeneration, has heightened senses and divine wisdom, but she is also simply physically super strong. Initially, all of Diana's talents were a gift from the gods. Physical strength was given to our Amazon by the goddess of fertility Demeter, who wished that this girl could fight on equal terms even with the most powerful superheroes and supervillains of the fictional world of DC. In the updated comic book series, Wonder Woman draws her supernatural abilities directly from the earth, which makes her almost limitlessly strong. Diana is literally indestructible as long as she is in contact with the ground. Although the superheroine still received the ability to recognize the emotions of others as a gift from Athena, along with incredibly sharp vision.

5. With the power of thought, Diana is capable of performing real miracles

Photo: ew.com

In the first issues of the comics, Wonder Woman was able to teleport by focusing her powers using her mind. As a result, she was able to leave her body in one place and move her mind to another. Once, to save her dead sister, Wonder Woman even teleported to hell. However, if during such a journey something happened to her soul on the other side of the world, it was reflected in the physical shell of the heroine. In the new line of comics “The New 52” this gift was noticeably limited, although with the help of telepathy our Amazon, having become the goddess of war, was able to command entire armies from a distance, while retaining the gift of communication with animals.

4. She's super fast

Photo: cosmopolitan.com

Wonder Woman is not only super strong, but also super fast. At the very beginning, the god Hermes gifted Diana with the ability to fly and super speed. Even Flash, the fastest superhero in the DC universe, whose abilities appear only after acceleration, admitted that Wonder Woman could easily compete with him. She is very useful in battle, because it allows Diana to overreact and immobilize her opponent before he has time to understand anything. Super speed also helps the Amazon during flight. Thanks to her speed, she can fly without assistance, but initially Wonder Woman could only glide along air currents, almost like paragliders do.

3. She's not afraid of fire

Photo: anttikarppinen.com

Another of Wonder Woman's most amazing abilities is her resistance to heat and fire. The goddess Hestia endowed our Amazon with fire resistance, and this gift has helped the heroine more than once in comics. Diana once survived a flight to the sun when she had to fight Superman, whose mind was then possessed by Max Lord. Another time, Wonder Woman withstood the heat of Superman's withering gaze when he helped her in a fight with Martian Manhunter. The same gift of invulnerability to fire helped Diana become the mistress of the lasso of truth. In The New 52, ​​the Amazon's fire resistance is no longer a gift from the gods. Instead, Wonder Woman becomes resistant to the heat thanks to the villainous Doctor Psycho's attempt to burn her to ashes - miraculously, his wiles turn to our heroine's advantage.

2. She hardly ages

Photo: mashable.com

One of the beautiful things about all Amazons that sets them apart from other superheroes is their immortality while these warrior ladies protect the island of Themyscira. As you remember, Diana was originally sculpted from clay by her immortal mother Hippolyta, but later our heroine nevertheless lost her own immortality, leaving her native island. The gods once restored Wonder Woman's immortality when they made her the goddess of truth, but on the condition that Diana would only help those people who themselves called on her for help. However, the selfless heroine again lost her immortality because she helped everyone, even when she was not asked. As you remember, in the updated comic book series, Diana becomes the daughter of Zeus and therefore a demigoddess who hardly ages, which is also very close to immortality.

1. Her muscles never get tired

Photo: cnbc.com

One of Wonder Woman's main superpowers is her inexhaustible stamina. Diana can fight for hours without getting tired or hungry, and her muscles never fail in the middle of a fight, because she received her endurance from Demeter, who helped her during training with other Amazons. It’s hard to say what the limit of Wonder Woman’s powers is, because usually she either wins, or the enemy finds her vulnerability, and Diana gets injured, after which the fight has to be stopped. Even when Batman came up with a plan to stop our superheroine, this plan did not rely on wearing out Diana...

Smart like Athena, strong like Hercules, agile like Hermes, and beautiful like Aphrodite - that's all about Wonder Woman. WonderWoman), daughter of Zeus. In addition, she is the god of war, Queen of the Amazons and one of the founders of the Justice League. After spending her childhood training and studying the arts of war on Themyscira, she traveled to the mortal land as an ambassador of peace and became a powerful ally of Superman. Diana follows a strict moral code that prohibits her from killing people. Her goal is to achieve harmony between men and women, but she knows very well what a long way she will have to go to achieve it.

Diana was the daughter of Zeus and Queen Hippolyta. However, the secret of her origin was hidden to protect the child from the wrath of Zeus's wife Hera, who persecuted and killed her husband's illegitimate children.

Thus was born the legend that Hippolyta created Diana from clay. The Amazons believed in her until Discord, sisters of the god of war, revealed the truth to them. As a child, Ares trained Diana in the arts of war until he named her his worst student due to her belief in mercy and compassion. They became the main principles of the heroine when, as an adult, she went to the outside world.

Diana learned the truth about her origins. When she saved a young mortal woman named Cinder from centaurs. Returning with this girl to her island homeland, she met Discord, who informed her that Cinder was pregnant by Zeus and that this child would be related to Diana. Shocked, Diana quarreled with her mother, forcing her to tell the truth. The enraged princess left Themyscira, and when she returned, she discovered that Hera had turned her mother into a clay statue and the rest of the Amazons into stone.

Apollo, Diana's brother, learned from his oracles that Zeus had disappeared, leaving the throne, and wanted to take it. There was turmoil among the other gods - Ares was not interested in the throne, while Poseidon and, possibly, Hades were eager to get it.

Diana and the mysterious Lennox formulated a plan. They had to pit the gods against each other in order to protect Cinder and find Zeus, whom she still could not imagine as her father - nor could she come to terms with the idea that he was not there.

The scheme worked. With the help of the staff of Hermes, Diana got to the mountain, where she destroyed Hera's Pool of Divination with the help of one of the candles from Hades' head. When Diana returned to earth, it turned out that Hades had the advantage: he took Cinder hostage, demanding that Wonder Woman fulfill the terms of the deal for him to share the throne with Poseidon.

Gorgeous Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman soon discovered that a terrible war was coming, as Zeus's eldest son, known as the First Born, returned from centuries of exile, burning with vengeance and wanting to take the throne. During their first fight in London, in Westminster Abbey, Wonder Woman was forced to kill Ares and become the new goddess of war in order to prevent the First Born from taking over this power.

The new gods, including Orion and Milan, became embroiled in war as the First Born began to put his plan into action. He killed Apollo and Hades, and Hera resurrected the Amazons (except their queen, Hippolyta). They were not happy to fight for the human boy (Cinder's son Zeke), and they were even less happy that men brought by Hephaestus from his forges were now fighting on their side on Themyscira.

The armies of the First Born attacked Themyscira, he captured Diana, went with her to Olympus and wanted to force her to marry him in order to start a new dynasty and thus take revenge on Zeus. The warrior refused with contempt, after which he wounded her and left her to die.

During the attack on Themyscira, Zeke's powers began to manifest. He resurrected Hippolyta, who led the Amazons against the army of the First Born. Wonder Woman returned to take part in the battle and discovered that she could foil the First Born's plan. Hermes sent her with Cinder and Zeke to Olympus, where she intended to place the boy on the throne that the First Born had coveted for 7,000 years. During their absence, Poseidon claimed the throne and tried to kill Zeke, but Cinder fought him, demonstrating the powers hidden within her. Wonder Woman joined the battle against Poseidon. The First Born then appeared and grabbed Zeke and Cinder, but Wonder Woman threw off her bracelets and, declaring herself the god of war and the daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta, challenged the First Born to a final battle. In response, he pushed Zola and Zeke into the abyss from the top of Olympus. Hermes teleported down to save them while Wonder Woman lassoed Firstborn with the Lasso of Truth. While the First Born could do nothing, Hermes returned with mother and child to Olympus and placed Zeke on the throne, declaring that the boy was Zeus reborn and Cinder possessed by Athena's divine essence. The return of Zeus shook Olympus, nearly throwing Wonder Woman and the First Born into the abyss. As he reached out to grab her hand, Diana decided to save Olympus and threw him off. Then she had to beg Athena to let Zola live. The merciful request convinced Athena, and she, leaving Cinder, flew away in the form of an owl. But in this moment of triumph, Diana was struck by tragedy. On Themyscira, her mother Hippolyta, transformed back into a clay statue during the battle for the throne of Zeus, was melted by heavy rain.

Justice League

During Diana's absence, the rebel Amazons performed a ritual using Hippolyta's remains to create Wonder Woman's rival, Donna Troy. They kept her existence a secret, calling Diana to return from the outside world and take the throne by right of birth. While Diana was away on Themyscira for another Justice League mission, Hippolyta's former favorite Derinoi introduced Donna Troy to the Amazon council. Derynoe declared Donna the ideal Amazon - born without the participation of a man and capable of leading warriors much better than Diana could. On Derinoi's orders, Donna led the rebel women to kill the men from Hephaestus's army who were still living on Themyscira. Diana returned and battled Troy, finding that Hippolyta was now part of the island and her spirit was guiding her daughter. When the impostor was defeated, Diana took the title of queen, and Donna was sent to prison on Olympus.

Tempered by this and gained by experience that war is a terrible time, Wonder Woman continues to try to combine the rule of Themyscira with being part of the LSA.

A source of information: Encyclopedia DC Comics (EKSMO publishing house)

(Wonder Woman) in its homeland, it is also known as Princess Diana of Themyscira- a fictional superheroine who appears in the universe. First appeared in a comic called All Star Comics#8 (December 1941), created by William Moluthlon Marston and Harry J. Peter.

Diana, princess of the Amazons, is a skilled warrior who has superhuman strength, speed, endurance, the ability to communicate with animals, and is also armed with the Lassa of Truth, which allows her to force various creatures to speak the truth, and on both of her wrists are bracelets that she uses in quality of protection. Outside her homeland, she uses a secret identity, Diana Prince.

Wonder Woman ranked 20th on the list" 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters" according to Empire magazine, and in 2011 became 5th on the list " 100 Best Comic Book Characters of All Time"according to IGN. Also ranked 6th on the "" list by Comics Buyer's Guide.


As one of the most frequently appearing characters in comics, Wonder Woman's story has undergone some changes over the years, although some elements remain the same throughout her appearances. She is the princess of the Amazons, a race of women who live free from men on Paradise Island (currently known as Themyscira). After growing up on this island, Wonder Woman (an Amazon named Diana) goes to the human world on a diplomatic mission.

Before New 52, there were several other aspects of the origin story that remain the same. Her mother, Hippolyta, created her from clay, and the Greek gods gave her life, making her the only Amazon who was not conceived by a human. She grows up among the Amazons, who teach her the skills of a warrior, as well as lessons about peace and love. When an American pilot, Steve Trevor, is stranded on Paradise Island due to an accident, the Amazons hold a competition to determine who should have the honor of escorting him back to the human world and acting as an ambassador on behalf of all Amazons. V Z olot Veke, she is infatuated Steve Trevor, this remains throughout Golden and Silver Age.


Wonder Woman's abilities are the result of a blessing she received from the gods (or, presumably, in the modern version, her divine origin). Her abilities largely come from her upbringing in the Amazonian military society. She is one of the most powerful superheroes in the DC Comics universe.


Her level of super strength is comparable to that of heroes such as Captain Marvel. It is generally accepted that she is not as strong as Superman, but that she is one of the few heroes who are at the same strength equivalent as him. Wonder Woman was even able to confront Power Girl in hand-to-hand combat, attempting to free her from mind control. She even once used her power to move the Earth (although she had help from Superman and ).


Granted by Hermes (messenger of the Gods), her maximum speed has never been well documented, but she has been shown to be faster than half the speed of light. said that Wonder Woman could easily run on par with him, and she has been seen breaking hypersonic speed barriers. She has been shown to be on par with some of the fastest characters in the DC Universe such as Jesse Quick. She can disarm a person in an instant and can also immobilize her opponent in the blink of an eye. She is such a well-trained athlete, which she uses well in battle, her reflexes surprise even the likes of Superman.


Granted by Demeter (goddess of the Earth), she is immune to radiation and cold space; She also has a high level of resistance to fire and high temperatures, she has been exposed to lava, thermonuclear explosion, hellfire and even Superman's heat vision, however, her invulnerability has weak points (when exposed to piercing weapons). Wonder Woman can fight and has withstood significant blows in hand-to-hand combat against opponents such as Superman and various Gods. Wonder Woman has very high resistance to injury and magical attacks. She can also neither eat nor sleep and can hold her breath underwater for many hours. She also appears to have a very good healing factor and on the rare occasions when she is hurt or injured, her body will instantly heal any wounds without leaving a scratch.

For a time, Athena gave her enhanced vision, which gave her the ability to see in the dark and through illusions. Thanks to her wisdom, she can learn languages ​​faster than a normal person, and she can speak with animals. Wonder Woman is trained in various martial arts, which makes her an excellent warrior in both hand-to-hand and armed combat.


Granted by Hermes, this ability allows her to fly at high speeds. In the Silver Age comics, she could not fly and had to rely on the Amazons' ability to glide on air currents. Wonder Woman is capable of flying at hypersonic speeds, rivaling Superman.

It has various weapons and devices, for example Lasso of Truth forces people to tell the truth; restore people's lost memories. Victory Bracelets are a pair of steel bracelets (which are worn on her wrists) that cannot be destroyed because they were created from the remains of the Aegis of Zeus shield. Wonder Woman can use them to deflect (to deflect incoming bullets, blows, or any form of offensive attack used against her (including Darkseid's Omega Beams)). She can also use them to deflect a flying object back at her enemy. Diadem- razor-sharp, it can come back to her when she throws it. Additionally, it is magical and therefore can be used to injure those who are susceptible to magic, such as Superman. Invisible Airplane- was Diana's main means of transportation during the Golden and Silver Ages, when she was unable to fly. She can control him telepathically.

In the media
Cartoon series

Super friends", the character was voiced by Betty Jean Ward. She appears in the episode entitled "To Me That's Chinese Letter". Beginning in 1973, she appeared as one of the main characters in the animated series and appeared throughout 8 seasons.

Wonder Woman appears in the animated series " Superman" in 1988, the character was voiced by Betty Jean Ward. She made a guest appearance in one episode, entitled "Superman and Wonder Woman vs. the Time Sorceress." In the episode, She and Superman faced off against a sorceress named Cyrene.

Wonder Woman appears in the animated series " Justice League", the character was voiced by Susan Eisenberg. She appears as a member of the Justice League team, appearing in various episodes; also, in the animated series, Wonder Woman has romantic feelings for Batman.

Wonder Woman appears in the animated series " Batman: The Brave and the Bold", voiced by Vicki Lewis. She makes a cameo appearance in the episode entitled "The accomplices are gathering!"Later, she appeared in the season finale episode "Star Sapphire's Taunt!"and also played the main role in the episode "Triumvirate of Terror!".

Wonder Woman appears in " Young Justice", the role of the character was voiced by Maggie Q. Wonder Woman was insignificant role in this animated series. Initially, the character will be removed from the show due to legal red tape, but was included at the last moment. She only has a few speaking appearances. . She appears in the episode "Independence Day", where she and the rest of the Justice League arrive at the Cadmus Laboratory after its destruction. She is shown having a conversation with Superman about Superboy's fate, although her words are not heard by the audience. She appears in the episode "Agenda", where she chastises Batman for accepting Robin at such a young age and works to get Captain Marvel expelled from the League for lying about his age. She leaves Earth along with the other members of the League in the episode "Alienated" to stand trial for crimes the team committed while they were under Vandal Savage's control.

Wonder Woman appears in the animated series Justice League, released in 2016, voiced by Rachel Kimsey.

Wonder Woman appears in the animated series Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?, voiced by Rachel Kimsey.

Animated Films

Wonder Woman appears in " Justice League: The New Barrier", the role of the character was voiced by Lucy Lawless.

Wonder Woman appears in " ", the character was voiced by Keri Russell. This film shows the origin of Wonder Woman and why she decided to leave Themyscira and go into the world. The main villain of the film is Ares.

Wonder Woman appears in " Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths", the role of the character was voiced by Vanessa Marshall. The film where in an alternative version, Lexa Luther teleports to main universe and ask the Justice League help him in battle against an alternate version of the League called the Crime Syndicate. Wonder Woman has an alternate version in that universe called Superwoman, and she is equal to in every way to her.

Wonder Woman appears in " Superman/Batman: Apocalypse" released in 2010, the character was voiced by Susan Eisenberg. Wonder Woman plays a supporting role in the film, Diana helps to train Supergirl on Themyscira, and later teams up with Big Barda to fight against the Female Furies.

Wonder Woman appears in " Justice League: Doom", voiced by Susan Eisenberg. Mirror Master hacks into the computer in Batman's cave on the orders of Vandal Savage . The computer stores data on the neutralization of each member of the League; Savage hires Cheetah, who must destroy Diana. In battle Cheetah injects her with a toxin that makes Diana see that all the people around these are Cheetahs.

Wonder Woman appears in " LEGO. Batman: DC Super Heroes Unite", the role of the character was voiced by Laura Bailey.

Wonder Woman appears in " Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox", the character was voiced by Vanessa Marshall. Barry Allen travels back in time to save his mother, he changes the timeline. In the film, Wonder Woman and Aquaman are at war because she killed Mera, and this enrages Aquaman The Amazons turn London into a "New Themyscira". She defeats Aquaman at the end of the film, but the rest of the world is destroyed by Captain Atom with his energy, which Aquaman uses as a weapon. As a result, the Flash manages to restore everything as it was before.

Wonder Woman appears in " Justice League: Trapped in Time", the character was voiced by Gray DeLisle.

Wonder Woman appears in " Justice League: War", voiced by Michelle Monaghan. Darkseid invades Earth, and the heroes are forced to unite to confront Darkseid and his army.

Wonder Woman appears in " Lego. Movie", the character was voiced by Cobie Smulders.

Wonder Woman appears in " Justice League: Throne of Atlantis", the role of the character was voiced by Rosario Dawson. In this film, she appears for the first time in Greece, Athens meeting Superman. They kiss passionately and then eat in a cafe.

Wonder Woman appears in " LEGO DC Superheroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League", the role of the character was voiced by Kari Wahlgren.

Wonder Woman appears in " Justice League: Gods and Monsters", voiced by the character. This version of the character is from New Gods and appears under the name Becca. She marries Orion on Apokolips as part of an alliance between her grandfather, the High Father and Darkseid. Immediately after the wedding ceremony, she begs Orion to run away with her , but the New Gods of the New Genesis kill Darkseid and his servants. Orion tries to intervene, but is also killed. Becca is teleported using the motherbox, which is in the sword given to her by Orion as a wedding gift. She then joins Superman and Batman to form the Justice League At the conclusion of the film, she leaves the League to confront her past, with Lex Luther accompanying her.

Wonder Woman appears in " Justice League vs Teen Titans", the character was voiced by Rosario Dawson. She appears as a member of the League who fall under the influence of the demon Trigon, but she is later freed and tries to stop the demon. In this film, she is also romantically involved with Superman.

Wonder Woman appears in Wonder Woman: Blood Ties, voiced by Rosario Dawson.


Wonder Woman appears in the television series " Wonder Woman"running from 1975 to 1979, the character was played by Lynda Carter. The series was a success and lasted until 1979.


Wonder Woman appears in the film " Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", the character was played by Gal Gadot. This is the first film in which Wonder Woman makes her first appearance. She appears at a party and steals the encrypted data that Bruce Wayne has collected, but she ultimately fails to pass the security and gives it to Bruce. Bruce decrypts the data and finds out that Diana is more than a hundred years old, and the files also contain information about other metahumans.After she receives the information, she sits on the plane and is ready to take off, but as soon as she sees the battle between Superman and Doomsday, she decides to get off the plane and go to help the Man of Steel and Batman defeat the monster, she later attends Clark Kent's funeral along with Bruce.

  • Wonder Woman appears in the film Wonder Woman, played by Gal Gadot.
  • Wonder Woman appears in the film Justice League, played by Gal Gadot.
  • Wonder Woman appears in Wonder Woman 1984, played by Gal Gadot.


Justice League Task Force".

Wonder Woman appears in the game" Justice League: Injustice for All".

Wonder Woman appears in the game" Justice League Chronicles".

Wonder Woman appears in the game" Justice League Heroes".

Wonder Woman appears in the game" Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe".

Wonder Woman appears in the game" LittleBigPlanet 2".

Wonder Woman appears in the game" Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes".

Wonder Woman appears in the game" Injustice: Gods Among Us".

Wonder Woman appears in the game" LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham".

Wonder Woman appears in the game" Infinite Crisis", the character was voiced by Vanessa Marshall.