What happened to the finalists and winners of the show after The Bachelor? Bachelor Maxim and Masha - what was the fate of the heroes after the project? Who won the Bachelor 2 project.

Probably, many were wondering who she is - a participant in the show Bachelor 2, the winner who was lucky enough to win the heart of a wonderful man? Maria Drigola really became a worthy bachelor couple. But who was the second finalist and how did events unfold at the end of the project?

Finalists of the show Bachelor 2

The second season of the show Bachelor on TNT, certainly many viewers were waiting for it. This is not surprising, because the romantic story was coming to an end, and Maxim Chernyavsky had to choose the one who of all the contenders truly worthy of his heart.

Alena Pavlova-Participant-Bachelor2

Alena Pavlova and Maria Drigola fought for the championship. Probably with Alena Pavlova Many people know her; she was a participant not only in the reality show Bachelor, but also in Dom-2. Alena was in search of the ideal man with whom she could build a serious relationship and who would become a good father for her child.

The bachelor's girl struck him at first sight. All because she was very similar to Maxim’s ex-wife, Anna Sedokova. The audience was sure that Alena was a very sweet and beautiful girl, but her rivals claimed that she was absolutely faceless.

Maria Drigola participant of Bachelor 2

Concerning Maria Drigola, she was absolutely sure that she needed a man who knew that there were things that money could not buy. Previously, she had already had a relationship with a man who believed that she could be “bought” and showered her with gifts. But she claimed that she was not his wife, and therefore she was not obliged to accept expensive gifts.

Later, the lover began to blackmail the girl. He asked her to marry him. However, he insisted that she sign a paper indicating that Maria refused to communicate with her family.

The Bachelor show was an opportunity for a girl to break out of this hellish circle and really fall in love. Masha looked very tender and reverent. It was clear that she was suffering greatly from pressure both from her rivals and from the show’s editors.

Finale of the show Bachelor (season 2 on TNT)

As you can see, two very worthy contenders clashed in the finals, and it was very difficult to choose any of the participants. He understood perfectly well that with Alena he would have a life full of extreme sports, bright emotions and drive.

Masha (as he himself admitted) is quite infantile, calm and ready to rejoice in everything that happens to her. However, for a long time the man could not understand whether Masha was ready to start a family and for a serious relationship.

Alena was absolutely confident of her victory and assured that she and the bachelor were made for each other. In the finale, a special date was prepared for Alena. She turned into a real princess in the desert. However, even such a romantic meeting could not pass peacefully in the company of this girl.

At first, she decided to make a little scandal, to show her character, but came to her senses in time, realizing that such behavior could alienate a man. The Prince and Cinderella ended up in the hamam, where Alena gave Maxim a massage. As the bachelor himself admits, he didn’t want to leave the date.

As for the final meeting with Masha, Maxim tried to make everything as romantic and memorable as possible. The date was in a very unusual place, and despite the fact that Masha had to climb steep rocks in her shoes, the girl was not indignant, but steadfastly overcame all obstacles.

In the evening, Maria herself arranged a romantic evening for Maxim and invited him to a room decorated with rose petals, and a large teddy bear was waiting for him on the bed. In the final scene, the rivals were dressed in beautiful white dresses and prepared to hear Maxim's verdict. Alena arrived at the meeting on an Arabian horse, rode up to her lover and was ready to hear a declaration of love.

Unfortunately, Maxim's long speech ended with him admitting that he was in love with another girl. Alena could not hold back her tears, constantly repeating that she loved this man and was ready to start a family with him, that she did not deserve such treatment. Masha was the next to hear the verdict. However, Maxim decided to test her nerves to the limit.

At first he made a few compliments, said that she was the most sincere person he had ever seen, that she was truly beautiful, whispered “Sorry” in her ear and left. Masha was really confused, but a few minutes later Maxim returned with a white bouquet and said:

I want to breathe with you and with you. I want you to always be there!.. I want to confess: I really love you very much.

Bachelor 2, winner

As you can see, the winner of the second season of the Bachelor show was Maria Drigola. This was probably the longest relationship after the completion of the project. The young people were together for a whole year and a half. However, the partners had to live separately for some time, and they realized that a long-distance relationship was not their option. In November 2015, the young people officially announced that they were no longer dating.

Rumors spread in the media that this was not the main reason for their breakup, since Masha could work remotely. This means she could regularly be in Los Angeles with her loved one. However, neither side provides any other information.

After breaking up with Maxim, the winner of season 2 of the show The Bachelor began to carefully hide her personal life. The only thing that is known is that the beauty has not yet gotten married.

This is how the second season of the popular television show The Bachelor ended. Unfortunately, this couple was unable to maintain their relationship for a long time. Perhaps in the next seasons there will be a couple who will be able to preserve their love for many years to come.

The reality show “The Bachelor” is considered one of the most romantic projects on Russian television and has been very popular among viewers for three seasons. They rooted for the heroines, wishing them to successfully sail on a yacht in a storm, fly on a paraglider and win the hearts of the most eligible suitors. Interest in the finalists of this show does not fade. Each girl had her own motives for participating in the project. For some, “The Bachelor” became a good starting platform for career advancement and an opportunity to appear on television; for others, it allowed them to feel the drive of competition and go on fabulous, and sometimes exotic, dates. And some of the girls really wanted to try their luck and find that one person with whom they could spend the rest of their lives. “StarHit” offers to find out how the lives of the winners have changed after participating in the show.

First season: Olesya Ermakova and Irina Volodchenko

In the dispute between the two finalists, Olesya Ermakova won. It was she who was chosen by bachelor number 1 - Evgeniy Levchenko. Later, the football player wrote about breaking up with his girlfriend on his blog - they say that living in two countries became an obstacle... He is in Holland, she is in Moscow - it didn’t work out. “We talked for some time after the breakup, but now we are not on the same path. Now in my thoughts I practically never return to him and to our beautiful history,” shares Olesya, “for me it’s in the past.”

In 2014, an old acquaintance from London proposed to her - and this time no distance prevented her from saying yes. Now they live in two countries, spending time in Moscow and London apartments. “This man is my first love,” Olesya told StarHit. “I came to London as a producer at a dubbing studio. And he worked in the audio-visual production industry. One day we crossed paths and liked each other. But we were young to appreciate what was happening between us, and remained friends.” The groom knows about the show with Olesya’s participation. “But I forbade him to look,” the girl continues. “He doesn’t know Russian, he might have understood something wrong.”

Now Olesya works in the film industry. One of the latest projects is the Netflix series “Marco Polo”, from the creators of “House of Cards” and “Game of Thrones”. The girl worked on visual effects and was responsible for video graphics. In addition, she works as a model and appears in music videos. The girl is active on social networks: she communicates on Twitter, posts photos on Instagram, and VKontakte has her official group, which includes more than eight thousand subscribers.

// Photo: Personal archive of Irina Volodchenko

Irina is the finalist of the show, losing the bachelor to Olesya Ermakova. The girl talked about the relationship with Evgeniy Levchenko that did not work out on the project as follows: “I believe that it was no coincidence that we did not succeed on the project. Everyone had to have their own story. After the show ended, no thoughts of renewing the relationship appeared: I think you can’t step into the same river twice. I don’t know how he’s doing, I think he’s alone now. Everything is fine with me - I have a “second half”. I knew my beloved for a long time, but only after “The Bachelor” did a relationship begin.”

The future husband’s feelings flared up as soon as they started showing “The Bachelor.” “He saw me and perhaps became jealous,” the girl says. “He offered to meet, and everything started happening.” Despite the relationship, Irina continues friendly communication with the ex-“bachelor”: “We periodically communicate with Zhenya, write SMS to each other, call each other. When he’s in Moscow, we even see each other.”

Now Irina heads the apparatus of the Parliamentary Club of Russian Sovereignty in the State Duma and is a member of the coordination council of the Young Guard. After Volodchenko showed herself on the “Bachelor” project, she was simply bombarded with various advertising offers, thanks to which she was able to prove herself in the modeling business. Participants in the TV show recognized Irina as the most beautiful girl in the project. It is no coincidence that she periodically participates in shows of Russian fashion designers, follows their collections, and loves to buy dresses. Irina’s profiles can be found on almost every social network, where she happily communicates with her fans and admirers. The girl’s Instagram alone has more than 135 thousand subscribers.

Season two: Maria Drigola and Alena Pavlova

The winner of the second season of the show “The Bachelor” was Maria Drigola. The girl came to the project because she wanted to truly fall in love, and she was sure that this was quite possible on the show. Fans of the project declassified the candidacy of the winner long before the final release. Maria herself unwittingly revealed the secret on social networks, posting pictures of the same places where Maxim Chernyavsky was photographed.

Realizing her mistake, the girl almost immediately deleted the footage, but conversations had already begun. Rumors constantly surround this couple. Fans carefully monitor their lives through joint photographs and interviews, constantly divorcing the lovers and then bringing them back together. “For three months, as long as the show lasted, we were under the constant sight of cameras in front of the whole country,” Maxim Chernyavsky shared with StarHit, “And Masha was tired of it. She is basically not a public person. Just look at her Instagram; she rarely even posts photos there. And he asks me not to post pictures with her on my social networks. Therefore, no one can say where and how we spend time together, so they come up with ideas.” Maria works as the head of the legal department in her father's company, which sells and repairs military equipment. She can solve all issues remotely, so she easily flies to Maxim from St. Petersburg to Los Angeles. Maria and Maxim are not only together and happy, they are preparing for the wedding.

After filming the second season of “The Bachelor,” Alena began raising her son David. She made money from modeling and DJing. In November 2014, Alena appeared on the Polyana reality show on the TNT channel “Dom-2” as a participant. Fans of the young woman, who is raising a boy without a husband, were divided into two camps: some were happy that they would be able to watch their favorite on television again, while others were surprised by Pavlova’s decision and began to persuade her to leave the program.

“I don’t have to explain anything to anyone! I do what I think is necessary! My son is the most important thing in my life and that’s forever! Yes, I’m looking for a man, a husband, a father for David, looking for a job for the soul and I’m on the right path, I know for sure! I do everything so that my son sees a happy mom and dad next to him!” - she wrote on Instagram. The girl liked Bogdan Lenchuk, and then music producer Nikita Kuznetsov. After the failure with Kuznetsov and Lenchuk, Alena Pavlova found a kindred spirit in the person of Evgeniy Kuzin, who once again came to the project, but here the relationship again did not work out, and the participant left the television set.

Season three.Daria Kananukha and Galina Rzhaksenskaya

The reality show ended just four months ago, and during this time 37-year-old Timur Batrutdinov and 23-year-old Daria Kananukha became even closer. “Although everything happens mostly at a distance, the longer our candy-bouquet period, it’s a wonderful and carefree time,” Daria told StarHit. “Timur and I try to call each other and correspond as often as he can. True, I live a daytime life, and he lives a nocturnal life, but I try to adapt.”

Daria Kananukha tries not to advertise her personal life on social networks. “He (Timur) helped me by teaching me how to behave correctly after the project. For example, he advised me to close public access to my page. I managed to do it on Contact, but not on Instagram. As a result, they wrote so many nasty things to me in the comments... For example, that I paved the way to victory through my bed. But we didn’t have intimacy on the project.” After filming ended, Daria Kananukha defended her diploma in “organization management” from the Kazan Federal University. At the moment, Daria Kananukha is not involved in any television project.

The girl was considered the main favorite of the project. 27-year-old Galina charmed bachelor Timur Batrutdinov from the very first meeting. She received the first impression rose and went on individual dates more often than other participants. However, the finale of the show ended in disappointment for Galina: Timur Batrutdinov chose Daria. Despite the difficult breakup, the finalist continues to communicate with the hero of the show. But now their relationship has moved from romantic to friendly. Now, after the completion of the project, Galina Rzhaksenskaya is incredibly popular on social networks: the number of her fans is in the tens of thousands, and the votes cast in her favor are incalculable.

The audience almost unanimously tried to convince Timur to choose the girl. Most called Galya a suitable match for a Comedy club resident: well-mannered, smart, mature, kind - these and other compliments constantly came to her. “I am very pleased with such attention,” Rzhaksenskaya admitted to StarHit. - People on the street and in public places began to recognize me very often: they say kind words, express their sympathy, admit that they supported me. It's very touching and sweet." Galina Rzhaksenskaya’s plans are to continue developing her own business. The girl is the owner of three elite beauty studios in Moscow. “And everyone has been looking at my personal life for the last 3 months, so let it stay with me now,” the girl smiles mysteriously.

Which will be the famous singer Yegor Creed. Previously an artist for a long time, but then the couple - to the horror of numerous fans - broke up. At the same time, the singer, according to rumors, has long wanted a family and children, but cannot find a worthy life partner. Will a reality show help him with this? Fans of “The Bachelor” for last season’s couple, Ilya Glinnikova and Ekaterina Nikulina.

The lovers met on the project, appeared together in public after it and stated in interviews that they were already planning a wedding. But then suddenly. Thus, not a single couple formed on the show “The Bachelor” has lasted even a year. But many of the girls who dropped out of the show long before its finale are doing well. Many immediately after the reality found their love and are happy.

Olesya Ermakova, the winner of the first season of the Russian “Bachelor”, has been married for a long time. But not for the main character of the show, football player Evgeniy Levchenko, but for an old acquaintance from London. Olesya admitted that her husband was her first love. They met when Olesya came to London in 2008 to work as a producer at a dubbing studio. Ermakova never showed her husband’s face to fans.

Irina Volodchenko, the finalist of the first season, became famous throughout the country after the show aired. The beautiful girl began to receive all kinds of job offers. Her career has really taken off: the girl is a member of the coordination council of the Young Guard, and also heads the staff of the Russian Sovereignty parliamentary club in the State Duma. After the project, Irina said in an interview that an old friend of hers, for whom she had sympathy, contacted her. Having seen the girl in “The Bachelor,” he wanted to talk to her better. Now Irina regularly publishes photographs of expensive things on social networks - bags, jewelry, clothes - perhaps these are gifts from her loved one.

The “Bachelor” of the second season was businessman and ex-husband of Anna Sedokova Maxim Chernyavsky. On the show, Maxim Chernyavsky chose 18-year-old Maria Drigola. Their relationship lasted a year and a half, but distance got in the way: Chernyavsky lived in Los Angeles, and Drigola lived in St. Petersburg. The girl worked as a lawyer in her father’s firm, but nevertheless often flew to her beloved. Apparently, the relationship could not withstand the distance - and the lovers broke up. After this, the name of Maria, whose modesty was noted by everyone on the project, stopped appearing in the news. The girl does not promote herself on social networks, and nothing is known about her personal life.

But Alena Pavlova, who was not chosen by Chernyavsky, finally found her love. A year after “The Bachelor,” the girl became a participant in the reality show “Dom-2,” where she unsuccessfully tried to build relationships with several guys. Returning home to St. Petersburg, Pavlova found her happiness with musician and video blogger Dmitry Zavyalov, with whom she is raising her son David from her previous relationship.

The winner of the third season was Daria Kananukha: it was she who won the heart of bachelor Timur Batrutdinov. True, the couple broke up a few months after the end of the show. Daria did not grieve, but married lawyer Mikhail Zhelaev. The girl admitted that she dreamed of a perfect celebration, so she thought through everything to the smallest detail. The main feature of the holiday was the water theme: the bride’s outfit was chosen to match it, and invitations were issued. The ceremonial registration of the marriage took place on the river bank near the restaurant where the banquet was held. The hall was decorated with white and blue floral arrangements. Before exchanging rings, Daria picked up the microphone and made a fiery speech for her future husband. Mikhail was so touched by her words that he even shed tears.

Another finalist of the season, Galina Rzhaksenskaya, did not remain in the girls. A few months after the end of the show, she met businessman Evgeny Gromov, who proposed to her. The couple had a daughter last year. Despite the fact that Galina recently gave birth, she looks great and continues to travel actively -

There were no winners in the fourth season: bachelor Alexey Vorobyov refused to propose to any of the contenders. However, the beauty Natalya Gorozhanova reached the finals. True, the girl never announced a serious relationship in the entire time that had passed since the end of the TV show. So far, Gorozhanova is not married, but she often posts photos on the Internet with luxurious bouquets from fans. After the finals, the girl began to receive many job offers. Gorozhanova is a model, and her popularity has increased noticeably after The Bachelor.

And another participant in the show, Alla Berger, rejected by Vorobyov, does not want to hear any more about the singer. The girl, passionately in love with Alexei, seemed ready to do anything to win his heart. However, after the project, Alla began dating another man, and asks fans not to remind her of “The Bachelor.”

Unfortunately, nothing is known about the personal life of the fifth season finalist Madina Tamova. The girl was dumbfounded by Ilya Glinnikov’s refusal and seemed sure that she would become his bride. During the project, Madina admitted more than once that she was brought up in an Eastern way and wants to get married once and for all. It seems that the beauty's heart is still free.

Probably, it can be called the most reverent, romantic and at the same time the most dramatic, because the heart of one of the two finalists was broken.

As you know, initially 25 participants came to the show (all about the first episode of the second season of the show “Bachelor”), but in the final only two beauties remained - Alena Pavlova and Masha Drigola.

Maxim Chernyavsky: “Now I am standing on the threshold of some new life. And that’s why it’s a very strange feeling for me: now I have to make a very important choice for myself. I choose a future with one girl or a future with another girl, and they are completely different.”

Maxim Chernyavsky imagines life with Alena as a constant drive, a flow of emotions. Masha, on the contrary, is gentle, calm, and at the same time ready to enjoy literally everything around her, but whether she is ready for a serious relationship, the bachelor was tormented. However, unlike Chernyavsky, neither one nor the second finalist had any doubts about their choice.

“We were made for each other and we immediately realized it. On the very first day. It happens, you immediately say: here it is. You see his eyes and something just happens. I’m in love and there’s no turning back...” said Alena.

“I remembered our evening with Max, and all these wonderful moments that I didn’t want to end. I remembered the kiss, also the first. I was actually very nervous. I was worried, I thought that I didn’t deserve it, I wasn’t worthy. He’s so good...” Mashenka chirped, but at the same time said that she was ready to accept any choice of the bachelor.

In this episode, Maxim prepared a date for Alena, where she appeared as the “princess of the desert.”

However, the girl managed to throw a tantrum this time too, suddenly deciding to show her character. However, she came to her senses in time and went to the hammam to give the bachelor a massage. The date between Maxim and Alena ended on a peaceful note, and Chernyavsky eventually admitted that he did not want to leave.

The bachelor decided to make his last date with Masha memorable and spend it in some unexpected place. The couple came to admire the beauty of the Atlas Mountains, only Masha was wearing high-heeled shoes - it was difficult for her to climb the steep rocks, to put it mildly. However, the girl bravely withstood this test, and in the evening she gave Max a romantic treat in a room strewn with rose petals, with a large teddy bear on the bed.

At the end of the episode, the girls wore white bridesmaid dresses. Alena, riding a beautiful Arabian horse, rode up to Maxim. Nice conversation... Chernyavsky’s speech, how delighted he was with Alena throughout the entire project and... the admission that he loves someone else.

Alena could not hold back her tears, saying that she loved “this man, that she wanted a real family, that she was unworthy of such an attitude... »

However, even before announcing his decision to Masha, Chernyavsky got on her nerves. Having said that he had never met such a sincere person as Maria in his life, the bachelor suddenly covered his eyes with his palm, quietly said: “I’m sorry,” and... left, leaving the girl completely at a loss.

A few minutes later Maxim returned with a white bouquet: “I want to breathe with you and with you. I want you to always be there!.. I want to confess: I really love you very much.”

So, Maria Drigola became the chosen one of the enviable bachelor Maxim Chernyavsky and the winner of the show “The Bachelor”, the second season. How the fate of this couple will turn out and whether we should wait for the wedding, time will tell.

Maria Drigola is the winner of season 2 of the show “The Bachelor”. The girl captivated the audience with her naivety and sincerity. Perhaps this also bribed the main character of the project. From the very beginning, it was clear that Masha came to the program for feelings and relationships, and not for PR. Despite the attacks of her competitors, the girl reached the final and received the coveted ring from Maxim’s hands.

Childhood and youth

Maria Vladimirovna Drigola was born in St. Petersburg on February 27, 1990. Father Vladimir Kirillovich Drigola is a retired rear admiral. After finishing his military career, he went into business - he is the general director of a company specializing in the repair and sale of military equipment. Mother Elena Vladimirovna Drigola works as deputy director of personnel in her husband’s company. Maria has a younger brother, Vladimir.

The girl was brought up in austerity and prosperity. She studied at the Emperor's Gymnasium, and later entered the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia at the Faculty of Economics and Law. Received a specialist's diploma in the field of jurisprudence. Afterwards she worked as a lawyer for her father. Maria is very close to her family. She has a very trusting relationship with her parents.

After the project, the girl spent a lot of time with Maxim in Los Angeles. I even planned to continue studying law there and was choosing between divorce law and transport law. But, unfortunately, there is no information about whether she received her education in America.


Maria unexpectedly ended up on the TV project “The Bachelor”. She saw a casting advertisement on TV and thought that perhaps she would meet her destiny there. Plus, her mother and brother insisted on this, justifying it by the fact that the girl needed to unwind. At the casting, Maria joked and told the producers of the show that she had not been to a camp as a child, and perhaps for her this camp would be the “Bachelor” project.

The main character of the second season of the show was the businessman and ex-husband of the singer. Maxim and Anna had a daughter, Monica. The man lives in California, his business is related to construction. He decided to participate in the project a year after his divorce from Sedokova.

Only when filming began did the girl realize how difficult it all was. Constant lack of sleep and fatigue, inability to concentrate on relationships. Soon Maria began to notice that some participants came to the project for the sake of self-promotion, but she herself remained sincere to the end.

Maria Drigola in the show "The Bachelor"

By the way, some viewers believed that Drigola was still a child and lived with rose-colored glasses. Masha lived on the project, and did not compete, like some girls. She tried not to conflict and not offend anyone. She behaved naturally and, in a sense, naively. Project participant Natalya Dolgopolova said that

“Masha for a show is like a suitcase without a handle.”

When the time came to meet Maxim’s parents, she was worried and worried. Chernyavsky’s relatives liked the girl, the only thing that confused them was how much money the girl spends on herself per month. At that time, Maria earned 20 thousand rubles, and spent all 70. But she did not hide the fact that her parents were helping her.

As a result, Maria Drigola and Alena Pavlova remained in the finals of the project. Maxim Chernyavsky chose the open and bright Masha, because by the end of the show the guys truly fell in love with each other.

Five seasons of the show “The Bachelor” have already passed, and the couple of Maxim and Masha is considered the most sincere of all.

Personal life

Before the Bachelor project, the girl dated a young man. Their relationship lasted 9 months. Maria did not reveal his name, but said that the guy was from a wealthy family and gave Masha gifts. According to the girl, the guy was sure that it was possible to buy absolutely everything. He was starting a project in Bulgaria, and he invited Maria to go with him and even offered to marry him. But at the same time, he asked her to sign a paper that stated the condition that Maria refuse to communicate with her own family. This was unacceptable for a girl.

Maxim was never against such a trusting and close relationship between Maria and her parents. Therefore, at first, the lovers lived in two countries. But the girl often visited Maxim in Los Angeles, the guys went on vacation together. Masha immediately found a common language with Maxim’s daughter. And soon the couple began to prepare for the wedding.

Then information about the couple’s separation began to appear online. For a long time, none of the guys confirmed this. As a result, their relationship lasted a year and a half. In November 2015, Maxim spoke about the true reasons for the separation. According to him, the further development of relations depended on him.

Maria did not want to break her strong connection with her family and move to America with him. Thus, the root cause of the gap was distance. Although even during the project, her father said that he understands that spouses should not live separately, especially in different countries, and is ready for Masha to move to Los Angeles.

Maria Drigola now

The girl has a private profile on "Instagram". She does not chase popularity and the number of subscribers. Sometimes he posts photos