How much does Yakubovich earn on the field of miracles? How much does a talk show host earn - Analyze

To be honest, the financial issue worries us all. And not only your own, but also someone else’s. There are legends about the income of popular TV presenters. They are credited with fabulous wealth, luxurious mansions and millions in Swiss banks. Sometimes this, by the way, is not so far from the truth, in most other cases it is a gross exaggeration. Be that as it may, we decided to satisfy the curiosity of our readers and try to look into the pockets of TV stars. The TV stars themselves, of course, won’t really like this, but there’s nothing you can do about it: if you become a public person, get ready for the fact that the public will want to know everything about you.

$15 - 20 thousand: Yakubovich, Shirvindt...

How tight the wallet of this or that TV presenter is is a mystery shrouded in darkness. The mystery of the Madrid court. But the court, as you know, has its own confidants, who are sometimes privy to very delicate issues. And those no, no, and they will blurt out THIS under a terrible secret. So gossip spreads throughout the television center about the astronomical earnings of the channel's personalities, and one manages to hear a lot of interesting things in smoking rooms, toilets, and coffee shops.

For example, they say that Leonid Yakubovich’s income is 15 thousand. e. per month. But after each “private” performance at someone’s holiday or concert, the host of “Field of Miracles” brings another 5 thousand to the family.

A salary of $20 thousand is also attributed to Mikhail Shirvindt. Is a famous “dog owner” so highly valued? It is possible, given that Shirvindt is also involved in the “Idea Fix” project and also has a hand in the projects of the “Live News” company.

$10 - 12 thousand: Nagiyev, Galkin, Mitkova...

The scandalous Dmitry Nagiyev puts 10 thousand into his pocket every month. His no less absurd colleague Otar Kushanashvili once began to claim that he earns twice as much as Nagiyev. But only on tour. A trip around the Krasnodar region brought Otar a “big jackpot” of 15 thousand “meryakan” money. Although I myself once heard that Kushanashvili complained to Igor Matvienko: he only gets an “A” for his performance. Well, it probably depends on your luck. Sometimes “five”, and sometimes more.

Another hero of girls' dreams, Maxim Galkin, is rumored to receive 10 thousand a month for his television activities. But since he also performs in concerts, there is no doubt that Galkin is a wealthy groom.
$12 thousand - Marianna Maksimovskaya's salary. Mikhail Osokin has a not-so-round sum of 12.5 thousand in his jacket pocket every month. It’s somehow unclear: “neither two nor one and a half,” in the sense of neither 12 nor 13. For example, Tatyana Mitkova is delivered an amount of 12 thousand in an “envelope.” Which completely allowed the TV presenter to save up for a sports BMW third model, golden in color, worth about 27 thousand.

$1 - 4 thousand: Aurora, Shirokov, Tutta Larsen...

The channels are not as rated and famous as NTV, First and Rossiya, and the salaries are not very high. After the “change of power” at Muz-TV, Aurora, which in its best days lived comfortably on 8 thousand a month, lost 6 and a half thousand. And her salary now is like that of some chief accountant. And her colleague and friend Daria Subbotina has even less - only a thousand (similar to an average accountant). Dmitry Shirokov costs more - $3 thousand. The MTV channel gives more generously to presenters in rubles, that is, dollars. “Reasonable and sensual” Tutta Larsen receives a reward of 4 thousand for her work.

“Rich Pinocchios”: Posner, Shuster, Kiselev...

But there are TV people for whom all the above numbers will cause a healthy laugh. If they talk about their earnings at the television center, it is in a whisper. And they whisper the following. As if Savik Shuster receives 25 thousand dollars. In one private conversation, Shuster shared that in order to receive that much, you just need to convince everyone that you deserve this exact amount, that’s all.

Rumor has it that after Svetlana Sorokina moved to Channel One, her entire editorial team was given a thousand dollars. The TV personality’s fee is 30 thousand dollars, and before “Basic Instinct” Sorokina, they say, received 20 thousand. If so, then switching to First was worth it.
The bison of domestic TV, Vladimir Pozner, also rates himself well: his earnings, they say, are as much as 35 thousand. And Dmitry Dibrov receives about 20 thousand USD for his “Apology”. e. About 30 thousand are attributed to Nikolai Svanidze. And finally, there is an opinion that no one gets more money on television than Evgeny Kiselev. And, in my opinion, even a baby knows about his income. 50 - 55 thousand. e. Agree, this sounds proud.

$3 - 8 thousand: Lobkov, Kara-Murza, Yakovleva...

Another entevash presenter, Pavel Lobkov, receives half as much as Mitkova. The pleasure of digging in the ground and planting unfortunate geraniums for the white-handed stars costs Pavel 6 thousand. The presenter of “Naturalist’s Travels” Pavel Lyubimtsev receives the same amount. But Ernest Mackevicius is a little richer. For the joy of being an alarm clock on the Rossiya channel, a talented journalist receives about 8 thousand. $7 thousand - fee for TV travel of the host of “In Search of Adventure” Mikhail Kozhukhov.

The labor of Vladimir Kara-Murza costs producers the same amount. But if we remember that TVS, where Vladimir works, is now experiencing a financial crisis, then it is possible that this amount exists only on paper. Recently, even the venerable Boris Berman and Ildar Zhandarev complained that they had not been paid their salaries for three months!

Approximately $5 thousand is the salary of Andrei Malakhov. True, recently in one publication his income was equated to 20 thousand dollars, however, according to our information, this is too much. Otherwise, why would Andrei live in a one-room apartment and even take out a loan from Channel One to buy it? Then I could get luxury housing.

Elena Khanga and Elena Ishcheeva have to be content with the same amounts; the hosts of “The Domino Principle” are paid $10 thousand for two. Even more modest are the earnings of Elena Yakovleva, who is trying to find the answer to the sacramental question “What does a woman want?” She puts 3 thousand in her purse every month. Klara Novikova also carefully hides banknotes of the same value in her reticule. Although it is quite possible that after moving to Channel One as a solo project, the comedian’s television income will increase noticeably.

Many of us dreamed of becoming TV stars as children. Broadcast news or entertainment programs so that ordinary people recognize them on the streets and ask to be photographed. Slava is great.

Some grew up and gave up this idea, but there are also those who still cherish the hope of getting into the camera. The work, let’s say, is dust-free and quite profitable. But few can make it to the central channels. But there, the salaries of TV presenters sometimes reach astronomical amounts. In the regions the situation is slightly different. Which? Let's figure it out together.

Where to begin?

If you have nothing to do with journalism, then most likely you won’t succeed. As a rule, the hosts are those who have grown from a simple correspondent to a venerable editor. Related professions, such as party hosts, marketers, copywriters, party hosts, will help, but will not provide a guarantee. At the same time, as experts note, among the famous people whose faces flash on the screen every day, there are very few who have a diploma in journalism or similar specialties. Talent, you either have it or you don’t. And here no diploma will help.

It's actually quite simple. To become a leader you need:

  • Have an attractive appearance.
  • Have competent speech and a pleasant voice.
  • Be able to quickly find a way out of stressful situations.
  • Have the talent of a journalist.

If you don’t have something from this list and it’s not possible to acquire a skill, then it’s better to forget about a career as a TV presenter. If everything comes together, then you can try to move on.

Improving skills

In order to speak competently, you can take courses in stage speech; a cosmetologist and a stylist will help improve your appearance, but if you get lost in unforeseen situations and are not able to connect two words, much less create a plot, then this is a disaster.

But not everything is so categorical. To do this, you can try to get a job as a correspondent for a low fee on a not very popular channel. And be prepared that the editor will send you on the most exhausting tasks. There is always a lot of turnover on television and almost always someone is needed. Newcomers are sent on distant business trips, to trivial events, forced to do surveys and gain favor with high-ranking officials. But someone who is talented quickly shows what he is capable of, and this is immediately noticed.

If you decide to connect your life with television, be prepared to work a lot. At least at first (from six months to three years). Sometimes, to make a one-minute story, you need to travel hundreds of kilometers, almost run into a fist, write text and edit videos all night, even forgetting to eat.

Having learned the TV kitchen, you can begin to propose ideas, become more sophisticated, and they will definitely notice it. Those correspondents who approach the creation of stories creatively and skillfully integrate their faces into the frame will not be lost - that’s for sure.

It usually happens like this. The main presenter got sick or suffered a force majeure situation, and then the most talented of the correspondents, who knows how to stay in the frame, looks good and doesn’t mess up the takes, is hired as a one-time replacement. If the test is passed successfully, then you can expect a promotion. News anchors, as a rule, rarely film stories and become the face of the TV channel. And this is advertising shooting and various events a plus. Not bad, right?

Who is a good presenter?

This is someone who writes good leads to stories, writes them down in the first take, and is able to quickly change texts and write them for hot stories. It all depends on the specifics of the program. In news, the above is enough, plus the ability to work with a teleprompter and live broadcast. For entertainment programs you need to be able to improvise and communicate with people, have the ability to take the conversation in the direction you want. It's hard to say which is more difficult. But still, news is formal and businesslike.

What is the salary of TV presenters?

News anchors in the regions receive from 15 to 50 thousand rubles. It all depends on employment, the level of the TV channel, the presence of sponsors, advertising filming and other things. Entertainment programs don't pay as well, so their hosts get paid less.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, prices are 2-3 times higher at the initial stage. They first get a job there as a “laborer”. But the nimble and talented do not stay behind the scenes for long and become presenters of news or entertainment programs. And then the fees begin to increase exponentially. But you need to take into account that on central television at first you literally have to work hard. If you worked as a presenter in the region, then on the capital’s channel they will test you and closely observe how you cope with the assigned tasks.

How much do TV presenters earn on central TV?

No matter how hard they try to hide the size of the salary of eminent presenters, the data still leaks onto the Internet. Although this is a trade secret, the approximate limits are still known - from 100 thousand rubles to one million per month. Those whose names are not well-known are content with passing programs and small salaries (but by all-Russian standards, still fantastic).

For example, the salary of TV presenters on “Russia 1” directly depends on the project. But the same Malakhov went to this button, because he receives several million rubles a month for “Live Broadcast”. Andrey started out as a simple correspondent, and his first salaries were not even enough to rent a house. And now he is also the editor of StarHit magazine, and his annual income exceeds a million dollars.

If you ask about the salary of Channel One TV presenters, then there is also a huge amount of revelry here. Dmitry Borisov, who replaced Malakhov, although he imitates him, will not reach the salary level of his predecessor soon, if he can. Borisov is paid just under a million a month. But Maxim Galkin receives more than six million dollars a year for participating in the First’s projects. Vladimir Pozner, depending on his employment, puts in his pocket from 500 thousand dollars to 1.5 million per year.


The easiest way is to follow how central entertainment television channels conduct castings for the role of presenters. They need fresh faces, so there are regular selections. And it’s much easier to get there as a correspondent. But before you can realize your dream, you need to work hard for several years, improve yourself, and then multimillion-dollar fees will come into your hands.

It's no secret that popular TV presenters in Russia and Ukraine receive colossal fees, which are comparable to the salaries of Russian pop, sports and film stars. But where, in fact, do they pay more, on Russian or Ukrainian TV? Let's find out!

How much do Ukrainian TV presenters earn?

Over the past four years, the annual rating of “The Most In-Demand Presenters of Ukraine,” published by Focus magazine, has been headed by: Masha Efrosinina, Yuri Gorbunov, Igor Kondratyuk, Evgeniy Kiselev, Oksana Marchenko, Savik Shuster, and Alla Mazur. Today they have largely lost ground to Ekaterina Osadchaya, Vladimir Zelensky, and Olga Freimut.

Nevertheless, all of the above names are among the highest paid celebrities on TV with salaries ranging from 10-25 thousand. e. per month.

Frontmen of the New Channel Alexander Pedan, Andrey Domansky, Sergey Pritula are vying for more modest salaries - $7-10 thousand. The host of entertainment shows on STB Liliya Rebrik earns the same amount, as well as the first persons of emergency and weekly news releases Konstantin Stogniy and Oksana Sokolov on the ICTV channel.

Recently, participants in the famous travel program “Heads and Tails” Zhanna Badoeva, Anastasia Korotkaya and Andrey Bednyakov have firmly established themselves in the Russian media market.

Now Zhanna hosts such programs as “Battle of Salons” and “Heads and Tails: Anniversary Season.” However, it is known for certain that viewers of the Friday TV channel will soon be presented with a new reality show called “Zhanna Will Get Married.” In total, the presenter’s monthly salary is $15,000. By the way, in Ukraine, the ex-wife of music video director Alan Badoev was offered no more than $5 thousand for participation in similar projects.

Andrey Bednyakov, who moved from sunny Mariupol to Moscow with his wife Nastya Korotkaya, earns slightly less. In the capital, newlyweds earn about $20-25 thousand between them, largely thanks to filming in the programs “Rich Man and Poor Man,” “The Big Question,” “Blockbusters,” “Heads and Tails: Anniversary Season” and “Heads and Tails: Anniversary Season.” . Part 2".

Following the example of his colleagues, the flamboyant Ukrainian fashion expert Daniil Grachev, who exchanged several fashion programs on the TET channel in favor of the morning show “Coffee with Milk,” produced by NTV, also went for a promotion. Now Danila receives $6-7 thousand, instead of $2.5 thousand.

The Leningrad leader, relaxing in Sochi after his triumphant performance at the New Wave, decided to make a sensational confession. Unexpectedly for everyone, Shnur revealed to his fans a big financial secret - how much he is paid for his role as host in the new Channel One show “About Love.”

The musician admitted that he considers himself a “third-rate TV presenter”

Photo by @shnurovs

Sergei dedicated two posts on Instagram to this exciting topic. And he began, as usual, with leisurely philosophical reflections.

"For what? Why are you doing this<…>on TV? – I hear this reasonable question more and more often. I asked myself this question, and I asked the functionaries of the First during six-month negotiations with the channel. Like, why do I need this strangeness, and the leader of me is third-rate. I was convinced of the opposite, but I remained unconvinced about my own abilities as an entertainer, but still became the host. For what? I will answer. I perceive all my activities as gaining experience and knowledge. If I hadn’t acted in the series at one time, if I hadn’t learned the structure of the film process, if I hadn’t participated in television projects, then maybe, and most likely, “Leningrad” wouldn’t have had such clips. Talk shows are an absolute mystery to me. How does it work, what's inside it<…>? Why and how is it produced? There are no options to solve this mystery other than becoming an accomplice,” the musician and TV presenter admitted to his fans.

And after quite a bit of time I decided to supplement my sophisms with monetary specifics.

“I missed a very important question in the previous post about talk shows. I didn’t write anything about grandmothers. I get as much money there in a month as I get for one concert. So count it,” Shnurov urged fans.

Well, we followed Sergei’s call and did the math. Let us remind you that in accordance with the recently published Forbes ranking of the wealthiest Russian celebrities in the 2015/2016 season, Sergei earned $11 million over the past 12 months. Moreover, for each performance the artist asks for about 100 thousand dollars, that is, more than 6 million rubles (official data from Forbes).

Considering that Sergei’s group is quite large: on average, 15-20 people go to concerts with him, including two soloists, Vasilisa and Florida, musicians, administrators and sound engineers, it is logical to assume that Sergei keeps about half of the total for himself earnings. That is, around 3 million rubles.

Whether a TV presenter can receive that kind of money per month is an open question. But we dare to assume that Shnurov’s fees in the future will depend on the rating of the new show. And taking into account the fact that “About Love” is broadcast at night, it is difficult to make any predictions. Sergei himself has admitted more than once that the show with his participation comes out too late, they say, people are already going to bed. On the other hand, the topics discussed there are not for children.

One way or another, so far Forbes has the most favorable forecasts for Shnurov’s income. And the rest - time will tell.

To be honest, everyone is concerned about the financial issue. It concerns not only what is in your own wallet, but also what is in the stars of our screen. Today we are debunking rumors about the outrageous salaries of domestic TV presenters. In general, the salary levels of TV presenters are a closely guarded secret. As it turns out, some of them don't get as much as we think...

So, the lowest paid star in the television world is considered to be Channel One presenter Dana Borisova. Recently, when she was co-host of the “City of Women” program, her salary did not exceed 30 thousand rubles. Now she does not receive a salary from the channel, since the project in which she participated is closed. Now Dana is preparing to become one of the participants in Star Factory-5.

Let's start with Muz - TV. Daria Subbotina receives a little more than a thousand dollars for her work, Aurora receives a fee of 2.5 thousand, Dmitry Shirokov had 3 thousand green units per month before leaving the TV channel. By the way, after the TV channel was bought by Igor Krutoy, the salaries of all presenters were cut exactly three times.

MTV is a little more generous - Tutta Larsen has an income of about 5 thousand. But that's just her. The salary of an ordinary TV channel VJ is about one and a half thousand conventional symbols.

Elena Yakovleva has a modest income from the program “What a Woman Wants” worth three rubles. It is precisely because the pay is low that Klara Novikova recently left this program. In the new season she can be seen as the host of a comedy program. It is easy to assume that she was promised an amount several times larger.

Known to everyone as an amateur gardener, Pavel Lobkov from NTV receives 6 thousand USD for his weekly program, but this does not count reports for news releases - in total he earns about seven thousand.

The modest salary of the former host of “Big Wash” Andrei Malakhov is only 5 thousand. By the way, not so long ago Andrei took out a loan from Channel One and bought himself a one-room apartment in the Chistye Prudy area.

Dmitry Nagiyev receives about 10 thousand USD for running the “Windows” program.

The program directorate of the TNT channel has not yet decided whether the program will be released in the new television season.

Maxim Galkin, the host of the not very rated program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” is equal in salary to Dmitry Nagiyev. However, Maxim compensates for this with numerous concerts, so even if he is left without work on TV, he will not die of hunger.

Leonid Yakubovich agrees to host the “Field of Miracles” program for 15 thousand green bills, and Mikhail Shirvindt earns about 17 thousand USD, since in addition to hosting the “Dog Show” program, he is also its producer.