Kovalkov's diet - detailed description and useful tips. Reviews of the Kovalkov diet and examples of recipes

Nowadays, there are a huge number of exhausting diets that only harm the body and slow down metabolism. But sometimes there are very effective methods that help maintain weight, improve the functioning of internal organs and speed up metabolic processes in the body. These include Dr. Kovalkov’s diet, the stages of which we will consider.

We will also tell you what is so special about this system, what principles must be followed for successful weight loss, and what results can be achieved using an integrated approach. What should be the menu for every day, what is the peculiarity of his diet, and to whom is it contraindicated? You will also learn about the peculiarities of nutrition for weight loss, you will be able to learn how to adjust your diet, and determine an individual menu for yourself for the week.

Dr. Kovalkov, whose diet turned out to be very popular and popular, believes that most weight loss systems are not intended for long-term use. As soon as a person stops starving himself, the weight returns. That is why he recommends the method with which he himself lost weight.

Who is Dr. Kovalkov

Dr. Alexey Vladimirovich Kovalkov is an aggressive opponent of modern diets. In his opinion, mono-diets or nutritional systems of 1200-1500 kilocalories lead to alternating hunger strikes and periods of gluttony. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that those losing weight fail to maintain their weight within the desired range.

Also, Russian nutritionist Kovalkov believes that you should not be too strict with your body, since prohibitions sooner or later turn into an irresistible desire to break them.

How Kovalkov lost weight

Today Kovalkov is recognizable and is a frequent guest on the largest television channels in the country. And 10 years ago he himself suffered from excess weight. Yes, a man trained as a nutritionist who tried to help his patients was once himself far from his ideal weight and body shape.

It was then that Alexey Vladimirovich thought about creating a weight loss system that would be competent from a doctor’s point of view. It was Alexey Kovalkov himself, whose diet and menu are so praised today, who became the first person to test the effectiveness of the method. The result is that in 6 months he said goodbye to more than 50 kg.

After Kovalkov developed a competent nutrition system, he created his own clinic where people have the opportunity to lose weight under the supervision of qualified specialists. For those people who want to lose weight at home, he wrote several books: “Lose Weight Smartly”, “Victory over Weight”, “Diet for Gourmets. Nutrition plan from Dr. Kovalkov." The nutritionist also pays a lot of attention to the fact that the food of a person losing weight should not only be healthy, but also varied.

You can adopt interesting recipes from Alexey Kovalkov’s book “It’s Interesting to Lose Weight: Recipes for a Tasty and Healthy Life.”

Advantages of Dr. Kovalkov's nutrition system

  • Those losing weight do not need to feverishly count the calorie content of each food item they eat. You can forget about fasting days on apples and kefir.
  • After 18:00 you can and even need to eat, but only the right food, which will not be too heavy for your stomach.
  • Thanks to the fact that you get the necessary nutrients and micro, macroelements from your diet, you do not need to starve yourself. Kovalkov's method categorically does not accept this.
  • Your weight will go away gradually, which means you won’t be afraid of any stretch marks. And you won’t look older than your age, because your facial muscles won’t sag and your oval won’t slide down.

Every person has the opportunity to be slim and healthy. And at the same time, you will not need to test your body in the form of hunger strikes. It is important to accept all the principles of the diet and understand that losing weight is necessary for your body so that you can feel healthy. Your motivation should be feeling good, and not at all the desire to achieve model parameters.

Cons of losing weight according to Kovalkov

This diet is not suitable for people who want to lose weight quickly. And this is its key and, perhaps, only drawback - you should not expect quick results.

Have you decided to lose weight using the Kovalkov system at home? In this case, be sure to undergo a complete examination of the body. If you have serious chronic diseases, then you should abandon the Russian nutritionist’s weight loss system. If you have more than 30 kg. excess weight, it is not recommended to say goodbye to them at home.

Although Dr. Kovalkov himself lost 50 kg, do not forget that he is a specialist in the field of nutrition. In your case, you can only lose weight under the supervision of a professional nutritionist.

Prohibited Products

A protein-fat diet involves avoiding certain foods:

  • white bread and favorite buns;
  • potatoes and white rice (brown is allowed);
  • sugar-containing treats: jam, sweets, honey;
  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • any sweet carbonated drinks and packaged juices;
  • alcohol (including beer, the calorie content of which is in no way inferior to other drinks).

A balanced diet, on the principles of which Dr. Kovalkov’s weight loss method is based, completely excludes junk food and any processed foods.

Allowed food

Alexey Kovalkov's power system includes:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • seasonal berries;
  • a sufficient amount of greens, which effectively stimulates intestinal function.

Make sure your menu includes a sufficient amount of fermented milk and dairy products. If you play sports, then you simply need high-quality protein. Drink 2-3 liters per day. water. In order to relieve hunger and avoid overeating, drink a glass of liquid before eating.

The first stage of weight loss according to Kovalkov

The nutritionist believes that this stage should be given at least 2-4 weeks. During this period, a person who wants to lose weight should begin to learn how to independently adjust their diet. The doctor believes that you cannot give up your usual menu overnight; changes should take place smoothly and gradually. By the end of the initial stage, you need to give up prohibited foods, as recommended by the Kovalkov diet. We will consider stage 1 in detail below.

Also during this period of the diet, you need to provide your body with foods that contain fiber - vegetables and fruits, bran. This is necessary to gently prepare the gastrointestinal tract for abundant protein consumption. As a rule, during the first stage, those losing weight lose 4-5 kg. So that it won’t be so difficult for you at the beginning of your journey, Alexey Kovalkov’s diet menu is described in sufficient detail.

  • The preparatory phase of the diet involves starting to change your eating habits. Start eating 5 times a day. You also need to forget about lunches in the usual sense of the word. You should have 5 meals, approximately equal in volume.
  • The menu for the first stage of the Kovalkov diet includes drinking plenty of fluids. It is also recommended to drink water before every meal. Make sure that her temperature is not too low, as a cold drink will further inflame your hunger.
  • If you are actively involved in sports, then during the first stage of the diet it is better to avoid going to the gym to lose weight. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, be sure to take a walk in the fresh air every day. Take every opportunity to walk.

What to eat

From this stage, your diet should include:

  • fermented milk products (preferably daily);
  • bran up to 100 g per day (it is best to eat them with kefir);
  • up to 30 g of nuts per day;
  • vegetables (it is advisable to eat them fresh in the form of a salad dressed with vegetable oil);
  • fruits (for weight loss Kovalkov recommends focusing on apples and eating up to 4 pieces a day);
  • egg whites - 2 pcs. per day.

But protein in the form of meat cannot be consumed.

Menu for stage 1 of the diet

We offer you an example of a diet for the Kovalkov diet. Here is stage 1 of the menu for several days.

Breakfast Natural yogurt or a glass of kefir with nuts or bran.
Snack Apple.
Dinner Vegetable salad with herbs, a few pieces of low-fat hard cheese and tea.
Afternoon snack A glass of water and an apple.
Dinner The whites of two eggs and a glass of milk.
Breakfast Kefir with bran and nuts.
Snack 2 apples.
Dinner Pumpkin puree soup with seeds and fresh herbs.
Afternoon snack ½ grapefruit.
Dinner Vegetable stew with spices. Stage 2 of the diet eliminates the addition of salt to food.
Breakfast Fruit salad based on kiwi, apple and peach. It is recommended to season the salad with natural low-fat yogurt.
Snack 1 tomato.
Dinner Vegetable salad of sweet bell peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes.
Afternoon snack 1 apple or half a grapefruit.
Dinner A nutritious cocktail based on kefir with the addition of chopped bran and your favorite berries.

The first stage of Dr. Kovalkov's diet is the most difficult. After all, in just a few weeks you will have to change the diet to which you are accustomed. Due to a lack of protein and sugar-containing foods, weakness and fatigue are possible.

The second stage is stabilization

The duration of the second phase of the Kovalkov diet for weight loss is from 1 to 6 months. During this period, your menu becomes more varied. What causes weight loss? Kovalkov believes that during stabilization, fiber in the form of bran and complex carbohydrates does not enter your body.

But don't worry about depriving your body of beneficial nutrients. Your menu will include vegetables in sufficient quantities, which contain an easily digestible type of fiber.

  • If at the previous stage you had to strictly limit yourself in proteins, then this particular nutrient will become the main one for you in the second phase.
  • You also need to start actively playing sports. But do not think that due to the large amount of protein in your diet, you will be able to see the results of your labors in the mirror in the shortest possible time. Alas, you won’t be able to, since your body will direct all its energy to burning fat, but you will still notice the first effect.
  • Dr. Kovalkov recommends starting your day with a glass of warm water and an active early walk in the fresh air (the doctor recommends taking it at 6 a.m.). If possible, go for a light jog. You need to exercise your muscles well every day.
  • It is recommended to continue stage 2 of the Kovalkov diet until you are satisfied with your appearance.

If you need more than a minus size, then continue to lose weight at a pace that is convenient for you and try to focus on the reflection in the mirror, and not on the scale.

Menu for weight loss

So that you are not confused, we offer you a daily diet option.

Breakfast A glass of kefir and an apple.
Snack 2 apples.
Dinner Fish puree soup, mushroom soup without adding cream or lean fish fillet baked on a vegetable bed of onions, carrots/pumpkin and bell peppers.
Afternoon snack Half an orange or grapefruit.
Dinner Vegetable salad with two egg whites. As a dressing - vegetable oil with lemon juice. It is not recommended to add salt and sugar, but you can add any other spices.
Breakfast Omelette of two eggs with herbs. Unsweetened tea or a glass of kefir.
Snack Chamomile tea.
Dinner Cheesecakes in the oven with semolina. If desired, their taste can be diversified by adding apple or pumpkin pulp to the filling. As an alternative, you can prepare chopped chicken breast cutlets with the addition of hard cheese.
Afternoon snack Orange.
Dinner Lazy cabbage rolls with meat.

The Kovalkov diet is a comprehensive weight loss system consisting of three stages. Based on the restoration of the body and the fight against excess weight. Teaches you to choose healthy foods, eat them in the required quantity, and lead an active lifestyle. The author lost fifty kilograms in seven months using his method.

The doctor criticizes strict diets that can lead to mental problems and poor health.

The book – Dr. Kovalkov’s Methodology – will help you find answers and speed up results. Let's lose weight wisely!

Dr. Kovalkov has developed a nutritional system and recommends sticking to it throughout your life. You will achieve normal weight, good physical shape, improve metabolism, and acquire correct eating habits.

It is necessary to exclude excess simple carbohydrates from the menu and increase the consumption of vegetables.

The author believes that it is necessary to act gradually, without harming the body's systems. Work on yourself, fight your addiction to junk food, and not your addiction, which will return to normal when you learn to eat right. The Kovalkov diet does not require strict calorie tracking; you do not need to limit your diet, except for the first stage.

You can choose foods and create your diet, taking into account the correct ratio: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is necessary to bring the metabolism back to normal, but this is individual for each person.

The differences between them are in nutritional patterns and varying degrees of aerobic exercise. The first month will be difficult, the body will resist changes.

Preparatory stage

At the first stage, Alexey Kovalkov’s diet lasts a month. You should walk more, stop eating harmful carbohydrates, cleanse and normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Skip lunches. To remove toxins and salts from the body, drink clean water. Drinking plenty of fluids stimulates the release of hormones that speed up metabolism.

Main stage

Lasts two or three weeks, sometimes a month. The volume of physical activity gradually increases. Weight gradually decreases, the functioning of body systems improves. Increase portion sizes on your menu. Getting used to changes in diet occurs. . If the weight does not decrease, the Kovalkov diet advises to arrange a loading day, the amount of food should increase by half, and metabolism is stimulated. This can be practiced once every few weeks.

The final, holding stage

You will need to be at the last stage of the technique for one or two years. You will get used to the new lifestyle, changes in the menu, and useful habits will form. The body will become healthy, and the body will be slim and fit. Physical activity can be reduced, but long walks should not be abandoned.

The diet is based on simple rules for combining foods.

Grocery list

Stage 1

The menu should be dominated by vegetables, fruits, legumes, egg whites, nuts and dairy products, bran.

Stage 2

Vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits, add berries, herbs, nuts, low-fat dairy products, lean beef and veal, chicken, turkey, fish to the menu.

Stage 3

To the products of the first two stages, add chocolate, butter to the menu, and sometimes fry meat.

It is prohibited to consume sweets, carbonated water, unnatural juices, smoked foods, semi-finished products, canned food, and alcohol.

Menu for each stage

Stage 1, sample menu for 1 day

  • Breakfast: drink two hundred milliliters, eat fifty grams of nuts of your choice, ten fifteen grams of bran;
  • Second breakfast: one;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with;
  • Before bed: a glass of milk or the white of two eggs.

Stage 2, menu for 1 day

  • Breakfast: drink two hundred milliliters of low-fat yogurt, fifteen grams of bran, fifty grams of nuts of your choice;
  • Second breakfast: one apple;
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, tea without sugar;
  • Afternoon snack: one fruit;
  • Dinner: Eat the whites of two boiled eggs.

Stage 3, menu for 1 day

  • Breakfast: drink two hundred milliliters of yogurt, bran, fifty grams of nuts;
  • Lunch: vegetables of your choice, two hundred three hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese or fish, chicken;
  • Dinner: make a vegetable salad;
  • Before bed: eat the whites of two boiled eggs;
  • Snack on fruit during the day.

Dish recipes

Simple and quick to prepare gourmet recipes:

Kovalkov's homemade cottage cheese

We separate five liters of raw milk. Leave a small creamy film. Pour into a ceramic container and leave for twelve hours at room temperature. Mix the resulting mass and put it in the oven, the temperature should be one hundred and fifty degrees. When the curd separates from the whey, put it in a linen bag and place it under a press. After twenty minutes the cottage cheese is ready.

Light salad

Cut into strips: peppers, cucumbers. Season with olive oil, add nuts, garnish with lettuce leaves. Simple and fast.

Rainbow snack

Place boiled peppers in peeled peppers. Mix cottage cheese with herbs and garlic and stuff the peppers. Place in the refrigerator for an hour. Next, cut the pepper into slices and lay out alternating. The appetizer is ready.

Watermelon and melon salad

Ingredients: three hundred grams of melon, three pears and apples, green salad and three slices of white bread, one hundred grams, two hundred and fifty grams of low-fat sour cream and cherries.

Place lettuce leaves on a plate, cut the bread into small cubes and place on the salad. Chop the fruit, mix and spread on bread. Pour in sour cream, grate cheese on top, and garnish with cherries before serving. Bon appetit.

Baked vegetables

Take eggplants, tomatoes, onions, peppers. Cut the ingredients into cubes, place in a deep dish and bake until done. Season with olive oil and garnish with basil. Healthy and tasty.

Cabbage cutlets

Cut half a head of cabbage and boil in milk, then cool and add two egg whites. Make from the resulting mass, roll in bran and steam.

Tomato and cottage cheese salad

You will need four tomatoes, two hundred grams of cottage cheese, garlic, black pepper, lemon juice, olive oil and parsley.

Chop the parsley and add to the cottage cheese, add lemon juice and olive oil. Mix. Cut the tomatoes into rings and decorate the salad. Sprinkle with bran.

  • Determine the reason for the appearance of extra pounds;
  • Formulate your goals for the coming month;
  • Consult your doctor;
  • If your excess weight is more than thirty kilograms, then you need to follow a diet under the supervision of a specialist;
  • Drink clean water, at least two liters per day;
  • Walk daily;
  • Second breakfast two hours after the first meal;
  • Between meals, you can snack on fruit and drink green tea without sugar;
  • Follow a daily routine, keep notes in a diary for the first month;
  • From the second stage of the diet, eat five times a day;
  • Create motivation for yourself to overcome difficult periods;
  • Walk in the fresh air every day for at least an hour, after a walk you can eat two hours later;
  • The book – Dr. Kovalkov’s Methodology – will help you improve your results. Victory over weight;
  • Take vitamin-mineral complexes for one month;
  • Steam, boil, bake meat and fish, avoid fried foods;
  • complex carbohydrates;
  • Follow the principle of separate nutrition - do not mix fats and carbohydrates;
  • Eat vegetables and fruits raw or in salad form;
  • To completely heal your body and normalize your weight, go through the stages of the diet.

Have you ever thought about how to learn how to eat a properly balanced diet and lose excess weight forever? We will talk about a unique weight loss method - Dr. Kovalkov’s diet, which will not only help restore a beautiful figure, but also make your body healthy for many years. After all, the basis of Kovalkov’s diet is proper nutrition and physical activity.

Alexey Kovalkov is a sought-after nutritionist in Moscow. The method he invented to correct his figure and improve his health made his name famous in just three years. Kovalkov himself is a great example of the quality of his weight loss program. The Kovalkov diet, reviews and results of which filled the entire Internet, combines the accumulated experience of nutritionists of past years. In just six months, Alexey Kovalkov was able to get rid of 52 kg of excess weight, which significantly improved his appearance and improved his health.

Kovalkov's diet, what is the essence

Surely every person who wants to lose weight has heard more than once that the key to high-quality and correct volume reduction is the following:

  • eliminating foods that are harmful to the body and eating only healthy foods;
  • standardized amount of food per day;
  • drinking plenty of clean water;
  • mobile way of life.

This is the essence of the doctor’s technique. Alexey Kovalkov managed to put simple rules of a healthy lifestyle into a single system that has already helped hundreds of thousands of people. The nutritionist confidently says that by adhering to his diet for a long time, or better yet, always, a person will be able to get rid of many ailments and live several decades longer.

Kovalkov's diet, advantages:

  • no endless counting of calories eaten;
  • nutrition according to Kovalkov is completely adjusted to the needs of the body;
  • the ability to independently compose your daily diet, taking into account your taste preferences;
  • no feeling of constant hunger or malnutrition.

This weight loss technique is not aimed at losing weight, but at restoring the healthy functioning of all human organs and systems without compromising health. In this case, the body itself will gradually, in a completely natural way, be able to get rid of unnecessary fat layers.

Kovalkov's diet, stages

Alexey Vladimirovich’s method of losing weight is designed in three stages. Each of them has its own unique purpose, which will ensure proper weight loss and restoration of the body’s vitality.

Kovalkov's diet, stage 1 - preparatory

The duration of this stage is four weeks. First of all, during this period you need to learn to eat without “fast carbohydrates”, which are violent provocateurs of fat accumulation. These include:

  • fast food;
  • all confectionery products;
  • flour;
  • snacks;
  • sweet soda;
  • potato;
  • White rice;
  • brown buckwheat;

At the same time, you need to gradually introduce the following foods into your diet:

  • beans;
  • lentils;
  • grains, but only coarsely ground;
  • any fruit;
  • all vegetables;
  • raw nuts;
  • berries;
  • pure water - 10 glasses a day (one should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach).

And the second thing you must do at the first stage is to learn to walk as much as possible during the day. This could be walking, walking at a leisurely pace, or shopping. Try to do this often. Kovalkov claims that by following these simple rules, after a month the gastrointestinal tract is gently cleansed and its function is restored. Most people losing weight at this stage lose up to 5 kilograms of excess weight, which is good news.

Kovalkov's diet, stage 1 - menu

  • Breakfast: low-fat kefir, a handful of nuts or berries, whole grain bread, one apple.
  • Lunch: any fresh fruits or vegetables, low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: Greek salad, whole grain bread.
  • Before bed: a glass of warm milk or green tea without sugar.
  • During the day, you are allowed to drink green tea (no more than three cups) and water, but before meals or an hour after.

Doctor Kovalkov's diet, stage 2 - main

The timing of this stage is strictly individual. It ends only in case of complete loss of excess weight. At this time, in addition to walking, strength exercises for all muscle groups are mandatory. Alexey Vladimirovich strongly recommends creating a daily routine and strictly following it day after day. Hours for walks, meals and activities must be strictly observed. The second stage menu should include the following products:

  • seasonal fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • berries;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • bran;
  • cereals;
  • seafood (once a week);
  • lean veal, white poultry or rabbit meat (1 time per day no more than 120 grams);
  • lean fish (2 times a week).

Steam, cook in a slow cooker, boil or bake in the oven. The important thing here is not to give up, but to continue to work hard for the benefit of your health and the acquisition of the desired shape. At this stage, approximately 100–200 grams of excess weight are lost per day.

Kovalkov's diet, second stage menu

  • Breakfast: a handful of raw nuts, whole grain bread, fruit.
  • Lunch: boiled turkey, fresh vegetables, apple.
  • Dinner: Uncooked boiled rice with olive oil and spices, fresh coleslaw.
  • Before bed: 2 chicken proteins.

Diet of Alexey Kovalkov, stage 3

If you have moved to the third stage of losing weight using the method of Dr. Alexey Vladimirovich, then you can safely notice that all the hardest things are left behind. By this time, your weight should be normal, and your health and well-being should be in excellent condition. The goal of the third stage is to support and fully consolidate the results obtained. To do this you need:

  1. Continue to follow the basic nutrition rules of the second stage, gradually including forgotten foods in your diet. For example, butter and potatoes. But all new foods should be consumed in limited quantities and no more than 2-3 times a month.
  2. Do physical activity. In this case, aerobics several times a week is perfect.
  3. Strictly follow the daily routine and do not violate it.
  4. As for alcohol, the famous nutritionist allows his clients to drink a little dry white wine, but only if there is a reason. For example, for a holiday.

Doctor Kovalkov's diet, menu - reviews

The main advantage of Kovalkov’s system is that every product eaten only benefits the body and improves its functioning from the inside. Of course, it is difficult to give up forever the harmful “snacks” that have long been habitual. But if you really want to change your appearance and restore your health, this is quite possible.


Imagine that you haven't seen your plump friend for a long time. Six months later, you meet her and notice that she has lost weight beyond recognition. We're sure your first question will be how she did it. And if she says that she was on a diet, you will definitely ask to talk about it in detail.

Confidence in a weight loss technique increases if it has been tested on a famous person. And even more so if the nutritionist himself experienced it. Maybe this is the secret to the success of Dr. Kovalkov’s diet.

Doctor Alexey Kovalkov is considered one of the most popular and sought-after nutritionists today. More than ten years ago he was unrecognizable. He suffered from excess weight until he took control of himself. The professional attending physician decided to create a nutrition system, for which he systematized all his medical knowledge. This is how the well-known slimming diet from Alexey Kovalkov appeared.

Basic principles and effects on the body

The basic principle of Kovalkov’s technique is no strict diets. You ask, why then lose weight? In order for the technique to show itself in action, you need to eat right. This is exactly what the Kovalkov diet contributes to.

Doctor speaking against any strict diets and mono-diets. He is sure that, from a psychological point of view, this is fundamentally wrong. At first, wanting to lose weight, a person limits himself to food and experiences stress.

And then, hungry, he attacks everything and gains twice as much weight. Kovalkov even compares a person who is on a strict diet to a prisoner.

It turns out to be some kind of vicious circle, which leads not only to physical, but also psychological changes.

To change the situation, the doctor does not focus on dietary restrictions. His goal is much higher. Kovalkov's diet credo for weight loss - need to get slim, at the same time remain healthy and do not arrange executions for yourself.

The diet is designed in such a way as to encourage the body to eat properly. That's why There are no specific deadlines for the diet. Before experiencing the effects of the Kovalkov diet, each person must:

  • understand the reason for the appearance of extra pounds;
  • understand and accept that no one but you will become slim and healthy for you;
  • correctly formulate the goal of your weight loss.

The technique includes three stages - preparatory, main and final. Each of them involves limiting carbohydrate-containing foods and maintaining a drinking regime.

Pros and cons of the method, contraindications

Kovalkov's diet does not require special preparation or expenses. The only note is that if you are not sure about the state of your health, it is better to be examined first.

This is not only useful for awareness, but can also help you determine the real cause of excess weight. After all, if your metabolism is disturbed, then diet alone is not enough. Should you avoid dieting if you have chronic diseases?.

Among the advantages of a low-carbohydrate diet according to Kovalkov, we note the following:

  • no need to count calories and constantly re-read the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates on food packages;
  • the diet is a healthy and balanced diet;
  • you don’t have to starve and limit yourself in food;
  • you can play sports and lead an active lifestyle;
  • there is a long-lasting result.

If excess weight exceeds 30 kg, then you need to lose weight only under the close supervision of doctors. Difficulties await those who want to lose weight only at the initial (preparatory) stage of the Kovalkov diet, when you will have to change your habitual attitude towards food, to your health and review your menu for every day.

It will be hard not to break down during the holiday feasts. But when the body gradually gets used to the new order, it will become easier. Positive results motivate you to continue on the path to success.

Each stage has its own rules.

  • At the first stage, vegetables are eaten raw, fish and meat are steamed, boiled, baked or stewed. You can't eat fried foods. Preservation and semi-finished products are prohibited.
  • Strong alcohol and beer are excluded. Sometimes you can afford to drink no more than 250 ml for dinner.
  • The amount of food per serving is selected individually. You shouldn't feel hungry after a feast, but you can’t overeat either. It's best to stop eating when you start to feel full.
  • You definitely need to drink water. Its quantity is calculated individually. The weight is divided by two. This gives the approximate volume of water in ounces. One ounce is 30 ml.
  • In no case you can't drink cold water. It is impossible to get enough of it, and the feeling of hunger gets worse.

Developing the habit of drinking water can be difficult at first. Because a person simply forgets about it. To make the task easier, Kovalkov advises wrapping several bottles of water with bright paper or fabric and placing them around the apartment. As soon as you notice one of them, take a sip. It is better to drink water before meals.

First stage: at the start - preparatory

It all starts with the preparatory stage. It lasts from two to four weeks depending on the initial weight and the desired result and is considered the most difficult.

The main goal of the first stage is learn to live without fast carbohydrates. All carbonated drinks, flour and confectionery products, fast food and snacks are excluded from the diet.

If you follow this simple rule, you can lose up to five kilograms already at the first stage.

The mandatory rules of the preparatory stage are hiking. You need to walk every day.

The rhythm may be comfortable for you. At the end of the stage the number of steps should not be less than 16 thousand per day.

An approximate menu for the month of the 1st stage of the diet by nutritionist Alexei Kovalkov is as follows:

Please note that lunch is not available. It is allowed to drink or eat fruits and vegetables, but only one hour or an hour after the main meal. Bran, beans, and coarse grains are included in the diet.

Fish and meat are excluded from the menu, as well as foods with a high glycemic index - pasta, potatoes, etc.

Second: attention

This is the main stage. The functioning of the body's systems continues to normalize. Weight loss is stable up to 100 grams per day.

The duration of the stage is determined depending on how the body responded to the preparation. It may last from several months to a year.

In this period It is advisable to re-examine. The nutritionist recommends adding strength exercises to walking. Along with them, cereal porridges are introduced into the menu. Food is becoming more varied.

At this stage of the Kovalkov diet, lunch appears again, which includes. It's small portions at first.

The Kovalkov diet is an original weight loss method developed by nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov. It contains not only a program for normalizing body weight, but also a program that allows you to completely restore your metabolism.

The Kovalkov diet is also interesting because it was tried, first of all, by the author himself, who lost more than 50 kilograms with its help.


Dr. Kovalkov’s diet has a number of clear advantages. The first is its focus (normalization of the general level of metabolism). The second difference is that adherence to the technique in question allows the body not to fall into an acute state of stress.

The third advantage is that food is consumed in quantities that allow the person losing weight not to suffer from hunger. All this allowed the diet to firmly enter the top ten effective and best methods in the world.

The essence of the technique

Dr. Kovalkov’s weight loss method is based on the principle of consuming foods with a low glycemic index (value below fifty). According to the doctor, obesity is provoked by precisely these “bad” carbohydrates, the index of which is very high.

According to Kovalkov’s concept, “good” carbohydrates, consumed in any quantity, are not stored in reserve. On the contrary, they are the reason for smooth weight loss, if any.

The basis of the doctor’s technique is a well-structured menu, which must be combined with the introduction of active physical activity into the daily routine. Training, on the advice of a nutritionist, should last at least 40 minutes (duration per day). Eating is prohibited for the next two hours after the end of physical activity. The exceptions are bran and water. According to this highly qualified specialist, the attitude towards beauty is also important.

Conventionally, Kovalkov’s diet is divided into several stages, each of which has its own important functional load.

Preparatory and first stages

Dr. Kovalkov’s diet has four phases: preparatory and three main. The diet of the preparatory stage consists of recipes prepared from grain crops that have not undergone deep processing, vegetables (excluding beets, potatoes and carrots), herbs, fruits (except bananas), and legumes.

The first stage of Dr. Kovalkov’s method of promoting weight loss is conventionally called preparatory. Its duration is 3 weeks, after which they usually lose about 6 kg. For this to happen, the diet should not contain foods that have been subjected to certain processing (for example, polished rice). The list of prohibited items also includes recipes that use any type of sweets, potatoes, corn and alcohol.

During the preparatory and first stages of this method, fish, meat, and any products classified as fried, canned, highly salted, spicy and smoked are also prohibited.

The preparatory phase can last 14-25 days. According to many, this time is the most difficult period to go through. Often, those who are losing weight experience severe psychological discomfort at this time. The body “objects” to changes. The discomfort will disappear after a while, as the body “comes to terms.” Doctor Kovalkov’s diet implies that the preparatory stage should consist of eating according to a five-meal plan and limited only to the consumption of the above-mentioned ingredients.

Alexey does not prohibit forming a diet according to one’s own taste and desire, the main thing is that it contains cereals, soups and sources of protein (legumes). An example would be the following menu:

  • breakfast: a dish of stewed vegetables (excluding starchy ones, carrots and beets) with some beans (the total volume of all products is 200-300 g) and herbs, a glass of green tea with lemon;
  • second breakfast: vegetable juice (freshly squeezed) in the amount of 300 ml;
  • lunch: a serving of buckwheat porridge without milk (the addition of unfried onions, olive oil and herbs is allowed), puree soup from 150-200 g of beans;
  • afternoon snack: several (2-3) medium-sized green apples;
  • dinner: cucumber salad with tomatoes and bell peppers, which can be seasoned with vegetable oil (amount of salad - 300-400 g).

Sample first stage menu:

  • breakfast: natural yogurt (1 glass), to which you can add any nuts or bran, green tea;
  • second breakfast: green apples (2 pcs);
  • lunch: vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, olives and others allowed) with the addition of vegetable oil;
  • afternoon snack: natural vegetable and fruit juice (1 glass), apple (small, 1 pc);
  • dinner: boiled eggs (2 pcs), unsweetened weak tea.

The first stage of the Kovalkov method should last 1-2 months (depending on the initial weight level).

Second stage

According to Dr. Alexey Kovalkov, the basis of the second phase of the fight against excess weight should be water. It is no coincidence that the doctor brings this recommendation to the fore, since this particular period is the time of intestinal cleansing, accompanied by weight loss. In addition to water, you are allowed to drink no more than three cups of green tea (unsweetened) during the day and additionally consume no more than 2-3 apples.

When the second stage is over, the diet can be supplemented by introducing boiled potatoes (not fried), olive oil, fiber-rich vegetables (fiber will soften the effect of “bad” carbohydrates and prevent the deposition of fats). You can even use red wine in small quantities at the end of this stage.

Example of a second stage menu:

  • breakfast: yogurt or fermented baked milk with nuts or bran, one slice of bread (preferably coarsely ground);
  • second breakfast: vegetable juice (1 glass);
  • lunch: stewed vegetables with fish or chicken fillet, low-fat cottage cheese (200 g);
  • afternoon snack: fruit (300 g);
  • dinner: vegetable or fruit salad with vegetable oil, the whites of two boiled eggs.

The approximate duration of the second stage is a month. Weight loss at this stage does not occur very intensively, so you can “maintain” it for quite a long time. It must be remembered that it should not exceed 3 months. Do not worry if after this phase the weight is still not normal, since the final correction remains with the third stage, which acts quite slowly, but very effectively.

Third stage

The last – final – stage of the doctor’s diet is an effective way to consolidate the achieved result. At this stage, it is forbidden to eat potatoes, peeled rice, flour and sweets. After six in the evening, it is undesirable to eat foods that include complex carbohydrates. In addition, at the third stage, Alexey Kovalkov’s diet involves the separation of fats and carbohydrates, which cannot be mixed in one meal. The maximum daily amount of fat is 60 g.

The secret of the third stage is that it is designed for the rest of their lives for those who want to always maintain their figure in perfect condition. The body, accustomed to a certain diet during the first and second stages, completely restores active metabolism, weight normalizes and remains stable.

At the same time, at this stage, Alexey allows himself to periodically treat himself to chocolate or a fresh bun and take part in festive feasts. True, after such “violations,” Kovalkov recommends returning to the first stage of the diet for a while in order to somewhat relieve the body.

  • fruits;
  • fish;
  • chicken;
  • vegetables;
  • low-fat dairy products.

The menu at this stage is practically no different from the menu of the second stage, only the second breakfast is removed. For lunch, you can eat chicken, fish or cottage cheese in quantities of no more than three hundred grams and any raw vegetables that do not contain starch. Dinner can consist of a vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil. Just before bed, you can eat two egg whites.
