Angelika Nchesova personal life. Anzhelika Nchesova, husband

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Anzhelika Madinovna Nachesova
Birth name:


Date of Birth:

USSR USSR → Russia, Russia

Awards and prizes:

Laureate of the annual ethnomusical award of the 9 Wave TV channel, Honored Artist of the Republics of Adygea and Karachay-Cherkessia



Born and raised in the city of Maykop. Graduate of secondary school No. 7 in Maykop. From the age of seven she studied at a music school. She graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of the Adyghe State University. Winner of the ethnomusical award of the 9th Wave TV channel.


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An excerpt characterizing Nachesova, Anzhelika Madinovna

“I have to tell you, I don’t believe, I don’t... believe in God,” Pierre said with regret and effort, feeling the need to express the whole truth.
The Mason looked carefully at Pierre and smiled, as a rich man holding millions in his hands would smile at a poor man who would tell him that he, the poor man, does not have five rubles that can make him happy.
“Yes, you don’t know Him, my lord,” said the Mason. – You cannot know Him. You don't know Him, that's why you're unhappy.
“Yes, yes, I’m unhappy,” Pierre confirmed; - but what should I do?
“You don’t know Him, my sir, and that’s why you are very unhappy.” You don't know Him, but He is here, He is in me. He is in my words, He is in you, and even in those blasphemous speeches that you have uttered now! – the Mason said in a stern, trembling voice.
He paused and sighed, apparently trying to calm down.
“If He didn’t exist,” he said quietly, “you and I wouldn’t be talking about Him, my sir.” What, who were we talking about? Who did you deny? - he suddenly said with enthusiastic sternness and authority in his voice. – Who invented Him if He doesn’t exist? Why did you have the assumption that there is such an incomprehensible creature? Why did you and the whole world assume the existence of such an incomprehensible being, an omnipotent being, eternal and infinite in all its properties?... - He stopped and was silent for a long time.
Pierre could not and did not want to break this silence.
“He exists, but it’s difficult to understand Him,” the Freemason spoke again, looking not at Pierre’s face, but in front of him, with his senile hands, which from internal excitement could not remain calm, turning over the pages of the book. “If it were a person whose existence you doubted, I would bring this person to you, take him by the hand and show him to you.” But how can I, an insignificant mortal, show all His omnipotence, all eternity, all His goodness to the one who is blind, or to the one who closes his eyes so as not to see, not to understand Him, and not to see and not to understand all his abomination and depravity? – He paused. - Who are you? What you? “You dream of yourself that you are a wise man, because you could utter these blasphemous words,” he said with a gloomy and contemptuous grin, “and you are stupider and crazier than a small child who, playing with parts of a skillfully made clock, would dare to say that , because he does not understand the purpose of this watch, he does not believe in the master who made it. It is difficult to know Him... For centuries, from the forefather Adam to the present day, we have been working for this knowledge and are infinitely far from achieving our goal; but in not understanding Him we see only our weakness and His greatness... - Pierre, with a sinking heart, looking into the Freemason’s face with shining eyes, listened to him, did not interrupt, did not ask him, but with all his soul believed what this stranger was telling him. Did he believe those reasonable arguments that were in the Mason’s speech, or did he believe, as children believe, the intonations, conviction and cordiality that were in the Mason’s speech, the trembling of the voice that sometimes almost interrupted the Mason, or those sparkling, senile eyes that grew old in that the same conviction, or that calmness, firmness and knowledge of his purpose, which shone from the whole being of the Mason, and which especially struck him in comparison with his dejection and hopelessness; - but he wanted to believe with all his soul, and believed, and experienced a joyful feeling of calm, renewal and return to life.

Angelika Nachesova is a Caucasian pop star, the author of her own songs. Fans fell in love with her for her bright appearance and mesmerizing timbre of her voice.

Anzhelika Nachesova recently celebrated her 35th birthday. The woman was born and raised in Maykop, in a large family - the actress has two sisters. The girl was a real prankster; she made friends mainly with boys. She was known as an ardent lover of truth, she could stand up with her fists for herself, for friends, and even strangers, just to restore justice.

Little Angelica was already dreaming about the stage, but in her dreams she imagined herself not as a singer, but as a circus actress - she really wanted to make people laugh. From the age of 7, the girl began a busy life: studying at school No. 7, in parallel - classes with a choreographer, vocal lessons and music school. The singer is grateful to her parents for insisting on finishing the “musical school” (Angelica was the only one of the sisters who lasted until the end and became a graduate). The workload was so heavy that I tried to quit school several times.

Anzhelika Nachesova with her parents and sisters

I studied the secondary education program with pleasure, between lessons and homework I managed to participate in dance and vocal competitions, which is now a reminder of a whole scattering of awards and diplomas. A little later, the girl changed her dream of a circus career to the goal of conquering the pop Olympus. On her VKontakte page, Angelica recalls a funny episode from her childhood:

“Once we were hilling a pumpkin in the country and I, terribly tired, sat down on a hoe and proudly said: “Singers don’t work like that!” After a while, of course, I realized that the status of a singer does not exempt you from economic responsibility.”

However, before fully devoting her life to her chosen path, Angelica received an economic education. The future star graduated with honors from Adygea State University.


According to the singer, her pop career started unexpectedly. Until 2005, Angelika Nacheva’s songs were known to a narrow circle of acquaintances; the girl entertained her loved ones with compositions, including her own compositions, at family celebrations and friendly gatherings. Her debut was her participation in the creation of the album of Aslan Tlebzu’s friend and neighbor - the girl was the author of several songs. Aslan invited his friend to record a solo album. This is how the first album “Without You” was released, which included the song of the same name, performed in a duet with.

The album was a stunning success, Nacheva’s creative biography reached a new level: Angelica gained hundreds of fans, large concert venues opened for her and a tour schedule was formed.

“A rare gift, mesmerizing singing. Beautiful, with rich facial expressions, so much positive energy emanates from her when she sings,” fans wrote on social networks.

The record attracted the attention of representatives of the music publishing house Zvuk-M, who offered to sign an exclusive contract. And the artist, of course, agreed. The albums “Across Burning Coals” and “You Are Mine” were released one after another; from that moment on, touring life was in full swing: the talented singer’s concerts took place not only in the Caucasus, the girl went to conquer all of Russia. Today, the singer’s discography consists of more than 100 songs, many of which were included in Caucasian pop collections.

The songs “I’m Choking”, “Black Night”, “Happy Birthday, Darling”, “And You Care About Me”, which became hits, gave the listeners a sea of ​​emotions. The singer admitted that they are on her personal list of favorite compositions.

Nachesova prefers solo performance, although she also appears on stage in duets. I especially liked working with and - the songs performed in tandem with these vocalists became hits. In 2016, the video “Chances are Zero” was released, in which Angelica appeared with Arthur Khalatov.

In 2010, Natchezova’s talent was recognized at the official level. The singer received the title of Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, and a year later she bore the additional title of “Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea.”

Personal life

The life of Angelika Natchezova is skillfully divided into professional and personal; only creative steps become public knowledge. The only thing that is known is that the singer is married. Fans assume that Angelica has two children, the reason being the publication of photographs on social networks, where the celebrity poses in company with a boy and a girl.

Anzhelika Nachesova with children

Whose children these are, one can only guess, because the singer does not comment on the pictures. The actress's interests include directing, she enthusiastically follows new ideas from clothing and accessory designers, and loves to travel.

Anzhelika Nachesova now

Angelica continues to give her fans joy wrapped in music. The plan for the new 2017 working year was scheduled month by month, one of the points of which was the creation of new songs for myself and colleagues on the Caucasian stage. In mid-May, the actress's fellow countrymen saw the author's musical show; this was Natchezova's fifth big concert in Maykop.

A striking novelty in the world of Caucasian music was the video “Stolen Happiness”, created by the recording and cinematography studio “Petrucho Studio”, under the direction of director Arthur Khasanov. The heroes of the mystical video are birds who failed to preserve love. The main roles were played by Angelica and actor Murat Unezhev. Some of the picturesque scenes were filmed in sunny Spain, then the filming location moved to Russia. Presenting the video, Nachesova promised that many would recognize themselves in the characters:

“These are those who have fought for their feelings, won or lost, who hold memories dear to their hearts and experience great loss. This has happened to almost everyone."

The singer is also spending autumn fruitfully. On September 9, the premiere of the duet with Sultan - Hurricane Khazhiroko took place. The singers performed the song “Seeds”, which was written by Angelica. It is planned to shoot a video for this composition; work is underway on choosing a location and writing a script.

At a festive concert in honor of the Day of the Republic of Adygea, the star presented the public with a new fiery song “Walk, capital!” There has never been a composition dedicated to the city or folk festivals in Natchezova’s repertoire. A cheerful, uplifting track was released on October 6 by the Zvuk-M publishing house.

Fans never cease to ask Anzhelika Nacheva when her next new album will be released. The singer promises that she will please her fans this fall or next spring.


  • 2005 – “Without You”
  • 2007 – “Across burning coals”
  • 2008 – “You are mine”
  • 2010 – “And you worry me...”
  • 2011 – “You are the only one”
  • 2014 – “Heaven for two”

Singer Anzhelika Nachesova was born on September 19, 1982. Since childhood, Angelica dreamed of being on stage; at the age of 7, on her initiative, her parents took her to a music school. She studied in vocal halls. She spent a lot of time studying with choreographers - for a modern artist it is very important to move beautifully and gracefully on stage. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Adyghe State University with honors. And back in 2005, her songs were known only to a devoted circle of close friends and fans. Angelica Nacheva’s husband is still unknown to the public. The girl does not want to advertise her personal life, which is probably why she does not comment on what her husband is doing.

The debut album “Without You” with the composition of the same name, recorded as a duet with the popular performer Aidamir Eldarov, brought Angelica’s professional career to a new level. Autographs and photo sessions, a paid tour schedule, large concert venues, thousands of loyal fans across the country have become an integral part of her life. The success of the first album “Without You” was the beginning of a fruitful collaboration between A. Nachesova and the music publishing house “ZVUK-M”. Having signed an exclusive contract, the talented singer releases two wonderful albums, “Across Burning Coals” (2005) and “You Are Mine,” in just a few years. Angelica's best songs were included in many Caucasian pop collections. The songs “I’m Choking” “Circassian Sign” “And You Excite Me” duets with Li-Lu and Azamat Bishtov gave fans of Angelika Nacheva’s talent unforgettable emotions. In 2010, he was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.”

Angelica's childhood was quite eventful, since even in early childhood she was sent to classes in children's studios. Thanks to this, the talented girl had the opportunity to take part in competitions and win them. However, there were not only victories, sometimes there were also disappointments. Nevertheless, this only strengthened the character of the future star. She most often hung out with boys, even fought. This factor also had a significant influence on the formation of worldview and character.

During her school years, Angelica showed herself to be a diligent student. She had excellent academic performance in all subjects, and at the same time studied at a music school. Of the three sisters, only she received a musical education; the rest did not reach the end of the path and abandoned the work they had started. Angelica thanks her parents for not listening to her whining and insisting on graduating from music school.

For Angelica, love is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. It doesn’t matter at what stage this feeling is, the main thing is that it is present. The singer compares the lack of love to food without spices. She does not specifically admit her marital status, but after studying the pictures on social networks, fans can conclude that Angelica is married and even has children. Exactly how much is not known for certain, but in the photo she is captured with a boy and a girl. However, these may well not be her own children, since there are no comments on the photo. Fans can only speculate and speculate.

Angelica is not a public person, although she is an artist. She clearly knows how to differentiate between her personal life and professional activities. Some have suggested that the singer is not allowed by her husband to make her personal life public. However, be that as it may, so far fans have not been able to find out whether their favorite has an official family or whether this is all just their guess.

Singer Anzhelika Nachesova was born on September 19, 1982. Since childhood, Angelica dreamed of being on stage; at the age of 7, on her initiative, her parents took her to a music school. She studied in vocal halls. She spent a lot of time studying with choreographers - for a modern artist it is very important to move beautifully and gracefully on stage. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Adyghe State University with honors. And back in 2005, her songs were known only to a devoted circle of close friends and fans. Angelica Nacheva’s husband is still unknown to the public. The girl does not want to advertise her personal life, which is probably why she does not comment on what her husband is doing.

The debut album “Without You” with the composition of the same name, recorded as a duet with the popular performer Aidamir Eldarov, brought Angelica’s professional career to a new level. Autographs and photo sessions, a paid tour schedule, large concert venues, thousands of loyal fans across the country have become an integral part of her life. The success of the first album “Without You” was the beginning of a fruitful collaboration between A. Nachesova and the music publishing house “ZVUK-M”. Having signed an exclusive contract, the talented singer releases two wonderful albums, “Across Burning Coals” (2005) and “You Are Mine,” in just a few years. Angelica's best songs were included in many Caucasian pop collections. The songs “I’m Choking” “Circassian Sign” “And You Excite Me” duets with Li-Lu and Azamat Bishtov gave fans of Angelika Nacheva’s talent unforgettable emotions. In 2010, he was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.”

Angelica's childhood was quite eventful, since even in early childhood she was sent to classes in children's studios. Thanks to this, the talented girl had the opportunity to take part in competitions and win them. However, there were not only victories, sometimes there were also disappointments. Nevertheless, this only strengthened the character of the future star. She most often hung out with boys, even fought. This factor also had a significant influence on the formation of worldview and character.

During her school years, Angelica showed herself to be a diligent student. She had excellent academic performance in all subjects, and at the same time studied at a music school. Of the three sisters, only she received a musical education; the rest did not reach the end of the path and abandoned the work they had started. Angelica thanks her parents for not listening to her whining and insisting on graduating from music school.

For Angelica, love is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. It doesn’t matter at what stage this feeling is, the main thing is that it is present. The singer compares the lack of love to food without spices. She does not specifically admit her marital status, but after studying the pictures on social networks, fans can conclude that Angelica is married and even has children. Exactly how much is not known for certain, but in the photo she is captured with a boy and a girl. However, these may well not be her own children, since there are no comments on the photo. Fans can only speculate and speculate.

Angelica is not a public person, although she is an artist. She clearly knows how to differentiate between her personal life and professional activities. Some have suggested that the singer is not allowed by her husband to make her personal life public. However, be that as it may, so far fans have not been able to find out whether their favorite has an official family or whether this is all just their guess.

Angelika Nachesova was born in Maykop on September 19, 1982 under the constellation Virgo. Virgos tend to bring everything to perfection. From the age of 7, her parents sent the girl to music school and choreography. Since childhood, the little talent dreamed of the stage, although not of a career as a singer, she wanted to work in the circus and give people a cheerful mood. Music, vocal and choreography classes brought joy. At the same time, I began studying at school, where I devoted a lot of effort and time to being a good student. An increased sense of justice did not always help Angelica in her studies and relationships.

Despite all the difficulties, the girl graduated from music school, but did not go on to study further in her specialty. After school I entered the Adyghe State University, Faculty of Economics. The ability to bring any task to perfection helped me graduate from university with honors. The young economics specialist did not have to work in his profession. The dream of the stage woke up with renewed vigor.

Even then, Angelica wrote poems that were perfectly set to music. She delighted only a narrow circle of friends and relatives with her original songs. The velvety voice of the future singer sounded at family celebrations and friends' parties.

Fans were able to hear Angelica’s songs in 2005, thanks to a solo album, which was recorded together with childhood friend Aslan Tlebuzu and Aidamir Mugu. In this album, the singer sang solo and presented listeners with several original songs.

The album “Without You,” which featured a song in a duet with Aidamir Eldarov, was gaining enormous popularity. The name of Anzhelika Nacheva began to appear on posters, numerous tours began, and thousands of fans appeared.

Fireworks of projects in the present

Since the age of 23, the girl has been shining and giving her fans brilliant performances. Joint creativity with the music publishing house “Zvuk-M” gives birth to new albums. Charisma, combined with talent, gathers more and more fans of her creativity every year, which she generously shares:

  • 2007 – album “Across Burning Coals”
  • 2008 - album “You are mine”
  • 2010 - album “And you worry me”
  • 2011 - album “You are the only one”
  • 2014 – album “Sky for Two”
  • 2015 - video for the song “Life is Good”
  • 2016 – video with Artur Khalatov “Zero Chance”
  • 2017 – video with Sultan-Hurricane “Seeds”
  • 2018 – flammable composition “I wish you...”

The Caucasus endows its daughter with inexhaustible strength. Thanks to the constant support of loved ones, personal aspiration and work, the singer in 2010 received the title “Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic”, in 2011 - the title “Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea”. In addition to Angelica’s solo songs, fans receive duets with the brilliant Magomet Dzybov and the talented Azamat Bishtov.


Taking advantage of her popularity, the artist organizes charity projects. An auction during the holy Muslim holiday of Ramadan, organized by Angelica, who sold one of her paintings, raised money for the treatment of children.
The singer's wardrobe contains a collection of beautiful dresses. During prom season, every girl wants to be a princess. Angelica gave this opportunity to several girls by donating her concert dresses to graduates.

During her career, the artist gained considerable fame in Russia, but according to her, she will always be with the Caucasus at heart. The image of a Caucasian woman, strong in the spirit of her people, revealing the beauty of mountains, rivers, forests with the help of poems and songs, has become firmly embedded in her. The singer's repertoire is very diverse: songs in her native and Russian languages, a variety of genres and styles.

Status and children of the artist

While conducting public social activities, the artist’s inner life is closed to general discussion. Based on photographs posted on social networks, it can be judged that Angelica is married. The singer posts photos of herself with her children, but the pictures go without comments. It can be assumed that Angelica has a daughter and a son, but these are unconfirmed facts.