Alexander Markovich Novikov marital status. Alexander Novikov - biography, photo, personal life of the singer: “Prison gave me faith in myself”

Alexander Vasilyevich Novikov was born on October 31, 1953 in the Kuril Islands, on the island of Iturup in the family of a military pilot. In 1969 moved to Sverdlovsk, which then, in defiance of everyone, was already called Yekaterinburg. He flatly refused to become a member of the Komsomol, criticized the Soviet regime, for which he was under special control of the authorities from his youth. I studied alternately at three universities and was expelled from all of them for various reasons.

In the late 70s, he became interested in rock music. In 1981 created the Novik-Records studio and the Rock-Polygon group, with which he recorded an album of the same name. The group's concert activities took place in a semi-legal way, just like all rock groups at that time. At the same time, he launched the production of amateur electronic musical equipment, which was superior in quality to all domestic models and, thanks to this, was in great demand throughout the country. The equipment was an analogue of foreign equipment and differed little from it, both in appearance and sound. Some samples of it still work today.

In 1984 abruptly moved away from rock music and, unexpectedly for everyone, recorded his famous album “Take Me, Cabby:”. The following musicians took part in the recording of the album: A. Khomenko, V. Elizarov, S. Pyankov, Yu. Abramov, V. Chekunov, S. Kuznetsov. The recording was made clandestinely in the Palace of Culture of the Uralmash plant, with the tacit consent of the director of the cultural center Z.A. Milyavsky, for which the entire group is grateful to him and considers this a direct contribution to the creation of the legendary “Carrier”, which broke all records of popularity and scale of replication. Immediately after the release of the album, he came to the attention of the ideological sector of the CPSU Central Committee and the KGB. At the direction of the top party leadership, a criminal case was formed against A. Novikov, according to which in 1984 he was arrested and received 10 years in the camps. He endured all attempts at pressure to obtain repentance and renunciation of the songs and poems he wrote while in the camp with pride and dignity. In the camp he refused any concessions, work in the club, library, etc. He worked in the most difficult jobs of cutting wood, rafting and construction, for which he earned the respect and love of Russian prisoners. During the perestroika thaw in 1990. was released.

In 1994, together with the best Ural craftsmen, he developed models and cast bells at his own expense as a gift for the Temple at the site of the execution of the Romanov family. The bells are unique not only in their sound and external decoration, but also wonderful works of art, and can be exhibited in any museum. Each bell has a name - after the names of members of the royal family. The smallest is Tsarevich Alexei, the largest (weight about 400 kg) is Nicholas 2. Due to the fact that the construction of the Temple has not begun, the bells are located in the premises of the Novik-Records studio. During his creative career, A. Novikov created more than 200 songs, several dozen of which are already classics of the genre today ("Remember, girl?...", "Carrier", "Chansonette", "Street Beauty", "Ancient City" and etc.)

In 1994 recorded the song "Chansonette", based on which, together with director K. Kotelnikov, he shot a video. A unique and first video in Russia in which a real image is combined with a drawn one. No computer technology was used in the video. All animation is done by hand. In addition, he shot a number of videos: “Street Beauty”, “With a Beauty in an Embrace” (directed by G. Kropivsky), “Red and White”, “Let You Drink to Others”, “Carrier”, “Ekaterinblues”, etc. And also several documentaries: “I Just Got Out of the Cage”, “Remember, Girl?...”, “Gop-Stop Show”.

In 1995 A. Novikov and director K. Kotelnikov made a big documentary about the group “Boni M” and its producer and composer Frank Farian - “Oh, this Farian!” Filming took place in Luxembourg and Germany. The film is very necessary and interesting, but it was not shown on central TV channels.

Alexander Novikov
Poet. Composer. Performer of songs in the genre of urban romance. Artistic director of the Novik-Records studio.
Born on October 31, 1953 on the Kuril Islands, on the island of Iturup, the village of Burevestnik in the family of a military pilot, his mother is a housewife. In 1969 he moved to Sverdlovsk, which then, in defiance of everyone, was already called Yekaterinburg. He flatly refused to become a member of the Komsomol, criticized the Soviet regime, for which he was under special control of the authorities from his youth.

In 1970 he graduated from secondary school No. 110 in Sverdlovsk. He studied alternately at three universities: the Ural Polytechnic, the Sverdlovsk Mining, the Ural Forestry, and was expelled from all of them for various reasons.

In the late 70s, he became interested in rock music. In 1975-1979 worked as a musician in the restaurants "Ural dumplings", "Malachite", "Cosmos". In 1981 he created the Novik-Records studio and the Rock-Polygon group, with which he recorded an album of the same name. The group's concert activities took place in a semi-legal way, however, like all rock groups at that time. At the same time, he launched the production of homemade electrical musical equipment, which was superior in quality to all domestic models and, thanks to this, was in great demand throughout the country. The equipment was an analogue of foreign equipment and differed little from it, both in appearance and sound. Some samples of it still work today. Also in 1980-1984. worked as an industrial training instructor at a sports and technical club.

In 1984, he abruptly moved away from rock music and, unexpectedly for everyone, recorded his famous album “Take Me, Cabbie.” The following musicians took part in the recording of the album: A. Khomenko, V. Elizarov, S. Pyankov, Y. Abramov, V. Chekunov, S. Kuznetsov. The recording was made clandestinely in the Palace of Culture of the Uralmash plant, with the silent consent of the director of the cultural center Milyavsky Z.A., for which the entire group is grateful to him and considers this a direct contribution to the creation of the legendary “Carrier,” which broke all records of popularity and scale of circulation. Immediately after the release of the album, he came to the attention of the ideological sector of the CPSU Central Committee and the KGB. At the direction of the top party leadership, the musician was immediately under open surveillance, his car was constantly “guarded” by KGB surveillance, telephone conversations in the apartment were tapped, and the neighbors temporarily had spies - “well-wishers”.

On October 5, 1984, in the morning he was seized in the middle of the street by people in civilian clothes, arrested and placed in pre-trial detention center No. 1 in Sverdlovsk. A criminal case was opened, which began with a document called “Expertise on the songs of A. Novikov.” The document contained reviews of each of the songs on the album “Take Me, Cabby,” written in an offensively libelous tone and a general summary, the essence of which was that “the author of the above-mentioned songs needs, if not psychiatric, then certainly prison isolation.” ! Compiled and signed, at the direction of the relevant authorities, by composer Evgeny Rodygin - author of the songs “Oh, curly rowan, white flowers” ​​and “New settlers are traveling across virgin land”, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR Vadim Ocheretin, head of the culture department V. Olyunin. However, subsequently seeing that the case was acquiring an undesirable political overtones, the investigation refused to bring A. Novikov to criminal responsibility for the songs and took the path of fabricating a case on the “production and sale of electrical musical equipment.”
In 1985, by the verdict of the Sverdlovsk court, he received 10 years in high-security camps. He endured all attempts to put pressure on him in order to obtain repentance and renunciation of the songs and poems he had written while in the camp with pride and dignity. In the camp he refused any concessions, work in the club, library, etc. He worked on an equal basis with all prisoners, in the most difficult jobs of cutting wood, rafting and construction, for which he earned the love and respect of Russian prisoners. He served an undeserved sentence in institution N-240-2/2 in the city of Ivdel in the north of the Sverdlovsk region. In 1990, by Decree of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, he was released, and later the Supreme Court of Russia overturned the sentence “for lack of corpus delicti.” Thus admitting that the 6 years the poet spent in prison were the result of a fabricated case.

Since 1990, A Novikov has been the artistic director of the Alexander Novikov Song Theater and the Novik-Records studio. Alexander Novikov was the first who, back in 1993, publicly condemned the shameful practice of television workers taking money from performers in the form of bribes for playing clips. He was the first to speak publicly about clanism in domestic show business and on television, and the degradation of the Russian stage. As a result of this, he was included in the secret lists of “persons undesirable to be shown,” which further added to the popularity and interest in the personality of A. Novikov on the part of ordinary citizens of Russia.

In 1994, together with the best Ural craftsmen, he developed models and cast bells at his own expense as a gift for the Temple at the site of the execution of the Romanov family. The bells are unique not only in their sound and external decoration, but also wonderful works of art, and could be exhibited in any museum. Each bell has a name - after the names of members of the royal family. The smallest is Tsarevich Alexei, the largest (weight about 400 kg) is Nicholas II.

In November 2000, A. Novikov donated these bells to the monastery built on the site of the first burial of the Royal Family on Ganina Yama near Yekaterinburg, since the Temple at the site of the execution had not yet been built.

In 2000, the visit of Alexy II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' to Yekaterinburg took place, during which the Patriarch blessed the construction, and His Eminence Vincent, Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye blessed the erection of A. Novikov’s bells on the belfry of the temple at the first resting place of the royal family on Ganina Yama, where they still call to this day.

In 2002, with the blessing of the Russian Orthodox Church and with the support of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, E. E. Rossel, he began holding a charity event “Bells of Repentance” to raise funds for casting bells for the Church on the Blood in the name of All Saints in the Russian Land, located at the site of the execution Romanov family. At his own expense he cast part of the bells, which on October 6, 2002 were consecrated by His Eminence Vincent, Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye and on October 17 erected on one of the four belfries of the Temple. The end of the action is July 16, 2003, the opening day of the Temple. A total of 14 bells are planned to be cast. The weight of the largest ones is 1.3, 2.5, 4 and 8 tons. The bells have a unique artistic design. In addition, icons are cast on each bell, and on large bells there are several icons. The bells were manufactured by the Pyatkov and K company in Kamensk-Uralsky.

During his creative career, A. Novikov created more than two hundred songs, several dozen of which are already classics of the genre today (“Do you remember, girl?..”, “Carrier”, “Chansonette”, “Street Beauty”, “Ancient City”, etc. .)

In 1994, he recorded the song “Chansonette”, based on which, according to his own script, together with director K. Kotelnikov, he shot a video. A unique and first video in Russia in which a real image is combined with a drawn one. No computer technology was used in the video. All animation is done by hand. In addition, he shot a number of videos: “Street Beauty”, “With a Beauty in an Arm” (directed by G. Kropivsky), “Red and White”, “Let You Drink Others”, “Carrier”, “Ekaterinblues”, etc. Scenarios of all without exception, the clips were invented and written by A. Novikov himself. And also several documentaries: “I Just Got Out of the Cage”, “Remember, Girl?”, “Gop-Stop Show”.

In 1995, A. Novikov and director K. Kotelnikov made a large documentary about the group "Boney M" and its producer and composer Frank Forian - "Oh, this Forian!" Filming took place in Luxembourg and Germany. The film is very necessary and interesting, but it was not shown on central TV channels.

In 1995, A. Novikov became a laureate of the national Ovation award in the Urban Romance category. In 1997, he wrote songs based on the poems of S. Yesenin and released the album "Sergei Yesenin", which, according to music critics, art historians and public opinion, is the most successful and significant work in all the years since the death of the great Russian poet.

Having written more than 200 songs and released more than a dozen records, A. Novikov created a completely unusual genre that does not fall under any classification - the genre of the most modern urban romance, elevated to the level of high art.

Thanks to his strong and patriotic position, sincerity and love for his compatriots, he has the fame and popularity of a national hero.

According to a survey conducted by the Independent Association of Newsmakers of Russia in 1998 and covering more than 85 thousand respondents, Alexander Novikov, along with Yesenin, Galich, Vysotsky, is one of the most outstanding poets of the twentieth century.

Married. Has two children. His wife Maria Fedorovna is an employee of the Ural Academy of Public Administration. Son Igor and daughter Natalya. Hobbies: fishing, hunting, fast driving.

Official site.

Born on October 31, 1953 in the Kuril Islands, on the island of Iturup, in the family of a military pilot. In 1969 he moved to Sverdlovsk, which he then called Yekaterinburg. He flatly refused to become a member of the Komsomol, criticized the Soviet regime, for which he was under special control of the authorities from his youth. He studied alternately at three universities and was expelled from all of them for various reasons.

At the end of the 70s. was fond of rock music. In 1981 he created the Novik-Records studio and the Rock-Polygon group, with which he recorded an album of the same name. The group's concert activities took place in a semi-legal way, like all rock groups at that time. At the same time, he launched the production of homemade electro-musical equipment “Marshal”, which was superior in quality to all domestic models and was in great demand throughout the country.

In 1984, he abruptly moved away from rock music and, unexpectedly for everyone, recorded his famous album “Take Me, Cabby...”. The recording was made clandestinely in the Palace of Culture of the Uralmash plant. Immediately after the release of the album, he came to the attention of the ideological sector of the CPSU Central Committee and the KGB. At the direction of the top party leadership, a criminal case was fabricated against Alexander Novikov, for which he was arrested in 1984 and received 10 years in the camps.

He endured all attempts at pressure to obtain repentance and renunciation of the songs and poems he wrote while in the camp with pride and dignity. During the perestroika thaw in 1990, he was released.

Alexander Novikov was the first who, back in 1993, publicly condemned the shameful practice of television to take money from performers in the form of bribes for playing clips. He was the first to speak publicly about clanism in domestic show business and on television and the degradation of the Russian stage. As a result of this, he was included in the secret lists of “persons undesirable to be shown,” which further added to the popularity and interest in his personality on the part of ordinary Russian citizens.

Together with the best Ural craftsmen, Novikov developed models and cast bells at his own expense as a gift for the Church on the Blood at the site of the execution of the Romanov family. Each bell has a name - after the names of members of the royal family. The smallest is Tsarevich Alexei, the largest (weight about 400 kg) is Nicholas II.

During his creative career, he wrote more than two hundred songs, several dozen of which are already classics of the genre today. In 1994, he recorded the song “Chansonette”, for which he shot a video together with director Kotelnikov. A unique and first video in Russia in which a real image is combined with a drawn one. No computer technology was used in the video.

On October 17, 2002, 11 bells cast by Alexander Novikov were installed on the main belfry of the Church on the Blood at the site of the execution of the Romanov family.

Married. Has two children. His wife Maria Fedorovna is an employee of the Ural Academy of Public Administration. Son Igor and daughter Natalya. Hobbies: fishing, hunting, fast driving.

Currently, in addition to musical creativity and concert activities, he is engaged in social activities - he heads the “400th Anniversary of the House of Romanov” Foundation in the Urals.”

Alexander Vasilyevich Novikov saw the world on October 31, 1953 in a rather unusual place. It was the small village of Burevestnik, which was located on the island of Iturup in the Kuril archipelago. The father of the future chansonnier worked as a pilot, and his mother raised the children.

The Novikov family moved very often. He lived on Sakhalin and Vainyod, Frunze and Sverdlovsk. The boy went to school in Bishkek, and graduated from it in Sverdlovsk. In total, the boy changed four schools.

Sasha was a very difficult boy. He read well, at six he knew by heart a huge number of Yesenin’s poems. By the third grade I had re-read all the masterpieces of Russian classics. However, he hated school, so his report card only showed C grades. The boy's character was rebellious: he was given bad grades for his behavior, reprimanded, and expelled from the pioneers. The grown-up Sasha did not join the Komsomol on principle because of his political convictions. But for a long time he was very successful in sambo and boxing, was fond of music, and tried to write songs.

After he graduated from school, he entered and studied alternately at three institutes: Polytechnic, Mining and Forestry. However, the guy was expelled from every higher educational institution. Because of his anti-Soviet beliefs, Sasha was under the supervision of the authorities from his early youth.

Prison terms in the biography of Alexander Novikov

Few people know, but in the fate of Alexander there were many terrible events that radically changed his life.

The biography of Alexander Novikov is replete with prison terms. He received the first one at the age of eighteen for rowdy behavior. The guy stood up for the waitress, who was refused to pay for her order. Alexander and his friend beat up the bully and gave the girl his watch as payment for the debt. True, he received a suspended sentence, but with mandatory occupational therapy.

After serving his sentence, the guy organized his own ensemble, “Rock Polygon,” with which he released a couple of albums.

In the eighties, Alexander became the owner of a recording studio, where Sverdlovsk celebrities of that time recorded their song compositions. However, he soon chose singing in restaurants over business. Sasha worked part-time as a coach at a sports club and produced high-quality musical equipment.

Because of his latest part-time job, Novikov received a second prison sentence. Officially for theft of state property on an especially large scale, and unofficially for anti-Soviet songs. It was not possible to get off with a suspended sentence, since the guy refused to betray his songs, the sentence was 10 years in prison.

In the zone, the singer was respected and offered comfortable conditions for imprisonment, for example, working as a librarian. Novikov resolutely rejected these proposals and worked, like everyone else, in logging and construction. For this he enjoyed authority among the prisoners.

It was in the camp that his famous hits in the style of chanson and the humorous fable “Comarilla”, ridiculing the corrupt court, were written. And in 2012, the book “Notes of a Criminal Bard” was published, in which the author described all his misadventures.

Novikov served six years and was released on probation. A year later, his case was reviewed and the sentence was overturned because no crime was found in it. Novikov was completely acquitted.

Beloved wife of Alexander Novikov

When Novikov was arrested a second time, he still had his beloved woman at large. Alexander Novikov’s wife did not cheat on her beloved and did not turn away from him; she faithfully waited for him from prison. This beautiful woman's name is Maria Novikova.

Alexander’s personal life is not replete with stories about his love affairs or numerous relationships with fans. Novikov is a monogamist, so in his interviews he invariably says a lot of warm words about his Maria, dedicating songs and poems to her.

The wife does not betray the singer, she waits patiently and forgives him a lot. So she forgave her love affair with the young singer Natalya Sturm. Novikov became its producer in 1993. The couple is credited with a love affair, which was interrupted when Natalya escaped from Alexander in 1997.

After he was acquitted, the singer wrote his hits and toured, filmed documentaries and was appointed artistic director of the Yekaterinburg Variety Theater. He became the head of the Ural Foundation “400th Anniversary of the House of Romanov”.

He was awarded the highest church award and was nominated several times for “Chanson of the Year”. But he proudly refused the title of People's Artist several times.

The third time he was accused of fraudulent activities in 2016. An investigation into this case is underway.

Daughter and son of Alexander Novikov

When Novikov entered the zone, his wife raised their children alone. The son and daughter of Alexander Novikov are now quite adults.

Daughter Natasha is a talented designer. Even as a child, she drew beautifully and hoped to become a fashion designer. Her talent was noticed and appreciated by Vyacheslav Zaitsev himself. Now she helps her father by designing covers for his CDs.

Novikov’s eldest child’s name is Igor. He is a talented photographer and owner of his own photo studio. Igor respects his father and actively helps him in the construction business.

Friendly family of singer Alexander Novikov

The famous chansonnier admits that he is surprisingly rich. Alexander Novikov’s family makes him rich.

My wife works at the Ural Personnel Center and is a geologist by training. He works not for money, but because he loves his job.

Recently, everyone’s favorite appeared in the Novikov family. Daughter Natasha gave birth to a grandson, Alexander.

All family members are extremely pious.

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Leningrad (St. Petersburg)

Russian theater and film actor. Honored Artist of Russia.

"I consider a sense of humor to be the highest manifestation of an actor's talent."


Alexander Novikov was born and raised in a family of St. Petersburg intelligentsia. From an early age, his parents comprehensively developed the boy, in particular, they instilled in their son a love of theater. “I first encountered the art of Melpomene at the age of three,” recalls the actor. “It was then that my mother decided that it was time to introduce me to a production called “The Unknown Man with a Tail” at the Bolshoi Puppet Theater.”

During his school years, the boy was sent to study music; he sang and played the drum quite well. Sasha graduated from a music school as an external student, majoring in percussion instruments, but did not want to continue his studies. He dreamed of becoming an actor, which was not at all part of his family’s plans.

When Alexander announced to his parents about his decision to enter the theater school, a flurry of indignation hit him: “There was a tragedy, it came down to hand-to-hand combat. I was destined for something completely different. My dad was a doctor, a gynecologist. And my family had radically opposite views of me: something close to this wonderful profession. And then suddenly - a theater institute. It’s the same as if I announced that tomorrow I’m flying into space. Like in a vaudeville, a classic silent scene followed, then everyone left, then they began to take action. But I "I turned out to be more stubborn and did not give up my positions. Although I cannot boast of an uncompromising grip on all other life issues, I withstood all the battles here."

Thus, having won the right to self-determination, the young man successfully passed the exams at the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography (now the Academy of Theater Arts) and entered the course of the famous Soviet actor and director Igor Vladimirov.

Already at the entrance exams, creative contact and mutual sympathy arose between teacher and student. In one of his interviews, the actor said: “Igor Petrovich didn’t let me read at the time of admission, I only had time to say my name and the title of the fable, when he started laughing. He probably thought I was funny. He recruited us with an attentive and loving eye, it seems to me, already knowing then who would remain in his theater."


In 1990, after graduating from LGITMiK, the actor was accepted into the troupe of the theater. Lensovet, which was led by his favorite teacher. Later, Alexander shared: “For me, the decisive factor in entering the Lensovet Theater was not even the fact that I played on these stages as a student, but the personality of the master, his artistic policy, his human and creative principles, his energy.

I was lucky enough to play in several of Vladimirov’s performances: “The Players”, “Leopold the Cat’s Birthday”, “Baby”, “Doors Slam”. In “Carlson” he entrusted me with the role of Carlson after Filatov.”

The theater became a home for the actor. On his stage, he played more than four dozen roles, trying on not only diverse human images, but also animals and fairy-tale characters.

The artist says about his characters: “Analyzing the gallery of images I created, I, to my great amazement, discovered that I had played a huge number of characters with four legs, whiskers and a tail. Among the animals whose images were created, along with the traditional dog and cat, "There are also a lion and a raccoon, which was not at all easy. In the same company were two young men with difficult destinies - Prince Claus and the thief Rulle, as well as two little-studied subjects - the Chieftain from The Snow Queen and Carlson."

In 2009, the actor played the role of Ivan Vasilyevich Lomov in Andrei Prikotenko’s play “Chekhov. Vaudeville”. The author came up with a stage story based on short plays ("The Proposal", "Anniversary" and "On the Harm of Tobacco") by the outstanding playwright Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

The artist about the performance: “This is the story of one disappointment. The story of a man who, at a fairly mature age (he is 35 years old in “The Proposal”), decided through marriage to get away from loneliness and build a happy life for himself.

My hero at the end of the play, at the monologue scene “On the dangers of tobacco,” represents the disintegration of the human personality: 33 years of marriage, seven children, an unloved, aged vixen wife...”

The play was a resounding success and brought the actor the Igor Ilyinsky prize “For Best Actor” at the IV All-Russian Festival “Russian Comedy” in Rostov-on-Don.

From time to time, Alexander Novikov tries himself on the stage of other theaters in St. Petersburg, but at the same time remains faithful to his native Leningrad City Council. “It’s difficult for me to be objective, and if I say that I love him very much, I won’t say anything,” the actor emphasizes. “It so happened historically that this is a boulevard theater. This is confirmed by Pasi’s play “Frederic, or the Boulevard of Crimes”: the material is absolutely "I ended up in my troupe, roughly speaking, playing a story about myself. Our theater is public, generally understandable, speaking in a very simple theatrical language."

"Tomorrow there was a war" by Boris Vasiliev - Vovik Khramov
"The Snow Queen" by Evgeny Schwartz - Prince Claus, Atamansha
"Trap" - Son of Greta
"Doors Slam" Michel Fermaux - Georges
"Troubadour and His Friends" based on the play by Vasily Livanov and Yuri Entin - Dog
"Talents and fans" A.N. Ostrovsky - Migaev
"Little" by Jean Letraz - Jacques
"Leopold the Cat's Birthday" by Arkady Khait - Leopold the Cat
"Players" N.V. Gogol - Glov Jr.
"Face" by Ingmar Bergman - Simson
"Candlestick" A. de Musset - Genius of the Garden
"Brer Rabbit in the Wild West" by E. Gaidai - Brother Raccoon
"On a lively place" A.N. Ostrovsky - Unlucky
"Ghost Lady" - Don Luis
"Banana" - 2nd man
"The Imaginary Patient" by J.-B. Moliere - Cleante
"Cabaret" by D. Kander, F. Ebba - Mr. Schultz
"Barbarians" by M. Gorky - Tadpoles
"Invitation to the Castle" by J. Anouilh - Romainville
"Spanish Ballad" by L. Feuchtwanger, G. Strelkov, M. Belaya - Rodrigo
"Frederick, or the Boulevard of Crimes" E.-E. Schmitt - Mu de Zvon, playwright
"Little Girl" N. Berberova - Patrikeev
"A Bed for Three" by M. Pavic - Snglf
"Vladimirskaya Square" F.M. Dostoevsky - Miller
“Simplicity is enough for every wise man” A.N. Ostrovsky - Nil Fedoseich Mamaev
"Funny Money" by R. Cooney - Henry Perkins
"The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof" A. Lindgren - Carlson
"Night and Day" B. Srbljanovic - Milan, son of Ignjatovic
"The Good Man from Sichuan" by B. Brecht - The Second God
"The Moor" by W. Shakespeare - Iago
"The Inspector" N.V. Gogol - Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, trustee of charitable institutions
"Reserve" by S. Dovlatov, V. Senin - Mitrofanov
"Chekhov. Vaudeville" A.P. Chekhov - Ivan Vasilievich Lomov
"Merry Christmas, Mr. Rossman!" B. Srbljanovic - The First All-Possible Convenience
"Casimir and Caroline" by Eden von Horvath - Schürzinger
"Forest" A.N. Ostrovsky - Arkady Schastlivtsev, actor, Uar Kirilych Bodaev
"Macbeth. The Movie" by W. Shakespeare - Murderer, Son, Pianist
"Shadow of a Tree" by Ekaterina Narshi - Unloved Person
"Don Quixote" by M. Bulgakov - Sancho Panza
"City. Marriage. Gogol." N.V. Gogol - Zhevakin

Other theaters:

"Panic. Men are on the verge of a nervous breakdown" - Leo (FMD-Theater)
"Tales with an Accent" - Marquis Giulio Antiquatti (FMD-Theater)
"Translated by Gogol" - Marquis Giulio Antiquatti (FMD-Theatre)
"Lefty" - Tsar (Musical Comedy Theatre)
"Love is not a potato" - Victor (Theater "Dom")


The actor made his film debut in 1990 in the role of Beloglazov in the historical drama "The Tsar's Hunt" based on the play of the same name by Leonid Zorin. He starred in such multi-genre films as: the detective film "Memories of Sherlock Holmes" and the director's adventure film; film adaptation of the popular fairy tale; historical drama "The Favorite"; mystical thriller "Labyrinths of the Mind" by Victor Gonchar; melodrama by Oleg Gaze and others.

However, most of all the actor likes to act in comedies. Among the most striking works in this genre: The Teetotal Groom in the film by Yuri Mamin; The second new Russian in the film about the heroes of the jokes “Vovochka” by Andrei Maksimkov; two roles at once, Teacher and Bandit, in the film about doubles “Purely in Life” by Vladimir Zaikin; Sokolov in “The True History of Lieutenant Rzhevsky” by Andrei Maksimkov.

The viewer is familiar with Alexander Novikov from such popular TV series as: “Special Purpose Agent-3”, “PPS-2”, “One Day, One Night” and others.

"Secrecy of the investigation"

The actor became widely famous for his role as detective Fedya Kurochkin in Ilya Makarov's detective story based on Elena Topilskaya's novel "Dancing with the Cops."

The artist shares his impressions of working in the project and his filming partners: “I have respect for this series in particular. The scriptwriter, Elena Topilskaya, worked for a long time as an investigator on particularly important cases, so the script has a certain charm of participation. It impresses with the St. Petersburg lack of pretentiousness, he is strict, a little cold, but this is his peculiarity.

Only the first seasons of "Secrets" were filmed based on Topilskaya's novels; a group of screenwriters has been working for quite some time, but all of us - the backbone of the acting group - have not cooled down to filming this project. Because the soul of the series was and remains the amazing actress of our troupe. She and I played duet roles in many performances - brother and sister, lovers, husband and wife. It’s a pleasure to work with her, Anya has a great sense of humor and developed self-irony.”

Over the long years of the series’ existence, viewers began to involuntarily identify Alexander Novikov with his hero, but the actor himself does not see much similarity here: “Still, Fedya Kurochkin is not my other self.” But filming in “Secrets of the Investigation” lasted many years and continues ", this is a big piece, a significant part of my life. And I take this work tenderly, warmly, very seriously."

The actor's filmography already includes more than fifty films. He continues to star in the new season of “Secrets of the Investigation” and at the same time plays on the stage of the Theater. Lensovet.

The actor is a fan of operetta.


About the theater

“I absolutely love simple-minded theater and simple-minded heroes, for example, the deceived Molière simpletons that I dream about. I hate incomprehensible theater. I consider the highest manifestation of a director’s gift to be the ability to build a simple and understandable story, doing it easily and always with humor.”

“I hate theater that does not play on stage, and I am forever devoted to the theater where tears, passions, anger, despair and other wonderful things are the result of masterful acting, because the theater is such a strange place where true emotion can be incredibly false , and played with the height of grace and truth."

“I think that theater today should stop, carefully look at where cinema and other forms of art are moving, remember this direction and confidently go in the absolutely opposite direction, without being afraid to stop any attempts to catch up with our wonderful life, attempts to correspond to it.”

“I bow to those artists who take off the mask, and there is another mask, and another, and under the last mask there still turns out to be a mask. Everything in the theater must be invented and unreal, only then will it be real.”

“I can hardly get greater joy from anything in the theater than from a partnership with a wonderful actress. Let my male partners forgive me, but for me the actress has always been the emotional center of the performance.”

“I value only one thing in a partner - humor. A person who can make me laugh, including on stage, is always the object of my adoration and admiration. I consider a sense of humor to be the highest manifestation of acting talent.”

About the profession

“There is a paradox: the absence of roles makes the artist a genius in his own eyes. And only being in demand is the only thing that allows the artist to really evaluate himself.”

“An artist must be able to play what he is given, remaining free within this lack of freedom, and it is your personal problem that you like it and are happy.”

“I hate “serious”, I’m allergic to it. I like to be close to the role, and not inside it. I don’t like it when an actor gets used to the role so much that you whisper to him: “Hey, the chandelier is falling,” but he doesn’t hear ", standing there, all wet from tension, the veins stretched in his neck - he's in character. And then he lies there for three hours, unable to get up after the performance. In general, the lack of visible effort on stage by an artist is a sign of aristocracy."

About acting traits

“There is a sign among my colleagues: if the sheets of paper with a role fall, you need to sit on each one, otherwise the role will not happen. I, as an absent-minded person, constantly drop sheets of paper and am too lazy to believe in this sign. Even if something went wrong in the performance, the energy of those close to me "I can cover up people for the most incredible mistakes. Therefore, I believe in good company on stage more than in omens."

Based on materials from Wikipedia, sites:,,,,,,,,,,,,

Titles and awards

  • Igor Ilyinsky Prize "For Best Actor" of the IV All-Russian Festival "Russian Comedy" in Rostov-on-Don (play "Chekhov. Vaudeville")
  • Honored Artist of Russia (2008)
  • Winner of the "Golden Sofit" award in the category "Best Acting Ensemble" for the role of Zhevakin in the play "City. Marriage. Gogol." together with Evgeny Filatov (2015)

Filmography: Actor

  • Secrets of Investigation-18 (2018), TV series
  • Secrets of Investigation-17 (2017), TV series
  • Secrets of Investigation-16 (2016), TV series
  • Secrets of investigation-15 (2015), TV series
  • One Day, One Night (2015)
  • Secrets of Investigation-14 (2014), TV series
  • Secrets of Investigation-13 (2013), TV series
  • PPS-2 (2013), TV series
  • Secrets of Investigation-12 (2012), TV series
  • Secrets of Investigation-11 (2012), TV series
  • Special Agent-3 (2012), TV series
  • Secrets of investigation-10 (2011), TV series
  • State Defense-2 (2011), TV series
  • Special Agent-2 (2011), TV series
  • Secrets of investigation-9 (2010), TV series
  • Ligovka (2010), TV series
  • Traffic cops (2010), TV series
  • Secrets of the investigation-8 (2009), TV series
  • St. Petersburg holidays (2009)
  • Funny Money (2008), film-play
  • Gold of Troy (2008)
  • Night and day (2008), film-play
  • Secrets of Investigation-7 (2007), TV series
  • Secrets of the investigation-6 (2006), TV series
  • Labyrinths of the Mind (2006), TV series
  • Favorite (2005)
  • Secrets of Investigation-5 (2005), TV series
  • The true story of Lieutenant Rzhevsky (2005)
  • Pari (2005)
  • A Bed for Three (2005), film-play
  • Bratva (2005), TV series
  • Timur and his commandos (2004)
  • Secrets of the investigation-4 (2004), TV series
  • Unstoppable Chizhov (2004), TV series
  • Baby (2004), film-play
  • Purely in life (2003), TV series
  • Frederick, or Crime Boulevard (2003), film-play
  • Secrets of the investigation-3 (2003), TV series
  • Short Stories (2002)
  • We're all at home (2002)
  • Streets of Broken Lanterns-4 (2002), TV series
  • Secrets of the investigation-2 (2002), TV series
  • Russian horror stories (2002),
  • Secrets of the investigation-1 (2001), TV series
  • The Tale of Fedot the Sagittarius (2001)
  • Vovochka (2000), TV series
  • Lethal force-1 (2000),
  • Myths. Sochinushki (2000), short film
  • Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (2000)
  • Rosabella and the Troll (1998), film-play
  • Little Merman (1998), film-play
  • Bitterly! (1998)
  • The Legend of Tila (1997), film-play
  • Confessions to a Stranger (1995)
  • Heart of Stone, 1995, film-play
  • Brownie of the Old Castle (1995), film-play
  • The King and the Cunning (1994), film-play
  • Shikimoku (1993)
  • Royal Hunt (1990)