Zadorozhnaya on the death of the founder of Soho Rooms: He created the Moscow club life. DJ Sergei Tkachenko fell out of the window Sergei Jeff's ex-girlfriend

Published 02.25.17 11:47

Maria Radul avoided testifying for a long time.

Employees of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow managed to interrogate the most important witness in the high-profile case of the death of the creator of the famous Moscow nightclub Soho Rooms, Sergei Tkachenko.

According to Life, Maria Radul for a long time, for various reasons, avoided giving evidence and did not appear before the investigator. However, she recently told why her lover fell out of the window.

Maria Radul and Sergey Tkachenko PHOTO

Maria Radul said that Sergei got out of intkbbee windows on the eaves of the house “just for fun.”

“He didn’t want to rush, just to scare me. Then, however, he realized that he couldn’t come back. I was going to pull him out, but he told me to call security and bring a sheet. “I’ll still hang here,” after these words he “I immediately fell down,” the girl told police.

She also remembered previously unknown details of that ill-fated morning.

“He is usually lazy, especially if we went out somewhere in the evening, and spends a long time in bed. And that morning he unexpectedly surprised me and brought breakfast in bed from a restaurant. I was very surprised,” noted Maria Radul.

The reasons for Sergei’s action became clear to the girl after his death.

“When I was standing next to his body, which had already been lowered down, Rusalina came up to me - a girl with whom he had been communicating a lot lately, a fitness instructor. I noticed their too close communication. She put her arm around my shoulder and, looking at his body, whispered in my ear: “And Seryozha had breakfast with me today!” After that, she stepped aside and from there threw me: “Creature!” I answered her something, but I don’t remember what exactly, since I was in a state of shock,” said Maria.

On Sunday, January 29, the famous producer, musician, promoter and co-owner of Soho Rooms, 41, known in show business as Sergey Jeff. He fell from the window of his apartment on the 17th floor. PEOPLETALK received a letter from Tkachenko’s friends, Vyacheslav Martynenko, Artem Zvezdinsky And Alexey Kulagin, with whom Sergei had been friends since 2000: “These days, a lot of things were written about Sergei, but all the information was related to the circumstances of his death. On behalf of Sergei’s friends, we kindly ask, if possible, to post an article in memory of him, written by friends. We want people to know what kind of person Jeff really was, what contribution he made to the development of the club industry, music and the promotion of emerging talent." We publish the letter without editing.

Sergey was born and raised in Moscow. He began to work early to help his mother, who raised him alone, and he himself achieved everything in life. His youthful passion for breakdancing and modern choreography eventually grew into a career. Starting as a backup dancer Bogdan Titomir(49) together with (39), he became part of the team MF3, and after that the pop group “ One-on-one" At the same time, his career as a DJ and music producer began to develop rapidly. He opened a recording studio on Old Arbat, where many artists recorded: Murat Nasyrov, Legalize (39), (35), Irina Saltykova (50), Dino MC(35) and others. In the music industry, Sergei was known as a person immersed in culture and versed in modern trends. He never refused to help with advice, his taste was taken into account and he was listened to. He created remixes of popular hits, thereby giving them a second life. A huge place in the creative life of Sergei Tkachenko has always been occupied by the support of talents: fellow DJs and musicians, he put them to work at the best events, arranged them as residents in clubs and put their compositions in his sets.

The next stage of his creative activity was working as a club promoter. Sergey gathered a team of like-minded people and declared himself in the club environment under the brand DLuxPromoGroup. Alexey Kulagin, Artem Zvezdinsky and Vyacheslav Martynenko, together with Sergey, promoted the fashion for R’n’B and hip-hop in Russia. From weekly parties in clubs " Garage», « Fenugreek», Stone, « RNB cafe", a cult project has grown Infinity, which has remained at the top of Russian club culture for more than one year. After that, a series of bright years began at the club " Opera"and finally, Sergey and his team took a strong place in the successful project SohoRooms, which opened in 2008. At the same time, they began a new direction of their activities - trips around the world under the auspices of DLuxTravel: traveling with DJs, musicians and parties that rocked the entire club community. In all his projects, Sergei tried to give the public the highest quality and was attentive to every detail: from music, to the level of events or the choice of hotels. He took on his work thoughtfully and put his whole soul into it. For him, this was never a business in its pure form; if Sergei Jeff participated in something, then his involvement always meant a certain sign of the quality of the final product.

A new project in which he took part together with Alexey Gorobiy And Mikhail Danilov, became an entertainment complex " WORLD“- he gave all of himself to this matter. His friends and those around him noticed: the project inspired Sergei very much, he grew professionally, made big plans and received many offers from investors and colleagues. Sergei's business partners were industry leaders: Alexander Tolmatsky (56), Dmitry Braude, Mikhail Danilov. Since childhood, Sergei was fascinated by sports; he practiced wrestling and karate; football occupied a large place in his life: he was both a fan and a player. These disciplines strengthened his character, ability to withstand heavy physical activity and respect for his opponents. Despite the specifics of the business, Sergei had no enemies. He was respected and was friends with promoters and owners of competitive projects. People came to him for professional advice, as a person with many years of experience and strong principles.

This morning, all representatives of the Moscow club scene received shocking news: the owner of the Soho Rooms club, Sergei Tkachenko, better known under the pseudonym S. Jeff, died. A man fell from the 17th floor. According to witnesses, Tkachenko had a fight with a woman with whom he lived in the same apartment and stormed downstairs. The terrible death of an ex-member of the "Tete-a-Tete" group did not leave many celebrities - people from the first Moscow "star" companies - indifferent.

Singer Anastasia Zadorozhnaya, who became popular thanks to the acclaimed TV series “Club,” told Life how Tkachenko became the founder of the capital’s club life.

“We are all in shock and don’t understand how this could happen,” Anastasia shared with Life. - I’ve known Seryozha for a very long time, since the time of the series. We spent time together on the set, one might say, we didn’t leave the club. Then it was still Infinity, and then Soho Rooms appeared. He was the founder of this whole party, a very respected man. We spent a lot of time with him, all those days on the set, we lived like a big family, Me, Seryozha, Alexander Tolmatsky. Unfortunately, we haven’t communicated much lately, mostly just congratulating each other on the holidays. Honestly, what happened was a shock to me, Sergei was never seen in any controversial things, he was always calm and friendly. Russian producer and father of rapper Decl Alexander Tolmatsky, in turn, told Life that at a certain period of his life Tkachenko abused alcohol, but before his death he decided to lead a healthy lifestyle.

I haven’t seen him for a long time, but he was always normal and reserved. Many people knew him, everyone treated him with respect. I recently heard about this tragedy on the radio and am now very depressed. He recently had a new girlfriend, they say it happened because of a quarrel with her. But this is all strange, because he hasn't been drinking lately. Once he had a period, he drank, but then he quit and opened a business. There is no reason to jump out of a window.

In a conversation with Life, a member of the group “Ivanushki International” Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov I remembered that I knew Tkachenko even before he became the founder of many Moscow clubs. As it turned out, the artist remembers Sergei as part of the group “Tete-a-tete” together with Irakli Pirtskhalava. By the way, in 1997 the team performed at the “Christmas Meetings of Alla Pugacheva”.

I have known Seryozha for almost 20 years, since the days of the Tet-a-tete group. The incident that happened, of course, is simply outrageous. He was a very reserved, intelligent and kind person; he could not have done this on his own. I think this is still an accident.
The singer spoke about her club life and meeting Tkachenko Yulianna Karaulova. The artist, like her colleagues, said that Sergei had recently led a healthy lifestyle.

In fact, the whole party revolved around him, but he himself did not participate in it. He was present at the club, but never drank. I have known Sergei for a long time, so I am also in shock. A very strange situation, because everyone who knows him would never have thought that this could happen.

Famous DJ Sergei Tkachenko, founder of the Soho Rooms club, died after a quarrel with a girl, falling from the ledge on the 20th floor.

One of the founders of the Soho Rooms club, famous DJ Sergei Tkachenko, fell to his death from the 20th floor.

As it became known, the cause of death was a quarrel with a girl. Tkachenko, in a fit of anger, decided to scare his girlfriend and climbed onto the eaves of the house, but fell and died.

Law enforcement officers told reporters about this.

As it turned out, Tkachenko hung, holding onto the window sill, for about ten minutes - then he asked to come back. Apparently, the girl was unable to drag his apartment on her own and began to call for help, but did not have time: the DJ fell down and collapsed on the canopy of the entrance.

Residents of houses on Shmitovsky Proezd witnessed Tkachenko’s fall.

Witnesses to the incident, seeing the DJ hanging on the ledge, called rescuers and doctors.

However, they arrived late. Doctors were only able to ascertain death from injuries incompatible with life.

Sergei Tkachenko with his girlfriend

is a famous Russian DJ, music producer and author of a number of successful projects. The musician was one of the founders of the elite club Soho Rooms in Moscow and went by the pseudonym Sergey Jeff. The establishment had five founders; Tkachenko left the leadership of the club four years ago.

Sergei Tkachenko was one of the co-founders of the Soho Rooms nightclub, which is still considered one of the most successful entertainment projects. Many knew the man not only as the owner of the establishment, but also as a DJ. In the last few years, he has organized his own events, where he performed under the pseudonym Sergei Jeff. None of the businessman’s acquaintances could have imagined that a successful man who made plans for the future would end his life like this.

A man fell out of an apartment window on the 16th floor. Rescue services rushed to Shmitovsky Proezd, where the tragedy occurred. The DJ’s death did not occur immediately; for some time he still showed signs of life and tried to fight. However, he quickly died from his injuries. Passers-by saw Sergei standing on the parapet, someone even asked him to come to his senses and step back, but the misfortune could not be avoided. Many of Tkachenko’s friends are sure that he did not intend to deliberately throw himself from the window of a high-rise building. Sergei’s girlfriend believes that he had no reason to do so, because for a long time he could not find his soulmate. When the man finally found a life partner, it seemed to everyone that there was simply no reason for suicide.

“He was looking for love so much. I was alone for a long time, and then I found her and went out the window. This is not about him at all, this is not his style. For him to stand on the parapet himself is nonsense. He just started living, opened a new project. I helped him make a presentation for investors,” the friend of the deceased told StarHit.

By the way, Sergei Tkachenko stopped being involved in the affairs of the famous nightclub four years ago. After that, he spent more time at the DJ console and made plans for the future. Literally just before the New Year, the man managed to open his own entertainment project “Mir” on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in the very center of Moscow. An acquaintance of the businessman also believes that after he met his beloved, he began to feel much better. The girl put forward the opinion that a disagreement might have arisen between them, which led to a sharp quarrel. However, the friend is still not sure that this can pass for the truth.

It must be said that recently joint photographs with his chosen one have appeared on Tkachenko’s page on social networks quite often. Just three weeks ago, the chosen ones vacationed at the popular Russian resort of Rosa Khutor. They shared bright pictures with subscribers and did not hide their feelings. Followers left enthusiastic comments under the pictures.

Maria Radul, the girlfriend of the deceased Tkachenko, did not ignore the incident on her Instagram page. She did not post any pictures together, but only presented subscribers with one single entry, which could not but affect their reaction. They began to express their condolences and try to find out the details of the tragedy.

“Masha, hold on! My condolences, if you need any help, please hang in there,” “I was speechless when I found out. I still can't believe it. my condolences, Mash. If you need any help, call”, “Time heals, but this is the time... You need to hold on, do not hesitate to ask for moral help from friends, family and loved ones, you will really need it now,” Maria’s friends left comments.

Among Radul’s acquaintances there were those who advised her to limit access to the page on the Internet, since among users there was a version that it was Tkachenko’s girlfriend who brought him to a nervous breakdown and forced him to commit suicide. Some sources report that a conflict arose between the chosen ones the day before, which they were unable to resolve, and the quarrel continued the next morning. Many Internet users refuse to believe in this version, because even if it were so, the man, according to friends, would never have thrown himself from a 40-meter height.

Popular singer and dancer Sasha Project was one of the first to react to what happened and hastened to inform her audience about it on the Internet. “I knew him from the age of 16, a man with a huge soul! Never refused anything! He was very funny and serious at the same time! Despite everything! We will all miss you! May you rest in peace,” the artist wrote on Instagram.

Friends and relatives of Sergei Tkachenko still cannot come to terms with what happened. Many are tormented by the fact that they still do not know the true reasons for the death of their friend and colleague. Most Internet users have already posted farewell texts on their microblogs. Everyone is puzzled by the unexpectedness of the tragedy. Some people write that Tkachenko was very lucky when he met a new love. After all, she surrounded him with care and warmth, which, according to his friends, he really lacked lately.

The Moscow Investigative Committee continues to interrogate random witnesses to the incident. The pre-investigation check will be carried out over the next few days. It is not yet known where the body of the 41-year-old man was taken.