Drawing with a baby: first games and activities. When to start? Simple ways to teach children to draw. Learn to draw step by step for children.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to teach a child to draw a person step by step. You just need to take into account that you can’t immediately start with such complex drawings, you need to start with something simpler that’s easier to understand, for example, a flower.

The benefits of step-by-step drawing

Parents should understand that it is much easier to teach a child to portray people using sequential actions than through observations and sketches. In addition, you need to remember the benefits of this method of drawing:

  • developing the ability to follow clear instructions;
  • the ability to separate an entire object into individual parts;
  • the ability to bring your own vision into the picture;
  • manifestation of independence.

Required Tools

Before creating your first painting, you need to make sure you have the necessary equipment:

  • a workplace with good lighting;
  • a simple pencil, you can immediately purchase both a soft and hard version, for a small child - preferably with edges;
  • paper - individual sheets or album;
  • eraser;
  • sharpener;
  • colour pencils.

Age characteristics

You can start drawing people step by step until you are four years old. The main thing is that the baby can already hold a pencil and be familiar with the existence of simple geometric shapes. What are the features of drawing at different ages:

  • up to 3 years old, a child will be able to draw a basic man if he uses a prepared template;
  • from 3 to 4 years - you can start drawing a person with an image of a snowman or matryoshka doll;
  • from 4 to 5 – complicate the picture, add detail to your nesting doll;
  • from 5 to 6 – draw a person using simple shapes: ovals, circles, rectangles, lines;
  • From 6 years old you can begin to depict people in more detail, draw them in different poses, in motion or at rest.

Simple algorithm

If you are wondering how to teach a 5-year-old child to draw a person, especially if he has no previous experience in such drawings, then you should start with a simple plan of action. Moreover, it will be correct if you first show how to portray a person, and then, if necessary, guide the baby’s hand, helping to repeat the sequence of actions and the correctness of the lines.

I’ll tell you about myself: I’ve never been able to draw people, or maybe I just didn’t want to learn it. Animals, nature, still lifes - that's it, please. My son also has not yet shown interest in this kind of drawings. He loves to depict various types of transport, buildings and nature.

Basics of Proportions

How to teach a 7-year-old child to draw a person if he already has good experience behind him? It's time to introduce him to the correct proportions of the human body.

  1. The head is outlined.
  2. A vertical line is lowered, which will include seven more ovals of the same size.
  3. The center of the chest is at a distance of two measured units (ovals below the main one, which is the head).
  4. Three units will lead to the navel.
  5. The pubic bone is marked after four units.
  6. The center of the knees will be indicated by a measured area of ​​five heads and the distance from the top of the head to the future eyes.
  7. The middle part of the lower leg is 7 units.

It is also important to consider the following points:

  • the width of the head and the female shoulder are equal;
  • The shoulder width of men is equal to one measured unit;
  • the width of the chest corresponds to three units;
  • the elbow of the person depicted should be at the level where the thigh begins;
  • the oval, which represents the torso, should be larger than the one that represents the pelvis.

Drawing of an experienced kid

Older children who understand what human figures are like will be able to draw more detailed pictures with a pencil.

Parents should understand that teaching a child to draw a human figure can be a difficult task. In this case, the following points must be observed:

  • do not push the child, do not expect quick results;
  • do not criticize his first attempts, much less laugh at him;
  • diligence and consistency of actions, regular training will bear fruit;
  • you must always follow the algorithm of actions, do not change points;
  • during your first attempts, you can use a template, then samples, and then move on to drawing on your own;
  • Praise your child even for the smallest victories.

Now you know how to teach a child to draw a person. Remember the need for consistent training. Never put pressure on your child, demanding quick and high-quality results from him. Do not force drawing if the child does not like this type of activity at all. Creative impulses must come from the heart and be filled with the emotional experiences of the little one.

Master class “My furry friend”, non-traditional drawing with children of the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution

Sokolova Svetlana Sergeevna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DO Center for Children's Creativity in the village of Syava, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Master Class for children 6-7 years old, parents and teachers.
Appointment of a master class. This master class will be useful for educators, additional education teachers, and after-school teachers when teaching children non-traditional drawing techniques. It can also be used by parents who teach their children independently.
Children's works can be used for exhibitions of creative works, room decoration, and gifts.
Target: Learn to draw furry animals using an unconventional technique: drawing with a broom and printing with a sponge.
familiarization with the concept of “animal artist”;
develop a sense of texture; develop creativity and interest in the fine arts; cultivate a love for animals and observation skills.
A4 paper (colored or white),
kitten stencil (you can take any from the Internet)
jar of water.

Kitten templates:

Live on earth
Creatures of unearthly beauty.
I think you guessed it
What is this - to..... (you).
We will devote our master class to these cute, charming, graceful and mysterious animals. Let's draw a tailed furry friend. And unusual objects for drawing will help us portray it as fluffy - a small broom and a foam sponge.
If there is a pet in the house, then, as a rule, there is peace and quiet in it. There is a lot of love, warmth and kindness in this house. And most often, kind and good people grow up next to a pet, capable of love, compassion, and coming to the aid of those who need it.

Man domesticated the cat about 4,000 years ago. And while watching a domestic cat, I discovered many signs.
The cat washes itself - to the guests.

Hiding his nose means cold.

There are artists whose animals and birds are the main characters in their drawings and paintings. They are called animalists. The word "animalist" comes from the Latin word "animal", which means "animal". But drawing animals is not so easy. Because animals don't know how to pose. The animalist has to diligently observe and study their habits and character. The artist begins his work by making sketches, sketches and sketches from nature of living animals, birds, fish, and long-term works are usually carried out from stuffed animals or from photographs.
Animal artists try not only to achieve external resemblance, but also reflect in their drawings the character inherent in the animal or bird being depicted, and try to convey the individuality of the animal.

One of these artists, People's Artist of Russia Viktor Chizhikov, is the author of the Olympic bear cub Mishka, the mascot of the XXII Summer Olympic Games, which took place in Moscow in 1980.

He designed books by Marshak and Barto, Chukovsky and Volkov, Mikhalkov and Nosov. For half a century, his illustrations appeared in the magazines “Funny Pictures” and “Murzilka”. More than one generation of readers grew up with his drawings, full of sunshine, humor and joy. One of the artist’s favorite themes is the image of cats.
Wonderful illustrations were drawn by Viktor Chizhikov for Andrei Usachev’s book “Planet of Cats”. The artist gave his animal characters traits characteristic of humans.

There is a cat planet somewhere.
There cats live like people:
Reading newspapers in bed
And they drink coffee with cream.
They have apartments and dachas,
Cars and other comforts.
They love to fish
And they take the children to the resort.
They fly to overseas countries.
They find diamonds the size of a fist.
Tulips planted in flower beds
They even breed dogs.
Luxurious life on the planet
In cats, cats and kittens!
But these strange inhabitants
They are always sad about something...
So many good toys!
So many records and books!..
It's just that cats don't have cats.
Oh, how sad we are without them.
(Andrey Usachev)

And we have no time to be bored, we start drawing a fluffy kitten.

Practical work.

We apply a stencil of the cat figure to the middle of the album sheet.

Dip a dry sponge into yellow paint and use typing movements to fill the silhouette with color. We start with the head, then the body, then the tail.

The result is a spot - the figure of a kitten.

Using a small broom in orange, draw small strokes along the contour of the figure in the direction of growth of the kitten’s fur.

Select the face, paws, chest and cheeks.

We draw stripes on the tail, sides and head of the kitten.

With a brush we draw the eyes, nose and mouth of the kitten, draw on the mustache and eyebrows.

You can draw the background yourself. You can depict a kitten on a summer lawn. We will also draw grass with a broom, flowers with a brush, and clouds with a sponge.

The drawing is ready.

Drawings by students of the creative association.

Alina 7 years old

Nastya 6 years old

Vika 6 years old

Natasha 6 years old
Using the technique of drawing with a broom, you can draw furry and prickly animals and trees with children.
Christmas tree

Kids really like to draw, but by middle preschool age their works of art barely resemble anything realistic. How to organize drawing classes for children 4-5 years old in such a way as to instill in the little ones a love of fine art and teach them how to draw simple drawings? We'll tell you where to start, what the benefits of such lessons are, and what art supplies you can use.

The benefits of drawing

Creative activities are an important element in the development of a child. Preschool children are characterized by visual-figurative thinking, so drawing lessons are of great importance at this age stage.

Drawing helps in the development of:

  • imagination;
  • abstract logical thinking;
  • fine motor skills;
  • logic;
  • creative thinking;
  • attentiveness.

Drawing is also a reason to spend more time with your baby, which has a significant impact on his psycho-emotional development.


What supplies you need for class depends on what you plan to draw with. And you can do this in different ways:

  • fingers;
  • palms;
  • tassels;
  • pencils;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • cotton swabs;
  • cotton wool

You can use coloring books or just landscape sheets.

To make drawing for children as effective as possible, use a variety of objects and forms of lessons. For example, you can show your child several creative techniques using colored pencils, and the next day reinforce these techniques by drawing with crayons on the asphalt, etc. Children 4-5 years old may not like the monotony of drawing with felt-tip pens or pencils, so it is important to periodically change the methods training.

5 learning ideas

To teach a child to draw, you need to know a few interesting techniques that will instantly get your little one excited about learning. Consider them and start with the most suitable one.

  • Blots.

This is a simple method, but kids love it very much. You will need a landscape sheet, paints and brushes. Fold the sheet in half, draw a butterfly wing on one side, then press the halves tightly together so that the wing is imprinted on the empty part. In this way you can draw not only a butterfly, but also a leaf, a flower, two friends, etc.

  • Geometric figures.

Use geometric shapes familiar to your baby. For example, to draw a girl step by step, use a circle, line and triangle. First, we draw the head (show the baby how to draw a circle), from the circle you draw a dress in the form of a triangle, the legs and arms are drawn, respectively, with lines.

  • Stencils.

Prepare in advance various stencils that the child will first trace and then paint. Gradually he will remember the image and shape, and he will no longer need a stencil to draw a certain object. If the baby has a stencil of a square, triangle and rectangle, then he will be able to draw a house. Then he will begin to imagine what else he could draw from these figures.

  • Prints.

At 5 years old, children love to color in something and then make prints. You can start with your palms, then take prints from convex surfaces. Curly seals are now being sold, from which a child can create images. From the flower prints you get a flower field, and above it you can draw a sun from a geometric figure - a circle.

  • Applications.

Combine drawing with other creative techniques. You can draw a background (blue sky, mountains, rocks, etc.), and cut out other objects (stars, clouds, trees) from paper, color them and glue them to the background. You can also use colored sand or beads.


Drawing with children is part of your communication with them. During classes, you constantly talk to your child, ask leading questions, and when he thinks about them, he comes to certain conclusions. This is how his ideas about the world are formed. When drawing the sea, the child may have never seen it, but he already knows what color it is and that there are waves on the sea. By depicting a tree, the baby remembers what it is made of and that the time of year can be determined by the foliage. Be sure to include drawing lessons in your child’s activities, because it contributes to the full formation of his personality.

Step by step instructions. How to teach children to draw. Part 1.

How to draw Ladybug.

Things that are ordinary in the world of adults, in the understanding and imagination of a child, seem completely different. When you sometimes walk in the park and suddenly your baby sees a red ladybug with black unusual spots on a bench - this is a whole discovery for him. He wants to touch, touch, look at the details. It is important to support this child's curiosity and help in the desire to see all the colors of the natural world. Joint drawing classes help a lot in this process. After all, you can always easily talk about something and show what it looks like. Today we invite you to take a journey into the world of nature and draw a small and smiling ladybug. I think your baby, and you yourself, will be happy with such an exciting idea, and we will help you make this process accessible and interesting. Look at our step-by-step tips and you will succeed!

How to draw a goat.

Drawing a goat is not difficult if you are a professional, but not all of us are artists by vocation. And children love to draw different animals and they do not understand that adults may not be able to do this. What is the right thing to do in this case? This instruction will help you here. It describes everything step by step. To get started, all you need is a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser. Try it, you and your child will probably be pleased with the result.

How to draw a lion.

Many children want to be strong, brave, beautiful, and to be the center of attention. These qualities are often inherent in the lion as the king of beasts. Therefore, when choosing a lion as an object to draw with your child, you will never go wrong. All that remains is to acquire basic office supplies in the form of a pencil, paper and eraser. A little effort - and you will get a delightful lion, or rather a lion cub to begin with. So feel free to get inspired and start drawing. And our step-by-step pictures will help you cope with this task easily and without much effort.

How to draw an ostrich.

Your child has already tried playing with all his toys today, but nothing has entertained him. What to do? Take out some paper and pencils and try to draw something unusual, like a cute ostrich. And it’s not a problem that you don’t know how to do it at all and don’t know how to do it correctly, don’t worry - you have step-by-step instructions with which you will do everything easily and simply, and most importantly, everything will work out. And so, we take paper, pencils, erasers and sit down to work. It will be best if you and your child draw separately, that is, everyone will be busy with their own creation, and of course, you need to help each other if something doesn’t work out. Go ahead, look at the monitor and get started!

How to draw a snail.

Simple and easy step-by-step instructions on how to draw a snail yourself with a pencil will help you learn the basics of drawing in a matter of minutes and add to your collection or treat your child with a new sketch.

How to draw an owl.

It doesn’t take much time or effort to learn how to draw an owl well. Our simple step-by-step instructions with pictures on how to draw an owl will help you with this task. You just need to be patient and pick up a pencil. Follow our steps and you will learn the basics of the art of drawing.

How to draw a tiger.

Do you want to quickly and easily master the art of drawing? Then our step-by-step instructions with pictures on how to draw a tiger cub are just for you. All. What you will need is a blank sheet of paper and a pencil.

How to draw a fish.

How to draw a dinosaur.

Sometimes you ask a child - what should you draw? And in your mind you already draw funny people, a cat or a dog with a pencil. And the answer is unexpected - I want a dinosaur. The task becomes more complicated, but this is only at first glance. If you look at it, these are the same four legs, body, head and tail. So feel free to grab a pencil, paper, eraser and go ahead and surprise yourself and your child. And we will help make this activity simple and fun. In any case, you can always say that you have created a special kind of dinosaur that no one has ever seen.

How to draw a cat.

Many parents are faced with a situation when their child runs up to them with a piece of paper and a pencil and begs them to draw an animal. And you are far from finishing your art courses, but you cannot disappoint your child.We offer you simple step-by-step instructions in pictures on how to draw a kitten yourself.

Many psychologists can easily determine a person’s state by what and how he draws. With the help of drawing, young children express their knowledge, skills, and consolidate in their memory everything they saw. A craving for art awakens in a child between the ages of 1 and 1.5 years.

How to help your baby express his thoughts and emotions on paper? How to teach a 1, 2, 3 year old child to draw and what is needed for this? How are such activities useful? We will find out about everything.

The benefits of drawing for children

All the baby's talents and capabilities are at his fingertips. The better developed a child’s small movements are, such as fastening and unfastening buttons, buttons, holding colored chalk, drawing straight and curved lines, etc., the smarter the baby. It is recommended to teach children to draw from the moment they become interested in what you are doing there with pen on paper.

Drawing is a comprehensive activity that will help your child:

  • develop fine motor skills;
  • develop speech;
  • develop imagination;
  • learn to express feelings and emotions;
  • develop the concept of aesthetics;
  • lay down basic concepts about the harmonious combination of colors;
  • lay down the concept of effort and results.

While drawing, the baby warms up his fingers well, and everyone has long known how fine motor skills affect the formation of a child’s speech. To create a drawing, the child figures out what and how to draw, what tools to use. To better stimulate creative and logical thinking, you can and should invite your child to complete the missing parts of the picture, decorate them with patterns to suit his taste and color.

In a bad mood, the child’s drawings will be pale, dark, and gray. In good conditions – bright and colorful. This is an excellent clue to the parents’ emotional state of the baby.

Over time, children understand that there are different tone palettes, and begin to color drawing templates, choosing:

  • for leaves shades of green;
  • for clouds - blue, blue, violet colors;
  • flowers are painted in red, yellow, pink tones.

This helps them in adult life to combine colors in clothes, interiors, and for girls - in makeup.

But most importantly, the child makes a certain effort and effort when creating a drawing. And when he sees his mother’s smile and his drawings carefully hung on the wall, he understands that working and trying is good, his parents appreciate it, which means he needs to continue in the same spirit, or better yet, draw everything even more beautiful, so that They took the frame and glazed it. Well, this is exactly how 2-3 year old children don’t think yet, but you get the idea.

In the meantime, it’s a long way from an art gallery and the child is still quite a baby, let’s consider different techniques with which to teach a child to draw with a pencil, chalk or paints - like two fingers on the asphalt.

Drawing techniques for children

A simple way to teach a child to draw at 1 year old, what and how to offer for drawing to children from 2 years old, what technique should a child master at 3 years old, draw with fingers, with dots or using numbers - everything in order.

Finger painting

This is the most accessible way of drawing for 1-year-old children and excellent entertainment for children 2-3 years old. Let's look at this drawing for children step by step:

  1. Prepare your work area. It is better to illuminate an area on an uncovered floor - it will be easier to clean up after the baby’s creative search. Or use oilcloth. You can draw at the table, but this is for older children.
  2. Spread whatman paper A1 on the floor (this is a paper format the size of 8 album sheets) - creativity needs space.
  3. Prepare jars of finger painting paints.
  4. Undress your baby down to his panties. Believe me, it will be covered in paint, and after painting it needs to be bathed.
  5. Sit your child on the edge of whatman paper, give him paints and show him how to draw.

And you can draw in any way:

  • Apply paint to the sponge. Let the baby press it with his finger and make impressions on the paper. Such prints can be turned into funny faces.
  • If you apply several colors to the sponge, the prints will turn out colored.
  • Here's how to play with different prints:

  • You can create a real forest clearing from your fingers:

  • You can draw lions:

When the prints come out well and are no longer interesting for kids, you can use different templates for finger painting. You can sketch the space inside the outline with your fingers and decorate it with patterns.

We chose simple templates:

  • mitten;

  • cat;

  • bird;

  • fish;

  • butterfly.

Try not to use templates from children's painting books for drawing. They involve drawn details, and for the child to develop creative thinking, a general silhouette is enough; let him come up with the details himself.

Drawing by points

Who among you doesn’t remember connecting the dots in an album to get drawings of flowers and animals? This way the child will learn to draw straight and curved lines and combine them into a picture.

Here are some examples of "dot" drawings:

  • elephant;

  • lamb;

  • owl;

  • horse

Having connected the dots, the child will be happy to color the resulting drawing.

Drawing with numbers

Who doesn’t remember how to draw a real swan from the number 2? This is yesterday. Today you can draw anyone from numbers and figures. For example:

  • rabbit from 6 and 0;

  • dog from 6 and 1;

  • shark of two 2;

  • koala from 1 and 9;

  • sleeping duck from 2 and 9.

Drawing by numbers is important for children aged 3 years, so the child will better remember the outline of the numbers.

How to teach a child to draw trees step by step

When your child has mastered simple drawing techniques, you can begin to create real pictures on a blank sheet of paper. The easiest way to start is by drawing trees step by step, using the following simple step-by-step examples of drawings for children:

  • tree made of circles and straight lines;

  • tree of straight lines with a crown;

  • a tree of straight lines with separate leaves;

  • spruce made of straight lines;

  • birch tree (for children over 3 years old).

With age, the baby will not need such stages of drawing as:

  • creating a basic frame;
  • giving the frame shape;
  • coloring the outline.

He will draw the trunk, branches, and foliage quite independently. And then he guesses, or you tell him, that the tree grows on the ground, there may be bushes and flowers near it, and the sun is shining above the tree.

How to teach a child to draw animals step by step

When the baby masters vegetation, you can move on to more complex biological objects - animals. For children 2-3 years old, it will be easiest to draw an animal in stages:

How to teach a child to draw a person step by step

Drawing a person is a little more difficult. Start with stick men, like the ones you see on road signs. Happened? Try to portray a real boy:

  • start with geometric shapes;

  • add some details.

What a boy he turned out to be! Now let’s draw him a girlfriend (or sister) using the same principle:

Now let's draw dad:

  • Let's start with geometric shapes;

  • Let's dress the little man and do his hair;

  • Let's finish drawing the sweater collar and face.

If your dad is bearded, add a beard.
If you can draw a static man, you can try to depict him in motion using a step-by-step guide for children 3 years old. At the same time, you can pay attention to drawing the face.

  • Don't expect masterpieces from your child. The main thing is that the activity brings positive emotions.
  • Do not correct your child’s drawings to show off to your relatives and friends. This offends children, and they give up drawing altogether.
  • Do not call incomprehensible drawings “scrawlings.” Better ask him to tell you, “what is it that you drew that is so unusual”?
  • If a 3-year-old child draws well, try taking samples from “drawing for children 4-6 years old” for him, let him develop and not mark time.
  • Teaching children to draw - video

    This video shows finger painting lessons for children 1-2 years old.

    This video shows how a mother and child draw emotions. The video is relevant for children 2-3 years old.

    In the following videos, dad draws a house, an umbrella and a cat. This video will be useful for three-year-old children.

    It is very important to teach a child to draw at the age of 1.5-2 years. This will help him develop finger motor skills, imagination, creativity, memory, and he will be able to master writing faster. Drawing is an important part of a child's educational process.

    Everything is important: what is the state of the workplace, what and how the child draws, how parents feel about his work. Don't miss these moments, and your child will be happy and grateful!

    At what age did your child become interested in drawing? Do you and your baby often draw? What does your baby like to draw the most? If you have ideas for children's drawings or experience on how to teach your child to draw, share it with us in the comments!