Generation X, Y and Z. Labor values ​​in generational analysis: comparison of generations X, Y and Z

  • How to manage Generation Y employees so that their work efficiency is at its maximum.
  • Can employees of the Y generation be first-class specialists?
  • Features and differences between Generation Y employees and other age groups

Experts say that the difference between generation Y There are also workers from previous generations, but it is not critical. Leaders just need to find the right tools to engage with each generation

Involve Generation Y professionals in the business game

Sergey Chaplygin, Founder and Director of Strategy of the consulting agency, Vice President of Marketing of the Open Sky Foundation, lecturer at the Institute of World Economy and Business of the People's Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

The best employees are enterprising employees. They are full of new ideas, they are ready to work hard and take responsibility. But they are also the most dangerous - sooner or later they decide to work for themselves. At best, they will simply leave and create their own business, at worst, they will grab your information, your pool of clients and become competitors.

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The domestic generation Y has two fundamental differences from previous ones: “digitalization” from a young age and ignorance of the value of money. This is the first well-fed generation that did not see the shortage of goods, coupons, or reforms of the late 1980s and early 1990s. They grew up during the heyday of the country's economy. The main thing is to take these features into account when motivating the Y generation.

Features of Generation Y employees. High salaries can be partially replaced by emotions. A couple of years ago, I conducted an experiment: instead of a “sales manager” vacancy with generous motivation, I posted a “business hunter” vacancy with an ascetic compensation package, but a “knightly tournament” description of the functionality and an emphasized importance of the position. The number of resumes from “Greeks” has increased significantly, and the quality of candidates has also improved.

The thinking of the “Greeks”, as representatives of the first post-industrial generation, is more abstract and sensual, rather than rational. It is important for them to feel their importance, and this is part of a sense of responsibility. If the “player” does not feel responsible, he will easily quit any post and switch to something more interesting. These employees do not tolerate equalization or pressure, preferring to refuse cooperation. They require involvement in the game rather than a routine of instructions.

Many representatives of generation Y see themselves in creative professions: designer, stylist, all kinds of creatives. But due to the decline of the education system and the rise of pop culture, there are few truly strong specialists among the “Y” generation. In addition, the economy does not need such a number of creative people; it needs professional workers, managers, and sales people. Therefore, the task of the owner or director is to create conditions under which the “player” will make the most of his abilities.

How to work with generation Y. I will give two pieces of advice.

1. Involve the “players” in the game. Think about what the value of business is, why, besides creating additional profit, the world needs it. The answer will allow you to formulate the company's mission. If the mission is honest and not made up out of thin air, this is already a game in which you can get involved, bringing the usual pattern of relationships “I pay you, and you work for me” into the background.

2. Build an employer brand. This is not just about the company’s attractive image on the labor market. A year ago, we started working on a brand for the Decathlon company (a chain of hypermarkets for sports goods) and are focusing on generation Y. Our task is to attract the best of them, and those who live in sports. To do this, it is necessary to build a suitable corporate culture based on four values: energy, honesty, responsibility and generosity. Today, it is common practice in the company for a person to become the director of a hypermarket at the age of 23 and successfully manage a team of 200 employees.

  • Motivating young professionals: 6 rules for managing generation Y

The main thing is to choose the right way to convey information and set tasks.

Liza Shibanova, Talent Management and Personnel Development Manager at Coca-Cola Hellenic in Russia, Moscow

In our company, about 90% of employees in entry-level positions are already “Greeks”. This obliges managers to leave their comfort zone and become more flexible: master the language of the new generation, mobile applications and social networks that young people actively use, etc.

The main difference between Generation Y is that they are more dynamic. They crave quick victories and rapid results. And at the same time, they value their time and are not ready to waste it on projects that are incomprehensible to them. Therefore, managers must pay the most serious attention to setting goals and be able to involve “players” in the process of solving pressing business problems. “Igrek” must clearly understand not only what and why he is doing, but also what he and the company will receive as a result of these actions.

As our practice has shown, the differences between employees of generations Y and X are not very significant. They can be given the same tasks, the main thing is to use different methods (and language) to convey information. For example, if it is more convenient for “players” to interact with management after work through the Whats app mobile application, then this is the tool they will use for communication. Let me give you another example. To quickly resolve small issues, “Greeks” often use internal chat - it’s much faster to exchange information than correspond by email.

We have gone further, and on the internal portal on the intranet we will soon have a “Confrontation” section, its main goal is to introduce and bring together employees of generations Y and X in more detail. We will ask them the same questions, the answers to which, presumably, will be different , but each of them will be interesting to the reader in its own way. We want to show in a light and relaxed manner that the generation difference is just a look at the same things from different angles, but thanks to this “comprehensive” view you can achieve a single and holistic picture.

  • Personnel management that will only benefit

Give the Y generation freedom, emotions and drive

Tatyana Evseeva, HR Director, Burger King Russia, Moscow

By adapting business processes and company rules to the characteristics of generation Y, you can achieve significant results.

Group affiliation. “Greeks” are used to being part of social network communities, so at work they like to feel like they belong to a group and actively participate in its life. The “Greeks” in our company work mainly in restaurants, not in the office. Over time, we realized that we needed to develop a mobile application that would allow all employees to register on the company portal, actively participate in surveys, and undergo online training. That is, it will allow the “players” to feel involved in the corporate group. Because it is important for millennials to feel like they are part of a significant group, they prefer well-known brands. But even if you have a small business, there is a chance to win the trust of the “Greeks”: invite them to work in project groups, hold meetings in an open format, where the “Greeks” can express their opinions.

Emotional impressions. Now there is a lot of debate about what is more important for the “games”: money or emotions. Money is, of course, important because it allows them to arrange their personal life, and this is of great value to them. At the same time, the “Greeks” will not work effectively and for a long time just for money. Try replacing the cash award with a certificate for diving, visiting a photo exhibition or any other event that will give the “game” emotions. The combination of reward and emotional impression is a strong tandem of motivation.

Lack of strict hierarchy and routine. Fast food restaurants have a hierarchical structure, there are many rules and service standards. And so that they don’t put pressure on the “players,” we explain the rules with the help of clear visualizations, diagrams, and pictures. We strive for the company's management to move from a directive management style to building partnerships with employees. We give employees the opportunity to choose a convenient work shift - they highly value such freedom. Working in projects also gives a feeling of freedom: the “Y” is confident that he is not tied to a rigid hierarchy and, having completed the project, will be able to do something new. Competition between groups brings good results: the “Greeks” gain drive and interest.

Feedback. Generation Y is not ready to work effectively without feedback on the quality of their work and contribution to the common cause. If there is a reason to celebrate the “Greek”, do it. If you have questions about the quality of his work, voice them in the form of developmental feedback (work on mistakes, give recommendations).

How did generations X, Y and Z appear and what are their differences?

American scientists William Strauss and Neil Howe in the early 1990s. made an attempt to analyze features and differences of different generations. They had a hypothesis that, for a number of reasons (economic, political, social, cultural, technical), different generations have different value systems. This theory has found its application in the practice of personnel management: many modern recruiters use information about the worldview and priorities of representatives of generations X and Y when selecting candidates. What are the differences between the values ​​of modern generations and how to take this into account when hiring staff?

Generation X(people born between 1963 and 1983). Distinctive features of representatives of this generation: adaptability and adaptability, total awareness, non-conformism, independence, lack of thinking stereotypes. People from Generation X do not like to work in teams; they prefer to do everything on their own, putting in maximum effort. “Xers” often work in the same company throughout their entire working life (usually in a government organization or institution), step by step moving up the career ladder from the most insignificant positions to management positions. Having started their professional journey almost immediately after receiving a higher education diploma, representatives of Generation X remain loyal to their company until retirement.

Generation Y(people born between 1983 and 2003) expect faster results from their efforts. Unlike Generation X, “Greeks” want everything at once. They will not wait for promotions and salary increases for years, doing low-skilled work.

The fact is that generation Y appeared during a period of rapid growth of IT technologies, which greatly accelerated all life and business processes. The huge volumes of content that bombard the “Greeks” every day have taught them to process information in a short time and understand all modern technologies at the level of confident users. The constantly changing external environment forces representatives of generation Y to be flexible and constantly learn something new. That is why they are not ready to work their entire lives in just one company. In a few years, the “Yers” will supplant Generation X and become the main players in the labor market.

Currently, representatives of generation Y are already beginning to be in demand among employers. Most often, they do not work in their specialty, but choose positions that do not require extensive experience and level of professionalism, but provide the opportunity to earn a decent income. The sphere of service and sales is where “Greeks” can satisfy their ambitions and get big money in a short time.

Generation Z- children of generation X. They have not yet reached working age, so we can only guess what professional characteristics and distinctive abilities they will have.

Why did Generation Y arise?

They saw their parents stressed about work

Most of the “players” were very independent children: they returned home from school themselves, warmed up dinner themselves, and put their younger brothers and sisters to bed themselves. Their parents worked tirelessly late into the night and on weekends, barely seeing their children grow up. Therefore, in the value system of matured “Greeks,” self-realization and family come first. Representatives of generation Y do not agree to live in order to work. These are people focused on getting results. The monotonous life of the “office plankton” does not attract them.

Overload and overprotection

The schedule of most “players” during their school years was very busy: music school, sports section, swimming pool, and in the summer - to a camp for three seasons. Parents were always proud of their children’s results, despite their workload, they tried to be present at all competitions, tournaments, and performances. This was a kind of compensation for the lack of parental love and attention the rest of the time. The Y-players were constantly praised as children and their successes were bragged about to friends. As a result, matured representatives of generation Y are very dependent on the approval of management and always expect praise and feedback.

The most technologically savvy generation

The “Greeks” already learned to use computers in childhood and looked for data not in encyclopedias, but on the Internet. Social networks have given them access to information about the lifestyle, thoughts and feelings of any person. Therefore, they can easily form an idea of ​​what the real working conditions are in a particular company and identify promising areas for employment. For this reason, most representatives of this generation believe that they can get what they want (including a position and monthly income) in a fairly short time. Modern information technologies have influenced the high speed of thinking of generation Y and the reluctance to wait for anything for a long time.

Key features and characteristics of Generation Y

It is possible to identify characteristic features of generation Y that will be important for their immediate managers and HR specialists.

1. They want to see meaning in their work

The search for the meaning of life and one’s purpose is especially relevant for generation Y. For them, it is not enough to just do their job and get paid for it. It is important for the “Igreks” to be useful, not just to increase the company’s turnover, but to create significant value for people. According to research, the idea that millennials don't want to work and are looking for easy money is just a myth. “Greeks” are ready to invest all their strength and soul into work that is endowed with meaning. Therefore, in the future, typical representatives of this generation will look for jobs in those companies where they can realize their potential to make the world a better place.

2. They want to have not a boss, but a mentor

Some managers have the belief that most employees are not interested in performing their job duties at the required level and they need to be forced to work, constantly monitor what they are doing in the workplace. But representatives of generation Y are only repulsed by this style of management. They will devote themselves to work provided that they see meaning in it. In this case, the “players” are ready to take responsibility and strive for maximum efficiency in achieving their goals.

Such employees do not need a tyrant boss whom everyone fears, but a mentor and coach who can guide, inspire, and encourage. Such a leader knows everything about his employees: their strengths and weaknesses, hobbies and interests. He is available for communication and interaction. For such a boss, each employee is not a cog in a large machine of the company, but a unique, self-sufficient person capable of giving a lot to his company. “Greeks” really value feedback from their mentor - not only praise, but also criticism, because it is always constructive.

3. They want frequent feedback

Generation Y works for results, so it is important for such employees to regularly receive feedback on the work done from management. This gives them the opportunity to understand whether they are working in the right direction, whether they are efficient enough, and whether the boss is satisfied. They do not require constant financial reward for their work; approval, praise and support are much more important. This is why it is difficult for representatives of generation Y to work in traditional companies that evaluate employee performance only once a year.

4. Focus on strengths

According to researchers, people work more effectively when they make the most of all their skills, knowledge and abilities, and use their strengths. They are not only passionate about the process, but also achieve better results. Therefore, a professional leader, when distributing work among his subordinates, takes into account their abilities and predispositions. This not only allows you to achieve better performance results, but also helps employees enjoy the work they do.

5. Growth and development

People plunge headlong into work, not noticing anything around them, if such activity makes it possible to reveal their potential. Among the entire working-age population, representatives of generation Y are among the most educated. They are aimed at constant development, always learning something new. It is important for them to realize what point in their life journey they are at, how far from the goal they are. Therefore, a competent manager of such employees will be interested not only in increasing the efficiency of the company, but also in the training and development of his subordinates.

It is still widely believed that representatives of generation Y do not strive to work in one place for a long time and are always looking for options with a higher salary. In fact, even members of Generation X at a similar stage in life also often changed jobs until they found the right organization. Research shows that the real reason for the constant search for a new job for “Greeks” is the desire to find a company in which they could work for the rest of their lives. And whether this will be your organization depends on the management style you follow.

Psychological characteristics of generation Y

The areas of interest of the new generation Y are very diverse. Its representatives can simultaneously practice martial arts, yoga, study culinary skills and listen to classical music. At the same time, the hobbies of the “gamers” quickly change: as soon as they need to put in a little more effort, they switch to something new.

A highly paid position in a well-known company is not the most cherished dream of representatives of this generation. Prestige, money and connections do not come first for them. “Games” need to be delegated some responsibility and freedom in decision-making, otherwise they may refuse to work under conditions of total control. An atmosphere of trust in the team is very important for them. Managers of such employees should know the core values ​​of generation Y:

  • fair competition;
  • mentoring rather than supervision;
  • cooperation and support, and not suppression of any initiative;
  • free access to data, and not bureaucratic obstacles to obtaining it;
  • constructive criticism when making decisions, rather than formally following job descriptions.

Representatives of generation Y plan in advance what to buy: they monitor the market, analyze similar products, and compare prices in stores. They are not characterized by impulsive purchases, especially on credit. Advertising promises and arguments from a sales consultant will not be able to convince them to purchase an unnecessary product. “Greeks” rely on information that they can find on the Internet: reviews of other buyers, test drive results, etc.

According to research by sociologists, a key characteristic of representatives of generation Y is the active use of various tools for communication. Almost every “Gamer” constantly uses a computer and mobile phone, while almost 1/5 of them are always online and available for communication. A third of “Greeks” maintain blogs, and half exchange music and video files through special networks.

Psychologists even came up with a name for representatives of this generation - “electronic people”. Most “Greeks” use several cell phones, mailboxes and bank cards at the same time.

What types of people can be from Generation Y?

Type 1.Brogrammers

Who are they: programmers, hackers and other “IT specialists” who are part of the informal IT fraternity (hence the “bros”). They like to relax well in the company of men.

Characteristics: workaholics, ready to work in the office and at home around the clock, have a weakness for low-alcohol drinks, football matches and comedy shows, sometimes hate women.

Type 2.Boss Baby

Who are they: purposeful, self-sufficient, career-oriented women.

Characteristic features: they are absorbed in their careers, they earn a lot and spend a lot, they don’t really like to go on dates, they defend the ideas of equal rights for women, and sometimes they get carried away with purely feminine things: cooking, home improvement, etc.

Type 3.Part-time

Who are they: former students with a diploma still smelling of printing ink, just starting their career path, often moving to more promising cities and countries.

Characteristic features: with higher education, living separately from their parents in rented apartments, earning their first money by doing low-skilled work.

Type 4.Hopeless

Who are they: uneducated people, often men, without a permanent job, sometimes with a university diploma or even a scientific degree.

Characteristic features: they usually live in the region, in villages, where there are no jobs or prospects.

Type 5.Nostalgic

Who are they: adherents of social trends, relics of the Soviet past (hipsters, dudes, etc.), ready to talk about the frailty of the world and the meaning of life and not ready to work just for money.

Characteristic features: retrograde habits in everything (clothing style, hobbies, entertainment). Love of nostalgia and thoughts about how good it was before.

Type 6.Emotional Wasters

Characteristic features: the need to be on the level, to correspond to the created image, self-mania, always up to date with the latest innovations and testing them on themselves.

Type 7.Crisis-millennial 25 years

Who are they: young people with an unstable emotional state, confused by the limitless opportunities for professional and spiritual development open to them.

Characteristic features: eternal students, entering a new faculty every year, constantly in search of their path and purpose; guarded by anxious parents who prevent their long-grown children from taking responsibility for their choices and actions.

How to work with generation Y: 3 effective tools

Tool 1.Assigning Responsibility

A manager who is aware of the inhibitory and motivating factors affecting the performance of the “players” is not obliged to patronize his subordinates, fearing sudden dismissal if something is not to their liking. On the contrary, such a boss can be recommended to involve such employees in the affairs of the company from the first day of work, delegate feasible responsibilities and encourage them, showing the significance of their work for the organization.

The adaptation period for beginners is, of course, important. But you shouldn’t delay it, since the “player” may never decide to start working at full capacity and will feel the pointlessness of his time in the company. Complete immersion in the life of the company will allow representatives of generation Y not only to feel the corporate spirit, but also to stop being afraid of making mistakes, to be willing to take responsibility and see meaning in their work.

Let's look at an example. A novice marketer in a well-known advertising company easily comes up with interesting advertising stories and slogans, and is not afraid to express his opinion about the work of colleagues and superiors (this is typical for generation Y - to calmly criticize management and co-workers). But the young marketer refused the offer to present his creative ideas to the company’s partners and customers. He was afraid to openly announce his projects because, like many “Greeks”, he is not good at establishing contact with those who are not part of his inner circle. The task of the manager of such an employee is to help him socialize (for example, by assigning him responsibility for some important project for the organization).

A comfortable working atmosphere (flexible working hours, the presence of a relaxation area, etc.) will attract many representatives of generation Y to your company. Recognizing the value of an employee and his contribution to the overall cause of the organization, delegating responsibility will help motivate him to stay for a long time and work as efficiently as possible. The impact of performance results not only on career growth and salary levels, but also on the company as a whole will enable the “player” to realize his own importance and increase self-esteem.

Tool 2.Corporate training

Representatives of generation Y easily absorb new information and are always ready to learn and improve their skills. This makes them more valuable to the organization, since employees with relevant skills are worth their weight in gold in the modern economy.

Organization of corporate training is an important element of the personnel management policy in the company where the “Greeks” work. It is important that the training program, in addition to specialized disciplines directly related to the type of activity of employees, includes psychological training and business cases that develop skills for working in conditions of risk and lack of information, helping to understand the deep meaning of the functions performed. This will allow representatives of generation Y to become more independent, proactive and productive.

The core of a corporate training program is not theoretical, but purely practical tools: how to gain the necessary experience and knowledge in the profession, how to ensure constant career growth, who to learn best business practices from, etc. Thanks to such practice-oriented training, our employees become more confident, independent, purposeful, and ready to take responsibility for the results of their decisions and actions.

Tool 3.Corporate media

Corporate newspapers, pages on social networks and other media are another effective tool for working with employees from generation Y. Delegating responsibility for running such projects allows “players” to imbue the values ​​of the organization and experience the corporate spirit.

Young people value this kind of work because it allows them to most fully reveal their creative potential and realize themselves in a new direction. Curating corporate media allows the “Games” to feel in their element – ​​they are, after all, representatives of the most “information” generation. Additionally, social media skills will bring more life and creativity to a company's established culture.

9 tips for managers on how to manage generation Y

Tip 1. Free schedule. Flexible start of the working day, the opportunity to leave work early without asking your boss every time, and then work the hours on another day or work from home.

Tip 2. Finely fragmenting goals, drawing up short-term rather than long-term plans. It is difficult for “Yers” to plan their lives several years in advance. One year is the most suitable interval for them.

Tip 3. Selection of candidates for a vacancy with attention to the fact that the person will be interested in doing the proposed job (otherwise he will again look for another employer).

Tip 4. Corporate media, portals, groups on social networks and any other means that will allow employees to feel “in society”.

Tip 5. Active use of verbal encouragement and gratitude.

Tip 6. Measure them by what they achieve, not by the time they spend in the office. “Greeks” are results-oriented, so they should be rewarded not for their length of service and dedication to the company, but for specific results of their work.

Tip 7. Any negotiations with them should be brief: no hours-long meetings. The love of many leaders to delay negotiations with the “Greeks” will only cause the opposite effect. They appreciate your attention when it is dosed.

Tip 8. People of this generation are very familiar with the concept of a deadline. If they do not meet the agreed deadlines, you can safely fine them for this. “Greeks” are more interested in money than in good relations with their superiors.

Tip 9. Remember that they are full of inexplicable contradictions. So don't ask them why, just try to control them through actions.

You may have noticed that some advice contradicts each other. This is due to the fact that experts do not have a consensus on how to manage Generation Y. You will have to check any advice in practice.

How to identify an employee whose motivation is useless

Karina Kosyakova, training manager at BQ Mobile

Generation Y employees are divided into two types.

Amenable to motivation (monetary and emotional). This increases their efficiency and inspires them to work even better. Such people usually have a very positive outlook on the world. For them, the glass is always half full. If after an interview with such a candidate you want to talk to him again, then this is a “Great” of the first type. But if you ask such an employee to perform a non-standard and unusual task (for example, step over a specially stretched fishing line), then watch his reaction. If he asks: “Why?”, then in the future, after getting a job, he will constantly ask questions, especially if he needs to do something not according to the instructions.

Unable to motivate: addicts (alcohol or drugs) and eternal victims (like Anna Karenina). Everyone but them is to blame for the failures of such people. They constantly complain, judge, and gossip. They can be easily identified by their eternally dissatisfied facial expression. If you hire such an employee, be prepared to take on the role of a tough boss.

People who have one way or another to do with personnel selection can increasingly hear today about certain generations X, Y and Z. But what does this mean? Who are these people and why should they be involved in cooperation? According to HR specialists, the young theory of generations opens up broad boundaries for attracting and managing personnel.

Date of birth question

For the first time, two people spoke about the peculiarities of age differences in 1991 - US researchers Neil Howe and William Strauss. They created a theory that was based on differences in the values ​​of people of different generations. These differences were studied, as well as the reasons behind them, for example, the situation in the economy and politics, technological development of society, etc. Some time later, the theory began to be applied in practice, because she has proven to be very effective in the business field. Today this theory is used more and more often.

The age theory includes three main components (Generations X, Y and Z) and one additional component (Baby Boomers). Let's take a closer look at them.

Baby Boomers

Baby boomers are people born between 1943 and 1963. As a rule, they work collectively and play as a team. Self-development is understood by them as an increasing ability to achieve collective goals.

Currently, most baby boomers are retired, although there are some who are still working. A distinctive feature of this category of people in Russia is their enviable endurance.

Generation X

Generation X are people born from 1963 to 1983. Their distinctive features are such features as the ability to rely only on themselves, alternative thinking, awareness of what is happening in the world, willingness to choose and change. By and large, people in this age category are loners who are focused on hard work and achieving individual success. They move through their careers for many years, adhering to one direction

Generation Y

Generation Y people are people who were born between 1983 and 2003. Their understanding of determination and success is different: in most cases, they do not like to start professional growth from the lower levels, counting on being promoted in a few years. Their main focus is immediate growth. This is also considered their disadvantage.

However, this shortcoming can be partially justified by the desire for maximum awareness and professionalism in several areas at once, because It is not permissible for these people to be specialists in any one thing. Generation Y is the hope of modern business, because... He is characterized by the highest technical literacy, a desire to work outside of school hours and a thirst for knowledge.

Here we can add that, according to some experts, for example, the executive director of the Non-profit Partnership “Labor Market Experts” Mikhail Semkin and HR specialist at MDM Bank OJSC Olga Pavlova, in the next decade generation Y will become the main workforce.

Generation Z

Those born after 2003 belong to generation Z. It is too early to evaluate these people in terms of professionalism, given their age. And it is not possible at this time to say what values ​​will prevail in their consciousness.

But what is all this information needed for?

"Personnel hunt"

If we approach the question of “hunting” for employees correctly, then it presupposes an answer to why human resource specialists need to know about generations XYZ, because HR literally sounds like “Human Resources,” which means “Human Resources,” which means that man occupies a dominant role here.

The attention of modern HR specialists is increasingly focused on human capabilities. And it is the potential of employees, and not the material base of companies and corporations, that becomes their main wealth.

In addition, in the personnel market there is an increasingly fierce struggle for applicants, and in order to emerge victorious, it is necessary to provide only the best conditions to talented representatives of each generation. Plus, it is extremely unacceptable to evaluate these people on the same scale, because they may have diametrically opposed ideas about “their life’s work.” And employees can only be best understood from the perspective of the XYZ generation theory.

What conditions are acceptable for each generation?

When working with staff, you need to understand that people of different generations will have different needs.

Baby Boomers, as a generation with stable needs, are primarily focused on sustainability. It is stable conditions that are decisive here, and it is possible to motivate these people without even resorting to the use of material benefits.

The main motivation for generation X is the desire to be confident in the future and a clear knowledge of all the details of their work. In addition to this, it is recommended to use the opportunity to constantly be in the process of learning and personal growth as motivation. If we talk about the financial side of the issue, then for people who belong to generation X, the fixed salary is most interesting, and the commercial incentive system does not cause very positive emotions in them.

Considering that generation Y is often called the “network generation,” attracting them can be very successful through the Internet, in particular, through social networks. For generation Y, the basic motivation is monetary reward, the absence of bureaucratic hassles and the technological component, for example, the presence of high-tech equipment in the workplace. In the same case, if new technologies are not introduced into the organization and the work process is not optimized, this may negatively affect the interest of job seekers in this company and activities in it.

Among other things, generation Y prefers those organizations that have the fewest prohibitions and restrictions. What is important here is a relaxed atmosphere, a free style in communicating with colleagues, the ability to dress in a familiar manner, etc. And it will be even better if everyday work is somewhat reminiscent of a game, because this generation was raised on computer games.

What else is important to consider?

Everyone is free to have their own opinion, and many may consider the XYZ generation theory to be a mere “fairy tale” not worthy of attention. However, any company that does not focus on modern trends (like any company that blindly takes everything on faith) slows down its development. According to Olga Pavlova, mentioned above, HR specialists must certainly take into account the interests and characteristics of the baby boomer generations, X, Y and Z. If a company needs a person from generation Y, then X or a baby boomer will never replace him. The ideal situation is in which person X manages person Y, while paying attention to his point of view and.

If you do not pay due attention to the theory of generational differences, there will be a high probability of negative consequences for the company, because practice shows that very often a completely unsuitable person is hired for a vacant position. In an effort to achieve a quick result, HR employees can “fit” the applicant into a mold, which subsequently causes disappointment for the company, the employee, and the person who approved his candidacy, and they will have to look for a new person.

Undoubtedly, guided by the principles of the XYZ generation theory, the company can spend much more time assessing it, compiling and analyzing personal and professional characteristics, etc., but the result is worth it, because the company not only gets the opportunity to implement strategic plans, but also a satisfied and grateful employee.

The theory of age differences can also be used to advise existing staff, as well as job seekers. If the recruiter is able to correctly convey information to the applicant, in case of refusal, the applicant will understand that the reason for this may not be his personal indicators, but the combination of the characteristics of the labor market and the specifics of the company. In addition, knowledge about the theory of generations will help the person himself, who is looking for a job, to adjust his actions and begin to move in a new direction, if the previous one did not work out.

As for corporate culture, the XYZ generation theory helps to build it properly, because by focusing on the characteristics of generational differences, one can focus on those values ​​that are important for representatives of the dominant generation in the company. But the interests of others, of course, must always be taken into account.

In their work, HR specialists must focus on both traditional methods of personnel selection and new developments and trends in this area, because the success of the company depends on the application of the most effective strategies, and these can be found in any period of time - both in the past and in the present.

It often happens that certain misunderstandings arise between modern generations. We quarrel with our children, both because of global things and completely unimportant little things. In order to understand why this happens, it is advisable to consider the well-known theory of generations. Scientists around the world have been doing research on similar topics for quite some time. After all, everyone understands that the huge difference between those people who were born just a couple of years apart cannot be simply explained. Of course, there are special reasons for this.

Scientists are confident that modern people simply cannot be characterized by combining them into a single whole. This is why the theory of three generations arises: x, y, z. Each of them deserves special attention, and therefore we suggest taking a closer look at all these features.

Generation X

Other names: Xer, Xers, Generation 13, Unknown generation. Born in 1965-1982.

The term was first proposed by British researcher Jane Deverson and Hollywood reporter Charles Hamblett, and established by writer Douglas Copeland. This generation was influenced by a significant number of important events: the Afghan War, Operation Desert Storm, the beginning of the era of personal computers, the first Chechen war. Sometimes people born in these years are classified as generation Y and even generation Z (although the latter were not included in the project), and sometimes they try to unite millennials (Y) and MeMeMe (Z) with the letter X.

If we talk about the country that actually first introduced this term to the world, then the United States Generation X usually refers to people born during the period of fertility decline that came after the population explosion.

A study of British youth conducted by Jane Deverson in 1964 year for Woman's Own magazine, which showed that young people "sleep with each other before marriage, are not religious, do not love the Queen or respect their parents, do not change their last name when they get married." However, the journal refused to publish the results. Deverson then went to Hollywood to publish a book with reporter Charles Hamblett. It was he who came up with the name “Generation X”. Canadian writer Douglas Copeland liked the catchy title and incorporated it into his book Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, which dealt with the fears and anxieties of people born between 1960 and 1965: they talked about the loss of cultural connection with the Baby Generation. -boomers" (the generation that arose in post-war times and was caused by the demographic explosion).

What are the characteristic features?

Generation X is the new “lost generation,” like all the other generations before them, who grew up in a period when social institutions weakened and lost trust. Individualism flourished again during this period. And the main factor for concern of this generation is the loss of guidance on spiritual values. And it's not just that all the best jobs are already filled by baby boomers. It doesn't matter, because in fact, the problem is that these positions are not of interest to Xers at all. What was valuable to the previous generation (home, work, family as a unit of society) now seems petty and not worthy of attention. They lose faith in the universe; it seems to them spoiled, rotten and even hostile. However, what is even more worrying is not that there is no alternative to this world, but that they themselves are simply not capable of building this alternative. Therefore, this generation is constantly searching for something better in the world and its place on Earth.

It is worth noting that their distinguishing features are that they are skeptical about everything that surrounds them, and therefore choose the ability to rely solely on their own strengths. They are characterized by alternative thinking, as well as high awareness of absolutely everything that happens in the world. At the same time, X's are extremely flexible; they have no problem changing in any way. Their main goal is to work hard and achieve individual success. After all, this generation no longer sees the point in building any collective goals and objectives. The success of each individual is much more important than teamwork.

However, all this is only about Western culture. And I must say that it was quite different from how the worldview of generations was built under the conditions of the USSR. Of course, this contrast is due to political, economic and cultural factors. Therefore, viewing Generation X solely through the prism of the Western world is not appropriate.

So how was it with us?

If we talk about X's from the times of the USSR, they also appear in 1964 - 1984. This period is characterized by economic instability and a great tendency to the emergence of new, even more global crises.

In these times, there is a huge problem with drugs and AIDS, which greatly affects the psychological state of people after the war in Afghanistan. There is a trend of divorce, and therefore, one could see a large number of single mothers. The latter, in turn, did not have the opportunity to exclusively sit at home and take care of children. After all, they had to be provided for, so the number of women in production and factories grew, this ceased to be news to others. In addition, all these factors have led to a significant decline in the birth rate.

The USSR generation X grew up extremely active, with a great need to give their love to others. Therefore, it is not surprising that the next generations do not really understand the excessive attention or guardianship of Xs. And they, in turn, just want to give their children what they did not receive from their parents (many of them were children of war, worked hard and did not have time for guardianship or care). This need was sometimes so strong that women tried to find a partner at any cost, even if he was prone to aggression or had an addiction to alcohol.

In general, this generation grew up in a difficult time of conflict, instability and other things. Therefore, they are most susceptible to depression, internal experiences, and emotional instability. However, self-knowledge and self-development remain simply necessary for Xs.

Millennials, or Generation Y

Other names: Generation Y, Generation Millennium, Generation Peter Pan, Generation Next, Network Generation, Echo Boomers, Boomerang Generation, Trophy Generation.

Different sources refer different people to this generation. Some say that these are all those born since the early 80s. Others specify: from 1983 to the end of the 1990s. And still others capture the early 2000s. Second option - from 1983 to the end of the 1990s- perhaps the most convincing.

The term was coined by Advertising Age magazine. It is believed that the formation of Igrek’s worldview was influenced by: perestroika, the collapse of the USSR, the “wild nineties”, terrorism, wars (in Iraq, Chechnya, etc.), the international financial crisis, rising housing costs and unemployment; television, pop culture, torrent trackers and video hosting, the development of mobile and Internet communications, computer technology, social networks, digital media and video games, flash mob and meme culture, online communication, the evolution of components and the like.


One of the most noticeable features of Igreks is their dependence on knowledge, which they find not in books from libraries, but on Internet resources. This is a generation that loves to learn, but the process for them is completely different from the X's. Training for Millennials is something interesting and original. They absolutely reject the already outdated canons, because in times when the information age comes, the value of the information itself changes. What previously could only be learned from teachers and lecturers becomes much more accessible to Igreks. This leads to another feature of this generation - excessive trust in information presented on online services, especially without any censorship of it.

If we talk about education, it is increasingly losing its meaning. The players leave institutions and do not see the point in them, because the professions for which they study are either already obsolete, or will become so in the foreseeable future. In addition, the teachers themselves do not inspire confidence in them, most of whom follow outdated methods. The Greeks, who saw how their parents with higher education had to go to trade in the market or do something similar, were simply disappointed in education. They are more interested in self-development.

Millennials pay significant attention to their own comfort. For them, self-realization comes to the fore. This is not to say that they are not interested in family, however, career growth still comes first. This also happens because Yers live in conditions of constant instability, they do not know what will happen tomorrow, and therefore do not see the point in planning anything for the future.

The theory of “eternal youth” is also characteristic of this generation. Millennials are trying to delay the arrival of the adult stage until the last minute. This situation is due to the fact that being an adult means taking responsibility. And this doesn’t fit into the Igrekov’s plans. However, this tendency is characteristic of this generation solely due to the fact that they have seen all the mistakes of their parents, and therefore simply refuse to be responsible for anyone's future.

In general, Igrek is a generation of freethinkers. Sort of hipsters. They love freedom, value it most of all. They follow modern trends - in fashion, food and digital trends. Glamorous parties, constant “movement” with like-minded people are the best option for relaxation. However, their negative characteristic is that they want to have everything at once. If a career is something very important for them, then long-term development and professional growth is something completely meaningless. The Greeks have never been interested in hard work and the long process of getting the best position. They want to get everything right here and now. In addition, profitable acquaintances are not the least important for them, because, in their opinion, this will help much more than higher education. This generation does not like strict boundaries, and therefore a flexible work schedule and comfortable working conditions are prerequisites for the high productivity of Millennials.

The same can be said about money; for Millennials, it is the path to opportunity. If you have money, there is a road to success. Therefore, in addition to being individualists, they also have a thirst for everything material.

Of course, social networks deserve special attention from the players. Virtual reality is what they need for a successful existence. On such online platforms, you can create a new image for yourself, even if it does not exist in real life. Millennials love to find friends based on their interests, and on social media. Networks are the easiest to do this. As for food, they know absolutely everything about the amount of calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, however, they are often not even aware of the origin of the products and their composition.

Despite all the possibly negative features of this generation, it is interesting and extraordinary in its own way. The Greeks have a fairly positive mindset, they believe that life is beautiful and varied, and all people are brothers. They expect significant results from their work, and therefore give it their all. However, it is important for them that what they do is a real passion.

Generation Z, or Generation MeMeMe

Other names: Generation YaYA, Generation Z, Net Generation, Internet Generation, GenerationI, Generation M (from the word “multitasking”), Homeland Generation, New Silent Generation, Generation 9/11

So, Generation Z (or Generation YAYA) are people born in the early 1990s and 2000s (Business Insider writes that Gen Z is born from 1996 to 2010). Their philosophical and social worldview was influenced by the global financial and economic crisis, Web 2.0 and the development of mobile technologies. Representatives of Generation Z are considered as children of Generation X, and sometimes as children of Generation Y, that is, millennials.


Generation Zeta is a prime example of people who emerged during times of great globalization and postmodernism. Their characteristic feature is that they are familiar with all modern technologies from early childhood. Moreover, it often happens that the baby has not even learned to speak, but knows perfectly well how to turn on the computer and open his favorite game. So, the Zetas are the children of the Internet and modern technology. Due to this, they did not have a typical childhood “in the backyard”, and therefore are not team players, they need to be taught this.

This generation is distinguished by the absolute absence of a clearly defined life position. Unlike all their predecessors, the Zetas are not motivated by money or career advancement. Moreover, they are not at all independent and constantly need someone to tell them what they should do. However, there are enough freedom-loving people, they cannot be forced to do anything. After all, they will never do anything they don’t want to do themselves. Even from childhood, it is important for them that their opinions are listened to. They love to learn and quickly absorb new knowledge. Large amounts of information do not present any difficulties for them.

They receive the vast majority of knowledge from Internet resources. However, there is a problem here. The Zetas' horizons are quite superficial. Due to the fact that they do not see the point in school or university, they do not acquire basic knowledge and skills. Everything they learn online is purely situational. Despite this, Zetas are distinguished by their incredible multitasking and creativity. They love finding solutions to difficult situations and solving the most unusual problems.

There are quite negative traits in their character. They are prone to whims and hysterics, they want everything to be exactly as they say. They have pronounced arrogance, selfishness and narcissism (let’s just remember the “Selfie” culture).

Generation Z are travelers. They don't need comfort, work and money. They strive for everything new and unknown. Therefore, they will be indifferent to where to spend the night, what to drive (even if hitchhiking), and there is no sense of danger at all. The main thing is the emotions that they can experience.

Quite often, Zetas oppose bad habits (smoking, alcohol), and are also vegetarians. They believe in world peace and strive to solve environmental and social problems.

How to win the attention of the Zetas?

One thing is certain - they need to be motivated. Everything they do requires a reaction from others, whether negative or positive. The main thing is attention to their personality, they are simply eaters of emotions. All the tasks that you set for this generation need to be formulated clearly and in detail. But for every completed task, you will immediately give a reward. They do not like to work for a future result; they need motivation for every completed task. Despite the fact that Zetas are individualists, they also love parties and coworking, so they should always be involved in teamwork. In order for their work to give the best result, it is necessary to offer them creative tasks that are as interesting as possible for the Zetas. In addition, make sure that they truly believe that what they do is beneficial to others.

So the generations are very different. Therefore, when communicating with your children or parents, it is necessary to take into account all the features characteristic of this generation, and also take into account the events that could affect the person. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid possible conflicts and maintain excellent relationships with each other.

Today everyone is discussing the generations of the future -Y,Z andA, while the most economically active people of the generation remain X. Little is said or written about them, but they are the ones who shape the future of the world economy and politics. About who the people of this generation are X, and how they differ from representatives of other generations, read our article.

The most active economically today are representatives of the so-called generationsX. It largely influenced the formation of modern business conditions and made an invaluable contribution to the development of the global economy. Representatives of Generation X have a unique value system that allows them to achieve high results in all areas of life.

The value system of representatives of generation X

This system is a set of behavioral and social attitudes that have developed under the influence of many factors. The system has a direct influence on a person’s opinion regarding certain phenomena and things that he encounters throughout his life. It is she who is the main guideline in the process of making important decisions. Changing the value system during life is possible, but it is extremely rare.

Due to the huge variety of values, they are usually divided into several main categories. Most often, researchers identify 2 types of values :

Value #1


This category is one of the fundamental ones. This includes all attitudes and ideals, under the influence of which an individual’s ideas about good, justice, beauty, goodness, evil, and so on are formed. It is on the set of spiritual values ​​that ideas about what is necessary and proper, preferences and desires, aspirations and attractions depend;

Value #2


Material values ​​include consumer values ​​expressed in material form: basic necessities, private property, availability of goods and services.

Each person's final set of values ​​is individual and unique. It is quite difficult to take into account every element of this system. However, there are certain combinations of values ​​(gender, family, national, professional) that are inherent in representatives of certain “generations”.

Generation theory

For the first time, several scientists started talking about this theory in the first half of the 90s. According to this theory, approximately every 20 years a new generation of people is born whose value system is radically different from the value system of their parents or grandparents. The formation of the value system of a representative of each new generation actually ends by the age of 11-15, after which it is only supplemented and strengthened. Already at this age, you can notice the first differences: attitude towards other people, money, material and spiritual goods, style of consumption and behavior in general.

The calculation and description of “generations” begins at the end of the 19th century. Each generation has its own unique values, which were formed under the influence of many factors. The activities of representatives of each generation provoked the creation of new conditions, which, in turn, began to influence the formation of the value system of the next generation.

The Lost Generation (1890 - 1900)

The first generation discussed in the mentioned theory are people born in 1890-1900. This era is characterized by social inequality, stratification of society, disappointment in civilization, cultural decline and decadence. Representatives of the “lost generation” grew up and were formed under conditions of despotism and monarchism, and the most important event of that era was an unprecedented global military conflict - the First World War and the collapse of the imperialist state. As a response, representatives of the generation took an active part in revolutionary events, the formation of modern states, the creation of new ideas, the development of science and a new culture.

Winners (Greatest) (1901 - 1925)

According to different versions, representatives of this generation were born from 1901 to 1925. These people grew up in an era of global changes in the social and political world order. Bold ideas, new directions in science and technology, the strengthening of totalitarian and authoritarian societies - all this influenced the value system of representatives of the “generation of winners”. People born at this time were participants or witnesses of the Second World War, the creation of the UN, and the post-war restoration of world order.

Silent (1925 - 1945)

People born before and during the Second World War (1925-1945) are usually called the “silent generation”. They had to grow and live in the post-war era, restore the destroyed economy and industry. The period of their activity saw the beginning of the Cold War, slow but steady economic growth, a gradual improvement in living conditions and quality of life, the absence of global upheavals, and the strengthening of power structures. However, these people had an extremely difficult childhood, which could not but leave an imprint on their entire lives.

Baby boom (ME) (1946 - 1964)

Representatives of the silent generation and the “winners” produced a huge number of children, resulting in a population explosion (1946-1964). The baby boom era marks the beginning of the sexual revolution, the rise of rock music and hippie culture. Authoritarian rulers no longer suited society, which often led to unrest and local conflicts. Demonstrations, rallies, public performances and protests became typical of this era.

At the same time, protest sentiments and narcissism begin to prevail. People of the “Me Generation” gave preference to self-realization, abandoning generally accepted social responsibility. This generation was one of the first to begin to say that the main thing in life is to have fun and change the world. Baby boomers actively promoted ideas of equality, non-violence, democracy and tolerance.

Generation X (1965 - 1979) (according to some researchers - according to 1982)

The socially active and freedom-loving baby boomers were replaced by representatives of Generation X, born from 1965 to 1979 (according to some researchers - 1982). In some cases, all children born before the 1990s and even 2000s are included here, but this is incorrect.

The formation of the “X” value system was influenced by: the war in Afghanistan, the Chechen war, the stagnation and fall of socialist regimes, the end of the Cold War, the opening of borders, freedom of movement, globalization, the increase in the number of emigrants, the fall and subsequent rapid growth of the economy.

Representatives of the unknown became even more independent from the official authorities. However, in contrast to the worldview of the baby boomers, attempts to change the world have been replaced by the absolute or partial indifference of the “Xers” to what is happening in the political arena. Sexual relations outside marriage became the norm, as did a lack of religiosity and patriotism. Representatives of Generation X have become more likely to get divorced, but family values ​​still play a primary role for them.

These people are not used to stability. Before their eyes, the entire system of the world was changing radically, and they became accustomed to the difficulties associated with these changes. Infantilism and decadence are alien to them; they are active, smart, and can be called “punchy.” They rely only on themselves, always have a plan “B”, do not get lost in the face of difficulties and are ready for any difficult situations.

"X" changed the world beyond recognition. These people are characterized by high efficiency and productivity, they are persistent and diligent. For “X people,” career, level of education, and material wealth play an important role. They strive to be successful, but often do not look for new paths, but use long-proven routes.

HR Director at Relief company

People over 45 are professional and efficient, without unnecessary ambitions. Explain this to company management

Sometimes employers are afraid that subordinates will be older than the manager. But it's not scary! The main thing is to entrust older employees with suitable work that is not associated with high pace and constant stress. And there is always enough such work at the enterprise. For example, we have many employees in our company who are turning 50 this year. Just a year of anniversaries. And all these specialists work productively. Therefore, I am happy to hire people over 45 years old into my department. They are more efficient, reliable, professional, and at the same time they do not have excessive ambitions (like a university graduate who cannot do anything, but wants a lot). I can rely on such an employee, as I am sure that everything will be completed 100%. After all, he has both responsibility for the result and an unwillingness to lose his job. This is exactly what HR directors should explain to the company’s top managers.

Millennials (Y, YAYA) (early 80s - late 90s)

Most economic models and incentive systems were created specifically for Xers. Thanks to this, the HR director can quite quickly achieve an increase in labor productivity, using a “standard” set of motivators, both tangible and intangible.

“Xers” are used to achieving everything themselves. Career and life in general for them is a kind of step-by-step strategy. First you need to graduate from school, then go to college or university, get a profession and get “credentials.” After this, the newly minted specialist comes to the enterprise and starts from the “bottom” - working as line or junior office staff with the prospect of slow but sure career growth. “Xers” achieved (and still achieve) managerial or expert positions at the age of 30-40 years.

Employee motivation X

In most cases, rapid career growth is impossible for them. Representatives of the “Xers” try to “sell themselves” more profitably, but at the same time they understand that in order to implement such a plan they need to meet the stated price. Empty ambitions are rare for them; they know their worth well and demand adequate remuneration for their labors.

Material motivation plays a huge role in stimulating Generation X workers. Advancement up the career ladder, obtaining new powers or responsibilities, solving assigned tasks, fulfilling a production plan - all this should be noted not only in the form of praise or recognition of merit from management, but also with quite tangible material rewards. The increase or bonus itself may even be insignificant, but it must be there.

The most effective way of non-material motivation for X employees is the opportunity to gain new knowledge and improve their skills. Courses, seminars, business trips, webinars - all this will be appreciated by representatives of generation X.

An equally important role is played by recognition of merit - public awards, provision of a personal workplace, personal benefits, and so on. An excellent way to recognize the merits of such an employee is to appoint him as a mentor who should be involved in training newcomers to the team. With this technique, the HR department can decide immediately 3 problems:

Problem #1

Increase mentor motivation

By appointing an employee as a “teacher,” management demonstrates its loyalty and trust, which in turn encourages the mentor to do his own work better;

Problem #2

Reduce newcomer adaptation time

It will be easier for a new employee to join the team and get involved in work processes if adaptation and training are carried out by an experienced employee, and not a representative of the personnel service;

Problem #3

Reduce the workload of the HR department

How to use X's human resources

The “Unknown Generation” was formed at the dawn of the era of media communications, when the Internet and other types of mobile communications were rare rather than the norm. For this reason, for many Xers, live communication and real human relationships are of fundamental value. They are not so dependent on social networks and the Internet in general, so their picture of the world is much more realistic than that of representatives Y and Z.

Characteristics of people from generation X

  • have a wealth of life experience,
  • have extensive work experience,
  • have certain merits
  • have a good education
  • diversified,
  • tactful,
  • sociable.

These people are most suitable for stable and responsible work that requires perseverance and a thorough approach.

X's are attentive to people and details, so they make excellent managers at all levels. Consistency and predictability of actions allows them to be appointed as managers of serious projects or developing business areas.

Thanks to their business acumen and ability to build working relationships, “X’s” can be safely sent for negotiations to other companies. They can be trusted to carry out serious projects with pre-planned results.

Disadvantages of employees X

Unlike people Y (YYYA), whose representatives are very ambitious, “Xers” can and will work hard. It was this generation that gave birth to the term “workaholism” - dependence on work. An unfulfilled project, failures at work, missed deadlines - all this is taken very seriously and painfully by them.

Excessive workload and responsibility provoke stressful situations that affect the moral and physical health of these individuals. For this reason, “X” people are more susceptible to nervous breakdowns, moral exhaustion and depression. Damage to physical health manifests itself in the form of headaches, decreased sexual activity, heart attacks, early heart attacks and strokes.

Such consequences can only be avoided by regularly alternating “work” and “rest” modes, creating comfortable working conditions and a favorable atmosphere in the team.

Test yourself

What are the 2 main types of values?

  • gender and family;
  • professional and national;
  • spiritual and material.

What is the name of the generation born from 1946 to 1964?

  • lost;
  • baby boom;
  • millennials.

Which generation is most active in the economy at the moment?

  • Baby boom;

What makes Generation X different?

  • high efficiency;
  • reluctance to grow up;
  • protest spirit, active participation in political and social life.

The main disadvantage of generation X is:

  • inflated ambitions;
  • exposure to stress;
  • dependence on modern technologies.

We live in the 21st century - the century of high technology and rapid development. The world around us is changing, and transformations are affecting all areas of our society. Some people strive to keep up with innovations, while others, on the contrary, adhere to a conservative position. What behavioral strategy a person chooses in changing conditions often depends not only on personal beliefs, but also on factors such as social environment, upbringing, and generational affiliation.

The problem of “fathers and sons” has existed in our world for a long time, and the issue of mutual understanding between generations is regularly raised in various literature, both fiction and scientific. And in the modern world, the gap between generations is becoming more and more noticeable, as the conditions under which representatives of different generations grow up and are brought up are radically changing. This undoubtedly has a significant impact on their values ​​and attitudes: people’s thinking, lifestyle, and people’s attitude towards rest and work changes.

Many argue that representatives of different generations have difficulty understanding each other, because they grew up in radically different conditions. It is believed that the younger generation, which is now entering the labor market, has different work values, different job requirements and different expectations.

But do different generations really differ significantly from each other when it comes to work values? Let's answer this question by considering modern research on this topic.

X, Y, Z - who are they?

In 1991, American scientists Neil Howe and William Strauss published a book on the theory of generations, in which they described their ideas that approximately every 20 years a generational change occurs in the world, people with new values, a new mindset, who have different life trajectories.

Recently, generational theory has gained popularity, and we can often hear references to generations X, Y and Z, who are currently the most active workers and consumers of economic goods and services.

What are these generations? What makes them different from each other? Let's try to figure it out.

Defining generational boundaries is not an easy task. Some scientists establish them based only on time periods, that is, starting from the year of birth, someone focuses on similar values ​​and attitudes, common conditions of upbringing. It is worth noting that the process of determining generations is greatly influenced by social, cultural and economic conditions, which can vary greatly in different countries. Any turning point that affects the process of social development can occur in different countries with a difference of decades. For example, the wide spread of the Internet occurred in America in the 90s of the last century, and in our country it began only in the new millennium. It is obvious that such significant events have an impact on the development of society and draw boundaries between generations.

Thus, the boundaries of generations X, Y and Z are not defined stably and vary somewhat depending on countries and the approaches of scientists. So, let’s determine the main characteristics of representatives of generations X, Y, Z.

GenerationX is the generation of people born after 1965. The upper limit of the generation varies among different authors, some scholars set it at 1976, others say 1980 or 1984.

American scientists speak of the people of this era as the “lost generation.” At that time, the “era of divorce” had begun in America, and this family event had a great impact on many people. In Russia, members of Generation X came of age during the years of perestroika, and this era had an important impact on the formation of personalities. Generation X is characterized by a high level of skepticism, social and political indifference, and lack of initiative, but at the same time, they are a very educated and literate generation. Compared to the previous generation, which was accustomed to working together, Xers are focused on hard work and individual success. They are accustomed to building their career throughout their lives, gradually moving in the chosen direction.

GenerationY, also called the online generation or the millennial generation, were born from approximately 1985 to 1995. A characteristic feature of this generation can be called the widespread use of the Internet, pop culture, and mobile communications during their growing up period, which had a great influence on their values ​​and attitudes. Greeks are used to being constantly in touch; communication, collaboration, and cooperation are important to them. They are not ready to spend their whole lives in one place, they strive for variety of work, therefore they are ready for training and retraining throughout their lives. Players are characterized by greater flexibility, they quickly adapt to changing conditions, but at the same time, they change the conditions themselves; they are ready to dictate their own rules if they see that this will bring greater benefit and increase efficiency.

There are other points of view, some argue that players are accustomed to consuming: information, pop culture, products. They do not strive to start working, do not want to grow up, they are characterized by the “concept of eternal youth” and constant narcissism.

GenerationZ– these are people born between 1995 and 2010. Now representatives of this generation have not yet entered the labor market, so it is still difficult to talk about their work attitudes and values, but some characteristic features can be noted. Representatives of Generation Z grew up surrounded by modern technologies; they are less sociable than the previous generation and are more focused on themselves and their own world. Because of this, some scientists call this generation “Generation MeMeMe,” emphasizing their focus on their own thoughts and feelings, rather than on other people. Due to the development of electronic technology, the Zetas are accustomed to visual perception of information. This suggests that over time, new ways of learning and new work technologies will appear on the market, which will be brought by representatives of Generation Z.

Let us note once again that the boundaries of generations are conditional, so, for example, a person born in 1995 will be closer to someone born in 1994, that is, a representative of another generation, than to someone born in 2005, a representative of his generation. Therefore, scientists note that the boundaries are calculated with the assumption of +- 3 years, and for people at the junction of generations, features of both are often characteristic.

Comparison of work values

Many domestic and foreign sociologists have studied labor values ​​in the modern world, but it is worth noting that none of them divided the population under study into generations X, Y and Z, perhaps because such a division is very arbitrary. In addition, there is a problem of lack of information about the work values ​​of generation Z. The fact is that at the moment representatives of generation Z are from 5 to 20 years old, and mass surveys usually cover the population from 18 years old, which is why there is no relevant information about work values ​​yet and beliefs of this generation. Therefore, we will determine the differences in the labor values ​​of generations X and Y.

So, let’s look at what work values ​​are typical for representatives of Generation X.

According to research by V.S. Maguna, for representatives of this generation, the main labor value is good earnings. In addition, the interest of the job and the reliability of the place of work are of great value. Other researchers also confirm that high earnings occupy a dominant position in the pyramid of labor values.

Is it possible to say that commercialism is the main trait of Xs? I think that such conclusions will be hasty and unfounded. A.N. Demin argues that in the minds of Generation X, the prestige of a job is invariably associated with high wages. Money is not an end in itself, it serves as a means to satisfy needs and is instrumental in nature, contributing to the achievement of a high position in society.

In general, it can be assumed that the desire for financial well-being and the desire for a reliable job may be a consequence of the changes taking place in the country in the 90s. The transition to a market economy, the instability of the economic situation in the country, the 1998 crisis - these events could have a significant impact on people’s work attitudes.

In addition to the above values, common responses about important characteristics of a job include the opportunity to contribute to society, the ability to manage one's own time, and the desire to match the job to one's competency level. We can say that by the end of the 90s, a transformation was taking place in the consciousness of Russians, which was a consequence of the transformation of society. People are becoming freer, they want to have more independence and space for action, in addition, they want to benefit not only themselves and their family, but also other people. In society, previous boundaries are being destroyed and restrictions are being lifted. If earlier, in Soviet times, earning too much was considered suspicious, and starting one’s own business was condemned by society, now work becomes free from conventions and strict rules. Naturally, in such conditions people strive for greater realization of their capabilities and want to earn as much as their level of knowledge and skills allows.

Carol Zhurkiewicz says that the opportunity for personal growth is important for Generation X. However, domestic researchers do not confirm this. This difference can be explained by the fact that societies develop at different rates, so labor factors that were important in America 10 years ago are only becoming important in our country now.

Do the work values ​​of Generation X coincide with the values ​​of their “followers,” Generation Y?

Good wages also remain top priority for the generation of players. The following positions are the opportunity for career growth and the opportunity for self-realization, which was not in the responses of the X-generation. Work continues to be perceived by people as a means of achieving success, a path to taking a worthy position in society. But now not only material wealth plays an important role, but also other components of work - self-realization, position in society.

In addition to wages and self-realization, the IG generation places high demands on the quality of work: they need good working conditions, social guarantees, and work ethics.

This is a significant difference from the previous generation, whose representatives did not list these values ​​as priorities. This means that the labor values ​​of the Y generation, which were formed in completely different economic and political conditions than the values ​​of the Xers, are to some extent different from each other. The new generation is developing positive attitudes towards work, they are ready to work, improve their knowledge and implement their skills, this predetermines high expectations for decent wages and high-quality working conditions.

But can we say with confidence that differences in the work values ​​of different generations really exist?

I believe there are no such guarantees, since differences in responses may be due to differences in information collection methods, such as differences in questions.

In order to avoid this inaccuracy, let us turn to the study “Youth of the New Russia: Lifestyle and Value Priorities”, conducted in 2007 and covering representatives of two generations: young people aged 17 to 26 years and the older generation from 40 to 60 years.

Let's compare the answers of representatives of two generations to one question: “What requirements should a job meet that could suit you?”

The most popular answers among representatives of generation X are the following (the sum of the answers exceeds 100%, since it was possible to select an unlimited number of answers): well-paid job (87.2%), interesting for me (60.0%), with good working conditions ( 42.4%). The least important were career opportunities and prestige.

For representatives of the Gamer generation, the answers were distributed in a very similar way: good pay (84.9%), interesting work (63.5%), good working conditions (29.0%). At the same time, the least popular answer for this generation is non-tiring work.

It is noteworthy that the top of the hierarchy of values ​​is the same among representatives of the two generations, although the percentage of answers differs somewhat. However, it is noticeable that other values ​​differ in importance for representatives of different generations. Thus, representatives of the Y generation have a greater focus on professional growth and a desire for creativity in the profession, while Xers want to be useful in society, but at the same time they want their work to leave more free time, and do not strive for career growth.

It is difficult to say whether such differences are caused precisely by belonging to different generations, that is, by the conditions of upbringing and socialization, or whether they depend only on age. Naturally, by the age of 50, a person has most likely already moved up the career ladder and achieved a high position if he aspired to it. Therefore, this area ceases to be a priority for him, and other values ​​come first, such as free time to spend with his family. The younger generation has unfulfilled ambitions, so they strive for promotion and career growth.


So, generations X, Y, Z do not have clearly defined boundaries, but differ from each other in their upbringing, values, and perception of the world.

The work values ​​of generation Z have currently been practically not measured by scientists, since this generation is mainly still receiving education and has not entered the labor market as active workers and consumers. Measuring the work values ​​of this generation seems to be an important task for modern sociologists, since they will soon become the main labor force of the country.

The main labor value for both generation X and generation Y continues to be high wages, but this is rather not an end in itself, but a means to achieve other goals, such as prestige and respect in society.

The work values ​​of generations X and Y are somewhat different, the Yers strive for self-realization through a profession, a more creative work, in addition, they aspire to good working conditions, while for the Xers it is important to have more freedom.

It is important to note that the topic is not well researched at the moment, but it is of great value. The world is changing, the labor market is transforming, and it is necessary to take into account the needs and demands of younger generations in order for work to be more effective and the potential of younger generations to be realized in work.

Infographics: Natalya Sidorova

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