Brief summary of the work: how to see off steamships. Test for reviewing the topic on literary reading (prospective elementary school program) “we are trying to understand how beauty affects us”

Secondary school school 63

with in-depth study of English in Novosibirsk

Lesson Project


primary school teacher

Isachenko Tatyana Nikolaevna

Novosibirsk city


Lesson Project

Prepare a draft training session aimed at achieving the planned results that comply with the Federal State Educational Standards of the NEO, meeting the requirements of the activity-based approach to training and its formation in accordance with the proposed structure.
    Lesson topic: I. Pivovarova “How ships are seen off” 4th grade Educational and educational complex "Prospective Primary School" Planned results:
Personal: - educational and cognitive interest in a new topic with the desire to understand oneself - desire for self-improvement using the example of the hero of the work Metasubject: Regulatory UUD: - understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it - take into account the specifics of the teacher’s question and find the exact answer through selective reading -draw conclusions and conclusions based on comparison of the heroes’ actions Cognitive UUD: - consciously construct speech utterances orally - identify primary and secondary information Communication: - interact in pairs - construct monologue statements in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication - defend your point of view tactfully, by presenting arguments Subject: - will have the opportunity to teach how to distinguish material from spiritual values - will be able to practice reading the passage in person - work with information sources

Lesson stages, goal

- How are the guys in the mood?- What is their relationship like?- Why do you think Lyuska spoke in a loud voice?-Did Pavlik listen carefully to Lyuska?-Why did Lyuska change the topic of conversation?-Why was she still talking loudly?
Re-read the description of nature at the beginning of the text and in this passage.- Something has changed?- Why does the author use the repetition technique?
_Re-read only Kolya’s words.-Reread only Lyuska’s words.- So what has changed?
- How can events develop further?

List of used literature

1. Textbook 4th grade UMK “Prospective Primary School” by I. Pivovarov “How to see off steamships.”
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  • Duration: 00:07:46
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It was morning. It was Sunday. Kolya and I were sitting on a tree. On a large spreading branch. We ate bread and jam and dangled our legs. Thick white clouds swam importantly above us, and the sun was shining with all its might, and the top of my head became hot, like an oven.

Kohl, let's climb trees every day! We'll climb in the morning and climb down in the evening. And we will have lunch on the tree, and study lessons, but we will not go to school.

Let's. I love heights. I will definitely become a pilot when I grow up.

Kohl, who should I become?

An artist. You sing great.

Really, Kohl?! Honestly, do I sing well?

I like. Yesterday you sang “How Steamboats See Off” in the yard, and I sat at home and listened. I even turned off the radio.

Do you want me to sing now?

And I sang:

How the ships are seen off,

I tried really hard. I glanced furtively at Kolya. Kolya had a thoughtful and serious face. He looked into the distance. Maybe he was thinking about becoming a pilot when he grew up.

Water, water, -

There is water all around... -

And suddenly I heard:

Hey Lyuska, where are you?

Pavlik Ivanov stood under the tree.

Kolya and I froze. Just expect trouble from this Ivanov! After all, he will tell everyone that we climbed a tree. And then we will get it from our parents! And in the courtyard they will tease “the bride and groom”...

Ivanov walked around the sandbox and looked around.

Lyuska! - he yelled. - Come out! I found you! You're sitting in the basement!

At this time my Lyuska came out of the entrance.

Why did you decide that I was sitting in the basement? - Lyuska was surprised.

Not you! - said Pavlik Ivanov. - Sinitsyna hid somewhere here and is singing from there. Let's look for her?

Here's another! - said Lyuska. - She’ll find herself... And then, can she sing? Squeaks like a chicken. It's disgusting to listen to!

It’s still strange,” said Pavlik. - Where is she? I heard her voice somewhere nearby.

It was such a lie that I almost fell out of the tree.

Calmly! - said Kolya. - Don't worry, otherwise they will see us.

And in general she has no hearing,” said Lyuska. “You can’t even imagine how exhausted I was with her while I taught her to sing “How the Steamships See Off.”

Don’t lie, Lyuska,” I couldn’t stand it. - What a shame to lie!

Yeah! - said Pavlik. - She's definitely here somewhere!

Lyuska turned her head in all directions.

Well, I was joking, and you already believed it,” she said in a loud voice. - “How to see off steamships” - she taught me that. And “Lada” and “Russian Field”. But I taught her to sing Lensky’s aria. And Lensky’s aria is a hundred times more interesting to sing than “Russian Field”! And let him not imagine that he sings better than anyone else. Just think, the singer has been found!

She stretched.

“Sergei Fedorovich arrived yesterday,” she said still loudly. - He brought me such a watermelon! And such pears! And today we are going to the ballet “Doctor Aibolit”. Now I’ll put on my blue dress, put on new shoes - red, with holes - and let’s go.

And she left.

They called Pavlik, and he also left. Kolya and I climbed down from the tree.

Everything went well. Nobody saw us. Nobody scolded. I barely even got scratched. The sun was shining just as brightly. The clouds were just as white. And it was warm. And it was still morning. And it was Sunday. But my mood was ruined.

“She went to watch Doctor Aibolit,” I said. - And I’ve been dreaming about “Doctor Aibolit” for so long!

“Lucy,” said Kolya, “you haven’t finished yet.” Sing on, eh!

And she has new shoes...

I looked at my cracked sandals.

Lyus, please sing.

And they brought her a watermelon. Still unfair. Why is everything to her?

And pears,” I said.

And I wanted to cry. Then Kolya looked at me strangely.

“Okay, I’ll go,” Kolya suddenly said. - Please forgive me. My mother is waiting for me.

He turned and walked away.

He didn't stop. He walked towards the entrance. Well, let! He thinks about himself a lot! What did I say? Well?

Kolya left. I knew why he was leaving. Kolya's back flashed on the second floor landing. I knew, I knew why he was leaving!

Wait! - I shouted and ran to catch up with him.

I only caught up with him on the third floor.

Kohl! - I muttered. - Wait! Well, wait, please! I... I want to ask you a riddle. You know what a great riddle! You'll never guess. True true! Listen... A and B were sitting on the pipe. A fell, B disappeared, who remained on the pipe?

“I know this riddle,” Kolya said gloomily.

Kohl,” I said. - Don’t think!.. Don’t think... Honestly, I’m not like that! I really don’t know what came over me! Just think - shoes! Yes, I have new shoes! And watermelon is nonsense! My dad can bring as many watermelons as you want... And pears...

We went down the stairs and went out into the courtyard.

“But you still sing,” said Kolya. - You haven’t finished yet.

And I sang:

How the ships are seen off,

Not at all like trains...

Lyuska stood in the window in her new dress. She was eating a pear.

The main characters of Irina Pivovarova’s story “How Steamboats See Off” from the series “Stories by Lucy Sinitsina” are the girl Lyusya and her friend Kolya. One Sunday morning they climbed a tree. Kolya told Lyusa that he loves heights and wants to become a pilot.

When Lucy asked him what she should become, he said that she should be an artist, because Lucy sings well. Then Lyusya decided to sing for Kolya the song “How the Steamships See Off,” which he liked.

While Lucy was singing, the voice of Pavlik Ivanov was heard under the tree, who could not understand where Lucy was. Lyusya and Kolya hid in a tree; they didn’t want Pavlik to discover them. Pavlik could have told everyone that Lyusya and Kolya climbed a tree, and then they would have gotten it from their parents.

In response to Pavlik’s screams, Lucy Sinitsyna’s friend, also named Lyusya, came out of the entrance. Having learned that Pavlik was looking not for her, but for Sinitsyna, Lyusya Kositsyna began to criticize her friend’s singing abilities, assuring Pavlik that it was she who taught her all the songs.

Hearing such speeches, Lyusya Sinitsyna could not resist and loudly asked her friend not to lie. Realizing that Sinitsyna was somewhere nearby, Lyusya Kositsyna stated that she was joking, and in fact Sinitsyna taught her to sing many songs.

But then she said that Sergei Fedorovich had brought her a huge watermelon, and today she would go to the ballet “Doctor Aibolit” with him. Kositsyna was going to wear a blue dress and new red shoes to the ballet.

Soon Lyusya Kositsyna and Pavlik Ivanov left, and then Lyusya Sinitsyna and Kolya climbed down from the tree. Kolya asked Lucy to finish singing the song, but Lucy’s mood deteriorated because of her friend’s words about ballet and new shoes. She couldn't think of anything else.

Kolya was offended and went home. Lyusya did not immediately understand that Kolya was offended, but then she rushed after him and made peace with Kolya. They went out into the yard again and Lyusya began to sing for Kolya the song “How the Steamships Are Seeing Off.”

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​Pivovarova’s story “How Steamships Are Seeing Off” is that one should not be led by such feelings as envy. Lucy envied her friend, who was going to the ballet, and wearing new red shoes. Envy clouded Lyusya’s consciousness so much that she offended her friend Kolya with her behavior.

The story teaches not to envy others and to be attentive to friends.

What proverbs fit Pivovarova’s story “How Steamboats Are Seen Off”?

The soul grows with song.
If you chase someone else’s, you will lose yours.
Without a friend there is a blizzard in the heart.

Literary reading lesson in 4th grade


Goalsactivitiesteachers: introduce I. Pivovarova’s story “How ships are seen off”; cultivate an interest in reading, the ability to listen and understand each other; use the material of the story to help reflect on the question: what is beauty.


Subject: will learn analyze the text, find answers to questions in it, determine how beauty affects the heroes of the work, read by role; will have the opportunity to learn understand the role of the writer’s creative biography in the creation of a work of art.

Metasubject universal learning activities (UAL):

Regulatory : carry out self-monitoring and control over the progress of work. Cognitive: read texts; understand the actual content of the text; highlight the main parts.

Communication : adequately perceive the content of the interlocutor’s statements. Personal: realize the importance of literary reading in the formation of their own culture and worldview.


I. Organizational moment.

Let's start working with the second part of the tutorial. Remember the rules for handling a book: do not get the book dirty, wrap it, do not fold the pages, use a bookmark. Take care of your books!

A good book is my companion, my friend,

Leisure time is more interesting with you.

We're having a great time together

And we slowly carry on our conversation.

My road is long with you -

To any country, in any century.

You're telling me about the movement of planets.

There is nothing unclear about you.

You teach to be truthful and valiant,

To understand and love nature, people,

I treasure you, I take care of you.

I can't live without a good book.

N. Naydenova

P. Preparation for perception.

Review the textbook. Pay attention to the symbols and content. Do you have any questions for me or the creators of the textbook? Ask these questions.

Working with the article “Let’s try to understand how beauty affects us.”

Sayings about beauty:

“Beauty is a very welcome guest everywhere” (Johann Goethe).

“In the diversity of changes, beauty remains forever new” (Dionysius of Halicarnassus).“Beauty will save the world!” (Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky).“A ray of beauty in the blink of an eye / Drives away clouds from the heart” (John Keith).“Beauty affects even those who don’t notice it” (Jean Cocteau).

“The beauty of an act lies, first of all, in the fact that it is performed easily and as if without any stress.” (Immanuel Kant).

“Beauty has the power and gift to bring peace to hearts” (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra).

“Beauty makes virtues sparkle and vices blush” (Francis Bacon).

Whose point of view is closer to you: Misha’s or Evdokia Vasilievna’s? Read the statements on the slide. Whose opinion do they confirm?

III. Mastering new material.

Reading the story by Irina Pivovarova “How ships are seen off”

Conversation after reading.

The story is called “How ships are seen off”? (The story is called the same as the song that the main character of the story, Lyusya Sinitsyna, sang.)

What impression does Lucy Sinitsyna’s singing make on her friends and acquaintances: on Kolya, on Lyusya Kositsyna, on Pavlik Ivanov? Don’t forget to support your opinion with lines from the text. (Kolya Lykov likes Lucy’s singing, this is clear from his words addressed to her: “You sing great... I like it. Yesterday you sang “How the Steamships See Off” in the yard, and I sat at home and listened. I even turned off the radio “Kolya listens very carefully to his friend’s singing: “Kolya had a thoughtful and serious face. Maybe he was thinking about how he would become a pilot when he grew up.” the song to the end. Pavlik Ivanov is left indifferent by Lucy Sinitsyna’s singing; without hesitation, without listening to the song to the end, he interrupts Lyusya, shouting: “Hey, Lyuska, where are you?” Lucy Kositsyna’s musical talent makes her friend jealous. The girl says to Pavlik: “ ...does she know how to sing? She squeaks like a chicken. It’s disgusting to listen to!” “And, in general, she has no hearing. From these words it becomes clear that Sinitsyna sings well, and Kositsyna wants to be involved in her friend’s talent. She is trying to evoke reciprocal envy in Lucy Sinitsina; talking in detail about the large number of “riches” available to her: watermelon, pears, new shoes with holes, going to the ballet “Doctor Aibolit.”)

“It’s a vicious circle here,” said Kostya. - Lucy Sinitsyna’s mood is spoiled because of Lucy Kositsyna. And Kolya’s mood is spoiled because of Lucy Sinitsyna.” Do you agree with Kostya? Why does Lucy Sinitsyna’s mood deteriorate? What about Kolya? (Lusya Kositsyna skillfully evokes the envy of her friend Lucy Sinitsina, thus spoiling her mood. This is clear from the words of Lucy Sinitsyna to Lucy Kositsyna: “She went to watch “Doctor Aibolit.” And I’ve been dreaming about “Doctor Aibolit” for so long! And shoes she has new ones... And they brought her a watermelon. Still, it’s unfair. Why are they all for her?” Kolya Lykov’s mood deteriorates when he realizes that Lyusya Sinitsyna is not going to finish the song. He doesn’t share the feeling of envy that gripped him. friend. Kolya is trying to bring Lyusya Sinitsyna back to the most important thing for both of them, to the song. (“Lyusya,” said Kolya, “you haven’t finished. Sing on, huh!”; “Lyusya, please sing”; “ Will you continue to sing?")

- “Sinitsyna is kind of dependent on everyone,” said Misha and looked point-blank at Tanya Perova. -And she’s afraid of Pavlik, and she’s jealous of Kositsyna, and she doesn’t want to quarrel with Kolya... She’s such a weakling - she has no core... But Kolya is a different matter. Reliable guy! Do you agree with Misha’s assessment of Lucy Sinitsyna? Are those feelings that Lucy experienced familiar? Do you like Kolya? (Many people experience a feeling of envy, but not everyone, like Lyusya Sinitsyna, is able to cope with it. She suddenly understands her condition, and she feels ashamed in front of Kolya. (“Don’t think!.. Don’t think... Honestly, I I’m not like that! I don’t really know what came over me! Just think - I have new shoes - that’s nonsense! My dad can bring you as many watermelons as you want... And pears...") Kolya. - a person who knows how to admire someone else’s talent without envying him. Lucy’s envy is unpleasant to him, but he does not condemn her, but simply leaves. This act makes Lucy change her mind, as if to see herself from the outside.)

Do you agree that Lyusya Sinitsyna and Lyusya Kositsyna are close friends? Support your answer with lines from the text. (Of course, the girls are friends, this is indicated by the sentence: “At that time my Lyuska came out of the entrance.”)

The German playwright and literary critic of the Enlightenment, Gotthold Lessing, said: “It is somewhat more difficult to fulfill the duties of friendship than to admire it.” How do you understand these words?

Which girl broke the rules of friendship?

Can you explain why this story is placed in the chapter “Let's try to understand how beauty affects us”? What beauty is it talking about? (The story is about the beauty of the human voice, about the beauty of human character (Kolya Lykov), about relationships between people, which is why the story is placed in this chapter. As we have seen, beauty affects different people differently.)

- “Is this a story about real and fake wealth? - asked Tanya Perova.” How will you answer Tanya? (In this story we are talking about the fact that real wealth is not pears, or a watermelon, or even new shoes, but a talent that can bring joy to people.)

Repeated reading of the text (by role).

Work in groups.

Label the reading passage by role and read it in groups.

The teacher offers passages of text for reading by role:

Conversation between Lucy Sinitsyna and Kolya. (Before the words: “Water, water, - There is water all around ... - I sang.”)

Pavlik Ivanov and Lyusya Kositsyna. (Before the words: “It was such a lie that I almost fell out of the tree.”)

Pavlik Ivanov and Lyusya Kositsyna (continued). (Before the words: “Kolya and I climbed down from the tree.”)

Lyusya Sinitsyna and Kolya. (Before the words: “What did I say? So what?”)

Lyusya Sinitsyna and Kolya. (Until the end of the text.)

Checking completed work. Reading aloud.

As a rule, a person has few true friends; they must be protected.

Listen to Sergei Poe's poem "Everything Burned"Friends"

Gulyaev Kolka beat me:

Why did I throw a snowball?

But I didn’t cry at all,

I silently swallowed my tears.

Came home, slammed the doors,

He fell face down onto the bed.

But I believed in our friendship!..

But there will be no more friendship!

And we were going to share everything,

Like real friends!

To apply for one ship:

A sailor - you, a sailor - me!

We wanted to travel around the world together

Swim up and down...

Oh, Kolka, Kolka, what are you doing?!

I couldn’t save such a friendship!

You didn't save a good dream,

And now it’s all over!..

But whose footsteps are in our hallway?

Who opened the door quietly?

Yes, this is Kolka - so timidly

He entered with his head bowed:

sorry really! Are you angry?.. It hurt!

Trouble is, I'm so hot!

I go up to him to make peace

And I tell him: - Well and!

I'm not angry: why be angry?

I knew you would come.

How did this poem make you feel? Will the heroines of I. Pivovarova’s story make peace?

Independent work.

Find and read an article about Irina Pivovarova in “Information about Writers.” What new things have you learned about the writer? (The writer received an art education, worked as a costume designer at Mosfilm, drew beautifully and illustrated her poems.)

Prepare a short speech about Irina Pivovarova and her work. (Students' presentations.)

IV. Lesson summary.

Do you know other stories by I. Pivovarova, where these same characters act? ("Composition".) Do you have a desire to read other works of this writer and poet?

It was morning. It was Sunday. Kolya and I were sitting on a tree. On a large spreading branch. We ate bread and jam and dangled our legs. Thick white clouds swam importantly above us, and the sun was shining with all its might, and the top of my head became hot, like an oven.
- Kohl, let’s climb trees every day! We'll climb in the morning and climb down in the evening. And we will have lunch on the tree, and study lessons, but we will not go to school.
- Let's. I love heights. I will definitely become a pilot when I grow up.
- Kohl, who should I become?
- An artist. You sing great.
– Really, Kohl?! Honestly, do I sing well?
- I like. Yesterday you sang “How Steamboats See Off” in the yard, and I sat at home and listened. I even turned off the radio.
- Do you want me to sing now?
- Let's.
And I sang:

How the ships are seen off,

I tried really hard. I glanced furtively at Kolya. Kolya had a thoughtful and serious face. He looked into the distance. Maybe he was thinking about becoming a pilot when he grew up.

Water, water, -
There is water all around... -

I sang.
And suddenly I heard:
- Hey, Lyuska, where are you?
Pavlik Ivanov stood under the tree.
Kolya and I froze. Just expect trouble from this Ivanov! After all, he will tell everyone that we climbed a tree. And then we will get it from our parents! And in the courtyard they will tease “the bride and groom”...
Ivanov walked around the sandbox and looked around.
- Lyuska! - he yelled. - Come out! I found you! You're sitting in the basement!
At this time my Lyuska came out of the entrance.
– Why did you decide that I’m sitting in the basement? – Lyuska was surprised.
- Not you! - said Pavlik Ivanov. “Sinitsyna hid somewhere here and is singing from there.” Let's look for her?
- Here's another! - said Lyuska. – She’ll find herself... And then, can she sing? Squeaks like a chicken. It's disgusting to listen to!
“It’s still strange,” said Pavlik. -Where is she? I heard her voice somewhere nearby.
- What did you say - “her voice, her voice”! All I hear from all sides is: “Oh, what a voice Sinitsina has! Oh, how well Sinitsyna sings!..” Yes, if you want to know, I taught her all the songs!
It was such a lie that I almost fell out of the tree.
- Calmly! - said Kolya. - Don't worry, otherwise they will see us.
“And she has no hearing at all,” said Lyuska. “You can’t even imagine how exhausted I was with her while I taught her to sing “How the Steamships See Off.”
“Don’t lie, Lyuska,” I couldn’t stand it. - What a shame to lie!
- Yeah! - said Pavlik. “She’s definitely here somewhere!”
Lyuska turned her head in all directions.
“Well, I was joking, and you already believed it,” she said in a loud voice. - “How to see off steamships” - she taught me that. And "Lada" and "Russian Field". But I taught her to sing Lensky’s aria. And Lensky’s aria is a hundred times more interesting to sing than “Russian Field”! And let him not imagine that he sings better than anyone else. Just think, the singer has been found!
She stretched.
“Sergei Fedorovich arrived yesterday,” she said, still loudly. - He brought me such a watermelon! And such pears! And today we are going to the ballet “Doctor Aibolit”. Now I’ll put on my blue dress, put on new shoes - red, with holes - and let’s go.
And she left. They called Pavlik, and he also left. Kolya and I climbed down from the tree.
Everything went well. Nobody saw us. Nobody scolded. I barely even got scratched. The sun was shining just as brightly. The clouds were just as white. And it was warm. And it was still morning. And it was Sunday. But my mood was ruined.
“She went to watch Doctor Aibolit,” I said. – And I’ve been dreaming about “Doctor Aibolit” for so long!
“Lucy,” said Kolya, “you haven’t finished.” Sing on, eh!
- And she has new shoes...
I looked at my cracked sandals.
“Lucy, please sing.”
- And they brought her a watermelon. Still unfair. Why is everything to her?
– Will you continue to sing? - said Kolya.
“And pears,” I said. And I wanted to cry.
Then Kolya looked at me strangely.
“Okay, I’ll go,” Kolya suddenly said. - Please forgive me. My mother is waiting for me.
He turned and walked away.
- Kohl!
He didn't stop. He walked towards the entrance. Well, let! He thinks about himself a lot! What did I say? Well?
Kolya left. I knew why he was leaving. Kolya's back flashed on the second floor landing. I knew, I knew why he was leaving!
- Wait! – I shouted and ran to catch up with him.
I only caught up with him on the third floor.
- Kohl! – I muttered. - Wait! Well, wait, please! I... I want to ask you a riddle. You know what a great riddle! You'll never guess. True true! Listen... A and B were sitting on the pipe. A fell, B disappeared, who remained on the pipe?
“I know this riddle,” Kolya said gloomily.
“Kol,” I said. – Don’t think!.. Don’t think... Honestly, I’m not like that! I really don’t know what came over me! Just think - shoes! Yes, I have new shoes! And watermelon is nonsense! My dad can bring as many watermelons as you want... And pears...
We went down the stairs and went out into the courtyard.
“But you still sing,” said Kolya, “after all, you haven’t finished.”
And I sang:

How the ships are seen off,
Not at all like trains...

Lyuska stood in the window in her new dress. She was eating a pear.