How to set visual bookmarks. How to install Yandex visual bookmarks in the Firefox browser

Visual bookmarks from Yandex replace the blank Firefox browser page that appears when opening a new tab. Using visual bookmarks, you can navigate to pre-installed or frequently visited sites in one click. Each bookmark is a miniature picture, which, when clicked, takes you to the desired site.

Installing Visual Bookmarks is quite simple. The algorithm for obtaining this add-on for Firefox is described below.

Installing Yandex Visual Bookmarks

You can install the add-on directly from the Yandex website.

On the screen with visual bookmarks there is a Yandex search bar, through which you can find any information. It is possible to customize the background. The user can select a picture from the proposed collection or set his own image. To quickly navigate to recent history, downloads, bookmarks and settings, you can use the buttons at the bottom of the screen.

For those who liked the old visual bookmarks from Yandex, I advise you to watch this video on how to install them:

Removing Elements and Visual Bookmarks

If you don't like the add-on, you can remove it at any time. To do this, go to Add-ons in the main menu.

On the left, select Extensions. A list of all installed Firefox extensions will open. Find Visual Bookmarks and Elements in the list. Opposite each extension there are buttons “Disable”, which serves to temporarily disable, and “Delete”, which completely uninstalls the extension.

Click the "Delete" button. Firefox will prompt you to restart to complete the uninstall or cancel the action if the button was clicked by mistake. Click "Restart Now" and the browser will automatically restart and finish removing the add-on.

The Yandex Corporation, known primarily for its search engine of the same name, which is one of the most popular, in addition to standard functions for searching for various content on the Internet, provides its users with other interesting opportunities. For example, the ability to set visual bookmarks. But not everyone knows how to do this. Let's figure out together what it is and what needs to be done to install Yandex visual bookmarks.

What is a Yandex visual bookmark?

Simply put, a visual bookmark is a “window” to a specific Internet page. It is much more convenient than text bookmarks, in which we sometimes have to sit for a long time and look for the desired site. Right there, you just need to look around the browser window and click on the square with the name of a particular page. Everything is very simple, convenient and functional.

Let us remind you that bookmarks first appeared in Opera Internet browsers back in 2007. Then other browsers followed suit and installed their own. Developers are constantly updating the capabilities of the Yandex browser, improving it visually and adding minor changes that affect functionality.

Learn more about setting bookmarks

As mentioned above, Yandex provides the opportunity to use its product to anyone who wishes. But to install it, you will have to tinker a little. Let's take the example of the Google Chrome browser to look at what needs to be done, because, not surprisingly, the most popular Internet browser does not have its own visual bookmarks and it is because of this that most users are wondering about installing them in Chrome.

  1. Go to “Settings and Control Chrome”, which is depicted as a wrench;
  2. Next, select “Tools”;
  3. A window should appear in which we need to select the “Extensions” menu;
  4. In it, follow the link “Want to see the gallery”;
  5. In the “Online Store” window that opens, there is a search bar where we need to enter “Yandex Visual Bookmarks” and then press Enter;
  6. Select a bookmark and click “Install”;
  7. You need to confirm the new extension in the window. Just click “Add”;

After completing all the points above, the visual bookmark from Yandex will be installed.

How to add your own bookmark

There is nothing easier than adding your site to a visual bookmark. All you need to do is click on the empty window and select one of the recently visited sites from the list. If the site you wanted to add is not there, then simply enter the name of the Internet page in the field below.

By and large, the procedure for setting bookmarks in both the Opera browser and Mozilla FireFox is similar to that described above. Moreover, the opera also has its own, quite high-quality bookmarks, so there is no need to download any additional content.

Install visual bookmarks from Yandex and spend your time on the Internet comfortably, without “scouring” through inconvenient and cumbersome text menus in search of the desired web resource.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! The rapid development of information technology in general and the Internet in particular creates the preconditions for the emergence of various useful features for users and webmasters. Yandex Bar, which has now been renamed Yandex Elements, became such a popular addition to the RuNet mirror.

One of the parts of the functionality of the previous Bar was Visual Bookmarks, which are now separated into a separate extension. In my opinion, this greatly enriches the choice, since now there is no need to install the entire panel of the same Elements, most of the functionality of which may never be useful, if you can simply download Visual Bookmarks as a separate line. Below we will look at how to install this add-on in . In addition, there is such an addition as .

How to download and install Yandex bookmarks for Chrome, Mazila and Internet Explorer

For those who don't know, just in case I'll say that Visual bookmarks is an add-on for browsers that allows you to navigate to the desired pages in one click. Quite a useful option, considering the value of time in our fast-paced age. You can download this add-on for any of the above-mentioned web browsers from this page, owned by Yandex:

Keep in mind that the application will be downloaded specifically for the browser in which this download page is open, which, however, is quite natural. Some of you are probably wondering why the Opera web browser, which is also one of the TOP best (especially in RuNet), is not mentioned in this regard. The fact is that the initially built-in one is a complete analogue of Visual Bookmarks, so this extension is not relevant for this browser.

Installing an extension for any browser - be it , (here everything is even simpler - after downloading you will be immediately prompted to install VZ as an extension) or - should not cause any difficulties. After downloading the launch file, activate it by double-clicking the mouse and install the application as usual. At the beginning of the installation, you will be asked to make Yandex the start page, set Yandex search as the default and allow you to use data about your preferences when acting on the Internet. However, all these options can be canceled later.

The last point is considered by many to be almost spy monitoring. Well, this opinion can be understood, since all this can be presented as a restriction of personal confidentiality. I am calm about this, since the data is used in an anonymous form, and the information is collected for a reason, but to improve the relevance of the search results. Moreover, the user is given a choice, and no one forbids him to refuse this function in the future.

After that, click the “Next” button and install the tabs as a regular application. For example, after installing and restarting your browser, Google Chrome will notify you that a new extension has appeared in the form of orange stripes of the “Tools” icon in the right corner of the web browser window:

By clicking on the line indicating the presence of a newly installed application, you will be taken to the “Extensions” section, where you can enable Visual Bookmarks for Google Chrome by checking the “Enable” option:

In Mozilla Firefox, as I noted above, downloading and installing tabs from Yandex is even easier and faster, as a result, the presence of the extension can be checked by following the path “Tools” → “Add-ons” → “Extensions”, where you can disable or even remove Bookmarks from Yandex.

Bookmarks for Internet Explorer (latest versions) After the standard download and installation, you can manage (turn it on and off) if you select the “Configure add-ons” line from the “Service” section located in the top menu or command line and mark the desired line in the “Toolbars and extensions” section. You can then enable or disable the add-in by clicking on the corresponding button.

How to set up Visual Bookmarks for Chrome, Mozilla and Explorer

Well, now let’s look at the tab settings for all browsers. By opening any browser and installing the Yandex extension there, let’s see what editing options are available to us. Once activated, visual tabs will display the sites you visit most, whether in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer:

Of course, the generated website logos only appear if you open a blank page in the browser. If you move the cursor to one of the empty rectangles, a “+” icon will appear, which indicates the possibility of creating a new visual tab. The next time you click on the plus sign, a form will appear where you need to enter data characterizing the future tab:

We write the site URL in the appropriate lines, taking the address from the list of the most visited resources and the name of the newly created tab. Subsequently, you can perform some manipulations with the created visual bookmark, which I will discuss below.

Here you can change the number of visual tabs used on the page by moving the corresponding slider left and right (the maximum number is 25), change the background, including adding to the set of background images by uploading your image (the “Upload” button). If you use the “Other options” button, you will be able, for example, to disable the collection of statistics on your preferences when using a web browser in favor of Yandex by unchecking the box. Remember at the beginning of the article when installing the extension I mentioned this?

Among other things, you can decide whether the search bar and bookmarks bar will be displayed. And finally, when the cursor approaches an existing picture, a panel consisting of three icons will appear:

The “Customize” gear icon allows you to insert another one from the list of other bookmarks located below in place of an existing tab, or by inserting a URL and a description of the site corresponding to a given address, just as I described above inserting a tab into an empty space. An icon in the form of a “Pin” button indicates an action after which this place will be assigned to the logo of this site. Well, I think it’s unnecessary to explain the purpose of the “Delete” symbol. At the end there is a small 4D show:

It’s worth installing Yandex visual bookmarks just because they make it much easier to navigate through the resources you visit. Opera has long had an Express panel, but other popular Internet browsers do not have this installed. Therefore, downloading this application is completely justified. The gadget can be installed on Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.

What are visual bookmarks?

Did you like the site? Make a bookmark out of it and you can return to it after a week, a month, a year. Now every browser has this feature because it is really convenient. However, bookmarks tend to accumulate and often their number reaches hundreds. Therefore, browser manufacturers have created visual bookmarks, which, unlike the “thieves” of the workspace, are small images of sites that you like.

Installing visual bookmarks for Yandex

Previously, this application came bundled with a bulky Bar. However, now you can download and install it without other unnecessary bells and whistles. So, first, download the installation file “Yandex Visual Bookmarks”, and then launch it. You will be prompted to install a new Yandex browser, but you don’t have to do this. Then, what’s nice, you will have the opportunity to disable all additional and often unnecessary options (default search, make the Yandex page home, sending anonymous statistics). Having completed all the necessary steps, the browser will restart and open a blank page with empty windows, where Yandex visual bookmarks will soon appear.

Working with the application

As soon as you move the mouse cursor over an empty rectangle, a “+” sign will appear on it. You can create it by clicking on it. You can select Yandex visual bookmarks from recently opened pages or simply enter the desired link and the name of the future bookmark in the required fields. When you hover over the created tabs, you will see a control panel with four main buttons (delete a bookmark, change settings or update a site screenshot). Yandex visual bookmarks can be freely dragged to any place you like, which allows you to sort sites in the desired sequence.

Bookmark settings

At the very bottom of your browser's home page there is a "Settings" button. With its help you can change the panels with bookmarks. For example, you can change the number of rectangles, adjust the refresh rate of screenshots, and add a background.

Yandex visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox

This version of the application allows you not only to manually add your favorite sites to bookmarks, but now it can insert screenshots of the most visited Internet resources into the panel. If you are not satisfied with this state of affairs and you want the most necessary bookmarks to remain in place, then move the mouse cursor over the selected one and use the corresponding icon to pin the bookmark in place. The gear-shaped button is necessary to change the site address. Now you know all the intricacies of visual bookmarks, from installing them to customizing their appearance. We wish you good luck in your work!

Instructions for restoring Yandex visual bookmarks.

Visual bookmarks are convenient icons that allow you to quickly go to the desired site. With the advent of modern browsers, the visual bookmarking function has found support from a huge number of users. However, there is a problem with restoring bookmarks in Yandex. It is not difficult to cope with it; you just need to carefully study the sequence of actions.

The main problem associated with bookmarks arises from the fact that the maximum number of bookmarks in a standard browser is not always sufficient for normal operation. The Yandex Bar service comes to the rescue. The capabilities of this extension allow you to increase the number of possible bookmarks to 25. And this number is quite enough for anyone, even the most sophisticated user. In Yandex, you can choose the way bookmarks are displayed, as well as the design. You can install “Yandex bar” on your browser as follows:

  • Open the page;
  • Click on the “Download application” button in Yandex;
  • Find the saved file in your downloads folder;
  • By double-clicking the left mouse button on the shortcut, go through the simple installation. Carefully follow the instructions provided during installation;
  • Open your browser and use the new bookmarks from Yandex bar.

How to return visual bookmarks?

Visual bookmarks are a list of Internet pages that appears in the start window of your browser. This list can show both your favorite pages and sites you've recently visited. Your browsing history is saved in the memory of your personal computer. You can configure Yandex bookmarks the way it suits you.

Sometimes, if the computer restarts unsuccessfully, or if a new version of the browser is poorly updated, the saved visual Yandex bookmarks disappear. This causes problems for the user, since convenient bookmarks have completely disappeared from the computer’s memory. Restoring them is not difficult. It is only important to know the procedure.

  • Open your browser and find the Bookmarks menu. By clicking on it, you will see the “Display all bookmarks” button - left-click on it. You will see a library with which you can manage bookmarks in Yandex;
  • Find the “Import and Backup” menu. Left-click on the “Restore” field. Choose how you want to restore visual bookmarks: through an archived copy or from a direct file in Yandex;
  • In Yandex, select the “Settings” menu. Check the option “Display visual bookmarks when opening a new tab or window.” Then go to the “Extensions” section and you will see “Yandex bar” in the list. When you open a Yandex page, all visual bookmarks will appear in front of you.

This method of restoring bookmarks is very simple and convenient. If suddenly your visual bookmarks in Yandex are deleted, you can easily restore them without losing a single necessary link.

In order to restore visual bookmarks, it is worth understanding how to install them. Every PC user prefers to use different browsers. This is logical, since some value speed, others value design, and others value convenience. Modern browsers combine all these qualities, but some stand out due to higher performance of one or another parameter. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. In order to restore visual bookmarks in Yandex, you should carry out a set of actions.

How to install visual bookmarks in Yandex?

In order to install visual bookmarks in Yandex, you should download the “Yandex Bar” add-on. After you install it on your computer, a list of bookmarks will appear on the Yandex home page. In order to add a new bookmark, you need to left-click on the empty window. Having done this, a menu will appear where you can add the site that you need as a bookmark.

Use the following algorithm to install Yandex bookmarks:

Easy installation:

  • In Yandex, go to the Yandex bar page;
  • Install the application on your computer;
  • Restart your browser;
  • New bookmarks will appear automatically on the start page.

Complex installation:

This installation method is needed for those who have bookmarks that do not appear automatically. If this is what happened to you, you need to do the following:

  • In the upper corner of the browser start page there is a “Tools” window. By clicking on it, you will see the following “Add-ons” button in front of you. Select it;
  • Then click “Extensions”. A new window will open in front of you. You should wait until the full list of all installed extensions is updated. After waiting for this moment, find the “Yandex bar” extension. To the right of it, check the “Enable” checkbox and restart the browser;
  • In order to make Yandex bookmarks “for yourself,” you should go to your browser settings and set the matches you need. After setting all the parameters, do not forget to press the “Ok” key, otherwise the new options will not be applied.

And also, Yandex will help you configure additional bookmarking options such as:

  • Basic background. There are dozens of different pictures to choose from, which can be an excellent background for your bookmark menu. A variety of images will give scope to your imagination;
  • Location of visual bookmarks. There are two ways to place bookmarks in Yandex: vertical and horizontal. A matter of taste - choose the method that suits you;
  • Number of visual bookmarks in Yandex. The maximum number of bookmarks is 25. It is not at all necessary to use all possible ones. Choose the number that is sufficient for you.

Thus, your Yandex browser allows you to use a huge number of visual bookmarks, and helps you spend time at the computer as comfortably and conveniently as possible.

A method for restoring bookmarks on Yandex

The Yandex Bookmarks service is familiar to anyone who uses the Yandex browser. Such visual bookmarks help you quickly and easily navigate to the desired site. With this option you can easily create a whole catalog of bookmarks. And you can access the catalog at any time, using any computer. All bookmarks can be stored both in computer memory and on the Internet. But there is one inconvenience: once you delete a visual bookmark from the catalog, you can only restore it in one way. Below are detailed recovery instructions:

  • Register on the official website and go to the page;
  • Click the “Export” button, then in the new window “Save file” and “Ok”;
  • After the previous step, the process of loading visual bookmarks will begin. Once the file download is complete, go to your downloads folder and you will see a new file called “Bookmarks.html”. If you do not know where the downloads folder is located, then look at the address of this folder in your browser menu, or click on the file and select the “Show file in folder” action;
  • Open the “My Documents” folder and move the downloaded Yandex visual bookmarks file “Bookmarks.html” there. For better organization, create a “My Bookmarks” folder and place the new file there;
  • Give the file a new name (for example, “Bookmark1”), but do not remove the base “Html” extension;
  • Export new Yandex bookmarks as often as possible;
  • In order to restore visual bookmarks, log in to Yandex and log in. Left-click on the “Import” icon, then the “From” window will appear in front of you. In this window you need to enter “From file”, and then select the “Browse” option;
  • Find the file you need in the list. In the “To an existing folder” position, select the root one. This will avoid repeating bookmarks. Finally, press the Import key.

So, by going through a simple algorithm of actions, you can restore your visual bookmarks. All you need is the Internet and a basic Yandex website.

Use Yandex visual bookmarks and make the process of working on the Internet as fast, simple and convenient as possible. When faced with problems, now you will know exactly how to restore your important bookmarks.