Names from the anime Bleach. Anime "Bleach": plot description

List of Bleach characters

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The central characters are five: Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki, Orihime Inoue, Yasutora Sado and Uryu Ishida.

They appear in history gradually. At the beginning of the manga and anime, Ichigo Kurosaki accidentally meets the girl “guide of souls” Rukia Kuchiki, who has supernatural powers and fights evil spirits - “hollows”. Rukia protects Ichigo's family from the Hollow, but in the battle she is seriously injured and realizes that she is unable to fight further. She decides to transfer part of her supernatural powers to Ichigo, as a result of which the main character himself becomes a guide of souls, and Rukia is deprived of her powers - paranormal energy called “reiatsu” (“spirit pressure”). She cannot perform the work of a soul guide, that is, fight the Hollows and send the souls of the dead to the afterlife, so she persuades Ichigo to help until her own strength is restored. Gradually, under the influence of Ichigo's spiritual energy, his friends Orihime Inoue and Yasutora Sado also show supernatural abilities, begin to see spirits and can even fight with them.

Creating characters is one of the key stages in the work on the manga, which later formed the basis of the anime. In an interview, Bleach author Taito Kubo said that when he is thinking about a story or having trouble coming up with new ideas, he starts by creating characters and re-reading previous volumes of the manga. The author explained that he likes to invent unexpected characters whose appearance gives a false impression of their character, since he is “attracted to people with contradictory personalities,” and in Taito Kubo’s work he feels “the need to draw people that [he] likes.” First, he comes up with the appearance of the hero, and then tries to imagine what kind of character he could have. Each character, Kubo commented, is unique in the author’s eyes, so he would like to more fully reveal their images as the story progresses.

Main characters

Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo Kurosaki (Kurosaki Ichigo) is the main character of the anime and manga, a red-haired fifteen-year-old schoolboy. Since childhood, he has the ability to see spirits and guides of souls, he even knows one ghost girl and brings her flowers. Although at first Taito Kubo did not come up with Ichigo, but Rukia Kuchiki, but it was Ichigo who, in his opinion, was more suitable for the role of the main character. Having received the powers of a soul guide from Rukia, Ichigo is skeptical about them (“No, thank you, to fight such monsters again...”), but then accepts the responsibility entrusted to him. At first, he knows nothing about the Soul Society and fights based on instincts, but he picks up new techniques in just a few days, surprising Rukia with his abilities. The main character is voiced by Masakazu Morita.

Rukia Kuchiki

Rukia Kuchiki (Kutiki Rukia) is a girl guide of souls who was sent to patrol Ichigo’s hometown and protect residents from empty ones, as well as send the souls of the dead to the afterlife (“Soul Society”), performing the rite of soul burial. Rukia is the first character created by the author. Although she looks like a teenager, she is actually over 150 years old. Rukia is forced to transfer her spiritual energy to Ichigo and lead the life of an ordinary person, while in a “temporary body” that soul guides use in emergency situations. After losing her powers, she is only capable of minor spells. Rukia likes to live in the human world, she has a strange sense of humor and a grumpy character, and likes to explain everything in the form of comics drawn by herself. She is voiced by Fumiko Orikasa.

Orihime Inoue

Orihime Inoue is Ichigo's classmate who met him through a mutual friend, Arisawa Tatsuki. Orihime is very kind, gentle and optimistic, and has strong affection for her friends, especially Arisawa and Ichigo. She is an orphan: she was left absolutely alone after the death of her brother. Due to frequent contacts, Ichigo unwittingly shares part of his spiritual energy with her, and Orihime gains the ability to see ghosts and hollows, and subsequently fight them. She can change reality - cancel events that have already happened, which outwardly looks as if time is flowing backwards. At the beginning of the anime and manga, Orihime does not play a big role in the development of the plot, however, then her role in the story grows. The heroine is voiced by Yuki Matsuoka.

Uryu Ishida

Uryu Ishida is Ichigo's classmate, one of the last representatives of the Quincy clan. Quincy are people who have developed several supernatural abilities, including the ability to control spiritual energy. Despite their common enemy - the Hollows - the Quincy and the Soul Guides fought each other long before the start of the main Bleach storyline. Grandfather Uryu died due to the fault of the soul guides, so at the beginning of the anime and manga he is hostile towards Ichigo and Rukia. In battle, he uses not a sword, but a Quincy weapon: a bow and arrows consisting of particles of spiritual energy. Uryu is a proud and secretive person. He takes care of his appearance, is good at embroidery, and goes to a needlework club with Orihime Inoue. The role is voiced by Noriaki Sugiyama.

Yasutora Sado

Yasutora Sado is a classmate and close friend of Ichigo Kurosaki. Better known by the nickname Chad (Tyado). He received it during his first meeting with Ichigo, when he misread the first character of Yasutora's surname. The hieroglyph has two readings: sa and cha (cha), as a result, instead of Sado it turned out to be Chad. He is voiced by Hiroki Yasumoto.

They met when Ichigo was attacked by a group of teenagers, and Chad helped in the fight. He is half Japanese and half Mexican. He has enormous height, physical strength and endurance. Very laconic - in conversations he either remains silent or gets off with two or three short phrases. Does not like to fight, although he is very strong in hand-to-hand combat; uses force only when forced to protect friends from someone.

As the plot progresses, thanks to Ichigo, he gains partial abilities as guides of souls - the ability to see spirits, as well as the ability to turn his right hand into a huge armored fist Brazo Derecha de Gigante. The hand turns black, and a red stripe framed in white (the colors of the uniform of the Mexican armed forces) crosses its entire length. You can hit with your fist either directly or release powerful energy waves. After training with Renji Abarai, Chad strengthens his arm and gains a new attack - El Directo. When Chad enters the Hollow world of Hueco Mundo, the environment suppresses his abilities, and only in the battle with Gantenbein Mosqueda does he begin to understand that his powers, on the contrary, only increase in this world, since they essentially resemble the powers of the Hollows. A black shield with a red pattern and an image of a grinning face also appears on Chad's right hand - the hero understands that his abilities are created to protect, not attack. With his left hand, which takes on the form called Brazo Izquierda del Diablo, he strikes. The arm becomes white, with a red stripe along its entire length, and a long horn appears on the shoulder. Chad's strongest move is done with his left hand and is called La Muerte. At the place where it is used, an image of a demonic face appears.

Our world

People live in the real world, in modern Japan. Most of them cannot see or sense spirits: only one in fifty thousand can have any idea that a spirit or Hollow exists nearby, and only a third can see them normally. Human souls are composed of ectoplasm, which in anime and manga are called spiritual energy particles. When people die, their souls are sent to the Soul Society.

Kurosaki family

The Kurosaki family consists of Ichigo Kurosaki, his younger sisters Karin and Yuzu, and his father Isshin. Ichigo, Karin and Yuzu's mother died when the children were very young. Masaki's death greatly affected everyone in the family. Later, Ichigo found out that one of the Hollows was to blame for the death of his mother - Grand Fisher (English Grand Fisher, “great fisherman”), who was going to kill Ichigo, but instead killed Masaki, who was protecting her son. Isshin and Ichigo still blame themselves for her death.

Isshin Kurosaki is Ichigo's father and the head of the Kurosaki family, the owner of a private medical clinic called the Kurosaki Clinic. Taito Kubo said that he initially wanted to make him the owner of a funeral parlor because Isshin “suits a black suit.” Isshin seems to be a goofy guy who likes to joke and fight and is mostly present in the comic scenes. He constantly attacks his son under various pretexts: “We always have dinner at 19:00!” or “Ichigo, stop making noise!” A big fan of the TV show medium Don Kanonji, whom Ichigo can't stand. Despite his rude behavior, Isshin loves his family and greatly mourns his wife's death. In fact, in the past he was the captain of one of the combat units of soul guides, although for unknown reasons he left the Soul Society. Taito Kubo planned for Isshin to be a guide of souls from the very beginning, although the character's specific captain rank (as well as ranks in general) was not conceived until later. Voiced by: Morikawa Toshiyuki

Karin Kurosaki is Isshin's daughter, Yuzu's twin sister, four years younger than Ichigo. Cynical and sarcastic, especially compared to her soft and quiet sister. He likes to command and can calmly kick Isshin if he thinks that he is behaving stupidly and childishly. Calls his father “bearded.” He declares that he does not believe in the existence of spirits, although he can see them as well as Ichigo and feel them from a great distance. Plays great football. The name Karin is a homonym for the Japanese word "quince". Voiced by: Kugimiya Rie.

Yuzu Kurosaki is Karin's twin sister (both born on May 6). Soft, quiet and sensitive. Does housework: cooking, cleaning, and regularly cuts Ichigo's hair. He loves to play with Kon, cuddles him like a soft toy, bathes him, dresses him up in women's dresses, etc. He can see spirits, but not as clearly as Ichigo and Karin. Big fan of Don Kanonji's show. He loves Ichigo very much and is sincerely worried about his disappearances. Her name is a homonym for the word “lemon.” Voiced by: Sakuragawa Tomoe

Ichigo's friends

Keigo Asano is a classmate and friend of Ichigo Kurosaki. Constantly runs, jumps and makes various faces, usually appears in comic scenes. Like many characters, Ichigo involuntarily receives some of the abilities of soul guides, for example, he can see spirits. Asano's family consists of himself, father, mother and sister. His older sister Mizuho Asano is a lover of command and quarrel. Constantly chases Keigo (for example, to the vending machine for juice) and kicks him if he does not return quickly enough. The hero is voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi.

Mizuiro Kojima is Asano Keigo's friend and Ichigo's classmate. A polite, calm, somewhat apathetic person. Often it is he who calms down and talks sense into Keigo. Despite his unassuming appearance, he is very successful in his personal life and sometimes dates several women at once. He is partial to women older than himself, which Ichigo once warns Rukia Kuchiki about, calling his friend Don Juan. In later volumes of Bleach, it becomes clear that Mizuiro had almost no friends before he started school, although he then became friends with several people, including Keigo. He is voiced by Jun Fukuyama.

Tatsuki Arisawa is Ichigo's classmate. As children, they were close friends and practiced karate together. Tatsuki calmed Ichigo, who often cried, and protected him from attacks from other children. A true tomboy who dreams of becoming a karate champion and has already won second place in Japan in her age group. In later volumes of the manga, Can see ghosts, hollows, and soul guides, but has no special combat abilities. Orihime Inoue's best friend: they met when some hooligans wanted to cut Orihime's hair, and Tatsuki drove them away, having first taught them a lesson. From then on, she promised to always protect Inoue. It is because of Tatsuki (and thanks to the influence of Ichigo's spiritual energy) that Orihime's spiritual powers awaken. He can speak out quite sharply, for example, advises Orihime, who is not indifferent to Ichigo: “Just shake your tits, he’ll fall on himself.” The character is voiced by Junko Noda.

Urahara's Shop

Kisuke Urahara

Kisuke Urahara Kisuke Urahara is the eccentric owner of a store that sells various items for soul guides. He wears traditional Japanese wooden geta sandals and a hat in the shape of a deep plate, for which Ichigo calls him exclusively "the guy in the hat and sandals." Close friend of Yoruichi Shihoin. Ranked 8th in the recent character popularity rankings.

Urahara comes across as a carefree and cheerful person, a little on his own. He likes to laugh at others, although in certain situations he can be very serious. He always speaks politely even when he makes fun of him. In battles, Urahara usually appears at the last moment, when the battle itself is already over, and helps whichever side he sees fit. Despite the fact that Urahara does not often enter into battle, he is a very strong warrior, using not only brute strength, but also intelligence (for example, he easily defeats the Arrancar Yammy without even using his Bankai). The zanpakutō's name is "Scarlet Princess", Benihime (one of the few swords that has a female form. Urahara hides Benihime in his cane. The command to open the shikai is "Awake". Bankai is unknown. Benihime has two known abilities, one offensive and one defensive. Both are activated by the command "sing". Firstly, Urahara can create a polygonal Blood Shield that can withstand very strong blows, and secondly, hit with a stream of red fire like a cero, like the Arrancar. Urahara Kisuke is the former captain of the 12th squad of soul guides, founder and first head of the Soul Guide Research Institute (both positions are now occupied by Mayuri Kurotsuchi). Urahara conducted experiments on himself: he found a way to achieve Bankai in three days instead of the required hundreds of years. He was helped in the experiments by Yoruichi Shihoin. She promoted him to the post of captain. It is known that before her appointment, Urahara served under her command and was in charge of an “isolation center” for potentially dangerous members of the Soul Society, where he met his future assistant Kurotsuchi Mayuri. Also, it was Urahara who helped Ichigo Kurosaki acquire the powers of a soul guide for the second time and was his first teacher. According to Urahara, Ichigo's potential far exceeds his own.

Urahara was forced to leave the Soul Society on charges of experimenting with the hollowization of Shinigami. Escaped with Tsukabishi Tessai and Shihoin Yoruichi. He is also the creator of the Hogyoku. Hogyoku is a substance that can destroy the boundary between a soul guide and a hollow, allowing the soul guide to use the powers of a hollow, and the empty to use the powers of a soul guide. Urahara invented various types of fake bodies (gigai), artificial soul pills that place an artificial soul inside the body of a soul guide, and a Tenshintai doll to force a zanpakutō to materialize in the real world. The owner of the sword must pierce the doll with it, and then he has three days to somehow "negotiate" with the sword and receive Bankai. This method is dangerous and can end fatally for the guide of souls.

Ririn, Kurod and Noba are inventions of Kisuke Urahara that appear in the bounto story arc. Voiced by: Miki Shinichiro

Yoruichi Shihoin

Yoruichi ShihoinYoruichi Shihoin is a catwoman and friend of Kisuke Urahara, one of the most popular characters. She is closely associated with the Soul Society, where she was the head of a special combat squad. Now lives in Urahara's store. Cunning, witty, easy-going, and just as fond of making fun of her as Urahara. According to Kubo Tite, she loves milk very much (which is not surprising, given her cat-like appearance). She prefers not to engage in battles, although sometimes she is forced to do so. Her pupil is Soi Fon, captain of the second squad, in the past they were very attached to each other.

Yoruichi is the former Commander-in-Chief of the Covert Operations Squad and the captain of the Second Squad of Soul Guides. She is also the first woman to become the head of the Shihoin clan, one of the four noble families. In addition, it was Yoruichi who nominated Urahara Kisuke for the post of captain of the twelfth division. Yoruichi's age is unknown, but judging by the fact that she calls Byakuya Kuchiki "baby Byakuya", she must be much older than him. Yoruichi prefers close combat and does not use a sword. The name of her zanpakutō is unknown and is only briefly seen in the anime series that tells the backstory of her relationship with Soi Fen and in the Sealed Sword Frenzy OVA. Yoruichi’s favorite technique, in which he has no equal, is “lightning steps”, shumpo. Yoruichi has mastered these steps at such a high level that she is even called the “Goddess of Lightning.” Also, combining the skills of hand-to-hand combat and kido (the art of demons), Yoruichi invented a special technique - “Lightning Release” or “Lightning Cry”. Spiritual energy, compressed under great pressure, envelops the body and can hit the enemy from a distance. Lightning Shout can also be used to stop enemy movements.

Initially, Yoruichi appears in the form of a cat who speaks with a male voice, so Ichigo, Inoue and Chad are convinced for a long time that the cat in front of them is male. It is unclear whether Yoruichi has a serious reason for hiding under the guise of a cat. About 100 years before the start of the manga storyline, she helped her childhood friend Urahara escape from Soul Society, so she was relieved of her captaincy duties and lost her high position. After that, she practically stopped participating in battles. According to the manga, she hasn't fought at all for hundreds of years, ever since she left Soul Society.

Ururu and Jinta

Ururu Tsumugiya is a small black-haired girl who helps Urahara in the store. She does not distinguish the fine lines between good and evil, she simply believes that those who bring evil to the people close to her are enemies and must be destroyed. A capable fighter, he uses hand-to-hand combat and delivers blows of enormous power. The origin of her powers is unknown, Urahara defines them as an "anti-soul guide". He subtly senses changes in the spiritual sphere, in particular, he immediately notices the appearance of Arrancars. Voiced by: Shitaya Noriko.

Jinta Hanakari is a boy with red hair who does menial work in Urahara's shop. He constantly commands Ururu, pulls her hair and forces her to clean up instead of him. Dreams of becoming a baseball star. Secretly in love with Yuzu Kurosaki and calling her "goddess". In the omake for the anime series, he gives Yuzu a discount at the store and keeps the lucky charm she gave him as his greatest treasure. Jinta's combat abilities resemble those of Ururu, although apparently weaker. He fights with a huge steel rod, similar to the Japanese metal kanabo staff, which was used as a weapon in feudal Japan. Voiced by: Honda Takako.

Tessai Tsukabishi

Tessai Tsukabishi is a muscular giant in an apron. Age - more than 200 years. Works in Urahara's store, although the specific field of activity is not entirely clear. Probably helps Urahara with everything related to business. Possesses enormous physical strength. Incredibly talented in Kido, casts level 99 spells, and also possesses forbidden Kido techniques (two of which were shown in the story arc “Reversing the Pendulum”), for the use of which he was expelled from the Soul Society. Takes pride in his store, especially the underground training arena. In the past, Tessai was the captain of the Kido squad. After his escape, the detachment was disbanded (since his lieutenant also disappeared with him). Associated with the noble house of Shihoin: it is known that before leading the Kido detachment, he lived in the Yoruichi house along with Urahara.


Quincy are people who have received spiritual power. Along with soul guides, they fight empty ones. The Quincy were originally a group of humans who survived Hollow attacks and whose loved ones were killed, but then developed several supernatural abilities, including the ability to control spiritual energy. In the Bleach manga, the word "Quincy" is written with the hieroglyphs for Destroyer Monk, but is pronounced Quincy. The Quincy were almost completely destroyed by the soul guides approximately 200 years before the start of the Bleach storyline. Currently, only two surviving representatives of this clan are known - Uryu Ishida and his father Ryuuken Ishida. Unlike Soul Guides, who rely primarily on the sword in battle, Quincy use arrows and a bow, which is materialized through an item called the Quincy Cross.

Uryu Ishida

Ryuuken Ishida shows the Quincy Cross Ryuuken Ishida is Uryu's father, the director of a large hospital in the city of Karakura, the last of the Quincys (a title that Uryu also claims). Ryuuken seems to be a cold, ruthless man, indifferent to everything except his work, equally alien to both his son and Soken's own father. He claimed that he did not want to be a Quincy (“I’m not interested in that”), that supernatural powers would not help him settle down in real life, that first of all he had to think about making money—about living people, not about dead ones. Ryuuken convinced little Uryu to give up studying spiritual energy so that the Quincy line would end with the death of Soken Ishida. Soken himself said that Ryuuken had reasons for this and that he was right in many respects. Ryuuken is the only character in Bleach who sees spirits, but is not very concerned about it, and also believes that Hollows are a problem for soul guides.

Ryuuken disapproved of little Uryu learning Quincy fighting techniques from his grandfather. He has a difficult relationship with his son. Ryuuken says that Ishida is pathetic and has “no talent,” and Ishida always calls his father by name and does not understand how one can see Hollows and remain indifferent. Oddly enough, Ryuuken maintains a friendly relationship with Ichigo Kurosaki's father. One day, he and Isshin Kurosaki even meet and during a friendly conversation discuss methods of raising children.

Ryuuken dresses in white and wears a tie with blue crosses reminiscent of the Quincy Cross. He, as it turns out later, has enormous strength and is many times more talented than Uryu, whom Mayuri Kurotsuchi considered a genius. Ryuuken masters all existing techniques, can change the size of the bow at will, constructed a special training room under the hospital building that hides spiritual energy and helped Uryu restore his lost Quincy powers. Ryuuken's cross is shaped like a pentagram. His bow is blue.

Soken Ishida

Soken Ishida is Uryū's long-dead grandfather and Ryuuken's father. Taught Uryu everything he knows. He believed that Quincy should not fight soul guides, but instead follow the path of mutual aid and friendship; supported the idea that the Quincy should become a “rapid response group”, that is, protect people from Hollows if there are no soul guides nearby. In the end, he was killed by a group of Hollows, because a detachment of soul guides was specially detained by Mayuri Kurotsuchi. He wanted to study Soken in the laboratory. Uryu, who partially observed what was happening, has since hated the guides of souls - he realized that they were responsible for the death of his grandfather. Soken was the complete opposite of Ryuuken: he was gentle, wise, encouraged Uryu's efforts and even entrusted him with the Sanrei glove. As for the relationship with Ryuuken, it is not entirely clear. In conversation, Ryuuken refers to his father exclusively as “that old man.”


Renegade soul guides who received the powers of Hollows as a result of Sosuke Aizen's experiment in the Soul Society. They live separately from both soul guides and people, but maintain good relations with Ichigo Kurosaki. Consisting of 8 people, the Visored group has enormous power. Their origin is described in the story arc "Reversing the Pendulum".

Hiyori Sarugaki is a thin blonde with a fierce character, a former lieutenant of the 12th detachment of soul guides. He constantly scolds and beats Shinji, and such a relationship began when he was a guide of souls, although Shinji was a captain and Hiyori was only a lieutenant. She was under the command of Captain Kirio Hikifune, who was subsequently promoted, and then under Kisuke Urahara. Hiyori treated Kirio Hikifune like a mother, so she took Urahara's appointment hard. In addition, Hiyori constantly quarreled with Mayuri Kurotsuchi, who was at that time the third officer of the 12th Soul Guide Squad. Subduing her inner Hollow and becoming a Visored took her longer than everyone else (except Ichigo Kurosaki), namely 69 minutes and 2 seconds. Her zanpakutō is Kubikiri Orochi, and upon calling “Slash,” it turns into a cleaver, like Kurosaki’s, but smaller, with a katana-like guard and huge serrations. Hiyori was severely injured by Gin Ichimaru. During Hiyori's attack on Sosuke Aizen, Gin cut her body in half using his zanpakutō's ability to lengthen. The mask is similar to Gillian's mask.

Voiced by: Takagi Reiko.

Hachigen Useda is the largest and most complete of the Visoreds. Former lieutenant of the Kido Squad under the command of Tessai Tsukabishi. Specializes in Kido magic, especially in creating various barriers. Can use level 99 Kido without casting a spell. According to his own remark, his abilities resemble those of Orihime Inoue. Despite his unusual size, Hachigen is quite polite and kind. His mask is reminiscent of the ritual masks of the indigenous people of America. Hathi helped Soi Fon in the battle against Baraggan Luisenbarn and won the victory at the cost of his own hand.

Voiced by: Nagasako Takashi.

Lisa Yadomaru is a dark-haired girl with glasses, dressed in a school uniform. Former lieutenant of the 8th Division under the command of Captain Kyoraku. Easily irritated. Reads manga with pornographic content. Her zanpakuto name is Haguro. The Fractions team reveals a shikai, which is a halberd with a very large oval blade. Lisa's mask is a cross-shaped cutout on the mask itself.

Voiced by: Hattori Kanako.

Kensei Muguruma is a young man with piercings and a former captain of the 9th Division. Wears a uniform like a basketball player. On Kensei's chest there is a tattoo in the form of the number 69 (exactly the same as Shuhei Hisagi's), since he once saved a boy from being absorbed by a Hollow - that was Hisagi. Usually more serious than his comrades. Kensei's Zanpakuto is called Tachikaze. Release command "Blow away." The sword shrinks into the shape of a knife, after which Kensei can charge it with spiritual energy and launch it from the blade in the form of threads cutting everything in its path. Kensei's Bankai is called Tekken Tachikaze, in which Muguruma has two brass knuckles with knives on the edges, and his hands are wrapped in bandages. His empty form appears to be humanoid with nine cylindrical structures growing out of his back and shoulders, and his mask looks similar to a hockey mask but is square in shape with six eyes and extends around his back and head.

Voiced by: Sugita Tomokazu.

Love Aikawa is the former captain of the 7th Soul Guide Squad, a tall man with black glasses and afro braids. The guard of his zanpakuto is shaped like a heart. Constantly reads Shonen Jump or Lisa's porn manga. His sword is named Tengumaru. In shikai, he transforms into a huge metal kanabo staff, twice the size of Love himself. Love's mask looks like the face of a devil.

Voiced by: Inada Tetsu.

Rojuro Otoribashi or Rose is the former captain of the 3rd Soul Guide Squad who took up his post about a year before becoming captain of Kisuke Urahara. An effeminate man with long blond hair. Always maintains composure and a clear mind. The name of his zanpakuto is Kinsyara - according to the command “Play!” transforms into a long whip with a metal flower at the end. This whip's attacks are called "sonatas". Rose's mask looks like a bird's face

Voiced by: Kashii Shoto.

Mashiro Kuna is a strange girl with green hair and a white gym outfit. Former lieutenant of the 9th squad. He always calls Ichigo “Berry-chan” (due to the fact that his name is similar to the Japanese word for “strawberry”). Her Hollow mask resembles the head of an ant or bee in appearance, and in her Hollow form she also has bone armor on her legs. She is the only Visored who can hold the powers of a Hollow for 15 hours. Former lieutenant of the 9th Division under the command of Kensei Muguruma.

Voiced by: Kanda Akemi.

Other characters


Kon is an artificially created soul that replaces Ichigo inside his body during his transformations into a soul guide. Initially, Kon is the development of researchers of the Soul Society. It was subjected to a special modification under the “Soul +” program. Unlike ordinary artificial souls, he can use the leg muscles of his temporary body by 300%: occupying Ichigo's body, he can easily jump over buildings and deliver crushing blows that far exceed the capabilities of an ordinary person. But the “Soul +” project was considered unsuccessful and all souls of this type, except Kon, were destroyed. He managed to escape completely by accident. Because of this, his relationship with the soul guides was far from idyllic, but, thanks to Ichigo, Kon not only was not destroyed, but also received a temporary body of a teddy bear. In the anime, Kon is voiced by Madono Mitsuaki.

Kona's name is short for Kaizo Kompaku, created by Ichigo. Kon himself wanted to get the name Kai, which seemed more impressive to him, but Ichigo decided otherwise. Kon is usually in the body of a yellow stuffed lion. He is a comic character in Bleach and rarely takes part in battles. In games such as the Bleach: Blade Battlers series, Kon has a variety of fighting techniques - in particular, in Blade Battlers, he can summon soccer balls and shoot them at his opponent.

Don Kanonji

Comic character, medium and host of the super popular TV show The Exorcist Crusade. A showman and poser to the core, he dresses brightly and constantly uses fashionable American words in his speech, drives an extravagant pink car. Can see ghosts and fight hollows. Although his abilities are quite weak, he likes to present himself as a great slayer of evil spirits and make a show out of any fight with them.

Don Kanonji’s signature gesture and at the same time the symbol of his TV show is crossing his arms over his chest with a sepulchral laugh “BU-HA-HA-HA!” His main technique in battle is the Kanonji Bomb, a slow-flying golden ball of spiritual energy that explodes upon impact. In the anime, Don Kanonji is friends with Ichigo, his younger sisters and the children from Urahara's shop, Jinta and Ururu, and fought alongside them against Hollows several times in Ichigo's absence. He is voiced by Shigeru Kiba.

Guides of souls

In an interview, the author Taito Kubo said that the idea of ​​manga itself arose when he had a desire to draw a Shinigami in a kimono. The image of the Shinigami - the gods of death, in Japan representing personified death like a Western skeleton with a scythe - became the basis for the creation of soul guides, in particular, the first guide appearing in the manga, Rukia Kuchiki.

Soul guides are invisible to ordinary people and live in a special place called the Soul Community. They patrol our world, help the souls of dead people get into the Soul Society, send to hell those who committed terrible sins during life, and also destroy evil spirits (“hollows”). Soul guides have various supernatural abilities related to the manipulation of particles of spiritual energy. Most of these abilities are realized thanks to the zanpakuto sword, which every guide of souls has and is a kind of embodiment of his spiritual power. Such a sword, cutting through an empty one, “washes away” all his sins committed after death, and the purified soul goes to the Community of Souls. Any guide of souls in Bleach is assigned to one of the thirteen combat units - Gotei 13.

Residents of Soul Society

Kukaku Shiba is a fireworks master and a member of the once-existent noble Shiba family. A bitchy woman who constantly beats up her brother Ganju and hangs huge posters of her own name in front of her house. Kaien Shiba's sister. He does not belong to the guides of souls, but knows Kido at a high level. In the anime, Kukaku has a prosthetic instead of his right arm, but in the manga he only has a stump. Several years ago, Kukaku had a brother named Kaien, who served as a lieutenant in the Soul Guide Squad, but an accident occurred, as a result of which Kaien's body was taken over by a Hollow, and Rukia Kuchiki had to kill him. Kukaku has two bodyguards, huge and similar as two drops of water - Koganehiko and Shiroganehiko. They are not distinguished by intelligence or any other abilities.

Voiced by: Akiko Hiramatsu.

Ganju Shiba is an impressively sized man wearing a bandana and glasses. Quick to kill and rude, but noble in his own way. He rides a huge boar named “Bonnie”, which he affectionately calls “Bonnie-chan”. Ganju hates the Soul Society and Soul Guides in particular after the accident in which Rukia Kuchiki had to kill Kaien Shibu. Little Ganju saw with his own eyes how Rukia brought Kaien’s bloody body, and saw the blood on her sword, so he initially considered her an unfeeling killer. Additionally, after the death of Kaien and his wife Miyako, the Shiba clan lost its high status. Even after Ganju learned the truth about the murder, he did not immediately overcome his hatred. He masters earth magic, although it is of a slightly different nature than the Soul Guide Kido. One such move, Rock Wave, turns any surface into sand or quicksand.

Voiced by: Wataru Takagi.

Hisana Kuchiki is the wife of Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, who died fifty years before the start of the main storyline. She ended up in Soul Society with her little sister Rukia, but left her to survive on her own. Subsequently, Hisana constantly searched for Rukia until an unknown illness undermined her health. On her deathbed, she asked Byakuya to still find Rukia and take care of her, but not to talk about their relationship. Hisana believed that because of her betrayal, she was unworthy to be called Rukia's sister.

Yuichi Shibata is a little boy who is an acquaintance of Yasutora Sado. Pursued by the bloodthirsty spirit of a killer, he hid in the body of a parrot. Yasutora helped him escape from his pursuer, and Ichigo Kurosaki sent his soul to the Soul Society, where a little later Yasutora and Yuichi Shibata met again.

Voiced by: Makoto Tsumura.

Sora Inoue is the brother of Orihime Inoue, who died in a car accident. After Sora's death, he was unable to leave his sister, so his spirit remained in the earthly world and became a Hollow named Asidwire. The anime shows how the Hollows pulled Sora into their world of Hueco Mundo, although the transformation process is not explained in the manga. After part of his mask cracked during a battle with Ichigo Kurosaki, Sora came to his senses. Realizing that he posed a danger to his sister, he pierced himself with Ichigo's sword. Sora's soul was purified and went to Soul Society.

Voiced by: Ueda Yuji.

Ruritiyo Kasumioji is the princess of the aristocratic Kasumioji clan, appearing only in the anime in the story arc "New Captain Shusuke Amagai". A little girl who behaves like a typical princess - arrogantly, expecting all orders to be carried out instantly. Ruritiyo's mother died during childbirth, his father soon fell ill and also did not live long. Now the hunt has begun for her, as the only heir.

Voiced by: Reiko Takagi.


Baunto is a small group of people who feed on the spiritual energy of dead souls. They are the main negative characters in the fillers - seasons 4 and 5 of the anime. Instead of weapons, they use so-called dolls - monsters that obey the orders of their master. Bountos are immortal due to the fact that they absorb other souls. According to Kisuke Urahara, the historical name for these creatures is vampires. They appeared as a consequence of a failed scientific experiment conducted by the soul guides, and were first expelled from the Soul Society, and then almost completely exterminated by the soul guides in alliance with the Quincy. Bountos do not have the ability to reproduce.

Jin Kariya Jin Kariya is the leader of the bounto and the strongest of them. He has white hair and a scar on his chin from when Kariya was attacked by a Hollow as a child. Unlike most dolls, his Messer does not speak, since Jin became one with him as a child. He controls the wind and can cause a hurricane. The role is voiced by Toru Okawa.

Go Koga is a large and physically strong man whose metal doll Dark moves his own molecules and can change the shape of his body. The only one of the bounto who survived the battle in the Soul Society. However, Go Koga completely lost his power. He is voiced by Toru Furusawa.

Mabashi is the only one who is not afraid to speak his mind in front of Kariya. The Liz doll is usually in the shape of a seed and kept in a Mabashi locket. The doll's ability is to completely control the enemy it inhabits. Mabashi is voiced by Daisuke Ono.

Ryo Utagawa is Kariya's former right-hand man. Outwardly, he resembles a vampire and treats people like food. Secretly hopes to take Kariya's place and rule the bounto. His Fried doll is a snake. The role is voiced by Shusuke Sakino.

Sawatari - looks like the oldest of the bountos, although in reality this is a consequence of his absorption of the souls of undead people (which is a taboo among addicts). Just like Ryo Utagawa, he plans to seize power. The Sawatari Chair is a doll named Baura that takes the form of a fish that eats enemies. He is voiced by Yuzuru Fujimoto.

Yoshi is a woman with green hair. Her sword doll is named Nieder. The role is voiced by Yoko Soumi.

Yoshino Soma is a thin woman. The only dependent one capable of reproduction. Goethe's doll controls fire. In the past, she was in love with Kariya. Yoshino is voiced by Masako Katsuki.

In the story, Jin Kariya, together with the surviving bounto, plans to take over the Soul Society, but he is stopped by soul guides. Jin himself dies in a fight with Ichigo Kurosaki. The Bounto's story arc was criticized by IGN, with the reviewer calling them "unconvincing bad guys" who looked like they came "out of a low-quality sci-fi movie."


Hollows are the negative characters of Bleach, fallen souls whom soul guides did not escort to the Community in time. They live in the alternate reality of Hueco Mundo and sometimes travel to the real world to feed on the souls of the living. Most people cannot see Hollows, as they are creatures of a spiritual nature and are made of spiritual matter. The guides of souls are called upon to defeat them, cleanse them of sins committed after death, and send them to the Community of souls. Hollows are monsters that attack any souls that have a high concentration of spiritual energy, however, they attack not because they are hungry, but in an attempt to alleviate their own torment - they unsuccessfully try to fill the void where the heart was. Their face is always hidden by a white mask that takes on different shapes.

Evolved empty ones, who were able to partially get rid of the mask and gain part of the abilities of soul guides, call themselves arrancar. Arrancar have a strict hierarchy. Top Ten - Espada.

The Japanese-produced anime Bleach has greatly impressed the whole world, and now it is on the same page as such world-famous series as Naruto, One peace and Fairy Tail. We can talk a lot about it, but now we will look in detail at who, where and when participated in the anime. Below we will present a list of Bleach characters with a detailed description of the main characters, and also touch a little on those that stand out. It’s impossible not to notice that the anime was never adapted from the manga.

Main characters of the anime "Bleach": Kurosaki Ichigo

The main character is Kurosaki Ichigo - an ordinary high school student with unusual abilities to see spirits and monsters, which makes him special among everyone, but he does not tell anyone about it. But one day, Rukia Kuchiki, who was appointed as a watcher, comes to his hometown. Getting into a skirmish, Rukia almost loses to a giant Hollow, but our hero rushes to her aid, who, under duress, becomes a shinigami using the power of Kuchiki. At the same time, she did not act according to the regulations, for which she will subsequently be punished. From this moment on, the long but eventful path of the savior begins. He constantly argues with almost everyone, but other characters in Bleach respect him.

At the very end of the manga, it is revealed that Kurosaki is a powerful cross between a human, a Shinigami, a Hollow and a Quincy, making him the most outstanding and different from everyone else.

Character Abilities

Expert in hand-to-hand combat. As a child, he trained with Tatsuki in the dojo. So he later became a strong fighter who fought back all the bullies in the area, even from other schools, thereby earning himself a bad reputation.

Possessor of enormous spiritual power. From the very beginning of the series, after he gained the power of a shinigami, everyone was surprised by the amount of radio he had. The sword of any warrior reflected his spiritual strength. He had a giant katana compared to the others, which instilled fear in his enemies. Then, throughout the anime, all the captains will be surprised at his capabilities.

Master of the sword. He masterfully wields his huge sword, which will change its size throughout the anime. In all the series of battles between Ichigo and his enemies, it is clear what skillful techniques he uses to win at any cost.

Quincy and Hollow powers. His distinctive abilities made Kurosaki special and unpredictable. He rose from the dead and, turning into the form of Arrancar recursion, which is theoretically impossible, destroyed Ulquiora in a few seconds, who until that moment had very much controlled the situation.

Uryuu Ishida

Uryuu Ishida is a purebred Quincy, very selfish, but loyal to his friends, but many of the characters in Bleach did not consider him a friend. Then it turns out that he seems to betray them, but in fact he very cleverly gained their trust and at a fateful moment took Ichigo’s side in order to defeat his ancestor - Yahweh Bach - the father of all Quincys. Basically, he was taught everything by his grandfather, who wanted to pass on all his knowledge to someone who would use it, unlike his father, for whom it is pointless, since there is no profit from it. He achieved great success both in wielding a bow and in handling a sword. Although the Quincy does not have a katana, Uryuu uses a Zeleshnider - a terrible weapon consisting of a tip made of spiritual particles that are able to cut the bonds between them, and a hilt that is somewhat reminiscent of a sword. Uryuu develops in various areas:

  1. Master with a bow. He will reach such a state that he will be able to fire 1200 arrows in a second, which no one can deflect. Uryuu is also so skilled in particle manipulation that he can change the trajectory of an arrow while in flight.
  2. Master of Hyorinkyaku. This is the highest degree of fast step, which is faster than the instant step and sanido. Uryuu himself has mastered Hyorinkyaku well and is able to easily catch up with Soi Fong, who is considered the fastest in Seireitei.

Inoue Orihime

She is very kind and sympathetic, which is why all the Bleach characters love her. The girl is Ichigo's classmate, who is head over heels in love with him. And it was precisely because she spent a lot of time next to him, and he, as we know, has a large amount of spiritual energy, which he could not control well, that is why she acquired the powers of Shun Shun Rikka, which more than once helped in battles. He is also a central figure in the anime, who turned hopeless situations in Ichigo's favor every time. Because of her, Kurosaki went into the recursion stage to defeat Ulkiora, who killed him and nearly killed Uryuu. Capabilities:

  1. Santen Kixiong. Orihime's defensive technique, which is a three-edged shield that repels all attacks, but it should be noted that there is a relationship between attack and self-confidence.
  2. Hundred Kisyun. Denial of reality is the most powerful healing technique in the Bleach universe, which can restore both material and immaterial things that no longer exist in nature. The full power was shown in the episode where Inoue restored Grimmjow's incinerated arm.
  3. Koten Zanshun. An offensive attack on the enemy, which is performed by the only one of the six petals on the hairpins - Tsubaki. The technique requires not only self-confidence, but also concentration on the place where the blow will be made. If Tsubaki is injured, he does not die, he can be restored, but it will take a lot of time.

Yasutora "Chad" Sado

He is also Ichigo’s classmate, and in the same way received his strength due to communication with Ichigo. He became friends with him when Kurosaki saved him from his offenders and showed him in what direction he could redirect his strength. The man himself is quiet and calm; in the entire anime there was not a single frame shown when he was angry or enraged. The rest of the Bleach characters are neutral towards him.

Has the power of submission. In the arc about the subjugators, everything will be told in detail about complete subjugation and everything connected with it, and until this moment it was only said once that his power is connected with the Hollows. It is expressed in the transformation of his hand, and then his arms. One is a shield, the other attacks with such power that Kempachi Zaraki himself would envy him. And Sado's shield can even repel Menos Grande's Cero, making him a particularly strong opponent.


This is only a small part of all the characters, there are about a hundred of them. Each has its own distinctive abilities. If you want to know more, then there is a section on the Bleach characters wiki. There you will find all the information you are interested in. New Bleach characters will only appear in the manga because Kubo Taiho did not want to make a sequel.

Name: Kurosaki Ichigo
Status: Student acting as a shinigami
Age: 15 years
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Blood type: A.O.
Birthday: July 7
Zanpakuto: Zangetsu
Voiced by: Masakazu Morita
First appearance: Manga Volume 001, Chapter 001a
More about Zangetsu:
Like all Shinigami, Ichigo has a Zanpakutō. His name is Zangetsu, "cutting the moon." Due to his material form in the form of a man of 30-40 years old, Ichigo nicknamed Zangetsu "uncle".
During the first sealed stage, Zangetsu appeared to be a normal giant-sized Zanpakutō. This was due to Ichigo's high reiatsu (spiritual power). At first, Ichigo carried Zangetsu in a huge sheath on his back. The first Zangetsu was defeated by Kuchiki Byakuya during their first fight. Zangetsu's Shikai form is a "partial sword", without a sheath or hilt. It looked like a huge butcher knife. Ichigo's Zanpakutō is different from others in Shikai form due to its high level of power. Also, Kurosaki did not yet know the name of his zanpakuto.
Zangetsu's special ability is Getsuga Tenshou - "moon fang that pierces the sky." The Zanpakuto fired balls of compressed energy in the shape of blue crescents. At first, Kurosaki used this ability without knowing the name, but then, after learning the name, he completely mastered it.
Zangetsu's bankai - Tensa Zangetsu - "heavenly chain cutting the moon" - was completely different from all zanpakuto. It looked like a regular "nodachi" type katana (175 cm long), with a black blade and a short broken chain tied to the handle.
The enormous power of his Bankai allowed Ichigo to increase his speed beyond shunpo. During the second battle with Kuchiki Byakuya, Ichigo used Getsuga Tensho in hollow form, which gave birth to a new technique called Kuroi Getsuga ("black moon fang"). It looked like the same crescents, but red and black, and Ichigo could already control their trajectory. Ichigo realized that this was his inner Hollow's personal technique, and if he used it more than 3-4 times, the Hollow would gain control of Ichigo's body.

The main character of Bleach, Ichigo, is a 15-year-old teenager. At first glance, he may seem like a very gloomy guy, because... his eyebrows are always furrowed, which gives him a very angry look. However, in reality he turns out to be much kinder and more sensitive than his appearance suggests. Ichigo has natural red hair, which greatly annoys the high school students at his school, so he often has to fight with them. He doesn't care much about what others think of him and seems to enjoy fighting.
Ichigo lives with his father, Kurosaki Isshin, and two sisters, Karin and Yuzu. His father owns a small medical clinic, which is located right in their house, so the whole family is forced to help him. Ichigo and his father constantly "fight" as a joke. Karin is a very active girl and is also able to control her feelings, while Yuzu is very passive and emotional.
From the outside, the Kurosaki family looks quite normal, except for one thing - Ichigo is able to see and communicate with ghosts. All members of his family, in one way or another, possess some spiritual abilities, but Ichigo has them most developed. Karin's abilities are weaker - she can only see ghosts (but not shinigami or Hollows), and Yuzu only hears ghosts and sees vague outlines.
As the story continues, the spiritual power and abilities of everyone around Ichigo increase. Even his classmates and friends begin to feel the presence of ghosts. All this happens because Ichigo has a huge “Reiatsu” - spiritual power, which he cannot yet control well enough.

Name: Kuchiki Rukia
Status: Shinigami
Height: 144 cm
Weight: 33 kg
Birthday: January 14
Zanpakuto: Sode no Shirayuki
Voiced by: Fumiko Orikasa
First appearance: Manga Volume 001, Chapter 001a
More details:
As a result of Ichigo Kurosaki taking away some of her powers, Rukia was forced to live in a gigai, a temporary body for shinigami. During this time, she convinced Ichigo to perform her duties as a shinigami.
Because Rukia spent too much time in the World of the Living, she began to feel very comfortable and her strength seemed to begin to recover, fearing that she might become too accustomed to the World of the Living, she decides to run away from Ichigo. Unfortunately, she encounters shinigami from the Soul Society, specifically her childhood friend Abarai Renji and her older brother Kuchiki Byakuya, who were sent to arrest her and kill Ichigo. Ichigo appears to save her, but Rukia begs him to forget about her and leaves for Soul Society. She didn't want him to be killed...

Name: Ishida Uryuyu
Status: Student, Quincy
Age: 15 years
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Blood type: AB
Birthday: 11th of November
Voiced by: Noriaki Sugiyama
First appearance: Manga Volume 004, Chapter 029
More details:

Name: Yasutora Chad
Status: Student
Age: 15 years
Height: 197 cm
Weight: 112 kg
Blood type: A.O.
Birthday: April 7
Voiced by: Hiroki Yasumoto
First appearance: Manga Volume 001, Chapter 007
More details:

Name: Inoue Orihime
Status: Student
Age: 15 years
Height: 157 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Blood type: B.O.
Birthday: September 3
Voiced by: Yuki Matsuoka
First appearance: Manga Volume 001, Chapter 002
More details:
Orihime is Ichigo's red-haired classmate who constantly wears blue flower hair clips. Orihime wears these hairpins in memory of her older brother, who gave them to her. Orihime also has a prominent bust, which is often the butt of jokes. She is friendly, kind, sensitive. She seems naive and not very smart, but she has fairly high grades in school and is considered one of the most intelligent students. Orihime is very perceptive, especially in matters concerning Ichigo Kurosaki. The girl also has a strong imagination, because of which she sometimes comes up with absolutely incredible things (for example, for the art competition “Who do I want to be in the future”, she drew a futuristic landscape and herself in the form of a robot). However, she does not understand technology at all, because... one of her classmates noticed that she doesn't have a mobile phone only because she doesn't know how to use it.

Her concern for Ichigo is very noticeable, she even admitted to Rangiku Matsumoto that she was in love with him... Orihime has a very strange taste in food, which is shared only by Rangiku. However, Inoe also likes to eat regular food, such as what Tatsuki's mother (Arisawa Tatsuki) cooks.

Name: Con
Status: Modified Soul, Soul+
Height: 27 cm
Weight: 182 g
Age: Unknown
Birthday: December 30th
Voiced by: Mitsuaki Madono
First appearance: Manga Volume 002, Chapter 013
More details:

Name: Kisuke Urahara
Status: Shop owner, shinigami, former Captain of the 12th Division
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 69 kg
Age: Unknown
Birthday: 31th of December
Zanpakuto: Benihime
Voiced by: Shinichiro Miki
First appearance: Manga Volume 002, Chapter 013
More details:
Kisuke Urahara is one of the most entertaining and mysterious characters in the anime and manga “Bleach”. He runs the "Urahara Store", which sells various goods for shinigami in the world of the living. Kisuke's shop also employs Ururu Tsumugiya, Jinta Hanakari and Tessai Tsukabishi.

Urahara always wears traditional Japanese wooden sandals and a striped hat, leading Ichigo to at one time call Urahara "the guy with the sandal hat." He is generally a laid-back and cheerful companion, although he can be deadly when the situation calls for it. Kisuke once described himself as "a simple, honest, handsome, slightly perverted businessman." In the filler anime, Ganju Shiba called him “old man,” to which Urahara replied that he was the same age as Ganju's sister, Kukaku Shiba.

Kisuke Urahara is always, one way or another, involved in the events that take place, but he never participates in them himself, preferring to control everything from the outside. After Byakuya Kuchiki and Renji Abarai took Rukia to Soul Society, Kisuke helped Ichigo gain the power of a shinigami (after building a huge training cave under his shop). At his request, Yoruichi taught Orihime Inue and Chad how to use their powers. Urahara always knows more than he lets on. Kisuke is familiar with most of the captains and lieutenants of the Gotei 13, as well as Ishin Kurosaki, Ichigo's father.


Kisuke Urahara's Zapancto is named Benihime. (Benihime, translated - Dark red, scarlet princess). This is one of the few known zanpakuto with a female name. Benihime is hidden in a cane that Urahara constantly carries with him and on the base of which there is a seal that can separate the soul from the body (the exact same seal is on Rukia's glove). To transform the sword into a Shikai, Urahara uses the word “Okiro!” (“wake up”). In this form, Benihime appears as a sword with a blade that flares out from a hilt adorned with a dark red ribbon. An attack called "Benihime Scream" allows Urahara to deliver energy strikes with his sword and create a so-called "Blood Shield" that protects Kisuke. At this point in time, it is unknown what kind of Ban Kai Urahara has.

Name: Shihouin Yoruichi
Status: Former Captain 2 and former Special Forces Commander
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 42 kg
Age: Unknown
Birthday: 1st of January
Zanpakuto: Unknown
Voiced by: Satsuki Yukino (female) Shiro Saito (cat)
First appearance: Manga Volume 006, Chapter 051
More details:
Former captain of the 2nd squad. Born into the noble "Shihouin" family, Yoruichi quickly became a captain due to her talent.

When Urahara Kisuke was expelled from Soul Society, she was forced to follow him. Since then, she has always accompanied him, transforming into a black cat.

Yoruichi is smart, sometimes sarcastic and self-confident, which sometimes borders on rudeness. She does not hide her talents and her natural beauty. In addition, she is quite realistic in assessing her capabilities, and therefore can retreat if it seems reasonable to her.

He tries not to use his zanpakuto. He is fluent in all types of demon magic and other aspects of combat. The greatest master in using the fast step technique in the entire history of Soul Society. Even without using a sword, Yoruichi is already a very dangerous opponent for any captain.

The name and true form of Yoruichi's Zanpakutō are unknown. In the manga it is only seen in a few pictures and resembles a short kodachi or wakizashi sword.

It can also be seen for a few short seconds in the OVA "The Sealed Sword Frenzy" when Yoruichi used it against the Hollows.

Gotei 13

Name: Soi Fong
Status: Captain of the 2nd Division and Commander of the Special Forces, former bodyguard of Yoruichi Shihoun
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 38 kg
Age: Unknown
Birthday: 11 February
Zanpakuto: Suzumebachi
Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami
First appearance: Manga Volume 010, Chapter 081

Name: Ichimaru Gin
Status: 3rd Division Captain [former Captain], later Hollow loyalist
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 69 kg
Age: Unknown
Birthday: 10 September
Zanpakuto: Shinso
Voiced by: Kouji Yusa
First appearance: Manga Volume 008, Chapter 065
Zanpakuto information:

Shinsu (Goddess of Spears)

In its normal state it resembles a wakizashi (short Japanese sword). G-shaped guard.

Release Team: Kill him, Shinsu!

The Zanpakutō suddenly lengthens so that using the Shikai resembles a "shot". It is impossible to dodge such a “shot”, it can only be blocked. In addition, Gin can “shoot” not only in a straight line. Sometimes he bends the blade to hit several opponents (see anime).

Apparently Gin has achieved Bankai, but his abilities are unknown.

Name: Izuru Kira
Status: Lieutenant of the 3rd detachment
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Age: Unknown
Birthday: March 27
Zanpakuto: Wabisuke
Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai
First appearance: Manga Volume 010, Chapter 083
Zanpakuto information:

Wabiske (apology, plea).

Zanpakutō is so called because of its special power. To quote Kira: "My sword increases the weight of everything it touches. Each strike doubles the weight of your sword." When the enemy's weapon becomes too heavy, he falls and raises his head up, as if begging for mercy."

Release command: "Get up!"

Kira's Zanpakuto extends and bends twice at 90 degree angles. Before the fight with Matsumoto, the only people who knew about his Shikai abilities were Renji and Hinamori.


Name: Sousuke Aizen
Status: Captain of the 5th Division, [former captain], leader of the Arrancar
Height: 186 cm
Weight: 76 kg
Age: Unknown
Birthday: May 29
Zanpakuto: Kyouka Suigetsu
Voiced by: Sho Hayami
First appearance: Manga Volume 009, Chapter 079
Zanpakuto information:
ShiKai: Kyouka Suigetsu (Mirror Flower Moon on Water)
- release command: unknown
Aizen's Zanpakutō controls all five senses and is capable of showing the opponent the different size, shape, weight, feel, and smell of any object depending on the situation. In order for this ability to work, it is necessary to show the enemy the movement of the awakening Kyōka Suigetsu, after which the enemy will be affected by complete hypnosis.

BanKai: Unknown

Name: Hinamori Momo
Status: Lieutenant of the 5th detachment
Height: 151 cm
Weight: 41 kg
Age: Unknown
Birthday: June 3
Zanpakuto: Tobiume
Voiced by: Kumi Sakuma
First appearance: Manga Volume 010, Chapter 080
Zanpakuto information:
ShiKai: Tobiume (Flying Plum Petals)
release command: "Hajike!" (Grab (Tear)!)
Hinamori Momo's zanpakuto power is based on kido, demonic magic. This is felt because Hinamori is a Kido master. Her sword is very powerful, although we only see it used once in the battle against Kira.

BanKai: none

Name: Kuchiki Byakuya
Status: Captain of the 6th Division
Height: 180
Weight: 64 kg
Birthday: January 31
Zanpakuto: Senbonzakura
Voiced by: Ryotaro Okiayu
First appearance: Manga Volume 006, Chapter 051
Zanpakuto information:
Senbonzakura (One Thousand Cherry Blossoms) - release command > "Chire!" ("Scatter!")
One thousand blades that are so small they cannot be seen
when those blades take flight thinking easy cause them to be like
on scattered flower petals. They scatter and shread the enemy.
Senbonzakura Kageyoshi (One Thousand Cherry Blossoms Beastly Shadows),
Byakuya releases his Zanpakutō and one thousand swords around him. They rise from the ground then that thousand swords scatter and countless flying blades across the enemy.
No one knows the exact number of blades produced. No one can see the movements of those blades or avoid them except Kurosaki Ichigo.
The final stage of Byakuya's Ban Kai is called Hakutieken (White Imperial Blade)

Name: Abarai Renji
Status: Lieutenant of the 6th detachment
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Birthday: August 31
Zanpakuto: Zabimaru
Voiced by: Kentaro Ito
First appearance: Manga Volume 006, Chapter 051
Zanpakuto information:
Shi-Kai: Zabimaru (Snake Tail) - release the command: "Hoero!" ("Howl!")
Renji's Zanpakutō grows large and can expand and renounce at Renji's will. It can be thrown around like a whip and part thrown at an enemy.
Ban-Kai: Hihiou Zabimaru (Baboon King Zabimaru) Renji's zanpakutou turns into a giant snake skeleton and coils around the base with him in the center.
Hihiou's Segiments are linked to Renji's spiritual pressure, thus making him more powerful. Although Hihiou's large Zanpakuto has great endurance, even if it loses one or two segments it can still struggle.
Zabimaru's attack is very similar to his Shi-Kai, where Zabimaru can reach out and lash out. Renji can also shield himself with this form of Zanpakuto. Renji's appearance also changes, he gains a neclace of teeth/claws around his neck, as well as a jacket of fur type garmant, which runs down only one arm and has a skull on the shoulder.
Zanpakuto's True Form: Baboon with a snake tail.

Name: Kaname Tousen
Status: Captain of the 9th Division [former captain], follower of Aizen
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Birthday: the 13th of November
Zanpakuto: Suzumushi
Voiced by: Toshiyuki Morikawa
First appearance: Manga Volume 010, Chapter 081
Zanpakuto information:
ShiKai: Suzumushi (Cricket)
Release command: specific movement, not specific word
Most believe that we first see Suzumushi's Shikai form after Ishida Uryuu's fight with Captain Kurotsuchi. It follows from the nature of the Shikai that the Zanpakuto's abilities awaken only after the sword is released. Unlike famous swords like Shinso, Suzumushi is released with a special move. It is believed that by using his ability on Ishida, Suzumushi was already released.
Suspended from the sword so that it can move, the loop supposedly creates a high-frequency vibration that allows Tōsen to use his Nake (Shout) ability. As Kaname places his hand on the edge of the loop, Suzumushi rings out one clear note. The reflected sound renders everyone who hears it unconscious.
Suzumushi's second ability, Benihiko (Purple Locust), manifests itself after simultaneously moving and speaking a phrase. Leaping into the air from Suzumushi, Tousen summoned Benihiko and swung his sword in front of him. Suzumushi vibrated, leaving a trail behind. This trail materialized in the form of hundreds of sword-like spikes. With the second movement, the blades rushed down and pierced everything within a radius of several meters.

BanKai Suzumushi - Enma Kourogi (Demonic Cricket) seems to be based on Tousen's blindness. By uttering the phrase and placing his hand on the edge of the ring on top of the sword, Kaname creates a field around the enemy that dampens sensations, even more terrible than just blindness. The ring expands and spins, releasing reiatsu, spinning faster and faster. The ring then splits, creating a black field around Tōsen and his victim, with a radius of about 60 meters. Once inside, Tousen takes over the opponent, who has lost his senses: sight, smell, hearing, speech and sense of reiatsu. The only remaining sense is touch, and also a rather specific pain. Due to him holding Suzumushi, Tōsen is able to retain his senses and fight his opponent. A true hell where you can't even express the pain of being cut to pieces, Tousen's elegant and intricate Bankai feels terribly treacherous. The only way to avoid Bankai is to grab hold of Suzumushi.
By holding the sword, the opponent can see and feel.

Name: Hisagi Shuhei
Status: Lieutenant of the 9th detachment
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Birthday: August 14
Zanpakuto: Unknown
Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi
First appearance: Manga Volume 011, Chapter 094
Zanpakuto information:
Nothing is known about Shuhei's zanpakuto. Apparently, the moment he defeated Yumichika, he didn't even need to awaken him. However, he was caught off guard by Yumichika's Shikai and was defeated before he could do anything.
Shuhei most likely does not have a Bankai either.

Name: Hitsugaya Toushiro
Status: Captain of the 10th Division
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Zanpakuto: Unknown
Voiced by: Unknown
First appearance: Manga Volume 011, Chapter 094
Zanpakuto information:
Shi-Kai: Hyourinmaru (Ice Ring) - release command: "Souten ni Zase!" ("Soar In The Frozen Sky!")
Creates a dragon of water and ice formed by spiritual energy, it can even control the weather. The pressure from Hyourinmaru's water attack is so fierce that it peels the ememies flesh from their bones.

Ban-Kai: Dai Guren Hyourin Maru (Great Red Ice Ring)

To be continued... I'm tired of translating from =(

The central characters are five: , Yasutora Sado and . They appear in history gradually. At the beginning of the manga and anime, Ichigo Kurosaki accidentally meets a girl - "" Rukia Kuchiki, who has supernatural powers and fights evil spirits - « » . Rukia protects Ichigo's family from empty, but in the battle he is seriously wounded and realizes that he is unable to fight further. She decides to transfer part of her supernatural powers to Ichigo, as a result of which the main character himself becomes a guide of souls, and Rukia loses her powers - paranormal energy called "reiatsu"(Japanese: 霊圧). She cannot perform the work of a guide of souls, that is, fight with empty and send the souls of the dead to the afterlife, so she persuades Ichigo to help until her own strength is restored. Gradually, under the influence of Ichigo's spiritual energy, his friends Orihime Inoue and Yasutora Sado also show supernatural abilities, begin to see spirits and can even fight with them.

Concept and author's intention

Creating characters is one of the key stages in the work on the manga, which later formed the basis of the anime. In an interview, Bleach author Taito Kubo said that when he is thinking about a story or having trouble coming up with new ideas, he starts by creating characters and re-reading previous volumes of the manga. The author explained that he likes to invent unexpected characters whose appearance gives a false impression of their character, since he is “attracted to people with contradictory personalities,” and in Taito Kubo’s work he feels “the need to draw people that [he] likes.” First, he comes up with the appearance of the hero, and then tries to imagine what kind of character he could have. Each character, Kubo commented, is unique in his own way in the eyes of the author, so he would like to more fully reveal their images as the story progresses.

Main characters

Ichigo Kurosaki

The main character of the anime and manga, a red-haired fifteen-year-old schoolboy. Since childhood, he has the ability to see spirits and guides of souls, he even knows one girl and brings her flowers. Although at first Taito Kubo did not come up with Ichigo, but Rukia Kuchiki, it was Ichigo who, in his opinion, was more suitable for the role of the main character. Having received the powers of a soul guide from Rukia, Ichigo is skeptical about them (“No, thank you, to fight such monsters again...”), but then accepts the responsibility entrusted to him. At first, he knows nothing about the Soul Society and fights based on instincts, but he picks up new techniques in just a few days, surprising Rukia with his abilities. The role of the main character is voiced.

Rukia Kuchiki

A soul guide girl who was sent to patrol Ichigo's hometown and protect the residents from empty, as well as sending the souls of the dead to the afterlife (“”), performing the rite of burial of the soul (Japanese 魂葬). Rukia is the first character created by the author. Even though it looks like it, it is actually over 150 years old. Rukia is forced to transfer her spiritual energy to Ichigo and lead the life of an ordinary person, while in a “temporary body” that soul guides use in emergency situations. After losing her powers, she is only capable of minor spells. Rukia likes to live in the human world, she has a strange sense of humor and a grumpy character, she likes to explain everything in the form of her own drawings. She is voiced by him.

Orihime Inoue

Ichigo's classmate, who met him through a mutual friend. Orihime is very kind, gentle and optimistic, and has strong affection for her friends, especially Arisawa and Ichigo. She: was left absolutely alone after the death of her brother. Due to frequent contacts, Ichigo unwittingly shares part of his spiritual energy with her, and Orihime gains the ability to see ghosts and empty, and subsequently fight them. She can change reality - cancel events that have already happened, which outwardly looks as if time is flowing backwards. At the beginning of the anime and manga, Orihime does not play a big role in the development of the plot, however, then her role in the story grows. The heroine is voiced by.

Uryu Ishida

Ichigo's classmate, one of the last representatives of the clan. Quincy are people who have developed several supernatural abilities, including the ability to control spiritual energy. Despite the common enemy - empty- Quincy and soul guides fought with each other long before the start of the main Bleach storyline. Grandfather Uryu died due to the fault of the soul guides, so at the beginning of the anime and manga he is hostile towards Ichigo and Rukia. In battle, he uses not a sword, but Quincy weapons: and, consisting of particles of spiritual energy. Uryu is a proud and secretive person. He takes care of his appearance, embroiders well, and goes to a craft club with Orihime Inoue. The role is voiced.

Yasutora Sado

Classmate and close friend of Ichigo Kurosaki. Better known by his nickname Chad(Japanese: ちゃど). He received it during his first meeting with Ichigo, when he misread Yasutora's first surname. Hieroglyph [)