Mayan horoscope by birth number. Mayan horoscope by date of birth

The culture of ancient civilizations has always excited the minds of contemporaries, especially with regard to the esoteric component.

According to the tradition of this amazing people, all people are divided into twenty types depending on their number and month of birth.

How to determine your sign according to the horoscope of the ancient Mayans?

Representatives of the ancient civilization used their own calendar for calculations, so complex calculations must be made to calculate their sign. We've made it easy for you so you can simply use the tables.

Write down your full date of birth on paper.

Find the month of your birth in the first table and put it in your entry instead of the date of the calendar month.

Find the year of your birth in the second table and put this number in place of the year in the entry.

1930 14 1950 19 1970 4 1990 9
1931 19 1951 4 1971 9 1991 14
1932 5 1952 10 1972 15 1992 0
1933 10 1953 15 1973 0 1993 5
1934 15 1954 0 1974 5 1994 10
1935 0 1955 5 1975 10 1995 15
1936 6 1956 11 1976 16 1996 1
1937 11 1957 16 1977 1 1997 6
1938 16 1958 1 1978 6 1998 11
1939 1 1959 6 1979 11 1999 16
1940 7 1960 12 1980 17 2000 2
1941 12 1961 17 1981 2 2001 7
1942 17 1962 2 1982 7 2002 12
1943 2 1963 7 1983 12 2003 17
1944 8 1964 13 1984 18 2004 3
1945 13 1965 18 1985 3 2005 8
1946 18 1966 3 1986 8 2006 13
1947 3 1967 8 1987 13 2007 18
1948 9 1968 14 1988 19 2008 4
1949 14 1969 19 1989 4 2009 9

Add up all three numbers you get. In the table, leap years are highlighted in bold. If one of them is yours, and you were born in January or February, you need to subtract one from the resulting amount. For other months no adjustment is required.

Find the resulting amount in the table below - it will correspond to your Mayan calendar sign.

Crocodile 1, 21, 41, 61
Wind 2, 22,42, 62
Night (Dream) 3, 23, 43, 63
Lizard 4, 24, 44, 64
Serpent 5, 25, 45, 65
Death (Skull) 6, 26, 46, 66
Deer 7, 27, 47, 67
Rabbit (Sunrise) 8, 28, 48, 68
Water 9, 29, 49, 69
Dog 10, 30, 50, 70
Monkey (Master) 11, 31, 51, 71
Road (Staircase) 12, 32, 52, 72
Maize (Reed) 13, 33, 53, 73
Jaguar 14, 34, 54, 74
Eagle 15, 35, 55, 75
Vulture 16, 36, 56, 76
Incense (Earthquake) 17, 37, 57, 77
Flint 18, 38, 58, 78
Storm 19, 39, 59, 79
Ancestors 0, 20, 40, 60


This sign in the Mayan birth horoscope is associated with primal energy. People born on these dates are able to penetrate deeply into various secrets: they understand the world of magic and dreams much more clearly than the peculiarities of their own personality.

These highly spiritual people respect family traditions and easily absorb the values ​​of the society in which they live. A negative quality of those born under the sign of the Crocodile is the ability to go too deeply into the world of their own dreams, sometimes forgetting about real life.


The horoscope of the ancient Mayans calls people born under the sign of Wind representatives of the “living spirit” that gives life to all things. These are energetic and creative people who vitally need to throw out their energy, but they do not always manage to do this in a positive direction.

The downside of people of the wind is the ability to quickly become irritated and angry. They need to constantly control their raging hurricane of emotions so that it does not destroy everything in its path, destroying their lives.

Night (Dream)

In the Mayan horoscope by date of birth, people born under the auspices of the Night have innate wisdom and understanding of the need for the unity of opposites. They often make excellent writers, scientists, esotericists and predictors.

Night unites opposing forces, so such people can be both highly spiritual and subject to animal instincts. They say that those born under the sign of Night have one foot in the other world, so sometimes they are overcome by causeless melancholy.


Representatives of ancient civilization believed that the Lizard bestows jack-of-all-trades and excellent health on those born on its day. They can achieve a lot in life if they understand their purpose, set goals correctly and work hard to achieve them.

Those who were born under the auspices of the Lizard have increased sexuality, which sometimes does not turn out for the better: an obsession with sex sometimes brings a lot of difficulties into their lives. They are also more likely than others to accumulate debt.


Individuals born on Snake dates are naturally endowed with special magnetism. They are sexy and have the ability to magically attract others to them. The snake is a very wise creature, but its wisdom is neither bad nor good - rather, its principles are neutral.

People born under the auspices of the Serpent make excellent spiritualists and powerful shamans, capable of controlling the destinies of the entire people. But they also have negative traits: for example, the Serpent in a fit of rage can be truly dangerous. Also, Snake people are often captured by their passions, so they are advised to always keep their inner strength under control.

Death (Skull)

Don't be alarmed if you were born on the day of Death. Representatives of the ancient Mayan people believed that death is not the cessation of existence, but a transformation and transition to the next stage of development. A person who has left the physical world becomes a spiritual guide to his loved ones, so people born under this sign will have a happy fate.

In the Mayan horoscope, the signs of which are very different from classical astrology, people born under the auspices of Death have enormous wisdom, which has absorbed the knowledge of their entire family, and the ability for internal transformations. Such people remember that a caterpillar always turns into a butterfly, and they absorb the experience of all forms of their existence.


According to the horoscope of the ancient Mayans, people born on the day of the Deer are very assertive and purposeful. They are used to living by their own mind, not looking at others and being masters of the situation. How their life will turn out depends entirely on them.

If the Deer had a difficult past, it will certainly leave its mark on the future. In general, such people need to learn how to correctly set goals and manage their desires, because if these conditions are not met, there is a high risk for them to turn into irritable and angry people, overly demanding of others.

Rabbit (Sunrise)

Those born on the day of the Rabbit or Sunrise are very practical and specific people who do not tolerate any uncertainty or unfinished business. They are incredibly generous and value their own freedom very much, and both of these qualities can either make them happy or ruin their lives.

If the Rabbit falls into idleness, becomes overly generous, forgetting about his own needs, or experiences problems in relationships due to his sensual obsession, he can fall into bad habits and eventually turn into a complete alcoholic or drug addict.


The Mayan horoscope, by date of birth, calls people born under the sign of Water the most unusual of all. Their actions and behavior sometimes evoke the most contradictory emotions among others: from surprise to disgust. From the outside, such people often seem illogical, strange, and sometimes incredibly lazy.

However, in fact, Water people are able to mobilize their strength and achieve significant success in life if they can cope with the constant fatigue that often overcomes them. And they should at least sometimes think about social rules, since violating them threatens serious troubles, and so what, and people of Water love to break rules and prohibitions more than others.


Dog People are distinguished by their amazing eloquence: they are able to “talk their teeth” to anyone, including their enemies. They also love luxury and constant variety, but the gray routine of everyday life makes them mope.

As the Mayan horoscope says, the sensual nature of the Dog can result in either family happiness or complete disaster. If the Dog meets a person who will always amaze her with his diversity, betrayal will be avoided, and if she feels that the relationship no longer resembles an exciting game, she will seek solace in connections on the side - such is the nature of this sign.

Monkey (Master)

From the outside, representatives of this sign seem to be Fortune’s favorites: things that take a lot of time and effort from others, they manage to solve easily and quickly, as if by magic. Yes, people born on the day of the Monkey are indeed endowed with such masterful abilities, and can achieve success in everything, but only on the condition that they do not begin to elevate themselves above others and boast of their natural gift.

It is contraindicated for monkeys to sit still - they need to constantly move, because otherwise they turn into arrogant and proud slackers and cannot fully realize their talents.

Road (Staircase)

In the horoscope of the ancient Mayans, this sign symbolizes the ascent of the stairs leading to Heaven, or, more simply, the path of life. Under the sign of the Road, fair and logical people are born who value constancy and family relationships. They make excellent leaders and organizers, politicians and religious leaders.

The best trait of those born on Road Day is the ability to be compassionate and care for others. The fate of such people may develop differently, but they never waste their lives on some trifles.

Maize (Reed)

Among the ancient Mayans, maize was a symbol of fertility, which means people born under this sign realize themselves best in the family. They make the wisest and most wonderful parents, sensitive and understanding spouses, caring grandparents.

The Mais people are able to appreciate the little they have, so they do not feel regrets, even if their lives are spent in need. They are calm, do not like to be the center of attention, know the value of friendship and in all situations always pay attention to details that others do not notice. Such people are ready to learn something new and work hard all their lives, and also never leave unfinished business behind them.


In the culture of the ancient Mayans, this sign was associated with the legend of the Sun, which, after disappearing from the horizon, sets off to travel through the Underworld. That is why those born on Jaguar Day are not very lucky with their health.

However, in all other respects, representatives of this sign are very successful, since natural dexterity allows them to easily navigate in the dark and find a way out of even the most difficult situations. They are active, quickly grasp everything new on the fly and know how to manage their feelings.


The eagle is a sign of calm, balance and high intelligence. Such people, like their patron bird, are able to rise to unprecedented heights in almost all areas of life, and in this they are helped by innate prudence and logic.

However, the horoscope of the ancient Mayans warns that a sad experience may await the Eagle if he begins to boast of his own power, envy others, or achieve his goals through deceit and cunning.


Those born on the day of the Vulture are very sensitive people who have a deep connection with their past. They say that such people are born to pay off their karmic debts from previous incarnations. Many consider this sign to be bad, since vultures feed on carrion, but in fact, in the minds of the ancient Mayans, this bird is not so bad.

Despite their innate irresponsibility and penchant for all sorts of adventures (especially sexual ones), representatives of this sign easily manage to realize themselves in business and increase their financial wealth.

Earthquake (Incense)

According to the Mayan birth horoscope, lovers of all kinds of pleasures are born under this sign. Such people love beautiful things, expensive clothes, delicious food and flirting with members of the opposite sex.

They could be called hedonists, if not for one “but”: they are quite capable of observing the objects of their passion from the outside, enjoying them only in their dreams and fantasies, and they do not necessarily have to possess what they admire. Otherwise, they are creative, emotional and harmonious people with a positive outlook on life.


Unlike other signs, Kremen perceives all opposites very keenly. For people born on these days, everything in this world is divided into black and white. They are able to make decisions with lightning speed and defend their point of view to the last, however, they do not do this aggressively and harshly, but rather calmly and balancedly.

These people are also very patient, consistent, independent and purposeful. If they have decided something for themselves, no one and nothing can convince them otherwise. Those born under this sign should often think about the fact that harmony is possible only in the unity of opposites, and not in their struggle.


The life of people born on the days of the Thunderstorm, according to the Mayan horoscope, is indeed very similar to a prolonged storm. Such people have many reincarnations behind them, and therefore they are very often drawn into a karmic whirlpool. Representatives of this sign constantly find themselves in the thick of events and conflicts, but despite this, their soul is full of compassion for others.

The high sensitivity and deep emotionality of Thunderstorm people often brings with them health problems, and especially with the nervous system. The way out for them is to throw out their emotions through creativity, otherwise there is a high risk of joining the ranks of alcoholics and patients in psychiatric clinics.


This is a special sign in the Mayan birth horoscope. It symbolizes the unbreakable connection between individual and collective consciousness, as well as with the cyclical movement of time. People born under it have enormous creative potential and attract others like a magnet.

They are able to achieve a lot thanks to their high intellectual abilities and the ability to understand their own and others’ feelings. The Mayan horoscope, the signs of which we examined above, considers people born on the Day of the Ancestors to be the most powerful, enlightened and spiritually developed individuals.

There are many legends and mysterious stories associated with the Mayan Indians, but researchers pay special attention to the ancient calendar of this mysterious civilization. The Mayan civilization began to form in Central America as early as 2000 BC. The culture of this people has always attracted the attention of scientists due to its well-developed mathematical and astronomical sciences, hieroglyphic writing, unusual architecture, knowledge of agriculture and other achievements in arts and crafts. An integral part of the Mayan calendar is the Mayan horoscope, which is based not on the movement of planets and stars, on which modern astrological horoscopes known to everyone are based, but on the energy rhythms of the Universe. That is why the signs of the Mayan horoscope replace each other not once a month (as in the Zodiac horoscope), and not once a year (as in the Eastern calendar), but daily.

One of the features of the Mayan horoscope calendar is that it is based on a cycle consisting of 260 days, which in turn consists of 20 periods of 13 days. Each day of the Mayan horoscope, in accordance with the daily movements of the Earth, has its own name and sign, which determines everything that happens at that time. Surprisingly, even global events are quite consistent with the nature of the sign under the influence of which the time period is located. Since the Mayan horoscope consists of a 260-day cycle, this determines its second feature: people born on the same day of the month even one year apart will be ruled by different signs of the Mayan calendar. That is why it can be difficult for a modern person, accustomed to the 365-day annual cycle and the cycle of the Lunar calendar, to determine their Mayan horoscope sign.

Mayan Horoscope by Date of Birth

The Mayan calendar is a unique tool that has come down to us through the darkness of centuries. With its help, the Mayan priests were able to predict not only global events, but also the personal future of each person. At the moment of birth, we receive a charge of energy that influences our future life. The Mayan horoscope takes this influence into account and gives a complete description of each of the 20 signs. To determine the sign of the Mayan calendar under which a particular day is controlled, calculations are carried out using special formulas, using tables that correspond to the dates of the Mayan calendar. We suggest that you do not bother yourself with long calculations, but use the online calculation form. Enter your date of birth and click the button to determine the sign of your birthday according to the Mayan calendar, find out the meaning of its symbol, and the character traits of people born on this day.

Mayan Horoscope sign

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December

Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 19 95 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 194 6 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 192 1 1920

Find out the Sign!

Crocodile (Imish)

People born under this sign often feel lost and helpless. Perhaps this explains their emotionality. At the same time, brilliant fantasies scatter from them like sparks. They have an incredible desire for constant activity. They simply radiate creative energy and throw themselves headlong into the most risky projects. Such people have a constant need for security and comfort, from which they are very sensitive. They understand well the worries and experiences of other people. Thanks to this trait, they make excellent teachers and doctors. Children and family play one of the main roles in Imish’s life. People of this sign love to take care of their loved ones. However, sometimes they can lose their composure and lose their temper. At such moments, they can turn away from everyone and go to live in the world of their own illusions.

Wind (Eek)

People born under this sign have an ineradicable desire to change the world around them through amazing actions and creative ideas. They have strong spiritual and physical health. Versatile, talented and unpredictable. People of the Iik sign are, first of all, romantics and idealists. They are very sociable, able to express even the most complex thoughts simply and clearly. Therefore, as a rule, they seek understanding from any person. People of this sign also have a drawback. It lies in indecision and a complete lack of sense of duty. They simply try to “run away” from difficult situations by shifting responsibility to someone else. You cannot rely on such people.

Night (Akbal)

People born under this sign spend their entire lives balancing between the conscious and subconscious worlds, in search of balance. They strive to achieve spiritual and physical harmony and stability. They try to create a comfortable atmosphere at home, as well as at work. They are energetically weak, but make up for this with creative ideas and the ability to listen to intuition. Almost all representatives of this sign are very conservative. They think logically and have good organizational skills. Such people make good organizers and thinkers. Quite often, people of the Akbal sign withdraw into themselves, falling into thoughts about the meaning of life. Sometimes this ends for them with a feeling of complete hopelessness, helplessness and apathy.

Lizard (Kaan)

People of the Kaaban sign can be described by one phrase - “natural disaster”. It is simply impossible to keep up with their thoughts. One crazy idea is instantly replaced by another. They need to learn to direct their energy in one direction. The self-sufficiency of representatives of this sign allows them to gain complete independence. Nothing can scare them except one thing - the future time, which is inexorably approaching them. Lizards lack constancy, which, however, does not prevent them from finding their other half. True, the search may take a lot of time. But the Kaaban will follow this path to the very end, despite any obstacles.

Snake (Chichkan)

A distinctive feature of the Mayan sign of Chikchan is the snake, which is also compared to the Milky Way in the starry sky. The patron saint of Chikchan is Kukulkan, also known as Quetzalcoatl. All representatives of the Milky Way sign have a developed physical condition, as well as excellent spiritual education. But they are in dire need of everyone’s attention, which forces them not to hide, but rather to show all their experiences and sympathies. These people have a certain mystical charm, which they skillfully use when necessary. Despite the fact that Chikchan representatives are surrounded by a large number of people, they diligently distance themselves from everyone, not even allowing their relatives close to them. This is largely due to the innate egoism that is inherent in all people of the Milky Way. Being in a state of movement towards something special, Chikchan quite often misinterprets what catches their eye, and from this their search can become truly endless.

Death (Kimi)

Kimi is a guide from one world to another, wandering in search of something or someone. This is a sign of death, whose patron is the ruler of Xibalba. The god of death Akhpukh gifted every person born at this time with incredible lightness of character, but this does not prevent them from quickly passing into a state of melancholy. Depression is what accompanies Kimi all their lives, and this is no coincidence. They have a hard time experiencing any trouble, even one that does not directly concern them. Changes for people of the sign of Death are worse than terrible hard labor, and the need for constant wealth makes Kimi extremely unhappy. Conservatism is their desired way of life. But all this does not prevent them from being interesting to others and maintaining any conversations. They gain spiritual and mysterious knowledge with incredible ease and simplicity. Rarely, but still among them there are even great magicians or astrologers who have achieved incredible success in their field.

Deer (Manik)

The pride of forests, endowed with regal grandeur - all this directly relates to representatives of the Manik sign. He is looked after by Tohil himself, a deity in the form of this forest dweller - a deer. Energy overwhelms representatives of this sign, allowing them to accomplish great things. They are characterized by incredible talent, artistry, as well as the ability to heal everyone around them - gifts that the god Tohil bestowed upon them with great generosity. And these are not all the good qualities that deer people have: ease and naturalness in behavior allow representatives of this sign to find a common language in any company. But despite this, deep down in their souls, Manik suffers from loneliness. However, this does not at all spoil their relationship with others, since the nobility and generosity inherent in this sign does not allow them to fall below the level of communication taken.

Star (Lamat)

This sign personifies the heavenly night body, which is the moon, so one should not be surprised at the patronage of the lunar goddess Ichkhel and her assistant in the person of the rabbit totem-amulet with the melodious name Nagual. What are the characteristics of Lamat representatives? First of all, with refined cunning and a penetrating mind - solving the most difficult problem or getting rid of an insoluble problem is not difficult for them. However, they don’t bring it to this point, since they choose the most optimal path in their life, allowing them to avoid any troubles. Many people of this sign become excellent healers, and also successfully study astrological and magical sciences. At the same time, all Lamat representatives cannot imagine any other pastime other than work.

Water (Muluk)

Falling drops, water surface - this is how this sign should be “read”. The Mayan rainmaker, Chaac, is the patron saint of the people of the Muluk sign. It is Chaak who endows his subjects with a deep, insightful mind with the purest thoughts. They have a very rich inner world. These are emotional and sensual people. Revolutionary ideas are constantly emerging in their heads, often bordering on fantasy. A distinctive quality of people born under the auspices of Chaak is their independence and desire for complete independence. Nature generously endowed them with good qualities. Representatives of this sign are always under the close attention of others, and all because they often become participants in sensational and controversial events, which the whole world is ready to follow.

Dog (Ook)

This Mayan sign, Ook, belongs entirely to the dog. It is no coincidence that his patron himself, the god Tzul, whose distinctive feature is a dog’s head, is also. All representatives of the Ook sign have an excellently developed sense of devotion. Loyal to their family, they delight not only their loved ones, but also the people around them. But in every barrel of honey there can always be a fly in the ointment - for Ook it is immeasurable jealousy. This quality frightens and annoys most people. But you should not be angry with the representatives of this sign, since all this only happens from the desire to be closer to those whom they love deeply. Family and friendly ties make Ook happy and relaxed. Willingness to help allows human dogs to become even closer to all their loved ones. But despite this, they themselves need constant protection and attention.

Monkey (Chuen)

Hongchuen, the monkey god, who is the patron of this sign, gave him part of his name as a sign of special favor. Chuen endows each ward with a special gift of sociability. It is not for nothing that people of this sign try to surround themselves with a large number of acquaintances and like-minded people, happily discovering new contacts. This is also facilitated by talents, of which Chuyen has quite a lot. Representatives of the monkey sign are surprisingly romantic in nature; flirting or coquetry for them is like water for fish. But despite the feigned frivolity, Chuen are able to carefully hide their secrets. They are usually old grievances caused by heartbreaks and failed affairs. However, this is the luckiest sign, which knows almost no defeats, and certainly not in matters of the heart.

Road (Eb)

The constant struggle between light and dark is characteristic of the Eb sign - the road sign. It is supervised by the twin brothers Hunahpu - they include a spare head, which is also associated with the sign of Eb. All representatives of Eb are constantly in the process of achieving the highest ideas and plans, spending all their strength and emotions on this, subsequently remaining completely empty. Inside themselves, the people of Eb feel a vulnerability that intensifies during the most severe trials prepared for them by the gods. Despite all their aspirations, representatives of the sign are quite reserved in life and with others. Anger and rage will bubble up inside them like a volcano, but it will be incredibly difficult for them to break out, since the self-control of people of this sign takes over in most cases. To do this, they need inner harmony, which Eb tries to draw from relationships with others.

Mais (Ben)

Fertile and majestic maize - this is what the Ben sign means. Most often it is associated with the cobs of this plant, which serves as the main source of food not only for humans, but also for those who surround them. It is no coincidence that the young deity Ben Maisa is considered the patron of this sign. If in your life you have met an incredibly creative person, then you can safely say that it will be Ben. The Mais people are never without inspiration and the desire for new achievements. For them, life seems to be something endless, indestructible, permanent. The thirst for knowledge overwhelms the Maize people; they have a huge number of different talents. Any restriction of their own freedom is unacceptable to them. Ben also has a tendency to change. The Maize people need constant help balancing the cliffs on both sides of their lives.

Jaguar (Eesh)

Children of the jaguar or magicians who enjoy the patronage of Ichhel and Ichbalanque, who are the gods of the Moon. Jaguar people have the ability to find a ray of sunshine even where it has never been. The people of Iish are refined natures, penetrating into all corners of the world. Representatives of this sign have very developed taste; they simply go crazy with the desire to purchase a beautiful new thing. However, everyday life can completely unsettle them, forcing them to experience helplessness and a sense of loss. But the Jaguar children are easily transported to the world of dreams and fantasies, going on long journeys that their restless imagination depicts. And no one can stop them from doing this, which is what representatives of the Iish sign take advantage of. The ancient Mayans, knowing about the abilities and character of the jaguar people, tried to direct them to improve their spiritual essence. This was the only way to prevent the negative consequences of their uncontrolled thoughts.

Eagle (Men)

The majestic eagle, the king of all representatives of the feathered world, identifies this Mayan sign - Men. He is patronized by the Sun God himself, namely Hunahpu-Ahau. Men people have a huge number of different advantages - they are characterized by mental acuity, quick wit, insight, as well as the possession of talents that others can only dream of. In general, they are so developed that it is difficult to imagine an area where they could not express themselves. A feature of Men's character is his love of freedom. Even before they are born, eagles are already striving to become independent. People, following the example of their sign, climb to the highest peaks, trying to rise above everything that only falls into their field of vision - and the eagle people have magnificent vision. But, unfortunately, as often happens in life, many cannot maintain the pace they take and fall headlong, “breaking” against the rocks of distrust and envy of others.

Vulture (Kiib)

The most insidious predators, such as the vulture or the kite, became prototypes for this sign. And this is no coincidence, since his patron is the keeper of the underground gardens - the Great Owl. Each representative of the Kiib people has an exceptional talent, and all because the Owl who patronizes them generously endowed them with a large number of the best qualities. Charm and sensuality are characteristic features of such people. Rich in knowledge and full of spiritual education, vultures easily compensate for their lack of physical development. But do not underestimate them, because if you make owl people angry, they will show the full extent of their cunning and cunning. It is not for nothing that the patron of the sign has a nimble, sharp beak, which is always ready to use for its intended purpose. Also, you shouldn’t limit the freedom of these people - they will achieve it sooner or later, but their ill-wishers will no longer be able to recover from the blows they received.

Earth (Ka'ban)

People who were born under this sign are very strongly connected to the earth. They have a great opportunity to realize strong feelings and thoughts in creative fields, for example, in painting or music. Such people know firsthand what inspiration is. Representatives of this sign can give good practical advice. But they won’t insist on anything or show anything in practice. Sometimes Kaan people take life too seriously, become impressionable and do not handle criticism well. In some cases, these people can completely close themselves off from the outside world. At the same time, when they open themselves to the world, leaving the protective shell, they quickly begin spiritual growth and come to success.

Flint (Etznab)

This sign has quite a lot of meanings - a sword, a pyramid and even a flint are associated with it. The patron of Etznab is Kukulkan himself, who is also related to some other signs. God endowed his charges with a sharp and powerful intellect, which they use throughout their lives. The search for fresh ideas, solutions and new worlds does not prevent the people of Etznab from remaining practical and reserved. Diplomacy is a distinctive feature of people of this sign, which they successfully use. Good relationships with everyone who surrounds them allow Etznab people to find a common language and the right solution in any situation. With all these abilities and characteristics, flint people never allow themselves to be offended. The beautiful half of this sign also has distinctive features - girls and women of Etznab have enchanting beauty, behind which a real iron character is hidden.

Thunderstorm (Cauac)

This sign is closely associated with thunder, fire, and rain clouds, as it is under the patronage of the great rain god Chaak. If a brilliant actor appears on stage in a drama theater, then he definitely belongs to the Cauac family. But most often they are revealed not in public, but within their own family. Peals of thunder and arrows of lightning fall on everyone who is not lucky enough to find themselves in the field of activity of the great “playwright”. A performance where the main action will be tragedy, the people of the storm are ready to start at any minute. Like a terrible hurricane coming out of nowhere, Cauac suddenly begins to spew large amounts of lightning and rain. But don’t be afraid ahead of time - gradually the storm passes, and after it the sun appears, albeit not for long. Another distinctive feature of these people is constant depression. They may be in them due to persistent bad luck, which can become fatal, and it is extremely difficult to get them out of this state.

Sun (Ahau)

Representatives of this sign are associated with incense. The meaning for Ahau is power, in another interpretation it is the Sun. The powerful god Kukulkan patronizes people born under this sign. As a rule, all Ahau are extremely gifted and have diversified development. Despite the fact that they cannot be called adherents of idealism, they are quite sophisticated and sensual natures. They strive for an easy and bright life, the constant joy of awareness of harmony. However, the people around Ahau treat them with undisguised indignation. People of this sign quickly lose their way - if a person suddenly “lost the ground from under his feet,” then this is a bright representative of Ahau. But they are given the gift of knowing many mysteries, mystical secrets that will never be revealed to other people. Magicians and soothsayers, that’s who hides under the sign of Ahau.

Structure of the Mayan calendar

One of the oddities of this calendar is that it is based not on a year or a month, but on a complete cycle of 260 days, or 20 periods of 13 days. More precisely, this 260-day cycle is the result of the superposition of two cycles - a 20-day and a 13-day. The days of the 20-day cycle have their own names, which successively replace each other: first comes the day of Imish (Crocodile), followed by the day of Ik (Wind), then Akbal (Night), etc. Superimposed on this cycle is a 13-day cycle, the days of which do not have their own names and differ only in numbers - from 1 to 13. The first day of the 260-day calendar circle is called Crocodile-1 day. Next comes the day of Wind-2, the day of Night-3 and so on. When the day number reaches thirteen, the count is updated and starts again from one. So, for example, after day Mais-13 comes day Jaguar-1. After 260 days, the counting resumes from the beginning, that is, from the day of Crocodile-1.

If a day has a numerical value of 1, it is considered the beginning of a new thirteen-day cycle. Moreover, each cycle is called by the first day, since it is the first day that leaves its mark on all 13 days of the cycle. From this it is clear that the cycles in the Mayan calendar have the same names as the days, but follow each other in a different order. The first is the Crocodile cycle (starting on the day of Crocodile-1), followed by the Jaguar cycle (starting on the day of Jaguar-1), then the Deer cycle (starting on the day of Deer-1), etc. To determine which Mayan day and cycle falls on today, it is enough to know under which sign it passed yesterday. For example, if yesterday was the day Lizard-3, then today, accordingly, there should be Snake-4, tomorrow – Death-5, etc. Well, to find out the cycle, you need to find the nearest day with number 1 in reverse order. In the case of the Snake-4 day, the first day of the cycle is Wind-1, respectively, the Snake-4 day falls on the Wind cycle.

Traditionally, the Mayans chose the day that, according to the Gregorian calendar, falls on August 11, 3114 BC, as the beginning of our era. This is the beginning of the day of Imish-5 (Crocodile-5, Earth cycle). Using this date as a reference, one can determine which Mayan day and cycle falls on any date in the European calendar. Or, for convenience, in order not to be confused with the zero year (which was not in the Gregorian calendar) and other calendar subtleties, you can use any other starting point, for example: for the 20th century it is convenient to count from January 1, 1900 (the day of Etznab- 4, or Flint-4, Eagle cycle), and for the 21st century - from January 1, 2000 (day Ik-11, or Wind-11, Skull cycle).

This is how the Mayan calendar works. In addition to these 260-day cycles, the Mayans also counted longer cycles - tuns (time periods of 360 days), katuns (20 tuns of 360 days, i.e. 7200 days), baktuns (20 katuns or 144,000 days). And finally, the whole era includes 260 katuns among the Mayans, i.e. 5200 years (more precisely 5200 tuns, which corresponds to approximately 5125 solar years). The Mayan era was called the Fifth Sun and ended on the night of December 21, 2012. What's next? Next is the Sixth Sun.

In only four manuscripts (so-called codices) found so far, the Maya were also found dating back to different eras BC. information about the astronomical, cosmogonic and cosmological knowledge and ideas of this people. Some of the confusion in the surviving astronomical and astrological information can be explained by the fact that the surviving manuscripts are incomplete, and most importantly, they are mostly simplified rural priestly “reference books.” A number of texts were also found on stone slabs-steles.

How to determine your Mayan sign?

Before we begin studying the horoscope of the ancient Mayans, let us remember that their 260-day Tzolk’in is divided into 13 months of 20 days. The duration of three Tzolk'ins corresponds to the synodic period of the planet Mars. The Mayan universe was divided into 3 parts: Heaven, Earth and Underworld. Each part was assigned its own deity. These three components, in turn, were distributed to the four corners of the world - south, east, north, west.

Each of the sectors was equipped with a specific color. Days - signs of time - were reflected as 20 animals. The calendar begins with a day called Crocodile, and ends with the sign Ancestors .

So how do you determine your Mayan sign?

Replace the starting point of the month (Table 1) with the month, and, accordingly, with the point of the year, replace the year of birth (Table 2).

Fold these three clean. The result obtained will be the ordinal number of the day in the Mayan calendar.

4. If the year is a leap year (highlighted in the table), then for the first two months of the year (January and February) it is necessary to make an amendment - subtract one from the result obtained. For other months, no adjustments are needed.

5. Using Table 3, determine which Mayan sign the resulting amount corresponds to.

It worked, find any fortune-telling service, where you can automatically determine the Mayan sign by automatically entering your date of birth in a few seconds.

Lunar periods were given names of animals that were of great importance to the people of the Mayan civilization, such as: lizard, snake, fox, turtle, squirrel, jaguar, owl, falcon, bat, peacock, scorpion, deer and monkey. The Haab calendar was connected to the Tzol calendar, which in turn consisted of 13 lunar periods of 28 days. Taken together, they provided an accurate description of each day of the 52-year cycle. Such dissimilar days made life mysterious and funny. And when a new person was born, he was assigned certain properties in accordance with the day on which he was born.

Find out who you are in the Mayan horoscope according to your date of birth:

  • TZOOTZ - Bat: born from July 26 to August 22
  • DZEC - Scorpio: born from August 23 to September 19
  • KEH - Deer: born from September 20 to October 17
  • MOAN - Owl: born from October 18 to November 14
  • KUTZ - Peacock: born from November 15 to December 12
  • KIBRAY - Lizard: born from December 13 to January 9
  • BATZ KIMIL - Monkey: born from January 10 to February 6
  • COZ - Falcon: born from February 7 to March 6
  • BALAM - Jaguar: born from March 7 to April 3
  • FEX - Fox: born from April 4 to May 1
  • KAN - Snake: born from May 2 to May 29
  • TZUB - Squirrel: born from May 30 to June 26
  • AAK - Turtle: born from June 27 to July 25

But before you start reading the characteristics, find out which sign you belong to based on your date of birth:

  • Crocodile (Imish): January 15, February 4 and 24, March 16 and 21, April 10 and 30, May 20, June 9 and 29, July 19, August 8 and 28, September 17, October 7 and 27, November 16, December 6 and 26.
  • Wind (Iik): January 16, February 5 and 25, March 17 and 22, April 11, May 1 and 21, June 10 and 30, July 20, August 9 and 29, September 18, October 8 and 28, November 17, December 7 and 27.
  • Night (Akbal): January 17, February 6 and 26, March 18 and 23, April 12, May 2 and 22, June 11, July 1 and 21, August 10 and 30, September 19, October 9 and 29, November 18, December 8 and 28.
  • Lizard (Kaan): January 18, February 7 and 27, March 19 and 24, April 13, May 3 and 23, June 12, July 2 and 22, August 11 and 31, September 20, October 10 and 30, November 19, December 9 and 29.
  • Snake (Chichkan): January 19, February 8 and 28, March 20 and 25, April 14, May 4 and 24, June 13, July 3 and 23, August 12, September 1 and 21, October 11 and 31, November 20, December 10 and 30.
  • Wanderer (Kimi): January 20, February 9 and 29, March 1 and 26, April 15, May 5 and 25, June 14, July 4 and 24, August 13, September 2 and 22, October 12, November 1 and 21, December 11 and 31.
  • Ruka (Manik): January 1 and 21, February 10, March 2 and 27, April 16, May 6 and 26, June 15, July 5 and 25, August 14, September 3 and 23, October 13, November 2 and 22, 12 December.
  • Moon (Lamat): January 2 and 22, February 11, March 3 and 28, April 17, May 7 and 27, June 16, July 6 and 26, August 15, September 4 and 24, October 14, November 3 and 23, December 13th.
  • Water (Muluk): January 3 and 23, February 12, March 4 and 29, April 18, May 8 and 28, June 17, July 7 and 27, August 16, September 5 and 25, October 15, November 4 and 24, December 14.
  • Dog (Ook): January 4 and 24, February 13, March 5 and 30, April 19, May 9 and 29, June 18, July 8 and 28, August 17, September 6 and 26, October 16, November 5 and 25, December 15.
  • Monkey (Chuen): January 5 and 25, February 14, March 6 and 31, April 20, May 10 and 30, June 19, July 9 and 29, August 18, September 7 and 27, October 17, November 6 and 26, December 16.
  • Skull (Eb): January 6 and 26, February 15, March 7, April 1 and 21, May 11 and 31, June 20, July 10 and 30, August 19, September 8 and 28, October 18, November 7 and 27, December 17.
  • Mais (Ben, the Sky Wanderer): January 7 and 27, February 16, March 8, April 2 and 22, May 12, June 1 and 21, July 11 and 31, August 20, September 9 and 29, October 19, 8 and November 28, December 18.
  • Jaguar (Iish): January 8 and 28, February 17, March 9, April 3 and 23, May 13, June 2 and 22, July 12, August 1 and 21, September 10 and 30, October 20, November 9 and 29, December 19th.
  • Eagle (Men): January 9 and 29, February 18, March 10, April 4 and 24, May 14, June 3 and 23, July 13, August 2 and 22, September 11, October 1 and 21, November 10 and 30, 20th of December.
  • Grif (Kiib): January 10 and 30, February 19, March 11, April 5 and 25, May 15, June 4 and 24, July 14, August 3 and 23, September 12, October 2 and 22, November 11, 1 and 21 December.
  • Earth (Ka'ban): January 11 and 31, February 20, March 12, April 6 and 26, May 16, June 5 and 25, July 15, August 4 and 24, September 13, October 3 and 23, November 12, 2 and December 22.
  • Kremin (Etznab): January 12, February 1 and 21, March 13, April 7 and 27, May 17, June 6 and 26, July 16, August 5 and 25, September 14, October 4 and 24, November 13, 3 and December 23.
  • Thunderstorm (Cauac): January 13, February 2 and 22, March 14, April 8 and 28, May 18, June 7 and 27, July 17, August 6 and 26, September 15, October 5 and 25, November 14, 4 and December 24.
  • Sun (Achau): January 14, February 3 and 23, March 15, April 9 and 29, May 19, June 8 and 28, July 18, August 7 and 27, September 16, October 6 and 26, November 15, 5 and December 25th.

And here are the characteristics themselves:

Crocodile (Imish)

People born under the sign of the Crocodile are very emotional, attached to their home, and caring. Men often have the gift of clairvoyance and build their entire lives by listening to the voice of their heart and intuition. They know how to handle finances, so their business always goes well. Another thing is women. Lovely ladies love to build sand castles and completely immerse themselves in their own dreams. They are very trusting and vulnerable, so they often experience disappointment.

Wind (Iik):

People born under the sign of Wind (Iik) are always energetic, cheerful, and purposeful. But they are endowed with a very difficult character. Thus, men are filled with selfishness, anger and rage. They always try to achieve what they want. And women do not know how to listen to the voice of their intuition, so sometimes they act very recklessly. However, all this does not prevent the “Veterki” from being very good people. There is never a dull moment in their company.

Night (Akbal)

People born under the sign of Akbal are patronized by the god of dreams himself. He endows his students with a desire for philosophizing, frequent reflection on life, wonderful imagination, patience and perseverance. And, at the same time, strong pride, isolation and resentment. Men of this sign are usually independent and secretive. They can’t stand it when someone gets into their soul, and they don’t do it themselves. Women are touchy. All people of the Night sign are excellent family men; they usually have many children.

Lizard (Kaan)

People born under the sign of Kaan are obliging, kind, noble and a little down to earth. They have excellent health and are almost always in a good mood. But they really need solitude to think about something urgent and try to understand everything that is happening to them. Men very rarely open their souls to anyone. Perhaps out of fear of being vulnerable. Women are excellent housewives. They always know where and what can be bought cheaper. The character flaws of the “Lizards” include perhaps a little laziness.

Snake (Chichkan)

People born under the sign of Chikchan (Snake) are under the protection of the god Kukulkan. They are charming, attractive, elegant and hardworking. They often have an unusual appearance and extraordinary thinking, and they understand fashion. They know how to earn money and are able to quickly move up the career ladder. They are never the first to start scandals. But if you offend them, they will be able to defend themselves. Men of this sign always put work first, and their companions have to put up with this. Women need real love and care from a partner.

Wanderer (Kimi)

People born under the sign of Kimi are patronized by the god of death Akhlukh. He endows his charges with extrasensory abilities, the ability to experience the grief of others and absorb the negative emotions of others, and increased emotionality. Because of this, life is not very easy for representatives of the Wanderer sign; they often experience depression and hysterics. However, this does not prevent them from thinking soberly, quickly finding a way out of the current situation, and being caring and attentive to family members.

Hand (Manik)

For people born under this sign, their patron is the deer god Tohil. It is he who gives them special physical strength, endurance, increased energy, agility, and the ability to almost instantly make the most correct decisions. Representatives of the sign always know what they want. They do not accept office romances and connections on the side. In marriage they are usually very jealous and power-hungry. Men can remain single their entire lives. Women need a strong life partner because they are quite timid by nature (deep down).

Moon (Lamat)

People born under the sign of the Moon are very attracted to everything that is mystical and mysterious. If desired, they can even be excellent sorcerers, magicians, healers or herbalists. They have the ability to do this. In addition, representatives of the sign are ready to happily take care of their loved ones, work in the garden or garden, cook delicious dishes, create a cozy and beautiful environment in the house, and engage in creativity. There are two disadvantages - increased cunning and resourcefulness. If necessary, they will immediately fool anyone around their finger, and in such a way that he will not even notice.

Water (Muluk)

The Mayan horoscope by date of birth promises people born under the sign of Water a difficult youth and calm maturity. Representatives of Muluk have a clear mind and increased self-sufficiency. They are disciplined, optimistic and creative. They never lose optimism. But they can give up in the face of troubles. Therefore, they become happy only if they find the strength in their soul to fight circumstances. In love they react too strongly to sensual attraction. They remain lonely until they find a person who can accept them as they are.

Dog (Ook)

People born under the sign of Ook are under the protection of the dog-headed god Tzul. It is he who endows his pets with a loyal and devoted character, reliability, enterprise, the ability to self-sacrifice, and excellent intuition. Representatives of the Dog sign know how to love and make friends, take care of their family, and work for five people. However, they are capable of “tearing” their opponents to shreds and showing the skills of a real grabber. They may suffer from manic jealousy, since by nature they are true owners. But if their partners are able to convince them of their sincerity, they become calm and very domestic.

Monkey (Chuen)

People born under the sign of the Monkey are truly lucky. They are able to achieve their goals without putting in much effort. Very smart, quick-witted, brave, talented, artistic and beautiful. They usually live easily, as if playfully. They know how to hide their emotions behind a mask, which is why others may think that the “Monkeys” are always doing great. However, suffering rarely befalls representatives of this sign. And if something like this happens, loved ones always try to make sure everything gets better for them as soon as possible.

Skull (Eb)

The deity of people born under the sign of the Skull are the brothers Khunahlu, who are at the head of the struggle between good and evil. These “relatives” endow their charges with all the qualities necessary to defeat their enemies. In particular, resourcefulness, cunning, courage, the desire to change the world for the better, ingenuity and determination. With all this, people of the Skull sign tolerate blows of fate very poorly, they only hide it from others. Men usually prefer light entertainment. Women love to gossip about everything around them.

Mais (Ben, Skywalker)

People born under the sign of Mais are very inquisitive, restless, creatively developed, cheerful, and freedom-loving. They are also emotional and quick-tempered. By nature, they are true revolutionaries, conquistadors, discoverers and inventors. They easily assimilate new information, study foreign languages, put forward and defend global ideas with everyone. Moreover, even if their “innovations” seem like real madness to others. People of the Ben sign really need partners who can pull them away from the next abyss in time.

Jaguar (Eesh)

The Mayan Indians believed that people of the Jaguar sign were real magicians. If only because representatives of the sign are able to hypnotically influence others. They are also endowed with such qualities as: kindness, responsiveness, impeccable taste, excellent sense of style. However, it is common for people of the Iish sign to “fall out of reality.” They can come up with any situation and believe in it themselves. In addition, they are distinguished by enviable inconstancy. They can be faithful only if they sincerely love their partner. They value the created family and try to ensure that everything is fine with their loved ones.

Eagle (Men)

People born under the sign of Eagle are protected by the Sun God. Maybe that’s why they stand out so much from the crowd with their proud gait and rather unusual appearance. Representatives of the sign are very freedom-loving, intelligent, outwardly attractive, strong in both body and soul, lucky and energetic. Despite the fact that money is not their first priority, they still strive to have it. Therefore, they often become skilled entrepreneurs. They rarely start a family. Only if they find a partner who can not limit their freedom in any way.

Vulture (Kiib)

In the Mayan horoscope by date of birth, people of the Vulture sign occupy a special place due to their unusually strong character. Representatives of this sign cannot be deceived, since they literally see right through people. If you make them angry, you can see a terrible sight. Just imagine what would happen to you if you fell into the clutches of an angry bird of prey. That's the same! However, people of the Kiib sign rarely lose their temper. They are usually nice to others. They prefer to think more about the eternal than to quarrel with someone. People often get married in adulthood. They create a family for life (at least they try to do so).

Earth (Ka'ban)

People of the Kaaban sign love to fantasize, daydream, have fun and laze around. They rarely listen to other people’s opinions, as they prefer to rely only on themselves. However, if they take on the job, they will complete it to the end. Men of the Earth sign enjoy communicating with representatives of the fair sex. They are self-sufficient and independent. The women are very beautiful, so they are surrounded by crowds of admirers. But they do not adapt to circumstances very well, and therefore often feel unhappy.

Flint (Etznab)

People of the Flint sign are independent, self-sufficient, and self-confident. They have a strong character and clear thinking. They almost always say what they think. Beating around the bush is not for them. They rely mainly only on themselves, so they rightly consider all successes and achievements to be their own merits. In communication they are always calm and friendly. They are very patient and hardworking, thanks to which they always achieve everything they want. The disadvantage is inconstancy. If something in the relationship of a person of the Kremen sign ceases to suit him, he almost immediately changes his partner.

Thunderstorm (Cauac)

A person with the Thunder sign has an innate ability to get into unpleasant situations. And all because he is very compassionate, sensual, noble and impressionable. True, he disguises such qualities well. He loves to argue, especially with his significant other. It only takes him literally half a step to go from love to hate and back again. Men of the Cauac sign are reserved, although you can see a real storm in their eyes. Women often find themselves embroiled in scandals or some striking events.

Sun (Ahau)

People of the Sun sign are as bright as the heavenly body. They are comprehensively developed, sublime, capable of complete dedication, and persistent. They can find themselves in any business. It is very difficult to endure separation and rupture of relationships with a loved one. Because of this, he may even commit suicide. They are very hardworking at work. They are suited to be singers, dancers or poets. But they cannot take responsibility for their personal life. It is important for them to have a person nearby who can lead and guide them along the right path. Well, that’s what they are, the people of the Sun. Have you already found your characteristics according to the Mayan horoscope by date of birth?!

Many mysterious legends are associated with the Mayan Indians. The mere mention of this highly developed ancient civilization is associated with a mystery, but the Mayan calendar deserves special attention.

In the Mayan calendar, the year was divided into 13 lunar periods, each consisting of 28 days. These periods were 364 days, and the 365th day was the day when holidays are celebrated and was called “The Day When Time Does Not Exist”, because. it did not correspond to the lunar month. If we compare the Mayan calendar with the Gregorian calendar, then this day falls on July 25th.

Lunar periods were given names of animals that were of great importance to the people of the Mayan civilization, such as: lizard, snake, fox, turtle, squirrel, jaguar, owl, falcon, bat, peacock, scorpion, deer and monkey.

The Haab calendar (solar, consisting of 365 days) was connected to the Tzol calendar (lunar, 206 days), which in turn consisted of 13 lunar periods of 28 days. Taken together, they provided an accurate description of each day of the 52-year cycle. Such dissimilar days made life mysterious and funny. And when a new person was born, he was assigned certain properties in accordance with the day on which he was born.

Bat (born from July 26 to August 22)

general characteristics
People born under this sign are fighters, enterprising and strong in character. The bat was born to become a hero. Born leaders, they attract the attention of everyone around them. They attract success. They make good bosses. They easily give orders and make decisions. Impulsive, they are not afraid of a challenge. First they do, then they think.
Woman: The bat woman is special. She has a bright personality. This is noticeable in the way she dresses and behaves. She hates being part of the crowd and therefore tries to be different from others and succeeds.

Man: being representatives of this sign, they love success and are able to succeed in any profession they choose. They put all their passion and fire into what they do. They are demanding of themselves and others. They love their independence and will not give it up for anything in the world. If the bat feels that his companion is trying to limit his freedom, he will suddenly disappear. His chosen one must be purposeful, work, study, go to the hairdresser, attend lectures on oriental art, and even understand electricity. To make a bat fall in love with you, you need to keep it at a distance.

Work: They are successful politicians, rulers, managers, economists, entrepreneurs and ministers.
Love: in love, the bat is the protector, the keeper of the hearth and the head of the family. Sometimes a bat woman is both father and mother at the same time. But the bat also needs moments of solitude, protection of independence; therefore, the person who is next to the bat should be the same - have his own personal life and his friends. The bat needs to admire the person who is nearby and feel that he is worthy of her, he should shine brightly, but at the same time not overshadow the shine of the bat.

Scorpio (born from August 23 to September 19)

general characteristics
Scorpio inspires respect and fear in others. Secretive and suspicious of himself, he jealously guards his innermost thoughts from prying eyes. Confident in himself, he does not change for anything or anyone. Scorpio either loves or hates. Therefore, he carefully analyzes his new acquaintance. He is critical of the people who surround him, while hating harshness. He prefers to remain unnoticed.

Woman: Winning the heart of a Scorpio woman is not an easy task. She will test the one who claims her hand, and will not give in until she is sure that he deserves her love. Deep down, she is afraid of being wounded, so she hides behind a shield; may seem cold and even indifferent, although in reality she dies of love. In a fight, the Scorpio woman is merciless; It is very important not to provoke her if you do not want to hear words that you will remember for the rest of your life.

Man: getting a wedding proposal from a Scorpio man is a real feat, and if you succeed, then you can be sure that he truly loves you. Scorpio does not like to show his feelings in public; he saves hugs and kisses until you are alone. The woman who will be next to him should never be afraid of him or show superiority. He must feel that he is the master of the situation and that he has everything under control.

Work: In work, Scorpio is methodical and practical. Diligent, capable of reaching certain heights in knowledge, and if he fails to do this due to financial problems, they become self-taught: they read, develop and gain knowledge no worse than at the university. Those born under this sign can do anything, no matter what they undertake, they will do it well, efficiently and responsibly. Secretary, assistant, lawyer, bank employee, receptionist, professional chess player are the favorite professions of Scorpios.

Love: In love, Scorpio prefers action to words. That's why he doesn't say "I love you" every 5 minutes, he prefers to show love when he needs it. Scorpio is loyal and demands the same from his partner. They say that Scorpios have a good memory, they remember all the good and all the bad that was done to them. He returns the good doubly, but sooner or later he will have to pay for the bad. Scorpio will never forgive betrayal and it will be difficult to convince him of this.