Reaching for the Moon: an interview with Christina Bardash. New name: Singer Luna Who is the moon singer

Simple, sincere lyrics and minimalistic arrangements in the spirit of the 90s - according to American Vogue, this is what “the face of the Ukrainian musical revolution” looks like. The publication assigned this status to Kiev resident Kristina Gerasimova, who performs under the pseudonym Luna. Her songs were not played on the radio, and her videos were not broadcast on TV. Luna's work has become popular thanks to the Internet. At the same time, the artist herself states that she does not consider herself an indie project.

Childhood and youth

Kristina Gerasimova (at the time of her marriage - Bardash) was born on August 28, 1990 in the German Democratic Republic, where her father served at that time. The family lived in the town of Karl-Marx-Stadt (now Chemnitz) for about two years, after which they moved to Ukraine. The Gerasimovs settled in Kyiv.

Together with her younger sister Alina, Kristina studied at school No. 53 in Kyiv, having time for choreography classes after school. In elementary school, Christina attended folk dancing, and later ballet, which she studied for 6 years. Then the girl changed dancing to music. At art school for two years she studied solfeggio, vocals, attended a choir and took guitar lessons.

Kristina Gerasimova

At the age of 12, I went to a children’s camp in Cuba on a voucher. For the girl, this was the first experience of a long stay away from her parents, which she did not fail to take advantage of. In an interview with the Ukrainian publication, Christina admitted:

“I was cunning in front of my parents, pretending that everything was fine with me. But I didn't actually go to school. I had complete nirvana there because of the songs and lyrics, and at that moment I realized that my soul lies in creativity.”

However, Christina did not immediately take up her own project. The girl entered the Faculty of Journalism and, in parallel with her studies, helped realize the creative potential of other artists.

Luna on the set


Christina recorded her first demo when she was 14 years old. While studying at school and then at university, the girl wrote poetry and music, but did not consider it necessary to demonstrate her creativity to the public. The first performance took place only in 2015. The actress took part in Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days. And a year later she presented her first album “Mag-ni-you”.

The grandiose solo performance made too strong an impression on the performer: Christina took a break from creating songs and focused on performances. Following the capital of Ukraine, the concerts of the “Eclipse” tour took place in Riga, Yekaterinburg, and Moscow.

Luna performs the song “Boy, you are snow”

The singer herself names Glass Animals, groups, “Guests from the Future”, as well as performers and. She defines her own style as “soulful pop.”

At the end of 2016, Luna released the mini-album “Sad Dance”. The album made a successful debut: on the first day it took first place in iTunes Ukraine and second in iTunes Russia and iTunes Armenia.

Luna's video for the song "Ogonyok"

In 2017, the performer released her second album, “Island of Freedom.” Of the 8 tracks, 3 were presented earlier during the year: “Bullets”, “Ogonyok”, “Friend”. The video for the song “Ogonyok” turned out to be the most popular video in Luna’s assets: more than 50 people were in the frame. In 6 months, the clip collected a million views on Youtube. The songs "Jukebox" and "Free love" became hits.

Luna performs the song "Jukebox"

It is noteworthy that in the first clips, the “multi-stanker” Luna not only thought through the plot and style of the video, but also tried to control the technical side:

“On the set of “Bullet” I really gave it my all, because I thought through every shot, went to the rental store, chose lenses, a camera, set the light - in heels, then climbed into the frame.”

Subsequently, the singer agreed to delegate these responsibilities to directors. This, however, does not exclude Luna’s participation in creating the script and developing images.

Personal life

Christina was married. Her ex-husband is a producer, co-owner of the Kruzheva Music company, participant. The hit “The Ice Is Melting” is dedicated to the Moon.

In 2012, the couple had a son, George. At that time the family lived in Los Angeles. Christina describes this period of her biography contradictorily:

“I have just begun my adult life. And all this came at me. This is all great, but this America is still around, and I just found myself alone with myself and my calling to be a woman. I butted heads for a while because I wanted to remain a girl who could go to discos, smoke, party... I threw objects out of the house, screamed for the police to come and take me to the madhouse, and could run naked into the street. But that's okay, I'm not ashamed of it. I had to get over this trash."

Luna's life returned to a calmer direction after writing her first album. As the artist admits, she was referred by a friend. The girl became interested in the connection between humans and natural cycles, the cosmos, and ways to manage their energy.

Luna with her ex-husband and son

In 2018, it became known that Christina and Yuri Bardash divorced. The husband accused his wife of infidelity, but later deleted the angry post from social networks. The couple's entourage told the press that discord was brewing in the family due to Yuri's inappropriate behavior. After the divorce, Christina returned her maiden name. According to the latest data, the singer has a lover, but she is in no hurry to name him.

The girl devotes at least four hours a day to herself every day, which is divided equally between meditation and sports. This energy recharge allows you to combine the role of a mother with performing on stage. Christina has given up alcohol and is trying to stick to a healthy diet.

Moon now

Kristina Gerasimova lives with her son in Kyiv. The singer considers the capital of Ukraine more comfortable in terms of rhythm than Moscow.

“Everything is smooth in Kyiv,” Luna said in an interview with Meduza. - I have my center, you can get around it all on foot. Here I have a rehearsal, here the child goes to the pool, here to school.”

Luna is an active user "Instagram". Photos appear almost daily. Christina admits that the attention of the audience is also an energy boost. The girl is pleased with both positive and negative comments.


  • 2016 – “Mag-ni-you”
  • 2016 – “Sad Dance”
  • 2017 – “Freedom Island”

Adultery is an unpleasant matter, but a purely personal one. However, the founder of the group “Mushrooms” and part-time husband of the singer Luna, Yuri Bardash, decided to take the family squabble public and published a large open letter to the culprit of the discord - the singer’s sound producer Alexander Voloshchuk. The post became a real sensation; many users of the social network Facebook left comments to sympathize with the musician’s grief. Others accused Bardash of inadequacy and sexism. Read more in the “360” material.

The breakup launched a career

Luna said in many interviews that it was the discord with her husband that made her a singer. When Christina, which is the name of the star, met Yuri, he had already created the group Quest Pistols and successfully toured the country and abroad. The girl was 19 years old at the time, and he was 27.

After the birth of her child, Christina Bardash plunged into postpartum depression. Frequent quarrels began with my husband. Then the couple decided to take a break from their relationship and separated for six months. During that period, Luna said, she wrote more than 30 songs. She filmed her debut video for the song “Autumn” on her phone in her yard, edited it in a couple of hours and posted it on YouTube. The video had the effect of a bomb exploding: more than a million people watched it. They started discussing the moon.

Soon Christina and Yuri were able to restore their relationship. Luna claimed that Bardash was her support and support not only as a husband, but also as a producer: it was he who negotiated concerts and helped film videos.

“The fact that I cheated on my wife is our problem.”

On May 25, a video with an ambiguous caption appeared on Luna’s Instagram. In the publication, the singer said that a new stage had begun in her life, and called the name of the series “Islands of Freedom” symbolic.

On Thursday, June 7, a post appeared on Yuri Bardash’s Facebook account with a large number of obscene words and grammatical errors. It’s quite difficult to read, so let’s freely retell it briefly: Bardash turned to Luna’s sound producer Alexander Voloshchuk with the accusation that he forced Christina will cheat on him. Also in the text, the producer admitted that he himself cheated on his wife more than once, but he considers all this to be purely family matters. At the same time, Bardash does not throw accusations towards Luna, because he believes that “there is no demand from the woman.”

Photo source: screenshotpublications Yuri Bardash on Facebook

The publication instantly spread across the Internet. Luna herself also commented.

The post did not hang for even six hours: Yuri Bardash deleted the publication. After some time, he published another post, the meaning of which remained unknown to fans.

Photo source: screenshotpublications Yuri Bardash on Facebook

At this time, a photograph appeared on Luna’s Instagram confirming that the singer had left her husband for Voloshchuk.

The singer's fans supported her decision:

“For some reason it seemed to me that you seemed like two different people living under a roof. At first I couldn’t believe that you were married...”

“Christina, I want to sincerely wish you happiness and true love, and for the rest of your life. You are worthy, you deserve it, let all the bad things be quickly forgotten, and let the good things happen every day, wake up with your beloved and fall asleep with your beloved. And so on endlessly...”

“Love is free and pure! Even at the concert in St. Petersburg I noticed a spark between you and had long suspected your love!!! I'm happy for you! This is the best couple! I am only for you!

“He screams about a destroyed family, reproaching a child who should not be involved in these squabbles at all. However, when he jumped on some women, he was not stopped by the fact that there was a “beautiful wife with a golden child.” This is a boomerang for him for his disregard and treacherous attitude towards his family, which he did not value when he went to the left. All these whims on social networks are so stupid that you feel nothing more than pity. Christina, I am incredibly glad that you are now happy, loved and enjoying life. I wish you prosperity and lots of love, which you definitely deserve.”

“Everyone is urgently Googling who Bardash is”

A special spice of the scandal that erupted were the comments under the post of the offended husband on Facebook. During the short “life” of the post, a serious battle broke out in them. Fans of the union of Christina and Yuri were divided into two camps. Some saw sexism and inadequacy in Bardash’s words:

Photo source: TV channel “360”

Others suspected that in this way Bardash decided to fuel his popularity, and at the same time practiced humor:

Ukrainian model, photographer, director and singer, known under the pseudonym MOON.

Christina Bardash (MOON). Biography

Kristina Viktorovna Bardash(maiden name - Gerasimova) was born on August 28, 1990 in Dresden in a military family. She studied at Kyiv school No. 53. Christina has a sister Alina Gerasimova.

For some time, Christina lived in a children's camp in Cuba, where children who were in the zone affected by the Chernobyl disaster were sent. As a child, she studied vocals and piano at a music school. After graduating from school, Christina Bardash studied at the Faculty of Journalism.

Christina Bardash starred in videos for the group's compositions Quest Pistols“You’re So Beautiful”, “Let’s Forget Everything” and “Beat”. In addition, Christina herself acted as a video director for videos for performers Julia Nelson(clip “Not by you”), KATYA(ex. IYA) and Noggano(clip “Polina”).

Presentation of Christina’s debut album (the singer chose a pseudonym for herself MOON) « Mag-ni-you"took place on May 20, 2016 in Kyiv. On October 27 of the same year, the mini-album “ Sad Dance", on the very first day it took first place in iTunes Ukraine and second in iTunes Russia. MOON announced the tour " Eclipse"and a big performance in Moscow on November 3, 2016.

LUNA calls the style in which she sings, “ soulful pop" because she " I just wrote music from the heart".

Kristina Bardash: “Sasha Voloshchuk is my main musician, with whom we have a super duet. Sasha is our head of music. He's also a DJ on top of everything else. Of course, if any questions arise regarding the musical part, I trust him. I am largely responsible for the vocals... We also have Andrey Latik and Shurik (Alessandro Del Sciuro) in the group. We are a party of four..."

Christina Bardash (MOON). Personal life

Christina Bardash (MOON) married to producer and creator of the Kruzheva Music label Yuri Bardash(projects Quest Pistols, electro-pop trio " And I" and "Nerves"). Yuri Bardash is a former break dancer who studied video directing in Los Angeles. In 2012, when the couple lived in Los Angeles (first in the famous Hollywood Hills, and then in the Venice area, which is located in the west of the City of Angels), they had a son, George.

According to the singer, what she missed most during her life in Los Angeles was buckwheat, but she found it on loan in one of the Russian stores. The main thing that life in the City of Angels taught her is - to be a free person. LUNA says that she is “out of politics, since she is not particularly strong in it, and for world peace.”

In one of the interviews, the singer mentioned that the song “ Boy, you're snow"dedicated to her loved one, with whom there was a conflict, and LUNA felt offended. It was about the lead singer and producer of the group “ Mushrooms”, that is, about LUNA’s husband Yuri Bardash.

Christina calls her idols the indie pop star Lana Del Rey, the Icelandic singer Björk, and Eva Polna.

Kristina Bardash loves to cook and dreams of opening a bar, for which she came up with the name: “LUNA Bar”. She explains her desire to go into the restaurant business by the fact that she finds a lot of shortcomings in vegetarian establishments; it always seems to her that the dish is either missing something, or, conversely, there is too much of something.

Christina Bardash: “I love to cook and I want to open a Luna Bar... I want to open my own place and cook there. I would love to do this for my mom because she is a super host. She and I will develop a menu and she will oversee everything. It will become a kind of family business.”

Christina Bardash (MOON). Discography

  • Albums
  • Mag-ni-you (May 20, 2016, label: Kruzheva Music)
    Liberty Island (November 17, 2017)
  • Sad Dance (October 28, 2016, label: Kruzheva Music)
  • Singles
  • 2015 - “Moon”
  • 2015 - “Autumn”
  • 2015 - “Alice”
  • 2015 - “Buttercups”
  • 2016 - “Boy, you are snow”
  • 2016 - “Bottle”
  • 2016 - “Sad Dance”

    2016 - “Beyond the Edge”

    2017 - “Bullets”

    2017 - “Ogonyok”

    On November 3, Luna, a Kiev singer, performed in Moscow, about whom only the lazy have not spoken for the last six months. The Village met with Christina Bardash before and after her first Moscow solo album to understand her phenomenon.

    “Boy, you are the snow that will not happen, I will prove that you are blind, like other people,” - on a chilly November evening, a thousand people in a club near Tverskaya sing in chorus the song of a girl who a year ago was known only in narrow circles. In August 2015, Kiev resident Christina Bardash posted a hypnotic clip on YouTube “ Moon", and a couple of months later - a video " Autumn", filmed by the singer herself, posing with her three-year-old son. Just a year later, I’m standing in a crowd of steamy Muscovites who have learned simple texts from these clips from the first to the last line.

    Journalists undoubtedly helped to learn them: in the last few months alone, Christina was interviewed by Ivan Dorn and the editors of all important Internet sites, glossy photographers and progressive English-language magazines fell in love with her - on the day of the concert, i-D called Luna the star of the Ukrainian musical revolution. I meet Christina in the dressing room of the Izvestia Hall club and immediately feel that she is tired of the persistent attention - strict and restrained, the singer sits in front of the mirror and immediately seems to establish an invisible distance, although she easily becomes familiar. “I decided not to give interviews for the next six months or a year,” she echoes my thoughts. “I would like communication with journalists to remain a mutual exchange.” Ethnic music is playing in the dressing room, there are flowers and a large dish of nuts on the table, there are a couple of hours left before the concert.

    Kristina Bardash is 26 years old, and she lived most of them in Kiev, except for her early childhood in Dresden, where her father served, and two and a half years in Los Angeles, where in the early tens she lived with her husband, producer and founder the most important Ukrainian pop label Kruzheva by Yuri Bardash. In the USA, Bardash gave birth to and raised her son Zhorik, the hero of the future video for the song “Autumn.” “Two and a half years did not tie me to the States,” Luna recalls. - Nothing inspired me there, I went a little crazy. But a year later it dawned on me what I had learned there. Taste has changed, style has appeared. You haven’t worked for two years, you just go to museums, exhibitions, vintage fairs, and look at the latest collections. In short, you are educated culturally. Of course, traveling is very important. But in Kyiv it’s somehow better to be creative.” In Ukraine, Christina was engaged in photography and music production, filming videos for Noggano and the singer Iya, who was promising at the time of her collaboration with Lace. One way or another, in recent years Bardash has been closely associated with her husband’s label, but it seems that now that the camera lens is pointed at her, she is much more comfortable. I express this thought to Christina, and she nods confidently.

    Bardash claims that the name of the project “Moon” was fixed after he and the poetess Lisa Gottfrik composed a song of the same name from the debut album “Mag-ni-you.” After meeting Christina, it seems that there could not be another name: she talks about her passion for meditation and astrology, about the four elements, the imbalance of which, shortly after the first big solo concert in Kiev, for some time deprived Bardash of the strength to create music. “I struggled with this for a long time in personal ways that I don’t want to talk about,” she says. In the middle of the conversation, Bardash’s Kyiv friends burst into the dressing room with a squeal, with one of whom, the energetic mulatto Annette, we talk outside the door. Annette says that she lives in Kyiv, works as a cook, and became friends with Luna about six years ago on the set of a video for the main project “Lace” by Quest Pistols, in which Yuri Bardash filmed Christina. “She hasn't changed at all since then. If you describe it in one word, it’s “space,” says Annette without hesitation.

    The trail around the rapidly debuting singer Luna, woven from space and esotericism, low-budget VHS videos mounted on the knee, light eroticism and muted minimalist sound, could not help but puzzle critics - just think, the wife of the producer who successfully transformed the group Quest Pistols into the Quest Pistols Show , begins sending homemade clips to the right editors, persistently calling itself a DIY project and talking about the primacy of sincerity in its music. Luna says that she produces herself, but she doesn’t deny the team’s help either. Thus, her sound producer Alexander Voloshchuk is responsible not only for the sound on Luna’s recordings, but also for the songs of the 17-year-old R’n’B star “Lace” Andro, whom journalists without hesitation dubbed the gypsy The Weeknd. Voloshchuk plays bass at Luna's concerts. The rest of the musicians were gathered before the first solo concert in Kyiv in May of this year. There are two of them - keyboardist Andrey Latik and guitarist Alexander Karev. “Latik is the Kiev version of Johnny Jewel, who plays in The Chromatics and Glass Candy. He collects old synths, he has about 12 of them, and all of them are tailored to this sound,” says Voloshchuk. “This is a Kiev crowd, everyone here knows each other. Guitarist Shurik is Sasha Voloshchuk’s best friend,” continues Bardash. - When we had a meeting about the first concert, Sasha told him: “You understand that this is a serious group?” This is not just a chick." His wife Christina denies participation in the project, although in her community on VKontakte Yuri Bardash is sometimes the producer of Luna.

    Kristina writes simple lyrics that stay in her head for a long time, both herself and in the company of co-authors: for example, the ballad that ends the first album “Boy, you are snow” and the cold “Planes” were written to her by a long-familiar author who works with “Lace”, whose name is Kristina asks not to advertise. “He suffers from a mental disorder and is generally a rather difficult person, but he easily found a common language with me. Sometimes he comes and says: “Kristin, give me some money for medicine, and I’ll write you a song?” I agree, and so we get “Airplanes.” Well, you’ve heard “Planes,” right? There is very strong text there. It could have been written either by me or by him.”

    Behind the scenes, Christina Bardash has a team of managers, PR agents, photographers and cameramen. They all bustle and move at an accelerated pace - in contrast to the spectators who accumulate in the hall, lazily walking past the bar with pina coladas. I say hello to every third person - journalists, photo editors, producers, creative students and just pleasant faces from my Facebook feed are everywhere. “I often play the Moon in my sets,” says a friend of the editor-in-chief and organizer of fun gay parties. - It's going great. The last time I played the song “Boy, you’re snow,” my friend burst into tears, walked around and couldn’t calm down.” A few minutes later, Christina Bardash, in a black bodysuit and a white lace dress that compliments her elven appearance, rises onto the stage, the audience roars deafeningly - and then they do not stop, singing along to the songs in chorus with the same passion that reveals what was playing in each of them in headphones on repeat this summer.

    Luna has only three large solo performances behind her: in Kyiv - in May of this year, in Riga and Yekaterinburg - as part of the current Eclipse tour. Knowing this, you are impressed by what you see: the musicians are comfortable together, behind Christina each other is picturesquely replaced by video installations in the spirit of songs: astrological symbolism, a night highway, scenes from anime. At the end of the track “In the City of Mods,” Christina picks up a smartphone and films herself and fans with the front camera - the image is projected onto a large screen. Looking intently with his big eyes into the lens, Bardash speaks to the audience: “I know that today real fashionistas have gathered here: all the designers, all the most beautiful girls and their husbands.” The Moscow public looks at each other, not recognizing themselves in the listed segments of the population. Deliberately naive phrases either come out accidentally, or echo an infantile image: “A knife hurts, just like love,” “Often the outside world prevents your dream from coming true, so you must listen to your heart” - Bardash’s true spontaneity ultimately reveals itself not in the videos and interviews, but in random words thrown from the stage.

    Towards the end of the concert, when the center of the hall sings a new song with Luna, and couples inspired by the romantic lyrics are swaying around the edges, I go to look at the singer’s merch - sweatshirts, T-shirts and iPhone cases. It, like any product produced by Luna’s team, looks super relevant: Cyrillic font in dark shades and simple styles; This is what a collaboration between Gosha Rubchinsky and H&M, who took the cover of “A Star Called the Sun” as a reference, would look like this, with some discounts. “Even her merch is cool,” sighs a girl nearby.

    After the concert, as if after successfully passing an exam, Christina jumps on stage in euphoria and then leaves, but not for long - a few minutes later an enthusiastic guy rushes past me shouting: “She allows you to take pictures with her!” Success, luck, a new victory for Ukrainian music in a country of youth raised on soulful pop songs about the complexities of love.

    I’m stopping by the afterparty of Luna’s concert at a popular club on Taganka. It is full, there are many people around who appeared in Izvestia a few hours ago. At the door I encounter a well-known promoter and co-owner of the establishment. Having started talking about the heroine of the evening, he snorts: “A completely commercial project. Now these will begin to appear every six months. It's a shame that singers who try much harder don't get as much attention. By the way, today for the first time in my life I was asked to assign a security guard to the artist. Well, I added it, of course - I have three of them, all beautiful.”

    Indeed, Luna is often talked about using expressions like “commerce” and “production project.” She is compared to Lana Del Rey, the bomb of 2012, a diva with an exquisite legend that was carried around the world by journalists, but if Lana appealed to the aesthetic spirit of the American 60s, then Luna is described today by resorting to highlights from the post-Soviet 90s and chaotic 2000s : Sveta and the projects of Max Fadeev, Linda and the Total group, Irina Saltykova and Angelika Varum. Kristina Bardash herself readily lists these and related names when she talks about her parents’ favorite music, and thinks deeply after a question about music from today that is important to her - most likely, it’s a matter of excitement before the concert. But in fact, after the solo concert in Moscow, it becomes clear that all the talk about sincerity or its imitation, about Luna’s independence or involvement in her husband’s production center is actually meaningless: when a full audience starts chorusing the chorus of a song called “Sad Dance,” and the men in the hall they start writing to their ex-girlfriends, what difference does it make how many people were behind the production of the dance? The success of Luna, which was ensured by the spectacular arrangements of the people of Kiev, who listen better than many to the Western trend, the animal charisma of Christina Bardash and infantile lyrics, taking the main thing from songs about playboys by Natasha Vetlitskaya and the well-aimed pearls of Ilya Lagutenko, is a consequence and continuation of the process of legitimizing music, which is somewhat years ago it was considered shameful. “The breadth of all fields, the depth of all seas, the height of the clouds, the beauty of your shores does not allow me to drown” - such ideally simple and accessible sensuality was nurtured by Eva Polna and Yuri Usachev; in 2016, it just needed to be given a form that would be appropriate not only for house parties, but also for the Science and Art club. Luna did it.

    “It seems to me that this is a good example of myth-making,” I talk about Christina Bardash with a music critic I know, former editor-in-chief of a well-known music publication. “It took us so long to create a myth around the artist that everyone would believe in, and now it finally happened.” On November 3, the day of the Moscow concert, Luna releases a video for the song “Knife”, which well illustrates her gradual transition beyond this DIY myth - it was shot by the Moscow production group Great Fruit, also partial to nostalgic aesthetics, and who shot the video for the store “KM20”, the fashionably revived brand of sneakers “Two Balls”, the festival “Swallow” and producer Lay-Far. Regardless of whose hands Christina Bardash created herself, someone else’s or her own, her rapid ascent to the status of the most fashionable Russian-speaking singer is intriguing - and it may well continue as long as teenagers who grew up after the collapse of the USSR will be touched by simple songs about breakups, sung to the sound of vintage synthesizers. That is quite a long time.

    “What difference does it make whether we are a commercial project or a non-profit? - a few days later I call Bardash and Voloshchuk in Kyiv, and we discuss the results of the tour and plans for the future. - Well, commercial. For me, a non-profit project is the group “Lyudska Podoba”. Musicians often say that they don't care about money. I love money, it's a blessing for smart people. If you invest them in development, it only helps to achieve wonderful goals. And about
    90s - I don’t like that we are being pulled into the past. We are not from the 90s, not from the past. I understand that there is a trend, and I have nothing against it, but our music is much broader.” “This is the exploitation of a trend,” interrupts Kristina Voloshchuk. - No matter what you do, they say: “Ah, the nineties!” A revolution in fashion, everywhere. Nowadays everything is tied to the 90s.” “Well, yes, revolution. - Bardash concludes his thought thoughtfully. - They don’t play on the radio, they don’t show on TV, but the full audience sings all the songs by heart. How so? This is a revolution for me personally. And I will further develop in this direction.”


    Christina's father was a military man, so he always kept the girl strict. Christina also has a younger sister. Mom devoted herself entirely to raising children.

    As a child, the girl was very interested in music, so her parents decided to send her to a music school to study vocals and play the piano. After graduating from school, she entered the university to study journalism. She liked to study, but she never worked a day in her profession. While still studying at the university, the girl became interested in directing and began working as a camera operator.

    As her musical career developed, the girl starred in videos for the famous songs “Beat” and “Let’s Forget Everything,” produced by the Quest Pistols group. I became interested in video making. She shot video clips for Yulia Nelson and the group Nerva.
    At the end of spring 2016, the singer’s first solo album, entitled “Mag-ni-you,” was released. It was during this period that she took the pseudonym Luna. On October 27 of the same year, the girl released the album “Sad Dance,” which in one day took first place in the top songs of Ukraine.

    After the stunning popularity of the released album, the girl conducted the “Eclipse” tour. On November 3, 2016, Luna held big concerts in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Riga.

    At the beginning of April 2017, the single “Bullets” premiered. In mid-July of the same year, the second song from the album “Ogonyok” was released, Christina immediately presented her video clip for it. Luna calls her music soulful, as it reminds her of the 90s.

    Personal life of Christina Bardash

    The singer is the wife of producer Yuri Bardash. In 2012, the couple moved to Los Angeles. At first they lived in the Hollywood Hills, and later moved to the Venice area. In the same year they had a red-haired son, George. In America, she devoted herself entirely to her child, leaving creative activity for a while.

    In one of her interviews, the singer admitted that all the time she lived in Los Angeles, she learned to be free and independent from anyone.

    The couple lived in America for two and a half years, after which they returned to their homeland to continue developing the creative potential of Luna in the vastness of Ukraine and Russia.

    Regarding the fact that her husband is promoting the Mushrooms group, Luna says that she sees nothing wrong with it. She says that singer Luna's audience is growing gradually, so she will never have problems with having listeners.

    In one of the interviews, Luna admitted that the song “Boy, you are snow” was addressed to her lover, with whom she had an argument, and she felt insulted. She was referring to her current husband and musician of the group “Mushrooms” Yuri Bardash.
    Christina Bardash loves to cook for her husband and son, she dreams of opening a bar-restaurant. She explains her craving for cooking by the fact that she is a vegetarian and finds shortcomings in all vegetarian restaurants, so she dreams of opening a place that will meet the needs of all people who refuse to eat meat.

    Now the singer’s entire family leads a healthy lifestyle, and she does yoga and meditates every day.

    The singer notes that her main goal is the happiness of family members and only in second place is creative activity. Although it is quite difficult to imagine this girl not involved in musical activities.

    A post shared by MOON(@kri_luna) on Feb 25, 2018 at 5:33am PST