Alexey Kosinus singer. Alexey Komov about his wife Alena Vodonaeva: “I was captivated by her Italian temperament

Alexey Kosinus (Instagram @djkosinus) is a famous domestic musician and DJ. In addition to his musical career, he attracts public attention because he is the husband of Alena Vodonaeva (former participant of Dom2). In our article we will figure out what else interesting is happening in his life and blog.


Our hero was born on June 26, 1982 in St. Petersburg. Real name is Komov. The boy was very athletic and participated in athletics. His coach said that the guy had a wonderful future, and he should strive for further success. But everything changed when adolescence arrived. A new landmark appeared in Lyosha’s life, and this was preceded by a significant event - a friend’s birthday, which was celebrated at the Planetarium club. The DJs' performance made a strong impression on him, and meeting Sergei Grashchenkov (aka Slutkey) allowed him to plunge deeper into the world of dance music and special equipment. After six months of training and home rehearsals, the first performance at the club took place.

Musical path

Alexey Kosinus on his official Instagram website photographs from performances, parties, joint photo shoots with his wife, and yoga trainings. But music is still the main direction of his activity. And it all started at the age of 14, when the young man was actively mastering the styles of techno, house and synthpop, promotion, and organizing parties. Soon he became a resident and a welcome guest in the top clubs in Moscow and St. Petersburg. His further career gave him participation in world rave festivals, where the public also highly appreciated his technique, taste, and in general he left a pleasant impression. This is a truly original artist. His tracks are published both in the USA and on European labels.

Personal life

DJ Alexey Kosinus regularly publishes photos and videos with his beloved Alena Vodonaeva on his Instagram. Here we see beautiful photos from the wedding (the celebration took place in September 2017) and vacation. It was this union that brought the musician all-Russian popularity, because the field of electronic dance music is in some way underground.

What else to see on the blog

The Instagram of Alexey Kosinus, who is also a leader in the Zeskullz project, will certainly appeal to those who follow celebrity news. Posters for performances, active discussions in the comments, current events in family life - everything is here first-hand.

DJ Kosinus’s acquaintance with electronic music began in 1996 – the time of the birth and formation of club culture in Russia. Over the years, the project has acquired a worthy reputation, which is confirmed by numerous awards, prizes and cooperation with leading promoters. In addition to touring and performing, DJ Kosinus has been hosting his show on Radio Record for more than six years, organizing the large-scale Record Trap festival and overseeing the acclaimed Zeskullz project, aimed at the Western market. Alexey, known for his passion for sports, did not limit himself to musical heights alone and in December 2015 he launched the project – Human3000 – Worldwide Wellness Community, dedicated to the creation of a new “superman”. This is how a society of caring, talented people was born who clearly understand: their professional and creative fulfillment largely depends on their health. They know for sure: the right choice “today” determines the quality of your “tomorrow”; and physical, intellectual and emotional state is the foundation of life.

As part of the Human3000 project (its presentation took place at the legendary Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace under the leadership of leading industry representatives), health and sports events, seminars and webinars are held by highly qualified specialists in their field. For example, an unusual master class from Ilya Barinov, choreographer and instructor in Hatha yoga and Qigong practice. On the closed terrace of the W St. Petersburg hotel overlooking St. Isaac's Cathedral, with the musical accompaniment of DJ Kosinus himself, one of the first daytime “parties” was held, combining the concept of a healthy lifestyle and modern music. A very popular phenomenon in the West! A new series will start soon - ROCKSTAR YOGA. Just imagine: sun, music, fresh air, yoga on the ship, dozens of happy people spending time usefully and joyfully...

Alexey Kosinus is sure that the secret of his success is a conscious lifestyle filled with harmony, achievements and real pleasure. ELLE the ideological mastermind of the project spoke about the key principles of a competent approach to one’s own destiny:


“Creating the right goal is the first step to achieving the magic of your life. Either a person has a goal, or stagnation awaits him. The goal is a single movement mechanism for all people.”


“Having set the right goal, we understand where to start moving. To receive the recognition we deserve, we must adequately evaluate what we can offer to the world. At the very beginning, each of us faces certain fears, and the only way to overcome them is to take action.”


“I once discovered that awareness is the basis of all creativity, a unique opportunity to always maintain fresh perceptions. The mindfulness approach helps me with this: attention training techniques, yoga, meditative and breathing practices.


“A conscious and active lifestyle, necessary to achieve a goal, involves a reasonable attitude towards your body. After all, this is our business card, the first impression, the main tool for interacting with the outside world. I have been involved in sports all my life; as a child I was seriously interested in athletics, which always helped me keep myself in good shape: both physically and psychologically. Sport should relieve us of unnecessary stress, preserve and replenish energy. For this reason, one day I gave up on “pumping up” my muscles in the gym and started looking for a suitable type of training. As a result, I discovered the practice of yoga with elements of gymnastics, which meets the criteria I need. I work out individually, in a group and at home, because I know well what exercises I need.”


“It is no coincidence that the topic of nutrition is so relevant and popular in the modern world. Proper nutrition is not a diet or violence. This is our resource and style of conscious life.”


“My activities in various creative fields are complementary. For example, new ideas are often born under the influence of music.”


“I have never been able to relax in the “doing nothing” format. A vacation without work meetings is a phenomenon that is extremely far from me. With the advent of yoga in my life, I began to become acquainted with meditative practices, thanks to which I began to learn how to recover through relaxation. The practice of short meditations that can be fit into any work schedule has become a real discovery for me. And in general, for the residents of the metropolis, this is salvation.”

A month ago, Alena Vodonaeva and Alexey Komov became husband and wife. Before this, they had only dated for four months. In such a short period, the lovers realized that they were ready to connect their lives with each other. But fans still haven’t figured out how this happened. And if a lot is known about Alena, then Alexey remains a mystery to many to this day. We know him as a cool musician who tours all over the world and collaborates with top foreign labels. But what kind of person is this Alexey Komov? There are more questions than answers, especially since our hero doesn’t like interviews. For the site, he made an exception and told how he decided to get married so quickly, whether he dreams of children, and whether it is easy for him to be in charge in his relationship with Alena.

Black “talons” instead of the usual wedding jacket, a black “Seagull” instead of a white limousine, an eagle owl instead of doves, a black tuxedo and a gothic dress instead of the traditional outfits of the bride and groom, and, finally, black wedding rings - this was their wedding. Alena Vodonaeva and Alexey Komov got married on September 11 in St. Petersburg and spent this day exclusively in each other’s company.

Not only the wedding decor was mystical, but also the couple’s romance itself. She dated for only four months before deciding to take such a serious step. It was as if someone had whispered to them that the moment had come.

Having met Alena shortly after the wedding, we noted that she had become different - soft, dreamy and romantic. Vodonaeva described her newly-made husband so enthusiastically that after that conversation we became eager to communicate with him. Fortunately, Alexey Komov, who rarely agrees to an interview, did not refuse and honestly answered several burning questions...

website: Alexey, nowadays many men avoid marriage, but you decided on it quickly, if not hastily. Was it fundamentally important for you to legitimize the relationship?

Alexey Komov: For me, this step was conscious. I see in Alena all the qualities that I personally associate with an ideal woman. From the moment of our first meeting to this day, I have only become more convinced that Alena is exactly the person I have always waited for and seen next to me. I didn’t have an ounce of doubt about legitimizing our relationship. This decision was undeniable.

website: Weren’t you afraid that in such a short relationship you didn’t have time to get to know Alena properly?

A.K.: Alena and I had many trips together - both tourist and business. And difficult situations inevitably arose. It is at such moments that a person’s true face is usually revealed. I can say that Alena rose to the occasion and came out of any, even the most difficult, situation gracefully.

“Besides, we have a lot in common. My wife is very independent and goal-oriented, just like me. That's exactly what I like about her. Sometimes it feels like we're too similar (smiles)»

Our views on life, work and interests also turned out to be absolutely the same, so we have already managed to launch several common projects, which everyone will soon hear about.

website: Can you tell us more about your joint plans?

A.K.: Now we are already working on creating our own clothing brand. Also, for the last few years I have been developing wellness programs (the concept of a healthy lifestyle, - website note). This topic is also close to Alena, so we decided to do something interesting together. It's great to have similar views in both work and family.

website: Several times Alena mentioned random coincidences and stories during the period of your communication since 2013. Do you believe in mysticism or fate?

A.K.: I believe in fate and believe that much in our lives is predetermined. People may not form a relationship when they first meet. But if a person is destined for you, the spark will still jump through. Sooner or later everything will turn out as it should. Everything has its time - you just need to be able to wait calmly and not fuss.

website: So you also think that back then, in 2013, it’s unlikely that anything would have worked out for you and Alena?

A.K.: We are already joking about the fact that we have had enough time to learn a lot about communicating with the opposite sex and prepare for life together (smiles).

“Now it’s time to start a family. Moreover, I always knew within myself that at the age of 35 I would have a family. And so it happened - Alena and I got married.”

In such matters, as I already said, there is no need for haste.

website: What attracted you to Alena?

A.K.: Of course, beauty. It's stupid to say that this is not so.

I was captivated by her Italian temperament - she always goes forward and sets more and more new goals. Alena was brought up correctly - for this, of course, special thanks to her parents. They are wonderful people, and I am very glad that we immediately found a common language.

website: Is the Alena we see on the screen and on Instagram similar to the one you know?

A.K.: Alena, like many public people, is alone at work, but at home, with close people, she is completely different. I am an artist myself and I know this very well. So I declare with full responsibility that it is different. But I note that my wife does not lose her signature style of communication, charm and charm under any circumstances.

. How did you manage to “tame” her?

A.K.: We do not tame each other, but complement each other (smiles). I think this is very important for family life.

website: Is it difficult to be in charge in a relationship with such a woman?

A.K.: There is nothing complicated or difficult about this if you and your loved one are on the same wavelength. This is just about Alena and me.

website: Your wife has a son from her first marriage. Was it easy for you to find a common language with Bogdan?

A.K.: Bogdan is a very cool and cheerful guy, also smart and super active. He and I immediately became friends.

“Today, Bogdan and I often go for walks, play sports, and I also want to teach him music. The main thing in communicating with a child is the ability to interest him. We have no problems with this."

Recently, by the way, I asked Bogdan to draw the cover for my new music album, which will be released in 2018. He got down to business with enthusiasm (smiles).

website: Do you imagine yourself as the father of a girl?

A.K.: Yes, of course (smiles). Children are real happiness.

website: How do you see your family in the future?

A.K.: A family is a single organism in which everyone plays an important role. It should be friendly, strong and, of course, big. My family will be exactly like this.

Name – Alexey
Year of birth: 1981
City – St. Petersburg
Music style – electro-house, triple house

DJ Kosinus is one of the brightest and most outrageous DJs in Russia. The best DJ in St. Petersburg in 2004 according to the TV show “Dance Class” (STS - St. Petersburg), the magazines “Sobaka.Ru” and Dance Planet. Each new set is unique and carries a crazy charge of energy. Cosine is not just a DJ with amazing musical taste and filigree performance technique, he is a showman whose every performance leaves an unforgettable impression in the memory of his listeners. Cosine's DJ sets blow up crowds of thousands at the largest events and create an incomparable atmosphere at closed club events. He is the headliner of the most sensational parties in St. Petersburg, changing his looks and costumes from time to time, performing accompanied by chic strippers or even drag queen shows.

He began performing in clubs in St. Petersburg in 1997, giving preference to the Scottish techno sound. From the first days of his career, as a young and promising talent, he was accepted into the ranks of the leading techno team in Russia - Underground Experience (UE). Since 1998, he began to try himself as a promoter, organizing UE parties. By 2000, he began to give preference to synthepop and house styles.

He was a resident of the clubs Tunnel (St. Petersburg), Fabrique (Moscow), Opium (St. Petersburg). He toured almost all major cities of Russia: Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Cherepovets, Riga, Chelyabinsk, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Tula, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Chita, Omsk, Baku, Murmansk, Samara, Odessa, Tolyatti, Yakutsk, Kiev, Kostroma, etc. He performed in the best clubs in Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, and Turkey. Regular participant in such events as: May Day, Eastern Impact, DJ Parade, Night Life Awards, Kazantip, Sun Dance (Tallinn). He performed at the same parties with such world legends as: Roger Sanches, Westbam, Paul Van Dyk, Paul Oakenfold, Wally Lopez, Lexy, Armand Van Halden, Mauro Picotto, Zombie Nation, Eric Morillo, 2raumwohnung, Boogie Pimps, etc.

The demand for DJs is characterized by a record number of club mixes released over the period 2003-2005. – 40 releases, among them the most sensational: Megamix, Syntrepon Jam (I, II, III), Nectar, Feather Rows, Scum, Eggs, Pop Discoteque, Opium Club Mix, Fightclub, Lollipop, Gay CD...

Almost always he implements his projects together with his best friend and colleague - DJ Slutkey (formerly Kisloid). As part of the Gigapop project, they write music in the style of synthpop and house. The tracks were released on the German label Solaris. They organize parties in the best clubs in St. Petersburg (Red Club, Opium, Par), perform at fashion shows, and participate in television and film filming. They are the only DJs in Russia sponsored by the global brand Oakley.

Alexey Komov, known as Cosine, Zeskullz - musician, DJ. She is in a relationship with a former participant in the television project “Dom-2” and TV presenter Alena Vodonaeva. The biography of Alexei Komov began on June 26, 1982 in St. Petersburg. Since childhood, the young man preferred sports, participated in athletics and achieved serious results. Alexey’s coach prophesied a sports future for the guy.

But at the age of 13, an event occurred that turned the guy’s life upside down. Komov says that as a teenager he went to a friend’s birthday at the St. Petersburg Planetarium club. The young athlete met musician Sergei Grashchenkov, known under the pseudonym Slutkey. The man began to teach Alexey music. Soon, a “Radio Engineering” turntable appeared in Komov’s house.

The guy trained on the equipment in his free time after school. According to the young man, his neighbors had to “enjoy” the work of the teenage musician for 5 hours every day. Six months passed from Slutkey meeting to his first performance in a nightclub.

“Fate always provides a person with turning points. The most important thing is to notice them and boldly move forward,” admits Alexey Kosinus.

After receiving a matriculation certificate at school, the future star of club dance floors takes courses as a hair stylist. The musician claims that this is his favorite hobby. Sometimes a guy shows up at a beauty salon, cutting his friends' hair.


Alexey took up music seriously at the age of 14. Scottish techno is Cosine's teenage passion. Specialists from “Underground Experience” considered the guy’s potential and accepted the young talent into the main techno team in Russia. In parallel with creating music, Alexey Kosinus began organizing UE parties. The work of a promoter was successful for the DJ, so sometimes he still does it now.

Gradually, the musician changed direction and began to create more music in the style of synthepop and house. Despite his young age, Alexey worked in clubs in St. Petersburg - “Tunnel”, “Arena”, “Arena 2”, in Moscow - “Louvre”, “Fabrik”. For several years, Alexey Komov worked as a DJ in the dance club of the northern capital “Opium”. This establishment has been awarded the Night Life Awards.

His work in St. Petersburg was appreciated by several media outlets, including the TV show “Dance Class”, magazines “” and “Dance Planet”, which named Cosine the best DJ in St. Petersburg in 2004. Three years later, Alexey was included in the rating of “100 most fashionable people of St. Petersburg” by ELLE magazine.

Alexey Kosinus is a unique musician with incredible performance technique. Each DJ performance attracts the attention of hundreds and thousands of electronic music fans thanks to his original approach. Alexey can stand at the control panel in a drag queen look, an unusual costume. Cosine is often invited as a headliner in St. Petersburg, cities of Russia, the CIS and Europe.

Alexey Kosinus constantly takes part in music festivals and events. Among the musician’s works are “MayDay”, “Soundtropolis”, “Eastern Impact”, “DJ Parade”, “Night Life Awards”, “Kazantip”, “Sun Dance” (Tallinn), “Stereoleto”, “Club Paradise Tour” , “Night of the Ad Eaters.”

The DJ collaborates with legends of the musical Olympus, including Paul Weindak and Eric Morilo, Roger Sanchez and Armand Van Helden. Over the course of four years, the musician released 50 releases. This is an incredible amount even for world-class DJs. In implementing Cosine’s projects, he is supported by teacher Slutkey, who opened the world of electronic music to the young talent. Alexey's songs are released under American and European labels.

Since 2010, the musician has been performing under the pseudonym Zeskullz. This is an international project that has become popular among fans of electronic music in America and Europe. Cosine created his own record label, Zeskullz Records. The DJ not only records his own tracks, but also helps young musicians develop, as Slutkey once helped him.

The career of just a guy Alexei Komov is developing as if ordered. The young man tours the world, collaborates with foreign labels, musicians, recognized masters of electronic music.

Personal life

Alexey Kosinus became widely known among the Russian public after a former participant in the television program “Dom-2” called the guy a groom. The romance between the famous musician began in the spring of 2017. The young people have been friends for many years. The girl admitted that Cosine is one of the sexiest men in the world.

The lovers tried to hide the affair from the public. Alexei was the first to surrender. The man began posting photos with Alena on a social network "Instagram", in which they appeared happy and in love. Next to Cosine, Vodonaeva looks like a miniature girl, since the guy’s height exceeds 180 cm. Alexey and his chosen one live in two capitals: Cosine - in St. Petersburg, Alena - in Moscow. But this does not interfere with the couple's relationship. Every week the girl visits the northern capital to meet her beloved.

The whirlwind romance quickly grew into a serious relationship. Cosine proposed to Alena Vodonaeva. 2017. According to the young people, the celebration was quiet and family-like.

Fans of the Dom-2 star call the guy a gigolo who encroached on the fame of a TV presenter.

Alexey Kosinus now

In his personal life, as well as in his work, everything is going great for Alexey Kosinus. Preparing for the wedding did not stop the young man from touring the world with DJ sets. Last summer, the musician and his beloved visited China, where Alexey performed.

The guy is interested in music and yoga. I combined these two hobbies into one. Now Cosine promotes a healthy lifestyle to the masses, writes music for sports, and organizes healthy lifestyle events.


  • 2004 - “Aerobics Hype - Music For Home Dancing”
  • 2004 - “555”
  • 2005 - “Kosinus & Slutkey vs Fly Agaric & Khmara – Lollipop”
  • 2006 - “06 Megamix”
  • 2006 - “Father & Bitch”
  • 2006 - “Lvdovic Mix”
  • 2006 - “DJ Slutkey & Kosinus, DJ Khmara, DJ Mukhomorov – Synthepop”
  • 2007 - “DJ Antonio (2) / Kosinus & Slutkey / DJ Natasha Baccardi / DJ Kirill Linne - 13 Years KDK - MP3 Special Edition. Elite House & Lounge Dj's"
  • 2007 - “DJ Amira, Kosinus & Slutkey, DJ Bizzi - Velvet 3 Years On The Headline”
  • 2008 - “Kosinus & Slutkey / Slesar - Saint - Petersburg Shepot FM Volume 2”