Spells for excellent studies will help your child.

Prayer for help in entering an educational institution, obtaining an education

Prayer for help in entering an educational institution, for help in obtaining an education

Requests for intercession are addressed to Demetrius of Rostov in need, for the intercession of widows and orphans, for help in entering an educational institution, for obtaining an education.

He was an outstanding church figure, a famous preacher and writer, theologian and educator. He cared very much about the children; For the first time in Russia, in the school he founded, children from ordinary families received the same education as the rich.

O wonderful and glorious wonderworker Dmitry, who heals human ailments! You constantly pray to the Lord our God for all sinners: I pray to you, be my intercessor before the Lord and my helper to overcome the passions of my insatiable flesh and to overcome the arrows of my opponent the devil, which hurts my weak heart. mine and, like a sleek and fierce beast, hungers to destroy my soul. You, Saint of Christ, are my fence, you are my intercession and weapon! You. the great wonderworker, in the days of your exploits in this world, zealous for the Orthodox Church of God, like a true and good shepherd, kindly exposed the sins and ignorance of people, and guided those who had deviated from the path of truth into heresy and schisms onto the path of truth. correct my life, so that I may unfalteringly follow the path of God’s commandments and work unslothfully for my Lord Jesus Christ, as my only Master, Redeemer and my righteous Judge. Falling down to this, I pray to you, saint of God, when I extricate my soul from this mortal body, deliver me from dark ordeals: because I have no good deeds to justify my justification, do not let Satan become proud of your victory over my weak soul: deliver it from hell, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, and with your holy prayers make me a partaker of the Heavenly Kingdom in the Trinity of the glorified God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.


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How to pray for studying and before an exam

Many people are interested in how to pray for success in school and before exams.

There are many articles on this topic on the Internet on Orthodox websites, where answers from priests are published. But, since this question is often asked to me, I decided to tell you what I know about it.

In my student days, like many others, out of fear of the upcoming exam, I went to church with my friends and lit a candle for success. I didn’t have any special hopes and didn’t know how to pray. She was performing a kind of ritual, nothing more. That's why I didn't think it helped. But using an example from my own life, I was convinced that faith in God, as in any good deed, is an assistant in studying.

Here is how it was. When entering university, my daughter received a B in her first written exam, and most of all she was upset that some C students from her school received A's. The competition was colossal, which is why she needed an A so much.

There were four days until the next oral exam, she had to prepare, but she seemed to have lost her strength, became limp, did not want to eat, and lay silently on the bed for two days. My husband and I no longer knew what to do, how to help.

And suddenly, on the third day, the daughter asked her dad to go with her to church service. Before this, none of our family had ever been to a church service. He, of course, agreed, but waited for her on the street.

The daughter stood through all four hours of the evening service, came home, had dinner and calmly sat down to her textbooks. She was not cheerful as before, but she became business-like and calm. I prepared hard until the last day and went into the exam with the same utmost calm.

This profession has been her dream since childhood. She simply didn’t hear any consolation like “if anything happens, we’ll try next year.” We, of course, were very worried about our daughter and therefore, like other parents, we were waiting for the exam results near the university.

She was one of the first to pass the exam. There is no emotion on the face. The whole crowd froze, deciding that things were bad. No, it turned out that our daughter went without preparation and received her well-deserved A. We breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, that trip to the temple helped her a lot. Of course, the result could have been different. As they say, “man proposes, but God disposes” or “everything is the will of God.”

We must pray, but understand that it will happen in a way that is beneficial for us. If we are not given the opportunity to know what awaits us around the corner, how can we be sure that the chosen path is correct? How many people leave universities because after a while they begin to understand that this is not their calling.

And it is also possible that the chosen path during this particular period of life will inevitably lead to some kind of trouble or misfortune, you never know: bad company or unhappy love, for example. There are so many convincing examples of people surviving because they were suddenly late for a plane. We really only assume what is good for us.

Therefore, before studying and exams, of course, you need to pray and believe that it will be as God pleases. He knows what's best for us.

Each prayer book contains prayers to God:

Most gracious Lord, bestow upon us the grace of Your Holy Spirit, bestowing and strengthening our spiritual strength, so that, by listening to the teaching taught to us, we may grow to You, our Creator, for the glory, for the comfort of our parents, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland.

We thank You, Creator, for You have made us worthy of Your grace to listen to the teaching. Bless our leaders, parents and teachers, who lead us to the knowledge of good, and give us strength and strength to continue this teaching.

Complete cycle of prayers from the prayer book about success in learning is called “Prayers for the development of the minds of children and the enlightenment of the mind for learning”; it is in almost any prayer book.

A priest I knew told me that it is possible pray in your own words: read several prayers, or “Our Father...” at once, then list all the saints who help in the teaching, and ask for help in your own words, for example like this:

God, be merciful to me, a sinner.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us.

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Holy saints of God (names from the list) and all saints, pray to the Lord God for me, a sinful servant of God (name), help me to be successful in my studies (or pass the exam) for the glory of God, for the glory of your intercession. Amen.

Saints - helpers in studies

Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John

Holy Prophet Nahum

Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Saints Equal to the Apostles Methodius and Cyril (accepted in this order)

Ecumenical teachers: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom

St. Father Nicholas

Venerable Sergius of Radonezh

Holy and Righteous John of Kronstadt

Unmercenaries and miracle workers Cosmo and Damian

Holy Youths: Ananias, Azarias, Misail

Holy Martyr Neophytos

Holy Martyr Tatiana

Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

Holy saint (pleaser) of God (name of guardian angel)

Saint (name of the patron saint of the temple you go to, if there is one)

The list can be supplemented with the names of saints to whom you often turn.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless me for my studies (or exams), send Your holy help, so that I can achieve what I desire: what is pleasing to You, O Lord, and useful for me. Amen.

And also, there is icon of the Mother of God called “Adding the Mind”. They say that praying in front of her for yourself or for your children helps a lot.

Before the start of the school year in Orthodox churches they read prayers for children about successful studies. And before the examination session, you can order a prayer service, as before the start of any good deed. The temple will tell you how to order, and at the end of the session you are supposed to order a thanksgiving prayer.

More, during the exam It’s very good if you say to yourself: “Lord, have mercy, Lord, help,” call on the Mother of God, the guardian angel and the saints. You can read a prayer for fear, Psalm 90, a prayer to the Honest Cross and others, if you know.

You can pray in front of the “Quick to Hear” icon of the Mother of God, read a prayer, and then ask for help in your studies.

Prayer is useful in that it helps you calm down. They also say that prayer drives away evil spirits who so love to disturb us during a good deed.

I note that you should not treat prayer as a magic wand. It is unlikely to help the lazy and unscrupulous, except perhaps as an advance payment for future hard work.

And I advise you to take prayer very seriously. I got ready to study, prayed, and suddenly my friends called and I went for a walk with them. This can only make things worse. Think about who you asked for help. What does it look like if you do this?

I wish you all success in your studies and exams.

© Taisiya Fevronina, 2011.

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Dear brothers and sisters, I ask you to pray for my daughter Lily. She has a very difficult exam tomorrow, May 7, 2016. About successful passing. She spent too much time on her sick grandparents, and perhaps less on her studies! I want God to help her overcome difficulties.

Please pray for an excellent pass. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tomorrow, 03/06/2016, I am taking the Unified State Examination in mathematics. I ask you to pray for me to successfully pass the exam. This exam will decide my fate. Please please.

Thank you very much for your prayers! I have a difficult exam coming up, and I’m very worried and worried.

Please help, pray for my son Eugene with me, I know that if two or three agree in prayer, it becomes stronger many times over! My son is entering the VUNC Air Force Academy! Lord, I will hear your servant Julia, for my son Eugene I ask, give him strength to withstand all the tests with honor, successfully pass all exams and become a cadet at the military academy, give wisdom and patience, calmness and humility, physical and spiritual strength, Lord guide my son on the true path and right, strengthen his faith in You, his friend, love in his heart! I thank you for everything, our Heavenly Father, I know you hear me! Amen!

God! Help my son Rodion pass the exam today and move on to the third year! Amen!

Hello, I kindly ask you to pray for me, I’m taking the Unified State Exam in the first half of June. These exams are very important to me, please.

Spells for excellent studies will help your child

Education is one of the main trump cards to find a good, well-paid job. Any mother understands how important it is for her children to do well when passing exams at school, when they study hard, to pass exams for admission to a university. But there is always one thing. No matter how much a child goes to school, no matter how much he prepares to take exams, before any subject, he always needs help, and who, if not the parents, understands this.

In addition to good nutrition, good rest, and memory training, parents can do even more to help their children do better and achieve more. An assistant will be a conspiracy and prayer that can be read to improve the mind before passing an exam at school, or to successfully pass an exam at a university. A spell or prayer will help your child learn better and more easily.

Conspiracies for studying

To understand how spells and prayers for studying work, why before going to a university or school, before taking exams, for better mental functioning, you can use such methods, let’s look at why they work and how:

  • brain function improves, educational material is easier and faster to digest;
  • more free time appears, thanks to which more time can be spent relaxing and getting emotional release;
  • victories in studies provide an opportunity for a child to feel his own capabilities.

It is worth considering that your child will always feel when you care and worry about him. By reading the conspiracy and prayer so that he studies better, he will intuitively receive your care, because support gives a lot of strength and brings happiness.

Prayer for admission to university

Hard work before taking university exams exhausts the nervous system and tires the mind. Therefore, prayer can come to the rescue and make the preparation process easier.

If you ask for a child, choose the words to suit you, but it is best to let the child read a prayer so that he asks the Lord, the Saints and heaven for himself personally, because entering a university is a serious step.

Tell me, may the merciful Lord our God hear your request and grant His mercy to support your preparation for exams, for further study and stay at the university. So that before admission, everything useful and saving fills the soul, comes to replenish the mind and knowledge of the servant of God (name). So that God and the Savior will help in studying, so that prayer for His mercy before the test will be saving and bear fruit. So that the mercy of heaven comes on time, and the servant of God feels all the care of the angels and saints, so that all efforts are rewarded. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer before an exam to get a good grade

Before the exam you can pray to the Guardian Angel:

Most holy warrior of God, pray to the Lord for me. Heavenly grace, descend upon me, servant of God (name). I appeal to you so that the heavenly powers do not leave me and grant me understanding and give me reason. So that understanding of everything does not pass me by and the teaching bears fruit. Be fair so that the upcoming exam is successful. Amen.

Holy saint of God Nicholas! I pray for your mercy and your patronage. I honor you and pray that you will purify the servant of God before the exam. Do not leave me before him, because I trust in your condescension, so that my mind will be sufficient and quick-witted. I believe and ask our Lord, through His Holy Wonderworker, that His justice and power will support me, that His mercy will fill and protect me. Amen.

And also Matrona of Moscow:

Matrona of Moscow, Righteous One of God, pray to the Lord for me. I pray for you to help me pass my exam safely, so that I can reason with you and send me some wisdom. Be near me, may heaven protect me in the face of worldly problems. Intercede for me, servant of God (name), so that the Lord will have mercy on me and His grace will help me. Amen.

A spell to get a good grade from a teacher

If the teacher is the main evaluator of the student. If you are absolutely sure that you deserve a good, positive assessment for your work and efforts, you should resort to a conspiracy. But the degree of its necessity should be assessed objectively:

  • A good and effective ritual is obtained using a charmed button.
  • Take an unworn one, or buy a new button. But it is best to take a button from clothes that the student wears every day.
  • Light a white candle. You must be alone in the room and not be disturbed by anyone.
  • Warm the button carefully over a candle, and then, while still hot, throw it into a transparent glass of water.
  • Now start reading the plot. Tell:

Let the button protect the servant of God (name), and touch his teacher. Just as the all-consuming fire sanctified her, just as the living water cooled her, so the servant of God (name) will be a helper and savior. So that before each question the necessary answer is found, so that the teacher does not find anything to cling to. There will be no unnecessary or superfluous questions for him. May everything be easy for him when you are nearby. Everything will be successful for him, let him bear it easily.

  • Now attach it to the clothes your child wears most often. You will notice the result.

Prayer for increased mental abilities

This prayer is dedicated to all the saints of God. So that they give intelligence and perseverance to the student. They helped me in my studies and rewarded me for my efforts.

Pray before the icon of the saints:

Let God's messengers and the Guardian Angel hear them chanting. May they bless the servant of God and reward him for his efforts. May the holy spirit of heaven descend upon the gifts of the Church of God Jesus Christ and His mother the Virgin Mary. So that His mysteries may be accomplished. So that in joy and grace his servants would be ready to descend and present the holiness and power of their presence. I praise all the memories and lives of the miracles of Your saints. May Thy mercy and the kingdom of heaven descend upon the servant of God (name). Even a sinner was able to follow your teachings and receive your grace and forgiveness. Let the holiness of heavenly glory descend upon us. I praise your holy names. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for good studies at school

School is one of the most important periods in a person’s life. During this time, many personality traits are formed and self-esteem is formed. Therefore, it is important to instill self-esteem, strength of character and performance in the child. And this can be achieved in many ways through successful studies. After all, when a child knows that his work is producing results, he feels important and is in a good mood.

You should pray to the Mother of God for this. Ask her from the bottom of your heart:

Thank you, Mother of God, for all the grace sent and bestowed by you. I ask you to listen to the disciple of God (name) for all his efforts, and help him in giving him intelligence and admonition. Lead him to the truth, to the knowledge of your grace and mercy. Give strength to his body and mind. Strengthen him on his path. Let him not appear unworthy before you.

Beg Your son, the creator of everything visible and invisible, to grant him the grace to control his mind and wisdom. Be a mentor to him so that he can control himself in the face of pressing problems. I praise Your good name, I praise Your miracles and mercy. Hear my prayer and request, with which I thank You and praise all the holy saints of God. Amen".

How to read conspiracies for studying correctly

  • Meditation – in the course of his life, a person receives a huge amount of information. He doesn’t need most of it, it won’t be useful anywhere and won’t affect his life in any way. But she is, in fact, just garbage in his head. To cleanse yourself of it, improve your memory and expand its reserve, you need to clear your memory through meditation.
  • Work, perseverance and study. You won't get anything in return if you don't give anything back to the world and the universe. You can't not study before an exam or other important academic event and just beg for luck so that everything goes smoothly. If you don't work, you don't get anything. Even a grain of knowledge acquired earlier will definitely be useful to you, and the conspiracy will do everything for this.
  • Read conspiracies for things that will happen to you or your child most often. It is better to read the conspiracy for successfully passing the exam three days before the event.

The mechanism of influence of the conspiracy and the consequences of magical intervention

For example, there is a good conspiracy where the wisest King Solomon is mentioned. Tell:

As Solomon had an unprecedented mind, as wisdom lived in him, so may the servant of God (name) receive the power of knowledge. Just as one can see from above all the luminaries in heaven or earth, so let him know everything. He doesn’t shy away from knowledge, he tries his best, let him bask in the admiration of his mentors. Let the grace of the mind extend to him.

It seems strange that a conspiracy can influence such an important part of a person’s life as study. But, in essence, there is nothing super heavy here. If you study well and diligently, are not lazy, understand the importance of study, believe in the power of conspiracy and ritual or prayer, you will receive the success you require. Even if the mother asks for the child, and not he asks personally.

Miraculous words: prayer for a child’s admission to university in full description from all the sources we found.

Prayer for help in entering an educational institution, obtaining an education

Prayer for help in entering an educational institution, for help in obtaining an education

Requests for intercession are addressed to Demetrius of Rostov in need, for the intercession of widows and orphans, for help in entering an educational institution, for obtaining an education.

He was an outstanding church figure, a famous preacher and writer, theologian and educator. He cared very much about the children; For the first time in Russia, in the school he founded, children from ordinary families received the same education as the rich.

O wonderful and glorious wonderworker Dmitry, who heals human ailments! You constantly pray to the Lord our God for all sinners: I pray to you, be my intercessor before the Lord and my helper to overcome the passions of my insatiable flesh and to overcome the arrows of my opponent the devil, which hurts my weak heart. mine and, like a sleek and fierce beast, hungers to destroy my soul. You, Saint of Christ, are my fence, you are my intercession and weapon! You. the great wonderworker, in the days of your exploits in this world, zealous for the Orthodox Church of God, like a true and good shepherd, kindly exposed the sins and ignorance of people, and guided those who had deviated from the path of truth into heresy and schisms onto the path of truth. correct my life, so that I may unfalteringly follow the path of God’s commandments and work unslothfully for my Lord Jesus Christ, as my only Master, Redeemer and my righteous Judge. Falling down to this, I pray to you, saint of God, when I extricate my soul from this mortal body, deliver me from dark ordeals: because I have no good deeds to justify my justification, do not let Satan become proud of your victory over my weak soul: deliver it from hell, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, and with your holy prayers make me a partaker of the Heavenly Kingdom in the Trinity of the glorified God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Spells for excellent studies will help your child

Education is one of the main trump cards to find a good, well-paid job. Any mother understands how important it is for her children to do well when passing exams at school, when they study hard, to pass exams for admission to a university. But there is always one thing. No matter how much a child goes to school, no matter how much he prepares to take exams, before any subject, he always needs help, and who, if not the parents, understands this.

In addition to good nutrition, good rest, and memory training, parents can do even more to help their children do better and achieve more. An assistant will be a conspiracy and prayer that can be read to improve the mind before passing an exam at school, or to successfully pass an exam at a university. A spell or prayer will help your child learn better and more easily.

Conspiracies for studying

To understand how spells and prayers for studying work, why before going to a university or school, before taking exams, for better mental functioning, you can use such methods, let’s look at why they work and how:

  • brain function improves, educational material is easier and faster to digest;
  • more free time appears, thanks to which more time can be spent relaxing and getting emotional release;
  • victories in studies provide an opportunity for a child to feel his own capabilities.

It is worth considering that your child will always feel when you care and worry about him. By reading the conspiracy and prayer so that he studies better, he will intuitively receive your care, because support gives a lot of strength and brings happiness.

Prayer for admission to university

Hard work before taking university exams exhausts the nervous system and tires the mind. Therefore, prayer can come to the rescue and make the preparation process easier.

If you ask for a child, choose the words to suit you, but it is best to let the child read a prayer so that he asks the Lord, the Saints and heaven for himself personally, because entering a university is a serious step.

Tell me, may the merciful Lord our God hear your request and grant His mercy to support your preparation for exams, for further study and stay at the university. So that before admission, everything useful and saving fills the soul, comes to replenish the mind and knowledge of the servant of God (name). So that God and the Savior will help in studying, so that prayer for His mercy before the test will be saving and bear fruit. So that the mercy of heaven comes on time, and the servant of God feels all the care of the angels and saints, so that all efforts are rewarded. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer before an exam to get a good grade

Before the exam you can pray to the Guardian Angel:

Most holy warrior of God, pray to the Lord for me. Heavenly grace, descend upon me, servant of God (name). I appeal to you so that the heavenly powers do not leave me and grant me understanding and give me reason. So that understanding of everything does not pass me by and the teaching bears fruit. Be fair so that the upcoming exam is successful. Amen.

Holy saint of God Nicholas! I pray for your mercy and your patronage. I honor you and pray that you will purify the servant of God before the exam. Do not leave me before him, because I trust in your condescension, so that my mind will be sufficient and quick-witted. I believe and ask our Lord, through His Holy Wonderworker, that His justice and power will support me, that His mercy will fill and protect me. Amen.

And also Matrona of Moscow:

Matrona of Moscow, Righteous One of God, pray to the Lord for me. I pray for you to help me pass my exam safely, so that I can reason with you and send me some wisdom. Be near me, may heaven protect me in the face of worldly problems. Intercede for me, servant of God (name), so that the Lord will have mercy on me and His grace will help me. Amen.

A spell to get a good grade from a teacher

If the teacher is the main evaluator of the student. If you are absolutely sure that you deserve a good, positive assessment for your work and efforts, you should resort to a conspiracy. But the degree of its necessity should be assessed objectively:

  • A good and effective ritual is obtained using a charmed button.
  • Take an unworn one, or buy a new button. But it is best to take a button from clothes that the student wears every day.
  • Light a white candle. You must be alone in the room and not be disturbed by anyone.
  • Warm the button carefully over a candle, and then, while still hot, throw it into a transparent glass of water.
  • Now start reading the plot. Tell:

Let the button protect the servant of God (name), and touch his teacher. Just as the all-consuming fire sanctified her, just as the living water cooled her, so the servant of God (name) will be a helper and savior. So that before each question the necessary answer is found, so that the teacher does not find anything to cling to. There will be no unnecessary or superfluous questions for him. May everything be easy for him when you are nearby. Everything will be successful for him, let him bear it easily.

  • Now attach it to the clothes your child wears most often. You will notice the result.

Prayer for increased mental abilities

This prayer is dedicated to all the saints of God. So that they give intelligence and perseverance to the student. They helped me in my studies and rewarded me for my efforts.

Pray before the icon of the saints:

Let God's messengers and the Guardian Angel hear them chanting. May they bless the servant of God and reward him for his efforts. May the holy spirit of heaven descend upon the gifts of the Church of God Jesus Christ and His mother the Virgin Mary. So that His mysteries may be accomplished. So that in joy and grace his servants would be ready to descend and present the holiness and power of their presence. I praise all the memories and lives of the miracles of Your saints. May Thy mercy and the kingdom of heaven descend upon the servant of God (name). Even a sinner was able to follow your teachings and receive your grace and forgiveness. Let the holiness of heavenly glory descend upon us. I praise your holy names. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for good studies at school

School is one of the most important periods in a person’s life. During this time, many personality traits are formed and self-esteem is formed. Therefore, it is important to instill self-esteem, strength of character and performance in the child. And this can be achieved in many ways through successful studies. After all, when a child knows that his work is producing results, he feels important and is in a good mood.

You should pray to the Mother of God for this. Ask her from the bottom of your heart:

Thank you, Mother of God, for all the grace sent and bestowed by you. I ask you to listen to the disciple of God (name) for all his efforts, and help him in giving him intelligence and admonition. Lead him to the truth, to the knowledge of your grace and mercy. Give strength to his body and mind. Strengthen him on his path. Let him not appear unworthy before you.

Beg Your son, the creator of everything visible and invisible, to grant him the grace to control his mind and wisdom. Be a mentor to him so that he can control himself in the face of pressing problems. I praise Your good name, I praise Your miracles and mercy. Hear my prayer and request, with which I thank You and praise all the holy saints of God. Amen".

How to read conspiracies for studying correctly

  • Meditation – in the course of his life, a person receives a huge amount of information. He doesn’t need most of it, it won’t be useful anywhere and won’t affect his life in any way. But she is, in fact, just garbage in his head. To cleanse yourself of it, improve your memory and expand its reserve, you need to clear your memory through meditation.
  • Work, perseverance and study. You won't get anything in return if you don't give anything back to the world and the universe. You can't not study before an exam or other important academic event and just beg for luck so that everything goes smoothly. If you don't work, you don't get anything. Even a grain of knowledge acquired earlier will definitely be useful to you, and the conspiracy will do everything for this.
  • Read conspiracies for things that will happen to you or your child most often. It is better to read the conspiracy for successfully passing the exam three days before the event.

The mechanism of influence of the conspiracy and the consequences of magical intervention

For example, there is a good conspiracy where the wisest King Solomon is mentioned. Tell:

As Solomon had an unprecedented mind, as wisdom lived in him, so may the servant of God (name) receive the power of knowledge. Just as one can see from above all the luminaries in heaven or earth, so let him know everything. He doesn’t shy away from knowledge, he tries his best, let him bask in the admiration of his mentors. Let the grace of the mind extend to him.

It seems strange that a conspiracy can influence such an important part of a person’s life as study. But, in essence, there is nothing super heavy here. If you study well and diligently, are not lazy, understand the importance of study, believe in the power of conspiracy and ritual or prayer, you will receive the success you require. Even if the mother asks for the child, and not he asks personally.

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Prayer for a university exam

If you or your child have decided to get a higher education, then prayer for the university exam will be useful to you. I can even recommend several of them. You can read all of them or choose one that you like more. The main thing is to firmly believe in the power of prayers and hope for the best outcome.

How to pray if you are going to university on your own

To strengthen your fortitude and give confidence in your abilities, praying to the Lord will help.

“Lord Almighty, enlighten me and do not leave me alone with my problem. Help me pass all my exams and study wisely. I want to get a good education so that my parents and loved ones respect me for it. Your power is great and mighty, so do as I ask, O righteous God. Amen, Amen, Amen"

Now you can confidently set out to act, because the Lord will be with you. With the help of this prayer you will be ensured not just admission to the university, but budget revenue. If you really believe in the power of the Almighty, and you have no terrible sins in your soul, then you will definitely be accepted into the free department.

Prayer upon admission for a daughter or son

Since you are not going to take an exam at a university yourself, but your child, then prayer will help here Sergius of Radonezh.

A few days before the child’s important exam, the mother should begin to pray in front of the icon of this saint.

  • While reading prayers should be lit three church candles.
  • You need to pray three times in the morning and once before going to bed.

And on the day of passing the exam, the mother must tirelessly pray to Sergius of Radonezh until the child passes the exam.

What else will help you pass the entrance exams successfully?

There are many conspiracies among the people, amulets and amulets, which help students pass exams with excellent marks. The most common amulet is the nickel.

  • Take a five-ruble coin and put it in a glass of holy water overnight.
  • Then whisper the following words over the coin three times:

“Bring me good luck and success, Piglet. Help me pass all the tests, and protect me from shameful failure. I hope for your help and will not remain in your debt.”

  • Then place this patch in your shoe under your left heel. Don't pester him until you pass the exam, so go ahead and do it with him.

Helps you pass the exam successfully and charmed ballpoint pen.

  • Take out that pen with which someone before you has already passed the exam with excellent marks. Or it could be the pen of just a successful and lucky person.
  • Say these words over her:

“As the owner of this pen was once lucky, let me be lucky today in the exam!”

  • Do not part with this pen during the exam and do not allow anyone other than you to touch it.

These are the tips that will be useful to those who are planning to get a higher education. May prayer for the university exam help you or your children.

Prayer for a child’s admission to university

Christian prayer center

Prayer for my son for successful admission to a military university

City, country: Krasnodar region

Lord, hear me, for my son Evgeniy I ask, help my son successfully pass all exams with honor and dignity and go to study at the VUNTs Air Force Academy, give him physical and spiritual strength, wisdom and patience, give my son Evgeniy love and warmth in his heart, faith in You Lord! I thank you for everything you do for us Lord, Amen!

Number of people who supported this prayer: 38

The site administration publishes prayer requests practically “as is,” correcting, if possible, only spelling errors (when we have time) or reprinting requests from “translit” (Latin) into the Russian alphabet. In all other respects, we trust God that He hears all prayer requests from us sinners and does not put obstacles in our prayer. If you, spiritual brothers and sisters, believe that some prayer request is unacceptable from a Christian point of view, do not judge the author of the request, but PRAY for him or her as God puts on your heart. In everything, may God be glorified and may everyone know His love and salvation. Amen.

My prayer when entering college

The last three years of school were devoted to one goal - preparing for admission to Kuban State Medical University. I prayed that I would study only in Krasnodar and always on a budget basis. Since chemistry and biology were the main subjects for future applicants to the Medical Academy, I paid special attention to them: I participated in olympiads and competitions, and took additional classes. I liked studying, learning something new, and God blessed me: I graduated from school with a silver medal.

God told me to fast. Because of the tension, I could not sleep at night; my parents were also awake with me. We united in family prayer, realizing that now everything depends only on the Lord.

But by evening I calmed down and gave everything into the hands of God. “Maybe,” I thought, “God doesn’t want me to go to Krasnodar. Or maybe He planned my studies only for next year. Why argue with Him and get upset in vain? It’s better to humble yourself, and let His holy will be done in everything.”

Education is one of the main trump cards to find a good, well-paid job. Any mother understands how important it is for her children to do well when passing exams at school, when they study hard, to pass exams for admission to a university. But there is always one thing. No matter how much a child goes to school, no matter how much he prepares to take exams, before any subject, he always needs help, and who, if not the parents, understands this.

In addition to good nutrition, good rest, and memory training, parents can do even more to help their children do better and achieve more. An assistant will be a conspiracy and prayer that can be read to improve the mind before passing an exam at school, or to successfully pass an exam at a university. A spell or prayer will help your child learn better and more easily.

Conspiracies for studying

To understand how spells and prayers for studying work, why before going to a university or school, before taking exams, for better mental functioning, you can use such methods, let’s look at why they work and how:

  • brain function improves, educational material is easier and faster to digest;
  • more free time appears, thanks to which more time can be spent relaxing and getting emotional release;
  • victories in studies provide an opportunity for a child to feel his own capabilities.

It is worth considering that your child will always feel when you care and worry about him. By reading the conspiracy and prayer so that he studies better, he will intuitively receive your care, because support gives a lot of strength and brings happiness.

Prayer for admission to university

Hard work before taking university exams exhausts the nervous system and tires the mind. Therefore, prayer can come to the rescue and make the preparation process easier.

If you ask for a child, choose the words to suit you, but it is best to let the child read a prayer so that he asks the Lord, the Saints and heaven for himself personally, because entering a university is a serious step.

Tell me, may the merciful Lord our God hear your request and grant His mercy to support your preparation for exams, for further study and stay at the university. So that before admission, everything useful and saving fills the soul, comes to replenish the mind and knowledge of the servant of God (name). So that God and the Savior will help in studying, so that prayer for His mercy before the test will be saving and bear fruit. So that the mercy of heaven comes on time, and the servant of God feels all the care of the angels and saints, so that all efforts are rewarded. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer before an exam to get a good grade

Before the exam you can pray to the Guardian Angel:

Most holy warrior of God, pray to the Lord for me. Heavenly grace, descend upon me, God’s servant (name). I appeal to you so that the heavenly powers do not leave me and grant me understanding and give me reason. So that understanding of everything does not pass me by and the teaching bears fruit. Be fair so that the upcoming exam is successful. Amen.

Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Holy saint of God Nicholas! I pray for your mercy and your patronage. I honor you and pray that you will purify the servant of God before the exam. Do not leave me before him, because I trust in your condescension, so that my mind will be sufficient and quick-witted. I believe and ask our Lord, through His Holy Wonderworker, that His justice and power will support me, that His mercy will fill and protect me. Amen.

And also Matrona of Moscow:

Matrona of Moscow, Righteous One of God, pray to the Lord for me. I pray for you to help me pass my exam safely, so that I can reason with you and send me some wisdom. Be near me, may heaven protect me in the face of worldly problems. Intercede for me, God’s servant (name), so that the Lord will have mercy on me and His grace will help me. Amen.

A spell to get a good grade from a teacher

If the teacher is the main evaluator of the student. If you are absolutely sure that you deserve a good, positive assessment for your work and efforts, you should resort to a conspiracy. But the degree of its necessity should be assessed objectively:

  • A good and effective ritual is obtained using a charmed button.
  • Take an unworn one, or buy a new button. But it is best to take a button from clothes that the student wears every day.
  • Light a white candle. You must be alone in the room and not be disturbed by anyone.
  • Warm the button carefully over a candle, and then, while still hot, throw it into a transparent glass of water.
  • Now start reading the plot. Tell:

Let the button protect the servant of God (name), and touch his teacher. Just as the all-consuming fire sanctified her, just as the living water cooled her, so the servant of God (name) will be a helper and savior. So that before each question the necessary answer is found, so that the teacher does not find anything to cling to. There will be no unnecessary or superfluous questions for him. May everything be easy for him when you are nearby. Everything will be successful for him, let him bear it easily.

  • Now attach it to the clothes your child wears most often. You will notice the result.

Prayer for increased mental abilities

This prayer is dedicated to all the saints of God. So that they give intelligence and perseverance to the student. They helped me in my studies and rewarded me for my efforts.

Pray before the icon of the saints:

Let God's messengers and the Guardian Angel hear them chanting. May they bless God's servant and reward him/her for his efforts. May the holy spirit of heaven descend upon the gifts of the Church of God Jesus Christ and His mother the Virgin Mary. So that His mysteries may be accomplished. So that in joy and grace his servants would be ready to descend and present the holiness and power of their presence. I praise all the memories and lives of the miracles of Your saints. May Thy mercy and the kingdom of heaven descend upon the servant of God (name). Even a sinner was able to follow your teachings and receive your grace and forgiveness. Let the holiness of heavenly glory descend upon us. I praise your holy names. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for good studies at school

School is one of the most important periods in a person’s life. During this time, many personality traits are formed and self-esteem is formed. Therefore, it is important to instill self-esteem, strength of character and performance in the child. And this can be achieved in many ways through successful studies. After all, when a child knows that his work is producing results, he feels important and is in a good mood.

You should pray to the Mother of God for this. Ask her from the bottom of your heart:

Thank you, Mother of God, for all the grace sent and bestowed by you. I ask you to listen to the disciple of God (name) for all his efforts, and help him in giving him intelligence and admonition. Lead him to the truth, to the knowledge of your grace and mercy. Give strength to his body and mind. Strengthen him on his path. Let him not appear unworthy before you.

Beg Your son, the creator of everything visible and invisible, to grant him the grace to control his mind and wisdom. Be a mentor to him so that he can control himself in the face of pressing problems. I praise Your good name, I praise Your miracles and mercy. Hear my prayer and request, with which I thank You and praise all the holy saints of God. Amen".

How to read conspiracies for studying correctly

  • Meditation – in the course of his life, a person receives a huge amount of information. He doesn’t need most of it, it won’t be useful anywhere and won’t affect his life in any way. But she is, in fact, just garbage in his head. To cleanse yourself of it, improve your memory and expand its reserve, you need to clear your memory through meditation.
  • Work, perseverance and study. You won't get anything in return if you don't give anything back to the world and the universe. You can't not study before an exam or other important academic event and just beg for luck so that everything goes smoothly. If you don't work, you don't get anything. Even a grain of knowledge acquired earlier will definitely be useful to you, and the conspiracy will do everything for this.
  • Read conspiracies for things that will happen to you or your child most often. It is better to read the conspiracy for successfully passing the exam three days before the event.

The mechanism of influence of the conspiracy and the consequences of magical intervention

For example, there is a good conspiracy where the wisest King Solomon is mentioned. Tell:

As Solomon had an unprecedented mind, as wisdom lived in him, so may the servant of God (name) receive the power of knowledge. Just as one can see from above all the luminaries in heaven or earth, so let him know everything. He doesn’t shy away from knowledge, he tries his best, let him bask in the admiration of his mentors. Let the grace of the mind extend to him.

It seems strange that a conspiracy can influence such an important part of a person’s life as study. But, in essence, there is nothing super heavy here. If you study well and diligently, are not lazy, understand the importance of study, believe in the power of conspiracy and ritual or prayer, you will receive the success you require. Even if the mother asks for the child, and not he asks personally.

The most detailed description: prayer for income on the budget - for our readers and subscribers.

If you or your child have decided to get a higher education, then prayer for the university exam will be useful to you. I can even recommend several of them. You can read all of them or choose one that you like more. The main thing is to firmly believe in the power of prayers and hope for the best outcome.

How to pray if you are going to university on your own

To strengthen your fortitude and give confidence in your abilities, praying to the Lord will help.

“Lord Almighty, enlighten me and do not leave me alone with my problem. Help me pass all my exams and study wisely. I want to get a good education so that my parents and loved ones respect me for it. Your power is great and mighty, so do as I ask, O righteous God. Amen, Amen, Amen"

Now you can confidently set out to act, because the Lord will be with you. With the help of this prayer you will be ensured not just admission to the university, but budget revenue. If you really believe in the power of the Almighty, and you have no terrible sins in your soul, then you will definitely be accepted into the free department.

Prayer upon admission for a daughter or son

Since you are not going to take an exam at a university yourself, but your child, then prayer will help here Sergius of Radonezh.

A few days before the child’s important exam, the mother should begin to pray in front of the icon of this saint.

  • While reading prayers should be lit three church candles.
  • You need to pray three times in the morning and once before going to bed.

And on the day of passing the exam, the mother must tirelessly pray to Sergius of Radonezh until the child passes the exam.

What else will help you pass the entrance exams successfully?

There are many conspiracies among the people, amulets and amulets, which help students pass exams with excellent marks. The most common amulet is the nickel.

  • Take a five-ruble coin and put it in a glass of holy water overnight.
  • Then whisper the following words over the coin three times:

“Bring me good luck and success, Piglet. Help me pass all the tests, and protect me from shameful failure. I hope for your help and will not remain in your debt.”

  • Then place this patch in your shoe under your left heel. Don't pester him until you pass the exam, so go ahead and do it with him.

Helps you pass the exam successfully and charmed ballpoint pen.

  • Take out that pen with which someone before you has already passed the exam with excellent marks. Or it could be the pen of just a successful and lucky person.
  • Say these words over her:

“As the owner of this pen was once lucky, let me be lucky today in the exam!”

  • Do not part with this pen during the exam and do not allow anyone other than you to touch it.

These are the tips that will be useful to those who are planning to get a higher education. May prayer for the university exam help you or your children.

What prayer should I read, what should I do so that God will give me a chance to enter the desired university?

Answered by Dmitry Rykin, 05/30/2013

Alexey asks:“Help with advice. This is the second year I have not been able to enter a university. Many knowledgeable people tell me that I have talent. I didn’t invent anything for myself. The worst thing is that theater is my childhood dream. I’m tired of sitting in the office, I can’t live without the theater, I’m ready to give everything for the sake of my dream. I am ready to work honestly to please God. But I have neither connections nor money, because without a university they won’t take me anywhere, that’s the way this world and system are. What prayer should I read, what should I do so that God gives me this chance? I don’t think he can hear me.”

Good afternoon, Alexey.

We can learn about how to pray from the Bible. I will present you with a fragment where Jesus Christ spoke about how to pray:

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to stop and pray in the synagogues and on street corners in order to appear before people. Truly I tell you that they are already receiving their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and, having shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly.

And when you pray, do not say too much, like the pagans, for they think that in their many words they will be heard; Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. Pray this way: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen . (Matt. 6:5-13)

In this text we can highlight the following:

1) You cannot pray for show - for righteous deeds done in secret, you will receive a reward from our Father, for deeds put on display, you already receive your reward from people.

2) During prayer, there is no need to say unnecessary things; God knows what you need.

In addition, I would like to highlight one more fragment, also from the words of Jesus Christ:

Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me; but if not so, then believe Me by the very works. Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me will do the works that I do, and greater works than these will he do, because I go to My Father. And if you ask the Father anything in My name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.. (John 14:11-13)

It says here that if a person believes in Jesus Christ, that He is in God and God in Him, and that He died and was resurrected three days later, and if you ask in the name of Jesus Christ, then He will help.

However, it is best to look at how Jesus Christ prayed, since He is sinless and all the things that He did were true and the only correct ones.

And going away a little, he fell on his face, prayed and said: My Father! if possible, let this cup pass from Me; however, not as I want, but as you. (Matt 26:39)

Here I would like to highlight exactly “however, not as I want, but as You”, in this episode of the Bible, Jesus Christ knows that He will have to endure for Us, and that He will be killed, and asks God, but trusts Him, and therefore completely relies on God. If God had not allowed Jesus Christ to be touched by people, then there would be none of us who could be saved. God is our creator, He knows what we want and what will follow our actions, and therefore sometimes does not allow some of our desires to be fulfilled, since we cannot know what troubles might happen otherwise. Unfortunately, most of the time we don’t always hear Him, and we ignore Him.

Alexey, don’t worry, God hears us all, pray.

With hope for your faith, patience and humility

Read more on the topic “Prayer”:

Prayer for help in entering an educational institution, obtaining an education

Prayer for help in entering an educational institution, for help in obtaining an education

Requests for intercession are addressed to Demetrius of Rostov in need, for the intercession of widows and orphans, for help in entering an educational institution, for obtaining an education.

He was an outstanding church figure, a famous preacher and writer, theologian and educator. He cared very much about the children; For the first time in Russia, in the school he founded, children from ordinary families received the same education as the rich.

O wonderful and glorious wonderworker Dmitry, who heals human ailments! You constantly pray to the Lord our God for all sinners: I pray to you, be my intercessor before the Lord and my helper to overcome the passions of my insatiable flesh and to overcome the arrows of my opponent the devil, which hurts my weak heart. mine and, like a sleek and fierce beast, hungers to destroy my soul. You, Saint of Christ, are my fence, you are my intercession and weapon! You. the great wonderworker, in the days of your exploits in this world, zealous for the Orthodox Church of God, like a true and good shepherd, kindly exposed the sins and ignorance of people, and guided those who had deviated from the path of truth into heresy and schisms onto the path of truth. correct my life, so that I may unfalteringly follow the path of God’s commandments and work unslothfully for my Lord Jesus Christ, as my only Master, Redeemer and my righteous Judge. Falling down to this, I pray to you, saint of God, when I extricate my soul from this mortal body, deliver me from dark ordeals: because I have no good deeds to justify my justification, do not let Satan become proud of your victory over my weak soul: deliver it from hell, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, and with your holy prayers make me a partaker of the Heavenly Kingdom in the Trinity of the glorified God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

My prayer when entering college

The last three years of school were devoted to one goal - preparing for admission to Kuban State Medical University. I prayed that I would study only in Krasnodar and always on a budget basis. Since chemistry and biology were the main subjects for future applicants to the Medical Academy, I paid special attention to them: I participated in olympiads and competitions, and took additional classes. I liked studying, learning something new, and God blessed me: I graduated from school with a silver medal.

God told me to fast. Because of the tension, I could not sleep at night; my parents were also awake with me. We united in family prayer, realizing that now everything depends only on the Lord.

But by evening I calmed down and gave everything into the hands of God. “Maybe,” I thought, “God doesn’t want me to go to Krasnodar. Or maybe He planned my studies only for next year. Why argue with Him and get upset in vain? It’s better to humble yourself, and let His holy will be done in everything.”

What prayer is read for help in studying, entering an educational institution, or when starting a business?

I hope you can help me in your search))

You can answer me seriously, but if you can’t, then it’s better to remain silent

And when starting a task, at the beginning they read “To the King of Heaven. “

You have to believe that you will be able to desire what you want with all your heart; if you want something very badly, you will definitely get it.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

who is in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done on earth,

as in heaven; our daily bread

give us this day; and forgive us

our sins, how we have forgiven those who

did us harm. And don't lead us into

temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory

forever. Amen, says the Lord.

Lord, grant us the mind and strength to learn all that is good and to grow for Your glory, God, for the comfort of our parents, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland.

We thank You, Creator, for teaching. Bless our mentors, educators, teachers and parents who lead us to the knowledge of good.

Help with entering university

Serviceman Alexander, whose family lives in Smolensk, reported the miraculous help of the Mother of God and St. Seraphim to his son Konstantin upon entering the university. “In the preparatory courses, Konstantin scored good points, and there was no need to take the exams. He was confused by the “4” in chemistry, and to improve the result, he decided to take it on a general basis. But I did even worse and got a “3”. For three days the whole family began to pray fervently both at home and in the cathedral. Konstantin became noticeably depressed and upset. Twice we ordered a prayer service to the Mother of God and St. Seraphim. Alexander writes: “I myself went to the cathedral. He prayed before the icon of Father Seraphim, bowed to the miraculous Smolensk icon of the Mother of God. He asked for his son, but for an hour and a half he did not get up from his knees. He defended the evening service. On the last day everyone prayed. The next day we went to the university and found out that Kostya was enrolled as a student and free of charge. But we don’t have money for paid education. This is such joy. So clearly, through the prayers and help of the Mother of God and Rev. Seraphim to us sinners, our son became a student. We went to the cathedral and ordered two thanksgiving services to all the saints.

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Spells for excellent studies will help your child

Education is one of the main trump cards to find a good, well-paid job. Any mother understands how important it is for her children to do well when passing exams at school, when they study hard, to pass exams for admission to a university. But there is always one thing. No matter how much a child goes to school, no matter how much he prepares to take exams, before any subject, he always needs help, and who, if not the parents, understands this.

In addition to good nutrition, good rest, and memory training, parents can do even more to help their children do better and achieve more. An assistant will be a conspiracy and prayer that can be read to improve the mind before passing an exam at school, or to successfully pass an exam at a university. A spell or prayer will help your child learn better and more easily.

Conspiracies for studying

To understand how spells and prayers for studying work, why before going to a university or school, before taking exams, for better mental functioning, you can use such methods, let’s look at why they work and how:

  • brain function improves, educational material is easier and faster to digest;
  • more free time appears, thanks to which more time can be spent relaxing and getting emotional release;
  • victories in studies provide an opportunity for a child to feel his own capabilities.

It is worth considering that your child will always feel when you care and worry about him. By reading the conspiracy and prayer so that he studies better, he will intuitively receive your care, because support gives a lot of strength and brings happiness.

Prayer for admission to university

Hard work before taking university exams exhausts the nervous system and tires the mind. Therefore, prayer can come to the rescue and make the preparation process easier.

If you ask for a child, choose the words to suit you, but it is best to let the child read a prayer so that he asks the Lord, the Saints and heaven for himself personally, because entering a university is a serious step.

Tell me, may the merciful Lord our God hear your request and grant His mercy to support your preparation for exams, for further study and stay at the university. So that before admission, everything useful and saving fills the soul, comes to replenish the mind and knowledge of the servant of God (name). So that God and the Savior will help in studying, so that prayer for His mercy before the test will be saving and bear fruit. So that the mercy of heaven comes on time, and the servant of God feels all the care of the angels and saints, so that all efforts are rewarded. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer before an exam to get a good grade

Before the exam you can pray to the Guardian Angel:

Most holy warrior of God, pray to the Lord for me. Heavenly grace, descend upon me, servant of God (name). I appeal to you so that the heavenly powers do not leave me and grant me understanding and give me reason. So that understanding of everything does not pass me by and the teaching bears fruit. Be fair so that the upcoming exam is successful. Amen.

Holy saint of God Nicholas! I pray for your mercy and your patronage. I honor you and pray that you will purify the servant of God before the exam. Do not leave me before him, because I trust in your condescension, so that my mind will be sufficient and quick-witted. I believe and ask our Lord, through His Holy Wonderworker, that His justice and power will support me, that His mercy will fill and protect me. Amen.

And also Matrona of Moscow:

Matrona of Moscow, Righteous One of God, pray to the Lord for me. I pray for you to help me pass my exam safely, so that I can reason with you and send me some wisdom. Be near me, may heaven protect me in the face of worldly problems. Intercede for me, servant of God (name), so that the Lord will have mercy on me and His grace will help me. Amen.

A spell to get a good grade from a teacher

If the teacher is the main evaluator of the student. If you are absolutely sure that you deserve a good, positive assessment for your work and efforts, you should resort to a conspiracy. But the degree of its necessity should be assessed objectively:

  • A good and effective ritual is obtained using a charmed button.
  • Take an unworn one, or buy a new button. But it is best to take a button from clothes that the student wears every day.
  • Light a white candle. You must be alone in the room and not be disturbed by anyone.
  • Warm the button carefully over a candle, and then, while still hot, throw it into a transparent glass of water.
  • Now start reading the plot. Tell:

Let the button protect the servant of God (name), and touch his teacher. Just as the all-consuming fire sanctified her, just as the living water cooled her, so the servant of God (name) will be a helper and savior. So that before each question the necessary answer is found, so that the teacher does not find anything to cling to. There will be no unnecessary or superfluous questions for him. May everything be easy for him when you are nearby. Everything will be successful for him, let him bear it easily.

  • Now attach it to the clothes your child wears most often. You will notice the result.

Prayer for increased mental abilities

This prayer is dedicated to all the saints of God. So that they give intelligence and perseverance to the student. They helped me in my studies and rewarded me for my efforts.

Pray before the icon of the saints:

Let God's messengers and the Guardian Angel hear them chanting. May they bless the servant of God and reward him for his efforts. May the holy spirit of heaven descend upon the gifts of the Church of God Jesus Christ and His mother the Virgin Mary. So that His mysteries may be accomplished. So that in joy and grace his servants would be ready to descend and present the holiness and power of their presence. I praise all the memories and lives of the miracles of Your saints. May Thy mercy and the kingdom of heaven descend upon the servant of God (name). Even a sinner was able to follow your teachings and receive your grace and forgiveness. Let the holiness of heavenly glory descend upon us. I praise your holy names. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for good studies at school

School is one of the most important periods in a person’s life. During this time, many personality traits are formed and self-esteem is formed. Therefore, it is important to instill self-esteem, strength of character and performance in the child. And this can be achieved in many ways through successful studies. After all, when a child knows that his work is producing results, he feels important and is in a good mood.

You should pray to the Mother of God for this. Ask her from the bottom of your heart:

Thank you, Mother of God, for all the grace sent and bestowed by you. I ask you to listen to the disciple of God (name) for all his efforts, and help him in giving him intelligence and admonition. Lead him to the truth, to the knowledge of your grace and mercy. Give strength to his body and mind. Strengthen him on his path. Let him not appear unworthy before you.

Beg Your son, the creator of everything visible and invisible, to grant him the grace to control his mind and wisdom. Be a mentor to him so that he can control himself in the face of pressing problems. I praise Your good name, I praise Your miracles and mercy. Hear my prayer and request, with which I thank You and praise all the holy saints of God. Amen".

How to read conspiracies for studying correctly

  • Meditation – in the course of his life, a person receives a huge amount of information. He doesn’t need most of it, it won’t be useful anywhere and won’t affect his life in any way. But she is, in fact, just garbage in his head. To cleanse yourself of it, improve your memory and expand its reserve, you need to clear your memory through meditation.
  • Work, perseverance and study. You won't get anything in return if you don't give anything back to the world and the universe. You can't not study before an exam or other important academic event and just beg for luck so that everything goes smoothly. If you don't work, you don't get anything. Even a grain of knowledge acquired earlier will definitely be useful to you, and the conspiracy will do everything for this.
  • Read conspiracies for things that will happen to you or your child most often. It is better to read the conspiracy for successfully passing the exam three days before the event.

The mechanism of influence of the conspiracy and the consequences of magical intervention

For example, there is a good conspiracy where the wisest King Solomon is mentioned. Tell:

As Solomon had an unprecedented mind, as wisdom lived in him, so may the servant of God (name) receive the power of knowledge. Just as one can see from above all the luminaries in heaven or earth, so let him know everything. He doesn’t shy away from knowledge, he tries his best, let him bask in the admiration of his mentors. Let the grace of the mind extend to him.

It seems strange that a conspiracy can influence such an important part of a person’s life as study. But, in essence, there is nothing super heavy here. If you study well and diligently, are not lazy, understand the importance of study, believe in the power of conspiracy and ritual or prayer, you will receive the success you require. Even if the mother asks for the child, and not he asks personally.

New article: prayer for admission to university on the website - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

Prayer for help in entering an educational institution, obtaining an education

Prayer for help in entering an educational institution, for help in obtaining an education

Requests for intercession are addressed to Demetrius of Rostov in need, for the intercession of widows and orphans, for help in entering an educational institution, for obtaining an education.

He was an outstanding church figure, a famous preacher and writer, theologian and educator. He cared very much about the children; For the first time in Russia, in the school he founded, children from ordinary families received the same education as the rich.

O wonderful and glorious wonderworker Dmitry, who heals human ailments! You constantly pray to the Lord our God for all sinners: I pray to you, be my intercessor before the Lord and my helper to overcome the passions of my insatiable flesh and to overcome the arrows of my opponent the devil, which hurts my weak heart. mine and, like a sleek and fierce beast, hungers to destroy my soul. You, Saint of Christ, are my fence, you are my intercession and weapon! You. the great wonderworker, in the days of your exploits in this world, zealous for the Orthodox Church of God, like a true and good shepherd, kindly exposed the sins and ignorance of people, and guided those who had deviated from the path of truth into heresy and schisms onto the path of truth. correct my life, so that I may unfalteringly follow the path of God’s commandments and work unslothfully for my Lord Jesus Christ, as my only Master, Redeemer and my righteous Judge. Falling down to this, I pray to you, saint of God, when I extricate my soul from this mortal body, deliver me from dark ordeals: because I have no good deeds to justify my justification, do not let Satan become proud of your victory over my weak soul: deliver it from hell, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, and with your holy prayers make me a partaker of the Heavenly Kingdom in the Trinity of the glorified God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

What prayer should I read, what should I do so that God will give me a chance to enter the desired university?

Answered by Dmitry Rykin, 05/30/2013

Alexey asks:“Help with advice. This is the second year I have not been able to enter a university. Many knowledgeable people tell me that I have talent. I didn’t invent anything for myself. The worst thing is that theater is my childhood dream. I’m tired of sitting in the office, I can’t live without the theater, I’m ready to give everything for the sake of my dream. I am ready to work honestly to please God. But I have neither connections nor money, because without a university they won’t take me anywhere, that’s the way this world and system are. What prayer should I read, what should I do so that God gives me this chance? I don’t think he can hear me.”

Good afternoon, Alexey.

We can learn about how to pray from the Bible. I will present you with a fragment where Jesus Christ spoke about how to pray:

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to stop and pray in the synagogues and on street corners in order to appear before people. Truly I tell you that they are already receiving their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and, having shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly.

And when you pray, do not say too much, like the pagans, for they think that in their many words they will be heard; Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. Pray this way: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen . (Matt. 6:5-13)

In this text we can highlight the following:

1) You cannot pray for show - for righteous deeds done in secret, you will receive a reward from our Father, for deeds put on display, you already receive your reward from people.

2) During prayer, there is no need to say unnecessary things; God knows what you need.

In addition, I would like to highlight one more fragment, also from the words of Jesus Christ:

Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me; but if not so, then believe Me by the very works. Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me will do the works that I do, and greater works than these will he do, because I go to My Father. And if you ask the Father anything in My name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.. (John 14:11-13)

It says here that if a person believes in Jesus Christ, that He is in God and God in Him, and that He died and was resurrected three days later, and if you ask in the name of Jesus Christ, then He will help.

However, it is best to look at how Jesus Christ prayed, since He is sinless and all the things that He did were true and the only correct ones.

And going away a little, he fell on his face, prayed and said: My Father! if possible, let this cup pass from Me; however, not as I want, but as you. (Matt 26:39)

Here I would like to highlight exactly “however, not as I want, but as You”, in this episode of the Bible, Jesus Christ knows that He will have to endure for Us, and that He will be killed, and asks God, but trusts Him, and therefore completely relies on God. If God had not allowed Jesus Christ to be touched by people, then there would be none of us who could be saved. God is our creator, He knows what we want and what will follow our actions, and therefore sometimes does not allow some of our desires to be fulfilled, since we cannot know what troubles might happen otherwise. Unfortunately, most of the time we don’t always hear Him, and we ignore Him.

Alexey, don’t worry, God hears us all, pray.

With hope for your faith, patience and humility

Read more on the topic “Prayer”:

Prayer for admission to university

KSENIA, Simferopol, Ukraine

Please Pray, Russia

Please Pray, Russia

Please Pray, Russia

Christian prayer center

Prayer for my son for successful admission to a military university

City, country: Krasnodar region

Lord, hear me, for my son Evgeniy I ask, help my son successfully pass all exams with honor and dignity and go to study at the VUNTs Air Force Academy, give him physical and spiritual strength, wisdom and patience, give my son Evgeniy love and warmth in his heart, faith in You Lord! I thank you for everything you do for us Lord, Amen!

Number of people who supported this prayer: 38

The site administration publishes prayer requests practically “as is,” correcting, if possible, only spelling errors (when we have time) or reprinting requests from “translit” (Latin) into the Russian alphabet. In all other respects, we trust God that He hears all prayer requests from us sinners and does not put obstacles in our prayer. If you, spiritual brothers and sisters, believe that some prayer request is unacceptable from a Christian point of view, do not judge the author of the request, but PRAY for him or her as God puts on your heart. In everything, may God be glorified and may everyone know His love and salvation. Amen.

My prayer when entering college

The last three years of school were devoted to one goal - preparing for admission to Kuban State Medical University. I prayed that I would study only in Krasnodar and always on a budget basis. Since chemistry and biology were the main subjects for future applicants to the Medical Academy, I paid special attention to them: I participated in olympiads and competitions, and took additional classes. I liked studying, learning something new, and God blessed me: I graduated from school with a silver medal.

God told me to fast. Because of the tension, I could not sleep at night; my parents were also awake with me. We united in family prayer, realizing that now everything depends only on the Lord.

But by evening I calmed down and gave everything into the hands of God. “Maybe,” I thought, “God doesn’t want me to go to Krasnodar. Or maybe He planned my studies only for next year. Why argue with Him and get upset in vain? It’s better to humble yourself, and let His holy will be done in everything.”

Prayer for a university exam

If you or your child have decided to get a higher education, then prayer for the university exam will be useful to you. I can even recommend several of them. You can read all of them or choose one that you like more. The main thing is to firmly believe in the power of prayers and hope for the best outcome.

How to pray if you are going to university on your own

To strengthen your fortitude and give confidence in your abilities, praying to the Lord will help.

“Lord Almighty, enlighten me and do not leave me alone with my problem. Help me pass all my exams and study wisely. I want to get a good education so that my parents and loved ones respect me for it. Your power is great and mighty, so do as I ask, O righteous God. Amen, Amen, Amen"

Now you can confidently set out to act, because the Lord will be with you. With the help of this prayer you will be ensured not just admission to the university, but budget revenue. If you really believe in the power of the Almighty, and you have no terrible sins in your soul, then you will definitely be accepted into the free department.

Prayer upon admission for a daughter or son

Since you are not going to take an exam at a university yourself, but your child, then prayer will help here Sergius of Radonezh.

A few days before the child’s important exam, the mother should begin to pray in front of the icon of this saint.

  • While reading prayers should be lit three church candles.
  • You need to pray three times in the morning and once before going to bed.

And on the day of passing the exam, the mother must tirelessly pray to Sergius of Radonezh until the child passes the exam.

What else will help you pass the entrance exams successfully?

There are many conspiracies among the people, amulets and amulets, which help students pass exams with excellent marks. The most common amulet is the nickel.

  • Take a five-ruble coin and put it in a glass of holy water overnight.
  • Then whisper the following words over the coin three times:

“Bring me good luck and success, Piglet. Help me pass all the tests, and protect me from shameful failure. I hope for your help and will not remain in your debt.”

  • Then place this patch in your shoe under your left heel. Don't pester him until you pass the exam, so go ahead and do it with him.

Helps you pass the exam successfully and charmed ballpoint pen.

  • Take out that pen with which someone before you has already passed the exam with excellent marks. Or it could be the pen of just a successful and lucky person.
  • Say these words over her:

“As the owner of this pen was once lucky, let me be lucky today in the exam!”

  • Do not part with this pen during the exam and do not allow anyone other than you to touch it.

These are the tips that will be useful to those who are planning to get a higher education. May prayer for the university exam help you or your children.

Spells for excellent studies will help your child

Education is one of the main trump cards to find a good, well-paid job. Any mother understands how important it is for her children to do well when passing exams at school, when they study hard, to pass exams for admission to a university. But there is always one thing. No matter how much a child goes to school, no matter how much he prepares to take exams, before any subject, he always needs help, and who, if not the parents, understands this.

In addition to good nutrition, good rest, and memory training, parents can do even more to help their children do better and achieve more. An assistant will be a conspiracy and prayer that can be read to improve the mind before passing an exam at school, or to successfully pass an exam at a university. A spell or prayer will help your child learn better and more easily.

Conspiracies for studying

To understand how spells and prayers for studying work, why before going to a university or school, before taking exams, for better mental functioning, you can use such methods, let’s look at why they work and how:

  • brain function improves, educational material is easier and faster to digest;
  • more free time appears, thanks to which more time can be spent relaxing and getting emotional release;
  • victories in studies provide an opportunity for a child to feel his own capabilities.

It is worth considering that your child will always feel when you care and worry about him. By reading the conspiracy and prayer so that he studies better, he will intuitively receive your care, because support gives a lot of strength and brings happiness.

Prayer for admission to university

Hard work before taking university exams exhausts the nervous system and tires the mind. Therefore, prayer can come to the rescue and make the preparation process easier.

If you ask for a child, choose the words to suit you, but it is best to let the child read a prayer so that he asks the Lord, the Saints and heaven for himself personally, because entering a university is a serious step.

Tell me, may the merciful Lord our God hear your request and grant His mercy to support your preparation for exams, for further study and stay at the university. So that before admission, everything useful and saving fills the soul, comes to replenish the mind and knowledge of the servant of God (name). So that God and the Savior will help in studying, so that prayer for His mercy before the test will be saving and bear fruit. So that the mercy of heaven comes on time, and the servant of God feels all the care of the angels and saints, so that all efforts are rewarded. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer before an exam to get a good grade

Before the exam you can pray to the Guardian Angel:

Most holy warrior of God, pray to the Lord for me. Heavenly grace, descend upon me, servant of God (name). I appeal to you so that the heavenly powers do not leave me and grant me understanding and give me reason. So that understanding of everything does not pass me by and the teaching bears fruit. Be fair so that the upcoming exam is successful. Amen.

Holy saint of God Nicholas! I pray for your mercy and your patronage. I honor you and pray that you will purify the servant of God before the exam. Do not leave me before him, because I trust in your condescension, so that my mind will be sufficient and quick-witted. I believe and ask our Lord, through His Holy Wonderworker, that His justice and power will support me, that His mercy will fill and protect me. Amen.

And also Matrona of Moscow:

Matrona of Moscow, Righteous One of God, pray to the Lord for me. I pray for you to help me pass my exam safely, so that I can reason with you and send me some wisdom. Be near me, may heaven protect me in the face of worldly problems. Intercede for me, servant of God (name), so that the Lord will have mercy on me and His grace will help me. Amen.

A spell to get a good grade from a teacher

If the teacher is the main evaluator of the student. If you are absolutely sure that you deserve a good, positive assessment for your work and efforts, you should resort to a conspiracy. But the degree of its necessity should be assessed objectively:

  • A good and effective ritual is obtained using a charmed button.
  • Take an unworn one, or buy a new button. But it is best to take a button from clothes that the student wears every day.
  • Light a white candle. You must be alone in the room and not be disturbed by anyone.
  • Warm the button carefully over a candle, and then, while still hot, throw it into a transparent glass of water.
  • Now start reading the plot. Tell:

Let the button protect the servant of God (name), and touch his teacher. Just as the all-consuming fire sanctified her, just as the living water cooled her, so the servant of God (name) will be a helper and savior. So that before each question the necessary answer is found, so that the teacher does not find anything to cling to. There will be no unnecessary or superfluous questions for him. May everything be easy for him when you are nearby. Everything will be successful for him, let him bear it easily.

  • Now attach it to the clothes your child wears most often. You will notice the result.

Prayer for increased mental abilities

This prayer is dedicated to all the saints of God. So that they give intelligence and perseverance to the student. They helped me in my studies and rewarded me for my efforts.

Pray before the icon of the saints:

Let God's messengers and the Guardian Angel hear them chanting. May they bless the servant of God and reward him for his efforts. May the holy spirit of heaven descend upon the gifts of the Church of God Jesus Christ and His mother the Virgin Mary. So that His mysteries may be accomplished. So that in joy and grace his servants would be ready to descend and present the holiness and power of their presence. I praise all the memories and lives of the miracles of Your saints. May Thy mercy and the kingdom of heaven descend upon the servant of God (name). Even a sinner was able to follow your teachings and receive your grace and forgiveness. Let the holiness of heavenly glory descend upon us. I praise your holy names. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for good studies at school

School is one of the most important periods in a person’s life. During this time, many personality traits are formed and self-esteem is formed. Therefore, it is important to instill self-esteem, strength of character and performance in the child. And this can be achieved in many ways through successful studies. After all, when a child knows that his work is producing results, he feels important and is in a good mood.

You should pray to the Mother of God for this. Ask her from the bottom of your heart:

Thank you, Mother of God, for all the grace sent and bestowed by you. I ask you to listen to the disciple of God (name) for all his efforts, and help him in giving him intelligence and admonition. Lead him to the truth, to the knowledge of your grace and mercy. Give strength to his body and mind. Strengthen him on his path. Let him not appear unworthy before you.

Beg Your son, the creator of everything visible and invisible, to grant him the grace to control his mind and wisdom. Be a mentor to him so that he can control himself in the face of pressing problems. I praise Your good name, I praise Your miracles and mercy. Hear my prayer and request, with which I thank You and praise all the holy saints of God. Amen".

How to read conspiracies for studying correctly

  • Meditation – in the course of his life, a person receives a huge amount of information. He doesn’t need most of it, it won’t be useful anywhere and won’t affect his life in any way. But she is, in fact, just garbage in his head. To cleanse yourself of it, improve your memory and expand its reserve, you need to clear your memory through meditation.
  • Work, perseverance and study. You won't get anything in return if you don't give anything back to the world and the universe. You can't not study before an exam or other important academic event and just beg for luck so that everything goes smoothly. If you don't work, you don't get anything. Even a grain of knowledge acquired earlier will definitely be useful to you, and the conspiracy will do everything for this.
  • Read conspiracies for things that will happen to you or your child most often. It is better to read the conspiracy for successfully passing the exam three days before the event.

The mechanism of influence of the conspiracy and the consequences of magical intervention

For example, there is a good conspiracy where the wisest King Solomon is mentioned. Tell:

As Solomon had an unprecedented mind, as wisdom lived in him, so may the servant of God (name) receive the power of knowledge. Just as one can see from above all the luminaries in heaven or earth, so let him know everything. He doesn’t shy away from knowledge, he tries his best, let him bask in the admiration of his mentors. Let the grace of the mind extend to him.

It seems strange that a conspiracy can influence such an important part of a person’s life as study. But, in essence, there is nothing super heavy here. If you study well and diligently, are not lazy, understand the importance of study, believe in the power of conspiracy and ritual or prayer, you will receive the success you require. Even if the mother asks for the child, and not he asks personally.