What is the name of Regina Todorenko's boyfriend? Host of "Heads and Tails" Regina Todorenko: My boyfriend is always waiting for me

Regina Todorenko is a young Ukrainian TV presenter. She became famous after her brilliant participation in the Ukrainian version of the TV program “Star Factory”. At the invitation of Natalia Mogilevskaya, Regina joined the musical group “Real O”. Todorenko is the host of the eighth season of the “Heads and Tails” project. The girl managed to prove herself as a composer.


Regina was born in Odessa. For ten years, the girl studied at the school theater "Balaganchik", where she was always among the first, played the main roles, performed solo numbers, and she succeeded in everything. The head of the children's group, N.I. Khokhlova, considered her a selfish and purposeful person in a good way. In addition to attending the school theater, the talented girl studied vocals and choreography.

After graduating from city school No. 222, Regina entered the Odessa National Maritime University, where she studied at the Faculty of Transport Technologies and Systems. The student took German language courses and at the same time completed a driving course, but her dream was always the stage. She sought to participate in all kinds of competitions, trying to attract attention and get closer to her dream. In the end, she succeeded.

Regina Todorenko at the Star Factory

After Regina auditioned for the casting of the TV presenter of the Golden Ten competition in 2007 and won, she was noticed by the famous Ukrainian singer and producer Natalya Mogilevskaya and invited to Kiev for a three-month qualifying competition for the Star Factory program.

“Star Factory”: Regina Todorenko – “Yes, Boss” (2011)

In 2008, following the results of a music reality show, the talented singer became a member of the pop group “Real O”, which is a project of Natalia Mogilevskaya. Together with Regina, the team included such finalists of the Ukrainian version of “Factory” as Alisa Tarabarova, Elena Vinogradova and Lina Mitsuki. The group released their debut album entitled “Dress” in 2010, and in 2011 the album was awarded the Golden Gramophone prize. As part of the group, Regina traveled to many countries.

In 2014, the contract with Todorenko was not renewed. According to the producer of the group, Mogilevskaya, a talented girl, a successful singer, an accomplished composer and TV presenter, her company would in no way want to interfere with her solo career. As you know, by the time of her departure, Regina had already managed to write songs for Sofia Rotaru, Nikolai Baskov, Natalia Mogilevskaya and Ani Lorak, and at the same time managed to conduct several television projects.

"Heads and Tails"

In January 2014, Regina Todorenko became the new TV presenter on the “Heads and Tails” project. She hosted this program together with her old friend named Kolya Serga. The eighth season of the project began with the appearance of new presenters. Of course, not everyone accepted this change positively. Many TV viewers compared the new presenters with Zhanna Badoeva and Andrei Bednyakov.

Regina herself said that it did not make sense for her to be like the same Zhanna Badoeva, whom the girl considered one of the best TV presenters of Ukrainian television, since Zhanna has much more experience, both television and life.

Regina conducted the program completely calmly and relaxedly, which over time won the hearts of the audience. With Kolya they brought a fresh spirit to “Heads and Tails” and made the program interesting in a new way.

Regina is quite critical of how she looks on camera. After the very first release of the program “Heads and Tails,” the presenter, who remained completely dissatisfied with the manner of her behavior on camera, and the way she spoke, and even her appearance, began studying stage speech and acting. Todorenko wants to do everything she does perfectly and professionally. This is an important quality for a TV presenter, which will certainly affect both her career and her success in the future.

The eighth season of the project “Heads and Tails” talked about remote corners of the Earth. It was there that Kolya and Regina went in each new episode. Regina believes that those who get to travel for a hundred dollars can see and explore more of the country. Anyone who uses an unlimited plastic card while traveling spends a lot of time in swimming pools and spas, which are essentially the same in all countries.

In April 2017, Regina Todorenko became the central figure in a scandal related to her favorite show “Heads and Tails.” In one of the interviews, the girl said that in fact there is no “golden card” in the project, and all the luxurious apartments are actually rented by the participants for a couple of hours. Her words outraged the creators of the program. “This is real money that the show’s producers dispose of in unlimited quantities,” said Natella Krapivina, producer of “Heads and Tails.” Because of the scandal, Regina faced a fine of 2 million rubles and dismissal at the end of the season.

In October 2017, Regina announced that she would not renew her contract with the channel and was leaving Eagle and Tails. The reason for the decision was a frantic schedule that did not leave the girl time for anything else. “We are sorry to let her go, but what can we do,” the management of the Friday channel commented on her departure.

Personal life of Regina Todorenko

For a long time, Regina's personal life was a sealed secret. And where could she find time for a young man when she was constantly filming in different parts of the world. But in October 2016, she showed a photo on Instagram with her boyfriend Nikita Tryakin. As fans found out, he is a producer. Moreover, at that time they had been dating for 3 years. He is a Muscovite, and Regina spent all her free time from filming with him.

Her favorite city is her native Odessa, where Regina grew up and became what she is today. Walking along the seashore and dancing on the pier are my favorite activities.

Alas, in November 2017, the beautiful couple broke up. But they managed to maintain friendly and working relationships, and very soon a new chosen one appeared in the girl’s life. “He appeared and confused all my plans,” joked the girl, who intended to soon leave “Heads and Tails”, calmly film the season, and go to study at the Los Angeles Film School. She did not mention the name of her lover, and for some reason rumors soon spread that Regina Todorenko was dating

Regina Todorenko now

In 2018, it became known that Regina, together with her ex-boyfriend Nikita, was working on the author’s project “Late Night with Regina Todorenko”, which would be aired on “Friday!”, and also returned to “Heads and Tails” in the new season, within which she and her partner will travel around Russia. Regina also hosts the “Makeup Artists” program on her home channel together with Vlad Lisovets. In addition, Todorenko decided to return to singing and in April 2018 recorded a video for her new song.

And a person whose personal life interests many fans. The actress prefers to remain silent or talk about her private life, but in a very general way. However, after her photos with Nikita Tryakin were actively discussed, Regina Todorenko revealed many mysteries of their relationship.

In her interviews, Regina repeatedly answered questions about her personal life that now, due to her busy work schedule, she has no time to start a family.

And indeed, while working as the host of the “Heads and Tails” program, Todorenko could not boast of a large supply of free time.

After all, the television program is based on the fact that its presenters constantly travel to different countries and show their traditions and beautiful places.

However, despite the lack of time, the frequency of flights and heavy workloads, Regina Todorenko was not going to give up work, since traveling around the world had always been her cherished dream.

Despite the fact that while building her career, Regina Todorenko pushed her personal life into the background and did not search for her soulmate, she was offered marriage as many as 7 times! The TV presenter spoke about this in one of her interviews.

Secret romance

Based on the fact that in an interview Todorenko deftly dodged questions from journalists about her personal life, her fans were confident that Regina was free.

No one could even imagine that Regina Todorenko and Nikita Tryakin, whose joint photos you can see below, were in a relationship for 3 years and hid it.

Perhaps the couple would have hidden their love for a long time if not for their mutual friends, who accidentally declassified their personal life. The couple did not ignore this topic and skip questions from fans, but did not immediately reveal all their cards.

On her Instagram account, Regina Todorenko published a photo of her and Nikita Tryakin having fun together. The caption under the photo was clear and concise. “It’s warm together,” that’s how the TV presenter commented on this photo.

By the way, if there are many details about Regina’s biography and activities, then all that is known about Nikita Tryakin is that he is a showman and businessman. It is known that Nikita and Regina have known each other for a long time. Their first meeting took place in Kyiv, when they were both still students.

Long distance relationship

And again, work stood in front of Regina on the path to happiness in her personal life. Long flights and rare meetings with her lover played on the nerves of both sides of the relationship.

Regina says that there were especially many quarrels about this in 2014, when the girl had just started working as a TV presenter for the “Heads and Tails” project.

According to Todorenko, she had a lot of jealousy in her relationship with Nikita. The young man was constantly jealous of his beloved when she was traveling. But despite this, the couple’s relationship lasted 3 years.

For a long-distance relationship, this is a very long period of time, overcoming which proves that the couple’s relationship was truly filled with love and tolerance.

False wedding of Regina Todorenko

Recently, a photo of Regina Todorenko appeared on the official Instagram account of the program “Heads and Tails”, where the girl, while filming the program in India, is standing in a national wedding costume.

Fans of the TV presenter instantly created a terrible stir around this topic. Many thought that this photo was a sign that Regina Todorenko and Nikita Tryakin were finally married.

Unfortunately, this turned out to be untrue. However, the girl really got married... to a banana tree! No matter how strange it may sound, the information is indeed true.

In India, girls are actually married to a tree in cases where they were born on unfavorable astrological days.

According to signs, women born on certain days, getting married for the first time, can harm their lover. To avoid this, female representatives are sometimes married to a tree.

Breakup of a long relationship

On November 1, 2017, fans of Regina Todorenko were shocked by the news that their beloved TV presenter had broken off her relationship with showman Nikita Tryakin.

This sad news was first conveyed to followers by the media, after which Regina herself confirmed this information on her Instagram.

The girl assured that the separation was by mutual consent, so now Regina and Nikita are on good friendly terms.

When asked about the reason for the separation, the TV presenter answered briefly: “I just traveled.” Recently, Regina and Nikita saw each other even less often, and at some point Todorenko realized that her former lover had become a complete stranger to her.

According to the artist, before breaking up, she and Nikita calmly discussed everything and, as it turned out, this relationship also had not brought any benefit for him for a long time. The young people separated calmly, without quarrels or conflicts.

Regina Todorenko's relationship now

Time has passed and joint photos of Nikita Tryakin and Regina Todorenko are a thing of the past. In 2018, Regina spoke about her new relationship with Vlad Topalov.

Few people know, but in addition to filming TV shows and creating music, Regina also plays in the theater. Last year she was cast in the play “Pawn Your Wife.”

There she met her new lover, who also played one of the main roles in this performance. Now the young people are happy together and do not hide their relationship.

Ex-boyfriend Nikita came to Regina for filming only a few times in eight months, and Todorenko herself was almost never at home.

Singer and presenter Regina Todorenko broke up with her boyfriend, Nikita Tryakin. According to the girl, the decision to leave was mutual.

Todorenko said that her busy schedule and constant travel led to the fact that for most of the year she was simply not in their shared apartment. Regina and Nikita parted as friends and are now even working together on the same project.

Nikita came to Regina for filming only a few times in eight months, because more often it didn’t work out due to work. Todorenko herself was almost never at home due to her busy filming schedule, musical career and other projects.

Despite the fact that Todorenko and Tryakin lived together for a long time, the young people did not plan to get married in the coming years.

“On the one hand, I want a wedding, a ring, and a white dress - all this will definitely happen, Regina said in an interview with 7 Days magazine. - On the other hand, at 18 I wanted it all more. Because at this age you really have nothing to do. So what are you doing? You study at the university, hang out with friends, receive a scholarship, and participate in some projects. There is time to give birth to children, to raise them, although she is still small, there is time. And now sometimes I can’t pull myself together. It’s good that I have a lot of helpers; I couldn’t do it myself. How can one also be responsible for some little person? Although I am sure that sooner or later I will have children. And to be honest, I even came up with names for them a long time ago. Nikita is also not ready for all this. He’s even younger than me, and he also needs to realize himself first, get on his feet, so that later we have the opportunity to put someone else on his feet.”