Hawaiian sauna party ideas. New Year's party in Hawaiian style entertainment program

I wanted something brighter and more original. Of all the thematic diversity, we have chosen one of the easiest in terms of organization Hawaiian style party. We celebrated our birthday in winter, in January 2015. The venue chosen was a sauna, or, to be more precise, a bathhouse. We organized everything together; it took five days to prepare. Considering that these were just working days, there was not enough time. It would be better to start preparations two weeks in advance.

There are hundreds of articles on the Internet about the Hawaiian party, but in none of the ones I read did I find any mention of the fact that this is quite an expensive entertainment.

1. Choice of place and time.

Since our task was to celebrate a birthday in winter, the option of outdoors was not considered. Hawaii is all about warmth, nudity and fun. Therefore, we decided to hold the party in a sauna or bathhouse. There were 11 people in total at the party, so having a large square table was important to us. Everyone should sit together and there is no need to stretch far. We also looked at a larger pool; in the chosen bathhouse it measured 5 by 3 meters. The steam room itself does not play a special role. In the recreation room there were billiards and table tennis - not a problem if you like to play balls. My birthday fell on a Friday. Guests were invited to 6 pm. The bathhouse was ordered for six hours, that is, until midnight. True, then they extended it for another hour.

2. Party decoration in Hawaiian style.

This is one of the most important tasks. It is the surroundings that sets the tone and mood. You can make good holiday decor with your own hands. We didn’t have enough time for creativity, so we preferred to order jewelry online. We bought a banner-decoration “Hawaiian Windows”, a banner-frame for a photo, plates and napkins with a “Hawaii” theme, tubes-umbrellas and peaks with pineapples for cocktails, special glasses for Shot Drinks and Long Drinks cocktails and the main decoration of the party - an inflatable palm tree-pool.

Supplies for the party were ordered from the online store 4party.ua

Since we had brightly patterned napkins and plates, we decided to use a plain white tablecloth. I think it would be nice to purchase or make yourself a so-called “skirt” for the table. We also took an electric garland with us and decorated the room with it.

3. Outfits.

The idea to hold a Hawaiian themed party came to us exactly a week before the celebration. We immediately called our friends so that they had time to prepare the appropriate outfits. Dress code is very important. You should all be like the Polynesian natives. This creates a festive atmosphere, brings people closer together and provides cool photos.

It is advisable for guys to buy bright Hawaiian shorts and a shirt. If you celebrate in a sauna or bathhouse, like us, then a shirt is optional.

Girls - Hawaiian skirts. You can buy them or make them yourself. We made everything ourselves or simply selected bright short skirts from our wardrobe. The birthday girl had a full-fledged native costume with bandages on her arms and legs.

We made leis - Hawaiian flower beads - for all the guests. To save money, we made the lei ourselves. To do this, we bought artificial flowers and planted them on fishing line. We also made hair clips for the girls with our own hands.

Explain to guests that themed outfits are required. And whoever comes outside the dress code will get his ass hit with a wet towel!

4. Menu.

Remember that this is a fun, active party, not a traditional multi-hour feast. When preparing treats, two points are important:
1) after a working day people are hungry and want to eat;
2) guests cannot be overfed, otherwise they will become lazy, and everything will come down to banal gluttony.

Our menu included:

  • Chops and cutlets;
  • Korean carrot;
  • Red cabbage salad;
  • Olives are black and green;
  • Fruits: bananas, apples, oranges, tangerines, lemons, pomelo, pineapple;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Bars of dark, milk and white chocolate;
  • Juices.

Chops and cutlets were wrapped in pita bread, Korean carrots, red cabbage salad, mustard, ketchup and sauce were added. It turned out tasty and satisfying. This is the bouquet of pineapple, orange slices and kiwi that the guests gave to the birthday girl.

5. Drinks.

Of course it was cocktails! For preparation we used:

  • Silver tequila;
  • Regular vodka;
  • Finlandia red vodka – taken for its color for multi-layered cocktails;
  • Marengo - vermouth;
  • Campari – red liqueur;
  • Blue Curaçao – dark blue syrup;
  • Grenadine – red syrup;
  • Mint green liqueur;
  • Malibu - rum liqueur;
  • There is an assortment of juices: banana, pineapple, orange, grapefruit, cherry and some others.

Hint 1. To prepare layered (puff) cocktails, it is better to use dense juices (banana, orange) - they do not mix, and the boundaries of the layers remain clear.

Hint 2. Two days before the celebration, freeze ice for cocktails using special bags. To make the ice colored, we added Grenadine, Blue Curaçao and orange juice to the water. Red, blue and yellow ice cubes looked good in glasses later.

6. Music.

I downloaded a couple of dozen songs of Hawaiian origin and theme on the Internet. I selected the best ones according to my taste. It turned out to be half an hour worth of tracks. In principle, that's enough. We only played Hawaiian music for the first 30-40 minutes of the party to create the appropriate atmosphere. Then he launched into current dance pop music, fun and rhythmic. I think listening to monotonous Hawaiian music for several hours can get boring.

Here is a small selection of Hawaiian music. To download, click on this

7. Hawaiian party scenario.

We arrived at the bathhouse 20 minutes before the scheduled start of the holiday. The three of us did the preparation and it took 50 minutes. As a result, guests waited for half an hour downstairs. We didn't let them in until everything was ready. During this time, we laid the table, arranged the dishes, inflated the palm tree and threw the brought ice into it, hung the decorations, peeled and cut the fruit, organized the music, prepared the shots, leis and hair clips.

Hint 3. If you're throwing a Hawaiian-style party in a sauna, it's best to book an hour early and spend that time getting ready. It is advisable that all guests are already assembled by the beginning of the event.

At half past six we finally allowed the guests to enter. The bathhouse had two floors: on the first there was a steam room and a swimming pool, on the second there were relaxation rooms. The room with the table was on the second floor. Together with the birthday girl they greeted guests on the stairs. Each guest came up in turn, took a glass with a multi-colored cocktail from the tray and drank. After this, leis (garlands of flowers we made) were placed around the guest’s neck. This is a strict pass to the party.

Then everyone went to change clothes. For the next half hour we looked at each other's costumes and took pictures.

We sat down at the table and prepared cocktails. Toasts and traditional song for the birthday girl. Until the guests satisfy their hunger, there is no point in organizing competitions and quizzes.
Then we took a steam bath and dived in the pool.

Competitions and entertainment for a Hawaiian party.

From my experience I will say that 3 or 4 good competitions are enough. You simply won’t have time to spend too much time.

As a fun activity, we hung a banner-frame in the doorway for photographing. It only cost a few dollars, but it brought a lot of emotions and fun.

They also decorated the pool with hundreds of burning candles. It was very beautiful and romantic.

We held the first competition at half past nine in the evening, i.e. three hours after the start of the celebration.

Competition “Who has tequila?” This is more of a draw than a competition. But it's really cool if no one knows what's funny. Good for warming up when the crowd is not yet warmed up enough with alcohol. These are the conditions. Those who wish to participate are invited, up to 4 people. They are offered glasses on a tray, of which there are as many as there are participants. The host announces that one of them contains tequila, and the rest contains ordinary water. It is impossible to understand from the outside where the tequila is. The glasses are filled by the presenter before the competition so that no one can see. Each participant must choose a glass; sniffing, of course, is not allowed. Then the presenter explains the rules. The participant must drink the contents without the others guessing what he has. You can drink with a Poker face, or you can make faces. The audience's task is to guess who has the tequila. Participants drink in turns. When the last one knocks back the glass, the audience places bets. The funny thing about the competition is that there is tequila in all the glasses. After all the bets, the presenter asks each participant what he drank. Everyone answers: “Tequila, tequila, tequila, tequila.” And this makes me laugh.

After this competition, it’s fun to discuss who behaved how. We filmed everything. Then it is interesting to review the reaction of each participant during the process. In our case, the first was a girl who does not drink strong alcoholic drinks. She drank it with such courage, without blinking, that I even believed that she had water. But I filled the glasses. The second participant, a guy, grimaced greatly, clearly overacting. The next girl drank cleanly, but closed her eyes at the end. We only noticed this in the video. They didn't even pay attention then. The last participant slammed it like ordinary water. But after about 15 seconds he barely noticeably exhaled through his mouth.

I advise you to immediately give all participants a slice of lime, lemon or orange. Purely out of pity.

We gave the first participant a prize for her perseverance - funny Hawaiian glasses. They caused so much delight among those gathered that everyone wanted to be photographed in them.

Competitions in the pool.

Initially, one was planned, but since the losers wanted revenge, they held two. With a break for a feast, of course. The second competition had slightly more complex rules. I'll describe it.

Two teams of 5 people. Each person is given an inflatable ring and a ball. One circle was pink with Barbie, the second was blue with Spiderman. Balls of similar coloring. Everyone stands at one end of the pool. At another, participants will be served glasses with three-layer shots. The game is a relay race. The first one dives and floats on an inflatable ring to the opposite wall of the pool. There he drinks, turns to face the team and holds a circle on the water in front of him. The next player, standing on the side of the pool, must throw the ball into the circle. You can help by trying to catch. Some people spend 3-4 attempts before they get it. As soon as the ball hits the circle, the first participant swims back and passes it to the second. Everything is repeated until a full circle has passed. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

We filmed both competitions in the pool. The opposing team called themselves “Wild Cobras” and very artistically depicted hissing snakes for the camera lens. In response, we called ourselves “Home Blackouts,” and once in the frame, we stuck out our tongues and cocked our heads to the side. It was fun. Based on the results of two relay races, the score was 1:1.

Souvenirs and prizes. I already wrote about glasses. The most active guests were also given beads with a stack and a Hawaiian amulet. In addition, everyone who came was given themed refrigerator magnets. At first they wanted to buy different magnets, but then they decided that the same ones would be even more interesting. When visiting each other, you will be able to see the same magnet as a reminder of a fun party.

Just a few days after the celebration, we realized our mistakes and omissions. Throwing a Hawaiian themed party:

  • Hire a professional photographer for a couple of hours. Bright, juicy photos will delight you and your guests. And then there will be something to post on social networks. To save money, you can find a photographer who has posted a resume or job advertisement (vacancy). You can negotiate with them on quite acceptable terms. It is not necessary for him to then process the images in a graphics editor. The main thing is that the photos are of high quality and from good, interesting angles.
  • Hire a bartender. In this case, the cocktails will be tastier, more varied, and the glasses will always be full. Again, to save money, you can invite an unemployed representative of this profession.
  • Buy a couple of real cigars. Their main purpose will be to add color to photographs. Then, if you wish, you can smoke it.

A birthday in a restaurant is the day before yesterday. The music is blaring, everyone communicates only with those sitting next to them. They overeat and get drunk. Someone is sitting on the phone, someone is trying to leave early... Is this a familiar picture?

Throw themed parties and you won’t regret it. This is a great time and vivid memories.

How will your Hawaiian party go: a point-by-point scenario or reckless general fun? Of course, a lot depends on the nature of the friends and the reason for which it was decided to go on a little trip. But in any case, it’s worth preparing some entertainment for guests, because active recreation brings a lot of positive, memorable emotions.

Having met friends, taken a photo in front of a poster or tantamare, invite everyone to the table. For refreshments and first cocktails, divide your guests into two teams. To awaken team spirit, invite your friends to elect captains and come up with names for their teams. Of course, the most Hawaiian! To drive away any remnants of embarrassment and stiffness, conduct a humorous survey. These are suitable competitions for a Hawaiian party at home or in a rented hall where there is not too much free space. But even on the beach you can amuse your friends with unexpected questions and puzzles.

1. Team members take turns naming everything that Hawaii is associated with. A pause of 10 seconds means a loss or a penalty point. Or they take turns remembering songs about the sun, sea, summer holidays, etc.

2. Take turns guessing random (pull out a card from the heap of suggested ones) abracadabras made up of lines of well-known songs. The line of the song needs to be turned around, replacing all the words with antonyms (according to Hawaiian belief, speaking backwards scares away evil spirits). For example, the verse: “I so want summer not to end, so that it rushes after me, after me.” And the changeling: “He doesn’t want winter to begin, so that she runs away from him, runs away from him.” A dozen cards are enough, for each correct answer you get a bonus point.

3. Answer questions by choosing the correct answer from several options (test). Questions about everything related to Hawaii. One answer is correct, the rest are humorous:

The basis of Hawaii's economy is?

  • nudism;
  • tourism;
  • mysticism.

60% of Americans dream

  • lick the turtle;
  • live on Oahu;
  • tickle the monk's nose.

Instead of “question-answer”, you can play “true or not”:

Is it true that there are only 10% Hawaiians in Hawaii? (Yes)

Is it true that ipa (a folk musical percussion instrument) is made from coconuts? (no, from pumpkin)

Activists, let's go!

4. Forfeits are great for transitioning from sitting competitions to outdoor games. For a Hawaiian party - Hawaiian tasks, for example:

  • remove your neighbor's lei without using your hands;
  • eat a banana (pre-peeled) without your hands;
  • perform a belly dance while holding a pineapple with your knees and a couple of bananas in your armpits;
  • write a quatrain using the words “hula” and “surfing” (any associative ones).

If your friends quickly get bored with the game of forfeits, offer to play pantomimes: one player silently depicts something on a Hawaiian theme, the rest guess.

5. Dance! Teach your guests the hula dance to fun folk music.

Read also: Ideal anniversary gift: from wedding to 10 years

6. Arrange the team members so that there are two lines from start to finish. Give everyone large disposable glasses of cocktail (no need to fill to the brim). The goal of this Hawaiian party game is to drink the contents of the glasses as quickly as possible, following simple rules. Tie neck scarves to the first participants; at the command “start”, those wearing scarves drink a cocktail, turn the glass upside down and place it on their heads. Then the scarves are removed and tied to the next participants. And so on until the last guest in the line: he drank, a glass on his head, and tied a scarf to his neighbor.

7. Have a Limbo competition. This is perhaps the most famous Hawaiian entertainment: a stick or rope that you need to walk under while leaning back. With each pass the rope gets lower, the music gets faster, the poses get funnier.

8. Organize dance races with a gymnastic hoop (hula hoop). If there is a lot of free space, distribute the hoops to all your friends and mark the start/finish. To the music, wagging their butts and trying not to drop their hula hoop, the participants overcome the course, possibly with obstacles - scattered soft toys. If the room is small, compete in pairs, then pairs of winners, etc.

9. Intellectual competitions for a Hawaiian party are suitable for relaxation between active games.(the same as at the table, if you come up with a lot of questions, charades and puzzles in advance) or new fun. For example, the fight for the title “True Aboriginal”. You will need a bag or box, a blindfold, and many different items. A blindfolded participant must take out objects and guess by touch which one belongs to Hawaii and which one does not. It's very funny if you use your imagination. For example, a broom without a handle or the beard of Santa Claus can be confused with a Hawaiian skirt, or a bunch of fluffy washcloths with flower beads.

The splash of waves, tall palm trees, reflections of moonlight on the water, cocktails, coconuts - what do you associate with a Hawaiian party? If you have been planning to get together with friends for a long time, but do not want the meeting to turn into another dull gathering, a Hawaiian party is a great idea to organize a truly bright and memorable holiday.

How to organize a Hawaiian party, choose costumes, food and create an entertainment program? Let's figure it out.


In the warm season, the best solution is, of course, an outdoor Hawaiian-style party. It’s great if you have the opportunity to have a holiday on a sandy beach by the sea or at least a lake. You can also simply find a nice clearing and set up a spacious tent on it, scattering pillows on the floor.

Jump Wedding

If you expect the party to last late into the night, you should consider lighting in advance. To preserve the surroundings, it is better to abandon electric flashlights and use the light of fires and torches.

Hawaiian party at home

Even when a snowstorm is raging outside, you can recreate the atmosphere of a bright beach holiday in your apartment. To make a Hawaiian party at home a success, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail. And it’s better to start with decorating your home.

M&N Party Store

There is no need to spend money – you can make almost all decorative items yourself. Think about what associations arise when you think about these? Surely, one of the first will be long flower garlands. And although fresh flowers are expensive, you can make them yourself from paper (like origami) or buy several artificial branches. These garlands - lei - should be hung around the house, and also placed around the neck of arriving guests, saying the joyful greeting “Aloha!”

Parties And Picnics
Tip: if you decide to celebrate your birthday in the style of a Hawaiian party, be sure to decorate the birthday person’s chair with a garland of flowers.

Another important attribute is vases and baskets with fresh exotic fruits. No Hawaiian party is complete without coconuts, pineapples, oranges and other citrus fruits. You can also place a few flowers next to the fruit and light small tea candles.

Baby And Breakfast

It’s just great if you have several glass vases or aquariums at home. They can be filled with water, fresh flowers or sand.

Let's celebrate!

Hawaiian Party Costumes

When drawing invitations, be sure to remind your guests of the dress code. For a truly atmospheric Hawaiian party, everyone should be dressed appropriately.


Considering that you are about to be transported to a sunny beach, one of the main elements of any outfit will be. It is better to choose something bright, rich colors. You can match it with an original skirt and hair decorations.

By the way, you can also make a skirt for the holiday with your own hands. Cut the satin ribbon into pieces of the required length and sew them in a circle to the wide elastic band that will be at the waist. And skirts made from natural materials, such as willow branches, will look really cool. The swimsuit bodice or top can be decorated with bright flowers.


All kinds of colored sundresses, light dresses, short-sleeved shirts and even a beach pareo are also great clothes for a Hawaiian party. Use your imagination to the maximum.

We are creating a script for a Hawaiian party.

Speaking about how to throw a Hawaiian party, it is worth noting that coming up with a scenario and various entertainment is perhaps the most difficult task.

Happy Giraffe
To help guests fully embrace the atmosphere, start with the traditional “Aloha!” greeting. The owner of the house must place a garland of flowers around his neck for each new arrival.

The next stage is, of course, a festive lunch or dinner. Let the guests enjoy the treats and cocktails, after which you can move on to the entertainment program - dancing, games and competitions.

The Barefoot Hawaiian

Hawaiian Party Contests should also be thematic. Here are a few ideas you can take note of:

  • One of the most popular entertainment on the islands is the game Limbo. Two people hold a stick decorated with multi-colored ribbons, and a third person tries to pass under it without losing his balance. Each time the stick is lowered lower.
  • Your guests will certainly enjoy the fun Hawaiian party competitions with prizes. To warm up, you can conduct a short quiz asking questions related to Hawaii. Just be sure to prepare answer options - you don’t want the party to turn into an Unified State Exam in geography?
  • A great idea is to conduct something like Hawaiian “forfeits”. All participants take turns writing tasks on pieces of paper, and then also take turns taking them out and completing them. Of course, they should be themed - for example, perform the national hula dance or make cocktails for all guests.


An adult Hawaiian party scenario can also include more romantic entertainment: for example, dancing with someone as a couple, holding a coconut between them.

Music for a Hawaiian party

It's great if you can take some time to get acquainted with the traditional music of the Hawaiian Islands. Music for a Hawaiian party should be unobtrusive and melodic.


Albums are a great option for backgrounds. Jack de Mello – Steel Guitar Magic Hawaiian Style(1994) and Kana King & His Hawaiians – The music of Hawaii.

Hawaiian menu

The basis of the festive table, of course, will be fresh fruit. Your guests can eat them at any time throughout the party. It’s also better to serve something light for dinner:

  • chicken baked in the oven (the meat can be marinated in soy sauce or fruit juice beforehand);
  • Hawaiian sandwiches with pineapple, butter and ham;
  • from crab sticks;
  • sausage and cheese slices;
  • fruit and vegetable platter with skewers.

Holiday idea

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of cocktails. Be sure to use the drink of real pirates - rum. It can be mixed with orange and grapefruit juice, Coca-Cola, coconut cream.

What drink

An essential part of a Hawaiian birthday party is the birthday cake. An ice cream cake decorated with pieces of fresh fruit is best.

... what to do with your guests at the party?

What kind of entertainment can you come up with so that your friends, saying goodbye on the morning of January 1, will say: “Thank you! It feels like you’ve been to a resort”? After all, any theme party (and any holiday in general) is remembered not by its surroundings, but by the emotion that was born in the soul from everything that was seen. A fundamentally important rule for the party host: create an atmosphere of presence on the islands, give the guests the opportunity to plunge headlong into the rhythms, sea, traditions of Hawaii, breathe in their smell and feel the customs.


Dancing at a New Year's Hawaiian party

Dancing, dancing and more dancing! A Hawaiian party requires everyone present to move to the hula rhythm. This means that all competitions, games and fun must be accompanied by Hawaiian national rhythms, or music created based on the tunes of the islanders.

Music for a New Year's Hawaiian party

For dancing (and in general, as background music accompanying the party), you need to carefully create a New Year's playlist.

A few suggestions from Dikmi

Advice: try to use popular, recognizable music. Little-known compositions will soon tire your guests, which means the party as a whole will lose its positive mood. CDs for Luau parties are available for sale. And even if you don't find anything worthwhile, you can just tune in to Hawaiian radio.

Photo shoot for a Hawaiian New Year's party

You prepared so carefully for the Hawaiian party, meticulously thought through every detail of the decor, every little thing. We decorated dishes, designed costumes - all this simply needs to be captured and left as a souvenir for posterity! What do you need for a photo shoot?

Background. The background can be either a decorative element or a specially prepared comic banner. You can look for banners for a Hawaiian photo shoot on sale, or you can create them yourself (if you have some artistic talent and a great desire).

Professional photographer. This point is probably not worth explaining. After all, there are no ugly models, there are only bad photographers. If you've already decided to throw a chic holiday, you shouldn't save money on photography!

Father Frost

The New Year, even if it is in the summer, Hawaiian style, cannot do without its main character - Santa Claus. Invite a positive, talented actor in a beautiful suit to your holiday, and perhaps, thanks to you, he will soon turn from a harsh and cold Frost into a melted, smiling Santa.


The gaming part of the entertainment program should be based on movement. Relay races and speed competitions should make up at least half of all fun.

Hawaiian Knot Game (fun puzzle game)

Number of participants: no more than 10.

Rules: All players must stand in a circle and extend their arms forward. At the leader’s command, everyone closes their eyes and tries to take the hands of the participant in front of them. Task: without opening your eyes, leave the circle with the person you took by the hands.

Usually there is confusion, the hands of all participants are woven into a very complex knot! Some, trying to get out of the circle, demonstrate such miracles of balancing act that professional circus performers could not even dream of!

Game "Aloha - the name of the ripple" (simple)

Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Rules: The host says "Aloha", does a dance move and says the person's name. At the same second, the person whose name was called repeats the hula move shown by the presenter. Two people are already dancing. The presenter calls the second name. And a third joins them. The game continues until all participants are involved in the hula move. Anyone who strays from the rhythm of the pulsation of Hula leaves the game.

Hawaiian Musical Towels Game

We all remember our favorite kindergarten pastime from childhood - musical chairs. The essence of “Musical Towels” is exactly the same.

Props: Beach towels.

Rules: spread towels on the floor. There should be one less than participants. While tropical music plays, participants dance around towels. When the music stops, they should have time to sit on their towels. The one who does not get a towel leaves the game. The last one, the most agile, wins.

Hula Mania game

Props: bright hoops.

Essence: Give each participant a hoop and time the time they can hold the rotating hoop around their waist. The one who lasts the longest wins.

Props: rope or long stick.

Rules: walk under the rope so as not to get caught in it. The difficulty of the game lies in the fact that with each new circle, the rope is lowered lower to the ground!

Game "Pass the Pineapple"

Props: pineapple, coconut, or medium-sized beach ball.

Rules: participants stand in a circle and pass “pineapple” from hand to hand to the accompaniment of music. The one who has a pineapple in his hands when the music stops leaves the game. The winner gets a prize - a trophy pineapple!

Hawaiian fishing game

Props: bucket, plastic (paper) fish, fishing rod.

Essence: catch as many fish as possible in a certain period of time, for example, a minute.

Game "Hawaiian Mafia"

Props: notes with the words “Mafia”, “Detective”, “Homeless”, “Leader”, empty pieces of paper, a hat.

Rules: Everyone sits in a circle and determines their “fate” by drawing lots. “Mafia” is a criminal, he sits quietly and tries not to give away his status in any way, “Detective” is Katani, who must identify the criminal, “Bum” is a person who sees and knows everything, never sleeps. “Leader” is the director of the game.

Essence: The presenter says: “Night. All the residents of the city have been sleeping for a long time, only the Mafia is not sleeping, it is hunting.” At this time, all participants close their eyes, only “Mafia” and “Bum” remain open. The “mafia” must “shoot” one of the participants at night. If it hits the Detective, the game ends. If it's a civilian, an investigation begins. Then the presenter says: “The morning has come. Everyone woke up, only (the name of the one the Mafia shot) didn’t wake up.” The “killed man” shows his piece of paper and leaves the game.


It will be wonderful if you can invite a dance teacher to your New Year's Hawaiian party. A master class on Hula from a professional will greatly enliven the holiday!

It will look spectacular for the New Year and fire show. An extravaganza of fire, danger and dance is a great start to the Year of the Snake.

“Welcome to the bright, tropical, New Year’s summer”!!!

When organizing a holiday such as a theme party, you can use our recommendations in the article “”. It is there that you will find interesting menu solutions or musical arrangements for the holiday.

They say that theater begins with a hanger. A good Hawaiian party with atmosphere :). That is why we invite you to think through all the details of your holiday, including important attributes for a Hawaiian party - invitations, decorations and costumes.

Do you want your guests to be in the real Hawaii? Then follow our tips and you will definitely be satisfied with the atmosphere of these wonderful islands in your home! We will tell you how to make chic accessories for a Hawaiian party with your own hands.

First, let's look at the layout invitations to a Hawaiian party. This could be a regular postcard, printed from the Internet, a phone call or E-mail. But you might want to send out exclusive invitations to your Hawaiian party. . We recommend that you use our templates, which will allow you to be original.

Having received such an invitation, your friends simply cannot remain indifferent. By the way, please indicate the mandatory dress code in the invitation text.

If you or your friends have difficulty dressing for a Hawaiian party, you can use our article “”. Thus, you will throw a completely stylized party that will leave behind only the most positive emotions!

What do you need for a Hawaiian party?

First, you need to decide in what format the party will take place - outdoors or at home. If the holiday involves going out into nature, then the article “e” will be a good adviser for you » , if you are planning to have a party at home, then use the article “”.

Hawaiian Party Decorations can be made not from fresh flowers, as is customary on the islands, but from paper and artificial branches of various shades.

On the islands, every visitor receives a garland of fresh flowers - a lei. Prepare these flowers for your guests and start the evening with the solemn greeting traditionally accepted in Hawaii - “Alloha!”

Having a significant budget, you can buy a large number of beautiful flowers and string them on long threads. However, you can save money and make it in bright colors. Making these Hawaiian jewelry with your own hands is very easy.

When decorating your home, you can also make various decorations for a Hawaiian party from fruits, paper and other beach attributes. Make some beautiful vases with assorted fruits, this will make you feel the summer atmosphere. You can also decorate everything with garlands and just fresh flowers.

If you are celebrating a birthday, the birthday person's chair can also be decorated with a beautiful flower garland.

An interesting solution would also be to arrange accessories for a Hawaiian party. small aquariums, glass vases or even ordinary glasses filled with water. You can place fresh flowers, lit candles, sand or seashells in them.

Wooden masks will also look original.

Want beautiful table decorations for your Hawaiian party? I am sure that you will be pleasantly surprised by the ideas in the article “,” which contains examples of delicious and themed menus for you and your guests.

Decorate the table with fruits, flowers, various wooden figurines, sea nets and ropes. Such attributes of a Hawaiian party will become a real extravaganza of the holiday!

You can also drape the table with a special “skirt” (you can buy it) - it will turn out very impressive: