Central Theater of the Russian Army address. Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army

In the history of world stage culture, the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army occupies a unique place. Created in 1930, the theater has become a shining example of Russian stage art, as well as an initiator of projects on an international scale.
More than 70 years of its existence are decades of work on the stage by outstanding personalities, true devotees of the theatrical business. The theater troupe featured such stellar names as Faina Ranevskaya and Lyubov Dobrzhanskaya, Viktor Pestovsky and Mark Pertsovsky, Mikhail Mayorov and Nikolai Konovalov, Lyudmila Fetisova and Nina Sazonova, as well as People's Artists of the USSR Lyudmila Kasatkina, Lyudmila Chursina, Vladimir Zeldin, People's Artists of Russia Olga Bogdanova, Larisa Golubkina, Alexander Dick, Yuri Komissarov, Gennady Krynkin, Alexander Mikhailushkin, Nikolai Pastukhov, Alexander Petrov, Alina Pokrovskaya, Vladimir Soshalsky, Fyodor Chekhankov.
In the 1930s, the Red Army Theater (as it was called at that time) was headed by Vladimir Meskheteli. It was he who managed to attract Yuri Aleksandrovich Zavadsky, one of the best directors of that time, to the artistic direction of the theater. Since then, the Theater of the Red (since 1951 - Soviet, since 1993 - Russian) Army has invariably surprised all fans of theatrical art with the high artistic level of its stage productions. From 1935 to 1958, the artistic director of the theater was Alexey Dmitrievich Popov, an outstanding Russian director, theater theorist and teacher. And in 1963, director and teacher, People's Artist of the USSR Andrei Alekseevich Popov took control of the theater.
Since the late 80s, the main director of the theater has been People's Artist of Russia Boris Afanasyevich Morozov. Student A.A. Popova, Boris Afanasyevich, over many years of his creative life in the theater, created many performances remarkable in their artistic strength, in which Russian and foreign classics are organically intertwined with modern drama.

The Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army has no analogues not only in Russia, but also in the world. This applies to the enormous size of the building itself and its stage, and to the organization of the theater, which is completely under the control of the Ministry of Defense.

The army has always played a big role in the life of Russian and Soviet society. Suffice it to recall the numerous sports teams of the highest level, which, under the patronage of the army, forged victories that brought prestige to the state. The Ministry of Defense’s attitude to art was also very attentive. In 1930, the Central Theater of the Red Army was created, taking place in a specially built building - a monumental masterpiece of the Stalinist Empire style. Such a building can be the envy of all other theaters in Moscow. The theater building was put into operation in 1940 and includes two halls - Big and Small. The Great Hall, which seats 1,900 spectators, is the largest theater hall in Europe.

The size of the stage in the Great Hall is also grandiose. Previously, mass, large-scale productions with the reproduction of battle scenes were very popular. If necessary, entire military units could appear on the theater stage, as well as riders or cars!

Strictly speaking, by the time of the official opening, the theater had already existed for two years. It was an organized system of propaganda brigades that performed in military camps in the Far East. After moving to Moscow, the theater immediately began to gain popularity. At first, the theater's repertoire consisted mainly of patriotic plays. The posters were full of the following names: “First Cavalry”, “Commander Suvorov”, “Front”, “Stalingraders”. The most famous performance of the theater in its entire history is “A Long Time Ago” by Alexander Gladkov, which served as the basis for the film “The Hussar Ballad”. This performance is more than 1200 times higher!

The Theater of the Russian (until 1993 - Soviet) Army has always been famous for its troupe. In Soviet times, the issue of staffing was resolved simply - the best young actors served as theater employees. Actresses also willingly went to work in the Soviet Army Theater - the wage conditions there were very good. At different times, theater actors included Vladimir Soshalsky, Boris Plotnikov, Evgeny Steblov, Alexander Domogarov. The leading actors of the modern theater of the Russian Army are Vladimir Zeldin, Fyodor Chenkhankov, Lyudmila Chursina, Lyudmila Kasatkina.

The theater's modern repertoire includes 19 performances, including Russian classics (works by A. Ostrovsky), European classics (Lope de Vega, Goldoni) and more modern plays. If you want to enjoy the performance of the masters and feel the grandeur of the “Soviet-style” theaters, buy tickets to the Russian Army Theater!

Occupies its own special niche among other Moscow churches of Melpomene. Firstly, because this is the first departmental theater of the Ministry of Defense. And although several more similar ones were later created based on its model throughout the country (mainly in the capitals of military districts), it remains the first and the capital.

The birth of theater

Throughout its history, and the theater received its first spectators on February 6, 1930 (it was created on the basis of several propaganda teams working since 1929), it, and this is understandable, was renamed more than once. But people of the older generation will always remember it as the Theater of the Soviet Army.

Because it was during these years that he flourished, and he was never lost against the backdrop of “fashionable” groups. And even at a time when huge queues were lined up for tickets to the performances “The Good Man from Szechwan” and “Anti-Worlds” from the repertoire of the Taganka Theater, in the Temple of Melpomene on Suvorovskaya Square, building 2, no less attended productions were staged - “My Poor Marat " and "Uncle Vanya", which then ran with constant success for many years.

Eras have changed - names have changed

So, over the years the group was called differently - it was the Red Army Theater until 1946, then, until 1991, the term “Red” in the name changed to “Soviet”. In 1951, an addition was made - “central” (the theater became known as CTKA for short), and in 1975, “Moscow academic” was added, increasing the status of the theater. Nowadays, after 1993, its full name is Central Academic


A characteristic feature of this is that theater actors count a certain amount of time they work in it as military service. The property of the theater is its building, which was built specifically for it. The project was led by the wonderful architect Karo Semenovich Alabyan (together with V.N. Simbirtsev), who later became the chief architect of Moscow. He is connected with the theater and his marriage to K. Alabyan creates a unique, unprecedented project for a theater building. Built in the shape of a five-pointed star, the future Theater of the Soviet Army had at its disposal two halls - a large one, with 1800 seats, and a small one located above it, capable of accommodating 500 spectators. It was intended as a rehearsal space, but began to be used as a small stage.


Of course, the construction was exemplary and ambitious (a monument building was created, symbolizing the power of the Red Army) - the theater became the largest stage venue in Europe. Everything about it was new - the shape of the stage and hall, the number of dressing rooms and utility rooms, the engine room under the stage was equipped with the latest mechanisms. The building itself, which housed the Soviet Army Theater, became the pearl of the capital. How to get there has become one of the main questions among visitors. Started in 1934, construction was completed by 1940, and, according to experts, marked the beginning of which the building undoubtedly is a masterpiece. The theater adorns Suvorov Square and is a landmark of the capital.

Precisely calibrated repertoire

The Soviet Army Theater began its creative activity with the play “K.V.Zh.D.” based on the script by S. Alimov, dedicated to events in the east of the country, on the railway leading to China. The performance was staged by Meyerhold's student, V. Fedorov, and its premiere took place, as stated above, on February 6, 1930. This date became the birthday of the new Moscow theater, whose performances until 1934, the year of the opening of the grandiose stage on Suvorov Square, building No. 2, were staged in the hall of the Red Army House. 300 performances were created on the stages of the theater, and it never had a narrow repertoire. Along with military themes, there was always a peaceful theme - foreign and domestic classics were staged with great success. The play “The Dance Teacher” by Lope de Vega, with theater legend Zeldin in the title role, brought the group such fame and popularity that a film of the same name was created based on the work of the Spanish classic with the same cast. The play, staged in 1946, was performed on the theater stage 1,900 times. Only A. Gladkov’s play “A Long Time Ago,” which ran for 1,200 performances, can be compared with it. These productions are still present in the theater’s repertoire.

Great helmsmen

The Theater of the Soviet Army (address: No. 1 - building of the Frunze CDKA) was headed by Vladimir Meskheteli in the first years of its existence. He managed to attract the legendary to the position of artistic director. But the latter did not serve in this post for long. The flourishing of the theater is inextricably linked with the names of father and son Popov, who led the team - the elder Alexei Dmitrievich - from 1934 to 1958, the younger, Andrei Alekseevich (a legend of cinema and theater of Soviet Russia), will lead the troupe in 1963. He will be replaced in the 80s by his student Boris Afanasyevich Morozov, who, after a brilliant career as the chief director of this theater, will leave him. He will return to this post at the invitation of the theater director Viktor Yakimov in 1995. Professor Boris Morozov still holds this position, combining it with teaching. The best, iconic performances of the theater throughout its entire activity include the brilliant productions that were carried out under the leadership of these main directors - A. D. Popov, A. A. Popov and Yu. A. Morozov. The theater's productions have repeatedly received theater awards, including the Crystal Turandot.

Theater location

In an effort to see legendary performances, Muscovites and guests visit the former Soviet Army Theater, the address of which is known to absolutely everyone. On one of the most famous squares in Moscow, located in the Central District of the capital, Square named after. Suvorov, the legendary commander, there are both the building of the army theater and the building of the army house, located in the ancient Saltykov estate, which is an architectural monument of the 18th century. Performances took place there until 1934. Another building located on this square is the Slavyanka Hotel. Everything here reminds us of the military glory of Russia. Having an idea of ​​where the legendary Soviet Army Theater is located, it will not be difficult to find out how to get to it. The nearest metro station with access to Suvorovskaya Square is Dostoevskaya.

Wonderful team

The troupe of the legendary theater has always been his pride. For the most part, it was replenished by graduates of the school, which the Theater of the Soviet Army had with it. The actors sought to remain within the walls of their alma mater. Actually, every troupe of a popular metropolitan theater has an excellent cast of actors - sometimes there are more of them, sometimes there are fewer. The establishment is losing popularity, and so is the quality of its cast. The names of stars of the first magnitude adorned the theater's posters from the very first day. It is not possible to list only folk artists and public favorites. And now everyone knows the names of the leading actors, even those who have never been to the capital and have never visited the Soviet Army Theater. Moscow has always been rightfully proud of this temple of art.

The series “Poor Nastya”, “Don’t Be Born Beautiful”, the films “Surprise Me”, “Flight of Fancy”, the performances “The Cherry Orchard”, “The Master and Margarita”, “Red and Black” - this is just a small list of the works of actor Pyotr Krasilov.

Thanks to B. Golubovsky, he immediately entered the second year of the legendary “Sliver” under the leadership of N. Afonin. Then - the Theater of the Soviet Army, "Sphere", an extra in, and then - the academic youth theater, where he played the leading role in the production of "Erast Fandorin" for thirteen years.

More than thirty roles in films, TV series, theater productions and television, participation in the projects “Dancing on Ice” and “Ice Age”, as well as in enterprises and film-performances. Krasilov is a laureate of the prestigious Chaika Prize.


Bright appearance, a creative family, an avalanche of ebullient energy - everything contributed to the boy becoming an actor. Especially that his legendary father is Semyon Farada, and his famous mother is Maria Politsemako. Mikhail made his film debut at the age of eight, and this is not surprising - his parents constantly took him to filming or to current performances in which they played. His entire childhood was spent behind the scenes.

After school, he entered GITIS, and after graduating, he began serving at RAMT. In addition, he participated in enterprises (for example,). Now he has more than two dozen theatrical works and hundreds of characters on the wide screen, as well as dubbing several films. In addition, he also acts as a TV presenter, among his projects are “Morning on NTV”, “Culinary College”, “About the Most Important Thing” and others.


He entered MIREA, but after a couple of years he left, realizing that he was in love with the theater and wanted to be an actor. Kutsenko became a student at the Moscow Art Theater, surprising the head of the admissions committee, Oleg Tabakov. Because of his burr, Yuri became Gosha - he got rid of the pathology, but kept his pseudonym.

While studying at the university, he began acting in films, but then, when he graduated from theater, he decided to change his vocation: there was no work, and small roles did not suit him. The choice was made towards television, but this also did not suit him. This was followed by a break from filming and acting - Kutsenko was a teacher at VGIK.

Then he gained popularity and roles in the films “Antikiller”, “Turkish Gambit”, “Love-Carrots”, the TV series “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts”, “The Last Cop - 2” and, of course, “Night Watch”. Now the actor is an Honored Artist of Russia, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, about one and a half hundred works in theater and cinema. Kutsenko has been serving in the company for more than ten years, and also participated in enterprises and productions. In addition, he is a musician and singer - he has two studio albums to his credit.


A striking architectural design, the grandiose dimensions of the building and the main hall, impressive stage capabilities and a special organization of events - under the control of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. All voiced - Central in Moscow.

About the theater

The theater of the then Red Army began its glorious activity in 1930. It was decided to make its home a striking masterpiece of the Stalinist Empire style - a building in the shape of a huge five-pointed star, designed by V. N. Simbirtsev and K. S. Alabyan. It was put into operation ten years later - in 1940.

If you look at the diagram of the Great Hall of the Russian Army Theater, you will have no doubt that it is recognized as the largest among all the halls of the world's drama theaters. 6 floors high, designed for more than 1.5 thousand spectators, it is remembered by everyone who has been here. The stage, recognized as the largest in Europe, also deserves special attention; here it is possible to unfold a natural battle scene, and for an entire military unit to line up, and even to drive a car freely.

You can buy tickets for performances, performances, concerts and other events both at the theater box office and online on its official website and at virtual ticket offices.

The layout of the Great Hall of the Russian Army Theater further demonstrates its scale and grandeur. But the greatest pride is the troupe, the team of stage directors.