Radchenko brothers biography, family and children. Radchenko brothers duet

Brothers sing all their lives. They gravitated toward the theatricalization of their songs and entered the Leonid Semenovich Maslyukov Studio of Pop Art. The brothers are very similar, they are twins, Nikolai is the older brother and Sergei is the younger.

Mikael Tariverdiev And Alexander Zhurbin

Nikita BogoslovskyArtists travel a lot, meet with audiences, communicate with fellow artists. Both artists of the older generation and their peers love them for their cheerful, sympathetic disposition.

Sergei Nikolaevich and Nikolai Nikolaevich Radchenko are a Soviet and Russian duet of twin brothers, performers of songs in the style of “Russian chanson”, Honored Artists of Russia.

The brothers graduated from the theater institute and entered the theater of the Great Artist Arkady Raikin. For three years they played in this glorious theater. Then military service. Nikolai completed a driver's course and began driving a truck. Sergei became a platoon commander in his second year. He was in command.

Nowadays they mostly perform lyrical songs; in addition to songs in Russian, their repertoire also includes songs in Ukrainian, such as “Vechir dogoraya” (“The evening is burning out”).
Composers noticed the musicality and unusual singing abilities of the artists Mikael Tariverdiev And Alexander Zhurbin and enjoyed working with them.

Songs for the Radchenko brothers based on the poems of the famous poet Anatoly Poperechny are written by composers Alexander Morozov and Alexander Plyachenko (“Crimson Ringing”, “House with Windows to the Garden”, “Scarlet Dawn” and others).

Radchenko invited the brothers to his concerts Nikita Bogoslovsky both Sergei and Nikolai performed in them with great success. They performed in cities of Russia and the CIS and became very fond of them abroad.Brothers sing all their lives. They gravitated toward the theatricalization of their songs and entered the Leonid Semenovich Maslyukov Studio of Pop Art. The director in their studio was Raisa Mukhamed-shina. The brothers are very similar, they are twins.Composers Mikael Tariverdiev and Alexander Zhurbin noticed the musicality and unusual singing abilities of the artists and worked with them with pleasure.Artists travel a lot, meet with audiences, communicate with fellow artists. Both artists of the older generation and their peers love them for their cheerful, sympathetic disposition.
To find out the conditions and invite the Radchenko brothers to your event, call the numbers posted on the official website of the Radchenko brothers. Information about fees and concert schedule by phone to invite the Radchenko brothers to a holiday or to order a performance for another event. Please check in advance and book available dates for the Radchenko brothers' performance!

There have been many interesting bands in the history of popular music. A special place among them is occupied by groups consisting of relatives - brothers and sisters. Take a look at our selection of the most significant and best groups organized according to the “family contract” principle.


1. Bee Gees. A legendary group consisting of the three Gibb brothers (Robin, Barry and Maurice). There was another, the youngest brother, who performed solo - Andy. Today, only Barry remains alive. (Photo: Warner Music)
2. Haim. Last year's sensation. Sisters Este (b. 1986), Danielle (b. 1989) and Alana (b. 1991) received not only critical acclaim, but also the love of the public, performing with such celebrities as Mumford & Sons or Florence & The Machine. (Photo: Universal Music)
3. 30 Seconds to Mars. Two-thirds of this famous group are made up of the Leto brothers - actor and musician Jared and his older brother Shannon. (Photo: Getty/MTV)
4. The Kelly Family. Megastars of the 90s, who were often called “the worst band in the world.” The Kelly Family ended its activities in 2008. (Photo: AKPA).

5. Hanson. The group, organized by the Hanson brothers (Isaac, Taylor and Zach), broke all popularity records in 1997, when the whole world sang "MMMBop". (Photo: Shutterstock).
6. Jonas Brothers. Kevin, Joe and Nick conquered the world when they were just kids. They released four albums and earned millions. Recently, the brothers have quarreled and cannot agree among themselves. (Photo: Shutterstock).
7. Richard and Adam. A duo of brothers from the UK who captivated the whole country with their performances in the show “Minute of Fame”. Their debut album immediately topped the British charts. (Photo: YouTube).
8. The Jackson 5 / The Jacksons. Perhaps the most famous family group in the world, in which a whole galaxy of stars began their careers, including Michael and Janet Jackson. (Photo: MJPhotosCollectors).
9. The Corrs. 100% family run of three sisters and brother: Andrea, Caroline, Sharon and Jim. In the 90s, they thundered throughout the world with their hits “Breathless” and “Runaway”. (Photo: Warner Music)
10. Kings of Leon. The three Followill brothers and their cousin named their band after their father and grandfather, both Leons. (Photo: Sony Music)

Sergey Nikolaevich And Nikolai Nikolaevich Radchenko born on February 1, 1958 in Tokmak, Zaporozhye region. They started singing in childhood. After school, we entered and graduated from the theater institute in Kyiv, and worked at the Leningrad Theater of Miniatures with Arkady Raikin on the stage. Composers Nikita Bogoslovsky, Mikael Tariverdiev, Alexander Zhurbin and Alexander Morozov, composer and poet Anatoly Dorovskikh, poets Alexander Plyachenko, Anatoly Poperechny, Vitaly Okorokov collaborated with them.

After working for 5 years at the Raikin Theater, already in Moscow (the theater was transferred to the capital), the brothers decide to leave it. They implicitly, intuitively felt that it was time to start their own business, since their creative potential remained unrealized. And, as time has shown, they were right. In 1982, the Radchenkos went to Mosconcert and began working independently.

And, although the brothers have been on the stage for more than 30 years, they created their most famous repertoire not so long ago - only after 1996, when they came to Alexander Morozov’s studio and began recording their first disc. The meeting with Alexander Morozov became a kind of second starting point in their work.

Official website: radchenkoart.ru

Singing actors.
Song world Radchenko brothers- colorful and artistic. Even their names are familiar and meaningful: brothers Radchenko Sergey and Nikolay– we are fraternally glad to see our spectators. Their relationship is cordial and rosy.

The artists are at home open to the spectator world, and, of course, enjoy communication: they do not do work, but rejoice from the heart at meeting fans, getting high and enjoying with them.

The feeling of intimacy and lyricism is true, but not complete. The singers appear in contact-contrast between lyrical, confidential intonation and an epic, large-scale phenomenon on stage. Two heroic, powerful characters, with epic prowess, and homely, sincere and passionate.

Relations between brothers are not built tautologically or in unison. They are infused and tuned to contrasts. This is the dramaturgy of contacts between two self-sufficient individuals, and not a single monologue of two one-faced persons. The artists communicate with each other, and not just with the audience, involving the latter in their fraternal games, and thereby increase the degree of audience interest.

The art of a duet is a duel of two personalities, a vocal duet, a vocal duet, and a duel of communication, creative behavior on the stage.

The concerts of the Radchenko brothers are listened to and watched in one breath, like a solid ingot of precious singing nature. The captivating magnetism of the artists is obvious. Their ability to keep the audience on edge, even if the concert lasts 2.5 - 3 hours, is unique.

Actually, this is no coincidence. The Radchenko brothers went through not only a musical and melodic school: their teachers were outstanding composers Nikita Bogoslovsky and Mikael Tariverdiev, but also a powerful theater “university”. The artists worked for a long time at the Arkady Raikin Theater, whose amazing skill of hypnotic, mesmerizing contact with the audience became an intensive acting school for the Radchenko brothers. Working with such masters forced me to be especially careful, scrupulous and extremely biased in the choice of repertoire, in the choice of songs for performance.

The high professionalism of the contemporary status of the singers, their tireless creative growth was confirmed by the recent, extremely successful performance of the artists in the Rossiya Concert Hall, at the most prestigious venue in the country.

The rapid, almost frantic, purchase of four music albums and the growing demand for them signals that in the world of audio business, our heroes are among the leading elite group of pop artists.

Sergei and Nikolai Radchenko are not just singers. They are singing actors, creating a sharp and stylish spectacular performance, always imbued with love for the audience, as well as fiery dedication.

Music critic, poet-essayist Vladimir Klimov.

I met the artists the Radchenko brothers at a concert. They sang the song “You're Waiting, Lizaveta” by Nikita Bogoslovsky. Young artists sang fervently and marched dashingly with guitars, holding them like rifles.

The brothers started singing in childhood. Nikolai was especially distinguished. He sang all the melodies he heard musically, in a thin childish voice, but for a long time and annoyingly. Mom often told him:

Kolya! Go sing in the barn. And you feel good and enjoy the firewood.

The brothers graduated from the theater institute and entered the theater of the Great Artist Arkady Raikin. For three years they played in this glorious theater.

Once at a rehearsal, Arkady Isaakovich noticed to the brothers that they needed to remove the Ukrainian dialect and advised them to contact a stage speech teacher. The brothers intensively began to visit the teacher. A month later, Raikin met her and said hello.

She answered: “Great bulls!” Arkady Isaakovich.

Then military service. Nikolai completed a driver's course and began driving a truck. Sergei became a platoon commander in his second year. He famously commanded: “Platoon, stand at attention!” Who wants to go to the potatoes three steps forward? Nobody came out. So good! The car drives empty, the platoon goes on foot to harvest potatoes. Start singing!

Brothers sing all their lives. They gravitated toward the theatricalization of their songs and entered the Leonid Semenovich Maslyukov Studio of Pop Art.

The director in their studio was Raisa Mukhamed-shina. It was funny to watch how she scolded Sergei for Nikolai’s mistakes. Sergei blinked his eyes, not knowing what to answer. The brothers are very similar. They are twins.

They performed in identical black overalls with white apache collars. Everyone has a guitar in their hands. To the puzzled questions of the audience about who is Sergei and who is Nikolai, entertainer Semyon Kaminsky confidently answered:

I can distinguish them easily. Sergei is in a black suit, and Nikolai is holding a guitar.

The brothers are very similar, but my daughter Nastenka immediately singled out Sergei and never confused him with Nikolai. Eventually they got married and I became a grandfather. What a joy it is to hold your little granddaughter Ksyusha in your arms! It's okay that I'm a grandfather. But the fact that my wife is a grandmother...

Composers Mikael Tariverdiev and Alexander Zhurbin noticed the musicality and unusual singing abilities of the artists and worked with them with pleasure. Excellent melodists Alexander Morozov and Alexander Plyachenko write songs for them.

Nikita Bogoslovsky invited them to his concerts. The brothers performed in them with great success. They performed in all cities of Russia. We have also been abroad.

The concert in Paris was a great success, the audience was delighted. About forty people chanted: “Stay in Paris, stay in Paris!” Then it turned out that they were tourists from Russia.

Artists travel a lot. They meet with the audience and communicate with fellow artists. Both artists of the older generation and their peers love them for their cheerful, sympathetic disposition.

Honored Artist of Russia A. Vasilevsky.

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Biography, life story of the group "Radchenko Brothers"

Singing actors.
The song world of the Radchenko brothers is colorful and artistic. Even their names are familiar and meaningful: the Radchenko brothers Sergei and Nikolai are fraternally glad to see their viewers. Their relationship is cordial and rosy.

The artists are at home open to the spectator world, and, of course, enjoy communication: they do not do work, but rejoice from the heart at meeting fans, getting high and enjoying with them.

The feeling of intimacy and lyricism is true, but not complete. The singers appear in contact-contrast between lyrical, confidential intonation and an epic, large-scale phenomenon on stage. Two heroic, powerful characters, with epic prowess, and homely, sincere and passionate.

Relations between brothers are not built tautologically or in unison. They are infused and tuned to contrasts. This is the dramaturgy of contacts between two self-sufficient individuals, and not a single monologue of two one-faced persons. The artists communicate with each other, and not just with the audience, involving the latter in their fraternal games, and thereby increase the degree of audience interest.

The art of a duet is a duel of two personalities, a vocal duet, a vocal duet, and a duel of communication, creative behavior on the stage.

The concerts of the Radchenko brothers are listened to and watched in one breath, like a solid ingot of precious singing nature. The captivating magnetism of the artists is obvious. Their ability to keep the audience on edge, even if the concert lasts 2.5 - 3 hours, is unique.

Actually, this is no coincidence. The Radchenko brothers went through not only a musical and melodic school: their teachers were outstanding composers Nikita Bogoslovsky and Mikael Tariverdiev, but also a powerful theater “university”. The artists worked for a long time at the Arkady Raikin Theater, whose amazing skill of hypnotic, mesmerizing contact with the audience became an intensive acting school for the Radchenko brothers. Working with such masters forced me to be especially careful, scrupulous and extremely biased in the choice of repertoire, in the choice of songs for performance.


The high professionalism of the contemporary status of the singers, their tireless creative growth was confirmed by the recent, extremely successful performance of the artists in the Rossiya Concert Hall, at the most prestigious venue in the country.

The rapid, almost frantic, purchase of four music albums and the growing demand for them signals that in the world of audio business, our heroes are among the leading elite group of pop artists.

Sergei and Nikolai Radchenko are not just singers. They are singing actors, creating a sharp and stylish spectacular performance, always imbued with love for the audience, as well as fiery dedication.

Music critic, poet-essayist Vladimir Klimov

I met the artists the Radchenko brothers at a concert. They sang the song “You're Waiting, Lizaveta” by Nikita Bogoslovsky. Young artists sang fervently and marched dashingly with guitars, holding them like rifles.

The brothers started singing in childhood. Nikolai was especially distinguished. He sang all the melodies he heard musically, in a thin childish voice, but for a long time and annoyingly. Mom often told him:

Kolya! Go sing in the barn. And you feel good and enjoy the firewood.

The brothers graduated from the theater institute and entered the theater of the Great Artist Arkady Raikin. For three years they played in this glorious theater.

Once at a rehearsal, Arkady Isaakovich noticed to the brothers that they needed to remove the Ukrainian dialect and advised them to contact a stage speech teacher. The brothers intensively began to visit the teacher. A month later, Raikin met her and said hello.

She answered: “Great bulls!” Arkady Isaakovich.

Then military service. Nikolai completed a driver's course and began driving a truck. Sergei became a platoon commander in his second year. He famously commanded: “Platoon, stand at attention!” Who wants to go to the potatoes three steps forward? Nobody came out. So good! The car drives empty, the platoon goes on foot to harvest potatoes. Start singing!

Brothers sing all their lives. They gravitated toward the theatricalization of their songs and entered the Leonid Semenovich Maslyukov Studio of Pop Art.

The director in their studio was Raisa Mukhamed-shina. It was funny to watch how she scolded Sergei for Nikolai’s mistakes. Sergei blinked his eyes, not knowing what to answer. The brothers are very similar. They are twins.

They performed in identical black overalls with white apache collars. Everyone has a guitar in their hands. To the puzzled questions of the audience about who is Sergei and who is Nikolai, entertainer Semyon Kaminsky confidently answered:

I can distinguish them easily. Sergei is in a black suit, and Nikolai is holding a guitar.

The brothers are very similar, but my daughter Nastenka immediately singled out Sergei and never confused him with Nikolai. Eventually they got married and I became a grandfather. What a joy it is to hold your little granddaughter Ksyusha in your arms! It's okay that I'm a grandfather. But the fact that my wife is a grandmother...

Composers Mikael Tariverdiev and Alexander Zhurbin noticed the musicality and unusual singing abilities of the artists and worked with them with pleasure. Excellent melodists Alexander Morozov and Alexander Plyachenko write songs for them.

Nikita Bogoslovsky invited them to his concerts. The brothers performed in them with great success. They performed in all cities of Russia. We have also been abroad.

The concert in Paris was a great success, the audience was delighted. About forty people chanted: “Stay in Paris, stay in Paris!” Then it turned out that they were tourists from Russia.

Artists travel a lot. They meet with the audience and communicate with fellow artists. Both artists of the older generation and their peers love them for their cheerful, sympathetic disposition.

Honored Artist of Russia A. Vasilevsky

duet Brothers Radchenko

Radchenko brothers. Concert at the Shipbuilder's House in Severodvinsk.
basic information
Genre Russian chanson
Folk songs
Years duo from 1989 to present
Countries USSR USSR
Russia Russia
City Moscow
Other names Radchenko Brothers Duet
Language of songs Russian
Labels “Legends of the genre. Best songs"
Compound Sergey Radchenko, Nikolay Radchenko

Radchenko brothers - Sergey Nikolaevich And Nikolai Nikolaevich(genus. 1st of February (1957-02-01 ) , Tokmak) - a Soviet and Russian duet of twin brothers, performers of songs in the “Russian chanson” style. Honored Artists of Russia.


Sergei Nikolaevich and Nikolai Nikolaevich Radchenko were born on February 1, 1957 (twins) in the city of Tokmak, Zaporozhye region. Sergei and Nikolai became interested in creativity even in childhood, when they enjoyed attending dance classes, a folk choir and a music school. They started singing since childhood in the Tavriya choir at the Kirov plant. After graduating from school, the brothers entered the Kiev Theater Institute. After graduating from the theater institute, they entered the Arkady Raikin Theater, where they played for three years. Once at a rehearsal, Arkady Raikin noticed to the brothers that they needed to remove the Ukrainian dialect, and advised them to contact a stage speech teacher. Both brothers then served in the army. After the army, we managed to work for five years at the Leningrad Theater of Miniatures. The reason for leaving the miniature theater was the brothers’ desire for something new, they wanted development, and the brothers decided to start their own business. Sergey and Nikolay go to the Mosconcert and confidently begin their creative path. Fate brings them together with talented creative personalities, with whom they begin to achieve their first successes. Several famous composers collaborated with them. The unique and interesting timbre of the voice, which so attracts the public, has a positive effect on the brothers’ careers.

Composers Mikael Tariverdiev and Alexander Zhurbin noticed the musicality and unusual singing abilities of the artists and worked with them with pleasure. Songs for the Radchenko brothers based on the poems of the Soviet and Russian poet Anatoly Poperechny are written by composers Alexander Morozov and Alexander Plyachenko (“Crimson Ringing”, “House with Windows to the Garden”, “Scarlet Dawn” and others). One of the authors of the words and music of the songs performed by the artists is Anatoly Dorovskikh (“Oriole”, “Confession”, “Soldier’s Dreams”, “Don’t Fly Away, Soul” and others). Radchenko's concerts become even more popular when the brothers begin collaborating with Mikael Tariverdiev, Alexander Zhurbin, Alexander Morozov.

The Radchenko brothers were invited to participate in his concerts by Nikita Bogoslovsky. Sergei and Nikolai performed there with great success.

The Radchenko duet performs in Russian cities, as well as on foreign tours. Artists travel a lot. They meet with the audience and communicate with fellow artists. They are loved for their cheerful, sympathetic disposition.