Biography of Oksana Mikhailovna Marchenko. World of wonderful people: Marchenko

For a long time they pretended that nothing was happening between them, although their relationship was already being gossiped about. Both he and she were family people and, it seemed, had no intention of changing their lives. Their romance developed against all odds. But when he proposed getting married, she couldn’t find an answer!

16:23 8.01.2013

White wine splashed in the glasses. The candles were burning. A soft, pleasant melody sounded. The waiter approached the table carrying an order - pancakes with caviar. Seeing this “culinary masterpiece,” Oksana was taken aback: instead of fragrant golden pancakes, there were brown, fairly burnt flatbreads on the platter. “It seemed to me that Victor would now cause a scandal,” Oksana recalls. But he began to eat this dish with gusto. Later she learned that deep-fried pancakes are his favorite food, which he will not refuse under any circumstances. This was their first romantic date.

By that time they had known each other for three months. And every evening during this time, a serious man - deputy and politician - Viktor Medvedchuk drove up to the television center building. A beautiful slender girl, TV presenter Oksana Marchenko, came out from there, and Medvedchuk gave her a huge bouquet of roses. He met her after work to take her home. It was like a ritual. Only later did he invite her to dinner. “I can’t,” Oksana answered. - I have a little son. And the broadcasts end very late.” “Then lunch!” - Victor was found. She agreed.

On the first date, it always becomes clear whether the second will happen. At this meeting you understand: is it good to be with this person, or is he not interesting to you. The first thing happened to Oksana and Victor... It was love. But their feelings did not fit into the circumstances at all! Both he and she were family people. And public.

Love that no one expected

Do people meet by chance or is their meeting predetermined? That day they could well have missed each other if she had not changed her mind at the last moment... Oksana hosted the “Person of the Year” ceremony. I was tired, wanted to go home and had no intention of going to the buffet. But then I decided to come in for half an hour for a business conversation with a colleague. It was there, at the buffet table, that they were introduced.

“When I met Oksana, the lines from the song immediately came to mind: “...So that the day begins and ends with you...” recalls Viktor Medvedchuk. He extended his hand and introduced himself. “This gesture was all Victor - a strong, self-confident person, an accomplished man,” Oksana recalls. “Very powerful positive energy emanated from him. I felt it immediately." Oksana went away with a colleague to discuss work issues. She dictated her phone number to him. Then Marchenko did not know that Victor had an exceptional memory. He called three days later. “At first he asked if I remembered how we met and if I minded his calls,” Oksana smiles. - I didn't mind. I immediately noticed his manner of speaking - with dignity and respect.”

At that time, Marchenko was married and raising little Bogdanchik. She probably didn’t have the happiest marriage, but... “I hold conservative views. I take my family seriously and do not condone cheating. Yes, Victor made an impression on me, but I definitely didn’t think about the novel then.” For a long time they pretended that nothing was happening. That they are just communicating. We tried to convince ourselves that no one would change anything... But after that romantic dinner, it became pointless to deceive ourselves.

“Only love can keep people”

31th of December. There was little time left until midnight. They walked through the forest. Suddenly
A fir tree decorated with multi-colored lanterns appeared from the darkness. Nearby there was a small table on which stood glasses, a bottle of champagne and a small portable TV...

“I have never seen this holiday in the forest! - says Oksana. - That picture simply struck my imagination. This was our first New Year. Thanks to Victor, I again believed in the miracle of that night.”... Then she had a difficult period. She was divorcing her husband. “I understood that this situation could not last any longer,” Marchenko confesses. “That’s why I offered my husband a divorce.” Oksana’s husband turned out to have his own vision of the situation - in any case, he was not going to disagree.
The painful divorce process began. “Victor did not interfere. And I am very grateful to him for giving me the opportunity to make my own decisions.” The court sided with Oksana and she received a divorce.

Many important events in the life of this couple took place on New Year's Eve. On the eve of the next December 31st, Victor said that he had a special gift. And he handed Oksana the divorce certificate. “I didn’t start talking about how it would be nice for you, dear, to put things in order in your personal life. There was none of this. I felt good with Victor - and that turned out to be quite enough. But when I saw the divorce paper, I won’t hide it - I was happy. Although I am convinced that the press will never deter anyone,
shaft,” says Marchenko. “Only love can keep people together.”

“Together in sorrow and in joy”

They had been together for several years already. They developed a tradition: every spring they went to Crimea to celebrate Oksana’s birthday... The party ended. “Thank you for coming to congratulate me on my birthday,” Oksana addressed the guests. - Today another important event happened in my life - Victor proposed to me. And I agree.” Everyone applauded.

He proposed to her about five hours earlier. In the car when they were driving to the restaurant. We talked about abstract topics. And suddenly Victor asked: “Oksana, will you marry me?” “I was so shocked that I didn’t know what to say,” she laughs. - Everything was great with us! Why change anything? I understood that being Victor’s wife is a great responsibility. I was afraid not to live up to his expectations. But at that moment I couldn’t say anything.” It would seem, what fears could there be? And what could be surprising in the fact that a man proposes to a woman with whom he has been together for several years? But it wasn't that simple. Medvedchuk was surrounded by people who considered Oksana a “shark”. There were also those who cautiously hinted at a large age difference (Victor is 20 years older than his wife - Ed.). A month and a half later, on a quiet June day, they got married. And they got married.

“I will never forget this day,” Oksana recalls. “It was warm, but not hot - clouds were floating across the sky, the sea was completely calm, the water was like glycerin.”

In 2004, several important events occurred in their lives. Marchenko and Medvedchuk had a daughter, Dasha. Then Oksana was going to launch her new program. But it didn't happen. “There has been an active war against us in the press. In newspapers and on the Internet, outright nasty things were written about Victor and me. There was a strong feeling that they hated us.” She couldn't find a place for herself. Fear appeared. And the desire to leave. “Then Victor saved me from hatred,” Oksana confesses. “I couldn’t watch TV or read newspapers. And my husband said: “Forgive them. Understand that not everyone hates you.”

I saw that it was hard for him too. And I didn’t know how to help. But he endured this period stoically. And I never discussed it with anyone at home. His tolerance and humility in such a situation won me over again. My husband just saved me from despair. Gradually everything
fell into place. I calmed down..."

They do not like noisy parties and fashionable get-togethers. “For me, family is an island of happiness, prosperity and the purpose of life,” says Viktor Vladimirovich. “We feel comfortable watching TV, reading, and even being silent together,” says Oksana. - We have a tradition: on weekend mornings we get together. We drink tea or coffee, children - cocoa. We communicate, enjoy the sun or snow.”

Speaking of children... The elder Bogdan’s parents are going to send him to study abroad so that his son can try an independent life. Dasha’s daughter - at home they call her “a pill for bad moods and bad weather” - is now four and a half. In character she is the spitting image of her father, and in appearance she looks like her mother.

“I love my children very much,” says Oksana, “but I need to realize myself. I want children to admire me, I want to be for them a person whose opinion they value. I don’t tell them: “Study and you will achieve everything!” I want to show by example how it should be done.”

“Love is a lot of work, and marriage is not strewn with roses,” Oksana is convinced. - But I consider my alliance with Victor to be the only one and I no longer intend to experiment. And I will be with him in sorrow and in joy, in wealth and in poverty... In fact, it is not known what is simpler.”

Oksana Marchenko is a TV presenter who has become one of the cult figures of Ukrainian television thanks to her entertainment programs and talent shows, especially “The X Factor” and “Ukraine’s Got Talent!”

Oksana Marchenko was born and raised in Kyiv in a simple family of Mikhail Andreevich and Tatyana Grigorievna Marchenko. Oksana grew up as a middle child: she has an older sister, Diana, and a younger brother, Andrei. The boy was born when Marchenko entered medical school after the 8th grade. By the way, due to the birth of her brother, Oksana had to quit her studies and return to high school, since her mother needed help caring for Andrey.

Oksana decided not to get involved with medicine anymore; after receiving her matriculation certificate, she became a student at the Kyiv Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov. The girl graduated from the Faculty of History with honors, but while still a student she found a job as a TV presenter and showed strong character, demonstrating her civic position at rallies of the student movement in the 90s.


In 1992, a competition was held in Kyiv for the best non-professional TV presenter. Oksana Marchenko was only 19 years old when the girl decided to take part in this event and unexpectedly won, getting her first job on television.

The girl hosted the programs “Good Morning, Ukraine”, “UTN-Panorama”, “Discreet Tuesdays”, “Person of the Year”. Later, Oksana's level of assists increased. She became the face of the social and entertainment show “My Profession” and the political talk show “Time”. The presenter also has the author’s program “The Oksana Marchenko Show”, in which the young woman provided real help to studio guests who found themselves in difficult life situations with advice and deeds.

In 2000, Oksana Marchenko founded the Omega-TV television company, and three years later she initiated the creation of a series of documentary television films “Names”, each episode of which is dedicated to one famous person whose life was related to the history of Ukraine. This project was called the most educational by the audience.

But the main glory came to the TV presenter after Oksana became an integral part, in fact, on a par with the jury, of the most popular talent shows “X Factor” and “Ukraine Has Talent” (“Ukraine Has Talent”). The TV presenter posted information about both shows on her own official website. After the broadcasts, fans of these TV shows heatedly discussed both the performances of the contestants and the incredible designer dresses of Oksana Marchenko.

For her professionalism and brightness, Marchenko has repeatedly received awards and recognition from both television viewers and experts. The girl was awarded a special prize “For the ability to attract stars” at the Teletriumph festival; Oksana was also repeatedly named the best TV presenter of the year, the favorite TV presenter of entertainment programs, and in 2011, readers of the magazine Viva! Ukraine" recognized Oksana as "The most beautiful woman in Ukraine."

Personal life

While filming the first programs, Oksana Marchenko met Yuri Korzh, the founder and general director of the Internet provider company Global Ukraine. His family also owned the Internet Media Group rating holding. Oksana and Yuri started dating and soon got married.

For the sake of her family, the young woman left her career as a TV presenter, gave birth to a son, Bogdan, and focused on her life and raising her child. But after the divorce, Marchenko returned to her profession and began appearing on the UT-1 channel.

At the beginning of 1999, Oksana Marchenko hosted the “Person of the Year” award ceremony and there she first met the famous Ukrainian politician and lawyer Viktor Medvedchuk. The lovers officially became husband and wife four years later, and a year later a little daughter, Daria, appeared in the family. By the way, the girl’s godparents were also.

Oksana Marchenko tries to keep her figure in good shape. To do this, a woman engages in active sports - swimming, rollerblading and the like. As a result, the figure of the TV presenter attracts increased attention, which is why unpleasant situations arise, for example, fake photos of a naked TV presenter regularly appear on the Internet. Moreover, it is obvious that these are photo manipulations created from portraits of Oksana and the bodies of other girls. In addition, the TV presenter is regularly accused of having a woman resort to plastic surgery, but Marchenko does not comment on such rumors.

Oksana herself is distinguished by her modesty and intellectual interests. A woman has more than one hobby. For example, Oksana collects works of art and rare books. The TV presenter's collection contains lifetime editions of works and. In addition, Marchenko realized herself as a landscape and interior designer.

In addition, the TV presenter felt a craving for places of prayer. Oksana regularly visits the Zimnensky Svyatogorsky Assumption Convent near the city of Vladimir-Volynsky, and on major holidays she gives gifts to the nuns.

Oksana Marchenko now

In the spring of 2017, news appeared that Oksana Marchenko was no longer leading the X-Factor project, the face of which the TV presenter had been considered until that moment. The journalist is also ending her collaboration with the STB TV channel.

Soon Oksana commented and confirmed this rumor. Marchenko said that she believes in the theory that you should not do the same thing for a long time and you need to look for new horizons.

Fans immediately after the appearance of this rumor about leaving the show were concerned about the fate of the outfits in which Oksana Marchenko hosted the show and regularly appeared in promotional photos and pictures in “ Instagram" These are expensive designer dresses, and fans of the show were worried whether the outfits would be used in other projects of the channel or would remain with the TV presenter.

Oksana replied to those worried that these were her own dresses, which the journalist took with her and some of which she planned to distribute to her nieces and other relatives. In an interview, the TV presenter with a smile explained her own altruism by saying that graduations and weddings have not yet been canceled and these dresses will definitely come in handy.

After some lull in her creative biography, Oksana Marchenko again appeared on television. This time on the Inter TV channel in the reality show “Time to Build”. In this project, the TV presenter appeared in a completely new image. The journalist abandoned the feminine dresses familiar to viewers. Now, instead of long skirts, Oksana Marchenko wears comfortable pants, dark shirts and construction helmets, and the whole image of the TV presenter calls for action and change.

“Time to Build” is an adaptation of the already popular TV show “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” in America. The reality show shows how four families who lost their homes get a chance to find the home they dream of. The heroes of the show are a family with a difficult and tragic fate, so the television project gathered caring viewers and helpers from all over Ukraine. Volunteers and sympathetic neighbors, fellow countrymen and friends help the families of the main characters to build. Oksana Marchenko is confident that this reality show will not only help people with a dramatic past find a home, but will also make society more responsive and sensitive to those who have suffered misfortune.


  • 1992 - “Streaming Seconds”
  • 1992 - “Good morning, Ukraine!”
  • 1999 - “People of Rock”
  • 2003 – documentary series “Names”
  • 2007 - “The Oksana Marchenko Show”
  • 2009-2014 - “Ukraine has talent”
  • 2010-2016 - “X Factor”

STB TV channel host Oksana Marchenko published family photographs in which she poses with her husband, politician and Putin’s godfather Viktor Medvedchuk. She published the corresponding photos on her page in Facebook. At the same time, Marchenko announced that Medvedchuk’s account on the social network was blocked. So she decided to publicly support her husband, who is heavily criticized for his connection with the Russian president and support for separatists in eastern Ukraine, and talk about his merits. Thus, Marchenko denied rumors of an impending divorce. “My beloved, Husband! It will soon be 18 years since our first meeting! And I love you stronger and stronger than before. I love you - the most beautiful, noble and loving man in this world. I know you don’t like it when I talk about personal things for strangers, who sometimes allow themselves, without reason, to wag their dirty tongues about our lives... but now not about them. Every time you are hurt, when you are treated unfairly, I feel pain for both . Another meanness of "democratic envious people" - blocking your page on #Facebook... Poor people! They are afraid of your truth, which you bring to people, preventing them from becoming completely deaf and blind - even in America! I am proud of you! I am proud and support you I am proud when you help the disadvantaged, build churches and restore monasteries, treat children and save prisoners... I am proud of you because you were never afraid to walk through a minefield - both literally and figuratively! What they can accuse you of is your greatest Mercy. Unfortunately, people have done this in all centuries, for “... there is no prophet in his Fatherland...” Therefore, always remember the words of the prayer: “... both in sorrow and in joy!” I’m with you!” the TV star wrote. To confirm her words, Marchenko published family photos in which you can see not only Viktor Medvedchuk, but also their daughter.

As NewsOne reported, earlier people's deputy Nadezhda Savchenko said that

Oksana Marchenko is a popular Ukrainian TV presenter, one of the most beautiful women in Ukraine.

Born in 1973 in Kyiv.

After eighth grade, Oksana entered medical school, but then her mother took the documents herself: her daughter had to help her with her little brother.

After graduating from school, Oksana entered the history department of the Mikhail Drahomanov Pedagogical University, which she graduated with honors in 1995.

Oksana came to television when she was a student - she won a competition for non-professional TV presenters in 1992.

She was only 19 years old when she became the face of national channels - first UTAR, then UT-3 and UT-1 (“Streaming Vtorki”, “Good morning, Ukraine!”, UTN).

It was on the set of this program that she met her first husband, Yuri Korzh. This period became one of the most difficult in Oksana’s life. Changes in her personal life and at the same time the desire to realize herself as a professional led to Marchenko leaving television for some time.

The journalist was brought out of depression by the birth of her son Bogdan.

Her son Bogdan was very difficult for her. Oksana Marchenko was able to get pregnant only a few years after the wedding. Moreover, after I got to Jerusalem, I wrote a note there with a request to God.

The birth was very difficult: eighteen hours after the water broke, a caesarean section had to be performed.

“Then I was shaking with fear that the child would not have cerebral palsy, because this often happens due to such a difficult birth,” Oksana recalls.

However, family happiness with the child’s father did not work out.

“But I got married with the intention of being an exemplary wife,” Oksana sincerely hoped that this marriage would be the only one in her life.

It didn't work out. After the birth of their son Bogdan, Oksana and her husband lived separately. “He actually lived with my parents and I lived with the child.”

When her son was nine months old, Oksana went to work. There is a photo where grandfather holds a crying Bogdan in his arms, who is reaching for the TV. On the screen - mom is leading a concert at the Tavria Games festival.

In 2000, Oksana founded the television company Omega-TV. She makes her debut on UT-1 airwaves, first from the social and entertainment show “My Profession,” and later from the political talk show “Chas.”

Since 2003, Omega TV has been producing the documentary series “Imena” - a series of programs about famous people whose destinies are intertwined with the history of Ukraine. These programs were aired on UT-1 and Inter, and are now broadcast throughout the world via the UTR satellite channel.

Oksana Marchenko met her second husband, the famous Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk, after the “Person of the Year” ceremony, which she broadcast live.

Friends suggested that Oksana go to a buffet. I went up to the top floor of the Ukraine Palace, but after 15 minutes I decided to leave. On the stairs she ran into Viktor Medvedchuk.

“To be honest, at that time I didn’t even remember his last name well, I just knew that he was some kind of deputy,” says Oksana Marchenko.

It seemed rude to her to pass by without saying hello. While they were exchanging greetings, photographers came running. Victor turned Oksana around for a better angle. But the girl was distracted by a colleague, they began to discuss work issues, and then Oksana dictated her phone number to him.

Viktor Medvedchuk, it turns out, heard and remembered this number. “That’s how we met. A few days later he called and invited me to dinner. I say I won’t be able to have dinner because the last newscast I anchor ends at one in the morning. But that didn't stop him. Since then, Victor came to the TV studio every day and brought me flowers.”

Three months after they met, they began to live together.

One day, on New Year’s Eve, Victor came and said: “I brought you a gift.” It was a divorce certificate. Oksana does not hide the fact that she was happy, although she never talked about any changes in the relationship.

“But the seal has never held anyone back. Only love can keep people together. And we had a good time together.”

In July 2003, Oksana Marchenko remarried. Some “well-wishers” accused the TV presenter of a marriage of convenience. Today Oksana does not hide the fact that she still has a complex on this basis.

In May 2004, Oksana and Victor had a daughter, Darina.

Since November 2007, Oksana Marchenko has been the author and host of “The Oksani Marchenko Show.”

Since January 2009, Oksana Marchenko has been the host of the talent show “Ukraine’s Got Talent!” on STB TV channel. To work on the show, she cut her long hair and changed her image.

Since March 2010, Oksana Marchenko has been the host of the second season of the show “Ukraine’s Got Talent!” For the program, she changed her image again - instead of evening dresses and formal suits, she wore jeans and sneakers.

Oksana Mikhailovna Marchenko. Born on April 28, 1973 in Kyiv. Ukrainian TV presenter.

Father - Mikhail Andreevich Marchenko, medical technician.

Mother - Tatyana Grigorievna.

Her parents were married for the second time. Oksana has a maternal sister, Diana, and a paternal sister, Anna.

Has a younger brother, Andrei.

According to Oksana, as a child she wanted to become a surgeon. She said: “I collected medical supplies because my dad was a technician in this field and could bring me something. I treated dolls.” According to her, the dream of medicine appeared after reading the book “Heart Surgeon” by Fedor Uglov.

She studied excellently at school, but, as she admitted, there were problems with behavior.

After the eighth grade, Oksana entered medical school, but studied there for only a short time - her mother took her daughter’s documents so that she could help her with her little brother. Later, Oksana herself realized that medicine was not her thing.

Oksana Marchenko's parents with her sisters Diana and Anna

Then, at school, a history teacher became her role model, and she chose another profession for herself - a teacher.

After graduating from school, Oksana entered the history department of the Nikolai Drahomanov Pedagogical University, which she graduated with honors in 1995.

She took part in the student movement of the 1990s. “I am one of those who were in the square, who did not just stand or dance, but who went hungry, defending their beliefs,” she recalled.

From an early age I got used to earning money myself: “I have been earning money since my early youth, and I know the value of it. The question: “To work or not” has never been a question for me. A certain comfortable existence, moving my body somewhere around the world or walking around I’m not interested in salons or other similar pastimes,” she noted.

While still studying at the university, she got her first job on television - in 1992, young Oksana won a competition for non-professional TV presenters. And at the age of 19, she became the face of the TV channels “UTAR” and “UT-1”, hosted the programs “Streaming Weekends”, “Good morning, Ukraine!”.

“I came to television as a girl with glasses - I had poor eyesight. I had no idea how to look, dress and behave in the frame - all these wisdom had to be learned gradually. And at the same time, I had to practice stage speech and movement,” Oksana recalled about the beginning of your creative journey.

However, then, due to intrigue, she had to leave television. She said: “At the beginning of my television career, I had to overcome a lot of difficulties, but thanks to them, I strengthened my character. There was a difficult period when I was fired from the project “Good Morning, Ukraine.” The reason is banal: they simply settled scores with me, someone "It seemed that I was more popular. Then I promised myself that I would never cling to anything. Everything should be treated equally, accepting both joys and adversity with equal readiness."

Later she returned to UT-1 and hosted UTN-Panorama.

In 2000, Marchenko founded the television company Omega-TV.

In 2003, she made a documentary series “Names” - a series of programs about famous personalities whose destinies intersected with the history of Ukraine. These programs were aired on UT-1, and since 2005 on Inter.

In 2009-2014, Marchenko was the host of the show “Ukraine Has Talent.”

Since 2010, Oksana Marchenko has been the host of the television show “X Factor”.

In April 2017, Oksana announced her departure from the X Factor show. “It is with great gratitude that I say goodbye to my beloved X-Factor and endlessly thank my colleagues, the TV professionals with whom I was lucky enough to work. I will remember with great love our amazing participants who will forever remain in my heart. And with great joy I announce, that I am starting to work on a new television project, which I consider a great creative stage in my life,” the TV presenter wrote on social networks.

When Oksana Marchenko is called a professional presenter, she does not agree: “I would refrain from using the phrase “professional presenter”. It’s like a professional boxer. He can be knocked out once, excuse me, in the ring - and he will never be able to play again. Just a TV presenter - this will be enough to characterize what I do."

“My main principle is that I am not looking for fame among people. I absolutely don’t care what they think or say about me. But as long as I am useful to at least one person, I will work on TV.”, - said Oksana.

She performed in tandem with Dmitry Chaplin. On October 11, 2018, she left the project due to the fracture of two ribs. Oksana spoke about this on social networks: “Dear friends, I am leaving the show “Dancing with the Stars” - it was a new interesting experience. I am grateful to God for every day I live. There is only one circumstance that forces me to take this step. During preparation for live broadcasts, during a rehearsal, I broke 2 ribs. It was a very acute pain, but I thought that I had severely pulled a ligament or muscle, took painkillers and, gritting my teeth, continued to rehearse. At times the pain was unbearable, I went to the locker room, cried, so that no one would see, she gave herself even stronger painkiller injections and rehearsed again.”

Oksana Marchenko's height: 166 centimeters.

Personal life of Oksana Marchenko:

First husband - Yuri Vitalievich Korzh (born 1970), founder and general director of the Internet provider company Global Ukraine, son of Vitaly Terentyevich Korzh - president of the company Global Ukraine and people's deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc .

The marriage gave birth to a son, Bogdan Marchenko, in 1997; he studies abroad at a Swiss school.

Yuri Korzh - Oksana Marchenko's first husband

The second husband is Viktor Vladimirovich Medvedchuk, a former lawyer, Ukrainian politician, founder of the SDPU(U) party, former head of the presidential administration under Leonid Kuchma. We met in the spring of 1999 at the ceremony “Lyudina Roku” (Russian: “Person of the Year”), where Oksana was the presenter, and Victor was one of the laureates. Soon a relationship began between them.

On May 20, 2004, the couple had a daughter, Daria Medvedchuk, whose godparents were Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedeva (wife of Dmitry Medvedev). Daria was baptized in the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

“My husband is my strictest critic, and I am grateful to him for that,” Oksana said.

"Love is an extraordinary, enormous work. It has nothing to do with passion and sexual attraction. Love is the work of the soul, the goal of which is to overcome one's own ego", says Oksana.

Oksana Marchenko is the godmother of Seraphima, the daughter of Slava Frolova (Ukrainian TV presenter and director).

Oksana loves to cook, is interested in collecting paintings and books, and her home library contains rare lifetime editions of Pushkin and Gogol. In his free time he plays sports - swimming, roller skating. They often travel with their family.

Since 2000, Oksana Marchenko regularly visits the Svyatogorsk Holy Dormition Zimnensky Convent near the city of Vladimir-Volynsky.