They explain to schoolchildren at Nedorosl: being a Mitrofanushka is old-fashioned. They explain to schoolchildren at Nedorosl: being a Mitrofanushka is old-fashioned. Closer to my views is Mitrofanushka, a sixteen-year-old teenager

One of the main characters of Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor" is Prostakov Mitrofan Terentyevich, the noble son of the Prostakovs. The name Mitrofan means “similar”, similar to his mother. Maybe with this name Mrs. Prostakova wanted to show that her son is a reflection of Prostakova herself. Mitrofanushka was sixteen years old, but his mother did not want to part with her child and wanted to keep him with her until he was twenty-six, without letting him go to work. Mrs. Prostakova herself was stupid, arrogant, impolite, and for this reason she did not listen to anyone’s opinion. “While Mitrofan is still in his infancy, it’s time to get him married; and then in ten years, when, God forbid, he enters the service, you’ll have to endure everything.” Mitrofanushka himself has no goal in life, he only loved to eat, laze around and chase pigeons: “I’ll run to the dovecote now, maybe, or…” To which his mother answered: “Go and frolic, Mitrofanushka.” Mitrofan did not want to study, his mother hired teachers for him only because this was the custom in noble families, and not so that her son would learn intelligence. As he said to his mother: “Listen, mother. I’ll amuse you. I’ll study; just so that it’s the last one. The hour will change my will. I don’t want to study, I want to get married.” And Mrs. Prostakova always echoed him: “It’s very nice to me that Mitrofanushka is moving forward.” doesn't love, With his mind, may he sweep you far away, and God forbid! Only you will suffer, but everything, I see, is emptiness. Don't learn this stupid science!" The worst qualities of character, the most backward views on science characterize such young nobles as Mitrofan. He is also unusually lazy. Mrs. Prostakova herself doted on Mitrofanushka. Fonvizin understood the unreasonableness of her blind, animal love for her brainchild, Mitrofan, a love that, in essence, destroys her son. Mitrofan ate until his stomach hurt, and his mother kept trying to persuade him to eat more. The nanny said: “He’s already eaten five buns, mother.” To which Prostakova replied: “So you feel sorry for the sixth one, you beast.” These words show concern for his son. She tried to provide him with a carefree future and decided to marry him to a rich wife.

She tried to provide him with a carefree future and decided to marry him to a rich wife. If someone offends her son, she immediately goes to the defense. Mitrofanushka was her only consolation. Mitrofan treated his mother with disdain: “Yes! Just look at the trouble from Uncle: and then from his fists and for the book of hours.” What, what do you want to do? Come to your senses, darling!" "The river is here and close. I’ll dive in, remember my name.” “I killed you!” God killed you!”: these words prove that he does not love at all and he does not feel sorry for his own mother at all, Mitrofan does not respect her and plays on her feelings. And when Prostakova, who has lost power, rushes to her son with the words: “You are the only one left with you.” me, my dear friend, Mitrofanushka!" And in response he hears the heartless: “Let go, mother, you imposed yourself.” “I had such crap in my eyes all night.” "What kind of rubbish is Mitrofanushka?" “Yes, either you, mother, or father.” Prostakov was afraid of his wife and in her presence he spoke about his son like this: “At least, I love him as a parent should, he’s a smart child, he’s a sensible child, he’s funny, he’s an entertainer; sometimes I’m beside myself with joy over him. I don’t believe that he is my son,” and added, looking at his wife: “Before your eyes, mine see nothing.” Taras Skotinin, looking at everything that was happening, repeated: “Well, Mitrofanushka, you, I see, are mother’s son, not father’s son!” And Mitrofan turned to his uncle: “What, uncle, have you eaten too much henbane? Get out, uncle, get out.” Mitrofan was always rude to his mother and snapped at her. Although Eremeevna did not receive a penny for raising the undergrowth, she tried to teach him good things, defended him from his uncle: “I will die on the spot, but I will not give up the child. I tried to make him a decent person: “Yes, teach me at least a little.” “Well, say another word, you old bastard! I’ll finish them off; I’ll complain to my mother again, so she’ll deign to give you a task like yesterday.” Of all the teachers, only the German Adam Adamych Vralman praised Mitrofanushka, and only so that Prostakova would not be angry with him and scold him. undergrowth Mitrofan simpleton hero

Of all the teachers, only the German Adam Adamych Vralman praised Mitrofanushka, and only so that Prostakova would not be angry with him and scold him. The other teachers openly scolded him. For example, Tsyfirkin: “Your honor will always be idle.” And Mitrofan snapped: “Well! Give me the board, you rat of the garrison! Give me your butts.” “All our butts, your honor. We’ll remain behind our butts forever.” Mitrofan's dictionary is small and poor. “Take them and Eremeevna too”: this is how he spoke about his teachers and nanny. Mitrofan was ill-mannered, rude, a spoiled child, whom everyone around obeyed and obeyed, and he also had freedom of speech in the house. Mitrofan was confident that the people around him should help him and give advice. Mitrofan had high self-esteem. No matter how smart and hardworking a person is, there is a piece of such Mitrofanushka in him. Every person is lazy sometimes. There are also people who try to live only at the expense of their parents, without doing anything themselves. Of course, much depends on how children are raised by their parents. I treat people like Mitrofan neither good nor bad. I just try to avoid communicating with such people. And in general, I think that we should try to help such people with their difficulties and problems. We need to reason with him and force him to study. If such a person himself does not want to improve, study and study, but, on the contrary, remains stupid and spoiled, treats his elders with disrespect, then he will remain an underage and ignorant for the rest of his life.

Children of nobles from the age of six were assigned to some regiment as lower ranks: corporals, sergeants and even privates. By the time they reached adulthood, they received an officer rank for their service and had to "go to service". Teenagers under the age of sixteen were called “minors,” which meant: they had not matured to responsibility and adulthood.

The family of the future officer was obliged to provide the minor with a certain level of education, which was tested in an exam. Often such verification was formal, and the young man was allowed to continue home education until the age of 25. All this time he received promotions without leaving home. A spoiled and undereducated officer, often already married and with children, immediately occupied a high position. It is not difficult to guess how this affected the combat effectiveness of the army. The situation with the civil service was no better.

Denis Fonvizin ridiculed such a vicious practice of home schooling for nobles in the comedy “The Minor.” It is no coincidence that the main character of the work is named Mitrofan, which means - "like a mother". Mrs. Prostakova embodies the most unsightly traits of a landowner from the times of serfdom: tyranny, cruelty, greed, arrogance, ignorance. Her weak-willed and narrow-minded husband is afraid to say a word without his wife’s approval.

Prostakova is trying to make her copy of her son. Mitrofanushka grows up as a selfish, rude and arrogant slacker, all of whose interests are centered around delicious food and entertainment. The excessive appetite of an over-aged “child” is encouraged in every possible way by the mother, even to the detriment of her son’s health. Despite a difficult night after a hearty dinner, Mitrofanushka eats five buns for breakfast, and Prostakova demands to be served the sixth. It is not surprising that the undergrowth, according to the mother, "delicate build".

Mitrofan's entertainment is the most primitive. He loves to chase pigeons, play pranks and listen to the stories of the cowgirl Khavronya. Her mother encourages such idleness, because Prostakova herself is illiterate, like her parents, husband and brother. She is even proud of her ignorance: “Don’t be the Skotinin who wants to learn something”. But the landowner is forced to invite teachers to her son. Because of her pathological greed, she hires the cheapest "specialists". Retired sergeant Tsyfirkin teaches arithmetic, half-educated seminarian Kuteikin teaches grammar, and former coachman Vralman teaches "everything else".

However, stupidity and laziness do not allow Mitrofan to receive even the primitive knowledge that would-be teachers are trying to convey to him. Tsyfirkin admits that in three years he did not teach his ward "Count three", and Kuteikin complains that he is undersized for four years "butts mumble". Vralman's science is to constantly advise "to kid" stress less and not communicate with smart people. Mrs. Prostakova’s fears that her beloved child will not find company are easily refuted by Vralman: “Kakof is your most tragic son, there are millions of them in the world”.

Support from the German only strengthens the landowner's contempt for education in her mind. And this makes Mitrofanushka very happy. He had not even heard of geography, but the word "door" considers it an adjective because “she is attached to her place”.

It should be noted that Mitrofan, although stupid, is cunning and perfectly understands his own benefit. He cleverly manipulates his mother's feelings. Not wanting to start the lesson, the teenager complains that his uncle beat him and promises to drown himself from such insult.

Mitrofan does not value those who are lower than him in rank or position in society, but curries favor with wealth and power. Typical appeals from minors to servants and teachers: "old bastard", "garrison rat". He names the dreamed parents "such rubbish", but fawns over the rich man Starodum and is ready to kiss his hands.

Mitrofan is very cowardly. He threatens the wrath of his mother, whom those around him are afraid of, but in a clash with Skotinin he hides behind the old nanny. Prostakova dotes on her only child, protects him and tries to arrange a happy future. For the sake of her son, she gets into a fight with her own brother, by hook or by crook she tries to marry him to the rich heiress Sophia.

The ungrateful Mitrofanushka pays Prostakova for her love and care with her indifference. When in the final scene, a woman who has lost power rushes to her son for consolation, the ignoramus pushes Prostakova away with contempt: “Go away, mother, how you forced yourself on me”.

The image of Mitrofanushka has not lost its relevance even after two and a half centuries. Problems of upbringing, blind maternal love, ignorance and rudeness, unfortunately, remain also important for modern society. And lazy, untalented students can easily be found today.

Denis Fonvizin wrote the comedy “The Minor” in the 18th century. At that time, a decree of Peter I was in force in Russia, prescribing that young men under 21 without education were prohibited from entering military and government service, as well as from getting married. In this document, young people under this age were called “minors” - this definition formed the basis of the title of the play. In the work, the main character is Mitrofanushka the undergrowth. Fonvizin portrayed him as a stupid, cruel, greedy and lazy young man of 16 who behaves like a small child, does not want to study and is capricious. Mitrofan is a negative character and the funniest hero of the comedy - his absurd statements, stupidity and ignorance cause laughter not only among readers and spectators, but also among other heroes of the play. The character plays an important role in the ideological concept of the play, so the image of Mitrofan the Minor requires detailed analysis.

Mitrofan and Prostakova

In Fonvizin’s work “The Minor,” the image of Mitrofanushka is closely connected with the theme of education, since in fact it was the wrong upbringing that became the cause of the young man’s evil character and all his negative traits. His mother, Mrs. Prostakova, is an uneducated, cruel, despotic woman, for whom the main values ​​are material wealth and power. She adopted her views on the world from her parents - representatives of the old nobility, uneducated and ignorant landowners like herself. The values ​​and views received through upbringing were passed on to Prostakova and Mitrofan - the young man in the play is depicted as a “mama's boy” - he cannot do anything on his own, the servants or his mother do everything for him. Having received from Prostakova cruelty towards servants, rudeness and the opinion that education occupies one of the last places in life, Mitrofan also adopted disrespect for loved ones, a willingness to deceive them or betray them for the sake of a more lucrative offer. Let us remember how Prostakova persuaded Skotinin to take Sophia as his wife in order to essentially get rid of the “extra mouth.” Whereas the news about the girl’s large inheritance made her a “caring teacher”, supposedly loving Sophia and wishing her happiness. Prostakova is looking for her own self-interest in everything, which is why she refused Skotinin, because if the girl married Mitrofan, who listened to his mother in everything, Sophia’s money would go to her.

The young man is as selfish as Prostakova. He becomes a worthy son of his mother, adopting her “best” traits, which explains the final scene of the comedy, when Mitrofan abandons Prostakova, who has lost everything, leaving to serve the new owner of the village, Pravdin. For him, his mother’s efforts and love turned out to be insignificant before the authority of money and power.

The influence of his father and uncle on Mitrofan

Analyzing the upbringing of Mitrofan in the comedy “The Minor,” one cannot fail to mention the figure of the father and his influence on the personality of the young man. Prostakov appears before the reader as a weak-willed shadow of his wife. It was passivity and the desire to transfer the initiative to someone stronger that Mitrofan took over from his father. It is paradoxical that Pravdin speaks of Prostakov as a stupid person, but in the action of the play his role is so insignificant that the reader cannot fully understand whether he really is that stupid. Even the fact that Prostakov reproaches his son when Mitrofan abandons his mother at the end of the work does not point to him as a character with positive traits. The man, like the others, does not try to help Prostakova, remaining on the sidelines, thus again showing an example of weak-will and lack of initiative to his son - he doesn’t care, just as he didn’t care while Prostakova beat his peasants and disposed of his property in her own way.

The second man who influenced Mitrofan’s upbringing is his uncle. Skotinin, in essence, represents the person that the young man could become in the future. They are even brought together by a common love for pigs, whose company is much more pleasant for them than the company of people.

Mitrofan's training

According to the plot, the description of Mitrofan's training is in no way connected with the main events - the fight for Sophia's heart. However, it is these episodes that reveal many important problems that Fonvizin covers in the comedy. The author shows that the reason for the young man’s stupidity is not only bad upbringing, but also poor education. Prostakova, when hiring teachers for Mitrofan, chose not educated, smart teachers, but those who would take less. Retired sergeant Tsyfirkin, dropout Kuteikin, former groom Vralman - none of them could give Mitrofan a decent education. They all depended on Prostakova, and therefore could not ask her to leave and not interfere with the lesson. Let us remember how the woman did not allow her son to even think about solving an arithmetic problem, offering “her own solution.” The exposure of Mitrofan's useless teaching is the scene of the conversation with Starodum, when the young man begins to come up with his own rules of grammar and does not know what geography is studying. At the same time, the illiterate Prostakova also does not know the answer, but if the teachers could not laugh at her stupidity, then the educated Starodum openly ridicules the ignorance of the mother and son.

Thus, Fonvizin, introducing into the play scenes of Mitrofan’s training and the exposure of his ignorance, raises acute social problems of education in Russia in that era. Noble children were taught not by authoritative educated individuals, but by literate slaves who needed pennies. Mitrofan is one of the victims of such an old-time landowner, outdated and, as the author emphasizes, meaningless education.

Why is Mitrofan the central character?

As the title of the work makes clear, the young man is the central image of the comedy “The Minor.” In the character system, he is contrasted with the positive heroine Sophia, who appears to the reader as an intelligent, educated girl who respects her parents and older people. It would seem, why did the author make the key figure of the play a weak-willed, stupid undergrowth with a completely negative characteristic? Fonvizin in the image of Mitrofan showed a whole generation of young Russian nobles. The author was concerned about the mental and moral degradation of society, in particular, young people who adopted outdated values ​​from their parents.

In addition, in “Nedorosl” Mitrofan’s characterization is a composite image of the negative traits of Fonvizin’s contemporary landowners. The author sees cruelty, stupidity, lack of education, sycophancy, disrespect for others, greed, civic passivity and infantilism not only in extraordinary landowners, but also in officials at the court, who also forgot about humanism and high morality. For the modern reader, the image of Mitrofan is, first of all, a reminder of what a person becomes when he stops developing, learning new things and forgets about eternal human values ​​- respect, kindness, love, mercy.

A detailed description of Mitrofan, his character and way of life will help students in grades 8-9 when preparing a report or essay on the topic “Characteristics of Mitrofan in the comedy “The Minor””

Work test

One of the main characters of Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” is Prostakov Mitrofan Terentyevich, the noble son of the Prostakovs. The name Mitrofan means “similar”, similar to his mother. And it's noticeable. Mitrofanushka has no goal in life, he only loves to eat, laze around and chase pigeons: “I’ll run to the dovecote now, maybe, or...” To which his mother answered: “Go and frolic, Mitrofanushka.”

The ignorant mother taught her son the sciences, but she did this not out of love for enlightenment, but only because of Peter’s decree that all noble children should know the word of God, grammar and arithmetic. And what is her advice to her son worth: “ friend, at least for the sake of appearance, learn, so that it reaches his ears how hard you work!”, “When you find money, don’t share it with anyone. Take it all for yourself, Mitrofanushka. Don’t learn this stupid science!” And Mitrofan listened to this advice. He did not learn arithmetic, nor the word of God, nor grammar (what kind of grammar if our little one did not know the adjective or noun word “door”?). Of all the teachers, only the German Adam Adamych Vralman praised Mitrofanushka (from his “speaking” surname alone it is clear why), and even then so that Prostakova would not be angry with him. The other teachers openly scolded him. For example, Tsyfirkin: “Your honor will always be idle.” And Mitrofan snapped: “Well! Give me the board, garrison rat! Get your butts on.” “All butts, your honor. We remain with our behinds forever behind us.”

Among the relatives of this “blockhead” he was surrounded by his father and mother, who doted on him. Despite this, Mitrofan treated his mother with disdain, he does not love at all and he did not feel sorry for his own mother at all, he does not respect her and plays on her feelings. And when Prostakova, who has lost power, rushes to her son with the words: You are the only one left with me, my dear friend, Mitrofanushka! ”, to which he hears a heartless response: “Get rid of yourself, mother, how you imposed yourself.” And the “blockhead” doesn’t even recognize his dad. Perhaps because Prostakov was afraid of his wife and in her presence spoke about his son like this: “At least, I love him as a parent should, a smart child, a smart child, a funny man, an entertainer; Sometimes I’m overjoyed because of him, and I really don’t believe that he’s my son.” After the words “beside myself,” Prostakov probably stopped short. What a joy it is when a son grows up to be a “mama’s boy”!... That’s all our hero’s relatives, from whom, as practice has shown, he did not love anyone. Also, of course, his uncle, but Mitrofan didn’t like him and was always rude to him. That’s all his relatives, where he didn’t love anyone and recognized only his mother as a person.

But, in the end, the “evil” people (Mitrofan and his mother) get what they deserve. Mom is betrayed by her own son, and the “ignoramus” is sent to serve. Who knows, maybe the service will fix it. We know one thing for sure - he won’t see his mother “due to duty” for a long time, and will his mother want to see him again... Will she understand her mistake?...

So, we have analyzed the whole essence of Mitrofan. But for what purpose does this character appear? I think to show people that there are still millions of “minors” that look like mines, and if you step on them, something irreparable will happen…. These are the worthy fruits of evil.

Characteristics of Mitrofan Prostakov (“Nedorosl” by Fonvizin) 3.44 /5 (68.89%) 9 votes

Mitrofan is the son of the Prostakovs, an undergrowth - that is, a young nobleman who has not yet entered the public service. By decree of Peter I, all minors were required to have basic knowledge. Without this, they had no right to marry, and also could not enter the service. That’s why Prostakova hired teachers for her son Mitrofanushka. But nothing good came of it. Firstly, his teachers were a half-educated seminarian and a retired soldier. Secondly, Mitrofan himself did not want to study, and Mrs. Prostakova did not really insist on studying.

Of course, family played a big role in laziness and immaturity. Since the mother did not consider education important, where could Mitrofanushka himself have a reverent attitude towards learning?

The main character traits of Mitrofan are laziness and selfishness. He doesn't want to do anything at all. Mitrofan does not want to learn and does not understand the need for knowledge at all: “Well, give me the board, you garrison rat!” From childhood he was under the tutelage of his mother and Eremeevna, so it is not surprising that Mitrofan grew up to be such a slob.

The selfishness with which Mitrofan treats those around him is simply amazing. The only authority for him is his mother Prostakova, and even she fulfills all his whims. He treats Eremeevna terribly: “Well, just say another word, you old bastard, and I’ll get you off! I'll complain to my mother again; so she will deign to give you a task like yesterday.” But in a moment of danger he always calls her for help:
“Skotinin (throwing himself at Mitrofan) Oh, you damn pig...
Mitrofan. Mother! Shield me."

The minor did not think at all about his future, did not care about his fate. He lived one day at a time, every day he was fed, and he didn’t have to do anything. If the good life ended, he would not be able to do anything, adapt to life in any way.

Of course he is funny, but it becomes sad when you think about what will happen to him next. After all, there are such Mitrofanushki in our time. We read books in order to avoid the troubles described in them. After reading Fonvizin’s “The Minor,” we may be able to help such lazy people who have become lazy due to improper upbringing. This is what the power of words, the power of books, means. And even now, when the world has changed, “Minor” is very useful to read. And of course, without the image of Mitrofan there would not have been this comedy denouncing injustice.

The rude ignoramus Mitrofanushka is not only a clear result of improper upbringing, but his upbringing itself is a picture of the everyday life of the selfish landowners Prostakov-Skotinin.

The images of both Prostakovs, Skotinin and Mitrofanushka itself are exaggerated. They are funny, but at the same time scary, if you imagine that such landowners could exist at that time, and how hard it was for their serfs.

And what the common people will have to deal with Mitrofan, one cannot imagine. He will be even more immoral than his uncle Skotinin, who wanted to get married because of pigs. But what worries me more is how such an egoist slob who knows nothing and can’t do anything will live in society. He will not only ruin his own life, but also ruin the lives of other people with his disrespect and inhumanity. But it cannot be said that Mitrofan is to blame, because he did not choose his parents, and the Prostakovs raised him as they saw fit. After all, they were also raised by the same selfish landowners. We can say that the system, the power that made people unequal, was to blame. A privileged position, not deserved by anything other than origin and birth, plunged the nobility into a slack state for many years. Of course, the era of Peter the Great marked the beginning of equality of opportunity and useful, motivating competition. But the nobility, which then had enormous influence, bringing one monarch after another to power, was able to secure the comfort of their lives and the lives of their children. Under Catherine II, the nobility received unimaginable rights and opportunities, but the lordly lifestyle did not stimulate the elite of society to work even intellectually.

Fonvizin veiled thoughts about the causes of the vices of the nobility; castigation of laziness, the way of life of hundreds of the same simpletons throughout Russia occupies a central place among the ideas of the work. The lack of criticism spoiled the nobility and made them tyrants. It was possible to become more humane; the Prostakovs were not forced to treat the serfs badly and raise their son that way. The most terrible people are not those who admit their immorality, but those who consider their behavior to be correct, since morality cannot be restored to the latter.


MITROFANUSHKA is the hero of D.I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” (1781), a sixteen-year-old teenager (minor), the only son of Mrs. Prostakova, his mother’s darling and the favorite of the servants. M. as a literary type was not Fonvizin’s discovery. Russian literature of the late 18th century. knew and portrayed such teenagers, living freely in rich parental homes and barely able to read and write at the age of sixteen. Fonvizin endowed this traditional figure of noble life (especially provincial) with the generic features of the Prostakov-Skotinin “nest”.

In his parents’ house, M. is the main “funny man” and “entertainer”, the inventor and witness of all the stories like the one he saw in his dream: how his mother beat his father. It is well known how M. took pity on his mother, who was busy with the difficult task of beating her father. M.'s day is marked by absolute idleness: fun in the dovecote, where M. is saving himself from lessons, is interrupted by Eremeevna, begging the “child” to learn. Having blabbed to his uncle about his desire to get married, M. immediately hides behind Eremeevna - “an old hrychovna,” in his words - ready to lay down his life, but “not to give it away to the “child.” M.'s boorish arrogance is akin to his mother's manner of treating household members and servants: "freak" and "weeper" - the husband, "dog's daughter" and "nasty mug" - Eremeevna, "beast" - the girl Palashka.

If the intrigue of the comedy revolves around the marriage of M. to Sophia, desired by the Prostakovs, then the plot is focused on the theme of the upbringing and teaching of a teenage underage. This is a traditional theme for educational literature. M.'s teachers were selected in accordance with the time standard and the parents' level of understanding of their task. Here Fonvizin emphasizes details that speak of the quality of choice characteristic of the simpleton family: M. is taught French by the German Vralman, exact sciences are taught by retired sergeant Tsyfirkin, who “speaks a little of arithmetic,” and grammar by the “educated” seminarian Kuteikin, who was fired from “all teaching” by permission of the consistory. Hence, in the famous exam scene, M. is an outstanding invention of Mitrofan’s ingenuity about the noun and adjective door, hence the intriguingly fabulous ideas about the story recounted by the cowgirl Khavronya. In general, the result was summed up by Mrs. Prostakova, who is convinced that “people live and have lived without science.”

Fonvizin's hero is a teenager, almost a youth, whose character is affected by the disease of dishonesty, spreading to every thought and every feeling inherent in him. He is dishonest in his attitude towards his mother, through whose efforts he exists in comfort and idleness and whom he abandons at the moment when she needs his consolation. The comic clothes of the image are funny only at first glance. V.O. Klyuchevsky classified M. as a breed of creatures “related to insects and microbes,” characterizing this type with inexorable “reproduction.”

Thanks to the hero Fonvizin, the word “minor” (formerly neutral) became a common noun for a quitter, a loafer and a lazy person.

Lit.: Vyazemsky P. Von-Vizin. St. Petersburg, 1848; Klyuchevsky V. “Nedorosl” Fonvizin

//Klyuchevsky V. Historical portraits. M., 1990; Rassadin St. Fonvizin. M., 1980.


Literary heroes. - Academician. 2009 .


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    Ignorant, ignoramus, ignorant, half-educated Dictionary of Russian synonyms. mitrofanushka noun, number of synonyms: 5 mitrofan (3) ... Synonym dictionary

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  • Minor. Brigadier, Fonvizin Denis Ivanovich. The book includes the most famous works of the playwright, publicist, translator and creator of Russian everyday comedy D.I. Fonvizin. The heroes of the comedy "The Minor" are representatives of different social…

Mitrofan means “revealing his mother,” i.e., similar to his mother. This is a bright type of spoiled “mama’s boy”, who grew up and developed in the ignorant environment of the local nobility. Serfdom, the home environment and the absurd, ugly upbringing spiritually ruined and corrupted him.

By nature he is not devoid of cunning and intelligence. He sees perfectly well that the mother is the sovereign mistress of the house, and he plays nice with her, pretends to be a son who loves her tenderly (story about a dream) or scares her with the threat of drowning if

They won’t protect him from his uncle’s fists and will torment him with reading the Book of Hours. Mntrofan's mental development is extremely low, since he has an insurmountable aversion to work and learning.

The scenes of his classes with teachers and the “exam” clearly and fully show his mental squalor, ignorance of the sciences, reluctance to understand anything, to learn new things. The dovecote, hearth pies, sweet soya and the idle life of the barchuk are much dearer to him than mental pursuits. Mitrofan does not know love for anyone, even for those closest to him - his mother and nanny.

He doesn’t talk to teachers, but “barks,” as Tsyfirkin puts it; Eremeeviu, who is devoted to him, calls him “an old bastard,” and threatens her with fierce reprisals: “I’ll get you off!” “When Sophia’s kidnapping failed, he angrily shouts: “Take care of people! “The mother who has lost both power and property, rushing to him in despair, he rudely pushes away: get rid of yourself, mother, how you imposed yourself! “Mitrofan’s speech fully reflects his character and his distinctive qualities.

Mitrofan’s mental poverty and lack of development are reflected in this. that he does not know how to use words or speak coherently. He expresses himself in monosyllables: “I suppose, brother,” “Which door? “, “To hell with everything!” In his language there are many colloquialisms, words and phrases borrowed: “For me, where they tell me to!”

, “Yes, look at that, it’s a task from Uncle, “I’ll dive - that’s what they called me!” The main tone of his speech is the capricious, disdainful, rude tone of a spoiled “mama's son, a barchuk, a future despot and tyrant. Even with his mother, he speaks more than cheekily, and sometimes he is insolent to her.

The image of Mitrofan is an image of enormous generalizing power. The name Mitrofanushka became a household name. The very word “minor,” which before Fonvizin meant a noble teenager who had not reached 16 years of age, became synonymous with a complete ignoramus, knowing nothing and not wanting to know anything.

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Denis Fonvizin wrote the comedy “The Minor” in the 18th century. At that time, a decree of Peter I was in force in Russia, prescribing that young men under 21 without education were prohibited from entering military and government service, as well as from getting married. In this document, young people under this age were called “minors” - this definition formed the basis of the title of the play. In the work, the main character is Mitrofanushka the undergrowth. Fonvizin portrayed him as a stupid, cruel, greedy and lazy young man of 16 who behaves like a small child, does not want to study and is capricious. Mitrofan is a negative character and the funniest hero of the comedy - his absurd statements, stupidity and ignorance cause laughter not only among readers and spectators, but also among other heroes of the play. The character plays an important role in the ideological concept of the play, so the image of Mitrofan the Minor requires detailed analysis.

Mitrofan and Prostakova

In Fonvizin’s work “The Minor,” the image of Mitrofanushka is closely connected with the theme of education, since in fact it was the wrong upbringing that became the cause of the young man’s evil character and all his negative traits. His mother, Mrs. Prostakova, is an uneducated, cruel, despotic woman, for whom the main values ​​are material wealth and power. She adopted her views on the world from her parents - representatives of the old nobility, uneducated and ignorant landowners like herself. The values ​​and views received through upbringing were passed on to Prostakova and Mitrofan - the young man in the play is depicted as a “mama's boy” - he cannot do anything on his own, the servants or his mother do everything for him. Having received from Prostakova cruelty towards servants, rudeness and the opinion that education occupies one of the last places in life, Mitrofan also adopted disrespect for loved ones, a willingness to deceive them or betray them for the sake of a more lucrative offer. Let us remember how Prostakova persuaded Skotinin to take Sophia as his wife in order to essentially get rid of the “extra mouth.”

Whereas the news about the girl’s large inheritance made her a “caring teacher”, supposedly loving Sophia and wishing her happiness. Prostakova is looking for her own self-interest in everything, which is why she refused Skotinin, because if the girl married Mitrofan, who listened to his mother in everything, Sophia’s money would go to her.

The young man is as selfish as Prostakova. He becomes a worthy son of his mother, adopting her “best” traits, which explains the final scene of the comedy, when Mitrofan abandons Prostakova, who has lost everything, leaving to serve the new owner of the village, Pravdin. For him, his mother’s efforts and love turned out to be insignificant before the authority of money and power.

The influence of his father and uncle on Mitrofan

Analyzing the upbringing of Mitrofan in the comedy “The Minor,” one cannot fail to mention the figure of the father and his influence on the personality of the young man. Prostakov appears before the reader as a weak-willed shadow of his wife. It was passivity and the desire to transfer the initiative to someone stronger that Mitrofan took over from his father. It is paradoxical that Pravdin speaks of Prostakov as a stupid person, but in the action of the play his role is so insignificant that the reader cannot fully understand whether he really is that stupid. Even the fact that Prostakov reproaches his son when Mitrofan abandons his mother at the end of the work does not point to him as a character with positive traits. The man, like the others, does not try to help Prostakova, remaining on the sidelines, thus again showing an example of weak-will and lack of initiative to his son - he doesn’t care, just as he didn’t care while Prostakova beat his peasants and disposed of his property in her own way.

The second man who influenced Mitrofan’s upbringing is his uncle. Skotinin, in essence, represents the person that the young man could become in the future. They are even brought together by a common love for pigs, whose company is much more pleasant for them than the company of people.

Mitrofan's training

According to the plot, the description of Mitrofan's training is in no way connected with the main events - the fight for Sophia's heart. However, it is these episodes that reveal many important problems that Fonvizin covers in the comedy. The author shows that the reason for the young man’s stupidity is not only bad upbringing, but also poor education. Prostakova, when hiring teachers for Mitrofan, chose not educated, smart teachers, but those who would take less. Retired sergeant Tsyfirkin, dropout Kuteikin, former groom Vralman - none of them could give Mitrofan a decent education. They all depended on Prostakova, and therefore could not ask her to leave and not interfere with the lesson. Let us remember how the woman did not allow her son to even think about solving an arithmetic problem, offering “her own solution.” The exposure of Mitrofan's useless teaching is the scene of the conversation with Starodum, when the young man begins to come up with his own rules of grammar and does not know what geography is studying. At the same time, the illiterate Prostakova also does not know the answer, but if the teachers could not laugh at her stupidity, then the educated Starodum openly ridicules the ignorance of the mother and son.

Thus, Fonvizin, introducing into the play scenes of Mitrofan’s training and the exposure of his ignorance, raises acute social problems of education in Russia in that era. Noble children were taught not by authoritative educated individuals, but by literate slaves who needed pennies. Mitrofan is one of the victims of such an old-time landowner, outdated and, as the author emphasizes, meaningless education.

Why is Mitrofan the central character?

As the title of the work makes clear, the young man is the central image of the comedy “The Minor.” In the character system, he is contrasted with the positive heroine Sophia, who appears to the reader as an intelligent, educated girl who respects her parents and older people. It would seem, why did the author make the key figure of the play a weak-willed, stupid undergrowth with a completely negative characteristic? Fonvizin in the image of Mitrofan showed a whole generation of young Russian nobles. The author was concerned about the mental and moral degradation of society, in particular, young people who adopted outdated values ​​from their parents.

In addition, in “Nedorosl” Mitrofan’s characterization is a composite image of the negative traits of Fonvizin’s contemporary landowners. The author sees cruelty, stupidity, lack of education, sycophancy, disrespect for others, greed, civic passivity and infantilism not only in extraordinary landowners, but also in officials at the court, who also forgot about humanism and high morality. For the modern reader, the image of Mitrofan is, first of all, a reminder of what a person becomes when he stops developing, learning new things and forgets about eternal human values ​​- respect, kindness, love, mercy.

A detailed description of Mitrofan, his character and way of life will help students in grades 8-9 when preparing a report or essay on the topic “Characteristics of Mitrofan in the comedy “The Minor””

Work test

Hearing the name of the comedy “Undergrown”, the image of a slacker and ignoramus emerges. The word undergrowth did not always have an ironic meaning. During the time of Peter I, noble children under 15 years of age were called minors. Fonvizin managed to give the word a different meaning. After the release of the comedy, it became a household name. The image and characterization of Mitrofanushka in the comedy “Minor” are negative. Through this character, Fonvizin wanted to show the degradation of the Russian nobility, when a person ceases to be human, turning into an ignorant and stupid beast.

The key role in the comedy “The Minor” is played by Mitrofan Prostakov, a noble son. The name Mitrofan means “similar”, similar to his mother. The parents looked into the water. Having named the child this way, they received a complete copy of themselves. A slacker and a parasite, accustomed to having all his wishes fulfilled the first time. Favorite activities: eat well and sleep. Mitrofan is only 16 years old and while his peers are full of aspirations and desires, he has none at all.

Mitrofan and mother

Mitrofan is a typical mama's boy.

“Well, Mitrofanushka, I see you are a mother’s son, not a father’s son!”

The father loves his son no less than the mother, but the father's opinion means nothing to him. Seeing how his mother treated her husband, humiliating him in front of the serfs, sometimes with a word, sometimes with a slap on the head, the guy drew certain conclusions. If a man voluntarily allowed himself to be turned into a rag, then what can he deserve? The only desire is to wipe your feet and move.

Thanks to his mother, Mitrofan is absolutely not adapted to life. Why bother with problems and worries when there are servants and a mother who is ready to do anything for him. Her guardianship and dog-like adoration were annoying. Mother's love did not find a response in his heart. He grew up cold and insensitive. In the final scene, Mitrofan proved that his mother is indifferent to him. He abandons his loved one as soon as he hears that she has lost everything. Rushing towards him in the hope of getting support, the woman hears something rude:

“Go away, mother, how you forced yourself on me”

Self-interest and the desire to get rich quickly and without effort became his credo. These traits were also passed on from the mother. Even the wedding with Sophia was at the suggestion of the mother, who wanted to profitably accommodate her unlucky son.

“I don’t want to study, I want to get married”

These are the words of Mitrofan addressed to her. The proposal was received with a bang. After all, a wedding with a rich heiress promised him a carefree and prosperous future.


Favorite leisure activities: food and sleep. Food meant a lot to Mitrofan. The guy loved to eat. I filled my belly so much that I couldn’t sleep. He was constantly tormented by colic, but this did not reduce the amount he ate.

“Yes, it’s clear, brother, you had a hearty dinner...”

After having a hearty dinner, Mitrofan usually went to the dovecote or went to bed. If it weren't for the teachers with their classes, he would get out of bed only to look into the kitchen.

Attitude to study

Science was difficult for Mitrofan. Teachers fought for four years to teach the stupid guy something, but the result was zero. The mother herself, an uneducated woman, inspired her son that it was not necessary to study. The main thing is money and power, everything else is a waste of time.

“It’s only torment for you, but everything, I see, is emptiness. Don’t learn this stupid science!”

Peter's decree that noble children should know arithmetic, God's word and grammar played a role. She had to hire teachers not out of love for science, but because it was the right thing to do. It is not surprising that with such an attitude towards learning, Mitrofan did not understand and did not know basic things.

The importance of Mitrofan in comedy

Through the image of Mitrofan, Fonvizin wanted to show what can become of a person if he stops developing, getting stuck in one pore and forgetting about human values, such as love, kindness, honesty, respect for people.