The Gabozov family from house 2 what they do. Alexander Gobozov openly spoke about his divorce from Aliana Ustinenko

It’s no secret that only bright and interesting personalities, completely devoid of complexes, can gain the status of “household member” and gain a foothold on the scandalous television project “Dom-2”. Aliana Ustinenko knew the rules of the game perfectly. The flamboyant beauty was remembered by the audience not only for her appearance, but also for her antics balancing on the brink of what was permitted.

Childhood and youth

On December 31, 1993, a native of Armenia, Arthur Asratyan, and his wife Svetlana had a daughter, who was named Aliana. The family lived in the southeast of the European part of Russia - in the city of Volgograd. Five years later, there was an addition to the Hasratyan family: the wife gave birth to her husband’s son, who was named Gegham. When Alina was 16 years old, her parents divorced. Svetlana Mikhailovna never brought a new man into the family.

From the biography of the reality show star it is known that, in addition to secondary education, Aliana also has a higher education. Ustinenko graduated from Volgograd State University and graduated from the educational institution with a law degree. For a couple of years, Aliana tried her hand at modeling and achieved good results in this field: the girl repeatedly participated in foreign fashion shows and photo shoots.

Show "Dom-2"

At the casting, the lively brunette immediately attracted the attention of the organizers: her expressive appearance and daring behavior that made the girl stand out from the crowd did their job. In January 2013, the project was rebooted. 6 new participants came to “Dom-2” at once, among whom was Aliana. The girl showed sympathy for the favorite of the women's bedroom. In order to prove to the young man that her appearance is not her only advantage, the young lady sang a song, thereby demonstrating the presence of good vocal abilities.

Aliana Gobozova in the show "Dom-2"

It is noteworthy that at the time Ustinenko arrived on the television set, Varvara Tretyakova and Ekaterina Kolisnichenko were already fighting for the guy’s heart. The presence of rivals did not frighten Aliana. The appearance of a charming person turned the love triangle into an explosive square. True, the Armenian beauty never managed to build a relationship with the handsome blond. After a couple of away dates and one-on-one conversations, the guy said that Aliana was not the heroine of his novel.

Then there was an attempt to win the heart of the ladies' man "House-2". The project macho cooled down the ardor of the young brunette, saying that he preferred ladies of a different character. After this, Ustinenko developed feelings for Sergei Sichkar. The young man in a relationship did not reciprocate the girl’s feelings at first. However, after another quarrel with his beloved, Alexandra Skorodumova, Sergei nevertheless decided to move into a city apartment with Aliana. Ustinenko's happiness lasted for two whole days.

A couple of weeks later, the young lady’s attention was attracted by the long-lived project. Ustinenko showed Zhenya all kinds of attention: she prepared breakfasts, arranged romantic dinners, without leaving a single step from the handsome man. Evgeny, so as not to hurt the feelings of the young beauty, tactfully translated everything into a joke and did not reciprocate. It is unknown how the project fate of the black-haired beast would have developed if her future husband had not come to the show in 2013.

The man was invited to a scandalous television production together with, and, in order to make an amorous revolution at “House-2” and show newcomers how to build love. Aliana immediately attracted the amorous Sasha. On the very first day, the revolutionary admitted that Ustinenko’s bottomless black eyes literally drove him crazy.

Personal life

It is worth noting that the relationship between Alexander and Aliana developed rapidly. After six months of dating, Aliana announced she was pregnant. Then fans of the show agreed that the beauty, smart beyond her years, realized that she could only keep Sasha, who was beginning to cool down, around her as a child. Despite the rumors circulating around the lovers in November 2013, they got married. After a magnificent ceremony in Russia, the newlyweds flew to the Maldives.

Upon returning to the project, the idyll that reigned in the relationship disappeared. Instead of a calm family life, Gobozov and Ustinenko endlessly scandalized and fought. Unable to understand their own problems, the couple called “heavy artillery” to the show. In January 2014, mothers Olga Vasilievna and. appeared on the perimeter. True, instead of helping their lovers save their marriage, the women began to fight with each other. According to both ladies, they initially did not see a future for their children together and hoped until the very end that Sasha and Aliana would eventually go their separate ways.

In May 2014, Sasha and Aliana Gobozov became parents. A boy was born who was named Robert. The birth of a son did not change the tense situation in the family. Alexander aggravated the situation by taking night time off from the show organizers. After trips, of which there were a great many during Gobozov’s time on the project, Ustinenko was regularly sent photographs in which her legal husband was idly spending time surrounded by ladies. Moreover, Alexander changed his companions like gloves.

The wife endured the frivolous behavior of the father of her child for a couple of months. After another betrayal, Ustinenko wrote the song “Moth”, for which a video was subsequently shot. The composition told their love story with Alexander. The couple separated in December 2014, and the official divorce took place in early 2015. In May of the same year, Sasha left Dom-2 of his own free will. Aliana Gobozova also did not stay long on the project. After another scandal, the girl packed her things, took her son in her arms and went out the gate.

Outside the cells, the would-be spouses got back together. On January 30, 2016, they celebrated their second wedding. In October of the same year at Aliana's. For a long time, Svetlana Mikhailovna Ustinenko struggled with brain cancer. The woman underwent several courses of chemotherapy and underwent surgery. On the day of the funeral, Ustinenko posted

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This is not the first time one of the popular couples formed on the project has broken up. Now the spouses claim that this is final and irrevocable, since they are convinced that they cannot find a common language, despite attempts.

Alexander Gobozov explains that he no longer intends to live with Aliana, since she is too jealous, checked his correspondence, and was angry about communicating with women. Although his work requires him to communicate not only with men, but also with women, it always seemed to her that he was flirting with the weaker sex, the site reports.

Both Aliana and Alexander now live in Volgograd, so their son takes turns spending time with one parent and then with the other. They did not set time limits and were able to reach an agreement peacefully. At the same time, Sasha assured that he was not having an affair, and joint photographs with Natalya were an accident; they were simultaneously relaxing at the dacha of mutual friends.

Not without mentioning Olga Vasilievna. Gobozov doesn’t like the fact that Aliana never found a common language with his mother, and he hopes that the new passion will be smarter and more friendly. Moreover, their mother asked them not to rush into a divorce and always supported their family.

“Yeah, and everyone kind of believed that the OB didn’t interfere in your family,” “Well, of course, it’s all Aliana’s fault - she was jealous, she wasn’t friends with her mother, she didn’t appreciate her husband. Some Gobozovs are golden,” - Ustinenko’s fans spoke out.

Gobozov reminded him that he left everything to Aliana, although she won the apartment when they were married, and he had the right to claim it. As for business, they actually divided the contract, but he left Aliana 95%, and he intends to start from scratch. Gobozov did not specify that in return he would receive a new car.

Today is a holiday in the family of ex-participants of “House-2” Aliana Ustinenko and Alexander Gobozov - the couple again went to the registry office. It’s no secret that both have already been there: two years ago, the lovers registered their marriage at the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow. But despite the common desire to get married and even the birth of their son Robert, a year ago there was discord in their family, and without thinking twice, Sasha and Aliana divorced and left the popular TV show.
Later, in an exclusive interview with StarHit, the girl admitted that after a six-month breakup, feelings and the desire to raise a child together took over, and Ustinenko decided to give her beloved one more chance. Fortunately, Alexander met all the hopes of his soul mate, and the couple decided to get married again - forever.
“When we played the wedding for the first time, everything was very quickly and thoughtlessly,” Aliana tells StarHit. “You could even say that we did it in the heat of the moment.” There was only passion, love, emotions. Now this step is more than balanced, we made the decision with a cool head, we are really ripe for it. I am sure that he will only be the beginning of our life together, despite the fact that we already have a child. This wedding is forever."
By the way, the newlyweds' painting took place at 15:00 and took place in the same registry office as for the first time two years ago. “This is a very beautiful place, so we didn’t really choose where to register the marriage again. Some people are surprised that we wanted to sign in the afternoon and not in the morning, as is usually customary, but I don’t like getting up early and in general I wanted more time to get ready properly.”

There were few guests at the ceremony: relatives, close friends and colleagues. In addition, this time the couple decided to do without cameras and prying eyes. “I don’t want a lot of people and attention anymore. Happiness loves silence. So we wanted to make this moment humble and quiet, but at the same time beautiful. We succeeded,” shares the young wife.
Today there was no traditional loaf of salt and throwing rice, as well as no bridal bouquet, but Aliana wanted to wear a luxurious wedding dress this time too. The girl went to the salon with her future husband to make it easier to choose, and at the same time consulted with fans on Periscope. True, no one knew exactly what dress the beauty chose in the end until recently. “Sasha saw me directly on the day of painting. Before that I decided not to show him. Although, to be honest, at first I was planning to wear a regular formal suit, but when I came to choose an outfit, I simply couldn’t resist a classic white dress. It’s so feminine and symbolic for this occasion!”

At the registry office, Aliana looked stunning; her snow-white lace dress fit the slimmer bride flawlessly. Alexander chose a classic blue suit for the special occasion. By the way, the whole action was so beautiful and reverent that many forgot that this was not the first time the couple had done this. Joyful and even a little worried, Sasha and Aliana only proved that their love is real and can survive any difficulties. "We are very happy! Pah-pah-pah, but now we have complete idyll and harmony in our relationships! Now we are officially married and we will only move forward!”

The Dom-2 project has the reputation of a scandalous show. TV viewers are particularly interested in the loud scandals of the participants. Fans continue to follow some of the “House” members even after leaving the project. In this article, readers will learn the latest news from Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov.

Photo: Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov with their son

The reason for the divorce of Ustinenko and Gobozov

In June, information appeared in the press about the divorce of the former stars of the television project “Dom-2”. The couple was remembered for the scandalous relationship between each other and Alexander’s mother, Olga Vasilievna. The couple recently got married for the second time. Their divorce is like a bolt from the blue for fans.

Aliana told the press that she had no time to deal with a divorce. She entrusted the process to a lawyer. According to Sasha, the reason for their divorce and high-profile scandals in their personal lives is the incompatibility of characters. Fans did not believe the stars; in their opinion, the reason sounded too implausible.


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Ustinenko decided to tell the truth. According to the girl, the situation in the family changed after the death of her mother. It is worth recalling that Aliana’s mother died last year from cancer. After the death of a loved one, a former participant in “House-2” turned to religion. She began to attend church often. Ustinenko took her son Robert with her.

Aliana went to communion several times - she decided to renounce her sins. Her husband did not understand why his wife was so restricting herself from the joys of life that were previously familiar to them. The girl realized that she was losing interest in her lover, and Sasha stopped giving his wife compliments and kind words. He showed her a minimum of tenderness. The star said that she and her husband stopped sleeping in the same room, they lived like neighbors.

The latest news in the lives of Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov - the reason for their divorce has been revealed. Love killed everyday life. Young people are often at home together, they work from home. There was no separation between work and home in their lives; everyday life killed relationships.

Sasha and his wife decided to talk calmly. They came to the conclusion that they could not be together. Each told the other how they saw their future. The stars of “House 2” decided that they would not be able to maintain a warm relationship as before.

Photos of the wedding of Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov

Sasha decided that he would make his ex-wife a “mentor” in the network business. This way she can get more money. Sasha will not pay child support.

Aliana says that she has fans. Neither man made the right impression. The girl hopes to meet a life partner in the future.

Photo 2018: Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov with their son

What happened next?

The former participants of the show were unable to part in a civilized manner - the latest news about them was full of loud scandals and fights. The same thing happened to them as happened to other couples in “House-2”. They decided to make a show out of the divorce to interest fans. Sasha and Aliana had no choice but to share their son Robert.

Alexander’s mother, Olga Vasilyevna, stated that she and her son did not want to leave the child with his mother. According to Olga, the ex-fiancée is not raising the boy well enough. Olga Vasilievna openly stated that Aliana is a bad mother.

Aliana with her son

Alexander went to court to be able to take custody of the child. Initially these were rumors. The man denied them. But after a while he really began to quarrel with his ex-wife over Robert.

Ustinenko wanted to fly to Turkey on vacation, and Robert was supposed to fly with her. Alexander forbade the woman to take the child out. Fans say that Sasha's behavior has an excuse. Gobozov could not leave with Robert for Lermontov. Ustinenko forbade doing this. After being banned from flying to Turkey, Robert's mother forbade the boy to see his father.

Old photos of Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov

However, Robert's dad is against the trip purely out of good intentions. He became acquainted with the statistics of child abductions in the country. The man came to the conclusion that holidays in Turkey are not safe. He advised his ex-wife to stay at home. The woman herself categorically refused to listen to him. Among the latest news about Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov were accusations of attempting to illegally take their son out of the country.

Fans of the star couple did not believe Sasha. They decided that the guy was doing this to harm Aliana. They believe that in fact Gobozov does not care at all about the fate of his son.

Photo: Aliana and her mother-in-law on the “Actually” program

What did your ex-mother-in-law do to annoy you?

Ustinenko told how her ex-mother-in-law did not give her a personal life. Olga Vasilyevna often did laundry, which is why the couple had to shell out a decent amount for electricity. The old woman constantly demanded to buy her expensive household products - they stood idle. Olga Vasilievna did not use them.

Sasha's mother was responsible for cooking in the family. But other than porridge, the young people saw nothing on the table.

In addition, Aliana accuses her mother-in-law and Sasha of indirect involvement in the death of her mother, saying that they did not mourn her.

Misunderstandings, everyday life, infidelity are the reason for divorce and high-profile scandals among the latest news of Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov.

Video of the program “Actually”, where the “House 2” couple tells the truth about each other:

Photo by @aliana1001

At the end of last week, Volgograd resident Aliana Gobozova, who became popular on the Internet thanks to her participation in the reality show “Dom-2,” told subscribers of her microblog that she intended to start a new life. They responded by bombarding her with questions and requests to tell her what the changes were connected with, suggesting that we could be talking about a divorce from her husband Alexander Gobozov. And it must be said that when making assumptions, the followers of the ex-participant of “Dom-2” were not so far from the truth.

Aliana remained silent for several days, then, responding to requests from numerous fans, she organized an online broadcast for them on Periscope, where she openly spoke about the causes of quarrels and conflicts in the family. Gobozova admitted that she actually packed her things a few days ago and left her husband with her son Robert. And, according to her, the conflict was provoked by her mother-in-law Olga Vasilievna Gobozova. During the online broadcast, Aliana chose not to voice the name of her husband’s mother, constantly calling her “Mr. X” and believing that everyone understood perfectly well what character we were talking about.

“After Sasha and I left the project, everything was fine with us. We lived normally, raised Robik, there was only one problem - “Mr. X,” Aliana Gobozova began her almost half-hour confession. – I always told everyone that I was grateful to “Mr. X”, she helped us, sat with Robik while I was caring for my sick mother. But when I returned from Volgograd to Moscow after the funeral, it was as if the person had been replaced. She saw that I was morally weak, but did not support me; on the contrary, there were jokes and even bullying on her part. I often climbed into Robert's little house and cried there. I asked her not to touch my mother’s memory.”

Aliana rented an apartment and now lives in it alone with her son Robert

Photo by @aliana1001

After another quarrel, Olga Vasilievna went home to Pyatigorsk. True, a little over a week ago she came to Moscow to take part in one of the talk shows dedicated to the conflict between former participants of “House-2” Irina Agibalova and Tatyana Afrikantova.

“I tried to persuade Mr. X not to go on air, I cried, I asked not to touch the memory of my late mother,” Aliana continued to tell on Periscope. “But she didn’t listen to me.”

According to Aliana, Olga Vasilievna behaved ugly on a talk show, remembering Svetlana Mikhailovna (mother of Aliana Gobozova, who died of cancer in October last year. The woman was also a participant in the Dom-2 project. - Note Woman’s Day). During the broadcast, Olga Vasilyevna accused her daughter-in-law of writing nasty things online about Sasha Gobozov, hiding behind the nickname “Cat Bayun”. Hearing this, Aliana’s husband took his mother’s side and caused a terrible scandal for his wife, breaking her phone.