Pencil drawing of a goblin. Lesson notes on artistic creativity

Lesha this creature that lives in the forest. At the same time, he is its owner or overseer. Before the arrival of high-speed Internet in Rus', people believed that all animals and birds living in the forest were the pets of the devil. It was believed that the goblin is an evil but fair spirit. He senses bad people immediately and tries to confuse them. And the goblin helps good people get out of the forest. He can take different forms and even be invisible. In my understanding, Leshy is an old man living a lonely life among dense forests. This is how I imagine a devil. Let's draw an old man together now:

How to draw Leshy with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's make a sketch, show where the head, torso and arms are located.
Step two. Let's add a sketch of the eyes and beard.
Step three. Now let’s draw the big lush beard of Leshy. He resembles the old man Santa Claus, only without a hat and a New Year's suit. Although it may be him, he just dresses smartly for the New Year and goes out to people.
Step four. I correct the contours and add shadows:
Try to draw other mystical creatures.

How to draw Grandfather Leshy for children over 5 years old step by step with photos

Master class for children from 5 years old "Fairy-tale characters of Russia. Leshy"

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Teacher, Municipal budgetary educational institution for additional education of children “Children’s Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov”, Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, and additional education teachers.
Purpose: interior decoration, participation in creative exhibitions, gifts.
Target: creating a fairy-tale image of Uncle Leshy based on animated films and folk beliefs.
- teach children to create the image of the fairy-tale character Leshy (simple stylization of natural forms);
-continue to familiarize children with the basics of visual literacy (compositional center, auxiliary construction lines);
-exercise children in working with gouache (painting technique of “dipping”);
-develop large and fine motor skills of the hand, spatial imagination, creative thinking, aesthetic taste;
- to cultivate interest in domestic animation and folklore characters.

Hello, dear friends and guests! Today my story is about cartoons, or rather their characters and their role in the life of a Russian person! I present to you some of the most beloved characters in modern animation. Everyone knows them, and not only children, but also adults watch them with pleasure.
Thanks to these cartoons, our children will learn new super heroes. Not Spider-Man and other strangers, but the most dear and legendary - Ivan Tsarevich, three Russian heroes, the main characters of Russian epics - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Strong and fearless defenders of the people of Rus', who worry about people with all their hearts and are ready to lay down their lives in the fight against the enemy of Kievan Rus. These cartoons reveal courage, strength, wisdom, selflessness, devotion, honesty and other good traits that are inherent in heroes.
In addition, through cartoons, children get acquainted with Slavic mythology and its characters:
- a little stupid, but cheerful and hospitable - Zmey Gorynych;
-hereditary witch in the sixth generation, selfish, but not so evil - Baba Yaga;
- an evil, insidious, greedy and cunning adversary, whose main weapon is a whistle that makes it difficult to stand on his feet - the Nightingale the Robber;
-kind, resourceful, a little cunning, ready to help in difficult times - Gray Wolf;
- the world tree - Oak with a golden chain, where the Mermaid lives in the branches, and a very smart one who will always help with advice and a magic object - Scientist Cat;
- a negative hero who charmed his guests to death - Koschey the Immortal;
-lonely, unhappy, dreaming of getting married, finding her Prince Kikimora, no one loves her, that’s why she’s so angry.

Children love to watch cartoons, just like you and I once did, dear guests, in our distant childhood. The time was different, the way of life of people was different, but Soviet cartoons also had a direct connection with our Russian roots, history and mythology: Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal, The Flying Ship, Vodyanoy and many other characters we loved with childhood.
I present to your attention my favorite and very common character in Soviet animation, Grandfather Leshy.
In the dark more often in the little house-skvoreshna
The dense grandfather - Leshy - lives for a century.
It feeds on bark and mushrooms.
Sometimes he has fun with the Bab-Yagas.
It’s uncomfortable to be alone in the dark thicket,
Sleeping in the mansion at night is lonely.
Woodpeckers can be heard knocking from the trees.
Shiver. Every nerve is tense. Well, hands
The legs, back and stomach itch on their own.
For three hundred years old Leshy has lived like this...
Today I want to talk about wonderful and kind cartoons that, first of all, teach you to dream and believe in a fairy tale, and this is what many children lack.
“Nothing helps create the future like bold dreams. Today it’s utopia, tomorrow it’s flesh and blood.”
Victor Hugo.

Let's start with cute, witty and funny stories about the girl Natasha, Brownie Kuza and many other characters about which we, even if we watched wonderful cartoons with the participation of the main characters, will not learn anything. And learning about them is fun and interesting - these are Leshata, an amazing forest people.
In the cartoon, Leshik and his grandfather Diadoch retained many of the habits of goblin, described in the legends about these owners of the forest. They feed on cones; they sleep in a den in winter, and before that they arrange a holiday in the forest, where no animal can offend another; They, as befits a goblin, sing songs without words, and their favorite saying “I went, I found, I lost” came from Slavic legends.
Leshonok says about his grandfather that he is “kind, reasonable, handsome, grazes bunnies, takes care of birds, grows trees.” Grandfather “leads” passers-by through the forest because he loves guests very much and wants to keep them with him as long as possible (according to popular beliefs, goblin do not allow people to leave the forest either simply out of mischief, or as punishment for a bad attitude towards the forest). As befits a goblin, the heroes maintain peace and order in their territory: Leshik’s dad went to the Burnt Forest to restore it after the fire; Little Leshon and Grandfather Diadoch treat sick inhabitants of the forest and prepare treats for animals for every taste in reserve.
At first, the forest seems alien and scary to Kuzka. And then he realizes that everything here is arranged the same way as in his hut, only instead of a roof there is sky, and instead of a floor there is earth. Kuzka and Leshik even talk about their “homes” in approximately the same way. Kuzka: “A house without an owner is an orphan.” Leshik: “A forest without an owner is an orphan.” Kuzka turns out to be close to the way of life of the goblin, who strive to help everyone around them, and are sincerely upset if they cannot do this (for example, grandfather Diadoch is very worried that “animal medicines cannot help the sick Kuzka). And gradually Kuzka becomes " to his own" in this forest world, helps the goblin in their daily affairs, a real friendship begins between Kuzka and Leshik: the heroes strive to help each other in everything.

It rustled, crackled,
Something seemed to run
There was a whoop somewhere in the distance;
We are not alone in the forest.
The forest is not just linden trees, fir trees
Among which wolves roam,
The forest also has a soul,
She is in the form of Leshy.
In the cartoon "Dear Goblin" real performances are shown, it seems as if you are in a circus, and artists again perform in front of you, real clowns who will make the whole audience laugh.
This role was taken on by the Leshy and the hare, as well as the well-known Baba Yaga, who only knows how to scare children.
A cartoon about how the insidious Baba Yaga, using the gullible Leshy, decided to lure Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka to her. She has already heated the stove and covered the table with a white tablecloth. All that remains is to convince the naive Leshy that Ivanushka is not afraid of him. And if he’s not afraid, it means he doesn’t respect him. And that's why he needs to be scared and then eaten.
The lack of initiative Leshy turned from one fairy-tale hero to another, for example, into Koshchei the Immortal. In the end, he gave up on Baba Yaga's ideas and went home. And the enraged Baba Yaga went home.

And wherever possible,
Leshy wanders carefully.
From a blade of grass to a stream
Everyone needs his help.
He makes sure that the pine trees eat
They warmed up their youth,
So that mushrooms grow in the forest,
So that the ants work
So that every animal
It would be possible to get soaked.
The cartoon "New Year's Tale" tells about the Snow Monster, the guardian of the forest, who lives in the forest, in a snowy hut. He really didn’t like noise near his hut and would blow away trespassers with the cold wind.
Behind the forest there was a school, and behind it a village. At school, the children were preparing for the New Year, making toys for the Christmas tree. The boy Grishka called himself the strongest and volunteered to go into the forest to get a Christmas tree. There he knocked with an ax and was rude to Leshy. The offended Leshy blew Grishka back to the school and covered him with snow. Another boy called himself the bravest and went into the forest. But the same thing happened to him. Then the girl went to get the Christmas tree. She sang a song about a Christmas tree and politely asked Leshy for it, and then invited her to the New Year's celebration. The goblin came to visit the children and stayed to live in the school gatehouse, in the winter he builds slides and skating rinks for the children, and in the summer he talks about the forest and reads books.

I live in a dense forest,
I am Lesa's best friend:
I take care and protect...
And in winter I fall asleep.
Only now I can’t sleep,
I came to you to have fun...
The cartoon "New Year's Eve" about Father Frost and Leshy is the first Soviet New Year's cartoon of the post-war era.
There are only a few days left until the New Year. Santa Claus goes to the forest to pick up a Christmas tree. There he meets Leshy, with whom they have an argument about what is better: a flying carpet or a real airplane. In the end, Leshy, of course, loses, since he is behind the times, and for this he personally delivers the most beautiful Christmas tree with golden cones to the children.

Month with an orange slice
Huddled between the clouds,
The quagmire churns loudly,
Grandfather Leshem cannot sleep.
He walks through the swamp
Now he sighs, now he mumbles,
Then he scolds someone,
He wants to catch someone.
Animals used to live in fear,
And now - they are not afraid!
These days, evil spirits
There's simply nowhere to go!
The cartoon “The End of the Black Swamp” is a fairy tale about how the draining of swamps forces the forest evil spirits Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy and Leshego to retreat or “re-educate”.
For more than a hundred years, Leshy, Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy have been living in the swamp swamp, but recently something strange has begun to happen. Strange metal birds roam the skies, disturbing the sleep of forest dwellers, the drying out of swamps deprives them of their home, and children even laugh at Baba Yaga, saying that they have not believed in her for a long time.
The plot of the cartoon begins with a tea party, fairy-tale characters talk, complaining either about the lack of sugar or about the linden blossom, other than which there is nothing else to make tea from. But suddenly a huge plane flies over their heads, shaking the entire forest with its noise. Because of this, poor Vodyanoy cannot get a good night’s sleep, which he tells Leshem about. Tired of the constant hum and frightening aircraft in the sky, they turn to Baba Yaga for help so that she can fly down to see what is happening in Rus'. At dawn, Yaga flew out in her mortar for reconnaissance, and lo and behold, she was shot down by an airplane and thrown into a birch grove. There she met children who mistook her for a scientist testing a new aircraft. It was then that Baba Yaga realized that the new generation did not believe in her existence at all. Angry and abandoning everything, she disappeared in an unknown direction, thereby forcing Leshy to go and clarify the situation. A fairy-tale hero who has never seen cars, a highway, or kindergartens finds himself in a village full of unfamiliar things.
This is a funny fairy tale in a modern style, which tells about how our heroes will have to change with the accession of civilization.

The goblin is covered with moss and grass.
Unwashed, bearded.
All covered in thorns. With your head
Uncombed, shaggy.
He scares people a lot
To go into the forest less.
It's worth getting lost,
You will end up with evil spirits.
Another cartoon tells about an interesting forest dweller named Uncle Au. He lives in the forest and loves to come out of the forest at night and scare people with various scary sounds. One day he meets a girl, Rimma, who was not at all afraid of the terrible Au, but shamed him for his dirty clothes and unwashed face. After visiting Rimma’s name day, Au decided to little by little change the existing order that had existed for centuries. So Uncle Au turned into a kind old man who grumbles a lot, but what old men don’t grumble. Poor Au, so much has fallen on him that no nervous system can stand it. Wash and comb your hair for Rimma’s birthday, look at yourself from the outside, and get into the very heart of the metropolis. But no matter what troubles Au is in, little children who believe in friendship between people and fairy-tale creatures will always come to his aid.

Children are taught from childhood:
- Don’t play hide and seek with Leshy!
He is cunning and is happy to lead you.
Run away without looking back!
He might become a wild boar.
And turn into a bear.
It will be a snake-loach.
Or a motley, bright bird.
Hey! Hunter! Beware!
Don't destroy the clearing with the fire!
Don't shoot wolves and foxes!
Remove the traps from the path!
Leshy is fabulously rich.
He stores the earth and water.
And they belong to him
All the gifts of forest nature.
The goblin has always been one of the most popular Slavic mythological characters and, given the modern decline of the mythological tradition, retains its popularity even now.
The goblin is always associated with the forest, he can take on a variety of forest-related images, he can become a plant, a tree or an animal, and even a person. They treated him with respect and called him the Forest Master, but the word “goblin” was considered disrespectful towards the forest spirit.
It was first mentioned in literary monuments starting from the 17th century. There are many original tales written about the goblin (simple scary stories about a personal meeting of the narrator or his acquaintances with the goblin), byvalschinas (more complex real stories with a multi-component plot), beliefs (superstitious beliefs in the existence of this character) and everyday tales.
The life of a peasant was closely connected with the forest and depended on it. In the forest they carried out agricultural work, grazed livestock, harvested wood for construction and heating, hunted and fished, picked mushrooms and berries, forest trades included racing tar and resin, burning charcoal, roads passed through the forest, and various rituals were performed in the forest. But although the forest was actively used by man, adjacent to the space he had developed, it nevertheless remained beyond the control of man; people were afraid of the forest and respected it.

Tales and stories describe encounters with a goblin anywhere in the forest, as well as in the field and even in the village, and at any time of the day. According to legends, the goblin lives in old dry trees (spruce, willow), in a hollow, in a hummock, in the roots of an upturned tree, in snags, in forest huts, in a secret cave and even underground.
According to these stories, all the sounds that are heard or imagined in the forest: whistling, laughter, clapping of hands, a loud cry, singing, the voices of any animals, the howling of the wind, hum, crackling and noise - all these are the sounds of the Master of the Forest. In this way, Leshy expresses his superiority over a person, his dissatisfaction, strives to frighten, make fun of, and lead astray with false sounds. In many stories, the goblin speaks like a human. Often he mimics people, like an echo, which in the forest was considered his response.

The goblin was described in different ways, he could look like a giant, or small like a blade of grass, there are beliefs that he could change his height. If the goblin is dressed, then in general the same as an ordinary person. Often he is accompanied by a strong wind, or he himself may appear to be one. The devil has no shadow. He can become invisible. The goblin has enormous strength, can transform into different animals, but especially loves the bear.
Just as Leshy can change his appearance in the forest, so his character can be completely different. The Forest Master is a big fan of having fun; sometimes he is strong and scary, sometimes he is kind and stupid.
But whatever the character of the Forest Master, Leshy has always been considered a fair owner of forest lands, he takes care of the forest, protects it, and is the patron of forest animals and plants.
The goblin will not harm just like that, but he can punish for inappropriate behavior in his domain, and he can also help a person. According to popular beliefs, the goblin could ensure good luck in the hunt and successful grazing of livestock; for this, hunters and shepherds needed to bring him a gift (something that was not in the forest) and conclude an agreement with him.

The Master of the Forest also has his own name day; he celebrates his birthday on August 22. On his name day, the goblin, like any of us, expects attention and gifts. And he also wants society - he comes out of the forest into the fields, closer to human habitation. And he believes that on his holiday it’s not a sin to be mischievous, both mentally and on a grand scale! Throw sheaves, for example, stir up haystacks, show off with pitchforks on the threshing floor, and break rakes. To scare the cattle and admire how the owners, inattentive to his person, will chase the cows mooing with fear in the middle of the night!
In general, Leshy are friendly people; they are friendly not only with each other, but also with other water spirits, field spirits, as well as brownies and banniki. It is believed that goblin even come to the bathhouse to visit the bathhouse. Therefore, in ancient times there was a belief that you should not enter the bathhouse on the fourth steam even after midnight, since at this time all the spirits - the bathhouse, the brownie, the yard, the barnyard, the field man, the goblin and others - gather in the bathhouse.
On the autumn holiday "Third Autumn" - October 18, our ancestors did not go to the forest, they did not even recommend walking in the park: nature is rebuilt, changing, and a mere mortal should not interfere in these processes. By the way, since ancient times the Osenins have been called “Seeing off the Leshy” to hibernation.
It is believed that goblin go into hibernation during the winter. Before they lay low for the entire winter, they are considered very angry and angry. Goblin walk through the forest, break trees, send winds and bad weather, and drive all the animals into their holes. It is very dangerous for a person to appear in the forest at this time. On this day, the owner of the forest collects all the evil spirits that live in forests, fields, on the shores of lakes, in ponds and swamps. So, even more so, a person should not go into the forest where evil spirits roam!

Leshy wakes up on April 6th. On this day, people tried to appease the Forest Master and brought him gifts into the forest.
It’s easy to appease Leshy, you need to bring him into the forest and leave on the stump various gifts and needs, made with your own hands: an embroidered sash, knitted mittens, small household items. Delicacies baked in the oven, which do not exist in the forest, do not grow because: gingerbread cookies and pies on Christmas trees. At the same time, Leshy will be very pleased by the kind words addressed to him, and sincere gratitude for his forest gifts.
So it’s better to be friends with the Master of the Forest, show signs of respect and not make him angry, which is what our ancestors did.
Well, about the fact that when entering the forest, you need to respect its laws and not harm anyone or do anything, probably everyone knows even without me!

Materials and tools:
-A3 paper
-simple pencil, eraser
-water jar

Progress of the master class:

We start working on the image with a preliminary sketch in pencil. “Auxiliary lines” (auxiliary lines for constructing a drawing) will help us with this. First, we divide the sheet in half vertically, then we find the middle of this line - the center of the sheet. Next, we work in the upper half of the sheet, divide the central line in half again, we get two segments, and also divide the bottom one in half. On the sides of the central “auxiliary” we draw arched lines, the outlines of a tree trunk.

Now we turn the tree into a cheerful creature - we draw the tree’s face: eyes, nose and a smile. Then we erase the auxiliary lines (vertical and horizontal).

Create an angular hairstyle from triangles. We also draw eyebrows similar to triangles, but with rounded corners. And branch hands.

We lengthen the knot nose. And we draw a sparrow friend for the Forest Master (an oval body and a semicircular head).

For a sparrow we draw a wing, beak, tail, then erase the “auxiliaries”. The preliminary sketch of the fairy-tale character Uncle Leshy is finished.

Let's start working with gouache, we will use the painting technique of “dipping” (slippers). Alternately putting one or another color on the brush, we dab the brush into a sheet of paper - we create an image of the autumn forest behind Leshy’s back, the background of the picture.

In the foreground of the picture we have the Forest Master, so he is large on the entire sheet. But the forest is far away, it seems to merge into a single color palette.
In general, the image of Leshy in this work is very simple; the difficulty for children here is the techniques used when drawing. This drawing is more of an exercise than a creative task. When drawing, fine and gross motor skills of the hand are very much involved, mental activity is actively working - selecting colors, skillfully combining them - everything is based on previously acquired experience in working with materials (gouache), color, and its independent use. The exercise is difficult, but thanks to the topic being interesting for the children, they selflessly, enthusiastically and in a good mood complete the work.

    This is how GOBBLE I got. As usual, we start drawing with the face. I always draw the nose and eyes first. Then a hat and a face, in this case a beard. Adding the body and limbs. My goblin is sitting on a tree stump. And of course we add colors.

    How to draw a spirit that is wingless, incorporeal, but able to turn into various visible images: an animal, a bird, a tree, a person? . I live there. I will receive a curious guest. I’ll let you in, so stay close to the window, sit on a bench, pull the table towards you. Don't take out too many colored pencils. Take out the gray, black, green, brown from the pencil case. White, I guess there will be one too. Start thinking about which pencil is best to draw on paper so that the goblin appears on a white sheet of paper. Everyone will draw a forest man as he can imagine at the instigation of the highway. The wind whistling outside the window will pretend to be a leshak, and bring to you, the artist, a visual portrait that pleases him - the king of the forest. The features of the ruler of our forest flash with illumination. You look out the window into the distance and shudder when you see, level with the tops of the pine trees, some vague figure, as if floating in the air. You run to take a closer look, and only see how below the grass the white moss in that place is spread on the ground. If you move back, you might get lost in the wild laughter of the werewolf. It’s time to take off your clothes, turn them all inside out, put them on upside down again, throw your left shoe on your right foot, and your right shoe on your left. You will find your way back to the hospitable hut, and from the gate a frisky black horse with a rider on its back will soar towards the clouds. It will disappear from sight, and then a whirlwind will spin by the road, raising dust all around. U-ho-ho! A-ha-ha! - You will hear a hoot in the forest. You will walk along the street, and you will meet a man in a caftan, wrapped to the right side, tied with a red sash, the toes of his shoes pointing in different directions. The hair is long, gray-green. Eyes without eyelashes sparkle with green light from under an eyebrowless forehead. They are only taken aback when they look at him, and the trace of the stranger has disappeared. And in the middle of the road there is a strange tree in front of you, it seems like it hasn’t been in this place since the morning... How can such a thick tree not interfere with residents’ passing? The branches descend to the ground, and on the bark of the trunk it’s as if a wrinkled face frowns. You reach out to touch your hand, and there is emptiness in front of you. Only the raven overhead screams and circles, as if calling somewhere. If you follow a flying bird, it will suddenly disappear from sight! A dog barks up behind you somewhere nearby, and you turn around... Forget me! A gray and green cat sits on the path, washes itself, and looks at it with its emerald eyes, as if grinning. Kitty, kitty, kitty - kitty! A wild squeal in response, again no one is visible. Eh, hurry up for the night, enough miracles - troubles! I’ll open the gate for you and show you into the house. Go to bed, the guest is not overseas! The morning is wiser than the evening! Tomorrow you will start drawing. What prayers do you know, sir? No?! Have you ever heard or uttered swear words? Well, thank God, you’ll beat it if you get to see the forester tomorrow, nose to nose! The next morning you go into the forest, and take pies and gingerbread with you in your pack. Why are you waving your hands, it’s not necessary, they say?! It won't happen to you, but to grandfather. For a gift, given from the heart, it will seem like a forest to you from other sides, as you deem necessary. I used to meet people during the mushroom season, sitting on a stump, sorting out natural gifts. The lizard curled up on its knees, closed its eyes, but did not purr like a cat, from bliss and pleasure! The forest man had a funny hat, standing like a pointed bell on the top of his head. The tows curled from under the gray ones. He greeted me kindly. I remembered that more than once I went out to the edge of the forest, hung a scarf with gifts on the snags, bowed, and thanked for the medicinal herbs, mushrooms and berries. He was in a good mood at the time, showed me how to shoot a fancy fountain in a stream, and then turned around like a goat and drank water from that stream. I look, and there are no traces of any living creatures. Only at the top, on a hillock, an old pine tree appeared, spreading its paws. For some reason, there were two trunks, and between them sat a black grouse, a bird hitherto unseen in our area. I realized that I was sitting there, waved my hand, and went home without looking back. She just threw a honey gingerbread over her left shoulder and bowed in front: Farewell, king of the forest! Thanks for the hello, let me go in peace! I won’t offend anyone or anything in your forest! What, dear guest, I see you are scribbling something on your sheets of paper? Perhaps you saw the owner of the forest? Well, draw, draw! I won’t interfere if inspiration comes! I hope you will show me the portrait when you finish your work?! Creative success to you, dear man!

    Of course, there is no single concept for determining the appearance of such a creature as a goblin.

    Someone imagines him as an old boletus.

    If we depict it like this, then:

    • The first step is to draw the outlines of the goblin. To do this, divide the sheet into several parts;
    • the second step is to draw proportions and give outlines to the body;
    • with the third we draw small details, erase unnecessary lines.

    But you can portray the goblin in a more frightening way.

    I suggest you draw Leshego from Russian fairy tales. There he often appears as a gray-haired old man with a staff and a straw hat. This goblin is not evil, he helps positive fairy-tale characters who are in trouble or lost in the forest. So our goblin will smile kindly, one might even say fatherly, into his thick gray beard.

    First, divide a sheet of paper into three parts with parallel horizontal lines. Next, we will draw a perpendicular line that will intersect our parallel ones. This will be the axis around which we will build the entire drawing. The bottom part should be slightly smaller than the top two. Below will be the legs of our goblin, but he was not particularly long-legged. We divide the upper part of our drawing in half, there will be the face of a devil. We outline the eyes, mouth and nose. In the next part we draw an oval for the body and in the last lower section we draw the legs of the goblin tapering downward.

    The next steps will be detailing our drawing. We draw the pupils of the goblin, a potato nose and a smiling mouth. On the head we outline the contours of a large straw hat. We must not forget that our old goblin has a beard, so we depict a beard. We outline the arms, legs in bast shoes, in one hand the goblin will hold a staff in the form of a tree branch. Let's not forget about the strap that girds his shirt.

    All that remains is to complete the details: draw the goblin’s shaggy eyebrows, shade the straw hat to give it volume. On top it would be very nice to depict a forest bird making a nest on the hat. We draw twigs on the goblin’s staff, finish drawing the shirt, pants and bast shoes.

    In order to draw a goblin using pencils step by step, we first need to understand what we mean by the word goblin. The goblin is a monster that lives in the forest. No one can say exactly what he looks like. For example, I imagine him as a Werewolf, who is half human, and half beast, monster.

    Below I will attach Photos, where everything is very well shown how to draw Leshy with a pencil step by step.

    We start by drawing the body of the monster. Then we draw the head and limbs. After this you need to draw the eyes, mouth, but ears. At the end we add hair.

    That's all, with the help of these photo diagrams we were able to draw Leshy using pencils step by step.

    If we look at all the pictures, we will see that in different pictures the goblin is depicted differently, since there is no exact picture of the goblin. You just need to know that by the word goblin we mean a Monster, a Beast that lives in the forest.

    How to draw?

    Very simple!)

    Take a sheet of paper and a simple pencil, sharpen it (sharpener, knife), and get started. We will also need an eraser to correct the entire work and individual blots.

    We outline the future composition in the center of the sheet. As we know, Leshy is some kind of mysterious force, or a fairy-tale creature that wanders somewhere, and which almost no one has ever seen, but still we have some fairy-tale idea about this image. And it developed mainly thanks to Russian fairy tales, epics and legends.

    Personally, I see the goblin as a certain force, in the strength and spirit of the forest, so we will personify the goblin from the forest, with a certain tree that has powerful roots (roots), and it will not cost anything to pull out its roots and move in space. I also wanted to draw a second creature, behind a tree, and with a tail, externally and distantly reminiscent of a devil, but I didn’t have time, and even without that, the drawing, in principle, would have become more complicated.

    So, we draw a tree, roots, crown, nose in the form of a knot, and definitely a mouth and eyes, so that the goblin would be, so to speak, in some way similar to the creatures and creatures familiar to us. Add a few leaves.

    Now that the main contours have been set, we begin to hatch, that is, we have smoothly moved on to the technique of shading. The main thing here is to have a more or less soft pencil that will not scratch the paper, but will lie softly on it. In other words, by adjusting the degree of pressure, we add shades to our drawing. We play with light and shadow and create volume. The more carefully and longer we shade, the more structured and textured our drawing becomes.

    For such a drawing to turn out to be of good quality, you will need at least an hour, or even more. And to get a good result, you will need about two hours. Well, to get an excellent result, you can continue to finish drawing it for a long time, and then the result will definitely please you. Yes, it will please you anyway, since it will be the fruit of your creativity and effort.

    And in addition, I would like to show you my video, quickly prepared and filmed on this occasion. Happy drawing!

Leshy. Well, we got to it. There will be a lot of letters. I tried to embody in this handsome man the most basic thing that is known about goblin in the generally accepted (and most importantly - evil) sense. Leshy's character, to put it mildly, is not very pleasant. One eye is normal (left), the right one is usually larger than the left and “dead”, motionless. The beard and hair are gray. They often write about a cone-shaped head, in my interpretation it is simply due to the hair collected in a bun. He wraps his clothes to the left and wears them inside out (it was not so easy to show in pencil that it was the inside out). The arms and legs are covered with fur. In some versions of the legends he is belted, in others he is necessarily not. Mine is belted. On the belt, as you can see, hang trophies and essential things - the skulls of defeated lost and impolite travelers, a horn for drinking, and a bast shoe, because my Leshy just likes bast shoes, he collects them. In general, a little separately, about bast shoes. In legends, the classic Leshy also has some kind of fixation on bast shoes, but given that he is often described as having ungulates, the question is - how did he wear them? The logical answer is that he did not wear them on his feet, he simply carried them with him as souvenirs))) As for the general appearance, the justifications are as follows. Firstly, legends indicate that Leshy often appears in a zooanthropomorphic form, in particular in the form of a bear. Moreover, there is this saying: “The goblin is not his brother: he will break all the bones no worse than a bear.” Secondly, there are beliefs that he goes into hibernation (translation, bear). Thirdly, which animal is considered the most ferocious in our country and, in general, personifies Russian nature? Fourthly, as friends from LiveJournal suggested to me, according to many researchers (in particular Dmitry Zelenin), Leshy can be considered the personification of Veles, whose basic hypostasis is just a bear. So the choice fell on the bear. But this, you understand, is not really a bear, it is still the spirit of the forest. Hence the powerful horns, and inverted goat legs (there are hooves below, yes), and his color is actually half wolf (in mythology he often turns into a wolf). The bearskin on his shoulders and the scar over his right eye are not without reason, as is the huge club on his back. For me Leshy is a class, i.e. he is not alone, there are many of them (as are the Foresters and other forest spirits, by the way). They are tied to individual forests, so they often fight among themselves for territories. So this Goblin (old and experienced) had clearly already defeated a younger opponent once, received a small but brutal injury in battle, but acquired a trophy skin.

What else? Oh yes, since he is still a forest spirit, he also added phyto-motives. The goblin is often associated with aspen trees (aspen trees seem to indicate demonicity), so he is hung with aspen leaves. On his chest hang the cut cores of magical aspen trees, in the center of which magical stones grow (this is a fairy tale, let me remind you). These cuts on the chest are the magical protection of Leshy. Well, the roots and branches hold the skin on the shoulders.

And finally, do you see the bird skulls hanging there? These are woodpecker skulls. The fact is that since Leshy has a violent and bad temper, but at the same time he loves to sleep, he is terribly annoyed by woodpeckers, who do not allow him to sleep with their knocking. That's why he wets them. Well, he wets rats simply because they are rats. Leshy is afraid of their bare tails. On this basis, the Leshys often quarrel with the Lesoviks - although they are relatives, they are essentially Greenpeace people in general - they defend any forest life, and the Leshys believe that there are some forest inhabitants who are disgusting and must-have. This is how I pictured Leshy.

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How to draw Grandfather Leshy for children over 5 years old step by step with photos

Master class for children from 5 years old "Fairy-tale characters of Russia. Leshy"

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Teacher, Municipal budgetary educational institution for additional education of children “Children’s Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov”, Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, and additional education teachers.
Purpose: interior decoration, participation in creative exhibitions, gifts.
Target: creating a fairy-tale image of Uncle Leshy based on animated films and folk beliefs.
- teach children to create the image of the fairy-tale character Leshy (simple stylization of natural forms);
-continue to familiarize children with the basics of visual literacy (compositional center, auxiliary construction lines);
-exercise children in working with gouache (painting technique of “dipping”);
-develop large and fine motor skills of the hand, spatial imagination, creative thinking, aesthetic taste;
- to cultivate interest in domestic animation and folklore characters.

Hello, dear friends and guests! Today my story is about cartoons, or rather their characters and their role in the life of a Russian person! I present to you some of the most beloved characters in modern animation. Everyone knows them, and not only children, but also adults watch them with pleasure.
Thanks to these cartoons, our children will learn new super heroes. Not Spider-Man and other strangers, but the most dear and legendary - Ivan Tsarevich, three Russian heroes, the main characters of Russian epics - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Strong and fearless defenders of the people of Rus', who worry about people with all their hearts and are ready to lay down their lives in the fight against the enemy of Kievan Rus. These cartoons reveal courage, strength, wisdom, selflessness, devotion, honesty and other good traits that are inherent in heroes.
In addition, through cartoons, children get acquainted with Slavic mythology and its characters:
- a little stupid, but cheerful and hospitable - Zmey Gorynych;
-hereditary witch in the sixth generation, selfish, but not so evil - Baba Yaga;
- an evil, insidious, greedy and cunning adversary, whose main weapon is a whistle that makes it difficult to stand on his feet - the Nightingale the Robber;
-kind, resourceful, a little cunning, ready to help in difficult times - Gray Wolf;
- the world tree - Oak with a golden chain, where the Mermaid lives in the branches, and a very smart one who will always help with advice and a magic object - Scientist Cat;
- a negative hero who charmed his guests to death - Koschey the Immortal;
-lonely, unhappy, dreaming of getting married, finding her Prince Kikimora, no one loves her, that’s why she’s so angry.

Children love to watch cartoons, just like you and I once did, dear guests, in our distant childhood. The time was different, the way of life of people was different, but Soviet cartoons also had a direct connection with our Russian roots, history and mythology: Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal, The Flying Ship, Vodyanoy and many other characters we loved with childhood.
I present to your attention my favorite and very common character in Soviet animation, Grandfather Leshy.
In the dark more often in the little house-skvoreshna
The dense grandfather - Leshy - lives for a century.
It feeds on bark and mushrooms.
Sometimes he has fun with the Bab-Yagas.
It’s uncomfortable to be alone in the dark thicket,
Sleeping in the mansion at night is lonely.
Woodpeckers can be heard knocking from the trees.
Shiver. Every nerve is tense. Well, hands
The legs, back and stomach itch on their own.
For three hundred years old Leshy has lived like this...
Today I want to talk about wonderful and kind cartoons that, first of all, teach you to dream and believe in a fairy tale, and this is what many children lack.
“Nothing helps create the future like bold dreams. Today it’s utopia, tomorrow it’s flesh and blood.”
Victor Hugo.

Let's start with cute, witty and funny stories about the girl Natasha, Brownie Kuza and many other characters about which we, even if we watched wonderful cartoons with the participation of the main characters, will not learn anything. And learning about them is fun and interesting - these are Leshata, an amazing forest people.
In the cartoon, Leshik and his grandfather Diadoch retained many of the habits of goblin, described in the legends about these owners of the forest. They feed on cones; they sleep in a den in winter, and before that they arrange a holiday in the forest, where no animal can offend another; They, as befits a goblin, sing songs without words, and their favorite saying “I went, I found, I lost” came from Slavic legends.
Leshonok says about his grandfather that he is “kind, reasonable, handsome, grazes bunnies, takes care of birds, grows trees.” Grandfather “leads” passers-by through the forest because he loves guests very much and wants to keep them with him as long as possible (according to popular beliefs, goblin do not allow people to leave the forest either simply out of mischief, or as punishment for a bad attitude towards the forest). As befits a goblin, the heroes maintain peace and order in their territory: Leshik’s dad went to the Burnt Forest to restore it after the fire; Little Leshon and Grandfather Diadoch treat sick inhabitants of the forest and prepare treats for animals for every taste in reserve.
At first, the forest seems alien and scary to Kuzka. And then he realizes that everything here is arranged the same way as in his hut, only instead of a roof there is sky, and instead of a floor there is earth. Kuzka and Leshik even talk about their “homes” in approximately the same way. Kuzka: “A house without an owner is an orphan.” Leshik: “A forest without an owner is an orphan.” Kuzka turns out to be close to the way of life of the goblin, who strive to help everyone around them, and are sincerely upset if they cannot do this (for example, grandfather Diadoch is very worried that “animal medicines cannot help the sick Kuzka). And gradually Kuzka becomes " to his own" in this forest world, helps the goblin in their daily affairs, a real friendship begins between Kuzka and Leshik: the heroes strive to help each other in everything.

It rustled, crackled,
Something seemed to run
There was a whoop somewhere in the distance;
We are not alone in the forest.
The forest is not just linden trees, fir trees
Among which wolves roam,
The forest also has a soul,
She is in the form of Leshy.
In the cartoon "Dear Goblin" real performances are shown, it seems as if you are in a circus, and artists again perform in front of you, real clowns who will make the whole audience laugh.
This role was taken on by the Leshy and the hare, as well as the well-known Baba Yaga, who only knows how to scare children.
A cartoon about how the insidious Baba Yaga, using the gullible Leshy, decided to lure Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka to her. She has already heated the stove and covered the table with a white tablecloth. All that remains is to convince the naive Leshy that Ivanushka is not afraid of him. And if he’s not afraid, it means he doesn’t respect him. And that's why he needs to be scared and then eaten.
The lack of initiative Leshy turned from one fairy-tale hero to another, for example, into Koshchei the Immortal. In the end, he gave up on Baba Yaga's ideas and went home. And the enraged Baba Yaga went home.

And wherever possible,
Leshy wanders carefully.
From a blade of grass to a stream
Everyone needs his help.
He makes sure that the pine trees eat
They warmed up their youth,
So that mushrooms grow in the forest,
So that the ants work
So that every animal
It would be possible to get soaked.
The cartoon "New Year's Tale" tells about the Snow Monster, the guardian of the forest, who lives in the forest, in a snowy hut. He really didn’t like noise near his hut and would blow away trespassers with the cold wind.
Behind the forest there was a school, and behind it a village. At school, the children were preparing for the New Year, making toys for the Christmas tree. The boy Grishka called himself the strongest and volunteered to go into the forest to get a Christmas tree. There he knocked with an ax and was rude to Leshy. The offended Leshy blew Grishka back to the school and covered him with snow. Another boy called himself the bravest and went into the forest. But the same thing happened to him. Then the girl went to get the Christmas tree. She sang a song about a Christmas tree and politely asked Leshy for it, and then invited her to the New Year's celebration. The goblin came to visit the children and stayed to live in the school gatehouse, in the winter he builds slides and skating rinks for the children, and in the summer he talks about the forest and reads books.

I live in a dense forest,
I am Lesa's best friend:
I take care and protect...
And in winter I fall asleep.
Only now I can’t sleep,
I came to you to have fun...
The cartoon "New Year's Eve" about Father Frost and Leshy is the first Soviet New Year's cartoon of the post-war era.
There are only a few days left until the New Year. Santa Claus goes to the forest to pick up a Christmas tree. There he meets Leshy, with whom they have an argument about what is better: a flying carpet or a real airplane. In the end, Leshy, of course, loses, since he is behind the times, and for this he personally delivers the most beautiful Christmas tree with golden cones to the children.

Month with an orange slice
Huddled between the clouds,
The quagmire churns loudly,
Grandfather Leshem cannot sleep.
He walks through the swamp
Now he sighs, now he mumbles,
Then he scolds someone,
He wants to catch someone.
Animals used to live in fear,
And now - they are not afraid!
These days, evil spirits
There's simply nowhere to go!
The cartoon “The End of the Black Swamp” is a fairy tale about how the draining of swamps forces the forest evil spirits Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy and Leshego to retreat or “re-educate”.
For more than a hundred years, Leshy, Baba Yaga and Vodyanoy have been living in the swamp swamp, but recently something strange has begun to happen. Strange metal birds roam the skies, disturbing the sleep of forest dwellers, the drying out of swamps deprives them of their home, and children even laugh at Baba Yaga, saying that they have not believed in her for a long time.
The plot of the cartoon begins with a tea party, fairy-tale characters talk, complaining either about the lack of sugar or about the linden blossom, other than which there is nothing else to make tea from. But suddenly a huge plane flies over their heads, shaking the entire forest with its noise. Because of this, poor Vodyanoy cannot get a good night’s sleep, which he tells Leshem about. Tired of the constant hum and frightening aircraft in the sky, they turn to Baba Yaga for help so that she can fly down to see what is happening in Rus'. At dawn, Yaga flew out in her mortar for reconnaissance, and lo and behold, she was shot down by an airplane and thrown into a birch grove. There she met children who mistook her for a scientist testing a new aircraft. It was then that Baba Yaga realized that the new generation did not believe in her existence at all. Angry and abandoning everything, she disappeared in an unknown direction, thereby forcing Leshy to go and clarify the situation. A fairy-tale hero who has never seen cars, a highway, or kindergartens finds himself in a village full of unfamiliar things.
This is a funny fairy tale in a modern style, which tells about how our heroes will have to change with the accession of civilization.

The goblin is covered with moss and grass.
Unwashed, bearded.
All covered in thorns. With your head
Uncombed, shaggy.
He scares people a lot
To go into the forest less.
It's worth getting lost,
You will end up with evil spirits.
Another cartoon tells about an interesting forest dweller named Uncle Au. He lives in the forest and loves to come out of the forest at night and scare people with various scary sounds. One day he meets a girl, Rimma, who was not at all afraid of the terrible Au, but shamed him for his dirty clothes and unwashed face. After visiting Rimma’s name day, Au decided to little by little change the existing order that had existed for centuries. So Uncle Au turned into a kind old man who grumbles a lot, but what old men don’t grumble. Poor Au, so much has fallen on him that no nervous system can stand it. Wash and comb your hair for Rimma’s birthday, look at yourself from the outside, and get into the very heart of the metropolis. But no matter what troubles Au is in, little children who believe in friendship between people and fairy-tale creatures will always come to his aid.

Children are taught from childhood:
- Don’t play hide and seek with Leshy!
He is cunning and is happy to lead you.
Run away without looking back!
He might become a wild boar.
And turn into a bear.
It will be a snake-loach.
Or a motley, bright bird.
Hey! Hunter! Beware!
Don't destroy the clearing with the fire!
Don't shoot wolves and foxes!
Remove the traps from the path!
Leshy is fabulously rich.
He stores the earth and water.
And they belong to him
All the gifts of forest nature.
The goblin has always been one of the most popular Slavic mythological characters and, given the modern decline of the mythological tradition, retains its popularity even now.
The goblin is always associated with the forest, he can take on a variety of forest-related images, he can become a plant, a tree or an animal, and even a person. They treated him with respect and called him the Forest Master, but the word “goblin” was considered disrespectful towards the forest spirit.
It was first mentioned in literary monuments starting from the 17th century. There are many original tales written about the goblin (simple scary stories about a personal meeting of the narrator or his acquaintances with the goblin), byvalschinas (more complex real stories with a multi-component plot), beliefs (superstitious beliefs in the existence of this character) and everyday tales.
The life of a peasant was closely connected with the forest and depended on it. In the forest they carried out agricultural work, grazed livestock, harvested wood for construction and heating, hunted and fished, picked mushrooms and berries, forest trades included racing tar and resin, burning charcoal, roads passed through the forest, and various rituals were performed in the forest. But although the forest was actively used by man, adjacent to the space he had developed, it nevertheless remained beyond the control of man; people were afraid of the forest and respected it.

Tales and stories describe encounters with a goblin anywhere in the forest, as well as in the field and even in the village, and at any time of the day. According to legends, the goblin lives in old dry trees (spruce, willow), in a hollow, in a hummock, in the roots of an upturned tree, in snags, in forest huts, in a secret cave and even underground.
According to these stories, all the sounds that are heard or imagined in the forest: whistling, laughter, clapping of hands, a loud cry, singing, the voices of any animals, the howling of the wind, hum, crackling and noise - all these are the sounds of the Master of the Forest. In this way, Leshy expresses his superiority over a person, his dissatisfaction, strives to frighten, make fun of, and lead astray with false sounds. In many stories, the goblin speaks like a human. Often he mimics people, like an echo, which in the forest was considered his response.

The goblin was described in different ways, he could look like a giant, or small like a blade of grass, there are beliefs that he could change his height. If the goblin is dressed, then in general the same as an ordinary person. Often he is accompanied by a strong wind, or he himself may appear to be one. The devil has no shadow. He can become invisible. The goblin has enormous strength, can transform into different animals, but especially loves the bear.
Just as Leshy can change his appearance in the forest, so his character can be completely different. The Forest Master is a big fan of having fun; sometimes he is strong and scary, sometimes he is kind and stupid.
But whatever the character of the Forest Master, Leshy has always been considered a fair owner of forest lands, he takes care of the forest, protects it, and is the patron of forest animals and plants.
The goblin will not harm just like that, but he can punish for inappropriate behavior in his domain, and he can also help a person. According to popular beliefs, the goblin could ensure good luck in the hunt and successful grazing of livestock; for this, hunters and shepherds needed to bring him a gift (something that was not in the forest) and conclude an agreement with him.

The Master of the Forest also has his own name day; he celebrates his birthday on August 22. On his name day, the goblin, like any of us, expects attention and gifts. And he also wants society - he comes out of the forest into the fields, closer to human habitation. And he believes that on his holiday it’s not a sin to be mischievous, both mentally and on a grand scale! Throw sheaves, for example, stir up haystacks, show off with pitchforks on the threshing floor, and break rakes. To scare the cattle and admire how the owners, inattentive to his person, will chase the cows mooing with fear in the middle of the night!
In general, Leshy are friendly people; they are friendly not only with each other, but also with other water spirits, field spirits, as well as brownies and banniki. It is believed that goblin even come to the bathhouse to visit the bathhouse. Therefore, in ancient times there was a belief that you should not enter the bathhouse on the fourth steam even after midnight, since at this time all the spirits - the bathhouse, the brownie, the yard, the barnyard, the field man, the goblin and others - gather in the bathhouse.
On the autumn holiday "Third Autumn" - October 18, our ancestors did not go to the forest, they did not even recommend walking in the park: nature is rebuilt, changing, and a mere mortal should not interfere in these processes. By the way, since ancient times the Osenins have been called “Seeing off the Leshy” to hibernation.
It is believed that goblin go into hibernation during the winter. Before they lay low for the entire winter, they are considered very angry and angry. Goblin walk through the forest, break trees, send winds and bad weather, and drive all the animals into their holes. It is very dangerous for a person to appear in the forest at this time. On this day, the owner of the forest collects all the evil spirits that live in forests, fields, on the shores of lakes, in ponds and swamps. So, even more so, a person should not go into the forest where evil spirits roam!

Leshy wakes up on April 6th. On this day, people tried to appease the Forest Master and brought him gifts into the forest.
It’s easy to appease Leshy, you need to bring him into the forest and leave on the stump various gifts and needs, made with your own hands: an embroidered sash, knitted mittens, small household items. Delicacies baked in the oven, which do not exist in the forest, do not grow because: gingerbread cookies and pies on Christmas trees. At the same time, Leshy will be very pleased by the kind words addressed to him, and sincere gratitude for his forest gifts.
So it’s better to be friends with the Master of the Forest, show signs of respect and not make him angry, which is what our ancestors did.
Well, about the fact that when entering the forest, you need to respect its laws and not harm anyone or do anything, probably everyone knows even without me!

Materials and tools:
-A3 paper
-simple pencil, eraser
-water jar

Progress of the master class:

We start working on the image with a preliminary sketch in pencil. “Auxiliary lines” (auxiliary lines for constructing a drawing) will help us with this. First, we divide the sheet in half vertically, then we find the middle of this line - the center of the sheet. Next, we work in the upper half of the sheet, divide the central line in half again, we get two segments, and also divide the bottom one in half. On the sides of the central “auxiliary” we draw arched lines, the outlines of a tree trunk.

Now we turn the tree into a cheerful creature - we draw the tree’s face: eyes, nose and a smile. Then we erase the auxiliary lines (vertical and horizontal).

Create an angular hairstyle from triangles. We also draw eyebrows similar to triangles, but with rounded corners. And branch hands.

We lengthen the knot nose. And we draw a sparrow friend for the Forest Master (an oval body and a semicircular head).

For a sparrow we draw a wing, beak, tail, then erase the “auxiliaries”. The preliminary sketch of the fairy-tale character Uncle Leshy is finished.

Let's start working with gouache, we will use the painting technique of “dipping” (slippers). Alternately putting one or another color on the brush, we dab the brush into a sheet of paper - we create an image of the autumn forest behind Leshy’s back, the background of the picture.

In the foreground of the picture we have the Forest Master, so he is large on the entire sheet. But the forest is far away, it seems to merge into a single color palette.
In general, the image of Leshy in this work is very simple; the difficulty for children here is the techniques used when drawing. This drawing is more of an exercise than a creative task. When drawing, fine and gross motor skills of the hand are very much involved, mental activity is actively working - selecting colors, skillfully combining them - everything is based on previously acquired experience in working with materials (gouache), color, and its independent use. The exercise is difficult, but thanks to the topic being interesting for the children, they selflessly, enthusiastically and in a good mood complete the work.

Now we will draw Leshy - we will decorate his entire silhouette with ocher color. For the eyes we use white gouache, since there should be no unpainted areas in the drawing, otherwise the work will look unfinished.

Next we work with brown color - first the eyebrows, then we outline the entire silhouette with a brown outline. In the area of ​​the hand and nose, mix brown with the main one (ochre).

We draw green pupils, a beard and the lower part of the eyebrows.

Apply strokes of yellow or ocher (optional) into the beard and eyebrows.

Since our Forest Master has taken on the image of a tree, it means we need to draw the bark - make vertical strokes in brown. We make the eyes expressive - their contours and eyelashes.

Then we put ocher on the brush and draw new strokes next to the brown ones, carefully and easily mixing them with each other.

We draw a snow-white smile, using white strokes we turn the eyes into mischievous and cheerful ones. And since our hero is a grandfather, let’s add gray eyelashes to him.

We paint the sparrow's belly light brown. First, apply white to this area of ​​the drawing, and then apply a little brown on the tip of the brush and mix them without going beyond the boundaries of the shape.

The color is ocher for the beak, everything else is painted with brown gouache.

White and black strokes, and our sparrow is ready to chirp and play mischief with Grandfather Leshiy.

The final touch is the tree trunks with branches in the background of the picture, behind Leshy’s back.

Children's work.