Problems and arguments for an essay on the Unified State Exam in Russian on the topic: Good. Essay on the Unified State Examination

There were and are people in the world who are completely different in character, appearance, and social status. Smart and stupid, beautiful and deprived of beauty, strong and weak. If we characterize the last group of antonyms, we should remember that we mean the strength or weakness of a person’s spirit. Weak people rarely achieve anything in life, but strong people have a strong will and faith in themselves, which is why success contributes to them.

I am convinced that the same person can be both strong and weak after reading Evgeny Karpov’s story “My name is Ivan.” The main character of the work, Semyon Avdeev, walked the roads of the war with dignity, and at the very end, the Germans set fire to the tank in which the soldier was a turret shooter. The crewmates were saved, but no one saw how Semyon got out of the tank. What kind of willpower does a person need to have in order for a blind, burned, broken leg to get out of a huge pit for two days? From pain, Semyon often lost consciousness, and when he came to his senses, he crawled again. And in the hospital, the fighter Avdeev endured everything: the operation when his leg was taken away, and his blindness. With firmness and some kind of bitterness, he fought for life. Here he is, a strong man!

But how Semyon Avdeev changes after leaving the hospital: the blind soldier was confused, did not know where to go. If it weren’t for Leshka Kupriyanov, a disabled soldier who had also been discharged from the hospital, Avdeev might have gone home to his native village. There, under the supervision of his mother and relatives, I imagine his life would have turned out differently... But Leshka interrupted everything, dragged Semyon to a restaurant where the unfortunate victims of the war were pouring out their grief with vodka. Since then, the strong and courageous fighter Avdeev has disappeared. It was as if he was floating with the flow of troubled water: drinking and living in a brothel will not make anyone better and cleaner... True, Semyon Avdeev tried to live in a nursing home, work in an artel, but the former soldier could not leave the feeling that he was here, in the workshop, and in the home for the disabled no one needs him, he is a stranger to everyone. Some incomprehensible pride pushed him to refuse the help of his comrades in the artel. A strong man has disappeared! Little by little, the former tanker turned into a drunkard and beggar. I remember the lines of the bard's song:

Weak people are afraid to fly

And they don’t feel broken wings.

Without feeling the “broken wings,” Avdeev, together with Leshka, walked around the carriages and sang. At first, this walking and singing of sad songs also irritated Semyon, but then he got used to it! But the main test of the former tanker's willpower and courage was still ahead!

Once in a train carriage, where he was singing his songs, his mother recognized him. She recognized him by his voice, and then by the sharp bumps on her son’s shoulders... Not believing her own luck (Anna Filippovna considered her son dead in the war), the mother weakly called him by name... Of course, Semyon recognized his own voice! But either fear or shame forced him to push his mother away and call himself by someone else’s name... Here it was, the moment when weakness crossed out all the good that was in Avdeev! A minute of betrayal! In an instant, Semyon crossed out his happy, fighting path, and killed his mother with a rude phrase! Anna Filippovna could not bear her son's abdication... Having experienced the terrible wrath of her insulted mother, she would die right there on the train. The repentance of the blind beggar will be late!

So what are the strengths and weaknesses of a person? I believe that the strength of the human spirit lies in the ability to look with interest and optimism into an unpredictable future. This is the belief that there is a way out of any difficult situation... E. Karpov’s hero did not find this way out!

Writers talk about kindness and its absence very often, in almost every work. The texts selected for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language are no exception. Therefore, we have selected the most pressing problems in this area and revealed each of them with the help of arguments.

  1. Princess Marya Bolkonskaya, heroine epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", always helped the poor and sick, raised her nephew Nikolenka, looked after her dying father, fulfilling all his whims. The girl was ready to lay down her life and forget about herself for the sake of the happiness of others. Marya's beautiful soul is expressed in her radiant eyes, which make her beautiful. The princess's kindness was rewarded: she found family happiness, her husband Nikolai fell in love with her kind soul.
  2. Fairy tale collector Egle, hero A. Green's story “Scarlet Sails”, told little Assol a fairy tale about a ship with scarlet sails that would take her away from the terrible society of the inhabitants of Kaperna, who constantly offend the girl and her father. This fairy tale and Egle’s kind attitude inspired Assol, and she was able to survive all life’s collisions. When the heroine grew up, the fairy tale came true, and Captain Gray took her from Kaperna, sailing on a ship from her dreams.

The clash of good and evil

  1. In the book M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” the clash of good and evil is especially clearly manifested in the Master’s novel about Yeshua. He, as absolute good, faces evil that wants to destroy him. However, Yeshua does not rebel, does not get angry, he humbly awaits his fate, believing in the kindness of people. The hero is sure: “There are no evil people, there are only unhappy people.” Even though Yeshua was executed, he won this battle. Pilate admitted his mistake and repented of it; in his soul, good prevailed over evil. That's why he was forgiven.
  2. Philosophy of goodness in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" presented in the image of Platon Karataev. This hero loves the whole world and treats every living creature kindly. He doesn't know the word "pacifist", but, in essence, he is one. In the man’s worldview there are echoes of Christian commandments. He believes that one must endure all suffering without complaint. Faced with evil in the form of war and captivity, Plato submits to fate and again endures without complaining about it. In a clash with evil, the hero has his inner strength on his side, which helps him not to give up and appreciate every moment he lives.

The Need for Kindness

  1. Andrey Sokolov, hero M. Sholokhov's story “The Fate of Man”, life was not spoiling me: war, concentration camp, captivity, loss of loved ones. Sokolov had no reason to live; he gave up on himself. However, the man met an orphan boy, Vanyushka, who had lost his parents. Andrei introduced himself as the father of the child, adopted him and gave them both a chance to escape from melancholy (and even Vanyushka from starvation on the street). The hero’s kind deed helped not only the boy, but also himself, making it much easier to survive together in a cruel and difficult world.
  2. The kindness of Peter Grinev from stories by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" saved his life. By giving his sheepskin coat to an unknown tramp who helped him find his way in a snowstorm, the hero rendered a service to Emelyan Pugachev, who rebelled against the authorities. The rebel later terrorized the fortresses and fortifications and executed all the officers in them. But Pugachev remembered Grinev’s kindness, let him go, and later even helped to rescue his beloved woman.

Shows of True Kindness

  1. Sonya Marmeladova, heroine novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", is a truly kind person. In order to feed her stepmother’s children, she began to sell her body, “went on a yellow ticket.” The father's wife pushed Sonya into this field, but the girl did not harbor a grudge because she was thinking about the hungry children. Marmeladova remained a bright, religious person, despite her studies. When Sonya followed Raskolnikov to hard labor, the prisoners immediately fell in love with her for her kindness. And with her warmth she led the protagonist to repentance and purification.
  2. Elena, heroine novel by I.S. Turgenev "On the Eve", from childhood she wished for “active good”: she always helped the poor and sick, for example, at the age of ten she bowed down to the beggar girl Katya. Kindness remained with Elena for the rest of her life. For the sake of her beloved Bulgarian revolutionary Insarov, she left everything in Russia and went to Bulgaria. When her newly-made husband fell ill, she remained with him until the very end, and after his death she decided to continue the work of her beloved.

Nurturing kindness from childhood

  1. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov from the novel of the same name by I.A. Goncharova grew up in an atmosphere of love and affection. He was not particularly developed or trained, however, according to modern psychologists, he was given the most important thing - parental love. Thanks to her, the hero saw Oblomovka as an ideal, and he himself did not wish harm to anyone. Yes, Ilya Ilyich is an inert and lack of initiative, but completely good-natured man. Unfortunately, without breakthrough qualities, kindness does not really help in life, so upbringing should be harmonious.
  2. Katerina, heroine dramas A.N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" got married early. And immediately from her warm home she found herself in the totalitarian atmosphere of her husband’s house. It’s hard for a woman to live in lies and hypocrisy under the leadership of Kabanikha’s mother-in-law, who puts pressure on all household members, imposing the old order on them. At home, Katerina was doted on; she walked with her parents, prayed, and was creative. But all this was without pressure, not under pressure, so it was easy. The heroine grew up kind, with a sense of inner freedom. It was all the more difficult for her in her mother-in-law’s house. But it was the kindness learned from childhood that helped Katerina not turn the house into a testing ground and treat her tormentor with respect and respect until the very end. So, she spared Varvara and Tikhon, who treated her well.

Essay on the Unified State Exam according to the text:“Only weak people, constantly in need of compensation for their insufficiency, usually weave intrigues, build intrigues, and secretly deliver blows...”(according to B. Bim-Bad).

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(1) Only weak people, constantly in need of compensation for their insufficiency, usually weave intrigues, build intrigues, and secretly strike. (2) Great power is always generous. (3) I knew a super-strong man who, throughout his long heroic life, did not lay a finger on anyone, not wishing harm to anyone. (4) Mental strength and nobility go hand in hand, and this explains why in our time nobility has become again in demand, valued and so widely practiced that it sometimes turns almost into a mass profession. (5) In salvation armies, smart risk and true nobility are inseparable.(6) The craft of salvation naturally filters people according to their spiritual qualities. (7) As a result of debts to rescuers, only strong people who are able to protect the weak who are in trouble are detained. (8) Thus, for those who want to get a job in the “Tsentrospas” detachment, it is not enough to have an impeccable military or sports background and master the necessary set of specialties. (9) “Good” from the medical board is not the key to success. (10) Almost a thousand correctly selected psychological testing answers also do not guarantee a candidate a place on the staff of an elite unit. (11) The newcomer needs to prove to future colleagues during the internship that he can be relied upon in any situation, and that he shows the kindness and tolerance necessary in their daily missions. (12) To cope with his responsibilities, a person must have a noble soul, full best qualities. (13) But why, even having virtuous qualities, does a person commit immoral acts? (14) To a similar question, Confucius answered: “All people are close to each other by nature, but diverge from each other in the course of education. (15) A person may lose noble qualities under the influence of bad association. (16) Therefore, in order for all members of society to fulfill their civic duties and human norms, it is necessary to educate a person in the spirit of virtue.” (17) Nurturing culture, getting rid of bad manners and inclinations is aimed against arrogance, arrogance, self-will, anger, envy, feelings own inferiority, indiscipline, excessive suspicion, treachery, hypocrisy, duplicity, deceit, meanness and self-interest. (18) Only by getting rid of bad manners and inclinations, purifying your own soul, expelling everything bad from it, can you count on rapid progress and achieving perfection in skill. (19) None of the narrow-minded, selfish, cruel, cunning and secretive people due to mental defects have ever managed to achieve any significant success, and if they did, their triumph did not last long. (20) In the end, everything ended tragically both for themselves and for those around them. (21) Will a noble person die surrounded by competition and anger? (22) No! (23) It is he who will win. (24) Since nobility is based on strength of spirit. (25) To win in life, to win beautifully and lastingly, firmly, thoroughly, you must have a high soul. (26) Good character. (27) The most reliable thing in our world is nobility of spirit. (28) Not by birth, not by blood, but by intelligence and honor.

What is nobility? First of all, nobility is a strong human spirit. This is the ability to protect the weak, high morality, and, of course, intelligence and honor. You can rely on a noble person in any situation, and know for sure that he will never let you down. In the proposed text, the author raises the problem of nobility.

Reflecting on this topic, the narrator recalls a strong man who, despite his strength, never wished harm on anyone. He also gives as an example the importance of nobility in the rescue profession, because all these positive qualities that accompany nobility are so necessary there. Medical approval is not enough for a rescuer - the respect of his comrades who can trust him with their lives is much more important. And in contrast to this, he gives examples when the lack of positive qualities in a person’s soul prevented him from achieving special heights in life.

I fully share this position. It is impossible to win in life by “plotting” and “dealing blows on the sly.”

A good example from literature can be Rodion Raskolnikov, the hero of Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment.” Mistakenly assuming that only through cruelty can one become a ruler in this world, Raskolnikov decides to kill. He doubts, but acts anyway. However, his triumph did not last long, and it soon turns out that this way in life nothing but hard labor can be achieved. If there had been nobility, kindness, intelligence and honor in his soul, all this would not have happened, and perhaps he would have been able to achieve heights much greater than self-affirmation at the expense of others.

In real life there are many examples of both nobility and its absence. Every day the sports news reports contain scandals about cheating, doping, and deception. All this is done by dishonest, evil, selfish people. They may find themselves at the top of the standings, but once their deception is revealed, the celebration ends as quickly as it began. It is unlikely that such an act will serve as a good reason to move up the career ladder or become an impetus for participation in some other competition. But if such people had remembered morality and honor even for a short time, then cups and medals would still be in their hands.

It seems to me that I was able to prove the author’s idea that nobility is what is so important for our success in life, regardless of its scale.

Russian teacher B.M. Bim-Bad in his article discusses the problem of confrontation between human nobility and cruelty.

To attract the reader’s attention, the author reflects that a noble person will never die in the fight against evil, because “none of the people who are narrow-minded, selfish, cruel, cunning and secretive due to mental defects have ever managed to achieve success.” On the contrary, “to win in life, to win beautifully and firmly, reliably, you must have a high soul.” Thus, only a good person who adheres to moral principles can “count on rapid progress and achievement of perfection in skill.” Without purity of soul there is no well-being. Nothing can be achieved by being a hypocrite, being self-willed and being evil.

The author’s position is clear and expressed in sentences: “Will a noble man die surrounded by competition and anger? No! It is he who will win.” Indeed, a noble person will never fall to evil, “since nobility is based on the strength of the spirit.” A noble person is always strong, which means victory will remain his.

It is difficult to disagree with the point of view of Boris Mikhailovich, because when entering into a fight with an immoral and cruel person, a person with a high soul will most likely win.

To be a person capable of resisting cruelty, you must always remember such concepts as nobility, kindness, and humanism.

Thinking about this problem, it is not difficult to recall the novel by A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. Pyotr Grinev is repeatedly faced with a choice: nobility or cruelty and indifference? He chooses the first, relentlessly follows his principles, without changing them even in the face of death. For this, Peter was awarded: for example, for selflessly giving away a hare's sheepskin coat, Pugachev spared him during execution. Grinev is strong in spirit and brave, noble, so no amount of cruelty can defeat him in a fight.

In “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful,” D. S. Likhachev says that the most important thing in a person’s life should be kind and noble.

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The amazing desire to live and survive should be learned from the main character of the story, Boris Vasiliev. Nikolai Pluzhnikov found himself in the Brest Fortress on the eve of the war on the evening of June 21, 1941. At night, when the bombing began, he took command and entered into a battle that would last him ten months. In April 1942, when the Nazis took him out of the basement of the fortress, he was scary: “He was without a hat, his long gray hair touched his shoulders. Brick dust had eaten into the padded jacket tied with a belt, and through the holes in the trousers one could see bare, swollen knees, covered with long-dried blood. Monstrously swollen black frostbitten toes protruded from broken boots with their heads falling off. He stood straight up, his head thrown high, and without looking up, he looked at the sun with blinded eyes.” But even on this last day of his life, he killed two fascists. Weak, weakened, blind, but not broken, not afraid of the enemy, not afraid of death. All these months he believed that he was doing the right thing; he did not know whether Moscow had surrendered or whether it had survived; without people, without support, he stood to the death, beat the enemy as long as he could.

2. A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"

Ivan Denisovich Shukhov has been in prison for eight years. Life in the zone is full of difficulties. The motto of the zone is: die today you, tomorrow I die. Therefore, the main goal of every prisoner is to survive at any cost. Shukhov, a peasant by birth, was accustomed to trials. His ability to adapt to any situation is a feature of his peasant mentality. The main thing is not to humiliate yourself, not to lick the bowls, and not to go to the hospital. This is what saves him. Because he doesn’t get up on command, but before getting up, eats slowly, and works with pleasure. Even here, in prison, he tries to preserve his human dignity, without humiliating himself, without losing his face. Even here he tries to find the positives in a terrible reality. Therefore, his day is almost a happy one, because it shortens his term by a whole day... And there were three thousand six hundred and fifty-three of them in his term.

3. M.A. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”

A difficult fate befell Andrei Sokolov. First a civil war, then a famine in which he survived, but his father and sister died, then a short happiness with his beloved wife and war. In May 1942, he came under fire and was taken prisoner in an unconscious state. He went through all the circles of hell and survived thanks to his courage and perseverance. And when he escaped from captivity, he learned that both his wife and daughters had died. But there was a son who connected him with life. However, he also died on May 9, 1945. How can we live after this and hope for the best? But life is given, which means we must live. And when Andrei no longer had any hope of finding his loved one, he met Vanyusha, a homeless child. His decision was a wonderful act, which testifies to his bright nature and great soul. He told the boy that he was his father. The boy's happiness knew no bounds. And Andrei started his life all over again. This is the power of the Russian character - the ability to survive in the most terrible situations, to be resilient.