Why did the composition of the Quest Pistols group change? Ex-member of "Agon" about leaving the group: I was simply presented with a fait accompli

Back in 2007, the Quest Pistols burst into Russian show business and, like a tsunami, demolished everything familiar. They flooded it with their romantic pop-glam dance-rock and got us seriously hooked on their “I’m Your Drug.” And in 2014, the group members said: “Now we are not a group, but a show.” Following this, a series of changes followed: the charismatic Brazilian Washington, the alien-looking girl Mariam and the young man Ivan appeared in the team. And almost immediately after this, the most extraordinary member Nikita Goryuk left the group, which made all the fans cry all night long and write sad letters to him. And then Anton Savlepov disappeared somewhere. And from the beloved and dear group, in general, there was nothing left.


They are together again! Nikita Goryuk, Anton Savlepov and Konstantin Borovsky are back and ready to rock. They promise that it will be just “Agon”. Well, we're waiting, guys!

Photo tumblr.com

And you can get acquainted with the first track “Agnya” now! Listen to your own voices rather and lose yourself in a light, stylish, tube composition that will go especially well today, just before the weekend. By the way, it’s quite possible that you already know this single: it’s played everywhere – on the radio, in the minibus and on your neighbor’s speakers.

The words and music for the debut composition were written by Sasha Chemerov, the same one who created all the coolest hits of QP.

About prospects

Whether “Agon” will shoot the same way as QP once did, time will tell. Part of the old fan guard of Nikita, Anton and Konstantin expect new emotions and opuses from their idols. And the artists themselves are more than determined. Despite their already mature age, they are full of pure, downright youthful enthusiasm and are especially pleased with the name they chose for the new project:

“Having restored the original fiery composition, we intend to open fire and attack your feelings,” the guys proudly declare.

“Our “Agon” is another round in life. This is our first experience of working independently on a project of this level. We are very inspired and, despite the increased responsibility, we are determined to develop a new group so that our creative fire flares up with even greater force. Without a doubt, “Agon” is a book from the very top shelf of the library of Russian pop music. Once you open it, you will see for yourself.”

About daily matters

– Why did you decide to reunite with the old line-up?

– The idea was on the surface and the events of recent years, the departure of all the original participants, brought the situation to its implementation and, in fact, the reunion itself.

– How long have you been preparing to return?

– The preparation actually took quite a long time. This is not a spontaneous step taken as a result of several accidents, but a sequence of movements.

-Why the name of the new group “Agon”? Did you come up with it together?

– The name came out quite spontaneously. As you probably want when you come up with a name. To be honest, on a whim. That was the moment when it was decided that we all wanted to do this, and we would do it no matter what. The next question was what to name the group. Some of us said that the main thing is that the title should be “just agony” or something like that. In the end, despite other options, it turned out that this was the very name. “Agon” is a creative force, a creative element, passion and motivation, without which there is no creative process.

– Will anything change in the group’s work?

“Everything will change, because we have matured and gained experience since the founding of the group, but at the same time, something will remain unchanged - our trinity and the songs of Sasha Chemerov. If we tell you exactly what it is, you will become bored watching us.

– Will the style of the band members and the style of music change?

– Our style changes all the time, it’s the rhythm of life. But still, the style of the group itself will be more organic and sophisticated than it was before. Now this is not a project in which we, one way or another, participate, this is our conscious initiative, honest joint creativity, our ideas and our vision. This is how everything is determined - from appearance and behavior to the meaning of songs and video clips.

There was no longer any hope of seeing the ex-members of the group Quest Pistols together on the same stage - it seemed that the paths of Anton, Nikita and Konstantin had diverged forever. But heaven took pity on the fans of their talents - the artists united in a new project and now surprise with their debut work on the song “Let Go.”

Group "Agon". Photo by Evgeniy Burlyai

- Guys, what is this strange name - “Agon”? Where did this word come from?

Kostya Borovsky:

When it became completely clear that we wanted to work together, the question arose about the name of the group. One of us said: “The main thing is that the title should be “just agony.” Later, despite other versions, it turned out that this is the very name. “Agon” is a creative force, a creative element, passion and motivation, without which there is no creative process.

Nikita Goryuk:

There were options: “Three Reptiles” and “Guys”. But “Agon” is an unusual word that most of all reflects our fiery mood, ardent perseverance, fiery diligence and flaming mind. “The fire” cannot be stopped once it turns into a fire.

- Who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating the group “Agon”?


The idea captivated us, especially when we realized that the golden squad could return and show themselves in all their glory. Now this is not a production project, but our creative work - as it was before.

Anton Savlepov:

The idea of ​​our loud comeback was voiced by composer Sasha Chemerov, the author of the most famous QP songs (now he composes for us). The thought of creating such a project intrigued me and greatly inspired me. And when I heard the finished demo album, all possible doubts were transformed into stable confidence in success.

- Tell us your version: why did you all leave the Quest Pistols group at different times?


Every year, my activities at the Quest Pistols Show became more and more like the role of an employee. The latest songs and videos in this project did not resonate with my musical tastes. When we left the group, each of us created our own project. Nikita presented the musical team “Zveroboy”, Konstantin founded the clothing brand BRVSKI, and I opened a vegetarian sandwich bar ORANG+UTAN in Kyiv.


Unfortunately, information was posted on the Internet that the reason for my leaving was a certain demand of my wife. This statement is absolutely untrue and once again shows show business at its most unsightly side.


What could cause disagreements between you? What's the difference between your fights now and eight years ago?


We seem to have grown out of the “pants of quarrels” and left behind the tense moment. Now we're just flames.


I have noticed that in later life, friction arises either because of money or because of women. We don’t have any girls in common, and our financial relationships are well organized. Eight years ago, arguing was our style of communication; we were teenagers who wanted to make a big statement. But in any case, quarrels are never appropriate, they are always ridiculous. I remember a lot of idiotic conflicts over trifles, and not a single serious one.


We recently went on stage together for the first time in many years. It felt like we were born on this site. Sometimes, of course, we argue, but these are purely creative disagreements, when everyone defends their own idea.

- Do you have any rituals before going on stage?


My grandmother was an Old Believer, she taught me one protective method that works 100%, I tested it. (Smiles.) So we decided to always use it before a concert. We light a fire in the dressing room and take turns jumping over it three times, reciting our mother’s maiden name in our minds. If even one thread on the clothes catches fire, it means the concert will be unsuccessful. In such rare cases, we refuse performances and return the fee. We just don't want problems.


Have you ever had any funny situations with fans?


One day, a guy who had been closely following the development of our group for a long time and was a fan of it, specifically got a job as a security guard at the hotel where we were staying. Seeing me in the hall, he tore off the “security” badge from his chest, threw off his jacket from his shoulders and, right on the parquet floor of the huge hall, presented a dance number with elements of low break dancing. It was a special and unexpected gift! It’s a pity that the real, dedicated hotel security quickly interrupted the unauthorized “show” without letting us get to know each other.

Can you say that you stand on a par with other boy trios, such as “Ivanushki Int.”, Dzidzio, Еmotion, “Not People”? Do you consider them your competitors?


I’m hearing some names for the first time, and I respect those I know for their contribution to music. Well, competition is for nervous people.


The stage is not a sport. The moment you start looking at it through the lens of competition, know that you are doomed to fail. Competition always implies an obsession with results. I like the process itself, I am an artist, I express emotions on stage. People come to experience them with me. Well, what kind of competition can there be here? Now I approach music differently, it educates me. I recently bought a subscription to the site of classic works - real sound therapy, almost every composition is perfect.


Perhaps there are artists with whom we will be compared. But our songs are too cool and original. This is a separate niche, not occupied by almost anyone - juicy, branded pop.

Long road in the dunes

- What did you want to say with the title of your debut song “Let Go”? Are you trying to get rid of something?


The sculptor removes everything unnecessary from the stone, leaving the beauty of the forms. We are probably on the same path. We separate the excess.


The song has two meanings, like an ancient mantra. The first is on the surface: let me go home, I don’t have the strength to play anymore. This is the story of the band and its members, old, new and recent. The second, intimate, is internal and more important: something that every listener can see in the song for themselves or about themselves, which will make them think.


I think the word “Let go” is inherently symbolic for both us and you. It is the personification of a whole stage on the path of development. Each of us knows and understands exactly the moment when we need to take a step forward and let go, get rid of everything that gets in the way. Starting from scratch is about me.

- How did you create the video for the song “Let Go”?


Filming took place in Los Angeles and Kyiv. They were remembered primarily for the unusual places and the fact that almost every time it was quite a serious test. In America they staged scenes in the dunes, which were incredibly difficult to move around. We also worked in the Red Rocks Conservation Area, where it rained constantly. We made the most of the short periods when the sky allowed us to shoot. An unexpected thing happened to us in Los Angeles. For several days we searched for the required location. In the end, we chose an old, half-abandoned bridge. At 8:30 in the morning, the film crew and I arrived at the site and saw... how our bridge was being destroyed by workers. The whole team watched this magical process for some time and eventually realized the symbolism of what happened - for good luck.


Questions like this always baffle me. Because all I can think about now is the video. What will it be like and what can I do to make it as close as possible to what was planned. Do you understand? It’s not about the fact that the monkey was tired and tore Nikita’s suit, and not about the fact that I ran around the track for six hours straight and was tired. There are always enough of these things on any shoot, and they are characterized by the slang word “kitchen”. Strange things always happen while working on a video, but the task of the artists and those involved in the process is to ensure that there are as few “curiosities” as possible. I would like to believe that people like high-quality music and beautiful videos a little more than funny everyday stories.


The most difficult moment for me during filming was falling from a 10-meter height. Back to front! Into the smoke! It was scary and difficult psychologically. But the stuntman who trained me at the end shook my hand and praised me.

Justice League

- Is there a leader in your team? How are the roles distributed in the group?


We don't have a clear leader. Nowadays, rather, the synergy of qualities is more important - everyone tries to manifest themselves and reveal themselves in creativity as much as possible. This is the main responsibility.


Our leader is justice. We're just the Justice League. And we all respect her, listen and do what our hearts tell us. It tells us to be together.

- Who do you feel like now?


We are heroes, one way or another we fight evil.

- Where do you get inspiration from when coming up with incredibly ornate movements?


Like da Vinci, in nature and the environment.

- What can you tell our readers in connection with the premiere of your new group?

We wish everyone to remain reasonable and understanding people. Our body is the temple of the soul, do not allow anyone to desecrate it!

The “golden line-up” of the group “Quest Pistols”: Nikita Goryuk, Anton Savlepov and Konstantin Borovsky reunited to present to the public a new musical project - the group “Agon”. Now young people work without a producer, so the group can safely be called an author’s project. In an exclusive interview with GEOMETRIA, the artists explained what led to the emergence of the new group, what they dream about, and where they prefer to dine.

- Guys, our meeting is taking place at the vegetarian restaurant “Fresh”. What is the reason for this choice of establishment? Are you vegetarians?
N. In fact, Anton visited it many times, he likes it here. We trust his taste. Plus the restaurant is located not far from where we live now.
A. Yes, we are vegetarians, and whenever we visit some city, we try to find a cool place where we can dine on delicious, clean, healthy food. It always fills you with strength, energy and encourages you, because on tour your digestion works strangely and you have to feel sorry for it somehow.
K. This cafe is one of the good places we have already found.

- How long have you been vegetarian?
K. For a long time.
A. A long time ago.

- How did your fans react to the appearance of the Agon group? How did this idea come about?

K: It seems that our reunion came as a surprise to many. We knew about everything, communicated closely with each other for some time, prepared, and the fans remained completely in the dark. Judging by their strong reaction when we opened our social networks, our reunion became a real sensation. Fans started writing comments: “You brought back my 2007!”
N. It was in the comments of fans that a cool definition for us appeared - “golden composition”. We decided to bring back these golden years through our creativity. The permanent author of all our hits as part of the previous group, Sasha Chemerov, also stayed with us. Now he writes for the group “Agon”. Soon everyone will hear our first album. I hope everyone enjoys it.

- Why did you decide to create a new group, and not resume the work of “Quest Pistols”?
A. The Quest Pistols Show still exists. There are completely new people there, and this is a project of the production center “KRUZHEVA MUSIC”, to which the name belongs. There is already a lot associated with this name, and much of what is happening was not done by us. In recent years, “Quest Pistols Show” has been a specific production project. We want to bring a completely new mood, a fresh spirit to what we do. It’s the same us: the essence remains the same, but the wrapper has changed and has become even more relevant for us personally and for our listeners. They recognize tunes that they've always liked, but the content, the videos that we offer are completely different. The creative part is now entirely on our shoulders.
K. Even the content of our interviews has become a little different: we feel more relaxed, free, we are not bound by any conventions that were before. This is a new milestone. We are not affiliated with the Quest Pistols brand. To be honest, we always thought among ourselves that this was a rather stupid name. It appeared spontaneously, and we did a lot to “swing” it. The same thing is happening now: we have chosen a different name and will also make it very famous.

-Are you currently working without a producer?
K. We have a producer, Yuri Fedorov, but he entrusted the creative part to us. For example, Anton made a backstage video for our first video, “Let It Go.” And Yuri, in the interview that Anton took with him for this video, said that his task is simply to give us the opportunity to do what we are best at. This is cooperation: from us is the creative side, and from him is the organization and production.
N. We have finally begun to show qualities that we could not have shown a few years ago. Everyone's taste has developed with experience, and now it is embodied in creative ideas and implemented in the group. We started doing what we like, what we are ready to put our 100% effort into.

- Is it true that the premiere of the “Everyone for Himself” video will take place in early May?
A. The single “Everyone for Himself” appeared on iTunes on April 15 along with the song “Let Go,” the video for which you’ve probably already seen. This was our debut video. Now we are preparing for the shooting of the second video. The idea already exists, and we are working on its implementation. In the near future, we will completely devote ourselves and all our energy to “giving birth” to this new brainchild - video material for the song “Everyone for Himself.” The video will be released in May.

- How would you characterize the fans of “Agnya”? What kind of people are these?
K. Very different. We've always had a variety of fans.
N. Flaming.
K. I have a realtor friend who helped me buy an apartment. She's probably 40 years old. Her ringtone says “I’m tired.” And there are 13-year-old girls who are waiting for us at the entrance after the next broadcast. Or, for example, people who come up and say: “We are from Ashgabat, you will never come to us, it is a closed city, but we really like you.” That is, our creativity touches a variety of strings of human souls and we are very happy about this. Sasha Chemerov writes meaningful tracks for us, we invest our full potential in them, and the result is a product for the widest range of audiences.

- Do you have any other independent projects that you are developing?
N. I have a project “ZVEROBOY”, which I started last summer, closer to autumn. The debut track “Drowning in Dreams” took place, and a video was to be shot. Subsequently, I broke all relations with the company “KRUZHEVA MUSIC”, so this project became completely mine. This is very difficult, in fact, because the whole project is only on my shoulders: I need to deal with PR, promotion and everything else that I would not like to do. I just want to do creativity, music, writing albums. But soon there will be an album, I think everyone will see it, hear it, and hopefully love it.

- Where can you follow the news of the “ZVEROBOY” project?
N. On my social networks. If I'm lucky, one of the record companies will sign a contract with me, and then my songs will be heard by a large number of people from different countries.
K. Only Nikita has a solo musical project. Personally, in addition to participating in the Agon group, together with my wife I run a clothing brand called BRVSKI. I also do tattoos in a tattoo parlor. I plan to develop these areas.
N. Just recently, Kostya and I came up with 10 sketches that he would apply to my body, and we will try to highlight all of this on social networks. This will be an original PR move on our part.

- Do you have grandiose professional or personal dreams?
N. We would like to convey to everyone that there is no need to be offended or angry with each other.
A. It’s worth smiling and having fun.
N. Enjoy just communication and company. Because everyone is different, you need to accept that. If you don't accept people, then you don't accept yourself.
A. It seems to me that this is a utopian idea. How can you use creativity to make all the people in the world not conflict?
N. I don’t want to force you. I just want to show it.
A. Well, how can you make this happen? This is unreal! Moreover, with the help of music and creativity.
N. Queen did a little bit well.
A. Yes, so what? Wars are still going on.
N. Well, trying is not torture.
A. I just want to say that your idea is very noble and sublime, but it is a failure. It will remain a big dream in your head.
N. Okay, I agree.
A. High five!
K. Personally, instead of a professional dream, I have great joy and gratitude for the fact that many amazing events and interesting meetings are happening. As if by chance, everything comes together on its own so that our group develops as quickly and harmoniously as possible.
A. A great team is being assembled.
K. This is very pleasing, this has never happened before. A complete idyll, and for this I am grateful to fate.
A. It’s just that the group “Agon” is already a dream come true. Everything that happens to her is an amazing adventure that can’t help but delight. It is very exciting and helps to develop the best qualities: both professional and creative.
N. “Agon” was the first instrument of progress. It all started with him: man obtained fire, warmth, light, protection.

- So, the name is partly connected with this?
A. Of course. It is associated with primitive human associations. A fire was needed to keep warm and cook food, and everything else would happen by itself and turn out fine.
K. And also fire and warmth inside. The sun that warms, universal warmth.
A. Just like in the fire that destroys the universe at the end, we burn everything that happened to us in the past. We kindle this fire in order to invite new people to warm themselves with us. Also, this is a slang word from the Internet - Agon - like super class, in general! And this is our mood.

- Filming and a new project probably take up all your time. How do you recover and rest?
K. We had a great recovery today – we were lying in our hotel rooms. They lay there and lay there, and you can still turn over to the other side.
A. Well, then where do we go?
K. Let's go perform and give people smiles.
A. No, between these two wonderful things?
K. We'll go to the gym again.
A. The gym is also being restored.
K. And then we’ll have lunch. By the way, the correct daily routine is very important. People often go to bed very late and wake up very late too. Therefore, it is difficult for them to get anything done due to a lack of vital energy and accumulated fatigue. And if you get up early, do exercises, eat right, life will become qualitatively better.
A. Emotional recovery is also important. Emotional strength requires constant feeding. This requires positive impressions and productive communication. You need to pay attention to the kind of relationships you build with loved ones, so that in difficult moments this communication will help you stay afloat, when you just want to wrap yourself in a blanket like a little cat. This helps a lot. Well, cool magazines, video clips, etc.
N. And general cleaning of the apartment really helps me recover. This puts all thoughts in order and helps to push away something bad. Clean around, clean inside.

Album “#I Will Love You” on iTunes:

Video clip “Everyone for himself”

Interviewed by Victoria Negara
Photographer Kiro Bolotov

Nikita Kuchukbaev

Most recently, the group "AGON" presented their new video "Provoke", in which instead of Nikita Goryuk, fans saw two beauties. At the online conference the group already spoke

Nikita has always combined a solo career with work in a group. His ideas and ideas about presenting himself as an artist are a little different from what we do in the AGON group. Now Nikita is developing his personal project, which is called ZVEROBOY. He left without a scandal, we don’t like that,” Kostya Borovsky, the lead singer of the group AGON, said at an online conference with readers.

We also invited Nikita Goryuk to the editorial office of KP in Ukraine, who told his version of what happened.

"He didn't leave of his own free will"

I didn’t leave the “AGON” group, rather they “left” me,” Nikita said. - It was more the guys' decision than mine. I was simply presented with a fact. I replied: "Okay, goodbye"! There were different reasons, but overall it was the attitude towards each other after ten years of cooperation. We're tired of each other and I'm tired of the show, I like to do more music.

"AGON" took more moral strength than physical strength. I have to say thank you because if they had not done this, I would not have decided to leave the group and would have remained in it until now. But now more interesting prospects have opened up before me.

- Depression hasn’t caught up with you?

Unfortunately, it wasn't. I would really like to be depressed, cry for a couple of months, feel sorry for myself... Now I perform under the pseudonym Zveroboy. I just plunged into work and wrote an album of 12 tracks, which I will present soon. I hope people like it.

-Now you don’t communicate at all with the participants of “AGON”?

We are mature individuals and we all have families. It’s as if such friendship doesn’t exist, or maybe even never existed. I am very busy, and so far we have no vectors of contact. If they are, then I don’t mind communicating.

- Who came up with the pseudonym ZVEROBOY?

It was invented by Anton Savlepov's wife Julia. All the guys associated me with a baby animal and said that I was a fighter. After all, I’m a strict guy and sometimes even brutal. It definitely has nothing to do with the plant!

The Ukrainian pop group (QP) changed all ideas about how to do a show. No one influenced her and? Moreover, it was not created through the efforts of the producers. At first, it included Anton Savlepov (group leader), Nikita Goryuk and Konstantin Borovsky (great director).

Biography of Anton Savlepov - leader of Quest Pistols

Anton was born on June 14, 1988 in the small village of Kovsharovka, Kharkov region. Since childhood, he loved Michael Jackson, even grew his hair the same long, trying to somehow be like his idol.

Anton studied excellently, so all his family and friends predicted a wonderful academic future for him, but dancing still took its toll. At the age of 16, he participated in a breakdancing festival, in fact, where he met his current colleague, Nikita, whom he often visited.

The guy fell in love with Ukraine at first sight, so he soon moved to live in Kyiv. Feeling a craving for dancing, he enters the university to become a choreographer. It’s just not his destiny to finish his studies. A year later he began performing in the group Quest Pistols, and had to put his studies on hold. In addition to vocals and dancing, the soloist is interested in drawing, tattoos and rare bikes, and even gets around on his own motor scooter.

Biography of Nikita Goryuk

Nikita was born on September 23, 1985 and lived in the Far East, in a border town between the Russian Federation and China.

He is interested in figure skating, and throughout his childhood he dreamed of becoming a world champion.

It was only after moving to Kyiv that I turned my attention to dancing. After all, they not only helped him earn money by dancing on the Maidan, but also to become an independent person. Actually, thanks to them, he met the future founder and ideological inspirer of the Quest Pistols group, Yuri Bardash.

Biography of Konstantin Borovsky

Konstantin was born on February 14, 1981 in Chernigov, where he studied ballroom and folk dancing until he was sixteen years old. In addition to dancing, he loves homemade and vegetarian cuisine, and tattoos. And, it would seem, nothing new could happen in his life when his family got ready to move to the capital of Ukraine. There Kostya's interests changed radically. Now he is interested in breakdancing. In fact, he helps the guy start his vocal career in the pop group Quest Pistols.

Creative activities Quest Pistols

The guys’ first debut song is the composition “I’m tired”, which sounded April 1, 2007. Especially for her, the guys thought out simple dance moves so that the listener could not only sing along, but also dance. A rousing melody, easy-to-remember words, and a special manner of performance are the key to great success. As a result, the song gave many people joy, a good mood, and a smile. This is also evidenced by the fact that the hit became the absolute leader in the number of downloads and views (about 60,000 thousand viewer votes) in such a short period of time. In May of the same year, the first video “I’m tired” appeared. Five months later, namely in October 2007, the first album entitled “For You” was released. It included 15 tracks, including the debut hit “I’m Tired,” “Days of Glamor” and “I’m Tired (Remix).” The album not only managed to take an honorable place in the ranking, but also exceeded all levels in terms of the number of discs sold. As for the opinions of critics, they all left only positive reviews.

IN 2009 year, the second album is released, including ten compositions.

in winter 2011 The third album was released this year, and Anton also began to talk about leaving the group. However, a week later, the leader changed his mind and returned back. Reporters were told that this was some kind of hoax. In the same year, some amendments did take place in their composition. Danil Matseychuk joined them, and Konstantin Borovsky left.

Biography of Daniil Matseychuk

Daniil was born on September 20, 1988 in the very heart of Ukraine - the city of Kyiv. He, like the rest of the group, leads a healthy lifestyle. But to join the team, it took him some time to learn the movements and repertoire. And it is unknown how he would have coped if Anton had not helped him master all the subtleties of choreography. At one time, Daniil helped Anton by letting him live with him, but now it’s the other way around.

IN 2012 year, the fourth, last to date, album is released, including six songs.

IN 2013 year, Daniil left the group and joined Konstantin. Together they created their own musical group with a similar name, their own clothing brand, as well as a club project.

At the very end of the current one at the time of publication, 2014, a new track from Quest Pistols is released - Santa Lucia, which, like many tracks of this group, is receiving wide recognition among young people.

Over all their years of existence, the guys have matured, changed, overcome many obstacles on their way and - most importantly - were able to reach the top. Now they have many years of experience, an audience of millions who will always remember their compositions, dance moves and everything else. What will happen to the group next, only time will tell, but if other songs do appear, the audience will only be glad to hear them.