MPGU at the IV International Symposium “Traditional Culture in the Modern World. history of food and food traditions of the peoples of the world

From November 15 to 17, 2018 at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov hosted the IV International Symposium “Traditional Culture in the Modern World. History of food and food traditions of the peoples of the world." The organizers of the symposium are the Center for the Study of the Interaction of Cultures and the Academy of Gastronomic Science and Culture, created in 2013 on its basis through the efforts of a group of enthusiastic scientists from the faculty. The initiator of systematic research in this area in domestic regional studies is the President of the Academy, Head. Department of Regional Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, President of the Center for the Study of Interaction of Cultures, Honored Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova, Doctor of Historical Sciences Anna Valentinovna Pavlovskaya.

The study of problems of the history of food and food traditions of the peoples of the world, a popular area of ​​applied regional studies in the world, is only taking its first steps in our country. The most important factor in the field of intercultural exchanges, creating the country’s image on the world stage, attracting tourist flows, the topic of food is today the most important economic factor and plays the role of a political, cultural and ideological guide. The place and role of food in history, culture, philosophy, religions of the peoples of the world, language, literature, art - this is not the entire range of topics that are brought up for discussion by scientists from various fields of knowledge at the interdisciplinary platform of the symposium at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

At the invitation of the organizers, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Education, Deputy. Head of the Department of Interregional Cooperation of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Head of the Section of Scientific, Technical and Business Translation of the Union of Translators of Russia, Candidate of Philological Sciences Marina Aleksandrovna Krivenkaya. In the section “Food through the prism of language” she presented a report on the topic: “Verbalization of ethnic stereotypes with elements of traditional gastronomy in dialogic discourse.”

The thematic diversity of cultural and gastronomic subjects is indicated by the titles of a large number of sectional sessions of the symposium: “Experiences in visual gastrosophy”, “Historical forms of gastronomic practices”, “Food as an object of artistic reflection”, “Russian and Soviet cuisine: history, transformations, national characteristics”, “Food through the prism of language and literature”, “History and food traditions of the peoples of Europe”, “Gastronomic identity of the regions”, “History and food traditions of the peoples of the world”, “Gastronomic element of modern educational strategies”.

We hope that Moscow Pedagogical State University will become a traditional participant in such “scientific-tasty” congresses and will make a worthy, meaningful contribution to the variety of topics related to this area of ​​applied regional studies. It can unite the interests of linguists, translators, cultural experts, historians, ethnologists, art historians, specialists in advertising, management, restaurant and tourism business..., opening up unlimited possibilities for a variety of answers to the eternal question “To eat or not to eat?”

M.A. Krivenkaya

The program and abstracts of the symposium participants are on the website of the Academy of Gastronomic Science and Culture

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20 / 11 / 2018

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Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Center for the Study of Interaction of Cultures
invite you to participate in


which will take place on October 29 – 31, 2015
This forum is unique in the scientific space of Russia. It is devoted exclusively to the problems of gastronomic culture, which still remain beyond the attention of domestic scientists.
Objectives of the Symposium:

Familiarization of the world scientific community with the achievements of Russian science on gastronomic topics;

Opposition to numerous pseudo-scientific works;

Promoting the ideas of traditional nutrition in society.
The following topics are proposed for discussion:

Gastronomic culture as a subject of study: theoretical and methodological aspects;

History and food traditions of the peoples of the world;

- Russian and Soviet gastronomic culture: history, evolution, national characteristics;

- historical forms of gastronomic practices;

Food in the space of dialogue of cultures;

Food and food culture as a factor of national identity and self-determination;

Food through the prism of language and literature;

Food and Religion;

Internet as a space for “gastronomic expression”;

The topic of food in the media;

Gastronomic aspects of tourism;

Modern business: traditions and innovations in the field of nutrition.

The issues of the symposium are not limited to the above topics. We welcome any relevant and interesting scientific proposals for its expansion.
We invite scientists, journalists, bloggers, entrepreneurs, restaurateurs, museum workers, advertising business workers, and everyone involved in the study of history and food traditions to participate.
Special events and meetings are planned during the Symposium and will be announced separately. Follow the information on the website
Working languages ​​of the conference

I International Symposium
"History of food and food traditions of the peoples of the world"

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Center for National Intellectual Reserve of Moscow State University
Academy of Gastronomic Science and Culture

The first scientific and practical Symposium in Russia dedicated exclusively to the problems of the history of food and food traditions.

Objectives of the Symposium:
- consolidating the efforts of Russian scientists involved in studying the history and traditions of food, creating conditions for their interaction with specialists from European countries and the world;
- an association of representatives of science, politics, production and business involved in the history and traditions of food;
- familiarization of the world scientific community with the achievements of Russian science on this topic;
- opposition to numerous pseudo-scientific works;
- promoting the ideas of traditional nutrition in society.

The symposium is planned to be held annually.

The following topics are proposed for discussion:
- History of nutrition of the peoples of the world: stages, regional features, influence on history.
- History and food traditions of the peoples of Russia.
- Food and food culture as a factor of national identity and self-determination.
- Food and religion.
- Table etiquette of the peoples of the world.
- Traditional nutrition in the modern global world.
- The theme of food in literature, folklore, painting, cinema and other forms of art.
- Food advertising: historical, cultural, regional and social aspects.
- Organization of museums and historical and cultural exhibitions on food topics.
- Modern business: traditions and innovations in the field of nutrition.
- Restaurants and catering organizations: going back to the roots or speculating on history?
- The topic of food in the media: the modern boom, analysis of the situation, development prospects.

The issues of the symposium are not limited to the above topics. We welcome any relevant and interesting scientific proposals for its expansion.

We invite scientists, journalists, bloggers, entrepreneurs, restaurateurs, museum workers, advertising business workers, and everyone involved in the study of history and food traditions to participate.

Special events and meetings are planned during the Symposium and will be announced separately. Follow the information on the websites.

Book chapters

Edited by: V.V. Gritsenko T. 1. Smolensk: Universum, 2010.

Presented are reports and communications that became the subject of discussion at the Second International Scientific Conference “Theoretical Problems of Ethnic and Cross-Cultural Psychology”, held at the Smolensk Humanitarian University on May 26-27, 2010. The collection includes articles by scientists from Russia and foreign countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Israel, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine, Finland, Estonia, which reflect methodological and theoretical approaches to the study of such fundamental problems as the transformation of ethnic identity, the influence culture on personality, intercultural interaction and ethnic conflicts, psychology of migration and acculturation, ethnic socialization and multicultural education.

The book is of interest to psychologists, ethnologists, philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists and anyone interested in current issues of ethnic and cross-cultural psychology.

The article shows how shorthand, the most intensive development of which occurred in the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries, established for a relatively long period the status of not only an educational, but also a research discipline in various institutional and regional-cultural contexts. This was due to the fact that - especially in Germany - the development of new shorthand systems took place in an atmosphere of intense scientific research aimed at rationalizing writing as a whole. System-theoretical and teaching activities were carried out both in existing educational institutions and in specially created stenographic institutes, as well as in courses at stenographic societies.

Is tolerance important for modernization? What can one say about the relationship and causality between tolerance and modernization? It is assumed that an increase in tolerance, expressed as a tolerant attitude towards homosexuality, gender equality, and a decrease in xenophobia, has a significant impact on modernization. Here modernization is understood in a “narrow” sense, referring to economic and technological modernization. The author uses the “cultural modernization” approaches of R. Inglehart and the “creative class” concept of R. Florida. Based on data from 55 countries, the author concludes that tolerance does have a significant impact on modernization, with gender equality being the most predictive factor and proving to be important in three groups of compared models (Index of Modernization, Innovation Index, and Investment Index ). A tolerant attitude towards homosexuals and a decrease in xenophobia play a less significant role. Gender equality is an important predictor for modernization because women are in the majority – not the minority – and lowering entry barriers for women leads to their inclusion in a post-industrial economy. The results show that this is extremely important for economic modernization. Two distinct patterns of modernization are revealed: A tolerant model and a catching-up model. The former model focuses on innovation, high levels of tolerance, and strong institutions, while the latter focuses on investment, a lower-level of tolerance, and weak political institutions. Institutions do matter – they seem to be a causal mechanism in the relationship between tolerance and modernization. Institutions play a significant role in the tolerant model, where a post-industrial economy is associated with a post-industrial society. However, some countries try to build a post-industrial economy without building a post-industrial society, putting the main emphasis not on innovation, but on higher investment rates.

Based on the characteristics of the economic sectors of one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the Perm Territory, the author examines the issue of the inefficiency of the Russian market model. The inconsistency of government actions in relation to the private sector and traditional cultural values ​​that impede successful development are critically analyzed. The conclusion is formulated that the Russian economy has remained predominantly state-owned, and in the absence of incentives, including cultural ones, to reduce the public sector, all hopes for an economic breakthrough remain in vain.

Logacheva V.K., Klyshinsky E. S., Galaktionov V. A. IPM im. M.V. Keldysh RAS. ::. IPM im. M.V. Keldysh RAS, 2012. No. 14.

The paper proposes a method for automatically generating rules for the transcription of proper names based on analysis of the training sample. The rule generation process is divided into two stages: the selection of simple (primary) rules and the generation of complex rules. A new alignment technique is used to isolate primary rules. To carry out transcription, it is proposed to convert the rules into a finite machine and carry out transcription using it.

Yablokova T. N. Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice. 2011. No. 2. P. 191-196.

The article describes the patterns of implementation of emotional statements in dialogic and monologue speech. The author's main attention is paid to the characteristic features of the speech of a speaker who is in a state of emotional stress, and to the compositional and pragmatic features of dialogic and monologue text.

Political theory and political analysis. WP14. Higher School of Economics, 2012. No. 03.

The analysis of modern society, permeated by media, is carried out from the perspective of an ethnomethodological approach and represents an attempt to answer the cardinal question: what are the observed orderings of events broadcast by mass intermediaries. The study of rituals proceeds in two main directions: firstly, in the organizational and production system of media, focused on constant reproduction, which is based on the transmission model and the information/non-information distinction and, secondly, in the analysis of the perception of these messages by the audience, which is the implementation of a ritual or expressive model, the result of which is a shared experience. This means the ritual nature of modern media.

Chernykh A.I. Political theory and political analysis. WP14. Higher School of Economics, 2012. No. 04.

Humanity is experiencing a change in cultural and historical eras, which is associated with the transformation of network media into the leading means of communication. The consequence of the “digital split” is changes in social divisions: along with the traditional “haves and have-nots”, the confrontation “online (connected) versus offline (unconnected)” arises. Under these conditions, traditional intergenerational differences lose their significance, and the decisive factor is belonging to one or another information culture, on the basis of which media generations are formed. The work analyzes the diverse consequences of networking: cognitive, arising from the use of “smart” things with a user-friendly interface, psychological, giving rise to networked individualism and the increasing privatization of communication, social, embodying the “paradox of the empty public sphere.” The role of computer games as “substitutes” for traditional socialization and education is shown, and the vicissitudes of knowledge losing its meaning are examined. In conditions of excess information, the scarcest human resource today is human attention. Therefore, new principles of doing business can be defined as attention management.

This scientific work uses the results obtained during the implementation of project No. 10-01-0009 “Media rituals”, implemented within the framework of the HSE Research Foundation Program in 2010-2012.