Why black cats dream is easy to guess. Why do you dream about an adult black cat?

A bad sign, for a fight, quarrel.

Kittens - to profit.

Caressing a cat means mistrust, doubt.

A cat comes towards you, crosses the road - to a meeting with an enemy, an insincere person.

A caressing cat is unfortunately in the cat's owner's house.

A cat meows hysterically - a request for help that is difficult to fulfill.

Hearing a cat's meow means receiving hypocritical assurances of love.

Hearing a cat meow without seeing it is deception.

A cat bit you or scratched you - slander or insult of its owners against you.

A cat has bitten or scratched someone - to a slight discomfort, to your resentment towards this person.

Catching a cat means opening gossip.

Cat games - to troubles in your personal life, identifying enemies.

A cat fight means worries.

Playing with a cat in a dream means infidelity.

A black cat means evil from an unknown enemy.

A dead cat means the disappearance of a person unpleasant to you.

Seeing a strangled cat means your lifestyle will lead to bad consequences.

To cause harm or pain to a cat is to have a bad conscience.

A man dreamed of a cat - some girl was “hunting” him.

A woman dreamed of a cat - signifies the emergence of a strong rival.

A cat catching a mouse means big profits and wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Dream Interpretation - Cat

Seeing is failure unless you can kill it or drive it out of sight;

Throws itself at you - you will have enemies who will do anything to denigrate your reputation and deprive you of property;

To drive her away means overcoming enormous obstacles, fate and reputation will take off;
a skinny, pitiful and dirty cat is bad news - one of your friends is very sick, but if you manage to drive the cat away in a dream, then your friend will recover;

Hearing cats squealing and meowing means your false friend is doing everything to harm you;

A cat scratched you - your enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from a transaction on which you spent a lot of time and effort;

For a young woman - holding a cat or kitten in her arms - you will be involved in some unseemly affairs;

Seeing a pure white cat means confusion, uncertainty, which can cause grief and deprivation of fortune;

For a trader - to see a cat - you should work with maximum efficiency, as competitors are destroying your commercial endeavors;

Seeing a cat and a snake being friendly towards each other is the beginning of a fierce struggle; you are supporting the enemy in order to use him and discover some secret that has to do with you.

Also see Kitten, Snake, Panther, Dog.

Interpretation of dreams from

The dream book considers a black cat that appears in a dream as a witchcraft symbol that has an impact on reality. The most vivid prophecies about what this sweet and insidious creature dreams of are collected in this review. Will you be lucky or not? Now you will know for sure.

Dream Interpretation Enigma: Fortitude and Freedom

A person, oppressed by circumstances, sees a black cat before important changes in life, difficult, but necessary. Moreover, everything will happen by itself - it’s not for nothing that she is friends with otherworldly forces. Affectionate and fluffy, she will protect comfort, peace and prosperity from outside encroachments.

If she suddenly appeared in a dream, but in fact she is not in the house, then the dreamer is humiliated and will need support - it seems to him so. He's actually strong. Remember, a cat has nine lives; it cannot be destroyed or broken.

Why does a woman dream about the beautiful curves of her pet’s graceful body? This is how her feminine essence reveals deeply hidden sexuality, desire, passion.

Vanga: what does dead or sick mean?

The plot, in which they saw a pet seriously ill, and even more so, watched her die, raises questions about the strength of the relationship. If you dreamed that this was your spouse’s favorite, then you need to run away from the marriage. If he beat or even killed a beauty in a dream, it means he is planning a divorce - do not interfere with this.

The dead one represents envy and the desire to cause harm. Why do you dream of seeing her outside your apartment? Vanga's dream book prophesies that troubles will not enter the family, but will remain with those who wanted to cause them.

Why do you dream about being caressed and attacked?

Gustav Miller is very skeptical about the prospects of a person who saw a black cat in a dream. He finds bad signs both in the fact that she is affectionate and in the fact that she bullies.

In real life, failures can be avoided if you drive it away: for example, if a friend has been sick for a long time, he will get better. Why do you dream of a magical beauty according to Miller’s dream book?

  • Aggressive – embodies the image of the enemy.
  • Attacks - slander, fraud, theft.
  • If you dreamed about being scratched, you will lose income.
  • If she scratched her until she bled, her relatives would deprive her of her inheritance.
  • Warmed up in your arms - a threat to honor.
  • Rubbing on your legs - the ill-wisher is gaining trust.
  • Caresses - involvement in fraud.
  • Throws from above - fierce competition.

I dreamed of seeing other living creatures in a dream

What does a dream in which a black cat fights with a dog portend? If the dog retreats, you will become a victim of slander; if it wins, you will honestly defend your interests, but you will have to work long and hard.

Why do you dream that a little predator caught a rat? In the confrontation between intelligence and cunning, deception will prevail. If the rat dodged or punished the offender, the dream books are confident that good planning will bring success.

Fleas are an ambiguous symbol. If they do not cause concern, and the kitty reaches out to be petted, then you will suddenly become rich. If they suck until there are blood stains, then the relatives will have to endure disappointment. Catching fleas in a dream means creating problems for yourself.

Black cat as a planned accident

The classic plot, in which the living embodiment of bad luck runs across the road, prophesies the main failure of the coming day: failing an exam, a car accident, a sewer break - whatever. It’s only worse if this miracle suddenly turns around and goes towards us.

In a cat walking towards you, dream books see a challenge: the enemy will disguise himself, but the true intentions must be recognized in time.

The pregnant woman promises protection from slander, but you yourself need to keep your eyes open, as the enemy is trying to become a friend. If you meowed in a dream, a good friend will let you down.

Why did you see the secret symbol?

Islamic interpreters find special signs in the dream of a black cat. It symbolizes a book with secret knowledge. To notice white marks on it means riddles, uncertainty, confusion in matters.

For a man, the Muslim dream book prophesies disrespect for his wife and children. He can also be deceived or robbed. Feeding her means attracting flatterers to you.

Most representatives of the fairer sex are superstitious, although they do not notice it. They believe in everything supernatural and mysterious. This also applies to prophetic dreams. Thanks to them, we can find out our future and protect ourselves from impending danger.

In many famous dream books, there is often a description of a dream with a black cat. If such a night vision was visited by a woman, then the interpretation will have its own characteristics.

  • The image of a black cat is a harbinger of approaching danger. Having seen such a dream from Monday to Tuesday, you should not take hasty and rash steps.

If the dream with a pussy occurred on the night from Friday to Saturday, then there is no reason for alarm at all, since fate is preparing a gift for you. You will probably receive a profitable offer that will soon bring you big profits.

  • In a night vision, a homeless black kitten crosses your path - this is an unfavorable symbol. This dream means for you collapsed dreams and hopes, as well as an inability to implement your plans.

In such a situation, you need to take control of your actions: you should not take rash steps, and you should also avoid making radical decisions related to your future.

If the animal has a bow or collar, then such a dream portends you great success. Now you can safely begin to implement your plans without fear that failure will overtake you.

  • In a dream, a black predator basks in the sun - this is a symbol of spiritual harmony. Now is the time to stretch your legs and get some rest. You don't have to be afraid of your competitors, since they won't cause you any trouble in the near future.
  • Seeing an angry cat means that you have a rival who does not hide his intentions regarding you.
  • If you caught a pussy in your dreams, this is a favorable symbol. Now you can expose and punish gossipers for all their slander.
  • In night vision, pet an animal - this indicates that inside you are filled with doubts and emotional experiences that weigh on you so much.
  • In a dream you are playing with a black kitten - the dream warns of imminent betrayal. However, he does not specify whose infidelity it will be.

  • If a predator bites you, then this portends a serious illness or loss. But you shouldn’t “get hung up” on this dream, since your negative attitude can only attract trouble.
  • In your dreams, an animal scratched you - you need to reconsider your social circle. Among the people close to him there is a hypocrite who speaks flattery to his face and spreads bad rumors behind his back.
  • If you dreamed of a lot of kittens, it means that soon you will have to endure the betrayal of close friends or relatives.
  • Seeing a black cat with kittens - the interpretation of this dream depends on the feelings you experienced at that moment:

A tender feeling means that soon all your affairs will “go uphill” and life will improve.

Unpleasant sensations mean that troubles await you, which you will have to solve on your own. But don't worry about this, as these are just minor concerns.

  • An image of a pregnant pussy appeared in your dreams - which means you should expect guests. If you are single, then wait for a representative of the stronger sex; if married - a child; complete family - distant relatives.
  • If you observe the birth of an animal, this is a bad sign that promises you failure. And the more kittens are born, the more significant the problems.
  • In night vision you see a dead predator - this is a harbinger of a serious conflict or even a break in relations. If the animal is yours, then you should not trust your boyfriend too much; he probably has affairs on the side. If the cat is a relative or close friend, then soon you will have a major quarrel with these people.

What will the Ukrainian dream book say?

Seeing a black predator in your dreams means that among the people close to you there is also your enemy, who, through deception and bright speeches, pretends to be a comrade. Also, for a woman, such a night vision indicates the presence of a homewrecker.

Dream book “black cat for a woman” by G. Miller

  • According to this dream book, any dream in which a cat is present represents failure for both men and women. Although there are exceptions here too. Let's find out how G. Miller interprets this dream in detail:
  • If in night vision an animal scratches you, this indicates monetary losses. The reason will be a failed investment or problems with work.
  • A predator in a dream is sitting on your hands - which means you need to be on guard, as someone will try to drag you into illegal matters related to money.
  • Hearing a cat meowing means the imminent betrayal of a close friend.
  • If in your dreams a dirty and sick animal runs across you, this portends bad news. Perhaps a serious illness of a close friend or relatives.

A woman’s dream about a black cat - how Sigmund Freud interprets the dream

  • Such predators, according to the psychologist, personify the excitement and sensitivity of a person.
  • Stroking an animal in your dreams means that you have a desire to have sexual intercourse with a partner who is much younger than you.
  • If the cat itself fawns over you, this indicates your unsurpassed sexual attractiveness. You are like a magnet for the opposite sex.
  • If you dreamed about feeding a predator, you are probably attracted to intimate relationships with children or teenagers.
  • Killing or abusing an animal means you like to resort to sadism during sexual intercourse.

Back in ancient times. The Egyptians revered this animal as a deity, and black cats were considered a significant sign among our ancestors. Sometimes this mysterious animal appears in dreams. After reading this article, you will find out why a black cat dreams according to the best dream books.

What does sleep mean?

    Dream Interpretation Enigma

    If a black cat appeared in your dream, soon you will have a big quarrel or even a fight. A black cat crossed your path - in reality you will meet a very unpleasant person who will bring you a lot of failures.

    Very often a black cat is a symbol of a girl or, moreover, insidious and unkind. If such a vision is repeated several times, be prepared: the ill-wisher will try to harm you, but a lot will depend on your vigilance. It is especially bad if the black purr behaves violently and tries to attack you - in this case, a conflict with the enemy is inevitable.

    A girl sees in a dream a black cat that purrs and caresses - to flattery, deceit and attempts to outsmart you. Moreover, people you trust will be involved in this.

    Killing a black cat in a dream is considered a particularly important sign. Kill a kitten - a sign that in reality the dreamer will miss good opportunities and chances, and through my own fault.

    Killing an adult black cat is the personification of your triumph over your opponent. True, sometimes a black cat can be a symbol of the demonic nature of the dreamer himself, and the fight with him is a symbol of the fight with himself.

    If in a dream the black cat was yours, and someone else hit or killed him, you should be more careful - such a sign warns you that there is someone in your environment with unclean intentions.

    Did you dream of a black cat with dirty, disheveled fur, sick and powerless? Alas, but you soon learn that one of your friends is seriously ill and he needs your help and attention.

    There is a similar meaning in which you saw two black cats. This is a sign that your problems are doubling. However, if you drove the animals away or hid from them yourself, you will be able to avoid trouble.

    Many black cats - a message from above that the dreamer should take a closer look at his surroundings. Perhaps it contains “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” To see them fighting in a dream is a symbol of the fact that your own secret desires and worries do not give you peace. Black “March” cats in a dream, their mating games and meowing are a harbinger of problems in your relationship with your significant other.

    Watching a black cat and her kittens in a dream - For a woman, this symbol promises love betrayal. Most likely, the dreamer will soon have a rival, if she hasn’t already. A black cat feeds her kittens - the personification of the beginning of an independent life, she takes them away from you - you have to move or have a lot of troubles.

    Dream book of Gustav Miller

    In this book of dreams, a black cat is considered a uniquely negative sign. It’s especially bad if the animal attacked you and tried to bite you - this is the personification of your enemies, who will wholeheartedly try to harm you by any means. But if you managed to kill or drive away an animal, rest assured - your will and firmness will not give ill-wishers any chance.

    Miller also believed that in this dream a lot depends on the details. Dirty homeless black cat - to bad news from your relatives. A large, tattered black cat means the health of your friends will be in danger. Drive him away or kill him - everything will work out. A lot of black people who meow are a symbol of deceitful friends who are actually your enemies.

    Get a scratch from a black cat - enemies will be able to harm you and even profit from you. A huge black cat is a symbol of chaos in your life.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Bulgarian witch considered a black cat in a dream a symbol of pride, pride, conflict and quarrels.

    The black cat scratched the dreamer - a symbol that he suffers too much from jealousy, although there is no reason for this at all. Catching a black cat means you will soon meet a proud and proud person.

    A black cat catches a mouse - you will witness a serious quarrel. If you dreamed of an aggressive large black cat, be careful: you have a very insidious and powerful enemy who will not leave you alone.

    Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

    According to psychoanalysis, a black cat is considered a symbol of sensuality and increased excitability.

    Caressing a black cat in a dream - a sign that you want sexual intercourse with a younger partner. If the cat itself caresses you, you yourself are very attractive to many people.

    Feeding a black cat is a symbol of your fantasies about intimacy with underage partners. Beating or killing an animal means the dreamer's sadistic tendencies. If a person dreams that the cat itself injured him, the opposite is true - he loves masochism.

    Modern dream book

    This book of dreams considers a black cat a symbol of future failures. However, if you hit, drive away or destroy the animal, you will be able to cope with everything.

    A black cat attacks you - enemies will try to tarnish your reputation and profit from you. You fought off the animal - you will not only cope with ill-wishers, but even gain fame and profit.

    Hungry black cat with dirty fur a harbinger of misfortune that will soon befall the dreamer’s friends or acquaintances. You managed to drive her away - she will be defeated, and not without your help.

    Dream book of Nina Grishina

    In this noble dream book, the interpretation of dreams about a black cat depends directly on the details. Stroking a black cat - to the dreamer’s doubts. A black caressing cat is the personification of a seductress (or seducer). A black cat meows pitifully - soon you will be asked for help, which will be difficult on your part.

    A black cat bit or scratched you - you will suffer illness or slander from enemies. If you catch a black cat, you will be able to find out who the gossip about you is coming from. Seeing black cats fighting means you will learn about a conspiracy against you and thereby avoid problems. Playing with black kittens means your soul mate is not faithful to you.

    Killed or crushed black cat - warning that you should change your lifestyle, otherwise you will have problems.

    Dream Interpretation of Terenty Smirnov

    The esoteric Wanderer considered cats in general, and especially black ones, to be a bad sign that foreshadows failure.

    Black cat portends the dreamer evil, problems and misfortunes. It is especially bad if an animal scratches or bites a person - in this case, he will face the machinations of enemies who will eventually do their dirty deed.

    Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

    What's interesting is that this woman is a medium despite everything, she considered dreams about black cats to be a very happy sign that promises the dreamer joy and victory.

    A black cat crossed your path - unexpected joy awaits you, receiving and good news. It is especially good if the cat was large.

Little kitty

Although dreams about black kittens (as well as about black cats) are interpreted unambiguously negatively by the best dream books, there is one exception. Holding a black kitten in your arms - a very good sign from above.

If you dreamed of a black cat or kitten that you were holding in your arms, you will soon receive a very pleasant surprise. Moreover, not only its content will be unexpected for you, but also the person who will make it.

Attacks and bites

Considering that a black cat in itself is considered a bad sign, her attack in a dream symbolizes additional problems.

If a black purr manages to bite the dreamer, this is a very bad sign. It foretells future problems for a person, especially gossip and serious illnesses.. If you were bitten by a black cat who in reality lives with your friends, it means that the members of this family are offended by you for something.

If the cat was aggressive, but you managed to fight it off and drive it away, you can be congratulated. No matter what, you will cope with all your problems, and troubles will no longer enter your life.

Pregnant cat

The interpretation of a dream about a pregnant black cat very much depends on its details:

  • The pregnant cat was yours– relatives and friends will present you with pleasant gifts and surprises.
  • The cat was the neighbor's– you should rely only on yourself and not wait for gifts of fate.
  • The cat belonged to your friend– your friend will soon reveal an important secret to you.
  • Stray and dirty pregnant cat- a symbol of receiving unpleasant news.
  • Pregnant cat at your work– you should carefully conduct business and monitor documents.

If she is in the house?

If a black cat appears in your house in a dream, unexpected problems will come to you. It is especially bad if in a dream the animal hid under furniture and you could not find it. In this case, you should accept your fate and wait out the problems patiently. If you managed to find and drive away the cat, calm down - everything will be fine.

In one case, such a dream may actually be work - if a black cat actually lives in the dreamer’s house. Otherwise, this is a sign from above.

As you already understood, a black cat is this is a special sign from above that needs to be interpreted correctly. The best dream books in the world, together with your intuition, will help you do this for sure.

Since ancient times, the black cat has been considered a special creature in Rus'. At least take a sign about her and the road that everyone knows. And it’s not for nothing that they say that witches keep a cat of this color as their assistant. Many people simply bypass it, even those who do not believe in superstitions. Probably, in the animal world, this queen of grace is like the number “13” in the world of numbers.

Often this is done unconsciously, but the fact remains a fact, so one cannot help but take into account this creature’s visit to our human kingdom of Morpheus, because the interpretation of dreams can sometimes be very useful.

Why do you dream of a black cat?

Perhaps the only people who can turn a blind eye to such a dream are the owners of this particular animal.

The main thing here is to determine exactly what actions she performed:

  • If the cat was sleeping peacefully, it means that the dreamer’s enemy in reality is not yet plotting intrigues, but this does not mean that in the future he will not make himself known. The cat, which was dozing in a dream, seems to say that here I am, your enemy, I am sleeping, but I have not forgotten about you;
  • Why then dream of a black cat that bites? A dream in which an animal rushes at the dreamer meowing has a bad meaning. This means that the enemy will soon attack and everything could end very badly for the dreamer if he does not take any action. It can also symbolize gossip;
  • It’s good if in a dream a person can overcome a black cat that attacks or bites, any victory over such an enemy in reality means a positive result;
  • An animal that meows pitifully means that someone really needs help from the sleeping person, but it will not be easy to provide it, but it is possible;
  • The girl to whom this animal appeared should be very careful. This predicts that in reality she will meet a guy who confesses his love. However, it is better not to believe his words; most likely, he just decided to laugh. A girl should not rush things so as not to get herself into trouble;
  • For an adult married man, this may promise the departure of his wife. In reality, you should not heat up the situation in family relationships if you want to save the marriage;
  • For a married woman, a dream in which a cat treats her unfavorably may in real life foretell the emergence of gossip. Therefore, she needs to be careful and not give the gossips a reason to scratch their tongues. Why does she dream of a black cat with kittens? The presence of this character with kittens in a dream means the appearance of a rival or mistress with her husband.

If you are wondering why you dream about a dead black cat, then there is no clear answer to this question. Miller's dream book suggests that a dead cat promises victory over the enemy, but if the dreamer kills a black kitten, then this means missing a lucky chance.

If an adult animal is killed by another person in a dream, it means that someone will help the sleeping person in real life to cope with his problems.

If you dreamed of two black cats, you should expect twice as much trouble. You should be especially careful here. Killing cats in a dream means successfully coping with problems.

Also, very often any animal characterizes a loved one, a friend. A cat crossing the road means betrayal; perhaps a friend will soon betray or offend.

Why do you dream of a black cat being caressed?

But a shabby, wounded cat, which is caressed in a dream, is deciphered as a request for help from a loved one. This sign should not be neglected; perhaps next to the dreamer there is a person who urgently needs help, but he cannot step over his pride and openly ask for it. Don’t worry if you were unable to cope with an animal’s aggression in a dream.