Kinsky Palace in Prague. Kinsky Palace in Prague – home of exquisite architecture and art

Kinsky Palace(Czech: Palác Kinských) is an architectural monument, the historical residence of the noble noble family of the Kinskys, which has been known since the 13th century and exists to this day. Nowadays, the palace is the object of the National Gallery, its information center is located here and one temporary exhibition is held.


The palace was built for Count Jan Armost Göltz in the Rococo style in 1755–1765 designed by the famous architect Kilian Dientzenhofer. The magnificent facade with statues of ancient gods is the result of the work of another famous master of his time, Ignaz Platzer.

The front part of the palace protrudes significantly beyond the building line of neighboring buildings, which has given rise to several legends. One of them talks about the count as a very vain man who wanted not only to build the most beautiful palace on the main square of Prague, but also to emphasize his exceptional position. And what could be more significant than symbolically “pushing forward” your residence from the general row of other buildings? The Count bribed three members of the city council and received written permission. For the townspeople, the daring location of the palace became obvious even at the construction stage. Their outrage knew no bounds. The count's case was subjected to humiliating proceedings, but since the papers were in order, he was left alone. But dishonest officials responded in full - as legend claims, they were hanged on a gallows, specially placed in front of the palace.

The count did not have time to fully enjoy the new luxurious residence - he died three years after the completion of construction. In the same 1768, his heirs sold the palace to the Kinskys.

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In 1843, the most famous representative of the family was born in the palace - Berta Kinska(married von Suttner) - writer, activist in the international pacifist movement, the first woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize and the second woman to receive the Nobel Prize (after Marie Curie). Her father, an Austrian field marshal, died early, and the palace ended up in the hands of her mismanagement mother, who squandered her fortune in gambling. Therefore, already at the end of the 19th century, all the premises of the palace were rented out. On the ground floor was my father's small dry goods store. Franz Kafka, and he himself attended the German gymnasium on the third floor of the palace for eight years (from 1893 to 1901).

In February 1948 it was from the balcony of the Kinsky Palace, the head of government, Klement Gottwald, addressing the Czech people, proclaimed the establishment of communist power in the country.

Important! Prague also has the Kinsky Summer Palace, which houses the Ethnographic Museum, which introduces the traditional folk culture of the historical regions of the Czech Republic (Bohemia, Moravia and part of Silesia).

Temporary exhibition “Czech artists in Britain 1850–1950”

  • period: 11/16/2018 - 03/17/2019

- group tour (up to 10 people) for a first acquaintance with the city and main attractions - 3 hours, 20 euros

- a walk through little-known but interesting corners of Prague away from tourist routes to feel the real spirit of the city - 4 hours, 30 euros

- bus tour for those who want to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Czech Middle Ages - 8 hours, 30 euros

Of course, palaces are one of the most important components of the historical and cultural heritage of the Czech Republic, and the most famous and luxurious of them are located in Prague. We tried to collect interesting information about ten palaces in Prague (except the palaces located on Hradcany Square), known for their magnificence and rich history. A visit to these can be considered an “optional” for a historical tourist or art critic.

The Goltz-Kinsky Palace (Palác Kinských) is located in the northeastern part. This luxurious Baroque building with Rococo elements was built in the mid-18th century by order of Count Goltz, and later acquired by Count Kinsky. Since 1945, the Golts-Kinsky Palace has belonged to the state. It now houses the Prague National Gallery, which is one of the largest in the world and contains a collection of ancient art from the Far East, Asia, North America and Europe.

The fates of famous people are connected with the Golts-Kinsky Palace. Beethoven played here, invited by Count Kinsky, Bertha von Suttner, the first woman awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, was born, and at the end of the 19th century, when a gymnasium was located on one of the floors of the palace, it was visited by.

Address: Staroměstské náměstí, 606/12

How to get there:

Address: Pražský hrad, 1

How to get there:

The easiest way to get to Prague Castle is to take tram No. 12, 20, 22 or to the stop/station “Malostranské náměstí” and walk up Nerudova Street to the main entrance. Another option: take tram number 22 to the “Pražský hrad” stop, without having to overcome the long climb on foot.

GPS coordinates: 50.090606N, 14.401592E

Zofín Palace (Palác Žofín), built in the 19th century in the neo-Renaissance style, is located on the Slavic Island opposite the National Theater in the very center of Prague. The palace was named after Sophia of Bavaria: Sofia in Czech is Zofie, that is, “Zofie”. From the very beginning of its existence, Zofin became the cultural and business center of Prague. Such famous historical figures as Wagner, Dvorak, Liszt, Berlioz, Smetana, Schubert, Tchaikovsky performed in its halls. Nowadays, Zofin Palace regularly hosts events such as fashion festivals, concerts of classical music and world-famous stars, exhibitions and ballroom seasons. The international festival “Golden Prague” takes place here.

The palace consists of four halls - Big, Small, Knight's and Primator's. The first is used for high-level meetings, the second for gala dinners and concerts. The Knights' Hall is intended for dancing to medieval music, and the Primatorsky Hall is for business negotiations.

The interior of the palace amazes visitors with ceiling moldings, beautiful paintings and a unique view of Mala Strana. At the same time, modern technologies are actively used in the palace. The newlyweds turned the palace into their favorite wedding venue.

Address: Slovanský island, 226/8

How to get there:

Inside the palace, visiting the Richelieu Guest Room, the Dining Room and numerous halls, you can examine sculptures by 18th century artists, frescoes, painted ceilings, crystal chandeliers, marble statues and tapestries. Each room is decorated in a specific style and has survived historical events that left a mark on the history of Europe. Nowadays the French embassy is located in the Bukvoy Palace, so you can, unfortunately, see the interior decoration with your own eyes only on open days.

Address: Velkopřevorské náměstí, 486/2

How to get there:

In the mid-17th century, the Wallenstein Palace (Valdštejnský palác) and the garden were plundered by Swedish invaders, so almost everything that you can now see in the palace complex is a copy, the result of painstaking restoration. After 1945, the palace belongs to the state, and now the Czech Senate operates here.

Address: Valdštejnské náměstí,17/4

How to get there:

The nearest station is Malostranská (green line). Tram stop (No. 5, 12, 18, 20, 22) - with the same name Malostranská.

GPS coordinates: 50.090027N, 14.405348E

This beautiful palace, located in - one of the first examples of Renaissance architecture in the Czech Republic. It was built in the 16th century and was intended as a gift to Queen Anne from her husband King Ferdinand I. The palace was supposed to serve for royal entertainment, and the first floor was dedicated to a large dance hall, and in front of the entrance was erected, the effect of “singing” in which is created due to sounds of water hitting a bronze tray. For a number of reasons, the construction of the palace dragged on for almost a quarter of a century, and King Ferdinand’s beloved wife died without seeing the palace in all its splendor.

Nowadays, Queen Anne's Summer Palace (Letohrádek královny Anny) houses exhibition halls that are open to the public and sometimes hosts special events.

Address: Mariánské hradby, 52/1

How to get there:

The nearest stations are Malostranská and Hradčanská (green line). From Malostranská station, take tram number 22 one stop. From Hradčanská station, walk in a southerly direction for about 700 m.

GPS coordinates: 50.093847N, 14.403048E

Cherninsky Palace (Černínský palác) is one of the attractions. The construction of the family residence of the Chernin family began in the second half of the 17th century and, due to lack of funds, dragged on for more than half a century. By the end of the 18th century, the Chernins, having spent their entire fortune on maintaining the palace, moved to Vienna, and the grandiose palace in the late Baroque style stood in disrepair for several decades. In the 19th century, the Chernin Palace became the property of the state: the building housed an orphanage, a hospital and even barracks; the interiors of the Chernin family residence with magnificent frescoes and stucco moldings were destroyed.

During the reconstruction at the beginning of the last century, the Cherninsky Palace was restored to its original appearance and the original pieces of furniture and interior were preserved. During the Second World War, the Chernin Palace was the residence of the Nazi rulers of the Czech Republic, but now it houses the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and it was here that the Warsaw Pact was terminated at the end of the last century. The palace is closed to the public, but you can stroll through the beautiful park adjacent to it during public holidays and on Sundays.

Address: Loretánské náměstí, 101/5

How to get there:

Take tram number 22 to the Pohořelec stop from Malostranská station (green line). Then walk to the side for about 300 meters.

GPS coordinates: 50.088767N, 14.390705E

Liechtenstein Palace on Kampe

The Baroque palace, located on the very shore on the river, was built in the mid-17th century. However, the Liechtensteins, who bought the palace at the beginning of the 19th century, made a number of changes to the appearance of the palace in the classical style, and the Liechtenstein Palace (Lichtenštejnský palác) acquired its modern appearance in the Renaissance style at the end of the century.

During the occupation in World War II, the leadership of the NSDAP was located in the building of the Liechtenstein Palace. At the end of the last century, a complete reconstruction of the Liechtenstein Palace was carried out: the facades and wall paintings were restored, the interior was reconstructed, and work was also carried out to strengthen the masonry of the underwater walls of the palace. Now the palace houses government institutions.

Address: U Sovových mlýnů, 506/4

How to get there:

The easiest way to get to the Liechtenstein Palace is to cross the Charles Bridge and turn onto Kampa Island, then walk about 150 meters.

GPS coordinates: 50.085514N, 14.40888E

The Smiřický Palace (Palác Smiřických (U Montágů)), the family residence of one of the richest families in the Czech Republic, was built in the Renaissance style at the end of the 16th century. In the following decades, the owners expanded the palace, adding a nearby house to it, completed the tower, and the Smirzhnitsky palace became what we see it now. Thanks to the reconstruction carried out at the end of the last century, on the third floor of the palace you can see preserved painted ceilings in the Renaissance style.

On which the majestic flaunts Golts-Kinsky Palace.

For a long time, two small ones were located on this site, but in 1755 Count Jan Arnost Goltz wanted to see a palace worthy of it on the square. According to his plan, the building should have stood out somewhat from the Old Town Square. To this day, it does not stand on the same line with all the neighboring buildings, but moves forward a little. Rumor has it that the municipality did not want to allow such a location for the palace. But the owner of the castle was stubborn: having learned which of the council members was especially greedy for money, he bribed them and finally received the desired permission. Of course, towards the end of construction, other members of the city council noticed that the palace was not located as they would have liked, but it was too late: no one would allow the palace to be almost completed. The disgruntled council sued the count, but the count, of course, was acquitted, because he had official permission from those council members whom he managed to bribe. These greedy people were hanged right in front of the palace when the construction was already completed.

...However, this is all just a legend. In fact, everything was much more prosaic. The architect simply tried to follow the layout of the buildings that previously stood on the square.

In ten years, a building with a beautiful facade was erected, which was covered with delicate light pink plaster. Later, the palace buildings were rebuilt in the Rococo style; the palace was equipped with two entrances, each of which was framed by two columns. When Count Goltz died, members of the Kinski family bought the extraordinary palace. They settled in the building and lived there until 1945. In the palace, the family maintained a valuable family library. Now he uses the palace buildings, displaying exhibits of his collections there and holding exhibitions.

The palace boasts connections with many important and quite famous people. For example, Baroness Bertha von Suttner, an Austrian writer and the first Nobel Prize laureate in 1905, was born in the Goltz-Kinski Palace. This happened in 1843.

Another well-known personality, the philosopher Franz Kafka, studied at a German high school located in the palace. And on the ground floor of the same palace, his father ran a small kiosk.

On February 25, 1948, the most important words of Klement Gottwald, the leader of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, were spoken from the balcony of the Goltz-Kinski Palace. He informed a huge crowd of people about the beginning of the communist era. 42 years later on the same day, another ruler - President Vaclav Havel - proudly addressed the people, announcing to them that this era was forever over.

The palace was rebuilt for Jan Arnost Goltz in 1755-65. on the site where hotels used to stand. After some changes, it now has two entrances, which are decorated with columns. At the ground floor level, the columns are connected to the balcony.

After the death of Count Goltz, the palace was acquired by the Kinski family, they lived here until 1945. In general, many historical events are associated with the palace. In 1948, the leader of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Klement Gottwald, standing on the balcony of the Goltz-Kin Palace, announced the beginning of communism, and 42 years later, Czech President Vaklav Havel announced that it had ended.

At one time, the palace housed a German gymnasium; Franz Kafka attended it. The writer's father had a small shop on the ground floor of the building. As you know, a museum dedicated to the life of the famous writer is located here in Prague.

Address of the Golts-Kinsky Palace

Staroměstské náměstí 12, Prague 1

How to get to the Golts-Kinsky Palace

The building is located in the Old Town of Prague, on one of the most famous city squares - Old Town Square. Walking around the city center, it’s easy to find yourself here.

If you are traveling from other areas of the Czech capital, you can use the metro and get off at Mustek (line A or B) or Staromestska (line B) stations.

The Kinsky Summer Palace (Letohrádek Kinských) is a unique building from the mid-19th century, located in Prague, on a slope. This is one of the main attractions of the Kinsky Garden.

The plan of the palace was developed by the Viennese architect Koch. He also designed the Swiss carriage, greenhouses, and the gatekeeper's house.

This is a bright building with 2 floors, on the eastern facade there is a portico with access to the terrace. The triangular pediment is supported by four columns similar to those on the Acropolis. There are French style arched windows here.

In the palace itself, a gilded staircase leads to the second floor. Initially, there were two famous sculptures on it - “Psyche” by A. Canova and “Vlasta” by M. Emanuel. Later, the first statue was moved to the Kinsky Palace in Vienna, and the second was bought by the master’s wife. Only ancient chandeliers, doors and stairs now remind of the palace’s former decoration.

As with any palace, many legends and chilling murders are associated with it. In the 70s of the 19th century, a 17-year-old girl, the mistress of Crown Prince Rudolf, was killed here. The ill-fated Duke also lived here, whose murder by Serbian conspirators marked the beginning of the First World War.

After the death of the last direct heir, the building passed to the city and was purchased by the local government. The Folk Art Museum was opened there. In the second half of the twentieth century, the building was temporarily closed for restoration, but now it has been completely reconstructed. The museum presents exhibits dedicated to the culture and life of the Czech people. Master classes on traditional Czech crafts are held here daily. Many people rent the vacant premises of the palace for wedding feasts and various kinds of banquets.

Kinsky Garden – a paradise for city dwellers

The palace is located in the Kinsky garden (Kinského zahrada), among numerous trees, lawns, ponds and small rivers. The Kinski Garden is one of the most visited places on Petrin Hill.

This is in the English style, created in the 20s of the 19th century on the initiative of one of the representatives of the Kinsky family - Rudolf. The park consists of two parts: one part is a flat area in front of the palace, the second is a hill 130 meters high. Over the course of several decades, the current appearance of the garden was formed. Trees were planted, ponds were dug, and artificial waterfalls were created. In the center of the park is the Kinsky family palace.

The role of guardian in the park is played by a giant plane tree - the oldest tree on Petrin Hill. It is located next to the gatekeeper's house. And, of course, he performs the main job of a gatekeeper - he greets park guests.

It was opened to the public after Rudolf's death. His wife became the owner, and she opened the park to visitors with paid tickets.

Rudolf's descendants were not so grateful to their ancestor, so they intended to destroy the park and sell the land for the construction of residential buildings, but the garden was bought in time by the local municipality.

The Kinsky Gardens are a favorite vacation spot for most Czechs. The wonderful alleys of the park, children's playgrounds located throughout the gardens, luxurious lawns where dogs are allowed to walk - this is not a complete list of the wonders that every visitor to the park enjoys. This is a real opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city. Read more about the park.

There are probably few structures on Earth that could boast a large number of “residences”. St. Michael's Church (Svatý Michal zvaný Karpatský) is one of these buildings. She has been to several places and belonged to several owners. The Church of St. Michael is located on the slope of Petrin Hill near the Summer Palace. It is sometimes called “wandering” due to the fact that the temple was somewhat moved from one place to another until it found itself in its current location.

This is a Catholic Unitarian Church. The traditions of the Unites are incomparably closer to Orthodoxy than the traditions of Catholicism. It is part of the Czech Folk Museum. While walking through the park you can get to a service; it is often held in a church.

The church is made in the Lemko style - Baroque “in the Ukrainian style”. The slenderness of the temple, smooth lines, carefully crafted artistic details - all this distinguishes the temple and makes it unique. The main tower, 17 meters high, rises above the women's chapel. It is crowned with an elegant dome with a forged cross. The decoration of the temple uses traditional “Orthodox” colors: white, green and red.

There are many miracles in the world, created by man and created by nature. However, you cannot find two absolutely identical trees or two absolutely identical buildings. So it is impossible to find a church identical in beauty to the Church of St. Michael, it is impossible to find a garden that is as young and ancient at the same time, just as it is impossible to find a palace that is equally powerful and at the same time peaceful. That is why the Kinsky Palace and Garden are truly unique.