What is Azamat Bishtov by nationality? Three Stars of the Caucasus ★ ★ ★

Azamat for for

A little about Azamat:
Full name: Bishtov Azamat Shatbievich.
Date of birth: December 5, 1991
Nationality: Adyghe.
Marital status: Not maried.
Children: no

He was born in Maykop, where he now lives. His mother's name is Mila. Papa Azamat from a. Pshizova, he is a k1emguy (from Temirgoy), his mother is from Kunchukokhabl, she is bzhedigyu (from bzhedug). The family of Shatbiya and Mili has two children: daughter Zaira and son Azamat.

Azamat was born and lived all his life in Maykop, R. Adygea. I went to the Maykop gymnasium in 1st grade in 1998 and graduated in 2009. Since childhood, he studied national dances and learned to play the Harmony. He danced in the ensemble "Zori Maykop", the moment of his transition to "Nalmes" coincided with the moment of the release of his first song. After school I started singing at weddings. His first song is "Vodka bitter water". He composes many songs himself, he is a very talented, positive, cheerful person. After school I entered the Adyghe State University (ASU) in Maykop. Studying to be a lawyer, very kind, friendly guy
This guy has everything to eventually become a Russian pop star - he is young, handsome and talented. His songs resonate in the hearts of listeners, because they talk about things that are close and understandable to every person. The mystery of love, the bitterness of betrayal, the help of friends and the happiness of seeing a mother’s eyes shining with the joy of meeting are eternal topics, but not everyone manages to talk about them informally, so that they leave a mark on the soul and warmth on the heart...
He became interested in music early, the guy especially liked to sing. It is difficult to imagine a wedding or anniversary without soulful, deeply lyrical or, on the contrary, temperamental and fiery compositions, for which the peoples who have inhabited mountainous regions have always been famous. Since childhood, Azamat has been involved in national dances, learned to play the accordion - it is not surprising that the charming and cheerful young man is often invited to family celebrations and corporate events, and at them he brilliantly demonstrates his vocal gift.
His first song “Vodka Bitter Water” and the track “I Go Drunk” are perfect for a feast, the duet with Lilu “Dance” would be appropriate on the dance floor, and the song sung together with Anzhelika Natchezova, “Tough Love,” is conducive to light sadness. . The public knows and loves Azamat’s songs “A Hundred Reasons”, “Lilies”, “Night, Blue Night”, “I Won’t (Smooth Sea)”, “Thief” and many others.
“Vodka bitter water”, “One Hundred Reasons”, “Lilies”, “Night, Blue Night”, “Smooth Sea”, “Stop” the performer of these songs - Azamat Bishtov does not need a special introduction. Idol of millions, talented, young and ambitious. Despite his youth, the talented singer has more than one hit to his musical credit. And this is just the beginning! The enchanting, emotional and beautiful songs of this young performer are remembered literally from the first chords. And duet compositions with Caucasian pop stars - Angelika Nacheva “I’ll Let You Go” and “Cruel Love”, Murat Thagalegov “Heart”, Liliya Shaulukhova “Dance” will make more than one heart skip a beat with happiness! His songs resonate in the hearts of listeners and leave warmth in the soul. After all, they sing about great love and loyalty, about strong friendship and family, about the bitterness of losses and the majestic beauty of the native land. These eternal themes are close and understandable to every person.
Azamat is a magnificent dancer, his temperamental and fiery dances, which have always been famous for the peoples who have inhabited mountainous regions since ancient times, harmoniously complement the singer’s stage image. The public greets every performance of the artist with a bang.
Azamat Bishtov, together with the music publishing house “Zvuk-M”, released in 2011 his first solo disc “One Hundred Reasons...” and a video version of the solo concert “One Hundred Reasons...” of the same name; it should also be noted that compositions performed by this artist are present in the track- sheets of many collections produced by the Zvuk-M company.
Despite his fame in the republic and abroad, the singer does not suffer from star fever; his friends claim that he is a simple guy and a very good person. This is probably why he manages to be t


Bishtov Azamat Shatbievich Born in the city of Maykop on December 5, 1990, where he currently lives.

His mother’s name is Milya from the village of Kunchukokhablya, she is a Bzhedigyu (from the Bzhedugs).
Azamat’s dad is from the village of Pshizov, he is a kemguy (Temirgoyite).
The family of Shatbiya and Mili has two children, Azamat and Zaira.

Azamat Bishtov Adyghe by nationality was born and lived all his life in Maykop,
Republic of Adygea.
In 1st grade I went to a gymnasium in the city of Maykop in 1998, graduated in 2009
year. Since childhood, he studied national dances and mastered playing the Harmony.
He danced in the ensemble "Dawns of Maikop", the time of his transition to "Nalmes" coincided with
the moment of the release of his first solo song. After school, Azamat Bishtov began singing at weddings and
events. His first song “Vodka bitter water”, which later earned popular
confession. Azamat Bishtov himself composes many songs,
a very talented and positive, cheerful and sincere person.
After studying at school, he entered the Adyghe State University (ASU)
in the city of Maykop. He is studying to become a lawyer, a very friendly and kind young man.
Azamat has everything to become a Russian star in the future
stage - he is talented and handsome and charming. His songs find a warm response
in the hearts of many listeners, because they sing about things close and
understandable to many people.
Love, the bitterness of betrayal, the help of friends and the happiness of seeing people healthy and radiant with the joy of meeting
mother's eyes are eternal topics, but not everyone manages to talk about them,
so that there would be a mark on the soul and warmth in the heart...
Azamat became interested in music early, and he especially liked singing.
It's hard to imagine an anniversary or a wedding without intimate,
deeply lyrical, or vice versa, fiery and temperamental compositions,
for which the peoples who have inhabited the mountainous regions of the Caucasus since ancient times have always been famous.
Azamat is often invited to family celebrations and corporate events,
On them, Azik brilliantly demonstrates his vocal talent.

The public knows and loves Azamat’s songs, the song “Vodka Bitter Water” and the hit “I Go Drunk”
perfect for a feast in large companies, the composition has a light sadness,
sung together with Anzhelika Nachesova, “Tough Love”,
a duet with singer Lilu “Dance” will be appropriate on the dance floor.
Also popular are Azamat’s songs “Night, Blue Night”, “One Hundred Reasons”,
"Lilies" and many others.

Despite his popularity in the republic and abroad, Azamat Bishtov does not suffer
star fever, his relatives claim that he is a simple guy and
very kind and good person.
This is most likely why he manages to be so sincere in his work!
We wish Azamat and his loved ones health and Caucasian longevity, and creative success for him,
so that he can continue to delight listeners with his performances!

It is his lovely ladies who consider him the most handsome man on the Adyghe stage. The most persistent fans follow the artist from city to city. But such fame does not scare him.

I think it’s nice for any artist to be loved by the audience. But I am skeptical about the formulation “favorite of women.” We are used to labeling ourselves as “man of the year” or “man fatale”. How can such “titles” be taken seriously? And it has nothing to do with the stage,” says the youngest honored artist of Adygea and Kabardino-Balkaria, Azamat Bishtov.

In touch

I wish them lots of love. So that next to the man they love, each of them feels calm and comfortable. In the modern world, women lack this so much.

- Fans follow you around towns and villages. Aren't you afraid to communicate with fans?

I don’t think it was just the appearance that inspired fans to move. Often these are mature, accomplished women who simply like my songs, for which I am very grateful to them. I'm not afraid to communicate with them. I left them my contact information, sometimes they call me and ask for advice. When I have free time, I organize fan meetings after concerts.

But there are topics that I basically don’t discuss in conversations with fans: this is my personal life. I got burned several times by revealing my soul to people. So now I stop all attempts to penetrate “behind the scenes” of my life. But I appreciate the attention. Therefore, even with a busy touring schedule, I try to maintain good physical shape. If I have free time, I like to swim and run. Sometimes you manage to rehearse in the dance hall and remember your youth.

Photo from the archive of Azamat Bishtov

- Do you often get recognized on the streets of Maykop?

In Maykop they will find out. But I walk the streets freely. I hear in the back: “Bishtov, Bishtov.” Apparently they love you, but are shy to approach.

Since childhood, you have been fond of folk dancing, playing the harmonica and drums. What made you go on stage with such competition, when Caucasian music sounds far beyond the borders of the Caucasus?

I've been into music since childhood. The morning always began with a song. Parents are very funny people. My father played the Adyghe rattles very well. Guests often gathered in the house, and the accordion was always played. As a child, I even fell asleep with an accordion - there used to be such toys. He started picking out melodies on the harmonica at the age of 13-14.

At the republican gymnasium, during the big recess, my friend and I arranged. But I had problems with my studies - I categorically did not want to study.

He only loved the Russian language, literature and physics. This is understandable: today we start the topic, and tomorrow the ensemble “Dawns of Maykop”, in which I danced, goes on a two-week tour abroad. To catch up on missed topics later, you have to be a genius. But I couldn’t imagine life without dancing.

After the children's ensemble, I passed a probationary period at Nalmes. And at the same time, they invited me to play the harmonica at weddings. I not only played, but also sang. And then I was faced with a choice: dance or study at university.

But studying and daily multi-hour rehearsals that last six hours are incompatible. A friend once advised me: record a song with an accordion. It all started in the recording studio. I recently listened to my first song and criticized myself.

Your songs are called “Madonna”, “Love the Thief”, “Deceived” - where does such a pessimistic view of a woman come from?

Our audience just loves stories about tragic love. But I try to move away from these songs. I think that the repertoire has become more serious. I didn't think you would remember such names. It turns out that they are listening, which means the topic remains relevant.

Family duet

- What is your attitude towards women?

As a creative person, I need a constant state of falling in love. But I know: I will be a good husband and father, although I have a difficult and demanding character. I don't like girls in miniskirts and tops. I don’t understand the charm of hair extensions and pouty lips.

The main thing is to be well-groomed. I pay attention to everything: from the face to the mind. I don’t believe it when they say: the main thing is the soul. This is male coquetry. Guys, look for the harmony of beauty and intelligence. For me, marriage is a very serious topic. Your wife should feel more comfortable in your home than at her parents’. It costs a lot. But I don’t think about family yet - work comes first.

- What have modern Russian women gained and what have they lost?

I'll talk about women in general. Everyone wants a good life right away. In a moment, become rich and happy, without making much effort. They carry themselves like a valuable prize: receive it and be proud. It doesn't happen that way. The woman in the house is always the second voice. This is inherent in nature. But many men like to indulge them. And this makes women tougher.

Nature abhors a vacuum. It's time to go back to basics. Many guys are looking for younger girls and decide to raise their wives according to their own patterns. I'm not going to educate anyone. Let him do his upbringing. The main thing in a family is the ability to prioritize. For me, the ideal family is my parents.

At the age of 14, with the first money I earned, I bought my mother her first mobile phone on March 8th, and recently built a house. I don’t brag, I consider it a filial duty.

how old is Azamat Bishtov and got the best answer

Answer from Chris[guru]
Bishtov Azamat was born on December 5, 1990 in the Republic of Adygea. In 2009 he graduated from the Republican Gymnasium in the city of Maykop.
Even as a child, Azamat fell in love with performing in front of an audience; he really enjoyed singing and dancing. The guy studied national dances, and then taught himself to play the harmonica. Already as a young man, Azamat began performing at weddings, corporate events, and family celebrations; people liked his style of performance. This is how the first song “Vodka bitter water” appeared, and later “I walk drunk.”
In his songs, Azamat tells people about eternal topics that are so close to each of us. These are topics about love, betrayal, friends, parents. Some compositions touch the soul, lyrical, while others make you dance, temperamental, like the southern peoples. They predict a great future for the guy, he has everything for this - talent, beauty, charm.
Today, Azamat Bishtov is studying in the correspondence department, while still managing to work on his singing career. He already has not only solo projects, but also duet performances. They recorded the compositions “The Heart Weeps” and “Cruel Love” with Anzhelika Nacheva, “Dance” with Lilu, and “Heart” with Murat Thagalegov.
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Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how old is Azamat Bishtov

The biography of Azamat Bishtov today interests fans of such a movement as Caucasian chanson. Do you also like the songs performed by this young man? Do you want to know the details of his biography and personal life? We are ready to satisfy your curiosity. We wish you pleasant reading!

Singer Azamat Bishtov: biography. Childhood

He was born on December 5, 1991 in the main city of Adygea - Maykop. Our hero was brought up in an ordinary family. His father, Shatbiy Bishtov, earns money through hard physical labor. Azamat's mother Mila is a housewife. Her responsibilities always included: cooking food, keeping the apartment clean and raising children. Our hero has a sister named Zaira.

Azamat Bishtov's biography indicates that he entered first grade in 1998. Teachers always praised him for his thirst for knowledge and exemplary behavior.

Several times a week the boy attended a dance club. He also taught himself to play the harmonica. Azamat regularly delighted his parents and sister with home concerts. Father and mother were confident that their son had a brilliant future on stage.

At the age of 14, the boy earned his first money. With them he was able to purchase a mobile phone as a gift to his mother on March 8th.

Creative activity

At first, the guy danced in the ensemble “Dawns of Maykop”. Then he moved to another team - Nalmes. At some point, Bishtov Jr. decided to pursue a singing career. After graduating from school, our hero began performing at anniversaries, weddings and other holidays.

The guy managed to enter the local state university at the Faculty of Law. In his free time from studying, he sang in restaurants and cafes in Maykop. Satisfied visitors left him generous tips.


The biography of Azamat Bishtov suggests that this young man is used to achieving his goals. Just a few years ago, he was known only in his native Adygea. And now the songs he wrote are sung by residents of many Russian cities. What is the secret of his popularity?

The bitterness of betrayal, deep feelings, human mutual assistance, declaration of love for a mother - all these themes found a response in Bishtov’s songs. His repertoire includes funny, sad and soulful compositions.

Russian listeners know and love Azamat’s songs such as “I Walk Drunk” and “Vodka – Bitter Water.” Not long ago, Bishtov performed a duet with Anzhelika Nachesova. He also recorded the song “Dance” with the singer Lilu.

Bishtov Azamat: biography, personal life

Currently, the heart of the Adyghe performer is free. Until a girl worthy of becoming his wife and mother of his children met on the horizon. The spouse must be faithful, caring and economical. It is these requirements that Azamat makes of his potential chosen one. He is not attracted to ladies in tank tops, miniskirts, with artificial lips and the same hair. Modesty and naturalness - these are the qualities he values ​​in girls.


Now you know the biography of Azamat Bishtov. Before us is a talented, purposeful and hardworking guy. We wish him success in his work and great love!