4 week protein diet. Different options for egg diets with detailed menus and recipes: losing weight with the help of proteins

Effectively getting rid of extra pounds is an issue that worries many women and men. Some strive to gain attractiveness and youth, others follow medical indications to prevent dangerous diseases. Regular foods, such as chicken eggs, will help you lose weight. The egg diet, designed for 4 weeks, will help not only say goodbye to excess fat, but also improve the health of the body.

The essence and features of the four-week egg diet

Eggs are one of the unique products. Despite the facts about its high cholesterol content, many modern nutritionists necessarily include it in the diet of their patients. Yes, cholesterol is indeed present in it, but it is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels, as with regular consumption of transgenic fats.

The white and yolk contain:

  • amino acids vital for humans (tryptophan, etc.);
  • antioxidants;
  • trace elements (manganese, iron, zinc, etc.);
  • vitamins (A, most of group B, biotin, choline, etc.).

The delicate protein shell and soft “middle” of the egg are almost completely digested in the human stomach (95–97% within 3–4 hours). No product is processed so quickly and efficiently.

The egg diet is one of the most effective. It is suitable for those for whom the feeling of hunger is unacceptable (sucking in the pit of the stomach causes discomfort), as well as for people with slow blood circulation. The result - losing several kilograms - is achieved due to the activation of certain chemical processes in the body (breakdown of fats, activation of metabolism).

A 4-week diet menu based on chicken eggs is intended for those who want to radically transform their appearance for the better. The greatest results in combination with light physical activity reached 25–28 kg, however, such records are achieved by those who initially had a very large weight.

The diet is considered low-carbohydrate and protein. It cannot be classified as fat-free, since the white and yolk contain saturated and unsaturated fats in small quantities. You are allowed to sit on it once every six months or less.

Useful fact. Chicken protein is a multicomponent, complex substance given to us by nature. During its processing, undigested residues are formed in the stomach. Vegetables containing plant fiber and plenty of clean water will help remove them from the body.

The benefits of a protein diet include:

  • ease of cooking;
  • simple and satisfying food that provides the body with all the necessary substances;
  • the ability to get rid of fat while simultaneously strengthening muscles with protein;
  • the opportunity to increase vital energy reserves, as well as strengthen memory and improve concentration.

Reviews from doctors and nutritionists, patient opinions on the results

Louisiana University conducted a study in which one group of women ate eggs in the morning, while another chose higher-calorie foods (bread and other baked goods). The duration of the experiment was limited to 2 months. The results were amazing - women who ate eggs for breakfast were able to:

  • noticeably lose weight;
  • significantly (up to 10–15 cm) reduce the volume of the waist and hips;
  • improve overall well-being;
  • improve the condition of skin, hair and nails;
  • increase your overall tone, become more active and energetic.

According to Dr. N. Dhurandhar, an egg breakfast can give you a feeling of fullness and reduce the calorie content of lunch.

According to results carried out at the University of Surrey Nutrition, it became known that an egg diet did not change the level of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that weight loss will be accompanied by the formation of plaques and blockage of blood vessels.

Good to know. The diet takes into account the unique properties of the chicken egg. It has been scientifically proven that, eaten in the morning, it helps you lose weight much faster than scrambled eggs at lunch or an evening omelette.

Contraindications and restrictions for a 4-week diet

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • those suffering from chronic alcoholism;
  • patients with various liver or kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, cirrhosis, etc.);
  • patients with heart and vascular diseases;
  • convinced vegetarians;
  • in case of intestinal dysfunction (flatulence, etc.);
  • with individual intolerance to citrus fruits or chicken eggs.

In this case, instead of reducing body weight, unpleasant symptoms appear (disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, bad breath, skin rashes) and health worsens.

Before starting a diet, it is useful to consult a qualified doctor. He will tell you how correct the choice of protein menu is.

Some doctors are against the diet due to the severe restriction of carbohydrates. For this reason, some people who are losing weight feel fatigue and lethargy during the first week. However, this phenomenon is temporary, it manifests itself selectively, not in everyone.

Note for those losing weight. Even if the body reacts normally to chicken eggs and oranges in normal life, side symptoms may occur during the diet - from weakness to a rash on the skin of the body. Therefore, it is advisable to lose weight under the supervision of a doctor or qualified nutritionist.

Doctors do not advise switching to a protein-vegetable diet immediately after an illness, when the body is exhausted.

Principles and rules of nutrition

The main rule of the 4-week egg diet is to strictly follow all recommendations and adhere to the list of permitted foods.

During the first 14 days, you can lose an average of about 7 kg. This includes:

  • excess fluid accumulated in the body;
  • part of fat deposits.

The 3 meals a day scheme is strictly observed; additional “snacks” are prohibited. If you have a strong feeling of hunger, you can satisfy it with a vegetable or fruit in order to “accustom” the body to the new regime, but do not overeat. Do this a couple of hours after the main meal. Dinner is served no later than 18.00.

You will have to give up strong drinks - alcohol, coffee. Welcome:

  • herbal decoctions;
  • green tea (without sugar);
  • pure still water, in a volume of 1.5–2 liters per day (to normalize metabolic processes);
  • soda (no more than 1 glass per day).

Note to beginners. Not every one of us can force ourselves to drink a 2-liter bottle of clean water on the first day of the diet. You can use a trick: place a small cup of water near you at work or at home, and take a few sips from it every half hour. This way the body will “get used” to life-giving moisture.

Meat required for the diet - any lean:

  • poultry (chicken, turkey) without skin;
  • beef;
  • veal.

It can be prepared in various ways. If boiled breast seems tasteless, it can be successfully baked in the oven or stewed, fried on a grill without fat or marinade.

Cottage cheese is suitable with a fat content from 0 to 5%. Sprinkling it with sugar or salt in an attempt to improve the taste is strictly prohibited!

Eggs are chosen both “store-bought” and homemade. It is important that the product is fresh, with a clean, undamaged shell, and stored refrigerated. Cook them for at least 5 minutes.

The advantage is that, based on the recommended products, you can come up with new recipes yourself - for example, make a pate from cottage cheese and vegetables, or change the composition of salads. Those who are tired of the “egg” monotony can experiment with preparing the main product: cook the mash in a dry frying pan or bake it. Eating raw eggs is contraindicated.

Vegetables are boiled in plain water, not in meat or fish broth. Almost all types are allowed, except potatoes:

  • zucchini (squash);
  • eggplant;
  • carrot;
  • beans (ideally green beans);
  • young peas;
  • and etc.

Spices (oregano, Provençal herbs, etc.) and herbs will help improve the taste of dishes. Garlic and onions are excluded as they whet the appetite.

List of prohibited foods and detailed menu

Throughout the month, meals in the morning will be standard:

  • ½ any citrus;
  • 1-2 eggs, soft-boiled.

This is exactly what many dancers eat before a performance.

An approximate menu for the first week is shown in Table 1:

Table 1 - lunches and dinners for beginners to lose weight

Day of the week Dinner Dinner
MondayOne fruit in any quantityBoiled or fried meat in a dry frying pan
TuesdayAny meat fillet2 eggs “in a bag”, vegetable salad (greens, fresh cucumber, sweet pepper, carrots, tomatoes), toast, 1 citrus (orange)
WednesdayLow-fat cheese in any quantity, 1 tomato, 1 toastMeat
ThursdayFavorite fruit in any quantityMeat fillet, lettuce leaves
Friday2 soft-boiled eggs, boiled vegetables (beans, zucchini)Lean fish (boiled or fried without oil), lettuce leaves, 1 citrus (grapefruit)
SaturdayAny fruitLettuce leaves and meat fillet
SundayChicken, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, citrusBoiled vegetables

You can exclude any foods from your diet, but replacing them with others is not recommended.

The diet from days 8 to 14 is shown in Table 2. Breakfast remains the same.

Table 2 - Diet menu for the second week

Day of the week Dinner Dinner
MondaySalad leaves and meat2 soft-boiled eggs, citrus, green salad
TuesdaySalad leaves and meat2 eggs “in a bag”, citrus
WednesdayFresh cucumber, meatCitrus, 2 eggs
Thursday2 eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled vegetables2 eggs
FridayBoiled fish2 eggs
SaturdayTomato, meat, citrusFruit salad (tangerine, orange, peach, melon, apple)
SundayMeat, boiled vegetables, tomato, citrusLunch repeat

For the next two weeks, the menu can be compiled based on data from 1–2 weeks and the general recommendations given in tables 3 and 4.

Day of the week Recommendations
MondayEnhanced nutrition: a quarter of chicken or about 400 g of any other meat, 4 fresh cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, tuna without oil, 1 citrus, 1 toast
Tuesday200 g of any meat, 4 fresh cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, optional - 1 toast, apple or pear, 1 slice of melon, 1 citrus is allowed as dessert
Wednesday50 g low-fat cottage cheese or cheese, 2 cucumbers and tomatoes, a portion of boiled vegetables, 1 citrus, 1 toast
ThursdayChicken fillet, cucumbers, tomatoes, citrus, toast
Friday2 soft-boiled eggs, lettuce, citrus, 3 tomatoes
Saturday2 chicken breasts, 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, 2 tomatoes and cucumbers, 1 citrus, 1 toast
Sunday50 g low-fat cheese, tuna without oil, a portion of boiled vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, toast, citrus

Sticking to this satisfying and effective diet will not be difficult. The main advantage is the result, which lasts for a long time (up to six months or more).

The difference in the menu is explained simply:

  • the first two weeks the body “rebuilds” to a correct and healthy diet;
  • third week - consolidation of the result;
  • the last one is developing the habit of small portions.

The period from days 15 to 28 can be called preparation for leaving the diet.

It is important to know. “Egg-vegetable” nutrition completely provides the body with all the substances necessary for normal life. Therefore, there is no need to take any multivitamin complexes on your own.

Egg-orange diet: features and approximate diet

There are special occasions in life when you urgently need to get yourself in order and lose a couple of extra pounds. This is where a diet based on chicken eggs and oranges will come to the rescue. It is considered short-term (5–7 days), but very effective:

  • excess weight disappears, the result lasts a long time;
  • skin tightens;
  • the stomach becomes more elastic and flat.

The composition of the daily diet is quite simple:

  • soft-boiled eggs (white and yolk) – 6 pcs.;
  • medium size oranges - 6 pcs.

An approximate meal schedule would be:

  • breakfast - 1 egg;
  • break for about an hour;
  • second breakfast - orange;
  • a break of 1–1.5 hours, and then according to the same scheme, alternating permitted products.

The result is a fractional combined meal, which is supplemented with green tea and plain still water. In the evenings, you can treat yourself and add 1 tsp to your tea. natural honey.

For coffee lovers. You are allowed to treat yourself to a cup of your favorite drink, but no more than one per day. But it must be prepared without sugar and artificial sweeteners, as well as without milk and cream.

Pitfalls and side effects

Citrus fruits and yolks are strong allergens. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the body’s reaction, and at the slightest discomfort, stop the egg-orange diet.

People with certain gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc.) should be especially careful when consuming citrus fruits. Just a few slices of orange or grapefruit can increase acidity levels and trigger an attack.

The right way out of the diet

Quitting the egg diet is very easy. An organism accustomed to small portions will simply not be able to digest large amounts of food. Therefore, you can eat everything, with the exception of dishes with refined sugar (confectionery, milk chocolate, cakes and pastries), until you are completely full.

Many people who have lost weight note that they become so accustomed to the “correct” menu with protein, low-fat foods and fiber that they continue to base their daily diet on them.

Weight loss experts advise eating an egg, low-fat cheese or citrus fruit of your choice every day for the first 7-10 days after the diet. Those with a sweet tooth can afford to indulge in their favorite “bad foods,” but in tiny quantities, preferably in the first half of the day (before 12.00). Be sure to continue to maintain a drinking diet - at least 2 liters of clean water per day, other drinks - at your discretion.

The 4-week diet promises to provide good results in such a short period of time, which, depending on the amount of excess weight, can range from 12 to 20 kilograms of weight lost. Following such a diet will only bring results to people who have a fair amount of willpower, since this technique owes its effectiveness to its chemical composition, which will be instantly disrupted if something unplanned appears on the menu.

The 4-week diet has the following mandatory recommendations:

  1. The volume of free fluid in the diet should be increased to 2-3 liters daily
  2. Vegetables can be stewed in water or boiled, but broths cannot be used
  3. Dishes should not be seasoned with any fats or oils.
  4. It is permissible to drink a glass of soda or a can of any carbonated diet drink at any time.
  5. You can also drink tea and coffee whenever you like, but they should not contain milk or sugar.
  6. If after some meal you are still hungry, then after two hours you can eat carrots or cucumbers
  7. To stimulate yourself while dieting, you need to weigh yourself in your underwear every morning and track your results.
  8. It is advisable to start playing sports, even if it does not go beyond your home.

4 week diet menu

The four-week diet requires strict adherence to the following menu:

First week (every day for breakfast half a grapefruit or orange with one or two boiled eggs):

  • Monday. Lunch: any fruit ripe at this time of year in any quantity. Dinner: fried sliced ​​or minced meat, but it should not be lamb
  • Tuesday. Lunch: skinless chicken, fried or boiled. Dinner: a couple of boiled eggs, a salad of cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, green salad and pepper, as well as toast and one grapefruit or orange
  • Wednesday. Lunch: any type of low-fat cheese in any quantity and toast with tomatoes. Dinner: fried meat
  • Thursday. Lunch: fruit, ripe at this time of year, in any quantity. Dinner: fried meat and salad made from fresh vegetables
  • Friday. Lunch: a couple of boiled eggs and vegetables such as zucchini, carrots, beans or peas, stewed or boiled. Dinner: fried fish or shrimp and a glass of fresh grapefruit or orange juice can be an alternative.
  • Saturday. Lunch: the same lunch menu as on Thursday. Dinner: fried meat with vegetable salad
  • Sunday. Lunch: skinless chicken, boiled or baked, as well as stewed or boiled vegetables and one medium-sized grapefruit or orange

Week Three (offers a range of foods that you can assemble into your own meals):

  • Monday: fruits of any kind except mangoes, bananas, grapes, dates and figs
  • Tuesday: any vegetables in the form of salads or simply boiled, but not potatoes or cereals
  • Wednesday: fruits and vegetables, with the exception of those prohibited on Monday and Tuesday
  • Thursday: any amount of boiled or fried shrimp or fish, as well as cabbage or salad using it
  • Friday: fried meat, but not lamb, with boiled vegetables as a side dish
  • Saturday and Sunday: choose some type of fruit for the day and eat it throughout the day

Fourth week (nutrition structure is the same as in the third week):

  • Monday: 4 standard slices of boiled or fried meat or half a boiled chicken, 3 tomatoes, tuna in a can without oil, 4 cucumbers, apple and grapefruit, toast
  • Tuesday: about 200 grams of fried meat, 3 tomatoes and 4 cucumbers, orange and pear, toast
  • Wednesday: two cucumbers and tomatoes, grapefruit or orange, a spoonful of cottage cheese or a small piece of cheese, a small portion of boiled vegetables and toast
  • Thursday: half a chicken fried or boiled, 3 tomatoes, toast, cucumber, orange and one other fruit
  • Friday: a couple of boiled eggs, 3 tomatoes, a portion of vegetable salad and an orange or grapefruit
  • Saturday: 120 grams of cheese or low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of yogurt, a couple of tomatoes and cucumbers, toast and grapefruit or orange
  • Sunday: a spoonful of cottage cheese, a small portion of vegetables, tuna in a jar without oil, two tomatoes and cucumbers, grapefruit or orange and toast

A four-week diet can really help quickly solve the problem of a fair amount of excess weight, but doctors do not approve of following this technique, since it contains the very minimum of those substances that the human body needs for normal functioning. Therefore, before following this technique, it is worth once again clearly comparing for yourself the advantages of quick weight loss methods or gradual and less harmful to health.

Those who want to lose weight will enjoy a detailed protein diet for 4 weeks, which includes egg whites and orange juice in the menu. Each meal includes a combination of these two foods, which have a fat-burning effect. By following a protein diet plan, you can lose 8-12 kg in 4 weeks. The greater the initial weight, the greater the loss of excess mass.

What is a protein diet

In dietetics, a protein diet is understood as a weight loss diet based on a combination of eggs and oranges. Another name for the technique is Maggi, according to legend, which arose from the nickname of Margaret Thatcher, who developed it. Efficiency is based on the exclusion of carbohydrates and the body's expenditure of energy from fat reserves. If you add physical activity to following the plan, the result will be more noticeable.

Basic Rules

Features of a protein diet lasting for 4 weeks consist in observing the following rules:

  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • cook vegetables in water, not in broth, season with a little salt and herbs;
  • eat every two hours;
  • You can drink coffee and tea without restrictions in the morning, but not in the evening and without sugar and milk;
  • fats should not be consumed more than 40 g per day, but not at night;
  • if the rules are violated, the process starts again;
  • allowed foods: lean sea and river fish, lean veal, skinless chicken breast, seafood, tofu, egg whites, cottage cheese, kefir;
  • prohibited foods: bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes, sweets, drinks with gas and sugar, berries, olives, fats, nuts.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of a protein diet is rapid weight loss and the absence of hunger, as when counting calories. This diet is not a mono-diet; permitted foods can be combined with each other in different ways. Lost kilograms go away without returning, plus the diet is suitable for pregnant women, but only after consulting a doctor. Disadvantages of the nutrition plan include increased stress on the kidneys. While following the diet, you should take calcium supplements.


A protein diet followed for 4 weeks is contraindicated for people with kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract disease, dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis, and diabetes mellitus. Relative contraindications include prohibiting the diet for very obese people and the elderly. In the latter, the diet increases blood clotting and increases the risk of blood clots.

Menu for 4 weeks

If a girl is attracted to a protein diet for a month, then she should prepare for it in advance. Within seven days, begin to limit your diet and include more eggs in your diet. It is also worth leaving the protein diet carefully - gradually returning to your usual diet, but reducing portions and continuing to engage in physical activity. While following it, drink a lot of water - this will reduce the load on the kidneys.

Egg diet

The 4-week egg white diet discussed below has a strict meal plan without afternoon snacks. The menu for days without drinking is shown in the table:


First protein week


Half a grapefruit, a couple of soft-boiled eggs

Citrus fruits, apples, pears, apricots, watermelon or melon

Slices of fried beef or minced meat

Boiled or roasted turkey

Two eggs, salad of cucumber, tomato, lettuce, carrots, pepper, toast, orange

Low fat cheese, tomatoes, toast

Slices of fried meat or minced meat, except lamb

Oranges, apples, pears, apricots, watermelon or melon

Two eggs, boiled zucchini

Boiled pink salmon, grapefruit, vegetable salad

Slices of fried meat or minced meat, except lamb, vegetable salad


Boiled vegetables

Second protein week


Two soft-boiled eggs, orange

Boiled meat, fruit and vegetable salad

Two eggs, lettuce, orange

Fried meat, fresh salad

Two eggs, grapefruit

Fried meat, cucumbers

Two soft-boiled eggs, white cheese, boiled vegetables

Boiled shrimp

Fried meat, tomatoes, grapefruit

Fruit mixture


Boiled chicken, tomato, orange

Third protein week


Fruits other than grapes, bananas, mangoes, figs

Boiled vegetables, except potatoes

Fruit and vegetable mixture

Fried or boiled fish, vegetables, cabbage salad

Rabbit, boiled vegetables

Apples, pears, peaches or apricots in any quantity


Fourth protein week


4 slices of meat, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, toast, melon slice

200 g meat, cucumbers, tomatoes, toast, pear

A slice of low-fat cheese or a spoonful of cottage cheese, boiled vegetables, tomato, cucumber, toast, grapefruit

Half a boiled chicken, a can of tuna without oil, boiled vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes, toast, orange

Two squirrels, three tomatoes, light salad, grapefruit

Two chicken breasts, tuna without oil, vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes, toast, orange


200 g feta cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, curdled milk, grapefruit

Egg-orange diet

A lighter option is the egg-orange diet, which has only two types of diet. The first, second and fourth weeks are identical, but the third is different. Sample protein menu:


First, second and fourth weeks


Half an orange, two whites

Cooked meat

Fried chicken

Boiled eggs, vegetable salad, toast, grapefruit

Low-fat cheese, toast, tomato

Cooked meat

Fried meat, vegetable salad

Eggs and vegetables

Boiled squid, vegetable salad, orange

Boiled meat, salad


Fried chicken, boiled vegetables, tomatoes, grapefruit

Boiled vegetables

Third week


Boiled vegetables

Fruits and boiled vegetables

Fried mussels, coleslaw

Boiled meat, boiled celery


Maggi diet with cottage cheese

The difference between a cottage cheese diet and a protein diet is the replacement of eggs with low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese. The advantage of this variety is the absence of calcium deficiency and the need to take calcium supplements. Cottage cheese removes toxins, accelerates the breakdown of fats, and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. The menu with cottage cheese dishes is similar to those discussed above.


Low-carbohydrate, protein, budget-friendly and effective - the egg diet is a weight loss system that doesn’t take long to get used to. An egg is a product that is constantly present in the diet of almost every person; its cost is quite reasonable, its taste is excellent, and its health benefits are undoubted. And most importantly, this is not a mono-diet, which promises a variety of diet, and not a grueling hunger strike.

Mechanism of weight loss

An egg is a fairly high-calorie product, as evidenced by simple mathematics:

  • 100 g of boiled chicken egg - 160 kcal (average weight of 1 piece - 50 g);
  • 100 g of yolk - 352 kcal (weight of 1 piece - 20 g);
  • 100 g of protein - 44 kcal (weight of 1 piece - 30 g).

If you eat 2 eggs per meal, you get a sufficient amount of energy value, but then how does weight loss happen?

  • The rest of the daily diet is low in calories, since the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed is reduced to a minimum;
  • proteins take a long time to digest, making it easy to survive the time between main meals;
  • eggs contain a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients that ensure the normal functioning of the body during a diet;
  • such a nutritional system forces the liver to produce ketones, which effectively suppress hunger;
  • unsaturated acids fight fat deposits;
  • Proteins require a lot of energy to digest - this is how calories are wasted.

If you continue to eat 2 eggs every morning after the diet, you can maintain the results achieved for a long time.

Nice bonus. Eggs strengthen bones, joints, the immune system and increase mental performance.

Advantages and disadvantages

The egg diet has a lot of positive characteristics that will persistently tempt you to try it. Still, much more careful attention should be paid to the disadvantages.


  • Doesn't suffer from hunger;
  • ease of cooking;
  • variety of recipes;
  • formation of muscle mass with constant exercise;
  • lasting results.


  • Cholesterol increases;
  • lethargy and decreased performance due to lack of carbohydrates;
  • constipation, flatulence, bloating, bad breath as side effects due to the abundance of protein foods;
  • coffee ban;
  • strict adherence to the menu;
  • high risk of failure;
  • refusal of intense physical activity;
  • A 4-week diet risks ending in serious stomach problems.

If you overlook even one flaw, health complications may arise later. So weigh the pros and cons in advance.


To prevent complications, you must first study the contraindications:

  • allergy;
  • pathologies of the kidneys, liver;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • hypertension;
  • gastritis, ulcer.

The presence of chronic diseases, pregnancy and lactation are also relative contraindications for the egg diet. So first you need to consult with your doctor.

  1. Give preference to soft-boiled eggs, as they are better digestible.
  2. The maximum number of eggs that can be eaten per day is 4 pieces.
  3. Limit your salt intake.
  4. If you fry, do it without oil. The optimal cooking method is baking.
  5. Dinner - 4 hours before going to bed.
  6. Snacks are excluded.
  7. Daily water consumption is at least 2 liters.
  8. If a four-week egg diet is chosen, the weight loss process should be monitored by specialists.
  9. The weekly version has the best effect on your figure and health than others.
  10. Among physical activities, you should leave only morning exercises, walking, etc. The gym and running without the support of carbohydrates can be very draining.

This diet is characterized by eating citrus fruits for breakfast, which is not without reason. In tandem with eggs, they prolong the feeling of fullness and promote even faster weight loss. Grapefruits are especially useful.

On a note. Try to use only fresh eggs that are less than a week old. Starting from day 8, they lose amino acids.

Product Lists

The egg diet is quite strict, as it requires strict adherence to the menu. To compile it, use the lists of foods that you can and cannot eat as part of protein weight loss.


  • low-calorie fruits: apricots, apples, pineapples, citrus fruits, pears, pomelo, peach, kiwi, plums, watermelons, melons;
  • vegetables: tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, broccoli, squash, onions, eggplant, cucumbers, radishes;
  • legumes: beans, green peas;
  • greens, lettuce;
  • lean meat: beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey (but without skin);
  • lean fish (haddock, pollock), seafood;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • bread: toast, grain bread, bran, diet crackers;
  • drinks: tea, herbal infusions, chicory (without milk or sweeteners);
  • salad dressings: lemon juice, ginger, balsamic vinegar.


  • mayonnaise;
  • rich broths.
  • carbohydrates: pasta, baked goods, confectionery, potatoes, cereals, sugar;
  • coffee and other drinks containing caffeine;
  • alcohol.
  • high-calorie fruits: persimmons, bananas, cherries, mangoes, grapes, figs, dates, avocados;
  • pork, lamb, duck, goose;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • drinks: juices, lemonades, alcohol;
  • sweets: candies, sugar, chocolate, honey;
  • dressings: mayonnaise, soy sauce, ketchup.

If you lose your temper and allow yourself something from the prohibited list, nutritionists advise starting the diet from the very beginning.


Since the egg diet does not apply to monostarvation and involves a fairly expanded list of auxiliary products, there are many variations.

The most popular, perhaps, is Maggi. A two-week diet on egg whites helps to achieve good results, with which, however, you should be careful because of numerous contraindications and side effects.

A diet based on egg yolks is much easier to tolerate, since the dishes have a more pleasant taste and there is not so much protein in it. However, you won't lose many kilograms.

If you are interested in one of these weight loss systems, see their more detailed descriptions in separate articles:

Keep in mind. For weight loss, you can use not only chicken eggs, but also quail eggs. They have much more protein.


Using this technique, you can lose weight quickly (express diets for 3 days) and for a long time (arrange a marathon for a month). It all depends on how many kilograms you need to lose. If no more than 5, look for options for 1 week so that protein foods do not harm the body. If from 5 to 10, you can take a closer look at the menu for 2 weeks. If the problem amounts to tens of kilograms of excess weight, an egg diet for 4 weeks is what you need.

A detailed menu for each day, compiled separately for different periods, will help you create your diet.

Menu for 7 days

Menu for 14 days

The peculiarity of the menu for 2 weeks is that you will have to start every day with the same breakfast. It consists of half a citrus and 2 eggs. If the serving quantity is not specified, the dish can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

In 2 weeks you can lose up to 7 kg.

Egg diet menu for 28 days

The four-week diet assumes the same breakfast for the first 2 weeks of weight loss: 2 eggs and half an orange. At 3 and 4 weeks, all of these products are divided into 4 daily servings. Losses can be up to 10 kg.

1 Week

2 week

3 and 4 weeks

Despite the fact that foods can be eaten in unlimited quantities, it is worth controlling your appetite.


To diversify the menu and avoid eating exclusively hard-boiled and soft-boiled eggs for several weeks, we offer recipes for low-calorie dishes. They fit perfectly into this power system.

Protein fitness salad


  • 300 g chicken fillet;
  • 50 ml low-fat sour cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 lettuce leaves;
  • garlic clove;
  • basil.


  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces and fry in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Salt and pepper.
  2. Chop the basil and add to the chicken.
  3. Chop the garlic and add to the salad.
  4. Boil, peel, cut eggs into pieces, add to salad.
  5. Season with sour cream.
  6. Mix.
  7. Place on lettuce leaves.


  • 2 liters of broth (vegetable or chicken);
  • 100 grams of corn starch;
  • 6 eggs;
  • soy sauce;
  • 30 g (ground or fresh, finely chopped);
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 200 grams of tofu cheese;
  • 200 grams of Chinese cabbage;
  • green onions;
  • a few cloves of garlic.


  1. Add ginger, chopped garlic, tofu cubes, and soy sauce to the boiling broth.
  2. Dilute 60 grams of starch in a small amount of water and knead so that there are no lumps. After this, after 15 minutes of stewing the soup on the stove, pour the resulting solution into it.
  3. Cook for 5 minutes.
  4. In a separate container, beat the eggs with the remaining starch.
  5. Cut Chinese cabbage into strips.
  6. Pour the egg-starch mixture into the soup, add cabbage.
  7. Cook for 10 minutes.
  8. Sprinkle with herbs before use.

Diet omelette with chicken and mushrooms


  • 20 ml;
  • bulb;
  • 50 grams of boiled chicken fillet;
  • 8 champignons;
  • 8 small tomatoes;
  • parsley;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 20 grams of grated cheese;
  • 20 grams of sweet pepper.


  1. Heat oil in a frying pan.
  2. Fry chopped onion.
  3. Finely chop the fillet, add to the onion, fry for 2 minutes.
  4. Cut the champignons into 4 parts and add to the omelette.
  5. Cut each tomato into 4 parts and place in a frying pan.
  6. Chop the parsley and add to the omelette.
  7. Beat eggs with a tablespoon of water. Salt and pepper.
  8. Pour into the pan, fry for 3 minutes.
  9. Sprinkle the omelette with grated cheese and place on the grill until browned.
  10. Before serving, sprinkle with sweet pepper rings and chopped parsley.

Despite the fact that a huge number of dietary dishes can be prepared from eggs, without salt and dressings, most of them lose their excellent taste. And even if you can enjoy them in the first 2-3 days of the diet, the four-week marathon risks ending much earlier. Therefore, in order to try this weight loss system for yourself, you either need to love this product very much, or take into account only short-term options.