Spring duck hunting with stuffed animals on the spills. Spring and autumn duck hunting

Spring hunting is always a long-awaited time for amateur and professional hunters. In order for it to be effective, and for you to be able to catch a wary bird or wild animal as a trophy, you need to know the migration routes of the object of your fishery. The best location for this time will be bases located in the movement zone of the birds or animals that you are planning to hunt. A professional huntsman can also provide you with an invaluable service.

One of the most exciting types of hunting is spring duck hunting, but you need to know that at this time of year, according to the law, only drake can be your prey. To realize your plans, you can visit wonderful places on Ladoga, the Volga, Bashkiria and Yakutia. You can spend no less exciting time in the vicinity of the “Noble Nest” base in the Tver region. You should choose areas that are on the migration route of ducks. For convenience, you can pre-book places at the base for the opening of the season.

Not allowed every year. This is influenced by factors associated with unfavorable wintering for birds and problematic nesting. A ban can also be established in those years when a decline in the number of a species is recorded.

Regular hunting for ducks in the spring (or rather, for drakes) begins with reconnaissance of reservoirs. It is more convenient to do it before the start of the season, even before the fishing permit comes into force. It is advisable to survey the area immediately after the birds arrive from wintering grounds in the evening after sunset or early in the morning just before dawn. This will help you determine the flight paths and favorite feeding places of birds, and study the reaches that are convenient for perching.

The main requirements for places where spring duck hunting is planned is convenient viewing. It must be a clean stretch. The decoy duck will also be planted here in such a way that it is clearly visible from the air for flying drakes. The main channel should not pass through the reach, since the current can knock down both the decoy duck and the stuffed animals being used, and it can also carry the killed drake far away. The best place in this case may be a flooded meadow area or a quiet bay.

Having decided on the most suitable place where duck hunting will take place, build a hut or hide. Reeds, spruce or pine branches are suitable for this. It is very convenient to dig in and camouflage yourself in the ground, if the soil allows. In any case, this should be a safe place where you can comfortably wait for your loot. In a situation where it is not possible to build a cache, shooting can be done from a boat, which must also be carefully camouflaged with branches, reeds, reeds or other available materials. You must have a good view to follow the drake's movements, and the chosen location must be convenient for shooting.

There are few who would argue with the fact that duck hunting with stuffed animals in spring not as attractive as in autumn. There are several reasons for this statement.

At this time of year, hunting becomes very colorful and memorable, because a lot of time has passed since the end of the hunting season for game birds, so the hunter is even more excited.

After many months of hare hunting, an opportunity to remember duck hunting with stuffed animals in the spring in all the brightest moments. Even if a person really loves hunting in winter, sooner or later there comes a time when it gets a little boring and you want variety.

As a rule, such a feeling takes hold of a hunter at the end of the winter hunting season. A short time passes and spring comes, which brings with it new hunting opportunities.

It has its limitations and peculiarities, but this does not stop real nature lovers from going to reservoirs in search of wild ducks.

Why is hunting ducks with stuffed animals in the spring difficult and easy at the same time?

The difficulty of this hunt lies in the fact that it requires lengthy preparation and organization from the hunter. Let's consider the most basic work that a hunter must perform.

It is necessary to choose stuffed ducks, carry out the correct one, build a hut at the hunting site, learn how to use a decoy and carry out some other minor work.

If we talk about choosing duck stuffed animals, then here you need to purchase a set of different types of ducks. For example, mallard, teal and pochard are the most popular in the set. Their number should be at least 15 pieces, and preferably 25-30.

As for placing stuffed animals on the water, there are certain rules that should be followed by everyone who wants to catch a duck.

As a rule, teal and mallards are classified in the same group and it is recommended to place them in shallow water in groups of 4-7 individuals. The distance between ducks should be at least a meter, and between groups it increases to 3-4 meters.

Diving ducks need to be handled a little differently. They must be placed at depth and separately from the rest. Only this arrangement will allow you to attract ducks.

Each group of ducks must be placed in a certain order. It is recommended to launch birds in a "V" shape. Thus, a specific pocket is formed where arriving ducks land.

Creating and installing a hut is another necessary activity in preparation for this duck hunt. It should be installed slightly away from the scarecrows and no further than 25 meters.

The hut itself must be camouflaged so that it blends with the environment and does not give away the hunter. This is not so easy to do in the spring, because the vegetation has not yet bloomed.

All these activities are complemented by a decoy, which you need to learn how to use in order to draw the ducks’ attention to the placed stuffed animals.

At its core, hunting ducks with stuffed animals in the spring is not fundamentally different from, but it has its own characteristics.

The ease of this hunt is that you don’t need to walk a lot and trample the hunting grounds, as is done when hunting a hare. Here the hunter sits in one place and waits for a beautiful drake to fly up to his stuffed animals in order to kill him with a well-aimed shot.

There are many ways to catch waterfowl, one of them is hunting with stuffed animals on spills. Spring hunting in Kazakhstan has always been open for two weeks; during the season, in each of the weeks open for hunting, two days of rest were defined (usually Tuesday and Wednesday), due to the short hunting season, spring hunting can be divided into two stages.

Spring hunting on spills - stage one

The spills have not yet subsided, and in some places the ice on the lakes has not yet melted. For hunting in the spring floods, I use stuffed mallard ducks. Two three ducks of which one drake, teal 3-ducks, 1-drake and profile ducks Atayek (shelduck), the coloring of males and males in this species of ducks is the same and males differ from ducks by a large growth on the beak. ABOUT The total number of stuffed animals is no more than 15 pieces.

The main task when hunting in floods is to correctly position the hide, towards the sun (preferably facing north, north-east) and as close as possible to the water's edge, but not closer than three meters, and also to camouflage it well under the surrounding landscape (last year's grass, branches of wormwood or weeds, camouflage net). In front of the hide I place stuffed teals, on the side or in front (depending on the direction of the wind, the figure below shows the landing of stuffed animals taking into account the wind), at 15-25 meters I place stuffed mallard ducks, and behind them the profile of Atayek (shoulders), the distance between the stuffed animals and the profiles should be at least 3 meters, the profiles must be placed in different directions so that at least 70% of the profiles are visible from different sides. If you place the stuffed animals correctly, the duck will sit not where it wants, but where you want it to sit! For hunting in spring floods, you need a high-accumulation gun, shot No. 5-No. 3. Shooting is carried out only at sitting drakes of ducks. A decoy and the ability to work with a decoy will increase the effectiveness of hunting several times. Males willingly fly to the calls of a decoy. By fulfilling simple but very important conditions, you will be able to hunt with great success in spring floods with stuffed animals without decoy duckAnd.

Drawings © Kevin Hand

The second stage of spring duck hunting on lakes

This type is very similar to the first, only the actions take place on lakes and other large bodies of water. Just as in the first case, the hide is placed on the shore of a reservoir and is thoroughly camouflaged. The number of stuffed animals required for this hunt is from 6 to 12 pieces. Spring hunting does not require a large number of scarecrows. Some experienced hunters get by with even three, maximum six pieces.

In the spring, duck hunting is the most exciting, emotional and interesting. In most cases, it is allowed only with a decoy. Usually, such a hunt begins even before the bird begins to arrange its nests. It happens that hunting occurs at the time of laying eggs. Therefore, hunting during this period is limited.

It is important to approach spring hunting correctly, otherwise the number of laying ducks may decrease.

In spring you can only hunt drakes. You need to be able to distinguish them, as they are very similar to ducks.

Ducks have a medium body size, a short and elegant neck, and a variety of feather colors. The duck's head is more rounded. Females on average reach 3-4 kg in weight. Drakes are distinguished by their large dimensions. Externally, their body and neck are wider and more voluminous. Average weight is about 4 kg. The color range is much brighter. The drake's head has an oblong shape.

The drake and the duck have a huge difference in their voices. You just have to listen: the cry of the female in a full voice, not restrained, and the cry of the drake on the contrary - hissing and whistling. The tail part of the drake forms a ring of feathers; the female does not have this feature. Also, the drake, unlike the duck, has a pseudopenis.

The hunting season in spring is divided into 3 periods:

  1. Ducks settle in flocks once they arrive.
  2. Ducks create a pair.
  3. The ducks are preparing to lay eggs, and the drakes are alone.

Can carry out reconnaissance of water places in advance, after the ducks arrived from wintering. It is best to do this at dawn or before sunset. Reconnaissance will make it possible to determine the favorite places of ducks.

The choice of place for duck hunting is determined by special rules. Usually the space is chosen near which ducks fly and perch. In such a place it should be possible to land a decoy duck on the water, and it should also be allowed to swim freely. It should be visible to flying drakes.

It is important that the main channel does not flow through the selected hunting area so that the decoy duck and stuffed animals are not knocked down by the current. A calm bay or water-filled meadows are a good choice.

It is better to hunt in the morning and evening dawns. You should sit in the hut in advance, before the ducks fly. In the morning - at dawn, in the evening - until sunset, when you can accurately see the differences in the water between a decoy duck and a drake.

When it's cloudy, drakes can fly all day long. In this case, it is possible to hunt with a decoy all day. For such a hunt, it is good to have two decoy ducks, replacing them alternately so that each can rest.

Preparing for the hunting season, it is necessary to check the technical condition of the gun and the availability of suitable ammunition. It is also important to take care of special shoes and clothing. The success and result of the hunt, as well as the safety of the hunter and people, depend on every little detail.

So, a few simple tips on how to dress and put on shoes for duck hunting:

  • Clothing and shoes should be chosen according to the weather, and also in accordance with the chosen method of hunting;
  • running hunting assumes the presence of windproof, light weight and not too warm clothing;
  • when hunting from a boat You will need 2 types of clothes. When rowing over long distances in the cold, wear 2 sweaters or a sweatshirt, woolen socks (thermal socks), and warm trousers.

You need to put it in the boat: stuffed animals, cartridges, stake, spare pole or oar, knife, hot tea in a thermos, matches, lantern.

If you plan to hunt with a decoy duck, then you need to install a duck hunting hut. The hut is usually made from scrap materials. The main part consists, as a rule, of branches. The hut itself is covered with dry grass or reeds. It is possible to use any fabric of a khaki color and cover the top with dry grass.

All cracks in the walls of the hut are covered with dry grass, and the ground can also be covered with it. The hut must be roomy. Hunters should be able to use a gun from a shelter without showing the barrels sticking out.

Sometimes it takes a lot of time to select the right place for a hut. You need to look around, find the largest concentration of ducks. If you put the hut facing the dawn, you can see the drakes that sit next to the ducks.

An alternative to a hut can be a pit, which is dug approximately one meter deep and wide. Part of the land is left for the hunter to sit on. The edge is masked by grass.

The decoy duck principle is often practiced when hunting ducks. It has been noted that it is best to use the “Tula” duck breed. This breed can be purchased. To do this, you need to go to the district society. It clarifies the presence of decoy ducks among hunters or in hunting farms.

It should be remembered that the ideal period for purchasing this bird is the end of September - beginning of October. During this period, all ducks were inspected, and the best were selected for wintering.

The priority sign when selecting a decoy duck is its voice. It should be clear, loud, without any interference. It is also necessary that it does not have strong differences from wild ducks in external characteristics (body size, feather color).

It's good to buy one drake and two ducks. It should be kept in a clean barn with moderate feeding. It is important to accustom the decoy duck to the hands of the owner.

During the warm season, ducks are accustomed to wearing boots. It should firmly surround the duck’s leg without squeezing it. After a period of getting used to the boot, the string is tied. The duck is placed on a puddle, and the other end of the string is secured to a peg inserted into the ground.

It is advisable that in warm weather the duck can swim in the water. The duck should not be afraid of shots; for this it needs to be accustomed to it.

It is important that she is not hungry while hunting, otherwise she will not scream.

When hunting, a decoy duck is tied with knots to a stick inserted into the bottom, and a circle of wood is installed (so the duck can rest). The duck is launched slowly on the water, making sure that the boot is firm. After the hunt, the duck is released to the ground to feed. When spending the night, it is planted in a cage.

There is an interesting version of hunting using stuffed animals.

It is necessary to secure a certain number of stuffed animals on a string, at intervals of 1-1.5 meters. A waxed rope, 30-40 meters long, is attached to the ring. The ring is then placed at the bottom of the first wooden effigy. An anchor weighing 300 g moves along this string on a ring. The opposite end of the string is attached to a stick or bush.

The hunter adjusts the anchor with the ring to the middle of the string, then throws it into the water. The anchor falls to the bottom. Next, the hunter, pulling the end of the string, releases the stuffed animals into the water, at a distance of 15-20 m from the hut.

Wooden decoys should be dried after each use and inspected for holes.

It is inconvenient to use decoys when hunting if the weather is windy. They turn over. Here it is recommended to choose a place protected from the wind.

We also invite you to watch an interesting video about hunting with a decoy duck in the spring:

Hunting in the spring continues for a very limited time. This is the period of awakening of nature. Winter lethargy and drowsiness disappear. Thousands of men, cheerfully throwing their guns over their shoulders, rush into the forest, swamps and lakes. The ancient spirit of the getter awakens in them. It doesn’t matter what kind of game you manage to shoot, what’s important is the process itself, the feeling and understanding of your strength and dexterity.

What is hunting?

Hunting is the most ancient human activity. The essence of this fascinating process is the search, pursuit, tracking and extraction (catching or shooting) of wild animals. Not all types of game can be considered as an object of hunting. The time limit for shooting animals is also strictly limited.

Modern hunting can be:

  • Promyslovoy. To use the products of a killed animal (meat, skin, feathers, fur, etc.).
  • Sanitary. To shoot sick or dangerous animals or to control the population of a certain type of game in a specific area.
  • Catching animals. As a rule, such hunting is needed to replenish zoos, circuses, or for scientific purposes.

Many people consider hunting simply entertainment, a pleasant pastime. But even such an “entertainment program” requires a number of serious permits.

Types of production

There are several methods, types, and techniques of hunting. Here are some of them:

  • amateur or commercial;
  • with the help of various means of transportation (animals: horses, elephants; equipment: cars, helicopters, etc.) or without them;
  • in swamps, in the forest, on water and under water, on the plain, in the mountains, burrow hunting, in the air;
  • group or individual;
  • from ambush, manhunt and driving, pursuit;
  • with specially trained animals (dogs, birds of prey, cheetahs, ferrets);
  • using decoys, baits, decoy animals;
  • with firearms and arrows, a spear, a spear, a spear, a sling;
  • catching using traps, nets, snares, traps, cages;
  • photographing and filming animals in their natural habitat.

Each method and type has its loyal fans and irreconcilable opponents. The variety of options makes it possible to choose the type and method of hunting that is most suitable for each individual.

Dates of the spring season

Hunting in the spring in each individual region of Russia has its own strictly defined time period. This period of time begins on March 1 and ends on June 16. The spring hunting season for birds is the shortest, lasting only 10 days. This is an unshakable rule for any region of the country.

Spring may be different for different regions. In any given year, the date may be moved, but this is generally rare. The reason is force majeure - a large forest fire or a severe river flood.

There are a couple more nuances regarding the timing that determines the hunting season in the spring. Some areas tie the start to certain days of the week (for example, the third Saturday in March).


Hunting in the spring may be completely prohibited. This happens if hunting grounds specialists come to the conclusion that the bird does not have suitable conditions for nesting. This is due to a duck-friendly winter or a late spring. Experienced hunters use this time to take a closer look at duck habitats and prepare well for the fall season.

Birds allowed for shooting

Not all game birds can be shot in the spring. For example, hunting hazel grouse in the spring is prohibited. There is a list of game to be shot:

  • Woodcock. There are some restrictions: it is forbidden to hit a pair of flying birds or when they are taking off. The best time to hunt is after sunset.
  • Goose. You can shoot during the nesting period and during the flight from cover. In this group, shooting goose is prohibited.
  • Capercaillie (male). As a rule, the hunt for him is carried out at dawn, hiding in ambush in advance.
  • Drake. Hunting for drakes in the spring is allowed in all regions of Russia using a decoy duck. In some cases, a stuffed bird is used.
  • Birds are shot at the lectern. According to an unspoken rule, the first black grouse is not touched so that it attracts other birds with its singing.

Spring season in Russia

Hunting in the spring in Russia still causes controversy between ornithologists and game managers. The former demand an unconditional ban, the latter insist on the harmlessness of spring hunting, provided that certain rules are observed.

In Russia, the summer-autumn season is short. Under the most favorable conditions, it is no more than 2.5 months. In the fall, the bird flies to Europe for the winter, where it is safely shot within 6-7 months. In principle, there can be no spring hunting there: the birds return home to nest in Russia.

Thus, the spring game shooting season is, in fact, a Russian heritage, culture and traditions left by ancestors to their descendants.


Hunting with a decoy duck in the spring is the most common type of drake hunting. In some regions, spring hunting of drakes without a decoy duck is simply impossible: it is prohibited. This is explained by the fact that without it the hunter risks shooting a duck, not a drake.

A decoy duck is more important in a hunt than even a faithful dog. It must meet the following requirements:

  • have a good and loud voice;
  • be physically healthy in order to attract drakes for a long time;
  • not to be afraid of a person;
  • respond adequately to a new environment.

Hunting with a decoy duck in the spring requires painstaking preparation. Hunters usually raise decoy ducks themselves. For greater external resemblance, they are crossed with a wild drake. It is preferable to cross small ones; they look more like wild ones. In addition, the cry of such a cross during the mating season is close in timbre and sound to the call of a wild duck.

The decoy duck is tied in an open reservoir in such a way that the shooter’s shelter is no more than twenty meters away. The hunter himself hides in a hut. A special rod with a platform at the top is driven into the bottom of the reservoir. A ring on the rod prevents the duck from getting tangled in the rope, and the platform serves as a resting area for the bird.

For a long hunt, take two ducks, while one rests, the second continues to work. A correctly planted decoy duck determines the lion's share of the success of the entire enterprise.

For the authenticity of the picture, it is worth placing several stuffed animals nearby, at a distance inaccessible to the decoy duck. A good decoy can greatly help in attracting males.

Having settled in a hut in advance, the hunter waits for the evening or morning dawn. It is at this time that the hunt for the drake begins. Although in cloudy weather the bird can fly throughout the day.


Hunting hazel grouse in spring is prohibited. It is during this period that the bird begins to breed. The hunting period for this bird is from autumn to spring.

There are several ways to hunt hazel grouse:

  • On the decoy. A decoy is a special device that imitates the voice of a specific bird or animal. As a rule, either males or young birds respond to the call of a decoy. The hunter's task is to lure game birds and have time to shoot before the moment when he is noticed.
  • From the approach. The point is that you need to scare the hazel grouse - make it fly up, notice which tree it sat on, come to a suitable distance and shoot.
  • Surge. This species requires two people. The scheme is quite simple: one scares the bird, the second shoots from an ambush.
  • Corral. The principle of hunting is the same as that of drive, but the difference is that more people are involved, and sometimes dogs are used.
  • With dogs. Not so popular due to the difficulty of properly training a dog. A well-trained dog will let its owner know about the found hazel grouse by a quiet yelp.

The hazel grouse's habitat is forest. You won't find him in a swamp or in a field.

Features of the spring season

Hunting in the spring does not involve the extraction of female birds. Only polygamous males are allowed to be shot.

All hunters should carefully study the hunting rules in the regions. In a new territory, you can inadvertently become a poacher. A simple example: it is possible to shoot game birds during spring hunting, but in 2013, shooting wild game was prohibited in Kalmykia and the Astrakhan region.

Any violation of existing legislation regarding the shooting of game is classified as poaching and entails not only administrative, but also criminal liability.

By following the rules and maintaining respect for nature, you can get a wonderful boost of energy and a lot of positivity from the hunting process.