Scenario for the event based on Bulgakov's Master and Margarita. The Master and his great novel: an evening of reflection

Scenario The Master and Margarita
(he and she come out)
Him: Listen and watch!
She: Like the limitless universe
and inexplicable
So everyone has a path of fate
Him: Someone will burst into flames like a star
And it will illuminate half the sky...
She: Give it to someone else
Only circuses and bread
He: Song of the first, last and eternal
She: Moth of inspiration,
Our viewer, don’t scare us away!
Music.Requiem (background output of a small sin)
I-part 1 scene
Small Sin: I am a sin, a very small sin.
I am glory, triumph, euphoria, success
I've been roaming the earth since the beginning of time
And how many words have I heard addressed to me:
“Humble your pride, be more modest, be silent!”
Envious people stand like thieves in the night.
And I just boldly love this life.
I'm sinning a little bit
I toil, I repent, I pray:
“O All-merciful Lord,
I'm a little sin
Without me, joy and laughter will die on Earth!”
I have a lot of names...
Do you hear a gentle, melodious, silver ringing?
It was two lovers who met.
And this is fate. I serve them obediently, like a slave.
My name is Lubov.
I am sinless, like children.
I'm the purest sin
On this small planet.
Music "Requiem"
Scene II (Exit of Volond and Behemoth)
Woland: Well, they are people, like people.
They love money - that's always been the case.
Frivolous, despite the years,
And sometimes they are capable of pity,
But they are just a little merciful.
Do you remember the execution of Christ?!
When the people shouted: “Crucify him, crucify him!”
And instead of the Son of God, he chose a thief.
The gravest betrayal, shame
Earthly days have never been known.
Then there was a terrible thunderstorm
And the sky split over Golgotha,
And those curious eyes...
Not a thought that the whole world has become a disaster.
And Levi cried, begging God for the death of Yeshua.
But these tears are the beginning,
It's time for kindness and mercy.
Oh yes, how merciful the human race is
Who turned the blooming globe
To absolute hell?
Are we not the catchers of lost souls?!
Music: “Storm” (Vanessa Mae) (Margarita’s entry)
Days pass, I don’t see him, where is my Master, his lips and hands?
Without him, the world is empty and dark.
Neither money, nor castles, nor servants can save you.
I have everything, I’m young, good and rich,
But I persistently dream about the basement,
Where the twilight is a joy.
Don't forget the scent of rain,
The sound of drops in the basement window,
On which the cat so softly settled,
And the potatoes are smoking, and the candle is smoldering;
And the moonless night is magically hot.
Where is my Master?
Everyone is a pygmy compared to him.
Never, never will I be with another.
(Bigimoth exit)
There is no need for black melancholy and torment.
I don't like it when women cry.
There is enough suffering in our world.
But the proud hide them from envious people.
How could you, how did you forget?!
The sad days are like prison guards.
(Insert Master output)
Music "Storm" (background lyrics, master's exit)
When we meet, he lifts you up, spins you around, and hugs you.
He sits down at the table and writes a novel.
She pours water from the kettle into a mug.
He approaches him, takes the manuscript, reads it, presses the pages to his chest, leaning his elbows on the table.
You are my master
(lays his head on his shoulder.)
They take a glass of wine and take a sip.
She sits on a soft sofa and embroiders a hat with the word “Master”
The master sits down at the table and writes a book,
They occasionally glance at each other.
I predict the word Master, just work faster, I'm waiting for these last ones
magic words, fifth procurator Judea,
horseman Pontius Pilate (sighs), this novel is my whole life...
(Exit Wolond)
The world is multidimensional.
Mortals cannot understand
Its laws, meaning and historians.
But even I cannot take away faith from mortals.
How even God cannot save them from their vices.
Let everyone receive according to faith
Where's my cup?
(Volond hands over the cup)
Drink, Margarita.
(Margot turns away in horror)
Drink! (Margo drinks)
This is the blood of the Earth.
How do you endure everything, you are our sufferer?
Exploded and executed
And blood flows in a stream.
There is no pity in them, no love.
When will you, man,
Will you return to the truth and origins?
Leave me, you will disappear with me.
Can't survive in this world
You and I, Margarita,
In a dishonest world, where there is deceit and lies.
And the truth is hidden from human eyes.
My love!
There's a desert in your eyes.
Your soul is sick.
But your novel about Yeshua is sacred.
And only you are my family.
I understood everything. I'm dead and alive.
This whole wild world is a basement,
Where everything dies, all living things wither.
It's better to have a devilish ending
Why fading is empty.
Burn suffering!
(lights a fire)
Burn, false world,
Corruption, vanity, dishonor, boredom...
Oh, how grateful I am to you, sir,
What's wrong with my Master?
Am I at risk of separation?
Part II
(Silent scene. All characters are frozen in their characteristic movement, while Hippopotamus plays the violin.) Music. "Dorime" (exit of sin)
Terrible sin:
I am the worst sin.
I am cowardice.
Dates of the fourteenth month of Nisan
In Yershalaim I triumphed.
In a family of vices, where rigidity ruled,
Where there is no breath without deception,
I sing the victory chorale.
The Savior was crucified on a stake like a thief.
Blind and scoundrels!
Don't hide from this shame.
I am a sin, but I writhe in shame.
I am your offspring, O people!
You will not escape the Last Judgment!
A curse on the head
Who will forget this!
Music "Dorime"
(Pontius Pilate. Yeshua is introduced.) Pontius Pilate:
Come before me, prisoner,
And answer who gave permission to the people
Promise a heavenly reward?
What talent do you think you have in yourself?
What can you say in defense?
And what is truth, do you know?
How close to your God, do you remember?
(grabs his head, groans)
Do you think everyone is kind?
And even Ratboy Mark?
And there is no better gift for him
You will be whipped to death.
Do you consider everyone to be kind people?
What do you understand about this?
You are naive and don’t know much.
Are you in agreement with Judas, speak the truth!
I've never lied
After all, speaking the truth is like drinking water,
Transparent and crystal clear.
Pontius Pilate:
He's out of his mind, he's out of his mind.
He wanted to know what I thought about power.
Pontius Pilate:
And what did you say (in a whisper).
Shut up, shut up.
I just dreamed out loud that there would be time and old age would disappear,
And there will be a kingdom of truth in the world.
Then power will not be needed.
And everyone will be innocent, like children.
Why then kings?
Pontius Pilate:
Despicable slave, don't lie!
There will be no kingdom of truth
You, pray to God.
He won't judge you
And I judge you, your hour of death has come
And will you die?
You won’t take the truth to your post
And there they could have the Almighty for us.
Pontius Pilate: (guard)
Take away!
I, God knows,
I wanted to save him.
I feel sorry for you, oh good man! You are not executing me - you have doomed yourself forever!
What torment on the cross -
Throughout the centuries I hear the cry for the betrayed Christ
All your vanity, holding the Law, a cold winter's dream
For infinity,
Like an echo in the dead rocks!
(the guards take Ga-Notsri away) Volond:
It turns out how simple the truth is.
They chose Barabbas, not Christ!
And what will happen to you, man?
And with whom will you remain forever?!
(Music “Requiem” by Mozart) (dance)


"Friday the 13th"








In the background are scenes from the film The Master and Margarita

Phonogram 1.

(curtain, Bengalsky comes out in front of him)


So, citizens, now I will speak to you...

(interrupts himself)

I see that the number of audiences has increased even more by the third part. Today we have half the city! One of these days I met a friend and said to him: “Why don’t you come to us? Yesterday we had half the city.” And he answers me: “And I live in the other half!”

(smiles, but sees that no one is paying attention to him, continues)

...So, the famous foreign artist Monsieur Woland performs with a session of black magic!

Phonogram 2. Woland's anthem

(the curtain opens, on the stage is Woland, sitting in a chair, next to Behemoth and Koroev)


The precious night has come into its own; not a minute can be lost. Guests are about to start arriving, but the ball is not yet open.


Messire, the preparations have long been completed. The glasses are filled, the candles are lit. Guests will soon begin to arrive.


I am already old, Gella, but even I remember that such a great ball requires a hostess.


(holding a notepad with a list in his hands)

We found one hundred and twenty-one Margaritas here, and, believe me, not one of them fits.


Can I? Can I?


In no case. It is necessary to keep the ancient covenants.


I propose to organize a Margarita competition. Let each of them show themselves. And we will choose a worthy hostess for our ball today!


Wise advice. Bassoon, make an announcement!

(Koroviev comes forward with a rolled up scroll)


Every year the sir gives one ball. It is called the Spring Full Moon Ball, or the Ball of the Hundred Kings. In this regard, girls are being recruited for the position of ball hostess. The main criteria: it is necessary that the contestant bear the name Margarita, be a local native and have royal blood flowing in her blood! We invite all applicants to audition.

Hippopotamus: Stop, stop Bassoon! Already arrived! They stand behind the scenes, waiting in line. I have never seen so many people willing to play the role of Margarita!

(girls come out)


Dear public and you, sir! Take a closer look: which of the contenders most resembles the future queen of the night?


(running up from one girl to another, introducing herself to each):

Hippopotamus! (kisses the hand) I'm glad to welcome you, Diamond Dona! I am in awe, dark queen!

Woland: Hippopotamus is right! All girls are worthy. But according to ancient laws, only one of them can become the hostess of my ball. And to choose the best, I suggest holding small competitions

(The girls leave the stage)

Gella: Yes, sir, a wise decision

Koroviev: And to make it easier for us to decide, I propose to appoint judges

Hippopotamus: Me! Me! Nominate me!

Gella: It wouldn't be fair! Let it be people. The most real human people!

Woland: It's decided! In the jury I chose (composition of the jury)

Hippopotamus: It's time to meet our competitors. So, the first Margarita is invited to the stage!

Viewing business cards

Koroviev: Bravo! Bravo! I am delighted, we are delighted!

Woland: It's almost midnight. And the owner has still not been determined. Is it difficult to choose a queen from among such charming beauties?

Hippopotamus: Can I hold a competition? We will immediately see which of the girls has agility and speed, which is important at the ball

(Woland nods his head, allowing)

Competition "Collect the bones"

Gella: Let me, sir, check the girls too

Broom competition

Koroviev: I stayed. Well. I propose to hold a competition for ingenuity.

Competition "Complete the puzzle"

Woland: We checked all the girls. Now the decision is up to the judges.

However, we started talking, dear Bassoon, and the audience is starting to get bored. Therefore, while the jury is discussing the results, first hold something simple, some interesting competition

Competition with spectators

Koroviev: I ask all Margaritas to come on stage!

(girls come out)

Hippopotamus: The floor is given to our jury.

Woland: The results have been summed up, the hostess has been chosen, and now our Great Full Moon Ball can begin. We invite all guests!

Phonogram 2. Strauss, Waltz

St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts

Department of Directing Theatrical Performances and Celebrations

"Black magic and its exposure"

Theatrical performance script

dedicated to the life and work of M.A. Bulgakov

Saint Petersburg

Justification for choosing the topic.

I dedicated my script to the ups and downs of the life and work of the writer Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Bulgakov's work was more than once subjected to harsh criticism in the Soviet press and became the subject of interesting and very revealing discussions. Today, many of the writer’s works have become literary classics, but during the writer’s lifetime, most of them were not published.

In my script, I would like to touch on the topic of creativity, as an integral part of the life of real creators. M.A. Bulgakov, despite the presence of work and government orders, could not limit himself to what he himself called “day labor”; he stubbornly implements his plans, forgetting about failures and prohibitions, often realizing that he was writing “on the table”, but was unable to shut up. The writer himself, in a letter to the Soviet government, named his first trait as his commitment to the idea of ​​creative freedom, creative thought, and opposition to the duping of the individual. In this topic, I would also like to touch upon the issue of preserving my self, as a creator and as a person.

The screenplay and direction of my script is a session of black magic at the Variety Show, taken from the novel “The Master and Margarita.” All episodes are part of a focus, a performance. But this scenario move is included in a less noticeable one - Bulgakov writing the book of his life. The structure is similar to a “novel within a novel.” The script consists of a prologue, three episodes ("Card Trouble", "Balancing Creativity", "Deadly Number"), a finale and two bridge episodes. In the center of the stage there is a hatch from which heroes and various objects can appear. The grate bars have various lifting mechanisms. On the black backdrop is a screen designed in the shape of a book.

Blackout. The inscription disappears. The bell rings. The light comes on. Dressed people are on stage waiting for the performance. Ticket attendants pass among them, offering to buy programs. Someone is looking at the posters. The second call rings. Groups of people, talking animatedly, go backstage. The third bell rings. The light goes out. The entertainer enters the stage in the spotlight.

Entertainer: Ladies and gentlemen, now the famous foreign artist Monsieur Woland will perform in front of you with a session of black magic! Well, you and I know that it doesn’t exist in the world at all, but simply Maestro Woland has a high degree of mastery of the technique of magic, which will be clear from the most interesting part, that is, the exposure of this technique, and since we are for the technique , and for the exposure, then let's welcome Mr. Woland!

The entertainer steps aside, pointing to the moving backstage. The stage is dark. The stage is illuminated with muted red light. Four people come out from under the stage, from the hatch: the first - in a black half mask and tailcoat - Woland, the second - long and thin, in a checkered suit and pince-nez - Koroviev-Fagot, the third - a large black cat (the artist in a life-size puppet) - Behemoth, the fourth - short, broad-shouldered, red-haired - Azazello. They approach the edge of the stage, bright lights come on, fanfare sounds.

Woland: Tell me, dear Fagot, how do you think the Moscow population has changed significantly?

Bassoon: Exactly so, sir!

Woland: You are right. The townspeople have changed a lot, outwardly, I say, as has the city itself. But, of course, I am interested in a much more important question: have these townspeople changed internally?

Bassoon: Yes, this is the most important question, sir.

Woland: However, we started talking, and the audience is starting to get bored!

Bassoon: (comes to the front of the stage and takes out a deck of cards): Ladies and Gentlemen! I present to your attention card tricks! Just for you: sixes and kings, eternal glory and public opinion!

Bassoon and Behemoth go to different sides of the stage. Fagot has a deck of cards in his hands, which he throws to Hippopotamus with a ribbon. Hippo throws the cards back to Bassoon. Bassoon sends them backstage. Blackout.

The first episode of "Card Trouble."

Words are “written” on the screen and spoken by a voice.

The song “Working Moscow” plays in the background (Music: Zinovy ​​Dunaevsky. Lyrics: Igor Morozov). Red cards come out of the wings (red bottom, white top with stripes of suit and value): two Aces, Hearts and Diamonds, behind each of them are four red sixes of their suit, with papers in their hands.

Ace of Diamonds: (addressing the sixes) So, what can we offer the Soviet reader today?

Six: Poet Alexandrovsky!

The Seven of Diamonds comes onto the stage, dragging in her hands a pulpit made to look like a house of cards. Having placed it in the center, Seven stands at the pulpit.

Seven of Diamonds (extremely pretentious and drawn-out):

On the dark palms of the squares

We spill our souls every day;

Every day we go out to listen to the sun

On the dark palms of the squares...

The Aces applaud, the Sixes join in.

Ace of Diamonds: (addressing the Six of Diamonds) What do you think?

Six of Diamonds (standing at attention and chattering): The proletariat needs collectivist art, which would educate people in the spirit of deep solidarity, comradely cooperation, close brotherhood of fighters and builders, bound by a common ideal. And such art is born. We have it in Russia in the form of young proletarian poetry.

Ace of Diamonds: This is definitely a promising poet of our time!

The Sixes run up to the Sevens. In a plastic composition, they turn the Seven into the King of Diamonds (they cover the number 7 with the letter “K” and put on a crown). The newly-crowned king, with poise, comes out from behind the pulpit. Two Sixes carefully carry his pulpit behind him. The two Sixes return to the Ace.

Ace of Hearts(addressing his Sixes): Anything else?

The Jack of Hearts rises from the hatch.

Jack of Hearts: I brought you the manuscript of a novel by writer Mikhail Bulgakov.

Blackout. Words are “written” on the screen and spoken by a voice.

Voice: It started one night when I woke up from a sad dream. I dreamed of my hometown, snow, winter, the Civil War... In my dream, a silent blizzard passed in front of me, and then a small piano appeared and near it people who were no longer in the world... So I began to write a novel.

The light comes on. Jack points to the screen on which lines from "The White Guard" appear.

Voice: The year after the Nativity of Christ 1918 was a great and terrible year, the second from the beginning of the revolution. It was full of sun in summer and snow in winter, and two stars stood especially high in the sky: the shepherd star - evening Venus and red, trembling Mars.

Ace of Hearts: I remember how he read The White Guard to us - it didn’t make an impression.

Ace of Diamonds: And what kind of fictitious names are these - Turbins!

Jack: Minor shortcomings noted by some pale in comparison to the undoubted merits of this novel, which is the first attempt to create a great epic of our time.

Ace of Hearts:- And how he dresses!

Ace of Diamonds: He looks like... Chekhov!

Sixes giggle .

Jack leaves.

Ace of Hearts: (to the sixes) Anyone else?

Six of Hearts: poet Obradovic!

The Eight of Hearts rides out on a platform of cards. The platform moves slowly, Eight reads a poem as it moves.

Eight of Hearts (even more pretentious than the first):

Do you hear the lines in the thunderous surf?

Destructive and creative “We”?

This is the unity of forces, like a milky star stream

On the black asphalt of darkness.

Aces applauds. The cards are picked up.

Ace of Diamonds: (Addressing the Sixes) What do you think?

Sixes (standing at attention): The proletariat needs collectivist art, which would educate people in the spirit of deep solidarity, comradely cooperation, close brotherhood of fighters and builders, bound by a common ideal. And such art is born. We have it in Russia in the form of young proletarian poetry.

Ace of Diamonds: Wonderful! Only a writer with an advanced, proletarian worldview, like you, can create real works!

The Sixes run towards the platform, trying to reach the Eights. Two Sixes jump onto the platform and turn the Eight into the King of Hearts. The platform goes backstage.

Sixes: Where is he going?

Ace of Hearts: Bring art to the masses!

Sixes: Ahhh...

The Jack of Diamonds rises from the hatch.

Jack of Diamonds: The story "Heart of a Dog". Please accept it for publication.

Jack of Diamonds: Michael Bulgakov.

Ace of Diamonds: However, how many people hopelessly intercede for his works.

Jack of Diamonds: The first two parts of his novel “The White Guard” were published in the magazine!

Ace of Hearts: Why only two?

Jack of Diamonds: Then the magazine closed.

Ace of Hearts: Mmm…

Ace of Diamonds: Let's get the manuscript!

Text is “written” on the screen and spoken by voice.

Voice: What is this devastation of yours? Old woman with a stick? The witch who broke all the windows and put out all the lamps? Yes, it doesn’t exist at all. What do you mean by this word? This is this: if, instead of operating every evening, I start singing in chorus in my apartment, I will be in ruins. Consequently, the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads. This means that when these baritones shout “beat the destruction!” - I am laughing. This means that each of them must hit themselves in the back of the head! And so, when he hatches all sorts of hallucinations from himself and starts cleaning the barns - his direct business - the devastation will disappear by itself. You cannot serve two gods! It is impossible to sweep the tram tracks and arrange the fate of some Spanish ragamuffins at the same time! No one can do this, Doctor, and even more so - people who, in general, are 200 years behind the Europeans in development, are still not quite confident in buttoning their own pants!

Ace of Hearts: No!

Ace of Diamonds:(to Jack): You see...

Sixes(jabbering): The proletariat needs collectivist art that would educate people...

Ace of Diamonds (interrupts): Yes! But it's not only that! Such things, read in the most brilliant Moscow literary circle, are much more dangerous than the useless and harmless speeches of 101st grade writers at meetings of the All-Russian Union of Poets.

Jack of Diamonds: Is there really no way to publish this story?

Aces: This poignant pamphlet on modernity must under no circumstances be printed.

Jack leaves.

Ace of Diamonds: (walks along the proscenium, followed by the Six of Diamonds): Bulgakov entered literature with the consciousness of the death of his class and the need to adapt to a new life...

Ace of Hearts (passes in the other direction, followed by the Six of Hearts): The author’s task is the moral rehabilitation of the past...

Ace of Diamonds: (goes to the center) Bulgakov’s entire creative path is the path of a man who was class-hostile to Soviet reality.

Ace of Hearts: (goes to the center) Bulgakov is a typical representative of the trends of “internal emigration”.

Six of Diamonds: But his play “Days of the Turbins” based on the novel “The White Guard” is being performed with great success at the Moscow Art Theater!

Aces: What?!

Six of Hearts: Shh.. It's already banned! Although they said that Joseph Vissarionovich himself highly appreciated this play and watched the performance several times!

Six of Diamonds: Well, yes! And then he himself banned it! (Laughs)

The cards scream and part. The Six of Diamonds falls through the hatch.

Sixes (standing at attention): The proletariat needs collectivist art, which would educate people in the spirit of deep solidarity, comradely cooperation, close brotherhood of fighters... ( the voices fade away).


Bridge episode.

The light comes on. Woland and his retinue are on stage.

Hippopotamus: Hmm, the guy made a bad joke...

Azazello: With such novels, he will soon have nothing to live on.

Woland: There’s almost nothing left. That's what Fagot is, it's not right for a writer to beg.

Bassoon: Yes, sir. Let's try to arrange something.

A telephone receiver on a wire falls from above.

Azazello: Surely you couldn't think of anything better?

Bassoon: I would arrange it myself!

Woland: Let it ride.

Bassoon: Dear audience, we present to your attention a number with hangers and tightrope walkers.


Episode two: “Balancing Creativity.”

The light comes on. Hangers with costumes and elements of scenery come onto the stage; they are controlled by people in masks. All this unfolds on stage to the accompaniment of Soviet marches. Words are “written” on the screen and spoken by a voice.

Voice: So “Dead Souls”... In 9 days I will turn 41 years old. This is monstrous! But nevertheless it is so. And so, towards the end of my work as a writer, I was forced to compose dramatizations. What a brilliant ending, isn't it? I look at the shelves and am horrified: who, who else will I have to stage tomorrow? Turgenev? Leskova? Brockhaus - Efron? Ostrovsky? But the latter, fortunately, staged himself.

The whirlwind of costumes and scenery swirls more intensely. The music is louder. Words are “written” on the screen and are spoken by a voice, shouting over the music.

Masked people take turns running out to the front of the stage along with costumes or decorations.

1st person: The Beast declared that he was no longer a writer.

2nd person: Refuses his profession, falls silent.

3rd person: This is, frankly, cowardice. There is no writer who can shut up.

4th person: If he was silent, it means he was not real.

Waltz starts (Music by I. Kornelyuk,OST"Master and Margarita"). The heroes of the novel “The Master and Margarita” rise onto the stage from the hatch. People with costumes and decorations are trying to block them. The heroes of the novel make their way between them, Berlioz and Bezdomny come to the fore.

Berlioz: But Bulgakov was a real writer.

Homeless: He couldn't shut up.

Half the scenery, the costume freezes. Berlioz and Bezdomny go off to wander between the frozen scenery. To replace them, Margarita comes to the fore, dancing, with yellow flowers in her hands.

Margarita: In parallel with other works, forgetting about failures and prohibitions, he persistently implements a long-standing plan.

The Master comes out from the other side.

Master: For more than ten years he has been working on a novel, which becomes his main book.

The second half of the scenery and costumes freeze. Margarita throws flowers. She and the Master join hands and go deep into the stage. The heroes of the novel push the scenery and costumes backstage. A rope is lowered over the stage. A man in white clothes, stained with other colors, walks along it.

Heroes of the novel: Who you are?

Human: I am a creative writer. A writer who is tired. Which is on the verge.

Heroes of the novel: Just don't fall. We beg you!

Human: No, I’ll get there, no matter what happens!

Heroes of the novel (dancing, shouting upward): - Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley

The darkness that came from the Mediterranean Sea covered the city hated by the procurator

I came out with yellow flowers so that you could finally find me.

Manuscripts don't burn.

The heroes of the novel, while dancing the Waltz, gradually disappear behind the scenes, and the stage gradually darkens. At this time the man in white reaches the middle of the rope. Words are “written” on the screen and spoken by a voice.

Bridge episode.

Woland and his retinue are on stage.

Koroviev: How do you think he has managed to avoid mysterious disappearance so far? This is a well-known trick now. Take for example... Gumilyov.

The actor in the role of Gumilyov is illuminated in the backdrop by a spotlight.


Signboard... bloodshot letters

They say: “Green” - I know, here

Instead of cabbage and instead of rutabaga

They sell dead heads.

People in black come out to him from both sides.

Man in black: On August 3, 1921, Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov was arrested for participation in a counter-revolutionary conspiracy.

The sound of a shot. The beam goes out.

Koroviev: Or Mandelstam...

In the backdrop, a spotlight illuminates the actor in the role of Mandelstam.

Mandelstam: Poetry is respected only here - people kill for it. After all, nowhere else do people get killed for poetry...

Two men in black come out and stand on either side of him.

Second man: Osip Emilievich Mandelstam was sentenced to five years in forced labor camps for counter-revolutionary activities.

The beam goes out.

Hippopotamus: But he said it beautifully...

Koroviev: Oh, I know another interesting case.

Woland: Enough! He just didn't show them the novel.

Azazello: At least he was smart enough for this!

Koroviev: Eh, he should have lived a hundred years earlier! During the time of the most honorable Mr. Pushkin, the most witty Mr. Saltykov-Shchedrin, the venerable Mr. Gogol!

Azazello: Mmm... Nikolai Vasilievich! Was it his overcoat that our unfortunate writer kept trying to cover himself with?

Gogol's grave appears on the screen with a large black stone - Golgotha. Then, using computer graphics, the stone is thrown off the grave and a bust of Gogol appears in its place. An overcoat falls from above on Koroviev and Behemoth.

Azazello: We now have the overcoat, we can arrange everything!

Woland: It is too early. Wait a bit.


Episode three "Deadly Number"

On the stage is a cube, which is illuminated from behind by a beam. The silhouette of a wolf is visible in the cube. Words are “written” on the screen and spoken by a voice.

Voice: In the wide field of Russian literature in the USSR, I was the only literary wolf. I was advised to dye the skin. Ridiculous advice. Whether a wolf is dyed or shorn, it still doesn’t look like a poodle...

At his words, two men in black with swords in their hands come out.

First man: Bulgakov is what he was and will remain: a new-bourgeois spawn, splashing with poisoned but powerless saliva.

Second Man: He likes the dubious witticisms exchanged between drinking buddies, the atmosphere of a dog wedding around some red-haired wife of a friend.

The first person sticks the sword into the cube. Words are “written” on the screen and spoken out loud.

First man: By order of the USSR Government, a search was carried out in the apartment of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov.

Second Man: The manuscripts of “Heart of a Dog” and the diary were confiscated.

A man in black sticks a sword into a cube. The gun flashes. Wolf howl. Words are “written” on the screen and spoken out loud.

Voice: All power is violence over men, and the time will come when there will be no power either by Caesars or by any other power. Man will move into the kingdom of truth and justice, where no power will be needed at all.

Another man in black comes out with a dagger in his hand.

Man in black: By order of the USSR government, all plays by M.A. performed in theaters were banned. Bulgakov.

The man in black sticks a dagger into the cube.

First man: "Days of the Turbins"

Sticks a dagger.

Second Man: "Zoyka's apartment"

Sticks a dagger.

Man in black: "Cabal Saint"

Sticks a dagger. The gun goes out. Wolf howl. The gun lights up. Shadow of a lying wolf. Words are “written” on the screen and spoken out loud.

Drumroll. The men in black stick the third sword into the cube. The gun goes out. A pitiful whine. The gun turns on. Empty cube. Blackout.

Woland is on stage, accompanied by his retinue. On the screen is the night sky with the moon.

Woland: The moon has risen. The finale is approaching.

Koroviev: Would you like to call the Author?

Woland: He will come himself.

A Man appears in the background. The lights on the stage become dim. A man stands with his back and looks at the moon.

Azazello (addressing the Man):

Here I am for you, in exchange for grave roses,

Instead of incense incense;

You lived so harshly and brought it to the end

Magnificent charity.

Bassoon (addressing the Man):

You drank wine, you joked like no one else

And I was suffocating in the stuffy walls,

And you let in a terrible guest

And he was left alone with her.

Gogol's overcoat flies out of Koroviev's hands and lands on the Man's shoulders. On the screen is a photograph of Bulgakov’s grave with the same stone that was on Gogol’s grave.

Woland (addressing the Man):

And you are not there, and everything around is silent

And at your silent funeral service.

Words are “written” on the screen and spoken out loud.

Woland: The novel has been completed. The last word is yours.

A man approaches the screen. A lunar road appears on the screen. Words are “written” across the sky on the screen and spoken by voice.


List of used literature:

    Akimov V. The light of the artist’s truth / V. Petelin; - St. Petersburg: Ladoga, 2008. – 304 p.

    Bulgakov M. White Guard. The Master and Margarita/M. Bulgakov; - Minsk: Urajai, 1988. – 669 p.

    Bulgakov M. Plays/M. Bulgakov; - M.: Soviet writer, 1991. – 795 p.

    Vulis A. Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” / A. Vulis; - M.: Fiction, 1991. – 246 p.

    Erykalova I.E. Fiction by Bulgakov/I.E. Erykalov; - St. Petersburg: - 2007. – 303 p.

    Malakhovskaya A. The legacy of Baba Yaga/A. Malakhovskaya; - St. Petersburg: Aletheia. 2006. – 153 p.

    Myagkov B. Bulgakov on Patriarchal/B. Myagkov; - M.: Algorit, 2008. – 367 p.

    Motyashov I. Responsibility of the artist // Questions of literature. - M. - 1968. - No. 12. - P. 23.

    Petelin V. Life of Bulgakov / V. Petelin; - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2005. – 216 p.

    Petrovsky M. Master and the City/M. Petrovsky; - St. Petersburg: Ivan Limbach Publishing House, 2008. – 357 p.

    The work of Mikhail Bulgakov: Research. Materials. Bibliography // Institute of Russian Literature RAS: Book. 3. - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1995.

    Utekhin N. Historical facets of eternal truths (“The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov) // Modern Soviet novel. Philosophical aspects. - L. Science, 1979. - P. 214.

    Fokin P. Bulgakov without gloss / P. Fokin; - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2012. – 412 p.

Artists participate. Ilya Oleynikov, Yuri Stoyanov. In the role of ringleader are Vladimir Zelensky and his partner.

Scene one. Woland's apartment. Somewhere far away in the universe.

A man, in a robe and beret, tall and not young, is intently drawing a landscape at an easel.
Koroviev enters. He glances displeasedly at the artist's occupation.
- Messire. Let me distract you. There is important news.
- Um, yeah? What do you have?
- They're making a movie about you again...
- So what?
- Like what! We need to go and check, they’ll screw something up there...
- You know I retired.
- But Messire! The retinue is worried. There is a completely different public there... they don’t recognize any authorities, any values... you need to go.

Messire (throws the brush) okay, the picture still doesn’t work out! How do you find it?
- Wonderful sir, Everything you do is just a masterpiece...
- impudent and flatterer. Okay, let's go...

Scene two. Sometimes they come back.
Vladimir Zelensky and Evgeny Koshevoy take part in the scene (

Messir and Koroviev walk around the set. They don't seem to be noticed.
Woland gets tired of this process and indifferently retires to a bench by the pond. He takes out a newspaper and tries to read.

Two idiots walk past. The shorter one is the ringleader and the joker. Another: long with a sleepy and cynical face. They notice Woland.
- Oh, look, an artist!
They fit.
- citizen, are you an artist? What are they filming?
Woland turns away from them and pretends to read.
“But I know,” the ringleader recalls feigningly, “I read in the newspapers. The Master and Margarita. Who are you playing, may I ask? Masters?
“Margarita,” the lanky man interjects.
Both laugh. The shuttlecock turns in the other direction.
- Would you like some narzan? Both laugh.
- Or maybe you are a consultant? And today there will be a wonderful story at the Patriarchal...
“Sometimes they come back,” the lanky man says in a drawn-out and mannered manner, holding his nose
Both are having fun. The day is sunny and there is no one around.
The ringleader sits down.
- No, Zhenya. He doesn't look like a consultant. He's kind of rumpled... (helpfully straightens his clothes) Or maybe he's a director?
The lanky man looks with his fat lips curled sourly:
- Nooo. He's not cut out to be a director. He's such a director...Oh! (points with his hand) a checkered cap, sits in a chair with a straw, looks smart and commands everyone “why are strangers on the site?!”
- listen, sorry that we don’t know each other... take us for the role... for the audition... we are talented. Here - Zhenyok - can play anyone he wants, even the Pope. (Vityok straightens up) Shave his mustache: he looks just like Koroviev. Spitting image. Ba-la-mut.
He jumps up to Zhenya and pretends that he is taking him for an audition...they make faces.
- Wow, how we want to go to the cinema, to become famous, touring, artists, everyone knows you, asking for your autograph and couriers, couriers, a hundred thousand couriers alone...
“Look,” the lanky man says listlessly, “he’ll throw you in Yalta...
Listen, says his friend, take me to Yalta. I haven't been to Yalta for a long time. A sea of ​​seagulls... mmm, what else do we have in Yalta - he turns to his friend. He shrugs his shoulders and remembers: “sea” “seagulls”... “seagulls” “sea”... and on the sea there are ships... Swallow’s Nest
- we don’t need to go into the nest (beggingly) Throw us into Yalta”
Woland points behind them.
- What?
Woland shows again. They turn around. Their face changes. They see the sea in front of them. Sea and seagulls. And on the sea there are ships.
They quickly turn to the consultant. He, hands behind his back, moves away along the embankment.
They run after him, “Wait!” they can’t catch up.
Lanky on the run; “What the hell, you ordered Yalta! I want to go to Nitsa, maybe...!
Woland stops and turns to them. His face is unhappy.
- Leave it at least for the road, for food, we’ve spent quite a bit on our hikes, what’s it worth to you...
Woland shows them his pocket.
The ringleader pulls out a wad of red money from his pocket. Woland leaves.
Two people walk along the maritime boulevard in Nice.

Scene three. Set.
They're filming a scene with a tram. On a pole stands a replica of a severed head.
The director (Vladimir Danilets) in a cap and with a pipe walks displeasedly past his head on the set, “Where is he! where is this...? I have a process! Rent! Extras.."
An assistant comes up and whispers something in his ear.
"What! Again? I'll finally kick him out. Everything, everything, everything...” He stumbles upon a long figure in a dark cloak. Raises his head...
- What do you want?
“Maybe I’ll be good for something,” says the tall stranger in a low trumpet voice.
- God, what a type! - says the director. The filming process begins.

Scene four. Right there.

Woland's retinue is kuralesit. Lighting fixtures fly, the wind blows, carrying away script sheets and banknotes. A cat runs by with a primus stove, something explodes and burns. The crowd scatters. The performers, in their underwear, sorry, rush about with a squeal, covering themselves with their hands... the director crawls on his knees past his head.
Head: “Why are there strangers on the site! Call the police.”

Three policemen run onto the site. One grabs the holster and pulls out a wad of money, another grabs the holster and pulls out a glass, the third grabs the holster and pulls out... a cucumber. They look at each other.

Scene five. A ward in a madhouse. Moiseenko and Danilets.
The director in a straitjacket, addressing the chief doctor:
- I beg you, don’t make a movie!
Chief Doctor (Vl. Moiseenko) - What movie?
Director - don’t make any movies. And you don’t need to treat anyone, let them do it themselves...
- But I'm a doctor.
- I also thought it was the director, but now, how it turned out...

Doctor, taking a drawing out of a folder and showing it to the patient: What is this?
the director, seeing a drawing of a female organ, hurries: “in what sense?”
Doctor: what does this remind you of?
Director: I'm getting lost
Doctor: It reminds you of a butterfly, for example...
Director: Butterfly? in a sense, yes...
The doctor takes out another drawing, on it is a male organ: What is this?
Director: Doctor, are you all right?
Doctor. looks at the drawing: Masha! What is this?
The nurse Masha comes running and looks at the folder. And this is the sex therapist’s folder, I’ll bring it now...he runs away.
Director: Ah... mine confuses everything too. One day, she..
Doctor: no need...

Scene six. Somewhere far away in the universe.
A tall man in a robe and beret is intently trying to transfer a nude model onto the canvas...
A satisfied Koroviev runs in.
- Messire! The retinue is happy. The picture is wonderful...they don't make movies anymore.
Woland: We shouldn’t do this. Cinema is the most important of the arts.
Koroviev’s face becomes serious: “There are also these two...well, whom we threw into Nitsa...
- What do they want?
- The money has run out, there is no housing.
Woland, after some thought, put them in our apartments and give them as much money as they ask
- But sir...
- and look after them yourself... but tell me: as soon as they show up at the casino, the holiday of life will end for them...
- and why all this?
- You see, I had an argument with a philosopher about human essence...
- What kind of dispute?
Woland (continuing to draw with concentration): This philosopher, you know him, says. that the housing issue has spoiled people, that they, for the sake of money or other benefits, can... betray, change their humane principles and even find excuses for this, but I objected to him. So we decided: give a person as much of this money as he wants and see what will come of it?
- We know what. Turn into a fat pig.
- Is it always like this? And what conditions could there be that would prevent this from happening?
- Yes, this has already happened many times! And cases where things go wrong are very rare, but these two...
- No need. We will not announce the result of our experiment in advance. Well, I shouldn’t make a bet with you either.
- Yeah. Have you come up with something, sir?
- Maybe.

A continuation is possible.

Script of the play based on the works of M. Bulgakov “Experiment”

Doorbell. There are two young men on the threshold:

1 student- Professor Bormental?

Bormenthal - Yes, sir...And you?..

2 student And we are 5th year students of the same Kyiv Medical Institute, where Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, well known to you, studied.

Bormental - Come on in. How can I help you?

1 student- The point is this: M.A.’s anniversary is coming very soon. We know literally everything about the doctor Bulgakov, but Bulgakov the writer is still a mystery.

2 student For many years his works have been read and loved, what is the reason? We thought, what if the experiment of Preobrazhensky Ave. helps us with this. If at that time it was possible to turn a dog into a human, now...

1 student- You can turn into any hero and look at everything through their eyes, as if from the inside.

Bormental Understand. What specifically interests you? What would you like to become?

2student- Days of the Turbins - the prototype of Alexei - Bulgakov himself. We would like to know about the life of the intelligentsia after the revolution, during the civil war.

Bormenthal - So, you are interested in Alexey Turbin, which is commendable. Well, who will assist me?

Come on, get ready for surgery. And you (addressing 2 student) take out the flask on the far left with Turbine’s pituitary gland.( Points to the top shelf of the closet. The assistant reaches out and suddenly drops everything)

BOLT. Everything fell and got mixed up.

2 student- What to do, professor?

Bormental- Until we implant the gland, we won’t know anything. Let's start with this one.


(A poisonous sky-colored tie with a fake ruby ​​pin was tied around the man’s neck. The color of this tie was so striking)

Bormental You again!?

Sharikov- Bormenthal!

Bormental responded (changing his face). - No, please call me by my first name and patronymic!

SharikovAnswered quite thoroughly- Well, call me by name and patronymic! -

Bormental- No! - - by such name and patronymic as Poligraf Poligrafovich

in my apartment I will not allow you to be called. If you want to be stopped

call you familiarly "Sharikov", we will call you "Mr. Sharikov".

Sharikov. (Barked) - I’m not a master, the gentlemen are all in Paris!

Bormental- Let me ask you - why do you smell so disgusting?

Sharikovsniffed the jacket worriedly.

Well, it smells... It is known: by specialty. Yesterday cats were strangled

choked... dad

Bormental-Who is your dad here? What kind of familiarity is this? So that I no longer

heard this word! Call me by my first name and patronymic!

A daring expression lit up the man.

Sharikov- What about all of you... I don’t care. Don't smoke. Don't go there. Don’t say that... What is this really? It's as clean as a tram. Why don’t you let me live?!

Did I ask for an operation? - The man barked indignantly

Nice job! I may not have given my permission for the operation. And equally (the man turned his eyes to the ceiling, as if remembering a certain formula), as well as my relatives. I may have the right to file a claim...

Nowadays everyone has their right...

Assistant- Hm... Damn it! It’s impossible to imagine anything more stupid.... Well, in a word...

Sharikov- Bastard!

Bormental- Who are you talking about?

I'm talking about the cat. Such a bastard,” he replied. Sharikov, running his eyes.

BORMENTAL - taking a breath, - You know, Sharikov, I have never seen a more impudent creature than you.

Sharikov“Dad, give me a cigarette, your trousers have stripes.”

Bormental- Sharikov, please tell me, how long will you continue chasing cats? Shame on you! After all, this is a disgrace! Savage!

What kind of savage am I? - responded gloomily Sharikov, - I’m not a savage. His

It’s impossible to tolerate in the apartment. He’s just looking for something to steal... (touches things)

-Assistant- Don't touch, please!

Sharikov“It’s all like a parade,” he said, “a napkin goes there, a tie.”

Here, yes, “sorry”, yes, “please-mercy,” but in a way that’s real, it’s a no. You are torturing yourself, just like during the tsarist regime.

-Assistant- Some kind of theater!

Sharikov-No, the circus is better

-Assistant-... Why, in fact, don’t you like the theater?

Sharikov, thought and stuck out his lips.

They're just fooling around... They talk and talk... Counter-revolution


“You stand at the lowest stage of development,” he shouted Bormental, - you are still an emerging, mentally weak creature, all your actions are purely bestial, and in the presence of two people with a university education, you allow yourself to say cosmic nonsense with a completely unbearable swagger...

“I’m entitled to a white ticket,” replied Sharikov.

-Assistant- I won't let him do anything. . Finita, klim!

He turned and looked at Sharikov so that he backed away and

I hit the back of my head on the closet.

Sharikov himself invited his death. He raised his left hand and showed the Assistant

bitten with an unbearable cat smell - shish. And then right

with his hand towards the dangerous Bormental, he took a revolver out of his pocket

Bormental- We don’t need him at all, well, he belongs to all the pigs

OPERATION –(Behind the Scenes ) Assistant - This is a nightmare, honestly. You see? I swear to you, dear doctor, I have been more exhausted during this time than in the last 14 years! Here's the guy, I'll report to you...

John. Oh my God, Lord Almighty!

Bormental. Shh... hush, hush! Just don't scream, I beg you! We'll make money

a terrible misfortune and, in any case, a scandal. I'm already going crazy myself, but I

I try to control myself.

John. Oh, it's hard for me! Tell me again, are you not a demon?

. Bormental Oh, have mercy, I explained to you that I am not a demon.

John. Oh, don't lie! You are lying to the king! Not by human will, but by God

By permission I am the king!

Bormental. Very good. I understand that you are a king, but for a while I ask you

forget about it. We will not call you Tsar, but simply Ivan Vasilyevich.

Assistant- Believe me, for your own good.

John. Alas for me, Ivan Vasilyevich, alas, alas!..

Bormental. What to do, I understand your despair. Really,

the incident is depressing. But who could have expected such a catastrophe?

I can’t send you back right now - I need to prepare everything...

John. What's your name, wizard?

Bormental. My name is Bormenthal.

John. Prince?

Bormental-. What a prince! We have one prince for all of Moscow, and he

claims that he is the son of a coachman.

John. Oh, you bastard!....

So you live here?

The mansions are cramped.

Bormental- Yes, the mansions are not important.

Assistant-And we didn’t know how to exactly play the role of Ivan the Terrible!

And when we passed the place where Boris was declared tsar, Kosoy, such a strong man, began to cry like a child!..

John.-. Which Boris the Tsar? Boriska?!

Boris for the kingdom?.. So he, the evil one, despicably paid the king for

most kindly!.. He himself wanted to reign and rule everything!.. Guilty of death!

-Assistant Oh no! My God, I got it! This is a real king!

What a typical king, and how similar he is to our Bunshu. Only he has a stupider face.

Bormental- Stop being nervous! Well, John, well, Grozny!.. Well, what’s special here?.. We’ll prepare everything now. Sit quietly! Don't open it to anyone!

. John is alone, looking at things in the room. The noise of a car was heard on the street. John carefully looks out the window and jumps back.John (sings quietly).

I have committed great sins... help me,

Lord... help me, Moscow miracle workers...

There's a knock on the door. John shudders, crosses the door, and the knocking stops.

Ulyana(Behind the door). Comrade Bormental, forgive me for daring again

disturb... What, Bunsh Ivan Vasilyevich was not with you? They are looking for him all over the house. you have no right to remain silent! You, Comrade Bormental, are an uncultured person!

John. What does the life-giving cross do! Pause.

Doorbell. I.V. Opens

Ulyana Hello please! The whole house is looking for him, the plumbers came and left... his wife, like hell, is in the store buying herrings, and he sits in someone else's room and gets drunk!.. What are you, crazy? Shpak was robbed. Shpak is rushing around the yard, looking for you, but he’s here! Why are you silent? Fathers, what are you wearing?

Dear darlings!.. Who do you look like? You've gone crazy from drunkenness!

It’s impossible to recognize you!

John. You would leave here. A?

Ulyana. How is it that she left? Look at yourself in the mirror!.. Look in the mirror!

John. Leave me, old lady, I'm sad...

Ulyana. Old lady?! How did you turn your tongue, impudent one? I'm five years old

younger than you!

John. Well, you're lying... Tell me your fortune, old lady, tell your fortune about the Swedes.

Ulyana. So what is this?

Ulyana. No, just look at the darling!.. He’s drunk, he’s on his feet

not worth it!. Wake up, robber! They'll kick you out of office!

John. Eh, you're a witch! (Takes the herrings from Ulyana and throws them into the hallway.)

Ulyana. Hooligan!

John (arms himself with a staff). Oh, I’ll teach you now!

Ulyana. Help!.. The husband beats an intelligent woman!.. (Runs away through

parade move.)

Assistant Why did you open the doors?

John.- You are a kind person... Oh, my God! After all, it's me here...

and the Swedes, they took Kem! Boyar! Send me back!


Assistant - Who are you?

I Moliere, arrived here according to the orders of Your Highness!

Bormental- Error, error again! Mr. Moliere, an unfortunate misunderstanding has occurred... We need another Bulgakov hero.

Moliere- I was invited, I stopped the performances!

And in general, did you know that in the play “Molière” Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov vividly showed the fate of a writer whose ideology runs counter to the political system. Only the king once stood up against me “The Cabal of Saints”, the guard of musketeers...

Assistant- Dear Mr. Moliere, until the next meeting...

OPERATION Behind the scenes:

Assistant I read that Stalin did not like the fact that in Molière the audience could see a hint of his relationship with Bulgakov. The play was banned. It was a terrible blow for the author

Bormenthal - Yes, in the 30s of the last century this could not have happened

Assistant- MARGARETA! You know, I read that the real prototype of Margarita was the writer’s wife Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova.

Bormental- Here I can argue with you, because Margarita’s connection with the French queens who bore this name, Margarita of Navarre and Margarita of Valois, is clearly visible

I believe! - whispered Margarita solemnly - I believe! Something will happen! It can’t help but happen, because why, really, have I been sent lifelong torment? I confess that I lied and deceived and lived a secret life hidden from people, but still I cannot be punished so cruelly for this. Something is bound to happen, because nothing lasts forever. And besides, my dream was prophetic, I vouch for that.

You know,” says Margarita (talking to the portrait), “just when you fell asleep last night, I read about the darkness that came from the Mediterranean Sea... And these

idols, ah, golden idols. For some reason they never give me peace of mind. It seems to me that it will rain now. Do you feel refreshed?

Bormenthal - Fucking hell, just think about it,” he squeezed his head with his hands, “no,

listen, you’re a smart person and you weren’t crazy. are you seriously confident in

that yesterday you were with Satan?

“Quite seriously,” she replied. Margaret A. the devil knows what it is, and the devil, believe me, will arrange everything! - her eyes suddenly lit up, she jumped up, danced on the spot and began to scream: “How happy I am, how happy I am, how happy I am that I entered into a deal with him!” Oh, devil, devil!

Assistant-But how could this happen to you, a married, respectable woman? I can't wrap my head around it!

Ah, - shaking with her disheveled head, she whisperedMargarita , - oh, you little-faithful, unfortunate person. Because of him (approaches the portrait of B. and strokes it) I shook naked all night yesterday, I lost my nature and replaced it with a new one, for several months I sat in a dark closet and thought about only one thing - about the thunderstorm over Yershalaim

Margarita brought her lips to the master’s ear and whispered:

I swear to you with my life, I swear to the son of the astrologer you guessed,

Everything will be fine.

Of course, when people are completely robbed, they seek salvation

from an otherworldly force! Yes, of course, what’s interesting here, Margarita Nikolaevna!

MargaritaI was surprised:

Do you know me?

Instead of answering, the doctor took off his cap and took him on his flight.

“I don’t know you,” she said dryly. Margarita.

Bormental- The darkness that came from the Mediterranean Sea covered the hated

city ​​prosecutor.

“I don’t understand anything,” she spoke quietly. Margarita Nikolaevna - Tell me, who are you? What institution are you from?

Bormental- Forgive me, because I didn’t tell you that I’m not from any institution! Sit down please.

Margarita obeyed unquestioningly, but still, sitting down, she asked

again: -- Who are you?

Okay, my name is Bormental, but it’s still nothing to you


Margarita“Won’t you tell me where you learned about the leaflets?”

B ormental b - I won’t say

But do you know anything about him? - Margarita whispered pleadingly.

Bormental- Well, let's say I know.

Margarita- I beg you: tell me just one thing, is he alive? Don't torture.

While I’m alive,” he responded reluctantly Assistant,- but you need to see him urgently.

Margarita-- God!

Operation (Behind the Scenes) Assistant - Margarita inspired him, helped him create and ultimately made him a Master... Who said that there is no true, faithful, eternal love in the world? May the liar's vile tongue be cut out.

Love jumped out in front of them, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and struck them both at once! That’s how lightning strikes, that’s how a Finnish knife strikes!”

Bormenthal - Having shown such love, the author admits that it is impossible on earth. Therefore, Bulgakov settles the heroes in the Eternal Home, where beauty and peace, little things do not entangle everyday life, petty passions do not poison the soul, and vulgarity does not kill love.

After the operation, Turbin walks around, looking around the room.

Bormental(addressing the assistant) - Alexey Turbin himself! Meet us!

Alexei- Where are you from?

Bormental- And we, my friend, are from a different play. Make yourself comfortable. (points to the sofa)

Alexei. Here, gentlemen, I am sitting among you now, and I still have one nagging thought. Oh! If only we could have foreseen all this earlier! (Gets up and walks around the room excitedly) Look out the window, see what’s there. There is a snowstorm, some shadows... In Russia, gentlemen, there are two forces: the Bolsheviks and us. I see more menacing times. I see. That's why I'm going! I'm in trouble, but I'll go! Because when we meet them, things will be more fun. Either we will bury them, or rather, they will bury us. I can’t imagine how we White Guards will get along with the Bolsheviks! (Takes a guitar and tries to play)

Nothing works - my fingers don’t obey!

Assistant. - I know the romance, let me perform it?

(the romance “Fragrant bunches of white acacia” sounds)

Alexei.- Gentlemen, it's my fault. Don't listen to what I said. I'm just nervous.

Bormental-. Oh no,. Trust that we understand and that we share everything you said. We will always defend the Russian Empire!

Assistant. Long live Russia!

Turbin-Who do you want to protect? Answer me. Silence.

Answer when the commander asks! Whom?

Absolutely correct. They will force you to fight with your own people. And when he splits your heads, they will run abroad... Listen to me, my friends! I, a combat officer, was tasked with pushing you into a fight. It would be worth it! But you're welcome. I publicly declare that I will not lead you and will not let you go! The people are not with us. He is against us. So it's over! Coffin! Lid! And here I am, a career officer Alexei Turbin, who endured the war with the Germans, as witnessed by captains Studzinsky and Myshlaevsky, I accept everything on my conscience and responsibility, I accept everything, I warn you and, loving you, I send you home. I'm done. My conscience is clear and calm!

Bormental-I am against the horrors of war. In essence, why shed blood?

Now a new life begins.

Turbin-. We had Russia - a great power!..

Assistant. And it will be!.. It will be!

Turbin. It won't be the same, it will be new. New!

Song by I. Talkov “Russia” (In the loss, all the artists come out, the second assistant speaks)

Student 1-I realized that what happened to us today was the providence of fate... You cannot recognize a writer by reading only one of his works. Now I can say with confidence that Bulgakov is the most widely read writer of the 20-30s of the last century. Because he writes as he sees it, because only Bulgakov’s love and creativity are protected not only by God, but also by the devil! And his worries about Russia and the fate of the people are visible through his every word! He was able to simply talk about complex things, be it history, morality or scientific discoveries, putting his fantasies into forms understandable to everyone! ( The first verse of the song sounds. As the bells ring, everyone bows and leaves)